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2022, 47(11)

J Cent South Univ (Med Sci) 1487


Treatment of septate uterus

ZHANG Baiyu1, WU Susu2, ZHAO Xingping2, TAN Lin1, XU Dabao2

(1. Jiangwan Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha Jiangwan Maternity Hospital, Changsha 410008;
2. Department of Gynecology, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China)

ABSTRACT Although there is insufficient evidence supporting the link between septate uterus and
infertility, there are many studies demonstrated the effect of spetal incision on pregnancy in
women diagnosed with septate uterus associated with infertility. Hysteroscopic metroplasty
can significantly improve the reproductive performance of those with septate uterus. Some
Müllerian malformations can be healed by surgery. The accurate diagnosis and appropriate
therapeutic approch are fundamental for successful treatment. Any attempt at surgical
correction of uterine abnormalities must be aimed at preserving or improving reproductive
function. Among congenital uterine anomalies, septate uterus is the most amenable to
simple hysteroscopic treatment. The resection of the septum is performed as standard
treatment worldwide.

KEY WORDS septate uterus; metroplasty; hysteroscopy

张白玉 1,伍苏苏 2,赵行平 2,谭琳 1,徐大宝 2

(1. 中南大学江湾研究院,长沙江湾妇产医院,长沙 410008;2. 中南大学湘雅三医院妇科,长沙 410013)

[摘 要] 纵膈子宫与不孕症之间的联系尚不明确。目前许多研究对诊断为不孕症的妇女进行子宫纵隔切开,并评
[关键词] 纵隔子宫;子宫成形术;宫腔镜

Date of reception: 2022-09-28

First author: ZHANG Baiyu, Email:, ORCID: 0000-0003-0630-135X; WU Susu, Email:, ORCID: 0000-
Corresponding author: XU Dabao, Email:, ORCID: 0000-0002-5455-5592; TAN Lin, Email:, ORCID:
Foundation item: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFC1004800).

©Journal of Central South University (Medical Science). All rights reserved.

1488 中南大学学报 ( 医学版 ), 2022, 47(11)

The most relevant indications for surgery of septate the likehood of adverse pregnancy outcomes[4].
uterus are repeated abortion and infertility. With the Compared with other uterine anomalies, septate uterus is
advances in minimally invasive procedures, especially associated with the highest incidence of reproductive
with the advent of hysteroscopy, other relative failure and adverse obstetrical complications. It is also
indications include infertility requiring special treatment associated with the poorest reproductive outcomes such
by induction of ovulation, insemination, or other as abortion, preterm delivery and infertility, with fetal
assisted reproductive technologies. Tomazevic T, et al survival rates of 6% to 28% and a high rate of
have reported that the presence of septate uterus spontaneous miscarriage (>60%) . Others adverse
decreases the pregnancy rate and may increase the pregnancy outcomes include intrauterine growth
abortion rate after embryo transfers via in vitro restriction, abnormal placentation, fetal malpresentation,
fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The and an increased risk of cesarean delivery[2]. But there
negative impact of uterine anomalies on pregnancy and are many women with uterine septa who do not
on live birth rates is an important deciding factors that experience any reproductive difficulties[12].
should be considered when making the decision to treat
uterine anomalies in infertile women. The literature[2] 2 Pathophysiology of spetate uterus
has reported that prophylactic metroplasty could
prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes, even in patients Most women with Müllerian anomalies,
with no prior fertility problems. In recent years, there particularly women diagnosed with septate uterus have
has been an increase in indications for treatment of good reproductive function, and only 20% to 25% may
conditions associated with primary infertility. It has also experience recurrent spontaneous abortions[9, 13].
been suggested that metroplasty might be best There is limited evidence supporting the potential
performed during the “white balance” laparoscopy relationship between the pathophysiology of the uterine
underteken before an assisted reproductive technique to septum and impaired reproductive outcomes in women
prevent any potential obstetric accidents, especially in with a septate uterus. The argument behind resection of
patients with long-standing infertility and declining the septum is based on the hypothesis that the septum is
fecundity (>35 years) [3]. This paper aims to summarize composed of an entirely different structure than the
the treatment of septate uterus and management of normal uterine wall[14-15]. Thus, embryo implantation into
operation. the septum would hypothetically, leading to a poorer
reproductive outcome compared to implantation into the
1 Overview of spetate uterus lateral uterine wall. To explain the negative impact of
the septum on fertility and pregnancy outcomes, some
Septate uterus is usually diagnosed during an studies[14, 16-18] have suggested that the septum is a poor
infertility evaluation. The incidence of uterine septum is site for embryonic implantation due to the assumed poor
higher in the infertile population than the general vascularization, decreased sensitivity to preovulatory
population, which suggesst that there may be a changes of the endometrium overlying the septum,
connection with infertility . However, definitive proof uncoordinated contractility of the septum, or a local
of an association between septate uterus and infertility is defect of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in
lacking . A septate uterus may be partial or complete, the endometrium covering the septal area.
and the septum may be thick or thin. There is also Detti L, et al[19] have reported that the implications
insufficient evidence to conclude that the length or of uterine subseptations for infertility and adverse
width of the septum has a subsequent effect on pregnancy outcomes, may be the result of a combination
pregnancy. of several factors such as a wide and misshapen uterine
Nonetheless septate uterus does appear to affect cavity, the subseptation length, and a decreased
reproductive health by impairing fertility, and increasing endometrial surface.

