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Dinamika Hubungan Antar Umat Beragama (Studi Kasus Rencana Pembangunan Gereja Pantekosta Pusat ... 25

Puritanism Vis-A-Vis Traditionalism:

Islam in Modern Indonesia

Endang Turmudi
Peneliti Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Abstrak Abstract
Gerakan Islamisme di Indonesia, yang Islamic movement in Indonesia that become
menguat setelah terjadinya reformasi politik stronger during political reformation in the
di akhir tahun 1990an, telah berkembang end of 1990s, has been spread to every
meluas ke berbagai segmen masyarakat, segment of society. It has created new
sehingga melahirkan masyarakat santri baru religious school students who practice
yang secara kuat mempraktekkan Islam. Di religious dogma. Out of the reality, it gives
luar kenyataan bahwa ia memberi dampak
positive effect toward society’s faith. This
positif terhadap keberagamaan masyarakat,
movement has made new Islam face which
gerakan ini telah menampilkan wajah
differs from the old ones. The strong effect
yang berbeda dengan Islam pada masa
sebelumnya. Pengaruh kuat dari hadirnya of various inmternational organisations
organisasi-organisasi Islam internasional in this country which bring Islamism,
di Indonesia, yang menyertai Islamisme has created new puritan and intolerant
ini, telah melahirkan masyarakat Islam to various differences in the society. The
baru yang puritan dan bahkan intoleran Wahhabism that is carried by various
terhadap perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada salafi in this movement trigger various
dalam masyarakat. Karenanya, penguatan conflicts among Indonesian moslems. It
Wahhabisme yang dibawa oleh kalangan is because this movement has made the
Salafi dalam gerakan ini telah menyebabkan pristine Islam and make many reactions
munculnya konflik di kalangan masyarakat the tradisionalists who accommodative
Islam Indonesia, karena gerakan untuk and as majority Indonesia moslems. The
menciptakan “the pristine Islam” (Islam new movements has in fact, invited and
yang asli) ini, telah mengundang reaksi strengthened traditionalism. In other words,
kalangan “tradisionalis” yang akomodatif the born of modern Islamism movement
dan sebagai segmen terbesar masyarakat
has caused developing Islam with puritan
Indonesia. Karena itulah, di samping
fundamental characteristic face to face
telah melahirkan kelompok-kelompok
with traditionalism as Indonesian Islam
Islam baru yang membawa misi “Islam
yang bersih”, gerakan baru Islamisme mainstream.
ini, pada sisi lain, telah mengundang dan
menyebakan menguatnya kembali gerakan
tradisionalisme. Dengan kata lain, lahirnya
gerakan Islamisme modern di Indonesia
telah menyebabkan lahirnya Islam dengan
karakter fundamentalis puritan yang
berhadap hadapan dengan para pendukung
tradisionalisme sebagai mainstream Islam

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26 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

Democratic reforms in Indonesia, This article will discuss the issues

following the fall of the New Order related to the emergence of these Islamic
Government, has provided an organizations which happen to all of
opportunity for the emergence of new them leaning on Wahhabism2. In the
Islamic organizations, namely Majlis article I refer to them as Puritans since
Mujahidin Indonesia (Indonesian Islamic puritanism has become their
Mujahideen Council), Hizbuttahrir attention even though in some ways they
Indonesia(Liberation Party)1,Salafi, and are different from each other. In addition,
Lasjkar Jihad (Militia of Jihad). They have the term puritan covers highly diverse
an agenda to develop Islam in general, inclinations, from manifest legalism to the
and the first two of these organizations establishment of the Islamic polity and
even have a special agenda, particularly propagation for pristine Islam. Because
with regard to formal application of they have a difference in terms of Islamic
the shari’a (lit. Islamic law) and the practice from other Islamic organizations,
establishment of an Islamic State. Due to their efforts to spread their ideas and
their strong attention towards Islam, some implement what they believe, related to
social scientists call them fundamentalist, the shari’a, has led to the emergence of a
i.e. Islamic group which is different from negative response from Muslim society,
other Muslim communities whose views a larger number of whom is adhering to
are moderate and their practice of Islam Sunnism3. Their excoriation on the Sunni
are not strictly puritanical. religious practices has caused their da’wa
(preaching) raises conflicts between
Although not significant enough, Muslim in Indonesia.
the number of members of these
organizations is increasing from year
to year. Hizbuttahrir Indonesia (HTI), Organisational Plurality
for example, claims to have more than
100 thousand people as it members The establishment of Islamic
in 2001, which was later increased organizations by Muslims in Indonesia
to 1.2 million by 2011 (The Jakarta is related to their efforts to strengthen
Post, 18, 2011). This success seems to their practice of Islam, disseminating its
relate to their being representatives of ideology or conserving its culture. The
international organizations. At least, formation of Muhammadiyah4 in 1912
theyhave the sameideasand views as that is meant to do Islamic modernization
ofinternational organizations, having and purification, i.e.intended to change
some Islamic practices so far conducted
the same name, so that they are like a
by Muslims in Indonesia generally. In
branch breeding ideas of Islam and are
the Muhammadiyah perspective, these
used to build Islamic politics pursued
internationally. This development shows 2
Wahhabism is a sect among the Sunni embraced
by most Muslimsin Saudi Arabia. The term Wahhabism is
that these organizations, as alleged by referred to its founder, Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab.
social scientists, have attracted many It is developed with the support from the authority of
Saudi Arabia, and is ensured and consolidated by its
Muslims in Indonesia coming from being adopted as the ideology of the kingdom.
different backgrounds. 3
Although some people regard them as the Sunni,
the Wahhabi are different in some respects from the Sunni
in regard with their practice of Islam, so that Wahhabism
Since its formation, Hizbuttahrir Indonesia is categorised as a sect within the Sunni.
(HTI) is more ideological and political oriented. It tries 4
Muhammadiyah is the first Islamic organisation
to pursue the application of the shari’a and the formation influenced by the development of Wahhabism. The spirit
of khilafa Islamiyya (Islamic Caliphate). It is suggested that of puritanism is believed as an important factor which
HTI is playing the role of political party and indeed it gave rise to the formation of Muhammadiyah as it is
is a political party even though it never took part in the evidenced by the effort of its exponents to cleanse Islam
formal Indonesian politics, so that it never takes part in from all novel practices not found during the Prophet
any election as well. Muhammad life.

