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1.What is the difference between inspiration and expiration?

The process of inhaling air is called inspiration and the process
of exhaling air is called expiration.
2.What change occurs to the rib cage while inhaling and
exhaling ?
While inhaling: Rib cage expands
While exhaling: Rib cage contract.
3.What is the main respiratory organ of human beings?
A pair of lungs is the main respiratory organ in human beings.
Lungs are situated in the thorax inside the rib cage.
4.How does air reach lungs?
5.What are the parts of human respiratory system? Explain
the parts of human respiratory system?
The nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs are parts of the human
respiratory system.
Nostrils- Openings in the nose.
Trachea – It is like a long pipe. It is made of C-shaped rings of
Bronchi – They are the branches of the trachea.
Lungs – They are like sponge. There are many air sacs in them.
6.Which part of the body causes contraction and expansion
of lungs?
The expansion and contraction of the lungs is made possible by
a layer of muscles at the base of the thorax called diaphragm and
by the muscles attached to the ribs.
7.Examine the illustration
 What are actions takes place during inspiration and
 The diaphragm moves down.
 The volume of the thoracic cavity increase
 Pressure in the thoracic cavity decreases.
 Air enters the lungs
 The diaphragm returns to its original position.
 The air pressure inside the thoracic cavity increases.
 Air is expelled from the lungs
8.When air is exhaled on to a mirror, the surface of the
mirror becomes misty. What is the reason?
This is because water vapour formed by the cooling of
exhaled air on to a mirror.
9.Why clear lime water turns milky when air was blown
into it?
Lime water is calcium hydroxide. When carbon dioxide is
passed through clear lime water, calcium carbonate is formed.
It is this carbon dioxide that made lime water milky.
10.What do you do when food gets stuck in the trachea ?
In adult
Hold around the abdomen of the person from behind. Fold
one palm and place it below the ribs. Keep the other palm on
top of it and press quickly.
In infants
Place the child facing downwards in the lap and tap strongly
between the shoulder bones.
11.Write the respiratory organs of following organisms.
[Amoeba, Earthworm, Insects, Fish, Amphibian]
Amoeba : Cell membrane
Earthworm : Moist skin
Insects : Network of tubules inside the body that opens on the
Fish: Gills
Amphibian: Skin( water) ; Lungs(land)
12.How Respiration takes place in plants?
Plants also take in oxygen from their surroundings and release
carbon dioxide. This gaseous exchange occurs through minute
pores in the leaves called stomata
13.What is respiration?
It is a process by which organisms take in oxygen from the
surroundings and release carbon dioxide.
14.What happens to the oxygen that reaches the lungs?
The oxygen that reaches the lungs mixes with the blood.

The blood carries oxygen to the cells.

The blood receive carbon dioxide from the cells.

The blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs.

15.What are the functions of blood?
 Blood carries oxygen and nutrients in the digested food to
the cells.
 Blood carries the carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
 Blood carries medicines, glucose etc.. to the cells.
16.Why is human blood red in colour?
It is due to the presence of hemoglobin. It is a compound of
iron and protein. Hemoglobin plays a part in carrying oxygen
and carbon dioxide.
17.How the transportation of substances take place in
Transportation of substances in insects takes place through the
fluid filled in their body cavities. Hemoglobin is absent in
insects. So the fluid is colourless. And there are no specific
tubes for the fluid to flow.
18.In unicellular organisms the medium of transportation
19.What is called red sweat?
The hippopotamus is known as an organism which has red
sweat. Red sweat is a secretion released by glands situated
just below the skin of hippopotamus to destroy pathogens
20.Which are the components of blood?
Blood is composed of cells like the red blood cells, white
blood cells, platelets and the fluid part called plasma. White
blood cells are of five types. Ninety percent of plasma is
21.How does blood reach all parts of the body?
 Blood circulation is the transportation of blood from the
heart to all parts of the body and from all parts of the
body to the heart.
 The blood circulation system includes the heart, blood
vessels and blood.
 The human body has three kinds of blood vessels the
arteries, veins and capillaries.
22.What are the peculiarities of human heart?
 Heart is the center of the blood circulatory system
 The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body
 It is as big as one`s fist
 It is protected inside the thorax by ribs between the lungs.
 It is covered with a double membrane called pericardium
 The human heart has four chambers.
23.What is the use of stethoscope?
The stethoscope is a device used to know heartbeat. It was first
made by the scientist Rene Laennec.
24.What are the things to be taken care for a healthy heart?
 Proper exercise
 Balanced diet
 Avoid smoking and alcoholism.
25.What first aid is to be given when a person wounded?
 Clean the wound with pure water.
 Press and hold the wound tightly.
 If the wound is on the hand, lift the hand up.
 If the blood flows does not stop, cover the wound with a
clean cloth or bandage.
 Provide medical assistance ,if needed.

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