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11/10/2016 Here’s 

Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz


Here’s Why We Grieve



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I don’t think you understand us right now.

I think you think this is about politics. 

I think you believe this is all just sour grapes; the crocodile tears of the
losing locker room with the scoreboard going against us at the buzzer.­why­we­grieve­today/ 1/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

I can only tell you that you’re wrong. This is not about losing an election.
This isn’t about not winning a contest. This is about two very different
ways of seeing the world.

Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America; one where religion or

skin color or sexual orientation or place of birth aren’t liabilities or
de ciencies or moral defects. Her campaign was one of inclusion and
connection and interdependency. It was about building bridges and
breaking ceilings. It was about going high. 

Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one that is largely

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white and straight and Christian, and the voting veri ed this. Donald
Trump has never made any assertions otherwise. He ran a campaign of
fear and exclusion and isolation—and that’s the vision of the
world those who voted for him have endorsed. Tweets by  @johnpavlovitz
John Pavlovitz 
They have aligned with the wall-builder and the professed p*ssy- @johnpavlovitz

grabber, and they have co-signed his body of work, regardless of the

reasons they give for their vote:

Every horrible thing Donald Trump ever said about women or Muslims
or people of color has now been validated.
Every profanity-laced press conference and every call to bully
protestors and every ignorant diatribe has been endorsed.
Every piece of anti-LGBTQ legislation Mike Pence has championed has
been signed-off on. John Pavlovitz 

@aimeslmfp thank you! So sorry. Totally crazy day.
Half of our country has declared these things acceptable, noble,
John Pavlovitz 
This is the disconnect and the source of our grief today. It isn’t a political Here's Why We Grieve Today… #ElectionDay
defeat that we’re lamenting, it’s a defeat for Humanity.
Here’s Why We Grieve Today
I don’t think you understand us ri…
We’re not angry that our candidate lost. We’re angry because our
candidate’s losing means this country will be less safe, less kind, and less
available to a huge segment of its population, and that’s just the truth.   4h

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Those who have always felt vulnerable are now left more so. Those
whose voices have been silenced will be further quieted. Those who
always felt marginalized will be pushed further to the periphery. Those
who feared they were seen as inferior now have con rmation in actual

Those things have essentially been campaign promises of Donald

Trump, and so many of our fellow citizens have said this is what they­why­we­grieve­today/ 2/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

want too.  

This has never been about politics.

This is not about one candidate over the other.
It’s not about one’s ideas over another’s.
It is not blue vs. red.
It’s not her emails vs. his bad language.
It’s not her dishonesty vs. his indecency.

It’s about overt racism and hostility toward minorities.

It’s about religion being weaponized. ARCHIVES

It’s about crassness and vulgarity and disregard for women.

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It’s about a barricaded, militarized, bully nation.
It’s about an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.

And it is not only that these things have been rati ed by our nation that
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grieve us; all this hatred, fear, racism, bigotry, and intolerance—
it’s knowing that these things have been amen-ed by our neighbors, our
families, our friends, those we work with and worship alongside. That is
John Pavlovitz
the most horri c thing of all. We now know how close this is. 46,987 likes

It feels like living in enemy territory being here now, and there’s no way Like Page Sign Up
around that. We wake up today in a home we no longer recognize. We
Be the first of your friends to like this
are grieving the loss of a place we used to love but no longer do. This
may be America today but it is not the America we believe in or
recognize or want.

This is not about a difference of political opinion, as that’s far too small SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL
to mourn over. It’s about a fundamental difference in how we view the
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worth of all people—not just those who look or talk or think or vote the Join 9,493 other subscribers
way we do.
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Grief always laments what might have been, the future we were robbed
of, the tomorrow that we won’t get to see, and that is what we walk
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through today. As a nation we had an opportunity to af rm the beauty
of our diversity this day, to choose ideas over sound bytes, to let
everyone know they had a place at the table, to be the beacon of
goodness and decency we imagine that we are—and we said no.­why­we­grieve­today/ 3/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

The Scriptures say that weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the
morning. We can’t see that dawn coming any time soon.

And this is why we grieve.

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794 thoughts on “Here’s Why We Grieve



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:29 AM

Hope and change are nally on the way. BO promised it, Donald
Trump delivers it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:08 PM

a country divided in despair and grief. I pray he has

handlers. This article spoke to the essence. Trump
supporters wont see it. Clinton voters understood a
deeper cause, many didn’t like her but saw the cause. I
hope the Trump supporters can live with this. Treasure life
we have until he takes of ce, a change is going to come,
and not a good one.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:00 PM

Beautifully said! This article described the America

I believe in. I grieve because so many Americans
apparently don’t.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:07 PM

You don’t think if the tables were turned that

the other side would “grieve?” You’re
ignorant if you don’t think that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:17 PM

Please, take a moment and tell everyone

here what the other side would have
grieved had the tables been turned.

I am genuinely curious.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:32 PM

I would have grieved at the

prospect of continued
unsustainable economics driven by
an entitled welfare state that is the
progressive liberal left.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

The record high stock market,

the record high corporate
pro ts, or the incredibly low
unemployment rate? If the
past few presidencies have­why­we­grieve­today/ 6/309
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shown corporate America

anything, they make more
money under a Democrat than
under the failing economy of a



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:19 PM

Sorry but that is not the

complete picture, a
national debt level never
seen before trumps that.
Democrats writing checks
against an empty account
is the issue.
Don’t grieve. Pay your
debts, move forward.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:25


The fact is that over the

last forty years, only
Democratic presidents
have made progress in
lowering the national
debt. Obama’s increase
in debt was caused by
his use of more honest
accounting that gured
in the cost of the Iraq
and Afghan wars.
Clinton’s plans were
de cit neutral —
Trump’s plans would
increase the de cit.­why­we­grieve­today/ 7/309
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Truly Carer

6:10 PM

Oh please!! What
kind of “COOLAID”
have you been
drinking?? Take
those Dumboocratic
rose colored glasses
off and smell their


8:36 PM

This really is the

problem that we
face as a nation.
Truly uninformed
citizens who have
been fed distorted
and incomplete
truths from the
media who would
much rather lie to
you than put the
real truth out there
for you to see. Do
you REALLY believe
that we ADDED 10
trillion dollars to the
national debt in the
last 8 years due to
accounting ?? THAT
IS THE PROBLEM!!­why­we­grieve­today/ 8/309
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9:30 PM

Are you kidding or

do you think you are
a comedian?
Because this is so
far from what is
happening. We have
more people
accepting welfare
than any time in our
lives. Our debt is
because they keep
adding more
programs to keep
poor people poor,
forcing people to
meet silly EPA
requirements, walls
being built along
freeways for noise
abatement (Uh, the
freeway was there
before your house
and we putting up a
noise abatement
Entertainment in
the White House of
such horrible people
dressed in
out ts and the
White House is
saying they want to
empower women? I
cannot believe that
you have let the
media lead you
down this path.­why­we­grieve­today/ 9/309
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10:49 PM

You can’t really

believe that. Noone
is that delusional…


11:41 PM

Prove it. Your

comments are


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:20 AM

What? Obama
added more to the
national debt than
ALL of the
presidents before
him, combined.
Wake up!!!


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:35 AM

Just wait for the

Trump supporters
to see our next
recession in 2018,
then they’ll see­why­we­grieve­today/ 10/309
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what a mistake
they’ve done


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:13


Trump never paid his




8:38 PM

Thank you for your

stating the obvious.
Why do people not
see the obvious?


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:50 AM

And if you look at

Hillary’s tax returns,
she used the same
techniques As
Trump dif. The only
difference is she
didn’t have as much
money so her
savings was Less,

Eugene­why­we­grieve­today/ 11/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:37


Great point…

“Trump supporters
believe in a very
selective America; one
that is largely white
and straight and
Christian, and the
voting veri ed this.
Donald Trump has
never made any
assertions otherwise.
He ran a campaign of
fear and exclusion and
isolation—and that’s
the vision of the world
those who voted for
him have endorsed.”

Your opening
statement is utterly
asinine. How can you
simply lump together
the way ALL trump
supporters think and

You sit there and are

writing pure drivel.
Your words written
here just fuels the race
bating narrative the
progressive left keeps
trying to push. Identity
politics at its best.

You’re just pissed

because a majority of
people just elected a
total outsider. The left
just lost control over
acquiring money and­why­we­grieve­today/ 12/309
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how they would spend


Try another angle on

how we all feel today.
It’s just not sticking.
And we are all not
grieving. Some of us
actually feel good. The
real grief here is how
liberals just lost control
and power, and are
trying to pin it on
Trump and his
supporters by calling

Classic Alinsky tactics.

You’re a fool. Identity
politics and political
correctness is swiftly
coming to an end.



8:03 PM

Rude ass


8:12 PM

Eugene, you are the

prime example of
why people are
upset.­why­we­grieve­today/ 13/309
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8:30 PM

The majority of the

people DID NOT
elect an outsider.
Clinton won the
popular vote.