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practices were not in line with what was saints7). So, while NU’s members adhere
ordered by the Qur’an and the hadith, to Sunni Islam, the Muhammadiyah’s are
the two sources of Islam. The mission mostly inclined to Wahhabism8, which
of Muhammadiyah was hence to return since its formation in Indonesia has been
Islam to conform to what was written provoking Islamic purification, by asking
in these two sources. The founder of Muslims to return to the Qur’an and the
this organisation wanted to uphold hadith, as the only two sources of Islam.
what is called the pristine Islam, so So, while NU promotes to follow one of
that purification became an issue it was the four madhhab (school of law in Islam),
struggling for. the Muhammadiyah propagates to avoid
following any madhhab.
The same holds true with what
was carried out by another Islamic The purification by Muhammadiyah
organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)5, was similar to that propagated by the
established 14 years later after the Wahhabi in Saudi Arabia. As widely
formation of Muhammadiyah. The known, the founder of Wahhabism,
founders of NU were determined to Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab who
practice and develop an “ideology” was influenced by the thought of Ibn
which they called ahl al-sunna wa’l-jama’a6. Taimiyyah, assumed that shari’a and
The formation of this organization is sunna9 are the only acceptable model for
speculatively regarded as a reaction against Muslim conduct. He accordingly rejected
efforts made by the Muhammadiyah or was hostile towards local culture
which in many respects tries to put aside which influenced Muslim practice of
some practices of Islam of the former. This Islam (Woodward et.all, 2011). This is so
means that the propagation made by the since the adoption of local culture which
Muhammadiyah has been regarded as was regarded as pre-Islamic has created
a threat, which would delegitimize the impurity in regard to Muslim practice of
existing religious practice of Indonesian Islam. In addition, there is also a religious
Muslims by that time. Because NU practice such as a visit to the tomb and
praying for the dead, which in some ways
formation was to defend the existing
are colored by the existence of deviations,
practice of Islam, it was unavoidable that
so that it prompted the mentality that is
conflict had arisen between members of
not positive, such as begging on the dead.
these organisations because they were
The revitalization or purification of Islam
arguing sharply about the right Islam.
was hence assumed as a panacea, so that
As a reaction, NU’s mission is hence Muslims would no longer away from the
to uphold the practice of Islam based on right path.
ahl al-sunna wa’l-jama’a which in many 7
Walisongo was a very well known Islamic
respects has a similar mission to that preachers in Indonesia who succeeded in Islamizing Java.
They did the da’wa in a very accommodative manner. For
conveyed by the earlier preacher of Islam example, they use wayang (puppet) performance to call
in Indonesia, namely “Walisongo” (lit. nine people to embrace Islam. This way of da’wa had enriched
the face of Indonesian Islam which is moderate, tolerant
NU is the biggest Islamic organisation in and in some ways colored by local culture. However, this
Indonesia in term of its member. It was established would be inappropriate, seen from the perspective of the
in 1926, and was said to have more than forty million adherents of Wahhabism.
members. 8
Many Muhammadiyah members do not
A saying of the Prophet Muhammad suggests accept this “accusation” especially in these days where
that his umma (society) will be divided into 73 groups. All Wahhabism is notoriously condemned by some Muslims.
would go to hell except one, that is the ahl al-sunna wa’l- But they nonetheless acknowledge that Muhammadiyah
jama’a. This saying, however, is interpreted differently. is more or less inspired by two Middle East Muslim
The existing groups or sects are claiming to be ahl al-sunna intellectuals, namely Rashid Ridlo and Muhammad
wa’l-jama’a. Among the well known groups are Sunni Abduh whose thinkings were affected Wahhabism.
(claiming as the practicer of ahl al-sunna wa’l-jama’a), shi’it 9
Sunna here is meant a “trodden path”, a
and kharijite. Some scholars included in the groups the customar practice to indicate specific sayings and actions
wahhabi. of the Prophet.

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28 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

The two organisations, creating Islamic state or even khilafa

Muhammadiyah and NU focus their Islamiyya (Islamic caliphate). The idea
program on da’wa (preaching) and about the former isclosely related to the
education. They empower their preachers application of the shari’a. Because the
and facilitate them, so that the messages shari’a could only be enforced by the
conveyed by these organisations reach State, the idea of the formation of the
Muslims at the grassroots level. In the field Islamic State became very important, so it
of education, Muhammadiyah develops becomes their main agenda. Nevertheless,
sekolah (school), providing the student it is important to note that not all of
with a variety of materials on Islam and these Islamic organisations emphasize
secular subjects. NU, on the other hand, the importance of the establishment of
has been empowering the pesantren10, i.e. Islamic state at the same degree, not to
traditional Islamic educational institution, mention the khilafa Islamiyya. It is only the
providing study on Islam. So, the purpose Majlis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) and
of these organisations is to develop Islam the Hizbuttahrir Indonesia (HTI) which
in general, including to empower the propagate a lot of the establishment of
economy of the umma (Islam society). khilafa Islamiyya. The MMI stressed about
Different from these two the importance of establishing the khilafa
organisations, the formation of some at its first congress in Yogyakarta in the
new Islamic organisations, especially year 2002. In the year 2007, the need to
after political reforms took place in establish the khilafa was largely supported
1998, sounded more political than by Indonesian Muslims, gathering at the
based on the ideas propagated by the congress on khilafa Islamiyya organised by
two organisations above. These new the Hizbuttahrir Indonesia.
Islamic organisations were established
This fact indicates that Islam in
in accordance with developing Islamic
Indonesia is not homogeneous in terms of
politics which during the reign of Suharto
did not have a favourable place, since he its practices carried out by its adherents.
was allergic with what was called Islamic Muslims are grouped into what is
politics. Accordingly these new Islamic called adherents of Sunnism and that
organisations focus their attention on the of Wahhabism. The Indonesian Sunnis
application of Islamic shari’a in Indonesia. represented by the NU’s community
The application here is not confined to while the adherents of Wahhabism
implementing Islamic teachings but also is represented by Muhammadiyah
to conduct formalisation of the shari’a members. Although some of current
politically, i.e. making it the source of Muhammadiyah members refuse to be
Indonesian law. Some scientists call deemed as the Wahhabis, it is a general
these groups as fundamentalist since knowledge that this organisation
they interpret the need for Islam to be in was informed by Wahhabism, since
political power as a core value of Islam. its establishment was inspired by the
Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia at
The discourse developed by these the beginning of the 20th century. The
organisations is hence concerned with Muhammadiyah and Persatuan Islam
The pesantren is the oldest system of education (Persis, lit. Muslim Union) are the two
in Indonesia. Before the modern education system was oldest Islamic organizations in Indonesia
introduced by the Dutch, the pesantren was the only
available educational institution. Socially, the pesantren embracing Wahhabism, although the
has played an important role in the spread of Islam in former is getting less stricted in terms of
Indonesia. It has become a means of formal socialisation
through which Islamic belief, norms and values are
its cynicism towards the non-Wahhabi
transmitted and inculcated through teaching. It also adherents.
constitutes a medium for developing Islamic precepts
and maintaining its orthodoxy.

