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Hi everybody.

My team's name is Fordex. Today my team will present about order book on dex

First I will have to understand about dex and amm.

Dex or decentralize exchange is a type of cryptocurrency exchange built on the blockchain platform. It
allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the intervention of a third party organization or a

Amm or Automated Market marker is a tool designed to facilitate ( phơ cel li ti) transactions on a
decentralized exchange (DEX) by providing liquidity and automatically(o đờ ma đi cờ ly) determining( đi
tơ mơ ning) the price of an asset.

So how does order book work on exchanges?

Order Book operations on centralized exchanges and (decentralized) DEXs are quite similar( quai si mờ
lờ) in terms of how they store and execute orders, but they have some key differences( đíp phi rừn sựt)
in how they work and how they are maintained. Confidentiality(con phi đen ci ao li ty) and transparency(
tren sơ phen rìn cy).

On a centralized exchange, the Order Book is maintained by a central server. Traders place orders by
sending them to the server, and the server executes the order and executes the trade. Exchanges also
often hold traders' funds, which can raise security concerns( cừn sơn). Due to this centralized nature,
exchanges may impose certain ( cơ đừn) rules and regulations( re giu lây sừn) on traders, such as
restrictions( ri trếc sừn) on the assets that can be traded or fees on certain types of exchanges.

On a DEX, the order book is maintained on the blockchain. Traders interact on-chain, matching orders
and executing trades. This eliminates( I li mịt nịt) the need for a central intermediary(in tơ mi đi ơ ny)
and traders still have full control of their own funds. Due to this decentralized nature, DEXs typically( tip
po cờ ly) have lower fees and are more liberal for traders, but they also have certain trade-offs such as
lower trading volumes, lower liquidity, and also depends on the performance of the blockchain network.

From the way the order book works, we can see the advantages( ật ven tự sựt) and disadvantages of the
order book when operating on dex

Advantage : security , transparencency, privacy, no restrictions

Disadvantages : lower liquidity , technical requirements , slower execution and higher latency , less
efficient( ờ phít sừn) pricing( bơ rai cing)
Below is the demo product of my team.

Thanks everyone

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