8:41 PM

Actually, the
majority of the
people elected
Hillary Clinton….do
your research and
check the popular
vote numbers. The
electoral college
went in Trump’s
favor, but over
200,000 more
people voted for


8:44 PM

Excuse me, but the

majority of the
country did not vote
for Mr. Trump. Mrs.
Clinton has received
the majority of the
recorded popular
vote. But even still,
the numbers are so­why­we­grieve­today/ 14/309
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close, it’s weak to

argue that either
side represents a
majority of our
country. Rather,
turnout indicates a
very solid spilt
between voters.

Please try to prove

your point with
meaningful words
rather than childish


9:10 PM

Well said Eugene.


9:45 PM

A majority of people
did not elect Trump.
There’s a difference
between popular
vote and electoral


11:22 PM

Actually the
“majority of people”
did not elect Trump.­why­we­grieve­today/ 15/309
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The popular vote

went to Clinton. The
Electoral College is
what got Trump
Elected. According
to Trump, “The
electoral college is a
disaster for a
democracy,” I bet
he’s changed his
tune now….


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:27 AM

Bravo. I couldn’t
agree more.

“Trump supporters
are racist, sexist,
xenophobic, white
people who want to
see you suffer”
~This uplifting, and
in no way divisive
message, brought to
you by the party of
tolerance and


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:55 AM

At least get this fact

right. Trump did not
get more votes than
his opponent. He
won because of an­why­we­grieve­today/ 16/309
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electoral college
that gives voters in
lower population
states a larger share
of the the electoral
college than people
in larger states. The
election was rigged
against the
candidate who won
the most votes.
Happened in 2000
as well. That led to
two wars paid with
the government
credit card and the
worst recession in
almost 100 years.
Hope this isn’t as


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:02


Wrong Obama cleaned

up Bushes debt. He
created more jobs
raised up minimum
wages. Wait till trumps
steals your money like
he has done to millions
of people. He left a lot
people out of jobs with
his Many Bankruptcies.
Please don’t hide these


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 17/309
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10:31 PM

Many people’s
money has been
taken (stolen) from
them for years now
to pay for
programs. Just
check your cell
phone bill! That’s
just one example…
I’m sure I’m not the
only person who
works 2-4 jobs just
to survive and so
much of my money
is “stolen” to pay for
those that don’t
contribute and just
take and take!! I
don’t see how
Trump’s economic
plans could make it
worse for me and
others like me…


11:58 PM

You are silly enough

to think Obama
cleaned up Bush’s
debt? He has added
trillions to the debt.
He has created
more debt than any
other president
before him. Can you
ever quit blaming
Bush for the­why­we­grieve­today/ 18/309
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complete failure
that is Obama?


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:16


You talking about

Reagans debt? He
tripled the debt while
in of ce.


Andrew D Jones

10:33 PM

You’re hilarious. The

biggest budget de cit
on record is FY2009-
also known as Bush’s
last budget. Vanishing 7
million jobs while
waging an invasion on
credit will certainly
screw your budget.
Watch as any
Republican concern
over the debt vanishes
as they slash taxes for
the richest people in


Glenn Condrey

11:04 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 19/309
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Bush doubled the

debt…a whoppig $5
trillion in 8 yrs from
5 to 10 trillion.
Obama douled that
to $20 trillion in 7
1/2 years

11:52 PM

Yea Hillary voted for

that war and Trump
said he was not in
favor of that war
c’mon folks it’s time
to unite for change
people voted for
Trump because of
failed policies over
the past 8 years I
voted Trump I’m
Hispanic I don’t see
him as racist
because I don’t buy
into the mainstream
media BS


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:15 AM

Please, pay attention to

the de cit under
Trump. You will have to
eat your words.

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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:25 AM

Trumps plan to cut the

taxes on the wealthy is
projected to deepen
the national debt
considerably. So what
exactly is your



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:51 AM

Excuse me but the

terrible debt was
incurred by a
administration run
amok, which a
scrambled to save in
the name of American
integrity. Why is the
collective memory of
the USA so miserably
short? Shame on you.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:31 PM

You would of grieved over

money. We grieve over
humanity. Big difference.

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Laurie Zeigler

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:54


I would grieve any loss

of real, living, beating
heart humanity. I do
every day I assure you.
But I don’t just grieve
and believe the system
will listen to my grief
statements. I do
something and I bet so
do you. That is what
will make the
difference. Not any
politician can change
that or improve upon
what I choose to do
(which has been alot),
just like you I bet. LZ


Terra Cain

8:51 PM

Very well said LZ


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:04


I would grieve over late

term abortions. I would
grieve over far left
supreme court
decisions. I would
grieve over a lack of­why­we­grieve­today/ 22/309
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security for our

nation’s borders. And
yes, I would grieve over
the entitlement of the
progressive liberals.


Mike Harrington

5:16 PM

I can’t wait for the

wallto throw you
over it.
Sorry your so
unhappy and lled
with hate. Get some
therapy or you will
continue to be


5:47 PM

Partial birth
abortions are
already illegal, and
late-term abortions
(after 18-24 weeks)
are already illegal in
nearly every state in
this country. Hillary
wining would not
have changed this.

Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 23/309
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8:29 PM

Good one I cry over

murdered baby’s isis


9:42 PM

Ah yes – I think
Jesus would feel the
same way.


10:09 PM

Im with you well



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:05 AM



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:56


Well said


Deidra­why­we­grieve­today/ 24/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:17


Money beat humanity.



9:33 PM

Lie, truth is
humanity beat


9:38 PM

Lie, truth is
humanity beat


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:33


Humanity is not ripping

real live innocent
babies apart piece by



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:33

PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 25/309
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Great reply!


Jeff Freshour

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:35


humanity that is ripped
from the womb and
sucked up into a plastic
container to be
discarded into a
biohazard bin? Is this
the humanity of which
you speak? If so, can
you explain to me why
you haven’t been
mourning much longer
than 24 hours?


Neonatal RN

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:09


If you truly grieved

humanity, then you
would refuse to
support a candidate
that thinks a living
being in the womb one
minute is not living…
and then in that same
minute outside the
womb, is.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 26/309
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10:21 PM

Or vice versa, as you



11:38 PM

Very eloquent, yet

maudlin and self-
absorbed nonsense,
John. Go ahead and
wallow for a day or
two; that’s allowed.
But, if you really
want to know
Trump got elected
and Hillary and the
Democrats were
roundly denied?
Ready? Go get
yourself a copy of
“The Clinton’s War
On Women”. Read it
from cover to cover,
take notes, and
meditate on what
you’ve just read.
Then you’ll actually
have a valid reason
to seriously grieve.
But, this
condescending and
contrived diatribe
based on misplaced
guilt and your own
personal religious
backlash only lls
white space and
serves your ego. All
of your nger­why­we­grieve­today/ 27/309
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pointing is nothing
more than
projection from
deep within the well
of the modern
liberal psyche. Get
over yourself and go
get some sleep,
Everything’s gonna
be alright.


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:58


Well said.


Kyle Stewart

10:55 PM

You grieve over

humanity? So what
about the unborn? Are
they just not included
in the part of humanity
you grieve for?


Julie Anderson

11:35 PM

Listen, I don’t support

Trump and I do support
social tolerance. I was
deeply disturbed and­why­we­grieve­today/ 28/309
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concerned this morning

by the election results.
However, I would have
been only somewhat
less disappointed if
Hilary was elected. You
and many Hilary
supporters are truly
not hearing what a
large portion of
America is trying to
say: They are tired of
being manipulated and
lied to by politicians.
They think it’s wrong
that more and more of
their own hard earn
money is being taken
from them to grow an
inef cient government
which sometimes
endorses ideas they
don’t agree with. The
tone you used is
sanctimonious and
over-simpli es issues. I
do not like how
Democrats are taking
away my freedom in
different ways.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:36 PM

Amen to all you said!!

Thank you


Rich­why­we­grieve­today/ 29/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:43 PM

If you believe there’s a

record low unemployment
rate, you’re fooling
yourself. When 100 million
people have dropped out
of the workforce, you have
to count them as



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:02


There are 94 million

people out of work, low



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:51 PM

well stated. if the liberals cared

so deeply about humanity, they
should have picked a better
candidate. she is well hated by
many and encouraged people
to vote for trump.


Kris Ezra

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:07 PM

We did and the DNC

robbed us of our voices.
We got a president we do
not align with for this next­why­we­grieve­today/ 30/309
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election, but we also saw

our hopes misplaced by
Debbie Wasserman

I know that many

republicans view liberals
as a group looking for
handouts or something for
nothing, and to me this is
not the case. We were
looking for the removal of
money for politics and a
good and reasonable path
forward for all of our
people seeking higher
education at an
unreasonable cost. I wasn’t
looking for more welfare
checks; I wanted an
America that was just and
fair, inclusive, and that
gave back some of what it
took from us and let us all
lean on each other when
we need help.

Maybe we will get that

America from Trump, but
we sure didn’t get that
from the democratic
commission that was
supposed to represent us.