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The Sunni Muslims are those who studying Islam in the Middle East, so that
usually acknowledge themselves as they brought about the idea of Islamism
following one of the four madhhab, while or fundamentalism in many respects
the Wahabbis base their practice of Islam when they returned to Indonesia in the
on what was taught by Muhammad Ibn 1980s. They can be called as the second
‘Abdul Wahhab11. The former often relate generation of Wahhabi adherents seen
their practice of Islam to the madhhab of from their effort to practice Islam in a
Shafi‘i, Hanbali, Maliki or Hanafi, while more puritanical manner. They organized
the latter relate to no one but Ibn ‘Abdul a group of Islamic propagation in modern
Wahhab. In addition, the Sunnis always and secular campuses, especially big
refer to the Qur’an, the hadith, the ijma‘ campuses such as University of Indonesia,
(consensus of the ‘ulama) and qiyas Gajahmada University, and Bogor
(analogy) as their sources for practising Institute of Agriculture. They succeeded
Islam, while the Wahabbis only refer to in creating fanatic cadres to uphold a
the Qur’an and the hadith. Accordingly, leaned Wahhabi ideology. Nevertheless, as
the NU tradition of referring to one of happen to Wahhabi adherents anywhere,
the four madhhab and its use of the ijma‘ they prefer to be referred to as the Salafi
has made its members constantly refer to than the Wahhabi.
the work of salaf (earlier) ‘ulama for any
interpretation which they make, while Although there is no principle
Muhammadiyah members try to use only difference in terms of Islamic practices
the Qur’an and the hadith to come to the between Sunni Muslims and the
correct interpretation of any problem, adherents of Wahhabism, there are
without having to refer to the work of general characteristics which differentiate
salaf (earlier) or kholaf (later) ‘ulama. them from each other. The sociological
bases underlying the existence of these
From their characteristics, the other two blocks of Islamic groups are different.
new Islamic organizations mentioned The Wahhabi group is generally more
above, i.e. Hizbuttahrir, Majlis Mujahidin preoccupied with idealised efforts and
Indonesia, and Salafi can be subsumed is trying to change the social reality of
under the adherents of Wahhabism since Muslim society in regard to its religious
they have similarity with Muhammadiyah practice, which in their perspective, is
in terms of their practice of Islam and neither ideal nor religiously correct. In
their efforts to purify it. Even it can be their perspectives, there must be a socio-
said that the exponents of especially Salafi political movement to alter it. On the other
organisation in Indonesia constitute a hand, the group following Sunnism12 has
younger generation derived from Persis been trying to nurture and develop the
and Muhammadiyah. This generation is existing religious beliefs, practices and
really inspired by Wahhabi movement cultures in general. This attitude is based
grown in Saudi Arabia and by the on a formula of ushul fiqh (lit. sources of
current political problem encountered jurisprudence): al-muhafaza bi’l-qadim
by Muslims in this region. Exponents al-salih wa’l-akhdhu bi’l-jadid al-aslah (lit.
of this generation were sent by Dewan preserving the good existing order and
Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DDII, lit. adopting the new one which is better).
Indonesia Council for Islamic Da’wa), The former is trying to develop towards
As known, ‘Abd al-Wahhab was the founder of 12
Some scientists suggest that the emergence of
Wahhabism. He gained support from Muhammad bin NU in 1926 was a reaction to what was being done by
Su’ud, the chieftain of the village of Dir’iiyya and then the Muhammadiyah conducting purification. This suggestion
founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ‘Abd al-Wahhab derives from the fact that NU was trying to nurture the
introduced a very strict puritanical teaching which has existing Islamic belief and practices and was established
been ensured and consolidated by its being adopted as after the Muhammadiyah had been in existence for about
the ideology of the kingdom. 15 years.

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30 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

an idealised situation in a very strict and situation of conflict between the Puritans
puritanical manner, while the latter is and the Sunnis since the former has been
working within the real social situation. trying to conduct purification on the
common practices of Islam such as those
practised by NU society. Moreover, the
The Domain of Difference criticism on such religious practices by
the Puritans is felt disparaging since in
The difference between the this case they think of it as sinful.
practices of Islam of various organisations
in Indonesia actually happens only in the The most problematic praxis
domain of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). incurring conflict are those commonly
This means that this difference does not deemed as heretical, such as tahlil and
impinge on the substantial ideology of mauleed nabi. Tahli lis a ritual conducted
Islam, but rather it touches only on parts within 7 days, following one’s death,
commonly called furu‘(lit. branches). The while mauleed nabi is the commemoration
doctrinal dimension which differentiates of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad.
them derives from their difference The essence of tahlil is to stress the oneness
in interpreting the precepts of the of Allah in that it is reciting la ilaha illa
Qur’an. For example, there is a different Allah (There is no God but Allah). The
interpretation on the concept of lamsu an- purpose of performing such ritual is to
nisa (Arabic, lit. touching13 woman) which pray for the dead, hoping that Allah may
according to the Sunni can delegitimize accept his ‘ibada (observance required by
one’s wudu (ablution)14. Sunni Muslims the Islamic faith), and forgive his sins.
interpreted the concept of lamsu as a Other practices, which incur conflict due
touching, while the Puritans adhering to sharp criticism by the Puritans, are
to Wahhabism understand it as coitus. dhikr (lit. recollection of God) after prayer
Accordingly, for the latter, if one has a and reciting sura Yasin on Thursday night.
wudu and then he touches a woman, he The same holds true with such a ritual as
needs not to take another wudu to make ziyara (visiting the grave), which in the
him religiously clean. Conversely, for the opinion of the Puritans can be amounting
Sunni he should take another wudhu. to shirk (to believe in God other than
This difference in understanding the Allah).
concept, however, does not create much
From the fact that there is a
problem in the Muslim society.
different understanding relating to the
Nevertheless, it should be noted basis of cultural and religious practice
that although this difference occurs only of Indonesian Muslims, one should go
in the domain of furu‘ which touches only over on the important concept in Islam.
on aspects of fiqh matters, it is expressed This concept is related to the perception
through their praxis of Islamic rituals in of religious practices which were not
everyday life and influence their world performed by the Prophet Muhammad
view and social behaviour. So, this and the earlier generation of his sahaba
different interpretation of the available (companions). These practices are
doctrine has given rise to an unfavourable conceptualised in what is commonly
The concept is Laa mastum an-nisa. Laa mastum called bid‘a (heretical practice). The
from lamasa which is commonly used by the Arab to mean interpretation of the concept of bid‘a at
to touch. But the Muhammadiyah, a big organization
informed by Wahhabism, interpret it asa coitus.
the grassroots level, however, occurs in a
Wudu is a prerequisite for a Muslim when he or she is rather haphazard manner. The Puritans
going to take a prayer. It is a minor ritual washing of face, hands conceptualise what they call bid‘a in
and legs, touching head and ears with water. However, it is not
only a procession to clean a Muslim body but also a symbol of terms of black and white. Everything not
cleanness from religious perspective.