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Treatment of septate uterus ZHANG 
Baiyu, et al 1489

3 Treatment of spetate uterus The advantages of this minimally invasive hysteroscopic

approach are the following outpatient surgery with or
3.1 Changes in surgical techniques  without anesthesia/analgesia[24], a reduced risk of intra-
The treatment of the septate uterus has undergone and postoperative morbidity, no risk of postoperative
major changes, and many corrective surgical techniques pelvic adhesions, and an increased rate of vaginal
have been proposed. Traditionally, the uterine septum is delivery[25]. Hysteroscopic metroplasty can be performed
repaired with a laparotomy or hysteroscopic techniques. in the operating room under anesthesia or in an office
The incisions of the uterine septum are first setting. The techniques used include incision of the
performed via laparotomy and hysterotomy and only in septum with cold scissors and unipolar or bipolar
women with a history of repeated abortion. To preserve cautery, or laser, or resection of the septum[8]. Distending
the ongoing pregnancy, noninvasive techniques such as media for the uterus include saline, glycine, sorbitol, or
bed rest, cervical cerclage, and tocolytic agents are mannitol, depending on the incision technique or the
frequently used. Abdominal metroplasty procedures energy source. To date, there is insufficient evidence to
performed have 3 types: the Jones technique, Bret- recommend a specific instrument for the hysteroscopic
Tomkins metroplasty, and the El Mahgoub approach. incision of the septum[8].
The Jones technique involve transfundal uterine During the procedure, the tubal ostia are the
excision of the septate uterus by removing a cuneiform surgical landmarks used for proper orientation. After
portion of the fundal myometrium and septum with clear vision of the cavity and its deformity is obtained,
subsequent repair . The Bret-Tomkins metroplasty is the septum is incised across the apex from the lower
performed by division of the uterus in the margin and is gradually reduced with progressive,
anteroposterior plane and transverse division of the upward, horizontal midline incisions until visualization
septum in the middle without excision of myometrial of the muscular fibers is achieved. The incision of the
tissue. Both methods result in a viable pregnancies rate septum is made equidistantly from the anterior and
of 70% to 80% [21-22]
. The El Mahgoub approach used posterior uterine walls, and the procedure is completed
small fundal, transverse incisions in the uterus along the when a restored triangular cavity occurs with free
septum and the transfundal removal of the uterus with movement of the hysteroscopy between the 2 exposure
long scissors .[23]
of the muscle fibers of the fundus. Traditionally, the
The techniques have some complications including most commonly used instruments are the resectoscope
postoperative reduction of the uterine cavity, formation fitted with an appropriately designed electrode and
of postoperative adhesions, and inconveniences due to hysteroscopic scissors[12].
the peritoneal incision, such as the prolongation of the After cervical dilatation, an electrode (monopolar
duration of hospitalization and a longer convalescence. or bipolar) is activated when the resectoscope is used.
Moreover, transabdominal metroplasty requires a The cutting electrode usually applied is the 90° -angled
postoperative interval of 3 to 6 months before electrode. With monopolar energy, the procedure takes
conception, with a significant risk of uterine rupture in longer, and there is a risk of complications of fluid
the subsequent pregnancy necessitating a routine overload[26]. With bipolar energy, isotonic saline solution
cesarean section. is used as the distention medium. Therefore, the risk of
The development of the less invasive surgical complications due to intravasation is lower than with
hysteroscopy techniques has considerably simplified the monopolar energy. During resection, excessive bleeding
therapeutic treatment. Therefore, these other invasive or significant amounts of cellular debris may impair
procedures have largely been abandoned. Resection of visualization of the surgical area and prohibit
the septum improves reproductive outcomes. completion of the procedure .
Hysteroscopic resection of the septum is safe and Through the 5 or 7 French operative channel of an
efficient and has become the primary modality of hysteroscopy, hysteroscopic cold scissors or energy
treatment. Currently, the preferred treatment for septate modalities can be introduced to perform hysteroscopic
uterus is hysteroscopic metroplasty with good results . metroplasty. Anesthetic time, recovery time, pain, and

