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Scrambled Words Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key

Unscramble each of the words. Answers

dress shirt trousers jacket 1. shirt
skirt shoes glasses hat
clown princess king superhero 2. jacket
pilot cook socks gloves 3. king
boots quilt circle rectangle triangle
triangle square gold silver
5. gold
1) rhtsi s h i r t 6. circle
7. dress
2) ckteja j a c k e t
8. superhero
3) nkgi k i n g
9. cook
4) nglrieat t r i a n g l e 10. trousers
5) ogdl g o l d 11. glasses
12. princess
6) rceicl c i r c l e
13. socks
7) redss d r e s s
14. rectangle
8) horeupers s u p e r h e r o 15. silver
9) coko c o o k 16. skirt
17. clown
10) tuorsres t r o u s e r s
18. square
11) lsessga g l a s s e s
19. quilt
12) nrsspeci p r i n c e s s 20. pilot
13) cossk s o c k s 21. hat
22. boots
14) caeelntgr r e c t a n g l e
23. gloves
15) vlersi s i l v e r
24. shoes
16) istrk s k i r t

17) ownlc c l o w n

18) auqers s q u a r e

19) iqult q u i l t

20) tiplo p i l o t

21) ath h a t

22) btoso b o o t s

23) ogesvl g l o v e s

24) eossh s h o e s
1-15 96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38
Spelling 16-24 33 29 25 21 17 13 8 4 0
Scrambled Words Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
Unscramble each of the words. Answers
dress shirt trousers jacket 1. shirt
skirt shoes glasses hat
clown princess king superhero 2. jacket
pilot cook socks gloves 3. king
boots quilt circle rectangle triangle
triangle square gold silver
5. gold
1) rhtsi s h i r t 6. circle
7. dress
2) ckteja j a c k e t
8. superhero
3) nkgi k i n g
9. cook
4) nglrieat t r i a n g l e 10. trousers
5) ogdl g o l d 11. glasses
12. princess
6) rceicl c i r c l e
13. socks
7) redss d r e s s
14. rectangle
8) horeupers s u p e r h e r o 15. silver
9) coko c o o k 16. skirt
17. clown
10) tuorsres t r o u s e r s
18. square
11) lsessga g l a s s e s
19. quilt
12) nrsspeci p r i n c e s s 20. pilot
13) cossk s o c k s 21. hat
22. boots
14) caeelntgr r e c t a n g l e
23. gloves
15) vlersi s i l v e r
24. shoes
16) istrk s k i r t

17) ownlc c l o w n

18) auqers s q u a r e

19) iqult q u i l t

20) tiplo p i l o t

21) ath h a t

22) btoso b o o t s

23) ogesvl g l o v e s

24) eossh s h o e s
1-15 96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38
Spelling 16-24 33 29 25 21 17 13 8 4 0
Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
Write each word 3 times in cursive.
1) rectangle

rectangle rectangle rectangle

2) pilot

pilot pilot pilot

3) gloves

gloves gloves gloves

4) socks

socks socks socks

5) cook

cook cook cook

6) boots

boots boots boots

7) square

square square square

8) gold

gold gold gold

9) clown

clown clown clown

10) shoes

shoes shoes shoes

1-15 96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38
Spelling 16-24 33 29 25 21 17 13 8 4 0
Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
11) shirt

shirt shirt shirt

12) quilt

quilt quilt quilt

13) silver

silver silver silver

14) circle

circle circle circle

15) trousers

trousers trousers trousers

16) glasses

glasses glasses glasses

17) jacket

jacket jacket jacket

18) hat

hat hat hat

19) skirt

skirt skirt skirt

20) dress

dress dress dress

Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
21) king

king king king

22) princess

princess princess princess

23) triangle

triangle triangle triangle

24) superhero

superhero superhero superhero

Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
Write each word 3 times in cursive.
1) rectangle

rectangle rectangle rectangle

2) pilot

pilot pilot pilot

3) gloves

gloves gloves gloves

4) socks

socks socks socks

5) cook

cook cook cook

6) boots

boots boots boots

7) square

square square square

8) gold

gold gold gold

9) clown

clown clown clown

10) shoes

shoes shoes shoes

1-15 96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38
Spelling 16-24 33 29 25 21 17 13 8 4 0
Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
11) shirt

shirt shirt shirt

12) quilt

quilt quilt quilt

13) silver

silver silver silver

14) circle

circle circle circle

15) trousers

trousers trousers trousers

16) glasses

glasses glasses glasses

17) jacket

jacket jacket jacket

18) hat

hat hat hat

19) skirt

skirt skirt skirt

20) dress

dress dress dress

Writing in Cursive Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
21) king

king king king

22) princess

princess princess princess

23) triangle

triangle triangle triangle

24) superhero

superhero superhero superhero

Writing a Paragraph Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
Select 5 words from your spelling list and use them to create a paragraph.
dress shirt trousers jacket
skirt shoes glasses hat
clown princess king superhero
pilot cook socks gloves
boots quilt circle rectangle
triangle square gold silver

Writing a Paragraph Unit 4 - Making thingss Name: Answer Key
Select 5 words from your spelling list and use them to create a paragraph.
dress shirt trousers jacket
skirt shoes glasses hat
clown princess king superhero
pilot cook socks gloves
boots quilt circle rectangle
triangle square gold silver


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