11:25 PM

Anybody ever Hear of a

principle called
,”separation of church
and state”. One of the­why­we­grieve­today/ 31/309
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most profoundly
important principles
that our country is
founded on. No single
event has caused the
extreme suffering and
loss of freedom in the
world than the
interference of religion
in government. But of
course those of you
who have want to
defend your version of
the bible only want
your religious
principles to be
respected. I am
personally opposed to
abortion. But I an
vehemently opposed to
my government making
that decision.


Tez Kablan

11:27 PM

How can you mention

the removal of money
from politics with a
straight face? It was
Hillary’s grifting of
money from less than
savory foreign powers
that turned my vote
against her


Donna­why­we­grieve­today/ 32/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:49 PM

Americans voted for a

hateful mind set, not just a



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:06 PM

Unsustainable economics? You

are aware that the stock
market started plummeting
once the mere possibility of a
trump presidency became
apparent, right? He claims that
he will do all these things,
these very expensive things,
without giving any kind of plan
as to how in the world he’s
going to pay for them, let a
lone the fact that all of our
allies, both military and trade
can no longer trust us.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:27 PM



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:48 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 33/309
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That what scares me, he

has no lter he will say
something that will turn
allies into enemies of the
use our allies will be Russia
and their allies. I fear we
will go into ww3, 4 and 5. I
fear if I actually have kids
they might not have much
to look fforward to but



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:52 PM

Bullseye!!!Nuff said!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:59 PM

Quit being so smug and

educate yourself before



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:50 PM

your aware the stock

market “futures”
plummeted not the actual­why­we­grieve­today/ 34/309
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stock market which

actually was up over 200
points today.

time to let go of the

“hatred” of trump. he will
be a better president than
clinton and will be more
than inclusionary. he
guides policy but can’t
affect any real change
without help. nothing will
change for the minorities
(but might get better)
trump being a racist was a
good story line for the
Dems but was far from the
reality and the truth.



11:48 PM

you are aware he was

sued for discrimination
in house right? If you
really believe the
President guides policy
and needs help to get
things done, where
were you when
Congress blocked
everything they could.
When they refused to
ll vacancy on federal
courts and the
Supreme Court hoping
that their PARTY would
bene t, not the

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Charles Fisher

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:11 PM

Yes, and you realize that by

this afternoon the markets
were back up. You also
realize that the stock
Market has the lowest
level of individual
investors in 50 years, that
the institutional
investments are who is
driving the stock market
up, and at an in ated rate
that has no backing other
than corporate stocks.
There is a reason the
common person is not
investing in the stock
market, yet liberals will not
tell the whole story, just
point to how high the
market is, and leave out
the why information.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:29 PM

Well said. I’ve been asking

how Trump will do all he’s
promised since he was
nominated. He has
promised alot to the
American people but
hasn’t offered any plan of
attack or any way to ful ll
his promises.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:11 PM

Based on what? An
assumption? We grieve based
on cold hard action based fact


Linda Back

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:31 PM

Instead of healing your

article is stoking the res
of fear. As a Minister you
should be ashamed. Mr
Trump is offensive, but you
are using hurting people to
your own ends.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:34 PM

Like those killed with the

ambassador and the
people of Haiti that never
received the money that
the Clinton’s miss directed
into their pockets. The
election is over, grow up.
Burning the ag is not



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:37 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 37/309
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i grieve at the fact that

somehow you value money
more than a person’s actual life
and dignity. …that you, and
those like you, have made this
to be about the strain on
economics, instead of the
strain placed on humanity.


Somebody's Nana

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:57 PM

You say you think this all

about money. Well I want
for my children and
grandchildren everything
you talk about. I want for
myself right now the
affordable healthcare that
was promised. I’ve seen my
insurance premium and
deductibles go up last year.
I just found out my
premiums will be going up
83% next year. I can’t
continue to afford this
affordable income.
My hope and prayer is that
we can all work together to
achieve what you want and
what I want. Eight years of
president Obama did not
help but hurt me. And no
I’m not a wealthy person. I
would like to believe I’ve
saved enough to live on
and my children won’t have
to take care of me

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:45





NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:03


Have fun saying

goodbye to your



11:11 PM

I will gladly say

goodbye to Obama
Care, I deserve to
have my original
plan back. Obama
said I wouldn’t lose
it but I did. Obama
said it wasn’t gonna
cost me more but it
did. I don’t believe
either Trump or
Clinton can x this
mess we are all in. I
do know that my
healthcare costs
have impacted my
family in a bad way. I
know the cost is
going up again. I
need my Dr.’s but I
need to eat and­why­we­grieve­today/ 39/309
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have a roof over my

head too. As
Americans we
should be uniting
and work hard to
nd someone that
will represent all of
us. Obviously won’t
happen now but
think about that
Democrats and
because in 4 years
maybe we can nd
someone that will.
What disasters
we’ve created (
Clinton, Trump).
Wake up, open your
eyes and let’s get to


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:12


Do your riotors out there

really care about humanity
when they are putting lives
at risk by violently
“protesting”? I think not.
People are typically taken
more seriously when they
can move past emotion
and communicate with a
mature and reasonable
approach. Throwing a
temper tantrum that
incites violence and
destruction of property
does not for good
communication make. We
are all different, we don’t­why­we­grieve­today/ 40/309
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see eye to eye, but we

should be able to disagree
without name-calling and
tearing one another down.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:49 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:09 PM

Then you don’t understand the

point of this article.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:43 PM

I would have grieved because a

woman whose policies as
Secretary of State caused
killing, maiming, and untold
suffering to countless
innocents in the Middle East
was now the Commander in
Chief of of the most powerful
military in the world. I would
have grieved because a woman
who supposedly embraces
refugees, has no problem with
arming radical Islamists to
bring about regime change,
thereby causing the refugee
problem in the rst place. I­why­we­grieve­today/ 41/309
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would grieve because when

the bombs begin to fall,
women, children, gays and
straights of all colors are
ripped to pieces. Jesus was and
is the Prince of Peace. Hillary
Clinton is a war monger and I
despise what she had done
with my money, in my name.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:22 PM

Meanwhile, the
Republicans want to get
rid of Social Security and
Medicare, two more safety
nets for the elderly,
Medicaid for the poor,
continued carbon
emissions. There will be
buyers’ remorse when
many people need these
services and they’re gone.


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:16 PM

That’s what you would grieve?

Wow. I’m sorry that your
concern is about money, not


Fatigued­why­we­grieve­today/ 42/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:11 PM

Okay, so basically you

would’ve grieved some



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:14 PM

Well said thank u for speaking




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:29 PM

Well said.
It will also be nice not to hear
the phrase “white make,” used
as an epithet, or to hear how
we’re all rapists, or that it’s
racist when cops shoot an
armed criminal.
We won’t have a government
that seems hostile to us, that
calls higher taxes and less
freedom “morality,” or that
calls our history one of nothing
but evil oppression and
injustice, while turning to blind
eye to other cultures that
themselves oppress women
and minorities horribly.
Go ahead and cry your eyes
out, social justice warriors. A
large portion of America saw
through your sanctimony and
hypocrisy, your desire for
censorship, control, and (real,­why­we­grieve­today/ 43/309
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actual) oppression, and voted

against it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:17 PM

I will gladly say goodbye to

Obama Care, I deserve to
have my original plan back.
Obama said I wouldn’t lose
it but I did. Obama said it
wasn’t gonna cost me more
but it did. I don’t believe
either Trump or Clinton
can x this mess we are all
in. I do know that my
healthcare costs have
impacted my family in a
bad way. I know the cost is
going up again. I need my
Dr.’s but I need to eat and
have a roof over my head
too. As Americans we
should be uniting and work
hard to nd someone that
will represent all of us.
Obviously won’t happen
now but think about that
Democrats and
Republicans, because in 4
years maybe we can nd
someone that will. What
disasters we’ve created (
Clinton, Trump). Wake up,
open your eyes and let’s
get to work.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 44/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:43 PM

So, so true!!!!!


Beth Moyer

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:20 AM

It is so much more than that.