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practised by the Prophet Muhammad is acculturation is of important significantce

deemed to be bid‘a by lay Puritans. This since it would enrich Islamic culture in
understanding derives from the Islamic general. On the other hand, the Puritans
doctrine according to which “each bid’a are inclined to attribute such social reality
is going astray, and those going astray to what they call “divinely ordered”, and
would go to hell” (“qullu bid‘a zolala, wa purification means to put aside all the
qullu zolala fi al-nar”). unnecessary practices in order to conform
to what is “religiously ordered”.
While the Puritans strictly suggest
that all bid‘a is ‘zolala’ (going astray), the So, the Puritans consider their
Sunni, on the other hand, do not always Islamic practice as purer and better
consider the bid‘a to be bad. They classify because they discard anything “less
bid‘a into two kinds, that is bid‘a hasana Islamic”. They consider that much
and bid‘a sayyi’a (bad and good bid‘a). In of Sunni’s practice of Islamis mixed
their opinion, it is only the bad bid‘a can with that of other religions, so that the
bring its doer to hell. Thus such ‘ibada as Sunni, like NU society, have been called
tahlil is of significance, since it is not only syncretic. On the other hand, the Sunni
classified as good Islamic practice but can regard the Puritans’ practice of Islam
also accrue to what is religiously expected as too rigid because of their tendency
of all Muslims. Such practice could to be in avoidance, in many respects, of
therefore be subsumed under what is the existing socio-cultural environment.
commonly called sunna (recommended)15. The Puritans base their standpoint on
By performing such thing, a Muslim hopes strictness as it is conceptualised by the
to add the other ‘ibada to his religious Qur’an, so that they only do what is
obligations, which he might have carried religiously ordered (written in the Qur’an
out imperfectly. and the hadith). For the Sunnis, working
on what is not definitely prohibited by the
The underlying difference in Qur’an and the hadith in their practice
understanding the concept of bid‘a, which of Islam is allowed, since it can not only
marks the Sunni’s and the Puritan’s enrich the culture of Islam itself due to
practice of Islam, is limited to what is its adoption of the existing local culture,
called ‘ibada (Islamic ritual). However, but it is also backed by strong arguments.
this has occurred not only at the level of In the opinion of a Sunni Muslim, Islam
interpretation of Islamic precepts but also not only comprises pure ritual practices
at the level of worldview. Based on their as described by the Qur’an or the hadith,
understanding of the concept of bid‘a and but also pays attention to understanding
their adaptation to the existing order, the psychological aspect of its adherents’
the Sunni Muslims in Indonesia have lives. By this he means that any effort
always grounded their understandings of to understand the social life of an
Islamic practice in terms of its benefit for Islamic society should not neglect the
Islam and Muslim society as a whole. So, psychological aspect of the society. He
the adoption of a culture inherited from suggested further that “the application of
Hinduism, for example, is due to its being a certain interpretation in regard to such
regarded as advantageous for Muslims ‘ibada (devotional action) as tahlil, should
after it is coloured by Islamic values. This take into consideration the psychological
There are five qualifications of behaviour which the dimension of the local people’s lives”. The
Islamic law and ethics have traditionally categorised (Netton, ritual practices conducted by the Sunni,
1992:22). These are wajb (obligatory),sunna (recommended),
mubah (morally neutral), makruh (reprehensible) and haram
in his opinion, have been more ‘ibada in
(forbidden). The obligatory ‘ibada, like prayer five times a day, character rather than deviating from the
is clearly written. The recommended ‘ibada, like tahlil, is a ‘real’ Islam itself. “Tahlil, for example,
matter of interpretation.

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32 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

which is regarded by the Puritans as that in many respects their argument is

heretical, is actually very Islamic since based on unfounded generalisations. So
all the tahlil rituals are dhikr (stating the their concept of bid‘a can be misleading.
oneness of Allah)”, he emphasised. It is evident that there is inconsistency in
their arguments concerning the concept
Despite criticism or even of bid‘a. Not only do their interpretations
humiliation made by the Puritans vary but, in some cases, they were
against the Sunnis in Indonesia, it can be paradoxical. The idea that a bedug is bid‘a
argued that in general the issue debated is interesting when compared it with
by both sides has actually been trivial, other modern innovations, such as loud
with no religious significance. The speakers, which are used as tools almost
issue mentioned as bid’a by member of in all Islamic rituals. Almost no one single
Muhammadiyah in regards with what mosque built in a city in Indonesia which
was practiced by that of NU, which gave does not use loud speaker to call people
rise to tension between both sides in for prayer. So, their generalisation about
villages in Java, for example, revolved what is and what is not bid‘a does not
around insignificant matters. In addition derive but from inconsistent principles.
to tahlil and other practices mentioned
above, which are not essential parts of
the religious rituals, another significant
The Problem Incurred
issue needs to mention – due to its being
debated frequently particularly in the The problem of difference in
1950s– is using a bedug16 in a mosque. The understanding Islam that incurred
bedug for the lay Puritan, for example, is conflict has actually deacreased in the
indeed bid‘a, in the sense of being novel 1990s. It is meant that there was no
because it was not found during the significant conflict between Muslims of
Prophet’s life. For the Sunni, however, the different organisations. This is so as the
use of bedug is not a primary part of the pattern of da‘wa (preaching) carried out by
religious ritual. It is merely used to give a Islamic preacher has changed. Although
signal to Muslims that the time for prayer some da‘wa are planned by Islamic
has come. It is therefore evident that much organisations, such as Muhammadiyah,
of the conflict derived not from different but such da‘wa do not touch on the existing
understanding of the essence of Islam khilafiyah matters (lit.controversial) in
or of its theology, but rather it originates general and do not impinge on the Sunni’s
from their tendency to underestimate and practice of Islam. The da‘wa is merely a
humiliate each other or even just to being medium to deliver Islamic messages as it
different. should. In villages in Java, for example,
some pengajian (religious gathering) were
From what is discussed above,
established on a family basis. These
it is evident that the essence of the logic
pengajian move from house to house every
sustaining their arguments about bid‘a,
fortnight. They were a breakthrough
for example, is actually blurred, as is
which not only indicated the increased
shown by some facts. Although the
interest of Muslims in giving da‘wa, but
Puritans never use bedug, in that it is
also a change in the relationship between
deemed as bid’a, it is an irony instead
various Islamic groups. This pattern
that they use loud speaker, an indication
of da‘wa has not only prevented open
The bedug is a wooden drum which is beaten to conflict, derived from group exclusivism,

give an indication to society that prayer time has come.

It is a common tool available in any mosque of the Sunni but has also introduced new values
Muslims. The bedug is deemed as bid‘a by the Indonesian that are properly better from an Islamic
Wahhabi since it is novel in the sense of not being available
during the Prophet’s life.