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1490 中南大学学报 ( 医学版 ), 2022, 47(11)

blood loss are reduced[29-30]. Hysteroscopic metroplasty A septate uterus with cervical septum (class U2C1)
has the advantages of a shorter hospital stay, and or double cervix (class U2C2) might also be present.
patients are able to conceive within a shorter Although there is no consensus on the incision of the
postoperative period . The absence of a postoperative cervical septum in these cases of septate uterus because
uterine scar following transcervical metroplasty allows of potential cervical weakness after surgery, incision of
for labor and transvaginal delivery . It has been a coexisting cervical septum is usually performed [11, 39-40].
reported that hysteroscopic metroplasty may be In cases of a double cervix and complete septate uterus,
performed in the office setting in some cases , in unification of the cavity is only performed from the
particular when the septum is partial and thin and the level of the isthmus up to the fundus. Thus, incision of
procedure can be performed in an ambulatory surgical the cervical septum should be avoided because of
center. However, the unpredictable nature of this type of potential trauma to the cervix, which is associated with
procedure demands caution and careful selection to cervical insufficiency in subsequent pregnancies.
avoid failure, frustration, and possible complications.
Although hysteroscopic metroplasty for the septate 3.3 Complications of hysteroscopic metroplasty 
uterus seems to be a relatively safe procedure, various Hysteroscopic metroplasty may involve
complications can occur either during the procedure or complications such as bleeding, fluid overload, uterine
in subsequent pregnancy and childbirth. To confirm the perforation, postoperative uterine adhesions, and uterine
uterine contour, decrease the risk of uterine perforation, rupture in subsequent pregnancies.
and assess complete removal of the septum and the When uterine distention is insufficient for
presence of other anomalies, laparoscopy or providing adequate visualization of the septum to enable
transabdominal ultrasound may be used during accompanying vessels from the uterine wall to be
hysteroscopic metroplasty[11]. Concomitant laparoscopic deflected from the central portion of the uterine septum,
or ultrasonic monitoring is an option to increase safety bleeding during hysteroscopic metroplasty may occur.
and security during hysteroscopic incision of the septum Additionally, when the procedure is performed in the
and may facilitate surgery by improving visibility of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle rather than in the
surgical area. Other techniques for hysteroscopic early follicular phase, postoperative bleeding may also
metroplasty have been described, including the use of occur[36, 41]. In the echo-guided procedure, however,
fluoroscopy, sonographically guided septal division, and bleeding is not a problem, as ultrasound is transmitted
even the tactile guidance of thin scissors[31, 35-36]. well through liquids and can be performed on any day of
the menstrual cycle[31]. Yet, echo-guided methods have
3.2 Different types of septate uterus  been found to be less effective and precise than have
In 1996, Fedele L, et al reported that a residual been other methods. In addition, when the uterus is not
uterine septum of <1 cm after hysteroscopic metroplasty distended, the patient may be exposed to significant
does not adversely affect reproductive outcome. A cutoff intraoperative bleeding which may be difficult to control
length for the uterine subseptations by defining a uterus and may prohibit completion of the treatment in a single
with a subseptation <10 mm in length as arcuate [American setting or stage.
Fertility Society (AFS) class VI] and a uterus with a When the duration of the operation is prolonged
subseptation ≥10 mm in length as septate (AFS class V) . [38]
and the fluid deficit is not closely monitored, excessive
Therefore, surgical intervention was recommended for fluid absorption may occur. This is very important,
clinically important subseptations >10 mm. However, especially when monopolar instruments are used
Detti L, et al [19]
found that when the subseptation was ≥ because the fluids used are devoid of electrolytes,
5.9 mm in length, the postoperative cavity remodeling potentially leading to hyponatremia[42-44]. Candiani GB,
was independent of subseptation length. Thus, they et al[45] have reported that there is a tendency for
proposed a new cutoff of ≥5.9 mm, stating that surgical minimal central fundal adhesions to form at the base of
correction restores a normal uterine cavity and thereby the sectioned triangle, as contact between the
rectifies potential adverse implications of the septum. unepithelialized surfaces is inevitable due to the wide