Reread the above article



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:21 AM

There is no entitled welfare

state in America. That concept
is a chimera and it is dead. We
do not take care of those who
are vulnerable as they sit back
and laugh at their abundance
and take your hard earned
dollars. That group does not
exist. It’s an ugly myth.
Come I invite you, spend a
week with me. Come with me
and meet the people you think
the liberal left are willing to
give to, to make the US have an
unsustainable economy. Then
let’s go live for a week in the
home of the Waltons or the
Kocks or the Kennedy or the
Bush’s or shit on gold plated
toilets of our President elect.
Tell me then where you think
the unsustainable economy is
born. Or better yet let’s look at
the lives of the lose who are
vultures of the military­why­we­grieve­today/ 45/309
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industrial complex. Then when

we have witnessed the same
world we can talk.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:21 AM

There is no entitled welfare

state in America. That concept
is a chimera and it is dead. We
do not take care of those who
are vulnerable as they sit back
and laugh at their abundance
and take your hard earned
dollars. That group does not
exist. It’s an ugly myth.
Come I invite you, spend a
week with me. Come with me
and meet the people you think
the liberal left are willing to
give to, to make the US have an
unsustainable economy. Then
let’s go live for a week in the
home of the Waltons or the
Kocks or the Kennedy or the
Bush’s or shit on gold plated
toilets of our President elect.
Tell me then where you think
the unsustainable economy is
born. Or better yet let’s look at
the lives of the lose who are
vultures of the military
industrial complex. Then when
we have witnessed the same
world we can talk.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:25 AM­why­we­grieve­today/ 46/309
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So would I. It’s time to remake,

retake what has been lost.
Jobs, truth, what America has
lost in 8 years. Mr. Obama &
Mrs. Clinton lied for far too
long & got away with it.
So now it is time for justice,
truth & the American way.
Noone is going to throw the
bible at anyone. We are all
included. Bring back jobs. Keep
Americans working. Let others
in legally. Save the unborn. We
can all live with peace. Work
together to become stronger



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:28 AM

May you have peace and never

the need to depend on
someone else which eats at
one’s conscious and lls most
with shame versus
entitlement. Pray this never
comes to your doorstep.


Catherine Loeb

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:32 AM

Would you mind restating this

in plain, simple English so that
it is easily understood?

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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:07 AM

Ultimately we need to be able

to continue to live on this
planet. If we continue to
pollute it at this rate life will
not be sustained. This
disregard will abort life. It is
simple minded to worry who
marries whom. It is
irresponsible to not manage
our population, our waste, our
tolerance for each other.


ann weller

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:37 PM

They would have grieved their loss

of power and control.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:00 PM

Especially over women, who

they really want to have
enslaved like they use to.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:46 PM

Enslaved how? That is such

a vague statement.­why­we­grieve­today/ 48/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:59 PM

We would have grieved that the

USA had turned into a banana
republic, where ten million dollars
for Hillary gets counties arms
shipments, that more unaffordable
insurance would be shoved down
our throats, that migrants would
continue to ood our shores and
sign up for welfare and everything
this country gives away.

Let’s face it, Hillary didn’t see this

coming and offered nothing to the
Rust Belt. The world is changing
dramatically. Free trade lets
capitalism chase the lowest wages
on the planet, which made the rust
belt the rust belt. Obamacare is
failing miserably. It was and is the
Unaffordable care act. Trump said
he would turn back the clock and
people believed him, without
demonstrating any way to
accomplish this task. Trump’s
power of persuasion, without any
evidence that he could do anything
he promised, ruled the day. It
wasn’t Hate and misogyny, it was
too much illegal immigration, jobs
chasing the lowest wages, and
insurance bills shoved down
people’s throats. Our middle class
is dying and is gasping for air.
Hillary would have left us gasping.
We would have grieved being
dragged down the rat hole of open
boarders and a free trade North
and South America.­why­we­grieve­today/ 49/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:19 PM

The rust belt became the rust

belt largely due to automation
in the 70’s and 80’s. I am sorry
for you that you bough into his
many lies but especially the
one about bringing
manufacturing jobs back.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:29 PM

I dont’ understand. Thousands

of people including some from
my family and their children
will no longer have health
insurance if the ACA is taken
What is he to do? He and his
wife both work full time..
neither employer pays for



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:48 PM

ACA is going to double in

cost, so much for
affordable. It isn’t for most
people. Besides, Obama
lied. He said If you like your
insurance, if you like your­why­we­grieve­today/ 50/309
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doctor you can keep them.




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:30 PM

I have a pre-existing condition,

the plan I have thanks to ACA
is 60% less than what my
employer provides. I can now
kiss that plan goodbye because
I’m un-insurable.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:04 PM

Your plan may be less

expensive for you now but
that’s because a majority
of people that do not have
pre-existing conditions
either lost their coverage
and had to go on a much
more expensive and lower
quality plan that was
offered on the exchange
because the small business
they worked for could no
longer afford to pay and
they are paying the higher
rates to make up for what
you are not paying. And
your rate is xing to go up
a lot next year. My
insurance through work
has even gone up with the
ACA. Reimbursements to
those that care for you­why­we­grieve­today/ 51/309
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have plummeted. The ACA

is wrecking the healthcare
industry. They are
expecting us to do so much
more with way less.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:01 PM

I completely agree with all that

you have stated. This blogger
talks about how much the
Democrats want diversity in
our country but then
immediately lump every
Republican into the same
bucket and then refer to us as
ALL racists, bullies, women
haters, gay haters, etc., etc.
How do liberals justify that?
When Republicans don’t like
guns they don’t buy them.
When Democrats don’t like
guns they don’t buy them AND
they want to take my freedom
to buy one away!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:25 PM

It’s what you are, it’s what

you voted for.
The only thing worse than
a bigot is a spineless bigot
who can’t admit that’s
exactly what they are.

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Ian McLean

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:28


“The only thing worse

than a bigot is a
spineless bigot who
can’t admit that’s
exactly what they are.”

Quoted for truth.

Gentle correction
and/or understanding
is dif cult when faced
with hatred.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT

12:42 AM



Z girl

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:55 PM

No doubt. & isn’t racism

against rascists & hatred
towards homophobics,
whateveraphobics just as
awful as “old school”
racism? Where is the love
for these people? You’ll
stick up for a fellow
American that is Not white
or is a female or a Muslim
but not one that opposes­why­we­grieve­today/ 53/309
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your views? Are you saying

that because a person
disagrees with
homosexuality he or she is
beneath you? How is that
any different than a white
person saying a black
person is beneath them
just because of the color of
his skin?? Well I will stand
up for all!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:30 PM

I’m a liberal and I” not for

gun control. I’m also not
for abortion control or free
market health insurance. I
also have a pre existing
condition and will be
without healthcare if the
ACA is repealed. I will have
to stop being a stay at
home Mom to my 1 year
old and 4 year old because
without the protections
offered by the ACA, I am
unable to buy
comprehensive private
insurance at any price. I
will have to put my two
small children in daycare
and spend every cent I
make to pay for it just to
have the priledge to
purchase comprehensive
healthcare through my

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Carla Akins

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:58 PM

None of that is true. ….and

if you endorse and vote for
a racist….well, if the shoe



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:51 PM

Fact: we wanted you to

have a background check
before you bought one.
End of story. Do you want a
gun in the hands of
someone who has a history
of violence caused by
mental illness? Talk about
getting facts straight. You
hear what you want in
order to make
in ammatory remarks.


Bob Azinger

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:15 PM

It’s Donald Trump,Republicans

and other establishment elites
that have killed the rust belt
and the middle class
And now we double down on it

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RN dude

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:28 PM

Exactly and I totally believe in

a diverse America, but a
LEGAL diverse America. We
welcome those who will
contribute to our society, not
drain it or cause more criminal
activity. Trump said “rapists,
criminals and drug dealers”,
not Hispanics, Muslims, add
anyone here, but it gets
twisted into something
different as it is viewed out of
context. I would help refugees
without hesitation as long as
we know exactly who they are
and their intentions. Not
because I hate Muslims, but
because I have seen videos of
what radical Islamic terrorist
do to humans and we are at
war and must protect our
homeland, by any means
necessary. I also believe what
happens in forums such as this,
we only get to know each
other by differing views, not
REALLY spend time and know
more than what we can write
in limited dimensions. I
wholeheartedly believe there
are women who are who are
actually way more quali ed to
be president than Clinton or
Trump, it just hasn’t
materialized yet. I was excited
when Perot was going to run,
an outsider, who like Trump
tells it like it is, which is
unpopular. In our daily actions
what are we going to do as
citizens to pull America back
up? Affordable health care, I­why­we­grieve­today/ 56/309
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am a RN, is a great idea, but it

hasn’t worked nancially as it
was implemented, just because
it needs to be redone doesn’t
mean those quali ed to gure
a real solution are against
health care, it has to be
nancially feasible, period.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:37 PM

RNdude, Your comment

has made the most sense
of all that I have read here
tonight. Facts without
bitterness or fear. I think
when it comes down to it
we all love our country and
want the best lives for our
families and friends. I hope
that we all can put aside
our differences and come
together for the greater


Angela K

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:24 PM

We would have grieved the end to

our religious freedom, freedom of
speech, and right to defend
ourselves. We would have
mourned mandatory vaccinations,
taxes used to push abortion in our
country and spread to other
countries and Hillary’s great vision
of one world order­why­we­grieve­today/ 57/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:55 PM

And, you are incredibly stupid



Z girl

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:15 PM

Said like a true democrat.

THIS is exactly why Trump
won. THIS article was
about grieving over
humanity. Those that
voted for Trump are
humans & fellow
Americans. You can’t love
THEM & their ideas but
expect them to love &
believe in everything you
do. Where is your
embracing of THIS type of
diversity? Or do you
believe only people of a
different gender, race,
religious belief, etc BUT
think like you are diverse
enough to be embraced? I
think Hillary gave it to
Trump when she called half
of America “deplorables”.
Well, those “deplorable”
people have diverse ideas,
thoughts & dreams just like
you. They are just different
from yours. They want to
also be heard & they have
spoken. They are humanity.
They are fellow Americans.­why­we­grieve­today/ 58/309
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Will you embrace them

with the love & kindness
you say you are grieving
for? Or is this not the kind
of diverse people worth
your tears?
#democratichypocrisyatits nest



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:27


Couldn’t agree more.

