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Latihan Soal

1. In 1881 …, Alice Freeman Palmer became head of the history department at Wellesley
A. Twenty-four years
B. At the age of twenty-four
C. Age twenty-four
D. Of twenty-four years
2. The United States spends more money on advertising … country in the world
A. Other
B. Other than
C. Than any other
D. While other
3. Penicillin, probably …, came into widespread use after the Second World War
A. An antibiotic of known
B. Was known the antibiotic
C. The best-known antibiotic
D. Known best antibiotic
4. Although Emily Dickinson is now a well-known American poef, only seven of her poems …
while she was alive.
A. Publishing
B. To publish
C. Have published
D. Were published
5. Thomas Jeffersen served as president of the American Philosophical Society, an organization
than encouraged … of scientific and intellectual research.
A. Ranging wide
B. A wide range
C. Which ranged widely
D. A widely ranging
6. Part of the Great Plains, Kansas is famous for … fields of wheat.
A. Its seemingly endless
B. It seems endless
C. It is seemingly endless
D. It is endless it seems
7. Skimming along the surface of the ocean or rising from its depths like delicate balloons … to
their aquatic habitat.
A. The perfect adaptation of jellyfish
B. Jellyfish are perfectly adapted
C. Jellyfish are adapted to perfectly
D. And the adaptation is perfect for jellyfish
8. The sidereal day is the period … the Earth completes one rotation on its aims.
A. When does it
B. While it
C. During which
D. In that
9. … Rainfall in the desert is low, it is one of the most important climatic factors in the formation
of desert erosion features.
A. Although
B. Why
C. Despite
D. Due to
10. A strong swimmer …
A. That fish and seal are eaten chiefly by the polar bear
B. The polar bear eats chiefly fish and seal
C. The polar bear eating chiefly fish and seal
D. Eating fish and seal chiefly by the polar bear
11. Helicopters can rise or descend vertically, hover, and move forward, backward, …,
A. They move laterally
B. And are lateral
C. Or lateral motion
D. Or laterally
12. The Dallas Theater Center presents plays in two buildings, …
A. Which
B. Which one
C. That which
D. One of which
13. … Stem from the everyday life of common people. The most popular theme are love, jealousy,
revenge, disaster, and adventure.
A. Because folk ballads
B. There are folk ballads
C. With folk ballads
D. Folk ballads to
14. … Around us gives us vital information about our environment.
A. The sound are heard
B. That the hearing of sounds
C. Hearing the sounds
D. Whatever the sounds are heard
15. Located in Boston … in the United States was founded in 1862.
A. The first public library was free
B. The first free public library
C. Was the first free public library
D. Where the first free public library
16. Clinical psychologist Dr. Robert Cullen found that 80 percent … verbal communication
involved five types of responses, evaluative, interpretive, supportive, probing, and
A. All
B. Is the
C. With
D. Of all
17. The early feminist leader Susan B Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in
the temperance movement … the same rights as men.
A. Women were not granted that
B. That women were not granted
C. Not granted women that were
D. That were not granted women
18. DNA …, is found in the cell nucleus in the form of very long and thin molecules consisting
of two spiral strands.
A. Inherits material
B. Is inheritance material
C. Material is inherited
D. The material of inheritance
19. … Plants, which manufacture their own food, animal obtain nourishment by acquiring and
ingesting their food.
A. Unlike
B. Different
C. Whereas
D. As much
20. The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by missionaries in the 1815’s … and only seven
A. The five vowels consist of
B. Consisting of five vowels
C. That consists of five words
D. Consists of five vowels
21. Working like a telescope … the size of objects at great distances.
A. Which magnifies a telephoto lens
B. A telephoto lens magnifies
C. A telephoto lens which magnifies
D. And magnifying a telephoto lens
22. Volcanoes are divided into three main groups, based on their shape and the type of material
they …
A. Are made
B. Made of
C. Are made of
D. Made for
23. … To inanimate objects, such as machines, is a form of animism.
A. When attributing emotion
B. Attributing emotion
C. Emotion is attributed
D. If emotion is attributed
24. … Dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known far as
B. Known thus far as
C. It is known as far
D. As far as is known
25. The growth of psychobiology owes … to major conceptual advances in the way people think
about the brain.
