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OPINION Therapy of myositis: biological and physical
Ingrid E. Lundberg a, Jiri Vencovsky b, and Helene Alexanderson a,c

Purpose of review
To give an update on reported use and effects of biological and physical therapies in patients with
Recent findings
The most promising biological treatment in polymyositis, dermatomyositis and juvenile dermatomyositis is
B-cell blockade by rituximab. Anti-Jo or anti-Mi-2 antibodies were predictors of response suggesting
different molecular pathways in different subsets of myositis. T-cell blockade with abatacept is a new
possibility, as is blockade of interleukin-1, interleukin-6 or type I interferon, but controlled studies are
needed. Metabolic abnormalities may contribute to muscle impairment, lending support to combine
pharmacological therapy with exercise in patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis. Exercise
improved the aerobic milieu in the muscle, along with improved aerobic capacity, and reduced disability.
Support is also provided for the safety of exercise in patients with recent-onset polymyositis and
dermatomyositis and exercise is well tolerated in patients with juvenile dermatomyositis.
There is a strong need to develop new therapies in patients with myositis. To achieve this, more knowledge
is needed on the molecular pathogenesis. Targeted therapies using biologics or exercise can be employed
to achieve an improved understanding of molecular pathways, provided that clinical outcome measures are
combined with molecular studies on muscle and blood.
biological treatment, dermatomyositis, exercise, pharmacological treatment, polymyositis

INTRODUCTION is tapered. Therefore, there is an unmet need for

The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies are clini- new therapies. For patients with IBM, conventional
cally heterogeneous with common symptoms of immunosuppressive treatment has limited or no
muscle weakness and fatigue. Subgroups include effects, suggesting other molecular mechanisms
adult dermatomyositis, polymyositis, inclusion body in the disease process. Concerning the immune-
myositis (IBM), necrotizing myopathy and juvenile mediated necrotizing myopathies, the molecular
dermatomyositis (JDM). Different clinical and histo- pathogenesis is unclear and response to immune
pathological features indicate that different mole- suppressive treatment varies.
cular pathogenic mechanisms may predominate in Recently, it has been recognized that pharma-
different subsets of myositis. Subgroups could also be cological therapy by itself may not be sufficient to
based on the pattern of autoantibodies [1]. Response recover muscle strength, endurance and perform-
to pharmacological treatment varies that supports ance in daily life. In this context, a role of physical
the notion on different pathophysiology in different
disease subsets.
The pharmacological treatment of dermatomyo- Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet,
sitis and polymyositis is based on high doses of Solna, Stockholm, Sweden, bInstitute of Rheumatology, Prague, Czech
Republic and cDivision of Physiotherapy, Department of Neurobiology,
glucocorticoids over long periods, often in combi-
Care Science and Society, Karolinska Institutet and Physical Therapy
nation with another immune-modulating agent, Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden
most often methotrexate or azathioprine. Other Correspondence to Ingrid E. Lundberg, Rheumatology Unit, Department
immune-modulating therapies used are cyclospor- of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna,
ine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and high SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 5177 6087; e-mail: Ingrid.
doses of intravenous immunoglobulin. Despite this
treatment, most patients experience persisting Curr Opin Rheumatol 2014, 26:704–711
muscle weakness or a relapse when the medication DOI:10.1097/BOR.0000000000000109 Volume 26  Number 6  November 2014

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Therapy of myositis: biological and physical Lundberg et al.

