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Below are options to choose from for the final project for Romeo and Juliet. You
will be selecting one of the options below to complete for this project. 

Individual Options

i. Create a children’s version Romeo and Juliet for a younger audience. Include the main
points of the plot so that your version of the story stays true to the original. Must include an
illustration for each page. Minimum of 10 Pages.

ii. Create an original piece of art (painting, sculpture, collage, etc.) that represents a major
theme, act, or character in the play. Your piece of art should also be accompanied by an
artist statement. Your artist statement should include:

- The title of the piece

- Why you made it
- What the audience is supposed to gain from your representation
- The theme or act from the play that the piece of art represents
- Minimum 1 page double spaced.

a traditional research paper based on anything related to  Romeo and Juliet. 

iii. Write
Choose from the life of Shakespeare, the history of The Globe Theater, Shakespeare in
today's world, or anything else you find interesting.  Be sure to tell me your topic before you
begin.  Minimum 3 pages typed and double-spaced with proper Works Cited page.

Partner Option  
i. You and a partner create and perform your original rap (other musical genres also
possible) that hits all of the major parts of Romeo and Juliet.  Your performance will be
complete with stage names, costumes, and anything else you want to include.

ii. Create a collage with one picture representing each scene from Romeo and Juliet (24
scenes).  Present your collage to the class and explain what each picture represents.  You
are responsible for providing your own poster board.

Group Option
i. With a group of 3-5, choose your favorite scene and act it out for the class, or film it and
show it to the class.  Use your own props, music, costumes, etc.  The more creative you
are, the better.  You DO NOT have to memorize the script, but you MUST NOT change
it.  Requirements:  --props  --costumes    --acting (not reading)    
Eli: Mira que piola que esta esta herramienta ( por ahí ya la sabes usar o una parecida)

Aca también hay una ideas bastante piolas para adaptar ( o no para séptimo, por ahí se
entusiasman con el “ scrapt book de Julieta o de Romeo )

Esto es del British Council , y esta repiola ( viene hasta con un lesson plan )

Romeo and Juliet Activities

 1 min

Updated: 8th December 2020

1. Imagine you are going to make your own film version of Romeo and Juliet. Which famous
people would you use for the main characters in the story? You might find images of these
people from online or from magazines.
2. Create your own mask for a masquerade ball.
3. Draw a character map showing how the characters are linked together. 

4. Make your own soundtrack for Romeo and Juliet. Think of a song you would use to depict
three different events in the story.
5. Design a theatre poster for the play. 

Find out more about the characters of this tragic story with this  powerpoint (

Summary of Romeo and Juliet

 2 min

Updated: 5th January 2022

Are you looking for a great Romeo and Juliet summary for kids? Then look no further! 
Below you will find a great summary (a short piece of writing covering the main points) that
can help you to understand Shakespeare's tragic play.

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. It is about two 'star-crossed
lovers' called Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. The play begins with a fight between
two families (the Montagues and the Capulets). Later, a group of Montagues sneak into a
masquerade ball at the Capulets' house. Romeo and Juliet fall in love and they plan a
secret wedding.

Unfortunately, the families have another fight, where Romeo kills Tybalt (Juliet's cousin) and
is banished. Juliet's father tells her that she must marry Prince Paris. She takes a sleeping
potion and pretends to die so that she can avoid the wedding. Romeo turns up and thinks
she is dead, so he takes some poison and dies. Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo is dead,
so she takes a dagger and kills herself. At the end of the story, the two families agree to
stop fighting.

Themes in Romeo and Juliet

No Romeo and Juliet summary for kids is complete without looking at the key themes. Key
themes are different things that happen throughout the book, such as war, crime or love.

There are many different themes in Romeo and Juliet, including:

 love
 infatuation or intense passion
 hate
 youth
 fate

Now you have finished reading this Romeo and Juliet summary for kids, why not see if you
can write your own short summary on Romeo and Juliet? Have we missed out anything that
you would include? 
Romeo and Juliet Word Search

Romeo and Juliet Quiz for Kids

 2 min

Updated: 20th September 2021

Test your knowledge of one of Shakespeare's most famous plays with this fun Romeo and
Juliet quiz:

1. Where is Romeo and Juliet set?

2. What is the name of the fairy queen who brings bad dreams to people?

3. Which Italian story was Romeo and Juliet based on?

4. What is Juliet’s surname?

5. Where do Romeo and Juliet fall in love?

6. Who kills Tybalt?

7. Name two of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet.

8. What is the name of the character killed by Tybalt?

9. What is Romeo's surname?

10. Which character says this famous quote, ‘O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?’

Read on to find out how well you know Shakespeare's story of two star-crossed lovers!

