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You are going to read an article about digestion.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap(35-40).

There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use


The human body needs food and drink to survive. 35. This process is called

digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth where food is mashed up by the teeth and tongue.

36. The food travels down the oesophagus into the stomach. Here, powerful acids

change food into mush. This then squeezes into the small intestine, where it mixes with the

juices from the pancreas and gall bladder. 37. The liver stores these useful

substances. Waste product are pushed out of the body through the large intestine and the

rectum. 38. There are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibre, minerals and vitamins.

39. They also make sure that we have the right amount salt and water.

40. Any useful substances are sorted out and returned to the blood. Waste

chemicals and any salt and water we do not need are send to the bladder to be passed out

as urine.
A. Saliva softens the food, ready for swallowing.
B. The things we eat and drink must first be turned into substances the body can
C. Waste from all over the body travels in the blood to the kidneys.
D. Proteins are used to build and repair muscles.
E. The kidneys work with the liver to clean our blood by removing any harmful
F. Vitamins and minerals are chemical that are essential to keep us healthy and
help us grow.
G. Any useful substances pass through the walls of small intestine and are taken
by the blood to the liver.
H. There are several kinds of substances in food called nutrients that our bodies
must have to survive and stay healthy.
Mak Yong

Mak Yong is a Malay dance drama tradition found primarily in Kelantan, northern

Terengganu and Pattani region in 35. Thailand. It absorbed

many of the

refinements of palace arts. These includes elaborate costumes and the use of court

language for the characters of the royalty. A performance includes dancing, acting, singing

and storytelling. 36. Some performance are carried out to fulfil special obligation

or for the purpose of healing. In Mak Yong, women have major roles including playing male

37. characters The repertoire consist of 12 main stories that narrate


adventures of mythical heroes. The stories of Mak Yong are rooted in in the mythology of the

old Kelantan and Pattani Sultanates and back to the Srivijaya 38. Empire.

Mak Yong too adopted stories from Buddhist Jataka Tales. Most of the stories are based on

the adventures these mythical heroes, like Dewa Muda and Dewa 39.

In 2005, UNESCO recognised mak yong as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage

Of Humanity. Since then, efforts are underway to elevate mak yong to national theatre level.
In essence the mak yong remains a community tradition and most alive when performed in

the traditional 40. way. It is our responsibility to ensure mak yong does

disappear from its own community.

A. Ritual is an important aspect of Mak Yong.

B. Men participate in minor roles and as musicians.
C. Its hard to pinpoint the origin of Mak Yong.
D. In a makeshift open walled theatre made of bamboo, wood and attap in the middle
of the village.
E. Mak Yong is well loved by the poor, the rich and also preferred by the royals.
F. Most stories involve mythical royal celestial figures.
G. Others claim that the tradition originated from Cik Siti Wan Kembang- the
legendary queen of Kelantan.
H. The stylised movements involve gentle gestures of hand and arm, soft hands
positions, slow steps and graceful turns to the sound of rebab (spiked fiddle).

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