with myositis [6–8]. In a case series of 14 patients

KEY POINTS with dermatomyositis and acute interstitial pneu-
 Promising results have been revealed by targeting B monia, treated with infliximab in an early phase of
cells in patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis and disease, 10 cases had improved muscle and lung
JDM. Other biological therapies that may be of further function, although exact data on improvement
interest are those targeting T cells, type I interferon, are missing [6]. In the same study [6], four cases
interleukin-1 or interleukin-6. that were treated later in the disease died. A case
 Adding exercise to immunosuppressive treatment in with systemic sclerosis and myositis with extensive
established polymyositis or dermatomyositis leads to cutaneous calcinosis on fingers and in the pelvic
improved strength and performance. region improved after 41-month treatment with
infliximab infusions [7]. The resolution of calcinosis
 There is increasing evidence for safety of exercise in
was confirmed by a pelvic computed tomography
active polymyositis/dermatomyositis and
juvenile dermatomyositis. scan [7]. A woman with antisynthetase syndrome
and anti-Jo-1 antibodies, previously resistant to
 Effects of exercise in IBM and in JDM need to be further treatment with conventional immunosuppressive
investigated. drugs, improved in her arthritis during treatment
with adalimumab in combination with leflunomide
over 4 years [8]. The authors reported stabilized lung
exercise has gained attention and combining function and normalized muscle enzyme during
pharmacological treatment with physical exercise this treatment.
has added value [2,3]. In this review, we will discuss The positive results from treatment with anti-
the potential role of biological and physical therapy TNF therapy in myositis need to be considered in the
on the basis of their reported effects in patients with context of reports with patients having flared during
myositis, with a focus on literature review over 2013 anti-TNF therapy with a possible activation of the
to 2014. type I interferon system [9,10]. In addition, there
have been several reports of new onset of polymyo-
sitis or dermatomyositis or antisynthetase syndrome
BIOLOGICAL THERAPY during anti-TNF treatment of other diseases. Twenty
The use of biological therapies in patients with other such cases are summarized in a report by Brunasso
inflammatory rheumatic conditions, such as et al. [11]. The TNF-blocking agents in this report
rheumatoid arthritis, has revolutionized patient include infliximab, adalimumab and etanercept.
care. Remarkably, they have not only improved Taken together, we can conclude that there is hetero-
quality of life, but they have actually changed the geneity in response to TNF blockade. Unfortunately,
disease course and may stop tissue destruction. neither do we have a prognostic marker for response
Although the effects of biological therapy in nor for predicting who is at risk of having a flare with
patients with myositis have been less studied, TNF blockade. Moreover, TNF does not seem to be a
importantly, the response to targeted therapies, key molecule in the pathogenesis of most patients
such as biologics, may, in addition to providing with polymyositis or dermatomyositis. Thus, other
benefit to the patients, provide new information therapies need to be sought.
concerning the role of particular molecular path-
ways in different subsets of patients.
Rituximab: B-cell depletion
The most promising biological therapy so far is
Anti-tumor necrosis factor rituximab. The rationale for B-cell blockade is the
The reasons for using tumor necrosis factor (TNF) presence of autoantibodies establishing the involve-
blockade as a treatment for patients with inflamma- ment of B cells in the pathogenesis of myositis. Up to
tory myopathies are numerous and include the 90% of myositis patients may have autoantibodies
following: expression of TNF in muscle biopsies, even though some specificities have not been ident-
genetic associations with increased TNF production ified (our unpublished data), and B cells and plasma
and the more severe disease with cutaneous calci- cells have been observed in muscle tissue of myositis
nosis in patients with JDM [4]. Previous reports of patients.
anti-TNF treatment are conflicting and were sum- The results of a number of case series between
marized by Aggarwal and Oddis [5]. 2005 and 2012 constituted the rationale for the
Over the past year, we found two case reports ‘Rituximab In Myositis’ (RIM) trial [5]. Although
and one case series reporting positive effects of anti- the primary endpoint was not achieved, 83% of
TNF treatment on disease manifestations in patients the randomized patients met the definition of