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Treatment of septate uterus ZHANG 
Baiyu, et al 1491

area of the surgical resection. endometrium after incision of the septum with the
To reduce the occurrence of intraoperative and correlated endometrial biopsy in 19 women who were
postoperative complications, preoperative and randomized to follow-up hysteroscopy at different
postoperative management are important. To date, there postoperative periods (1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks). Multiple
is no consensus on the preoperative management of biopsies at different intervals (7 d, 14 d, 1 month, and 2
hysteroscopic metroplasty, and there is no evidence to months) after hysteroscopic septal incision in the 19
support routine preoperative endometrial thinning. The women were taken. At 2 months, the uterine cavity in
rationale behind the use of agents to thin the each woman was almost normal with a minimal
endometrium prior to performing a hysteroscopy for tendency to central fundal adhesions. Therefore, the
septal incision is that hysteroscopic visualization may be authors concluded that perhaps there is no reason to
improved when the procedure is performed early in the delay attempts at pregnancy for more than 2 cycles after
menstrual cycle or with endometrial suppression[8]. In surgery. Another study[53] evaluated the optimal waiting
addition, medications used to thin the endometrium
period for subsequent fertility treatment after
preoperatively usually create a hypoestrogenic
metroplasty in 16 patients diagnosed with septate uterus.
environment which may increase the risk of
The research[8] reported that 100% of patients by 2
postoperative adhesions forming. It recommend that
months postoperatively demonstrated a healed uterine
hysteroscopic metroplasty be scheduled in the early
cavity. With respect to the time from incision of the
proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle[8]. In
septum to attempt of pregnancy, there is insufficient
circumstances of a complete or a wide septum with
evidence to advocate a specific length of time before a
narrow uterine cavities, preoperative endometrial
woman should conceive.
thinning to facilitate visualization may be considered[6].
After transcervical metroplasty, the rate of cesarean
To prevent reformation of the septum or
section is still high despite the avoidance of laparotomy.
intrauterine adhesions after metroplasty, many surgeons
The label of “high-risk pregnancy” that has been
advocate the use of estrogen to rapidly epithelialize the
attached to pregnant women with a history of
denuded endometrial cavity[3, 46-48], or use temporary
hysteroscopic resection may explain this fact, making
splints, such as intrauterine devices (IUD), to maintain
distension of the uterine cavity[7, 44-49]. Two studies[50-51] them more likely to receive intensive obstetric care[30].

have reported that IUD insertion and hormonal therapy

after hysteroscopic metroplasty do not seem to help to 4 Conclusion
prevent septal fusion. One randomized controlled trial[6]
Although there is not sufficient evidence to indicate
comparing Foley balloon insertion versus no balloon
that uterine septum affects fertility, resection of the
insertion following hysteroscopic metroplasty has found
septum is performed worldwide as standard treatment in
that splinting the uterine cavity with a Foley catheter
women experiencing repeated abortion. With the
yielded no benefits for septum reformation, clinical
pregnancy rate, or pregnancy outcomes.There is still no development of hysteroscopy techniques, the invasive

consensus on management after hysteroscopic procedures of laparotomy have largely been abandoned.
metroplasty. Moreover, no benefit of routine antibiotic Hysteroscopic resection of the septum has become the
therapy during hysteroscopy has been established; primary modality of treatment. However, hysteroscopic
however, many surgeons use routine antibiotic metroplasty may have complications, such as bleeding,
prophylaxis during hysteroscopic metroplasty. fluid overload, and postoperative uterine adhesions,
After abdominal metroplasty, the margins of the which require preoperative and postoperative
endometrial lining are brought together when the uterine management. More evidence is required for clinicians to
body is reconstructed [51]
. After hysteroscopic incision of reach consensus on the preoperative and postoperative
the septum, however, wide areas in the endometrial management of hysteroscopic metroplasty and the
covering are left on the anterior and posterior walls . specific length of time before a woman should conceive
Candiani GB, et al assessed the appearance of the following hysteroscopic metroplasty.

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1492 中南大学学报 ( 医学版 ), 2022, 47(11)

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本文引用:张白玉, 伍苏苏, 赵行平, 谭琳, 徐大宝 . 纵隔子宫的

治疗[J]. 中南大学学报(医学版), 2022, 47(11): 1487-1494. DOI:
Cite this article as: ZHANG Baiyu, WU Susu, ZHAO Xingping,
TAN Lin, XU Dabao. Treatment of septate uterus[J]. Journal of
Central South University. Medical Science, 2022, 47(11): 1487-
1494. DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2022.220501

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