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Factors contributing to the success which do not accord his understanding,

of such da‘wa is the persuasive nature so that the discordant situation resulted
conducted by Islamic preachers. There from different Islamic understandings
is no significant conflict with or refusal has declined, despite the fact that each
of such da‘wa since the adaptive nature Islamic group retains a cynical attitude
of Muslim society, especially the Sunnis, deriving from such differences which are
has made the da‘wa of any preacher expressed in everyday life.
acceptable. It is commonly understood
that da‘wa should be conducted in a This favourable situation,
very smooth way as that ordered by however, changed significantly when
Islam. It should not confront or criticise political reforms was conducted after
other groups of Muslim. The preachers former President Suharto stepped down.
should understand properly about the The introduction of democracy resulted
existence of pluralistic Islamic groupings from the reforms has given rise to the
in Indonesia. Such groupings should be emergence of new Islamic groups, most
accepted in the context of the existing of which are leaned to Wahhabism. The
different understanding of Islam itself Salafi is the most rigid and fanatical in
held by various segments of the Islamic promoting its idea and practice of Islam,
community. so that the conflicts which flourished
among Muslim groups in Indonesia
So, the Muhammadiyah in some during the 1950s has recurred. The
districts in East Java, for example, has Puritans, who feel that they have done the
changed its pattern of da‘wa among correct thing in terms of their practice of
Muslims, whereas it has traditionally Islam, regard the religious practices of the
tried to cut off or cleanse Islam from Sunnis as deviating from the correct Islam.
traditions adopted by the Sunni. With Because the former are also successfull in
its efforts to be more accommodating to recruiting new members, they become
the existing culture, it has tried to be less more aggressive in propagating their
radical in its da‘wa among the Sunnis, so practice of Islam. They provoke to parctice
that in some areas in East and Central Java a pristine Islam and to put aside all the
it gradually gained new members from practices classified as bid’a, a situation
other Islamic organisations (see Suyatni, incurring conflict.
2010). A young Muhammadiyah17 activist
ever suggested that the change in strategy The Salafi has accordingly become
to be more accommodating to the existing a well known name to most Muslims
socio-cultural situation is a necessity if at grassroots level, since the Wahhabis
Muhammadiyah wants to be accepted always call themselves as the Salafi.
by Muslims in Java. He conducted a So, anything they do in regards with
door-to-door da‘wa encouraging the their da’wa in general and their criticism
people around his neighbourhood to towards religious practice of the Sunni
attend pengajian and practice Islam in in particular are commonly valued with
their daily lives without promoting his reference to the practice of the Salaf el-
Muhammadiyah message. He avoided Shalih, i.e. the three generations of sahaba
the criticisms on people’s practice of Islam (companion of the Prophet Muhammad),
Tabi’in (following the sahaba), and Tabi’u
Of the two known organisations well at- Tabi’in (following the tabi’in). They call
informed by Wahhabism, i.e the Muhammadiyah and
Persis, it is only the Muhammadiyah which has a wider
themselves the Salafi just to indicate that
da’wa program. The da’wa of Persis is confined to that they are following the Salaf el-Shalih in their
conducted in Westa Java, particularly Bandung, due to practice of Islam. This acknowledgment
its being small organisation, so that its conflict with other
Sunni Islamic organisation is very local. In Central Java, is of important significance since the
Persis is almost not known.

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34 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

practice of Islam of Salaf el-Shalih is its determination to conduct purification

guaranteed as right. They prefer being has been raising a response from other
called Salafi to Wahhabi, because the latter Muslims, i.e. the Sunni, who feel that their
means to follow Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul own interpretation and practice of Islam is
Wahhab, which in their perspective is not correct because it is based on the thought
acceptable in Islam. of an imam of a madhhab. In addition, the
Salafi effort to extend its own particular
Of the three leaned Wahhabi practice to groups which perform
organizations, the Salafi is indeed the most different practices of Islam has given
aggressive in regard with propagating rise to manifest conflicts as commonly
their Islam. The two others, i.e. Majlis expressed in the struggle to manage a
Mujahidin Indonesia and Hizbuttahrir mosque. As a mosque is not only a symbol
Indonesia, have been preoccupying with of Muslim existence in society but also a
political struggle. The Salafi proponents representation of a particular practice of
have hence organized movements Islam, a group which owns or manages
which sound very threatening, such as a mosque could expand its influence in
Movement of Anti-Mauleed or of Anti-Bid’a. society. So, a mosque is a very important
This is meant to show people that they medium through which religious beliefs
prohibit to commemorate the birthday of and practices are disseminated since
the Prophet and do not allow to conduct Muslims gathered there five times daily
any bid’a, both of which are classified as to perform their practice of Islam. Since
haram (religiously forbidden). They also most of the mosques in Javanese villages
established radio stations providing da’wa are erected by member of the Sunni
program, most of which is to criticize and Muslims, they have become a target of
even to disparage other Muslims because Salafi da’wa, so that they become a place
of the latter’s practice of what they call where the conflict between the Sunni and
bid’a. The Salafi contend that the practice Salafi adherents is manifest.
of other Muslims as wrong, and regard
those who continue practicing it as kafir
(infidel), so that such practice can bring its
The Revival of Traditionalism
doer to hell. This situation is worsened
by the fact that the Salafi proponents have Despite criticism and even
different political orientations from that humiliation against religious practices
of the Sunni, so that their unwillingness which are regarded as bid’a by the Puritan
to assimilate or cooperate has been Muslims, the Sunnis in Indonesia have a
sustained. Relations between the groups new spirit in nurturing and developing
have also deteriorated because of their their practices of Islam. As anyone can
views which encourage them to be see, in many cities in Indonesia have
continuously different18. emerged some groups with Sunni spirit
promoting to do dhikr, conducting mauleed
Some Muslim leaders have big
and reciting sholawat (praying for the
concern about this situation. The success of
Prophet)19. These religious gatherings are
Salafi in developing its da’wa which in fact
usually carried out in a mosque or in other
reach student at high schools and its rigid
places, and are attended by thousands
understanding about Islam in addition to
There is a famous opinion of ulama suggesting
of Muslims. It is interesting to note that
that: “difference (in standpoint) between my umma could the gatherings are not only performed
be a blessing”. This suggestion may establish a positive
situation where Islam actually allows its people to have The Essence of Sholawat is to pray for the Prophet

different standpoints in understanding a particular Muhammad. Some Ulama created various sholawat,
problem or a different ideological orientation as a means many of them are in the form of poem. The sholawat is
to pursue Islamic goals. Islam could actually instill a recited during religious rituals and sung in any religious
freedom of thinking among its umma. gathering.

