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Late Capitalism by Ernest Mandel

Robert L. Heilbroner & Edward J. Nell

To cite this article: Robert L. Heilbroner & Edward J. Nell (1977) Late Capitalism by Ernest
Mandel, Challenge, 20:5, 70-72, DOI: 10.1080/05775132.1977.11470370

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role in holding it together, so in the

idea of a mode of production, one
Late Capitalism aspect of society will provide the cru-
cial unit of c0I?-ceptual disassembly.
By Ernest Mandel. Translated from the German by loris De Bres. In different societies this key element
Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, Inc., 1976.618 pp. $23.50 may differ. In the modes of produc-
tion characteristic of ancient Greece
or Rome it was probably the institu-
tion of slavery; in tribal society per-
haps that of kinship; in feudal society
that of vassalage. For capitalism, the
Robert L. Heilbroner and Edward J. Nell element that unlocks the puzzle for
Marxists is the complicated process
by which labor is exploited to create
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 19:17 10 May 2016

commodities that must be sold for

Sartre once asserted. that Marxism of a given society and its institutions a profit on a competitive market-
was "the necessary philosophy of our and beliefs. This way of conceiving place. *
times." Ernest Mandel's book can be of a socioeconomic formation (to use Mandel calls this complex process
taken as a practical demonstration of a bit of current Marxist jargon) "the operation of the law af value"
the truth"'-and the limits of the truth forces us to take into account its . -a terminology sure to confuse the
-of that proposition. Vulnerable to technology, its organizational forms, conventional economist. By the "law
many technical, philosophic, and his- its class structure, its ideology, its of value" Mandel means the process
torical criticisms, Late Capitalism politics, and even its philosophy, of buying wage labor, turning it into
nonetheless succeeds in a project that each part of which exerts its influ- commodities, selling the commodi-
has regularly eluded the grasp of con- ence on every othet part, and each ties for profit, and contending with
ventional academic analysis. This is part of which, in turn, is shaped by the pressures of competition. It is
to produce a study of contemporary the impingement of other portions of this elaborate, concentrated process
society in which economic, political, the whole. which gives a specificity to capital-
and social elements interweave so Thus society is a Chinese puzzle, ism, and accordingly, it is this pro-
clos'ely that society appears, as in fact from which no piece can be extracted cess that enables Mandel to inquire
it is, a seamless web, rather than a without dismantling the whole. Yet, whether Late Capitalism is a differ-
Frankenstein monster sewn together just as a Chinese puzzle has one piece ent mode of production-a different
'from the "disciplines" of university which is the key to taking the puzzle socioeconomic formation-from that
departments. apart although it plays no special analyzed by Marx in the 1860s.
Mandel's achievement is surely
testimony to his unusual erudition, *The word "exploitation" is a great sticking point for the comprehension of Marxism,
already evident in his previous Marx- since it brings to mind the spectre of Blake's dark Satanic mills. It is not this form of
ist Economic Theory (New York Re- misery, which can be found in many kinds of societies, to which exploitation refers. It is
rather the assumption, peculiar to capitalism, that the owners of land and capital are
view, June 5, 1969). But the basic entitled to the same kind of reward for allowing "their" wealth to be used in the process of
credit belongs to the unifying coher- prodUction as that to which labor is entitled. Capitalism does this not only by legitimizing
ence that his Marxist perspective re- the rights of property owners toa portion of social output, but by disguising the role of
ownership in this sharing-out process. For land and capital, under capitalism, "earn" their
veals. For Mandel begins with the rewards, just as does labor, according to the measurable increase in output that can be
Marxist idea of a "mode of produc- attributed to an acre of land, a machine, or a man-hour of work. The subversive secret of
tion" as' constituting the essential Marxist analysis--one that wiII not be discovered in the pages of most conventional
textbooks-is that the earnings of capital and land are in fact snatched away from their
identifying elenient of a society. A owners. If machines could strike and land could protest, they would certainly claim to
mode of production, which is Marx's. have been robbed. As the class that builds and operates that capital, and inhabits that
own term, is not just an economic land, labor asserts its rights to society's product (however it may be divided up), and
mechanism. It is a relationship, at puts forward its claim to having been exploited. .
once cohesive and explosive, between ROBERT L. HEILBRONER and EDWARD J. NELL are Professors of Economics at the
the techniques and human capacities New School for Social Research. .

