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Chapter 1: Queen Elizabeth

1. Who was Queen Elizabeth’s mother?

a. Anne Boleyn

b. Catherine of Aragon

c. Jane Seymour

2. Elizabeth’s half-brother and half-sister both became monarchs. What were their names?

a. Edward and Catherine

b. Mary and Edward

c. Henry and Mary

3. In what year did Elizabeth become Queen of England?

a. 1533

b. 1558

c. 1603

4. Queen Elizabeth’s attempts to unite the country after the changes in religion under Henry VIII,
Edward VI and Mary I are known by what name?

a. The Catholic Purge

b. The Queen’s Quest

c. Religious Settlement

5. Which of the following relatives of Queen Elizabeth was kept in prison by her for nearly 20 years?

a. Mary, Queen of Scot

b. Mary Tudor

c. Lady Jane Grey

6. In 1586, what was the name of the man who plotted to kill Elizabeth?

a. Lord Darnley

b. Anthony Babington
c. Sir Francis Walsingham

7. In which year did the famous Spanish Armanda sail towards England as part of Spain’s plan to take
over the country?

a. 1586

b. 1588

c. 1598

8. Who was the king of Spain during the Spanish Armanda’s attack on England?

a. Francis III

b. Philip II

c. Edward VI

9. In which year did Queen Elizabeth give permission for an explorer called Humphrey Gilbert to
travel to North America and build a settlement?

a. 1578

b. 1584

c. 1598

10. What is the correct name for a collection of regions or countries controlled by one leading or
‘mother country’?

a. colony

b. tribe

c. empire

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