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by Muslims living in such a big city as The actual practice of dhikr or

Jakarta but also by those living in a city of Sholawatis not new. What is interesting
kabupaten (regency) or even of Kecamatan is that this religious activity has gained
(district). wider acclaim from the public in the last
two decades. Analysts and researchers
In Jakarta, the practices of dhikr
linked this phenomenon with the rise of
known nationally are those led by Arifin
Islam in general that have occurred in
Ilham. Although he does not practice
sufism, the dhikr he conducted is similar Islamic countries. Among them are some
to that of sufism, i.e to praise God and ask who call it a symptom of urban Sufism,
His mercy and forgiveness. NU, as the because it is growing in urban areas.
biggest Islamic organisation in Indonesia, Although less precise to call it Sufism,
also conducted big dhikr gatherings in performing dhikr in order to approach
2007 and 2009 attended by two hundred Allah is close to Sufism. At least there
thousand Muslims coming from all are similarities with Sufism or even tariqa
Jakarta regions with the aim to ask Allah’s (sufi orders) in terms of building inner
mercy for the safety of the nation and aspects of Muslim life and of accosting
Indonesia. Besides those practicing dhirk, Allah to be His beloved. The different
there are groups of Muslim focusing on between these groups and that of tariqa
reciting sholawat. In Jakarta, there are well which is really practicing sufism is clear,
known groups, such as “Majlis Nurul although it should be acknowledged that
Mustofa”, “Majlis Rasulullah”, “Majlis they basically do the dhikr with the aim to
Assamaawat” and “Majlis Dzikir Al- be closed to Allah, asking his forgiveness
Salafi”20. and begging His rahma (blessing).
Similar group called “Ahbabul Thus, the session of dhikr and
Mustofa”, meaning the lover of Prophet reciting sholawat is basically to perform
Muhammad, was established in do’a. What Muslims ask through their
Jogjakarta. The leader of this group is often do’a is to have a good live in this world,
invited to conduct dhikr, do’a (praying) such as financially better including in
and sholawat in Jakarta by the above worshiping God, and to get a better live in
groups, a situation indicating that these
the hereafter, i.e. God’s acceptance to all
sholawat groups are in coordination. The
of their ‘ibada and their possibility to enter
spirit motivating them is religious, i.e. to
to God’s paradise. These are the essence
encourage Muslims to love their prophet
of what commonly Muslims ask, as it is
(Muhammad) and to accost Allah to get
His rahma (blessing) and forgiveness. contained in their do’a: “Oh God, give
What is interesting in regard with the us a good live in this world and in the
groups is the fact that they succeed in hereafter, and protect us from torture in
breeding branches in many cities in Jawa. the hell”. In addition to the do’a, they also
So, one would find groups with the name sang some Arabic song which basically
of “Ahbabul Mustofa” in other cities in contains do’a. Few among other songs are:
Central Java. They organised programs I ask Allah’s forgiveness, the God of the
of dhikr and sholawat most of which were creature
attended by thousands of Muslims. In I ask Allah’s forgiveness from all the sins
addition it is not rare that the sessions are Oh God, give me a benefiting knowledge
attended by the government authority, And lead me to do acceptable activities
members of local parliament and other Give me wider and halal rizk (sustenance)
public figures. And please accept my honest tawba
Assalafi here does not have any relation with
Salafi as a movement inclined to Wahhabism. Many Among the sholawat commonly sang by
religious practices of the Assalafi, like reciting sholawat, the Muslims is:
are denied by the Salafi who regard them as bid’a.

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36 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

Peace be upon the Messenger of Allah This phenomenon is in some ways

Peace be upon the beloved of Allah interesting, because it contradicts the thesis
Oh God, please save the umma of modernization held by social scientists.
From misery and worldy hardship The thesis, linking modernization with
secularization merely states that the more
The practice of dhikr, sholawat and modern one, he is increasingly secular.
prayer in general is actually encouraged However,this thesis has been challenged
by Islamic tenets, suggesting that by the reality turned out in today’s society
practicing them is a rewardable deed. where there are modern people with high
Doing these Islamic practices would religiosity, and they are not secular as was
benefit the doerers, i.e. on the one hand said by the thesis. Hassan findings (1985)
they do an ‘ibada by which they will has sustained this new phenomenon,
receive a reward, and on the other hand and some theorists such as Roberton and
they use them as a medium to mold their Chirico (1985) have found the reasoning
iman (belief) and religiosity generally. and come to a new understanding about
The argument sustaining their practice is the development of this phenomenon as
founded upon the Qur’anic order: “and can be found in all religions.
recollect God often” (Sura, 33:40), since
“the recollection of God makes the heart This religion revivalism is of course
calm” (Sura,13:28). The same holds true related closely to the development of
with sholawat as is commanded by Allah in society itself. Modern life which is quite
the Qur’an: “Verily Allah and His angels challenging or even threatening the
give sholawat to Prophet (Muhammad), life of society has encouraged them to
oh..You the Believers give sholawat and return to religion because the religion
great peace to him” (QS:33,56). have concepts which is appeasing. In
such circumstances, it is not surprising
Apart from a religious aspect, the that among those who do dhikr or the
Islamic movement conducted by these so-called urban Sufism are modern and
groups have a sociological significance educated Muslims. Therefore, it would be
because it has evolved in several cities, not unusual that one finds a Muslim with
especially in Java. The movement marked a nice shirt and tie cross-legged at the
the rise of Muslim consciousness and the corner of the mosque, doing dhikr slowly
increase in their religiosity. But it should or other activities in the field of ‘ibada. By
be noted that it is actually not a new chance I met a Director of State companies
phenomenon, since it was initiated when who is also a sufi movement activists led
the rise of Islam was launched in the by Sheikh Kabbani from America. This
1980s21. In Indonesia, this phenomenon phenomenon is certainly interesting,
of Islamic revivalism is evidenced by the considering the Sufism in Indonesia and
fact that Islam has since been practiced else where is usually done or embraced
devotedly by Muslims. The more salient by the poor and less educated.
fact is that many Muslim women has since
been wearing jilbab (head cover), deeming In addition to the phenomenon
it as a religious compulsion. Interestingly, of Islamic resurgence, this widespread
this phenomenon of wearing Jilbab is practice of quasi-Sufism, on the
started from secular university, such as other hand, has brought in a spirit of
Bogor Agriculture Institute, and not from strengthening traditionalism. In the
Islamic university. modern era where people in Indonesia
This revivalism took place on the 15th century tend to reinforce their identity because of
of hijra (Islamiclunar calendar). ‘Hijra’ literally means to the freedom brought by democracy which
migrate. In Islamic history it refers to the migration of
Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in AD 622, they profess, Muslims in general at the
which became Year 1 of Muslim lunar calendar.