And Pavlovitz article is
self-indulgent guff: he
and his followers need
to stop “grieving” and
virtue signalling to all
their on-line buddies
and instead question
why the Democrats
elded such a vile
candidate – someone
who claims to stand for
women’s rights but
who has abused any
woman who has had
the misfortune to get in
her way, who has
presided over a
lamentable foreign
policy – ask the Libyans
and Syrians – and who
is up to her neck in
duplicitous double
dealing. No wonder
Trump won. Stop
grieving and grow up!

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Deplorable me

11:27 PM

Very well said!


Kay F

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:26 PM

Angela K, everything you say

you would grieve is so absurd,
it is absolutely ridiculous. You
have beliefs of the parties
completely reversed. No one
anywhere has any reason or
intent to push abortions, and
democrats are the ones
wanting heath care, including
birth control which is the only
way to prevent abortions.
Republicans would rather a
woman die from an unsafe
abortion, you will say no, but
that follows the Republican
agenda more that the crap you
are spewing out.


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:52 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:33 PM

The fact that George Soros wants

the US to go down and he put­why­we­grieve­today/ 60/309
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millions into Clinton’s campaign.

Did anyone watch Obama’ exit
speech to the UN? We have to stay
on course….they want to take
away what America stands for.
Britain exited the European market
for a reason. This president will be
nominating supreme Court
judges!!!! I did not vote for Trump
personally…i voted for what the
Republican party stood for.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:37 PM

I think I would have grieved for the

security of our country. Hillary has
unfortunately proven she is
incapable of doing so. That’s my
biggest relief. Having served for 11
years and spending about 5 years
of my life deployed to the Middle
East. That’s a big priority in my
book. Benghazi was a disaster, Iraq
with the withdrawal of troops and
the rise of ISIS that lled the
vacuum once we pulled out was a
disaster. And most importantly, in
my book, the limitation of
constitutional rights were at stake.
Some of Hillary’s ideas on
limitations to freedom of speech,
the media, and the right to bear
arms was very very scary in my
opinion. Also, and please, I’m not
trying to pick a ght just trying to
lay out truth and my point of view,
the secured and classi ed
information that she mishandled
was extremely horri c. I used to
investigate such violations once
upon a time. And have seen people­why­we­grieve­today/ 61/309
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go to jail for far less. And for Hillary

to be able to run for president after
those huge security violations is
vey hypocritical seeing as there are
people in jail right now for
committing similar acts only on a
far smaller scale. Heck she violated
Title 18 of the US Code thousands
of time and anyone else would have
been tried for treason with that
amount of violations. So I think the
American people have spoken.
They want change and no more



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:50 PM

So you support the man who

says he loves war and loves
nukes? I support my troops,
but I don’t support a
warmonger, or a man who has
no self control . I don’t support
a man who could have a
temper tantrum and cause
World War III.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:06 AM

You do realize that the

president alone can not
declare war, right? The
House members are a
group of intelligent
individuals who don’t
agree on all issues. They­why­we­grieve­today/ 62/309
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are not a group of yes men

and women. So when the
president says, “Let’s nuke
them!”, you think they will
collectively say, “How



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:59 PM

Sounds like Fox news sound




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:32 PM

I completely agree with you.

You serving your company in
the military have done more
for our country than Obama
has done in his 8 years as
president or the 30 years that
Hillary years said she has done
as a civil servant and you did it
for all the right reasons and at
a the least amount of pay than
any politicians. You put your
life on the line for us and I bet
not one time did you sit in the
corner and cry or brag about
what you were doing and
complain that you should have
be treated better because of
your position. You didn’t have
paid guards protecting you but
you knew you had your
brothers back there for you.
My husband, like you served­why­we­grieve­today/ 63/309
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12 years in the military and

had 3 tours in Vietnam and he
had the same top secret
clearance that the president
has and until this day would
not divulge the information
that was entrusted to him even
at the age of 76, and not even
to me his wife of 50 years. I
salute you and want you to
know that in my eyes that you
stand on a higher pedestal
than Obama or Clinton
wouldn’t even be allow to
touch. Thank you for your
service. You are a real man or
woman which ever applies to



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:41 PM

Do you want an honest answer? Or

are you just curious and looking for
a mindset that you can shoot
down? The “other” side would have
grieved for the unborn. Hillary
Clinton Won Planned Parenthood’s
Margaret Sanger Award, and wants
to Continue Her Policies on
abortion. Abortion. Supposedly
made “legal” so that they would be
rare and safe, and occur nearly 1
million times a year in the US. So
much for rare, and for the unborn,
never safe. Racist Margaret Sanger
is Planned Parenthood’s founder.
PP is carrying on her legacy, and if
you dare to even follow up on this,
please nd and read: Woman,
Morality, and Birth Control. New
York: New York Publishing­why­we­grieve­today/ 64/309
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Company, 1922.
Here, on Page 12 . . .
“We should hire three or four
colored ministers, preferably with
social-service backgrounds, and
with engaging personalities. The
most successful educational
approach to the Negro is through a
religious appeal. We don’t want the
word to go out that we want to
exterminate the Negro population,
and the minister is the man who
can straighten out that idea if it
ever occurs to any of their more
rebellious members.” If we don’t
value the life of the most
vulnerable among us, if they are
not safe in their mothers womb,
the rest of us a re not going to be
values, nor safe, it is only a matter
of time. And that is only the rst
thing Trump supporters would
grieve. How many more reasons do
you need?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:43 PM

I would have grieved the loss of

countless children. Partial birth
abortion turns my stomach and it
should anyone else’s as well. The
thought of a completely formed
baby with as many nerves and
emotions and you and I, being
partially brought into the world
and slaughtered is something I
couldn’t get past. I would grieve a
care system that gets to choose if
my elderly parents are worth
saving should they have health
issues. I would grieve even more of­why­we­grieve­today/ 65/309
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my tax dollars supporting programs

I don’t agree with while the soldiers
who fought for my freedom don’t
get the support they need and
deserve. And I would grieve that a
person without character or morals
made it to the highest of ce in our
country. That we are so divided
that we would applaud a person
that has broken laws, lied and
schemes and USED the minorities
she claims to support to further her
own agenda. Look at how her
political leanings have changed
through the years. She doesn’t care
about her constituents…she cares
about winning at any cost. I would
grieve that America allowed itself
to be tricked



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:19 PM

Would we have been safe with a

Hillary presidency? Would we have
stayed out of unnecessary wars
with Hillary? Would our jobs be
safe with Hillary’s private position
on TPP? Would her position on
fracking change or would we
continue to destroy our
environment? Would Hillary
continue to lie and cheat using her
Clinton Foundation to launder
money from foreign interests to
buy weapons?

Would you truly be safe with her or

would she have sold us out?

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:07 PM

Fracking also supports jobs



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:36 PM

First, I would want you to know

that I can feel the pain expressed
here – it is real. Loss is loss and pain
is pain, no matter the source, and I
hope you will nd strength to move
through each stage of grief, and in
time, nd the ‘other joys’ that pain
can bring. I want you to know that
even though I voted for Trump, I am
grieving over what this election
process has revealed is no longer
valued in a country I love. Honest
hearts. Truthful speech. Kind
speech. Integrity. Trust in public
of cials. Justice. Rational thought.
Common sense.

If Ms. Clinton was President, I

would deeply grieve over people as
well, the smallest most fragile
people whose lives are taken from
them before they have a chance to
breathe earth’s air. 60 million of
them and counting … And for the
loss of the common sense that sees
this child sacri ce on the ‘altar of
convenience’ as ‘progressive’ and
labels those who seek to address
the root issues of crisis
pregnancies rather than deal with
‘symptoms’ as ‘backward’.

I grieve the loss of the beauty of

purity and a healthy innocence that­why­we­grieve­today/ 67/309
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honors the gift of marriage as given

by the Creator of marriage. In
assuming we have the right to
make it into what we think it
should be, we have forfeited the
pleasure & protection God
intended for it to provide and are
destroying the very fabric of our
society. It makes me weep to see
such pain and brokenness in

I grieve the loss of the basic

freedoms granted in our
Constitution which has been
defended with the blood of millions
of patriots. I have the right to free
speech – to teach my children and
grandchildren and share
respectfully in the public arena my
heartfelt conviction that marriage
is between 1 man and 1 woman,
and that sex outside of that
marriage relationship is not good,
without being labeled a ‘hater’ and
without the fear of being sued for
‘hate speech’. If I own a orist or
bakery or event venue, I should be
able to run my business without
being forced to violate my
conscience. I don’t hate anyone
who thinks differently, but I have a
right to disagree and act according
to my beliefs. When that right is
challenged, I tend to become
defensive, and I really don’t like
living that way. Tolerance & respect
is a 2-way street, not the billy club
it’s become. It seems to me it’s
being used in the same way Mr.
Pavlovitz decries … to threaten &

I grieve the loss of safety and

security in my country. I love­why­we­grieve­today/ 68/309
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internationals – I have hosted

many in my home for short & long-
term stays, including Muslims, and
have friends I love around the
world. My heart cries for the
refugees – I give money to
organizations who are on the
ground helping them. But opening
our borders to anyone and
everyone and refusing to call
Muslim terrorism what it is for fear
of ‘offending’ is irresponsible and
bene ts no one except those who
would do us harm. Guarding our
borders by respecting established
legal processes for entry while
opening our hearts and helping
these countries solve their
problems so their people can live
there in peace will be messy, but is
1 of the primary functions of
government. In my Bible, no
‘institution’ is ever commanded to
care for the poor and hurting …
individual people are. There are
many good organizations doing
that and people should be
encouraged to get involved. Giving
freely has far more bene ts than
be ‘taken from’ by big govt. taxes.

