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Python If Conditional Statement

Python If Conditional Statement

Python If Conditional Statement – Basic idea of an if condition statement is that, when the condition is satisfied,
the statements in the if block are executed, otherwise not.

Syntax – Python IF
if <condition> :

A pictorial representation of the working is given below :

Python If Conditional Statement

Example 1 – Python If
In this example, we will write an if statement. The condition checks if product of the two numbers is 30. – Python Program

number_1 = 5
number_2 = 6

# observe the indentation for the statements in the if block

if number_1 * number_2 == 30:
print("The condition is true.")
print("Inside if condition block")
print("Statement in if loop")

print("Outside if condition block.")


The condition is true.

Inside if condition block
Statement in if loop
Outside if condition block.

Note : Observe the indentation or alignment of the statements inside the if-block. Unlike programming languages
like java or c where the statements are enclosed in curly braces, python considers the alignment of statements
to consider them in the block.

If the alignment is missed out as shown in the below program, interpreter throws IndentationError. – Python Program

number_1 = 5
number_2 = 6

# observe the indentation for the statements in the if block

if number_1 * number_2 == 30:
print("The condition is true.")
print("Inside if condition block")
print("statement in if loop")

print("Outside if condition block.")


File "/home/arjun/PycharmProjects/PythonTutorial/conditional/", line 7

print("Inside if condition block")
IndentationError: unexpected indent

In this Python Tutorial, we have seen the syntax of if statement in python, a pictorial representation of working
of if statement, an example and how the indentation of the statements in an if block should be, and
IndentationError if we miss out the already discussed indentation.
Python Programming

⊩ Python Tutorial

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⊩ Python HelloWorld Program

⊩ Python Variables

⊩ Python Variable Data Type Conversion

⊩ Python Comments

Control Statements

⊩ Python If

⊩ Python If Else

⊩ Python While Loop

⊩ Python For Loop

Python String

⊩ Python String Methods

⊩ Python String Length

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⊩ Python Split String

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⊩ Python Functions

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⊩ Python Dictionary


⊩ Python Multithreading

Useful Resources

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