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Travel and Tourism

Presented by Aya and Wijdane

Contents :
I. Travel and Tourism are they the same?
II. The reasons behind travels
III.The benefits of travel in our lifes
IV. Destinations to travel to
V. Is it obligatory to plan for a travel?
VI. A good new
Travel and Tourism

Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home in
pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of
the commercial provision of service . So it is distinguished from
exploration in that tourists follow a “beaten path,” benefit from
established systems of provision, and, as befits pleasure-seekers, are
generally insulated from difficulty, danger, and embarrassment.
The reasons why we travel

I. Challenging yourself
Travel is the ideal place to test yourself. It pushes
people to their limits and gets them outside their
comfort zone. You’ll discover how resourceful you are
when you’re exposed to new places, people and
experiences. Maybe it’s finding your way around a busy
city. Or ordering a meal when you don’t speak the
Expending your perspective
Another reason why people love to travel: it helps
open your mind. You realize that there’s no one
way to live life. Meeting people from other places
will show you that your world view isn’t the same
as everyone else’s
By being exposed to new places, people and
cultures, you’ll develop a wider world view. And
that will make you a better-rounded global citizen.
It’s a great reward and big reason why people love
to travel.
Making memories
Real-life education is more memorable because it
is personal. And our memories are part of who
we are, part of our identity.
adventure Routine can
be mundane, so getting out in the world, locally or
internationally, doing something that shakes things
up a bit and creates a bit of excitement is just
what some people need. It creates the best
memories and makes the most of the country
you’re in.
The benefits of travel
• 1. Boost your confidence
Travelling forces you to be resourceful and
teaches you how to cope with obstacles.
Overcoming various challenges turns the scary
story into and adventure and boosts your
confidence. You even feel better prepared for the
challenges waiting for you back home.
2 . Appreciate your life
When you’re mired in your daily life, it’s easy to
lose sight of what you have. Your eyes aren’t open
to what’s really special about your home.
Exploring another place will give you a fresh
appreciation for your hometown, country and
“real life.” Once you’re back, you’ll feel lucky to
live where you do. You’ll see that there really is no
place like home.
3. Build and Strengh relationships
Travel is a special way to deepen
friendships as well. Whether it’s a quick
ski break with co-workers or a week-
long sun-and-sand getaway with your
high school gang, travel will remind you
why you became friends with them in
the first place, and how good it is to
spend focused time together.
Destinations to travel to
The sun gate
• Huayna Picchu is a mountain in Peru, rising
over Machu Picchu, the so-called Lost City of
Incas. This place is popular among tourists as
the sunrise from the Sun Gate is simply
spectacular. The hills here proffer one of the
most marvelous views of the main square of
Machu Picchu, with the sun in the backdrop.
Destinations to travel to :
• Cappadocia, Turkey – Most Magical Place on Earth
• Magic can only be seen and seeing is believing. This amazing
place in Turkey offers a breathtaking view that words would
fall short when we begin to explain it. Coming
to Cappadocia’s you realize that everything done by nature has
its own beauty.
How do you find travelling to the

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