A. Much
B. As much as
C. Much which
D. There is so much
26. In 1918 Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman … the Nobel Poems for Literature.
A. Receive
B. Received
C. To receive
D. She received
27. Now considered an art form, quilt-making originated as a means of fashioning bed covers
from bits of fabric that otherwise …
A. Not use
B. Were no use
C. Had no use
D. It was not used
28. The early years of the United States government were characterized a debate concerning …
or individual state should have more power.
A. Whether the federal government
B. Either the federal government
C. That the federal government
D. The the federal government
29. Beneath the streets of a modern city … of walls, columms, cubes, pipes, and tunnels required
to satisfy the needs of its inhabitans.
A. Where exists the network
B. The existing network
C. The network’s existence
D. Exists the network
30. The province of Newfoundland has … than any other region of North American in which the
first language is English.
A. Its longer history
B. A longer history
C. The longer the history
D. The history is longer
31. … is helping to break new ground in drug research.
A. Computers are being used more if
B. The increasing use of the computer
C. If an increase in the use of the computer
D. Computers are being used more
32. An elephant … vigorously when it is overheated.
A. Flapping its ears
B. Its ears flap
C. Flaps its ears
D. Ears flap it
33. Broadway musical comedy has been called … of the United States in modern theater.
A. The major contribution that
B. What is the major contribution
C. The major contribution
D. To the major contribution
34. … in 1971 as a non-profit agency to finance the growth of non-commercial radio and
television in the United States.
A. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting established
B. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting was established
C. When the Corporation for Public Broadcasting was established
D. Even though the Corporation for Public Broadcasting was established
35. Cold temperatures, short growing seasons, and heavy snows prevent … at high elevations.
A. Grow tress
B. The growth of trees
C. Trees are growing
D. And growth of trees
36. Usually, the more skilled an athlete … the more effortless the athlete’s movements appear to
A. What is
B. That is
C. That it is
D. is
37. Trilobites, a group of spineless animals, flourished in the oceans for several hundred million
years … some 200 million years ago.
A. Until they became extinct
B. And their extinction
C. That were extinct
D. Because their extinction
38. Recent engineering developments have made … to recycle plastic and bottles into polyester
A. Possible, and
B. It is possible
C. The possible
D. It possible
39. …, bottle-nossed dolphins become talented performance at many aquariums.
A. When to train
B. Are training
C. When trained
D. To train them
40. The art of the 1960’s was characterized by diversity and by the independence of artist … main
affinities were more often sociopolitical then stylistic.
A. Whose
B. That
C. They have
D. Of which
41. Flower oils are … of the ingredients used in making perfume.
A. Among expensive
B. Among the most expensive
C. Being most expensive
D. expensive
42. A quilt that looks ordinary … may become a work of abstract art when it’s hung on a while
A. Lying on a bed
B. Lies on a bed
C. To be lying on a bed
D. To lie on a bed
43. …, the hummingbird gets its name from the sound that its wings make during flight.
A. Has a brilliant color
B. The brilliant color
C. Which is brilliantly colored
D. Brilliantly colored
44. Except for the sun, all stars are too far from the Earth for their distances … it miles or
A. To be conveniently measured
B. Which conveniently measured
C. To measured conveniently
D. Conveniently measured
45. Many technological innovations, such as the telephone, … the result of sudden bursts of
inspiration in fact were preceded by many inconclusive efforts.
A. Whose appearance
B. That appear to be
C. And appear to be
D. Are appearing
46. A microscope can reveal vastly … detail than in visible to the naked eye.
A. Than
B. Than more
C. More than
D. More
47. Narcissus bulbs … at least three inches apart and convened with about four inches of well
drained soil.
A. Should be planted
B. To plant
C. Must planting
D. Should plant
48. Industrialization has been responsible for … most radical of the environmental changes caused
by humans.
A. A
B. The
C. Some of which
D. Which are the
49. In many areas the slope and topography of the land … excess rainfall to run off into a natural
A. Neither permit
B. Without permitting
C. Nor permitting
D. Do not permit
50. Color and light, taken together, … the aesthetic impact of the interior of a building.
A. Very powerfully influence
B. Very influence powerfully
C. Powerfully very influence
D. Influence powerfully very

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