Finally, I grieve the loss of integrity

in my world. I nd it very unstable
to live in a world with no ‘True
North’, no compass, no ‘I-beam’ that
holds a complex structure together.
Absolute truth is that I-beam, that
compass … when a person’s ‘yes is
yes’ or ‘no is no’, when what’s right
for me is right for you, when I give
the same answer today as I do
tomorrow, when there is right and
wrong, when I submit to authority
even if I’m guilty instead of blaming
someone else for my choices …­why­we­grieve­today/ 69/309
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that is a stable foundation on which

to live. Without that, it’s a ‘dog-eat-
dog’, ‘every man for himself’ kind of
world. I grieve the loss of a culture
that valued truth over ‘convenient
truth’, service to others over self,
and self-control over pleasure and
self-indulgence. May we all nd our
way forward to that kind of
wonderful life.


Naomi Young

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:12 PM

I wish you put an article like

that out there for all to read.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:13 PM

We would grieve that refugees

take priority over American service
people, or America’s safety. We
would grieve that America felt it ok
to endorse and embrace a woman
who is a liar to her own
government and people, just to
cover her own butt, a woman who
only cares for those who “give” to
her, and a woman who has put our
nation’s safety at risk. Just a few


Mark­why­we­grieve­today/ 70/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:14 PM

Grieves the death of thousands of

near birth babies
That’s why she lost
That fact alone gives trumps all the
items listed in this article



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:28 PM

I would’ve felt that rampant

corruption was greenlighted to be
acceptable in gov’t. That the people
didn’t care enough about our
future to send a message that
corruption on our backs is
unacceptable and won’t be
I’m a democrat but could not
accept this candidate. Mad as hell
at the DNC for stopping the viable
candidate and giving us a scandal
candidate. I didn’t vote for Trump
nor Clinton.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:05 PM

I would have grieved that our

boarders would be wide open, and
our newly elected leader would
continue the importation of
refugee’s who have no desire to
become American, and who are
anti-American to be planted in our
cities and towns to use our
resources and terrorize our
citizens. Take a look at Germany­why­we­grieve­today/ 71/309
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and most of europe who had the

same left wing ideals. They are
regretting it now. Learn from
other’s mistakes.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:48 PM

Okay, I’ll answer. I’ve been greiving

for the past eight years. I’m
greIving the therapy my autistic
son quit getting once Obamacare
decided our FSA wouldn’t pay for it
anymore. I’m greiving the three
great jobs in the healthcare
industry my husband lost over the
past 6 years. I’m greiving our home
that was foreclosed on a year ago
yesterday. I’m greiving not having
health insurance for the rst time
in my life because it was 1900$ per
month with a 7K deductible.
Wanting change doesn’t have
anything to do with being racist or
homophobic for most of us. It has
to do with feeling like you’ve lost
everything you’ve worked hard for.
An army mom. I worry that my
daughter will get killed in the line
of duty and when I want to know
why, someone will screech “What
difference does it make ?” At me. I
am sorry for your pain, I try to love
everyone in my path, and teach my
kids the same….but I’m just really
really tired. And so are a lot of
people I know. But that’s my honest
answer, if you really want to
understand me.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:48 PM

How out the loss of self protection

through 2nd amendment rights?
How about he loss of protection for
children which she suppored being
aborted up to 36 weeks? How
about the loss of justice, when she
committed a felony with those
emails? The loss of the middle class,
which would be crushed under her
tax plan? The loss of many small
businesses that would also be
crushed? The hit to capitalism that
started with Obama and would be
nished with her? MAYBE people
are saying they’re sick and tired of
politicians and something has to



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:49 PM

How out the loss of self protection

through 2nd amendment rights?
How about he loss of protection for
children which she suppored being
aborted up to 36 weeks? How
about the loss of justice, when she
committed a felony with those
emails? The loss of the middle class,
which would be crushed under her
tax plan? The loss of many small
businesses that would also be
crushed? The hit to capitalism that
started with Obama and would be
nished with her? MAYBE people
are saying they’re sick and tired of­why­we­grieve­today/ 73/309
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politicians and something has to




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:12 AM

The deaths of the unborn.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:26 AM

I am too and who is ” the other




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:41 AM

You must not be reading or

listening if you don’t hear it or get
it! Quit tuning into the media; they
don’t get it either and are only
parroting what they are told to say.
Wake up and smell the coffee!



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:47 AM

I’m guessing guns, freedom of

religion, supreme court judges,
obamacare…­why­we­grieve­today/ 74/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:48 AM

I remember watching the elections

with a friend of mine from Russia. I
was a little alarmed about the
possibilities of war that Secretary
seemed insistent upon, through the
no- y-zone in Syria. Every time she
talked about Syria, my friend would
blanch and pale. The possibility of
sparking the third world war was
de nitely something I wanted to
avoid. I am relieved that Trump
wants to negotiate and seek
peaceful opportunities with Russia
than seek warfare. My friend was
also relieved, as were many of his
compatriots. I would de nitely
grieve for any Russia-US con ict,
as would the rest of the world
glowing with nuclear radiation.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:18 PM

I don’t believe that was said or implied


Mary smith

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:28 PM

And your too ignorant to understand

the point

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

You misspelled “you’re”

-ignorant deplorable



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:20 PM



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:30 PM

Wow! Way to miss the point entirely!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:33 PM

You SO missed the point. But typical.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:53 PM

Why is it that if you are a

conservative. You are WRONG
about everything. Just because you
are conservative????­why­we­grieve­today/ 76/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:24 PM

Look, liberals need to learn

from this. My brown parents
legally immigrated here and I
have watched Ca Ers and
schools go downhill because of
illegal immigration. I like HRC, I
really do but when you guys
tell me one set of people can
disobey laws and I can’t
because my family works hard
and makes money, I think
Dems don’t believe in equality
and that you coddle minorities
(example: Blacks can’t be
expected to get an ID to
vote!They cost 10$)
Dems like Joe Biden said racist
things about Asians and none
you cared so why should I care
about your feelings now?
You’re hypersensitive and
most likely too lazy to pay your
fair share. So I’ll pay for you
with my 6 gure tax bill but I
won’t let you waste it on
people just because they are
non White like me.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:34 PM

No, I know they would, and I would feel

badly for them.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

No, they would not grieve. There would

be riots in the streets. Vandalism. Death
threats to speci c demographics.
Threats to sue. Accusations that it was
rigged. This we all know. To pretend
otherwise is ludicrous.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM

Check out Oakland. They must be

grieving too



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:50 PM

And what do you think is being

reported to be happening right
now. Riots burning the ag, turn on
the news..



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:54 PM

No one should be burning the


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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:50 PM

And what do you think is being

reported to be happening right
now. Riots burning the ag, turn on
the news..



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:00 PM

I agree that if she would have won,

we would be living with riots and
much fear of what that side would
do in proclaiming the “rigged”
system. I feel that we who are
disappointed are just sad, very sad
and disappointed, but not rioting
and protesting.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:25 PM

I didn’t even vote for Trump but by

being anti-Hilary, I’ve received
threats already. People are calling
for the death of Trump. They are
burning ef gies of him.
Conservatives are not the
deplorables by today’s actions.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:39 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 79/309
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Ya because “white blue collar” folks

are the ones that have been rioting
in the streets and burning down
our own neighborhoods. It was a
very close race. I would have never
thought it was “rigged” had Trump
lost last night. Had it been a Clinton
landslide, maybe. But not being a
close race that could have gone
either way.


Z girl

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:37 PM

Yeah cuz THAT’S what happened

after the last two elections!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:58 PM

The Conservatives have never

rioted in my life time. I have seen
the progressive left liberals riot on
many occasions. They riot any time
they do not get their way. Look at
Oakland as an example. Enough


B D Story

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:36 PM

The “other side” gave up compromise

politics 30 years ago and “weaponized
religion” and extremis in all positions as
nal stands. Their grief would have­why­we­grieve­today/ 80/309
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affected their personal ideologies alone.