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Myositis and myopathies

&& &&
improvement [12 ]. In an ad-hoc study [13 ], the However, in peripheral blood, a shift from T helper
presence of anti–Jo-1 and anti–Mi-2 autoantibodies 17 cells to T helper 1 cells was recorded, indicating a
was a predictor of response to rituximab in the RIM systemic effect of anakinra in favor of T helper 1
trial. This confirms that there is a subpopulation immune response. In a pilot study [19 ], including
of patients with significant antibody component four patients with IBM, no effect on muscle strength
who are more sensitive to B-cell depletion with was recorded after a mean of 7.7 months of treat-
rituximab. ment with anakinra. These results indicate a role of
During the past year, some more case series with interleukin-1 in the pathogenesis of subsets of
beneficial effects of rituximab have been reported in myositis patients. A larger placebo-controlled trial
patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis and is indicated.
antisynthetase syndrome [14,15]. In a review of
publications on rituximab treatment in myositis
patients until 2012, 80% of patients improved and Abatacept T-cell blockade
the drug was well tolerated in the majority of the A rationale to use abatacept, a T-cell-blocking agent
reported cases [16]. Even though there is a publi- in myositis, is the frequent observation of T cells in
cation bias to be considered, the number of positive muscle tissue of myositis patients. Abatacept is a
reports on the effect of rituximab argue in favor of human fusion protein of cytotoxic T lymphocyte
this treatment despite the failure to achieve signifi- antigen 4 and the Fc portion of human immuno-
cant difference between the two arms in the double- globulin G1 and acts by inhibiting T-cell activation.
blind randomized controlled trial (RCT), the RIM Three case reports suggest beneficial effects of
trial. Possible explanations for the negative results, abatacept on clinical signs and on serum levels of
including trial design, are discussed in an Editorial Creatine kinase in patients with myositis; one case
[17 ]. The RIM trial underscores the necessity to with refractory polymyositis, one JDM case with
carefully plan the study design and supports enroll- severe ulceration and refractory calcinosis and a
ing homogeneous patient populations in future third case with necrotizing myopathy and signs of
& &
trials. The new myositis response criteria that are interstitial lung disease and vasculitis [20,21 ,22 ].
being developed will also help predict outcomes These reports suggest that T cells may have a role in
more accurately. subgroups of myositis. A phase II randomized pilot
study with abatacept treatment in patients with
adult polymyositis and dermatomyositis is ongoing
Anakinra: interleukin-1 blockade [Abatacept treatment in polymyositis and derma-
The rationale for using interleukin-1 blockade in myositis (ARTEMIS)] and may give more infor-
patients with myositis is the consistent upregulation mation on the effects and tolerance, as well as on
of interleukin-1 alpha and interleukin-1 beta in possible predictors of response.
muscle tissue of these patients. Interleukin-1 recep-
tors are expressed on endothelial cells and in muscle
fiber membrane in muscle tissue of patients with Tocilizumab: interleukin-6 blockade
polymyositis and dermatomyositis. These receptors Tocilizumab is an antibody-blocking interleukin-6.
may allow interleukin-1 to induce upregulation of With the same reasoning as above that T cells are
adhesion molecules. Thus, interleukin-1 may con- involved in the pathophysiology of myositis, it
tribute to chronic inflammatory changes in muscle makes sense to block interleukin-6 as a cytokine
tissue of these patients. that may activate T cells. Interleukin-6 is over-
Two case reports suggested beneficial effect of expressed in muscle tissue of patients with myositis
anakinra in patients with polymyositis/dermato- and high levels have been detected in sera of myo-
myositis. In an open mechanistic trial, including sitis patients. Three case reports suggest beneficial
treatment-resistant patients with polymyositis, effects of treatment with tocilizumab, two patients
dermatomyositis and IBM, clinical improvement with polymyositis [23] and recently one patient
according to the International Myositis Assessment with refractory overlap syndrome with dermato-
& Clinical Studies Group definition was observed in myositis, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis
seven out of 15 patients (three polymyositis, three [24 ].
dermatomyositis and one IBM) [18 ]. The improve-
ment was confirmed by improved muscle endurance
according to the functional index in myositis [18 ]. Sifalimumab: interferon blockade
The clinical improvement did not correspond to The rationale for targeting interferon alpha in myo-
clearing of inflammatory infiltrates in muscle tissue, sitis is the type I interferon gene signature in muscle
in which interleukin-1 expression was still recorded. tissue and peripheral blood in patients with

706 Volume 26  Number 6  November 2014

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Therapy of myositis: biological and physical Lundberg et al.