70 C1IPJle~geINovembe.r-December 1977
I ,.' "~,.'. ,. ~'., !. , "
Mandel finds that it is not. The sized, albeit subject to the difficulties traction, but variations in the profit
rights of property are still valid and of rational decision-making in an rate do not yet explain or locate the
indeed imperious. The wage system unplanned, "irrational" setting. The sources of capitalist buoyancy or
continues the masked exploitation of government today mitigates the de- decline.
labor. Commodities-that is, objects structiveness of the uncurbed busi- This multicausality deprives Man-
containing labor power that has been ness cycle, although it can only ma- del's model of the sharp predictive
mysteriously transmuted into prop- neuver within the limits of a world power of a simpler conception, but it
erty claims-still dominate the eco- of competitive nation-states, recalci- yields a richer explanation of the
nomic life of society. And the mysti- trant political interest groups, and in- past. In particular, his examination
fications themselves, the "fetishisms violable canons of property interest. of the dynamics behind profit rates
of commodities" and "reifications of Late capitalism is therefore not so leads to an exposition of capital-
social relations" of which Marx vulnerable as early capitalism in ist evolution as a rhythm of "long
spoke, still command our unthinking some respects; in others-such as waves," first proposed by the Russian
assent, and thereby form the basis of the relations between rich and poor economist N. D. Kondratieff in the
our dominant ideologies. countries-perhaps more so. The 1920s. According to the long wave
Thus late capitalism is still cap- difficulties that it encounters are not analysis, we find periods of faster-
italism, and as such subject to the precisely the same as those of earlier than-average growth and higher-
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 19:17 10 May 2016

contradictory forces to which "the days because the balance and config- than-normal profits for a series of
law of value" gives rise. These "con- uration of social forces has altered. roughly twenty-five-year-Iong up-
tradictions" were the hallmark of Yet, for all these differences, Man- swings, dating from 1193, 1848,
classical capitalism in Marx's day, del's central point is that the pres- 1894, and 1940, followed by periods
and in Mandel's eyes are still its cru- ence of the law of value condemns of approximately equal length, the
cial weakness. Labor is paid as little Late Capitalism, as it did earlier cap- latest of these dating from 1967, in
as possible to create room for prop- italism, to the consequences of its which a prevailing undertow slows
erty's claims, but capitalism must profound inner contradictions; and down performance.
pay the price for this exploitation in that Late Capitalism must continue Each upswing and each down-
a tendency for mass buying power to to suffer these consequences until swing has its peculiar concatenation
be insufficient. This drive for profits the law of value has been displaced of causal elements: the first industrial
leads firms to compete by substitut- by some other central mechanism, revolution for the first upswing; the
ing cheap machines for dear labor, vaguely referred to by Mandel as expansion of the world market com-
but the labor-displacing process nar- socialism. bined with railroadization for the
rows the base of labor input from Thus far we have merely indi- second; the heyday of imperialist
which property must ultimately ex- cated Mandel's forceful reassertion expansion for the third; the "sec-
tract its claims. Private rationality of the continuing validity of classical ond" technological revolution of the
breeds public chaos. Capitalists as a Marxism. His own contribution is to 1894-1913 period for the fourth;
class have common social and politi- bring to Marxian economic analysis a the post-World-War-II reconstruc-
cal interests; but as businessmen they considerable advance in sophistica- tion boom for the most recent. What-
undermine one another. tion. Traditionally, Marxian econo- ever the underlying causes, all the
And so Mandel claims that the mists have sought the key to capital- booms mobilize the investment sec-
classic Marxian analysis, with its em- ist movement in one dominant trend, tor, creating superprofits in a group
phasis on the social and political be it underconsumption, or the "an- of leading industries. Eventually cap-
pressures that arise from the op- archy" of the market, or the pressure ital from less-favored industries
eration of the law of value, is still of wages on profits, or the stresses forces its way into the high profit
relevant. This does not mean that of imperialism. Mandel chooses in- areas, bringing profits back into line.
changes have not occurred. Over and stead a multicausal approach which The once-favored industries then find
above "normal" profits, corporations focuses all these and still other ele- themselves overbuilt in terms of prof-
today garner the superprofits of tech- ments on what he calls the "seismo- itability. A slump occurs in which
nological "rents" unknown in Marx's graph of capitalist history"-the rate capital is "devalorized"-written
time, at least until newcomers erode of profit. Movements in the rate of down to reduce debts and fixed costs,
their monopolistic advantages. Mod- profit then become the resultant of A period of waiting occurs, until new
ern corporations, unlike the firms of the contending forces within the sys- investment outlets appear, sufficient-
Marx's day, ca,n plan and manage tem, signaling whether the system is ly large to bring another long-term
their affairs, as Galbraith has empha- in a period of expansiveness or con- propulsion that tilts the "normal"

