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Entrevista PET: Parte 1
Basic interview questions.
1. What qualities make a good leader?
A good leader is self-aware, communicates effectively, delegates work, encourages
strategic thinking, and motivates team members to do their best.
The good leader has a series of qualities or characteristics that define him and knowing
them will also help how to be a good leader. Some of them are:

1. Ability to mark objectives

2. Problem solving skills
3. - tolerance
3. Responsible
6. Commitment
8. Communicating effectively

2. Can you walk me through your resume?

I am Josefina Bautista Pérez, originally from Contla de Juan Cuamatzi, Tlaxcala, I was
born on March 19, 1974, I studied basic education obtaining a certificate of primary,
secondary, from the age of 18 I went to settle in Mexico City where after I studied high
school for a few years, then I only took technical degrees, accounting, excel, after several
years I decided to finish a degree, which I am studying, which is Financial Engineering
because of my jobs that I have had, and it is in accordance with the growth expectations
for myself.

3. Why are you the right person for this job?

This job is perfectly suited to my skills. I am totally convinced that your company is the
ideal one for my interests and abilities to solve problems and obtain objectives for the
benefit of the company."

5. Tell me about yourself.

During the last 8 years, I have worked as an expert accounting assistant in ISR
declaration in the Iztapalapa Delegation, which is a public institution.
During this period, I have participated in the development of the budget for each year,
projects together with other departments (budget, payroll, HR) helping to develop and
improve the efficiency of budget items to make budget spending more efficient.
Thanks to these projects, I have developed vital skills for this position such as problem
solving, and the ability to work under pressure, in a team and with a focus on results.
This position offers exactly the type of challenges and responsibilities that I am looking
for, since I have a great interest in working in a prestigious company like INEGI. My idea
is to grow professionally, work, the working method of large corporations and participate
in cutting-edge projects with teams of high-level professionals, and I am convinced that
my experience after 4 years in this type of position is ideal for what what they are looking
for and their interests.


1. Tell me about the last mistake you made at work or on a project.

My last position, I was working on the analysis of the budget items for the 2022 financial

year and I was sure that I had saved my progress and changed the amounts of each of

the items, before going to the next office. It hadn't saved correctly so we had to redo it

again, so the Project was completed late. Therefore, I learned to be more careful and

detailed in all aspects of my work.

2. Tell me about how you dealt with a difficult challenge in the workplace or at


Due to poor communication with a colleague, a misunderstanding developed in carrying

out a job, resulting in me being called to a meeting where I was blamed for the mistake

made, but what helped me was letting the parties speak. For later, I explained the situation

with evidence resulting in an apology from the other parties.

3. How would you deal with an angry or irate customer or classmate?

Keeping the cordial demeanor might help to reduce your confrontation a bit. After all, you

may not want to be the only one yelling in a conversation. The tone of voice would be
made softly but firmly, knowing how to listen is important, asking you to give me time to

analyze the situation or find the best solution.

4. Do you think you could have done better in your last job or career? Because?

I feel that my skills could fit very well in this job because I have experience and I am very

excited about this professional development opportunity that I have been looking for and

where my profile covers.

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