dermatomyositis and polymyositis, as well as the extension revealed that only quadriceps strength
interferon-inducing capacity of sera with anti-Jo-1 improvement was sustained whereas all other vari-
and anti-Ro/anti-La antibodies. A phase 1b RCT with ables returned to the baseline values, indicating that
the interferon alpha-blocking antibody sifalimumab continuing exercise is necessary to maintain and
demonstrated a moderate suppression of the type 1 improve function and health.
interferon signature in peripheral blood and in Eight patients with JDM in remission but with
repeat muscle biopsies [25 ]. The effects on inter- muscle impairment, ages 16–42 years, completed
feron protein expression in muscle biopsies were a home-based 12-week aerobic exercise program
& &&
inconclusive. An ad-hoc study [26 ] reported a coor- [33 ]. The program was well tolerated and resulted
dinated suppression of T-cell-related proteins, such in improved VO2 max, reduced exercise heart rate
as soluble interleukin 2 receptor alpha, TNF receptor and improved 6-min walking distance without
2 and interleukin-18, in serum after neutralization increased serum Creatine kinase (CK) levels. Ten
of the type I interferon gene signature with sifali- children between 7 and 17 years with chronic and
mumab. These preliminary data support a possible mild JDM improved in VO2 max, muscle strength
role of type I interferons in the pathogenesis of and quality of life without increased release of
subgroups of myositis and support the need for muscle enzymes after a twice a week 12-week aerobic
further investigations. and resistance training program [34].
Reports on effects of exercise in inflammatory,
active, recent-onset polymyositis/dermatomyositis
PHYSICAL THERAPY are fewer, but some new studies [35–37] suggest
Earlier, only a few studies [27–29] had demonstrated their safety. An RCT confirmed safety of resistance
beneficial effects of physical therapy in the form of training combined with brisk walking performed
aerobic exercise alone or in combination with resist- 5 days a week, introduced about 4 weeks after start
ance training in patients with established myositis. of pharmacological therapy [38 ]. The control
group performed a range of motion program 5 days
a week. After 24 weeks both groups had improved
Aerobic exercise and resistance training muscle function and aerobic capacity, indicating
The mechanisms explaining the beneficial effects that the exercise program did not have short-term
may be several. An acquired metabolic disturbance additional value in this phase of disease. There were
that exercise may reverse has been postulated. no signs of increased inflammation by analysis of
Bertolucci et al. [30 ] reported abnormal blood muscle biopsies or CPK levels. In an open 2-year
lactate levels in 20 patients with established follow-up, the exercise group was still significantly
polymyositis/dermatomyositis compared with 15 improved in muscle function and aerobic capacity
healthy controls at rest and after an incremental and seemingly more physically active compared
submaximal treadmill-walking exercise bout. Four with the control group, indicating that exercise
patients were included in an aerobic treadmill- employed early with regular support might enhance
walking program performed 3 days a week for physical activity levels in the long term [38 ].
6 weeks [30 ]. Reduced lactate levels were seen in Three patients with active polymyositis with
all, and two patients improved by more than 20% persistent muscle weakness and elevated muscle
in physical capacity and three in autonomy in life. enzymes despite treatment were introduced to
An RCT was undertaken with a 12-week endur- strengthening exercise in combination with aerobic
ance exercise program of ergometer biking, along treadmill walking [39 ]. Above 20% improvement
with resistance training of the quadriceps. The was achieved in grip strength and aerobic capacity
exercise group exercised for 1 h for 3 days a week in one patient, and two improved in daily activities
and was compared with a nonexercising control and quality of life. A case report described safety of a
group [31 ]. The exercise group improved in VO2 4-week hospital-based rehabilitation program in a
max, muscle strength, daily activities and quality of young woman with active polymyositis [40].
life compared with the nonexercising control group.
Intramuscular lactate levels after an all-out cycling
session investigated by microdialysis were lower, Resistance training
and the cycling time to exhaustion was doubled Safety and efficacy of resistance training have been
in the exercise group but was unchanged in the established by several studies [36,41–46]. Exercise
control group. These observations together with with resistance putty to improve grip strength was
increased mitochondria enzyme activities in muscle feasible and well tolerated in a pilot study [47 ] of
tissue indicate that exercise can improve the patients with established polymyositis/dermato-
within-muscle aerobic capacity [32 ]. A 1-year open myositis, but more studies are needed to optimize

1040-8711 ß 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 707

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Table 1. Exercise studies in adults and children with IIM published 2012–2014

Results Results safety


Compared with Compared with

Exercise/ controls when controls when
Patients/ Disease duration/ Load/int. % of Outcome applicable/ Outcome applicable/
Study/design healthy (n) Diagnosis activity frequency max/VRM benefits responders (n) safety responders (n)
Myositis and myopathies