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grassroots level have used this situation traditionalists did not loss their spirit to
to remould their awareness. Therefore, fight, trying continuously to hold public
the dhikr ceremony performed several lectures to discuss everything relating to
times by a large number of Muslims, as puritanism. A big banner hang on a street
happened in some places, might be just in Bekasi, West Java, inviting Muslims to
a part of the revival of tradition as seen attend a lecture entitled “A black story of
from the events of reciting sholawat. Wahhabism / Salafism : Muslims should
Some groups who usually sang songs unite to counter the snob of the radical and
that signify homage to the prophet the extremist”. This banner suggested that
Muhammad has been established. beside the Sunni have been disappointed
Marawis (a group of traditional Arab with the radical Wahhabis, they wanted
music) is often invited to accompany the public to know about the bad things
Islamic lectures on television. This music done by the Wahhabi adherents.
group sings songs with Islamic poetry,
which is mostly an expression of respect The reaction can be seen as well
and love for the Prophet Muhammad. in the publication of books exploring
Moreover, in the artist community there Wahhabism and Salafism. A book
are also devout Muslims who created the was written by an Indonesian author
music arrangement for the Islamic songs, entitled “Sejarah Berdarah Sekte Salafi
thus causing the songs popular among Wahabi : Mereka Membunuh Semuanya,
the public. termasuk Para Ulama”22. The book which
is supported by General Chairman of
Moreover, these symptoms may be NU, Prof. Said Agil Siraj received wider
traditionalist circles expression to fight audiences. Within 10 months, the book
the Puritans who have created a situation was reprinted eight times. The book has
which threatens the existence of the highlighted the history of Wahhabism
former’s religious practices. As known, which has been used by the authority of
the presence of neo-Wahhabi advocating Saudi Arabia to legitimise its rule, and in
puritanism or fundamentalism had return the Wahhabism receives support
brought a norm “clearing Islam from and protection from the authority. This
the non-Muslim elements”. The Puritans sect has been used by the Saudi authority
as adherents of Wahhabism in this case as the only legitimate practice of Islam.
expose the feelings of hostility towards In addition to this book, there are some
the traditionalists who hold Sunnism. books published in Indonesian, including
Such an attitude has caused among the one written by Abu al-Fadl, a Professor
Sunnis to feel threatened. Thus, religious of a university in the USA.
agenda such as public lectures or reading
sholawat and do’a can be seen as a reaction Concerning reaction among the
from among Sunnis to counter puritanism Sunnis against propagation by the
propagated by Puritan circles Puritans, it’s good to show here an event
of reciting sholawatled by Habib Syech
Such a reaction is evidenced Assegaf in Magelang, Central Java.
by the fact that some Islamic figures The lecture by Habib in the event was
have criticized Puritanism. An event to exposing clearly his disappointment
discuss the issue of religious practice with the da’wa of the Puritans and that of
amongst traditionalists and Puritans, Salafi circles in general, which considers
for example, was once held in a village. religious practices carried out by Muslim
But this event did not produce anything in Indonesia as deviating from the true
because among the Puritans turned out 22
“A Bloody History of Salafi Wahhabi Sect: They
not attending the event. Nevertheless, the Kill All People, including the Ulema” written by Syaikh

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38 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

Islam. In his lecture Habib described A lot of stupid children talk reciting
the situation about among the Qurais (a sholawat as bid’a
respected tribe in Mecca where Prophet Parents do not answer because of difficulty
Muhammad derived from) when its leader But before long the children are in fact
tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad. The insane
Satan, according to Habib, was present in
the Qurais assembly in deciding how to do A lot of the son-in-law on talk reciting
the killing. Satan was indeed everywhere sholawat sinful
to influence human to deviate from Allah. A lot of the son-in-law on talk reciting
It provokes Muslims to do bad thing sura Yasin sinful
with the aim to make them become its The parents did not answer because not
companion in the hell. Habib suggested comfortable
that all Muslims know that Satan is their Yet it turned out that the son-in-law is out
enemy because it leads them to hell. It of mind
can embody in the form of human. But The Javanese poetry sung by Habib
the problem is that Muslims are unable to above shows that there are some aspects
identify the Satan. of Islamic practices, i.e. read the tahlil,
Habib mentioned further that there sholawat and wirid, which have been
was a good Muslim who saw in his dream the target of criticism by the Puritans.
In this case Habib did not matter about
about the characteristics of the Satan.
the neutrality of the practice from the
Habib emphasized that what he described
perspective of Islam, but he stated that
is merely a dream, which was of course
those who criticize it is insane. What
not based on Islamic tenets. The dream
Habib did in this case is to judge Puritan
told us that one of the characteristics of
circles, as always done as well by the
the Satan embodied in a Muslim is that
Sunni ulama in Indonesia. There is a
when he finishes a prayer in a mosque,
phrase which is usually expressed by
for example, he or she never does a wird
Sunni circles in contempt of a Puritan
litany), but rather he or she directly stands circles. These phrases suggest that “Man
up and leaves the mosque. Habib meant lam yakun lahu wirdun fahua Qirdun”,
that this Muslim did not even perform any i.e. those who do not practice wird are
do’a. Habib in this sermon described about (like) monkey. The habit of monkey is to
a habit of the Puritans which is different move all the time. It never sit even for a
from the Sunnis who commonly do the while, so that Muslims who cannot sit
wird after prayer, finalising it with do’a. for a while practicing dhikr after he finish
The Puritansts do not do the wird since prayer could be like a monkey.
it is subsumed under bid’a, eventhough
all the recitation in the wird are do’a and Looking at the widespread
some are verses of the Qur’an. movement of dhikr and sholawat
conducted in many cities in Indonesia,
Beside a critical sermon, Habib also we may say that amid the modernization
sang a Javanese song together with the that might bring in it values that confront
audience as follow23 : religious norms, there emerged a new
consciousness among Muslim society
A lot of stupid children talk reciting tahlil
in regard with their Islamness. This
as bid’a
consciousness marks the strengthening
Quoted from a video “Jauharul Muharrom”, process of their religiosity through which
i.e. are ligious gathering commemorating Muharram (the they try to practice Islam in a more devout
first month of Islam) in pesantren Tegal Rejo, Magelang.
The video was published by Tina Vision from Kudus, manner. Furthermore, this consciousness
Central Java.

