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The Individual Oral

How to Structure the IO

This is one of our most popular videos for a reason. Indeed there are many ways to
approach this assessment. While there is no correct way to do it, Andrew and Dave have
listened to enough recordings in their lives to understand what works, and what doesn’t.
Ultimately, most approaches will be successful so long as students remember to balance
their work while making sure to both Zoom In AND Zoom Out during the 10-minute
delivery. Throw in an introduction and a conclusion, stay focused on the Global Issue, and
be sure to signpost for your listener. The three structural approaches that we teach our
students can be found below:

Three Approaches to Structuring the IO:

1. Zoom In, Zoom Out Approach:

Andrew and Dave suggest this approach if you want the comfort of having the
extract to discuss first. We know you’re nervous. Sometimes it’s nice to have that
extract to lean on in the beginning of the IO.

i. Introduction (1 minute)
ii. Zoom In Text 1 (2 minutes)
iii. Zoom Out Text 1 (2 minutes)
iv. Zoom In Text 2 (2 minutes)
v. Zoom Out Text 2 (2 minutes)
vi. Conclusion (1 minute)
vii. Question & Answer (5 minutes)

2. Zoom Out, Zoom In Approach:

Some students prefer to start with the work as a whole to discuss their Global
Issue. Typically students begin by discussing the GI throughout the whole text, and
then cement their argument by illustrating the power of the GI in the extract itself.
So long as there is balance, either approach 1 or 2 are excellent.

i. Introduction (1 minute)
ii. Zoom Out Text 1 (2 minutes)
iii. Zoom In Text 1 (2 minutes)
iv. Zoom Out Text 2 (2 minutes)
v. Zoom In Text 2 (2 minutes)
vi. Conclusion (1 minute)
vii. Question & Answer (5 minutes)
3. Blended Approach:
In this method, students alternate back and forth many times between Zooming In
and Zooming Out. As examiners, we’ve seen this work really well, and we’ve seen
this bomb. Clarity and fluidity of transitions are key here. Signpost carefully and
use the phrases “throughout the body of work” and “in the extract” frequently.
Without this guidance, your listener will be lost. If you can do this well, it can be a
powerful way to deliver the goods.

i. Introduction (1 minute)
ii. Zoom In and Zoom Out throughout Text 1 (4 minutes)
iii. Zoom In and Zoom Out throughout Text 2 (4 minutes)
iv. Conclusion (1 minute)
v. Question & Answer (5 minutes)

Be sure to check out the companion video to this

document: IO - How to Structure the IO. This will enable
you to further understand key concepts and develop the
critical skills necessary that lead to success in IB English.

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