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Fernie Ceniceros - Director of Communications

Statement from Bishop Seitz on Sentence of the Walmart Shooter

Today, as we witness the conclusion of the federal legal proceedings surrounding the heinous
act of murder on August 3, 2019, this is a moment for us to re ect upon the profound impact
this tragedy has had on our community. Our hearts remain broken as we acknowledge the pain
and su ering endured by the victims, their families, and the entire El Paso community.

The sentencing of the shooter to 90 consecutive life sentences in federal court assures us that
he will never be in a position to bring such harm upon anyone again. Our prayers continue to
be with the victims and their loved ones, as we walk together through the di cult path of
healing and rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of this horri c act.  Our prayer is that they will
be able to nd a peace, impossible without God’s grace, that comes only from a willingness to
“forgive those who have trespassed against us”.  It is the incomprehensible forgiveness of the
wholly innocent One who in his nal words from the Cross forgave those who had nailed him to

We must also take this opportunity to rea rm our commitment to fostering a culture of love,
and we must strive to build bridges together across our diverse multi-national communities.
 We in the Catholic Church continue to a rm our commitment to the culture of life and our
stand against the deliberate taking of any human life.  We believe God meant it when he said,
“Thou shalt not kill!”

As a community, we have shown remarkable resilience in the years since this tragedy. We have
come together, providing support and solace to one another, demonstrating the power of unity
and compassion. Let us continue to lean on one another, o ering a helping hand to those in
need and standing up against the forces that seek to divide us.

It is my hope that the conclusion of this federal legal process brings some measure of closure
to the victims and their families. However, we must remain vigilant in addressing the root
causes of hatred and violence and racism, promoting a dialogue, understanding and empathy
as the path to true healing and lasting change.  May we honor the memory of those who have
died by committing ourselves to the pursuit of peace and the betterment of our community.

The Most Rev. Mark J. Seitz, D.D.


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