Bertolucci 20 patients PM/DM Establ. Aerobic/ 60–75%/pred Lactate þ (reduced) NA

et al. 2014 [30 ] maximal
heart rate
Controlled/open 15 HC 12 weeks/ 6 MWT 0 resp. (n)
4/20 exercised 3 day/weeks 10 MWT 0
Autonomy in life 4
Alemo Munters 23 PM/DM Establ. Aerobic, 70%/VO2 max, VO2 max þ 6 item þ/EG: resp.
et al. 2013 [31 ] endurance/
RCT, 1-year open 12 weeks/ 1 030–40 VRM 5 VRM þ Core set, n ¼ 7 of 11,
3 day/weeks MACTAR þ Resp. n¼0
MAP þ CG (p < 0.01)
SF-36 þ Biopsies 0
Alemo Munters 23 patients PM/DM Establ. Aerobic, 70%/VO2 max, Lactate þ (reduced) NA
et al. 2013b [32 ] endurance/
RCT 12 HC 12 weeks/ 1 030–40 VRM Biking time to
(same exercise protocol 3 day/weeks CS þ
as [31 ])
?-HAD þ
Riisager et al. 8 JDM Establ. Aerobic/ 65%/VO2 max VO2 max þ CPK 0
2013 [33 ]
Open study 12 weeks/ 6 MWT þ
3–4 day/weeks MMT 0
Omori et al. 2012 [34] 10 JDM Establ. Resistance, 3 08–12 VRM, CMAS þ DAS 28 þ
Open study Aerobic/ 70%/VO2 peak MMT þ CPK 0
12 weeks/ Pat QoL þ
2 day/weeks Par QoL þ

Volume 26  Number 6  November 2014

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Alexanderson 19 PM/DM Active Resistance, NR, Functional Index, CPK 0
et al. 2014 [38 ]
RCT, 2-years open Aerobic/ 50–70%/pred VO2, 0 Biopsy 0
extension maximal heart
24 weeks NHP 0
5 day/weeks 0
Mattar et al. 3 PM Active Resistance, 3 08–12 VRM, Leg press 0 resp. (n) CPK 1 resp. (n)
2014 [39 ]
Case report Aerobic/ 10% blow resp. Bench press 0 Ald 0
comp point
12 weeks/ Grip 1
2 day/weeks TST 0
Time to exhaustion 1
Time to VAT 1
SF-36 2
Hejazi et al. 1 PM Active Resistance NR MMT 0, Higher scores ESR, CRP, 0, Lower values
2012 [40] (act/pass), CK, AST,

1040-8711 ß 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Case report Aerobic, Hospitalization Discharged
ADL/4 weeks/
5 day/weeks

ADL, activities of daily living; Ald, ALT, alanine aminotransferase; Aldolase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; b-HAD, b-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; CG, control group; CK, creatine kinase; CMAS, childhood
myositis assessment scale; CRP, C-reactive protein; CS, citrate synthase; DAS, disease activity score; DM, dermatomyositis; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Establ., established (chronic) disease; HC, healthy controls;
HAQ, health assessment questionnaire; JDM, juvenile dermatomyositis; MACTAR, McMaster Toronto arthritis patient preference questionnaire semi structured interview; MAP, myositis activities profile (activities of daily
living); MMT, manual muscle test; MWT, minute walking test; NA, not available; NR, not registered; NHP, Nottingham health profile; PM, polymyositis; Par QoL, Parents PedsQL; Pat QoL, Patients PedsQL; PM,
polymyositis; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Resp. (n), number of responders, that is improving more than 20% compared with the baseline; SF-36, SF 36 short form (quality of life); TST, timed stands test; TUG, timed-
up and go test; VAT, ventilator anaerobic threshold; VO2, oxygen uptake; VRM, voluntary repetition maximum; 1 030–40 VRM, 30–40 VRM performed in 1 set; 3 08–12 VRM, 8–12 VRM performed in 3 sets.
Therapy of myositis: biological and physical Lundberg et al.


Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Myositis and myopathies

the training program. Available studies [48–50] Conflicts of interest

support safety of resistance training in IBM, but For Ingrid E. Lundberg: Novartis, Servier, Bristol-Myers
results regarding efficacy to improve function are Squibb and Astra Zeneca.
inconclusive and more studies are needed. All exer- For Jiri Vencovsky: Novartis, Servier and Bristol-Myers
cise studies published within the annual period of Squibb.
review are presented in Table 1.

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been highlighted as:
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710 Volume 26  Number 6  November 2014

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Therapy of myositis: biological and physical Lundberg et al.

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