The grief we now fear is The
consequential waves rolling across
myriad minority groups whom in this
election comprised a majority of all
votes cast. Again. By those who serve a
singular vision that cares not a wit for
the grand diversity, of ideas, colors,
classes and creeds that don’t walk the
same path up the mountain. The great
‘other’ was played to fear masterly in
this election more than any since 1933.
Of the few book passages that Mr
Trump can recall he can quote
Guerring’s musings on propaganda
quicker than any scripture. We are now
in the reality (show) we’ve scripted.
Unity will come from the crystallization
of groups who will not silently see
progress rolled back. History is on our
side in the greater time scale. You are
about to have your moment. Few checks
are now balanced against the trough
eaters and the golden idol you’ve
elected. Use it well. Appeal to your
highest selves and better Angels to
guide you in the near term. Harken not
to be singed by the alchemy you’ve
unleashed for whatever personal path
up the mountain you’ve chosen. Give us
the grace to walk ours. Lest you do not
the system, the Universe, All that is will
not long let you reign. When you cling to
the rocks in the river in which you’ve
been thrown and thrown us, you will
torn. Go with a better ow in the middle
or please kindly bugger off.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:41 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 81/309
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The table was turned 8 years ago and

that was hard and some of us grieved
also because of the massive changes
that were coming and came.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:51 PM

I’m genuinely curious about what

those massive changes were that
you’re referencing. I seek to
understand your position only
because I didn’t experience any
changes that negatively affected
me personally over the past 8
years. If you were negatively
affected, I am willing to listen and
try to understand your point of



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:25 PM

My family is lower middle class

in a very wealthy, liberal city.
We are single income, both
college educated. Our health
insurance costs 3 times as
much as it before the aca and
provides much less coverage.
Coverage we have lost
includes coverage row frames
for glasses or contacts,
chiropractic care – which we
use as preventive care as it
keeps our immune systems
functioning well, and mental
health coverage. Under very­why­we­grieve­today/ 82/309
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liberal local policies, our

property taxes have increased
hundreds of dollars but the
value of our home has not
increased much. We cannot
afford to live in the condo we
afforded well before obama
anymore because of increased
property taxes, increased local
taxes and cost of living in this
wealthy area. Because the
minimum wage continues to go
up, my husband’s job is
increasingly worth less, and
opportunities for growth in his
company are slow to come up
because they have to
accommodate the new
requirements for people in the
minimum wage jobs (not
families). Those are a few ways
we anticipated struggling
under a liberal government
that have come to fruition. I am
no Trump fan, I didn’t vote for
him and I don’t see him as a
conservative. But that is why I
see the last 8 years as not an



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:27 PM

I was negatively affected by

having an insurance forced on
me and if I could not afford it, I
was charged a penalty. Also,
this Country is more divided
than it has been since the early
70’s. Racial tension is higher
than I have seen in my 60 years
and that, I blame Obama.­why­we­grieve­today/ 83/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:53 PM

First, you still don’t

understand that the ACA
did not and does not set
prices. That is the
Insurance Companies and
they have hoards of legal
minds who do nothing but
nd ways around
regulations. You also don’t
realize that the rates could
very well have, and
probably would have, risen
much more quickly
without the ACA. I know
mine was going up at least
5% a year every year
before the ACA. Also,
sorry you can’t afford
health insurance. I guess
you were probably happier
when you could go to the
emergency room and let
everyone else pay for
you…but of course, you
aren’t one of “those
people” who want free
stuff. I hope you are saving
up because Trump, Ryan.
Pence, and the rest of the
GOP want to end Social
Medicare/Medicaid, and
all other forms of
“Entitlements” that I for
one have been paying into
for more than 40 years.
Gone, zip, no more. You
have such short-sighted­why­we­grieve­today/ 84/309
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viewss that you vote

against your own self-
interest. When they make
the retirement age 70, and
remove your Social
Security, are you going to
step up and admit you
were duped? No, because
you are incapable of seeing
cause and effect. Like the
prejudice…you blame
President Obama for
causing it. He didn’t cause
it, he was only the catalyst
for the lurking demon
within this country. Blame
the victim, it feels so good.
He was hated because of
the color of his skin and
you all blame him for being
that color. He didn’t do
anything (name ONE thing)
to help black people at the
expense of white people.
You just can’t face your
own bigotry, so you place
the blame on him.

I love this country, and I

will call President Trump
our President. I won’t
denigrate him or attack
him or behave as you all
have for the last 8 years.
BUT, I will demand that
you all face the results of
your decisions and if things
turn out as bad as we
liberals and progressives
fear, I will hold you

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

He’s not saying the other side wouldn’t

grieve. The essay spelled out WHY we
are grieving, and it’s not a pretty



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:58 PM

You calling someone else ignorant for

voicing their opinion is part of the
problem this article is getting at. It’s
nothing but nonstop attacks from


Kevin Traynor

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:28 PM

Of course they would, but that’s not




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:29 PM

Elroy, do you even understand the

rami cations of electing a bigot and
racist? All of the American people
should be sad and fearful!!!

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:39 PM

The nature of your reply tells me

otherwise…..more of the same anger



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:25 PM

And why would they grieve? Not to be

rude or sarcastic, just asking.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:18 PM

I wouldn’t have missed the looming war

with Russia, the continuation of a
horri c foreign affairs policy that
involves trying to usurp nation after
nation. No amount of Saudi money is
worth it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:20 PM

Amen! The “other” side has been

grieving for the past 8 years while
watching the largest racial divide in our
lifetime, get wider.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 87/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:30 PM

your response proves this article’s

concerns are real!


Roger Y

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:32 PM


It’s evident to me that John didn’t say

anything like that. I read his piece as
speaking to the loss of a hopeful country
where inclusion is the coin of the realm.
If that’s the America that you thought
that Trump was advancing, and that
Clinton was thwarting, then you’d have
been correct to grieve had he lost. But
you would then have been living in an
alternate universe by anyone’s measure.
The fact is that I disagree with John on
an important point: not only do we, as a
people, share the freedom to outright
reject what Trump and his supporters
embrace, but every four years we have
the power to resurrect our hope for an
inclusive country at the ballot box.
Trump’s election is not a reason to
grieve; it’s a reason to unite and make
right what went wrong. Inclusiveness
starts at home, and we have many
brothers and sisters in white, rural
America who need civics lessons. Let’s
get on it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:59 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 88/309
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Of course the other side would grieve.

But not because of the reasons listed



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:19 PM

And you still don’t. GET. IT!


Diane Chamberlain

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:19 PM

Your grief would re ect that you

COULDN’T be exclusive… COULDN’T
grab ’em by the p*ssy (or at least laugh it
off)… COULDN’T scream that Muslims
(no matter how long they’re here)
needed to be kicked out of the
country… no comparison whatsoever.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:26 PM

Perhaps the other side would be

grieving. However, their grief would be
over the loss of a nation standing for
divisiveness, bigotry, hatred, intolerance
and exclusivity. Our grief today comes
from knowing the loss of love, kindness,
empathy, tolerance, acceptance…..and
no one, not any person ever, can
convince me that these separate ideals
should be given equal credence.

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Melissa Robertson

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:43 PM

Exactly Elroy


Your dad

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:00 AM

Wow, this article went right over your




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:27 AM

And the name calling begins….


Reyna Perez

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:32 AM

Grieve to allow hatred ?



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:33 AM

You must be young. Ive been around for

decades of elections and never has
there been such sadness and despair
the day after an election. The sadness
comes from knowing that (almost) half
the votes cast did not take into­why­we­grieve­today/ 90/309
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consideration all that trump has

threatened to take away. This election
legitimized homophobia, racism, white
privilege, class warfare….and millions of
people just didnt care.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:46 AM

No I don’t. What would they grieve?


Kimberle Taitano

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:52 AM

Perhaps the other side might grieve but

not in the way the rest of us non Trump
supporters are. It is not about HRC
losing it is not about party. I grieve
because of all that we have lost as a
nation. Our diversity, rights to be who
we are free of fear, I grieve that these
awful issues are now deemed ”
Acceptable” Bullying . Degrading of
women, disrespect & threats to
immigrants, and the condoning of sexual
assaults on women, racism, white
supremacy, injustice of any kind. I grieve
that I now know what my fellow ”
Americans” really feel & support. That is
why I grieve.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:33 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 91/309
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To Elroy if the other side lost and were

grieving they would be grieving for the
opposite of what is good, kind and loving.


Melissa Robertson

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:54 PM

We can twist this all around for our own

bene t. Every time we have an election,
someone is elected and someone is not.
Every election the supporters of the
candidate that wins is happy. The
supporters of the candidate that does
not win is not happy. Someone is going
to win and someone is not. It can’t be
both ways . And…every year we all
move forward.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:43 PM

Trump won. Look for common ground, got to

be something you agree with him on and go
from there. If you don’t agree with him on
anything, then maybe you should follow
Miliey Cyrus and move somewhere else for a
while. If you can’t do that, deal with it.
Elections have consequences and Trump won.