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leads Muslims to sthrengthen their The criticism has certainly led to the Sunni
inner aspect of their life by reviving and busy arguing, which eventually gave
remolding sufism, with the purpose of rise to fractions even among Muslims
building their heart and religious spirit. themselves. Thus, efforts to introduce
What is also important in regard with brotherhood by the Sunni ulama to fellow
the development of this phenomenon of Muslims seem to be as if it had run in
religiosity is that it constitues a response vain because even at the level of Ukhuuwa
of fight from the traditionalist embracing Islamiyya alone Muslims in Indonesia
Sunnism against the Puritanst whose could not maintain their brotherhood.
approach towards Islam is more rational This is the irony, because amid the need
and textual oriented by avoiding to to establish Muslim unity in a variety of
understand the substance and be ignorant its aspects, some Islamic leaders offended
about the context. Such a bad response verbally other Muslim groups.
towards puritanism can be seen further
As mentioned earlier in this article,
through religious gatherings held by
some religious practices that became
the traditionalists who try to present
the topic that incurred conflict between
Islam with its goodness, tolerance and the Puritan and the Sunni in Indonesia
accommodative characteristics. are actually subsumed under fiqh
domain (Islamic jurisprudence) which is
subjected to interpretation. Nevertheless,
Concluding Remarks the Wahhabi and Salafi do not accept the
fact that these practices are the products
The Sunni ulama in Indonesia
of ijtihad (the exercise of independent
are actually being preoccupied by their
judgement) by such a great imam as Shafi’i
attempts to re-knit fraternity as a nation
or Maliki. They ask Muslim to return to
of Indonesia after a lot of conflict occurred
the practice of the three generations of
between Muslims and non-Muslim circles
Sahaba, Tabi’in and Tabiut Tabi’in as though
marred by violence. After the conflict in between this period and the emergence
Ambon, minor conflicts continued to of Wahhabism is a black era which they
occur in many parts of Indonesia. In should discard from the history of Islam.
2011, for example, suicide bombing at a The worst is that the Puritan Muslims in
church in Solo, Central Java, was done Solo, Central Java, had not only humiliated
by an extremist Muslim. Therefore, the the Sunni because of the latter’s practice of
Sunni ulama in Indonesia have tried bid’a but also inspected those conducting
to appease Muslims to refrain from religious activity, such as dhikr, asking
violence and attacks especially against them forcefully to stop the practice.
the Christian. They extend the concept
of brotherhood by not restricting it only The persistence and spread of
to the brotherhood between Muslims. In the Puritan are supported by a similar
an effort to reduce or eliminate conflicts international movement, a situation that
with the non-Muslims, they introduced make many people thought that there
the term Ukhuwwa Wathoniyya (national is a political effort of Wahhabization
brotherhood) and Ukhuwwa Bashariyya conducted by certain Islamic countries.
(human brotherhood) in addition to the With the support of certain funds, the
Ukhuuwa Islamiyya (Muslim brotherhood). Puritan can move freely and in some cases
have succeeded. Through missionary
These efforts, however, seemed to training in campuses and high school24,
get a hindrance because they themselves 24
In some campuses developed what is called
have been subjected to the criticism by the Lembaga Da’wah Kampus (Institute for Da’wa in
Puritans in regard to their religious life. Campus) and ROHIS (Islamic Spirituality), a movement
in some high schools to mold student religiosity.

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40 Ibnu Hasan Muchtar

they succeeded in creating cadres of With such measures, then the

students who are ready to develop Puritans in Indonesia are setting two
Islamic puritanism in Indonesia. Another steps, namely to purge Islam of all the
thing that also supports is the political things that come from outside Islam,
success championed by the Puritans. For and to try to put it in political power as a
example, PKS (the Just and Prosperious step to establish an Islamic state or khilafa
Party) has managed to become the party Islamiyya. At first they will intersect with
of the top five, obtaining 7.88 percent in the circles of Muslim itself, as is evidenced
the 2009 general election, whereas in the from the many conflicts with Sunni,
1999 election the party received below 2 and in the latter they will compete with
percent of electoral threshold. This means secular nationalist to gain greater political
that the poltical support for the Puritans positions, in addition to competing
also continued to increase, although now with other Islamic political circles. Of
many people are hesitant to support the these two steps, the first step is realized,
party due to the fact that image of its because with the orthodoxy to purify
cleanliness is damaged by some of its pristine Islam from subsequent accretion
politicians involved in corruption. and alien influences, they do so by
disparaging other Islam circles. Although
Although it is indicated by it is good from religious perspective, what
the difference in attitudes and even is done by the Sunni will nonetheless
understandings among the Puritans still be regarded as an aberration by the
themselves, the political struggle Puritans. Therefore, there emerged a
has become an integral part of their cynical attitude of some Muslim leaders
agenda, at least as it is carried out by suggesting that the Puritans often make
Islamic fundamentalists in other Islamic sharp criticism that incurred conflict with
countries. Some social scientists who have other fellow Muslims than with the non-
attention on the movement of the Islamic Muslims.
fundamentalists in the Middle East, for
On the other hand, the Sunni
example, have come to the conclusion resistance movement in Indonbesia
that the fundamentalist indeed deem their against puritanism is also quite loud.
placement of Islam in political power as What was done by Habib as mentioned
a core value of Islam. That is also what above is just one of many movements of
the Puritans in Indonesia did, ranging traditionalism conducted by Muslims
from MMI, Hizbuttahrir and even the in Indonesia. With the existence of such
Salafi, although the latter seems to never resistance, then the conflict in the future
turn to politics. This fact once showed will be more visible and become a public
any change in terms of their struggle, spectacle. This possibility is based on the
formerly confined to the so-called fact that the number of those adhering to
scriptural puritanism while now they are puritanism is continuously increasing.
also making efforts to formalization of As would anyone see, their success in
Islam in national politics. As adopted by doing da’wa on campus, for example, has
the fundamentalists, to implement Islam, created the cadres who are not only Islam-
according to their premises, requires the minded but also tend to be strictly puritan
seizure and holding of power by radical and rigid. The cadre of this course will be
Islamic groups. Also, some of the puritans ready to fire bullets to the Sunnis who
argue, that the true Islam is the one that are deemed as deviating from practicing
is interpreted by a specific political group right Islam. Meanwhile, the Sunni circles,
and its leader. represented by the NU community, has
also generated among the educated with

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a fairly strong ideology. These educated launch the most interesting Islamic issue,
Muslims, either those specifically learning such as the formation of Islamic State,
Islam, such as pesantren graduates, or the Sunni circles, particularly among
those learning sciences generally, have traditionalists such as NU, are not happy.
been so enthusiastic to develop Islam Not only because it is not a must but also
embracing ahl al-sunna wa’l-jama’a. effort to realize it is done with coercion
Though they are accommodating in and even threatens other Islamic groups.
regards to their thoughts and attitudes, What is more alarming is the fact that
they are the young who adamantly the puritans are actually not unified, as
defended the Sunni ideology they get written by Ardham, due to their different
from the ulama who became their teacher. opinions about how and what they
Their persistence is indeed a product of should pursue with regard to their da’wa.
Idonesian history, which has given rise So, despite coming from the same source,
to polarization between various Islam namely the early Wahhabi adherents
groups, where they are derived from in Indonesia, and are inspired by the
just one of the existing Muslim groups in same factor, i.e. movement of Islamism
Indonesia. as carried by the Ikhwan al-Muslimin
With this situation one can imagine (lit. Muslim Brotherhood), thePuritans
that the medium of da’wa in Indonesia will are in fact in conflict with each other by
be the battle field where conflicts between offending the other as kafir. Since they are
factions are to get into place. This conflict characteristically aggressive, the conflict
can also be more manifested, given among their own mid would be more
political elements have been coloring manifest, disadvantaging Muslims in
their propagation. Although the puritans Indonesia.

Daftar Pustaka

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HARMONI April - Juni 2012

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