1. Rome and Juliet is set in Verona, Italy.

2. The name of the fairy queen is Queen Mab.

3. Romeo and Juliet is based on the Italian story, ‘Mariotto and Gianozza.’

4. Juliet’s surname is Capulet.

5. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at the Masquerade Ball in the Capulets’ house.  

6. Romeo kills Tybalt.

7. The main themes in Romeo and Juliet are: love, infatuation or intense passion, hate, youth and fate.

8. Mercutio is killed by Tybalt.

9. Romeo's surname is Montague.

10. The famous quote, ‘O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?’ is said by Juliet. 

Take a look at this fun quiz worksheet for more ways to test your knowledge:

Romeo and Juliet Quiz for Kids

Top Ten Romeo and Juliet Facts for Kids
 2 min

Updated: 20th September 2021

1. Romeo and Juliet was set in Verona in Italy.

2. Mercutio talks about a fairy called Queen Mab. He says that she brings bad dreams to people when
they are asleep. 

3. Historians think it is very unlikely that Shakespeare ever went to Italy.

4. The play of Romeo and Juliet is set over a period of just 4 days.

5. At the start of the play the audience find out that Romeo is lovesick - for a girl called Rosaline!

6. The 'Chorus' (similar to a narrator) tells the audience what will happen in the play right at the
beginning. This is called the Prologue.

7. The 'Chorus' uses a sonnet (a poem with sixteen lines) to sum up the story in the Prologue.

8. 90% of the play is written in verse rather than prose.

9. Romeo and Juliet was not an original story. It was based on an Italian story called 'Mariotto and
Gianozza' which, at this time, was over one hundred years old.

10. Each year thousands of love letters are sent to Juliet's house in Verona on Valentine's Day. The
best love letter is awarded a prize during a special ceremony.
Characters in Romeo and Juliet
 1 min

Updated: 20th September 2021

 Romeo is a Montague. At the start of the play, he is in love with Rosaline, however, he soon forgets her
when he spots Juliet. Romeo is romantic, poetic and emotional.  

 Juliet is a Capulet. Although Juliet is only 13 in the play, she is portrayed as being more mature and wiser
than Romeo.

 Mercutio is Romeo's friend. He is a loud and volatile character. Tybalt kills him.

 Tybalt is Juliet's cousin. He is an angry and aggressive character. Romeo kills him.

 Friar Laurence is an optimistic character, who sees the best in people. He tries to help Romeo and Juliet,
but, in the end, his actions bring about tragedy. 
Now you've learnt more about the main characters of this play, why not try and recreate the
story yourself at home? These stick puppets can be a fun arts and crafts activity that can
help you do this!

Romeo and Juliet Stick Puppets

Romeo and Juliet Quotes
 1 min

Updated: 20th September 2021

 "For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo." Prince of Verona
 "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
 "You kiss by the book." Juliet
 "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."
 "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Juliet
 "A plague on both your houses!" Mercutio

Romeo and Juliet Key Quotations Pack

KS4 Romeo and Juliet Quotation Quiz Flashcards

Romeo and Juliet Activities

 1 min

Updated: 8th December 2020

1. Imagine you are going to make your own film version of Romeo and Juliet. Which famous
people would you use for the main characters in the story? You might find images of these
people from online or from magazines.
2. Create your own mask for a masquerade ball.
3. Draw a character map showing how the characters are linked together. 

4. Make your own soundtrack for Romeo and Juliet. Think of a song you would use to depict
three different events in the story.
5. Design a theatre poster for the play. 

Find out more about the characters of this tragic story with this PowerPoint.
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet PowerPoint

Romeo and Juliet Quotation Quest Game

Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary Mat

Romeo and Juliet Word Search

Romeo and Juliet Page Borders

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