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In life, we get many achievements, and many people are happy because of the achivements
that we have, but there are also people who are not happy, but because of them you got that
achievement. Most of those who are not happy are our partners in life, who are also the reason
why we become weak sometimes.

Like a candle , sometimes we put out its flame so that it can last longer. Because
sometimes, who else lights us up they are the ones who gives us negative thoughts, but this is not
a reason to give up because sometimes we need this to make us stronger.

In my life, there are so many people who have been with me through every trial. I didn't
give up because I knew someone believed in me

But those who believe in me are also the ones who makes me feel weak. My parents are the

number onethat makes me feel that. There was one time they asked me, Why can't you be like

(she mentioned a name)?? Because of that, i realize that all of my efforts are not enough until

until I was too drained that there isn't a day that they don't compare me; they always ask

me the question why can't you be like her?? why can't you be like him??? why can't you be like


and because I keep hearing that question from them again and again, I'm

I always tell
depressed because my parents are the ones asking me.

myself that I'm doing my best, other people are proud

of me, but why aren't my parents appreciate me???
but as time went on, I noticed that I became better at things, I realized that I'm good, I can't just

see it because I focus more on what others say and not what my heart says, so I say "wow, I'm
unique" I realized that because of the questions I heard from my parents, my skills have

developed more.

I spent most of my believing that I never did enough’ when in truth’ I was doing far too much

It was just for the wrong people

There are so many different colors of candles, just like us people, who have our own

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