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Hallamshire Circle (218) The Catenians Strengthening family life through friendship and faith Enrolment of new candidate D» OPENING OF CIRCLE —_ The President calls for attention by rapping once with his gavel. PRESIDENT Brothers, [and Reverend Fathers] [and Gentlemen], good evening and you are most welcome. Brother Registrar, are you satisfied that all present have signed the register? REGISTRAR standing Brother President, |am,and___ are present, including ___visitors,__—_svisiting clergy and __ visiting gentlemen. a & PRESIDENT sapping with gavel three times Would those Brothers so privileged please be vested?. (All stand) Ifthe Nationa! President is in attendance with the National Secretary, the latter shail vest him with his insignia. If the Grand Secretary is not present the vesting shall be undertaken by the Provincial / Area Councillor or 2 duly appointed deputy. N.B. When ail are vested, the Marshal vests the President (or the President vests himseif) PRESIDENT As the President of Hallamshire Circle, the 218" Circle of the Catenian Association, | declare this Meeting open. PRESIDENT Brothers, please be seated’ the enrolment procedure is faliows. PRESIDENT seateg Brother Vice-President, is there in attendance any candidate for admission to our brotherhood? VICE-PRESIDENT standing Brother President, Mr Christian name and surname is in attendance. Resumes his seat Enrolment of new candidate PRESIDENT Brother Secretary, please report on this application. SECRETARY standing Brother President, the candidate has been accepted by the members of this Circle and | have complied with the requirements of Rule and bye-law in dealing with his application. Resumes his seat PRESIDENT Would the sponsors of the candidate please stand and remain standing. PRESIDENT Brothers, the candidate about to be enrolled has been judged by you worthy of admission to our brotherhood. | ask each of you to look back to your own enrollment and to appreciate the importance of this ceremony, in which | now ask you for your attentive and courteous support. Brother Chamberiain, please bring the candidate forward for enrollment The Chamberlain brings the candidate to the Circle entrance. The Vice-President tums to face the candidate who remains outside the Circle, with the Chamberiain on his left. VICE-PRESIDENT Standing and addressing each candidate in tum with the candidate replying to each question as it is asked Mr sumame, are you a practising member of the Roman Catholic Church? CANDIDATE lam. VICE PRESIDENT Are you prepared to attend meetings of this Circle regularly, unless prevented by some reasonable difficulty? CANDIDATE lam. VICE PRESIDENT In the knowledge of the demands which will be made on you and the responsibilities which you will assume, do you still wish to join our brotherhood? Enrolment of new candidate CANDIDATE lam. VICE-PRESIDENT Brother President, | introduce Mr surname who seeks admission to our brotherhood. PRESIDENT Brother Chamberlain, please bring the candidate to me. CHAMBERLAIN Sir, please follow me. The candidate is conducted by the Chamberiain to face the President, before whom he stands with the Chamberiain on his left. PRESIDENT Mr (sumame), our brotherhood stems from the practice of perfect charity, whence flows ail that is noble in us. It is our purpose to encourage our Brothers and their families to meet socially. We strive to help one another as far as we may to happiness and prosperity; and should a Brother suffer misfortune, our concern is to aid him in full measure. We are proudly Catholic, and as a brotherhood we are non-political. We do not permit wrangling to mar our meetings, nor do we tolerate excesses in the behaviour of our Brothers. We expect you to observe faithfully all the obligations of life, to be charitable in judgement, forbearing in temper and slow to condemn. We look to find a Brother, if husband, loving and trustworthy; if father mindful of the moral and material well-being of your children and dependents; as a son, dutiful and considerate: and as a friend, steadfast and true. By such qualities you will add to the dignity of our brotherhood and make manifest our ideals. Are you now prepared to bind yourself to pursue our purposes? CANDIDATE lam. Enrolment of new candidate PRESIDENT au stand Sir, please recite the pledge, which unites our brotherhood: CANDIDATE I solemnly promise, to observe the rules of the Catenian Association | and to discharge in spirit and deed the obligations of membership. With the help of God | will endeavor to strengthen the fraternal love which animates the brotherhood | and will not fail to aid and comfort a Brother in difficulty or need. I make this pledge as a man of honour and pray to Saints Peter and Paul and Saint Thomas More for strength of PUrPOSE. A local or national saint may be added here PRESIDENT atier a pause, addressing the candidate. With joy, | address you as Brother. You are united to us ina noble bond and | charge you to conduct yourself at all times as a worthy member of our Association. In the name of our brotherhood, | offer you the right hand of fellowship. The President shakes hands with the new member and resumes his seat CHAMBERLAIN Brother, | shall now conduct you to sign the roll. The new member bows fo: the President and proceeds to the Secretary's table, where the Chamberlain attends the signing of the rol CHAMBERLAIN Brother, | shall now escort you to the Vice-President. He conducts the new member to face the Vice-President. He then stands at his post VICE-PRESIDENT (ottering the new member his hand) Brother, | bid you welcome. (They shake hands.) Please turn to face the President. PRESIDENT Brothers | present our new Brother christian name and sumame. The new member and the Brothers exchange bows. ‘The Chamberiain then conducts the member to his place and retums to his post The procedure for a Circle meeting continues with PRAYERS PRAYERS PRESIDENT Let us pray. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. BROTHERS Amen. PRESIDENT Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and they shall be created: BROTHERS And you shall renew the face of the earth. PRESIDENT Let us pray for our Brothers and members of their families who are sick: Province 3S Sick List Heal your servants, Lord, who are sick and put their trust in you: BROTHERS Send them help, O'Lord, and comfort from your holy place. PRESIDENT Let us pray for our Brothers in difficulty or need. BROTHERS Reach out to them, O'Lord, in their distress, and grant them peace of mind. PRESIDENT Let us pray for our families. Lord grant our families the grace to follow the example of your Holy Family at Nazareth, so that our children may grow up in your love. Lord, hear us: BROTHERS Lord, graciously hear us. PRESIDENT Let us pray for vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and the Religious Life. Circles may choose to say this in unison, in which case the response at the end is omitted. I the prayer is sald in unison, it shauld be printed for all attending. Heavenly Father, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people. Look with favour upon our homes and communities that through the Holy Spirit, men and women may be inspired with the grace of a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life, to care for your flock, minister at your altars and be ardent but gentle servants of the Gospel. Lord, hear us: BROTHERS Lord, graciously hear us. PRESIDENT Lord, it is through your grace that we are able to gather and join together in fellawship. We pray for your blessing on this Circle. Lord, hear us: BROTHERS Lord, graciously hear us. PRESIDENT Let us pray for all those Brothers and their families, who have died, and especially those of our own Circle James Gallagher (1968) George Jones. (2003) Henry Molloy (1971) David Parkin (2004) Gerry Greaney (1972) Charles Ryan (2005) Wilfred Herring (1973) Stanley Sikora (2005) Jack Finnegan (1974) Barry Fenn (2010) Vincent Hayes (1976) Chris Wilson (2013) John Clare (1980) Frank Neal (2014) Fred Millington (1986) Bernard Kelly (2018) Edmund Magill (1990) Peter Auchterlounie (2019) Les Barfield (1992) George Canty (1994) Frank Wilson (1995) Michael Tasker (1997) Jim Finnigan (1998) David Burr (2002) and those of Sheffield 8 Circle who died this month President reads the list of Sheffield & brothers whose anniversary occure this month (see Page 11) and those who have died recently: Secretary now reads from Catena In Memorium’ List Let us also remember all who have been members of this Circle, and their families, who have since died as we say together PRESIDENT AND BROTHERS Out of the depths | have cried to you O'Lord, Lord hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. If you, O'Lord, shall observe iniquities, Lord, who shall endure it? For with you there is merciful forgiveness; and by reason of your law | have waited for you, O'Lord. My soul has relied on his word: (My soul has hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch even until night: let Israel hope in the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with him plentiful redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from ail its iniquities. Eternal rest give to them, O'Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. PRESIDENT To mark the spirit of brotherhood which unites us, let us offer each other a sign of peace. ‘The President pauses while those in attendance exchange handshakes as a Sign of Peace and then continues: PRESIDENT Our Lady, Queen of Peace, BROTHERS Pray for us. PRESIDENT Saints Peter and Paul, BROTHERS Pray for us. PRESIDENT Saint Thomas More, BROTHERS Pray for us. PRESIDENT In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. BROTHERS Amen. PRESIDENT Brothers, please be seated. If required, the ceremony of casual installation shall now be held. For a casual installation the appropriate section is taken from the Installation of Circle Officers in the Handbook and Manual of Procedure. After any such ceremony the procedure for a Circle Meeting continues: ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS PRESIDENT Brother Vice-President, please announce our visitors. VICE-PRESIDENT (stanaing) Brother President, | am pleased to announce the attendance Of (Brothers Name, Circle, Office) The names of the visitors will be read out sufficiently slowty in order of precedence (see the Handbook and Manual of Procedure) to permit each Brother as he is named to stand, bow to the President, and resume his seat, followed by non-Catenian visitors. Atthis point, the Vice-President vill announce the name(s) of any clergy in attendance. | am pleased also to announce the attendance of Fr (chcistian name and sumame} Having announced the visiting Brothers and clergy, the Vice-President will announce the attendance of -any prospective member | am pleased also to announce the attendance of Mr (caristian name and sumame) prospective member. The Vice President resumes his seat. The President, standing, will offer a formal weicome to the visitors. Arresponse to the formal welcome should be made usually by the most senior visitor with respect to the order of precedence. PRESIDENT Brother Secretary, please announce any apologies for absence which you have received. SECRETARY (stanaingy Brother President, | have received the following apologies from Brother(s); The Secretary should give details of the apology if that is the wish of the Circle. CIRCLE BUSINESS PRESIDENT Brothers, the minutes of our last Meeting have been circulated. If there are no objections, | propose to sign these minutes as a true record of that Meeting. (Pause) PRESIDENT Are there any matters arising from the minutes? Hereafter the agenda should broadly follow the specimen agenda for the remainder of the meeting. Correspondence: a Secretary (including notification received of visits made to ether Circles). b President. Reports. a Membership Officer b. Provincial Councillor c President including announcements and planned visits. 4. Treasurer. e. Charity Officer. € Welfare and Widows. 8 Viee-President and forthcoming events. Any motion to be considered, as detailed in the circular. Election of officers (when appropriate) In due course the President intreduces any other business as follows: PRESIDENT If any Brother has any matter to bring forward for the good of our Circle or of the association, will he now raise it. CLOSE OF CIRCLE PRESIDENT We shall now close this Meeting. Brother Chamberlain, please call the names of the members enrolled in this Circle who are present. The President should acknowledge all those announced individually. CHAMBERLAIN Brother President, there are in attendance (isting attendant members, Christian name and surname) MYSElf (Christian name and sumame) yourself, Brother President (christian name and sumame) and our visitors. AS each Brother is named, he will rise, bow to the President and remain standing: and visitors will rise when they are caifed. PRESIDENT As the President of Hallamshire Circle | declare this meeting closed. God bless our Pope and protect our Faith; VICE-PRESIDENT Save our country; BROTHERS Prosper and bless our brotherhood. PRESIDENT Brothers, please remain silent while the Chamberlain collects the Circle insignia. The Marshal divests the President ar the President may choose to aivest himself. and then the national President, if present, is divested by the National Secretary or. in his absence, by the ProvincialiArea Councillor or a duly appointed deputy. Thereafter afl others, except the Chamberlain, divest themselves. The Chamberlain, starting with the Vice-President, goes round the Circle in anti-clockwise direction collecting the Circle insignia, before aivesting himself. When he has placed all the Circle insignia on the Vice-President's table he bows to the President. PRESIDENT Thank you, Brothers. All bow te the President. The formal proceedings are thus ended. Sheffield 8 — In Memoriam January Juity George John Heveningham 1943 Thomas Kitchen 1917 Arthur Edward Baldwin 1946 James Pierce 1917 Berard James Carr 1949 William Wilfred King 1934 Harold Burton 1967 James William Fenoughty 1941 Francis Philip Enright 1968 August Jack Finnegan JM [218] 1974 John Gormanly 2011 Frank Wootton 1986 September John Rochford 2010 James George Mylan (FM) —-1933 February Thomas McDonald 1946 Arthur Conroy 1919 Vincent Hughes 1960 William Haugh 1919 Arthur Carr 1985 Francis Atkinson 1926 James MeCarthy 1993 Thomas Durnan 1942 David McCall 2006 Archibaid Joseph Dignam 1947 Patrick Joseph Benson [FP] 1916 George Heron 1949 = Philip Wake 1933 Bemard Morris 1969 MichaeGleesan 1952 Wiliam Edison 1972 Joseph Gardner 1954 John Platten 1973 Jim Campbell 2003 Bill Sheehan 1994 October Pat Smith 1994 Charles Tharpe 1918 March FJ Whelan 1920 John Pardon 1931 Charles James Macdonald 1955 Vietor Neville 1956 William Haris 1965 Frederick Williams 1957 James Lodge 1969 Jack Wilson 1969 Fred Campbell 1982 George Mallinder 1973 Henry Moore 1984 Brother Czes Stoch 1964 Michael Baldwin 1988 Pat Coen FM (205) 2000 November Bemard Langley 2006 TA Sheahan 1917 A James Farrer Mason 1945 Charles Carrington 1918 — Henry Molioy JM (218) 1977 Percy Broadhead Cooper 1943 Philip Aylward 1978 John Patrick Clare 1949 John Body 2000 Henry Baggs 1957 Joe Moroney FP [205] 2001 Joseph Barnard Jarvis 1966 Leo Horrax 2003 Benjamin Thomas West 1968 December Bill Hussey 1991 Thomas Cavill Durnan 1930 Frank Hobson 1995 Robert Mallinder 1944 Horace Cawley 1996 John Anthony McDonald 1952 Michael Gavin 1996 Victor William Wood 1953 Joe McNulty 2017 John Gould 1954 Tammy Docherty 2018 Albert Sermin 1958 May James John Hargan 1988 Frederick George Heusser 1954 Jean Farret 2009 ‘Comelius Finn 1961 Richard Martin Swales 2013 Erie Stefanuti 1983 Bill Collins 2015 Charles Macdonald 1992 James Convery 1995 telly, fe —er Dan Brearton 2006 Boy et June Requiescant Laurie Britton 1950 = Pat Durkin 1976 in pace Philip Leslie Maxwell 1976 3 o so hp Arthur Hodgkinson 1984

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