November-December 1977/Challenge 71
business cycle upwards. for the twenty-five-year periodicity analysis of modern capitalism ap-
From this secular pattern of rise of the underlying cycle of expansion proaches this one in learning, imagi-
and faU, recurrent expansion and ex- and contraction. Why are the twenty- nation, boldne$S,an9,penetration.,It
haustion, unsuccessful but continuing five fat years followed by twenty-five is a book to be learned from, whether
working class pressure against prop- lean ones? Why has each period of or not swallowed whole. It is only
. erty, emerge the main sociopolitical, retrenchment been followed by a fair to add, however, that Mandel's
as well as the maiil economic, devel- time of reinvigoration? The problem style is dreadfully Ponderous, and
opme~ts of Late Capitalism. Infla- of explaining periodicity has always that no concessions are made to the
tion arisesfron,t a PQlitical acquies- evaded exponents of Kondratieff's uninitiated or merely casually inter-
cep.c~ in monetary policies necessary long' swings, and Mandel has no ex- ested reader.
to fores~all the greater evil of depres- planation to offer. There is, moreover, one great
si<;m and to "guarantee" continued There are other problems. Mandel weakness which must be placed in
growth. Automation appears as the argues that arms expenditures are re- the other pan of the scales. We tum
logical' consequence of the capitalist quired to maintain a sagging aggre- to Marxist analysis not only to probe
process of extending labor-saving gate demand for goqds. But arms more deeply into the nature of our .
n,tachinery to gain competitive prof- spending is financed by taxes that fall contemporary society, but also to
its. Corporate internal planning fol- mainly on workers and the consum- gain some sense of the direction of
events, the terminus toward which
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 19:17 10 May 2016

~ows on the attainment of the massive ing pUblic. Aggregate demand will
size of the individual firms that sur- therefore remain the same. Here history. is proceeding. Here Mandel
vive the competitive workings of the and elsewhere, Mandel tries toextri- is of little use. There is no opera-
market. The extension of the appara- ca,te himself from analytIcal diffi- tional timetable in his roller coaster
tus of the State reflects efforts to miti- culties with elaborate but uncon- theory of capitalist movement: we
gate the workings of the law of value vincing arithmetic, following the old- do not know' which downswing will
and to depoliticize the economic pro- fashioned procedures of Marx. Many be the last Therefore, we do not
cess by planning .for the "public reviewers of Mandel's book have know whether Late Capitalism will
good." An arms economy utilizes the fastened on this cumbersome and not merely be followed by Later Cap-
tension between capitalism and so- question~begging procedure and they italism. The arguments for the super-
cialism to stimulate private industry are quite right. cession of the capitalist mode of pro,.
with(ju~ suffering the effects of an in- ~till deeper problems can be enu- duction by a socialist mode are wi$-
crease in saleable goods. Ideology merated. Political theorists will argue ful: the last words of the book read,
turns away from the naked defense over his account of the role of the "the mass revolutionary movement
of property rights characteristic of state. SoCiologists will dispute his of the international working class is
early capitalism, and dwells on the treatment of class. Philosophers will now approaching." Mandel "woyld .,-
technical and technological "ration- note that a tutelary deity called the be hard pressed to demonstrate the
ality" of an advanced industrial Dialectic spIiles over his system plausibility of those words to a skep-
system. much as did the Invisible Hand over ti~al audience. Worse yet, there are
All these complex processes delay that of Adam Smith. But merely to elements in the dimly glimpsed future
afld redirect the fundamental contra- list these problems is to give some that raise old misgivings about the
dictions of the syst~m":':"its tendency idea of the scope of the book, partic- easy deformation of Marxist thought· .
to overrun its own mass buying pow- ularly when it is realized that these into totalitarian patterns. Mandel
er, its !lelf-destructive planlessness, topics are not merely "covered" but writes' (page 496): "Proletarian class
its gradual attainment of a subversive inextricably woven into a single consciousness c~ only' be achieved
self-understa!1ding by the growth fabric. Mandel takes as his starting and exercized collectively, whereas
of working class consciousness. But point that "no arbitrary separation each worker [in bourgeois society] is
eventually the contradictions become of the social or socio-:political sphere admitted to the ballot booth only as
too severe, the internal strains too frolli. the economic sphere can pro- an isolated and atomized individual."
great, the imposition on the public's vide a satisfactory answer to the The italics in that sentence are Man.,
credulity too great. The system fails; question of the overall nature of Late del's. What possibilities for libera-
another system, forged from the will Capitalism." It is to his enormous tions and imprisonments, for 'kib-
of the people, takes over. credit that he has produced a book butzes and chain gangs, for moral
There is much here that can be in which that seamless quality is re- equivalents of war and warlike equiv-
quarreled with. A central difficulty stored to social analysis. Let the alents of morality lie immanent in
lies in an absence of any explanation critics ask themselves what other those italics!

72 C!lal!enge/November-December 1977

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