Kimberle Taitano

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:55 AM

Meliza, I do not agree with a single thing

about Trump. There is no common
ground with a narcissist, hatefull­why­we­grieve­today/ 92/309
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individual such as him. And as an

American, I can exercise my right to
believe it, say it, and it is NOT your right
to tell me to leave either. Grow up


Katherine Hamilton

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:32 PM

“…Grief always laments what might have

been, the future we were robbed of, the
tomorrow that we won’t get to see, and that
is what we walk through today. As a nation
we had an opportunity to af rm the beauty of
our diversity this day, to choose ideas over
sound bytes, to let everyone know they had a
place at the table, to be the beacon of
goodness and decency we imagine that we
are—and we said no,” when we picked Hillary
Clinton, the corporatist with no chance to
beat a populist Trump, to run as the Dem
nominee, rather than Bernie Sanders, the
populist who stood for ALL OF IT.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:13 PM

Me too.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:33 PM

You assume. Just grieve for yourself.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:49 PM

“I grieve because so many Americans

apparently don’t.” Exactly.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:52 PM

What an idiot!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:05 PM

The Americans who you think do not love this

country have been feeling exactly the same
way you do for the last eight years. They are
the Americans who helped put Obama in
of ce, buying into his hope and change
mantra. They are the Americans who have
lost their jobs, their homes, their medical
insurance, their life savings, their dignity and
self respect, and almost all hope, while trying
to endure a president who has dessimated
our military, opened our borders to illegal
immigrants, forced a failed and expensive
healthcare program down their throats,
allowed our infrastructure to deteriorate,
ignored our friends, appeased our enemies,
squandered our tax dollars, divided the
people as to black against white, rich against
poor, young against old, men against women,
Christian against non-Christian, and so much
more, all while taking expensive vacation
after expensive vacation and round after
round of golf. Our national debt has more
than doubled in the last eight years while
unemployment has soared, robbing citizens­why­we­grieve­today/ 94/309
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of their very dignity. The Americans you

scorn have suffered dearly under this
president and his unlawful minions. There is
no way that you can convince the people who
elected Donald Trump that he would not be
better than Hillary Clinton at turning this
country around, rebuilding our inner cities,
defending our borders against unknown
illegals, creating the conditions necessary for
job creation, lowering taxes, rebuilding our
military defenses, and restoring our
credibility and standing in the world. You are
in place that the other half has been in for
eight long years. So maybe you should give
our new president the chance he deserves to
right the ship. If he fails, and I hope it’s not
too late, then you’ll have your chance to
replace him in four years. In the meantime,
act like a true American, get over your “loss”,
and come together for the sake of our


Kimberle Taitano

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:58 AM

You are completely delusional to think

all you state is of Obama’s doing. Site
your source for these facts.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:43 PM

Oh, I so agree. It is a fearful, sad time.


Ana B Loza­why­we­grieve­today/ 95/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:14 AM

I am crying right now! I do not know how to

handle my frustration, anxiety, anger,
desperation, sadness, depression. I just lost
con dence, I no longer feel safe, and no
longer like this so called ” America.” Or
USA ! My heart hurts, is like when somebody
dies. I am in shock!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:21 PM

I saw it. I was equally sad four years ago… mad,

actually. Wrote a post just like this, but switch the
parties. We will be ne. Media hype is just that.
Trump will do just ne, and we are all going to be
okay. Hang in there.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:25 PM

My sentiments exactly.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:29 PM

It’s not about Trump “doing ok.” It’s about the

fact that almost 50% of our nation believes
hate, racism, sexism, and discrimination are
OK. Read the article.


Joe Catholic­why­we­grieve­today/ 96/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM

I’ve read the article. I don’t accept his

BS. That’s HIS view of America, or his
“stated” view so that he can gain views
and clicks.


Paulette Alderfer

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:13 PM

Joe Catholic…that’s what a blog is,

a personal view. That was his point.
His view is different than yours.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:52 AM

No its not! He took a moment to

explain to you why we grieve. And
the fact that you so blatenly
disregaurd it only gives proff to
what he is saying. This is not only
his thought.this is how we feel .
Betrayed by are own country!!


Scott R

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:41 PM

No, it is about you believing the

propaganda that Trump is racist, etc.
The electorate did not accept a racist
Trump. They rejected the media
characterization that Trump was racist.
They rejected the straw man argument
that you have embraced. You bought the
media lie.­why­we­grieve­today/ 97/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:05 PM

Did you listen to what he said?

Obviously racist. Why do you think
the KKK and other bigots
supported him?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:30 PM

It’s not a media lie if he is on record

saying those things – there’s video
of him actually saying those things
over and over again. Disheartening
is an understatement.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:34 PM

I didn’t need the media to tell me

Trump was racist, sexist, unstable
and unquali ed. His own words and
actions proved that to me loud and



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:04 PM

Well said. Trump hasn’t said

anything that both “d’s” and “r’s”
weren’t saying ten years ago. The D­why­we­grieve­today/ 98/309
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party has done more to divide this

country than anyone. Nobody is
looking to deport muslims and
blacks and hispanics. Trump never
said any of that – a ve minute
google search would prove it, but
you would have to actually listen to
what he said instead of relying on
rachel maddow and bryan williams
to tell you. Trump talked of
deporting illegal aliens. Even that
won’t happen enmasse. Nobody is
looking to turn this country in to a
white only country either. You
don’t seem to notice it was the
white people in this country who
opened the doors to the rest of the
world. They should not be repaid
with false accusations of racism.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM

no, that’s what you believe



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

How do they read that article and say

“he will do ne” . I don’t think they get
what is going on here, but they will. We
all will.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 99/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:39 PM



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

Not so. I’m not racist or sexist. I want a

job that was ripped from my family and
given to cheap overseas labor. I’m a
Mom who wants a future for her
children that doesn’t include paralyzing
their lives with national debt and
unaffordable education. Frankly, It’s
repulsive that the author chose to
assume that my vote sticks me in a box
of isms (Clinton called me deplorable)
but it is not remotely true. I’m socially
liberal but scally responsible. Clinton
doesn’t represent that. We are not the
evil beasts you think we are.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:59 PM

Well said Lisa



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:04 PM

If your job was “ripped from [your]

family and given to cheap overseas
labor,” what have you done to
obtain new skills and nd a new job
that isn’t being done by machines
or cheap overseas labor? The­why­we­grieve­today/ 100/309
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machines and cheap labor aren’t

going away, they are here to stay as
long as Americans want
inexpensive goods.

This argument always surprises

me. The Donald is one of those very
businessman who makes use of (to
his nancial bene t) cheap
overseas labor.

I’m not diminishing your situation,

but the fact is that change happens.
You either nd ways of adapting
and moving with those changes, or
you fall behind by trying to keep
things how they’ve always been.
That is what any good businessman
would tell you. I’m sure even
Donald would tell you this, but it’s
much more convenient to him to
keep people reliant on his

You have the power to change your

situation. I have family members
who have worked very hard to pull
themselves out of poverty. It takes
time, effort, a willingness to learn
and change, and make choices that
take you where you want to go. It’s
not easy, but it’s possible. You can’t
rely on any elected of cial to do
those things for you. Certainly not
one who alienates and bullies those
he considers “others.” One day you
might end up on his “others” list.
What then?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:12 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 101/309
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You are exactly the evil beasts we

think you are. Your Trump vote
proved that


Heart Heavy

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:13 PM

Bill Clinton balanced the budget

during his presidency and Trump
bankrupted his company.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:20 PM

So, you vote for the very people

that put in the policies that sent the
jobs overseas, borrowed and spent
us into debt, and made education
cost more by cutting the federal
funding for education, the
Republican party? I’m amazed.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:32 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:53 PM

Wait, your job was ripped out from

under you to cheap overseas labor,­why­we­grieve­today/ 102/309
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so you voted for a man who sends

thousands of jobs overseas for
cheap labor? I really don’t think you
researched your position here very



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:04 PM

Where do you get this FACT?


Jeff Gundy

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:38 PM

I hoped things would mainly be OK after

GWB was selected. Turned out to be a
massive disaster. Trump seems to have far
less sense of how to actually behave like a
responsible human being, much less govern a
country, than GWB. Surely you can see why
we’re worried.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM

I am a Trump supporter and I read the whole thing. I

understand your pain. I’ve felt it with my whole
heart. I would just say when you get through the
grieving process, try to keep an open mind and an
open eye to what is really happening, both what
you think is happening. Peace.

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Scared and disheartened

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:52 PM

When David Duke is happy and taking credit

for “his people” getting trump elected the
fear is very real! I couldn’t tell you if Trump is
racist or not he just never said the KKK is bad
and that, that not saying yes or no is the scary
part because without denouncing them he is
allowing and empowering them, their hate,
their evilness…


Southern Deplorable

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:16 PM

Trump can’t help if those AMERICANS

support him. No more than Hillary can
help who’s giving money to her
foundation. But we do know this Hillary
praised him and looked up to Robert
Byrd, former leader of the KKK.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats never
ceases to amaze me.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:52 PM

Robert Byrd was a member of the

Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and
helped establish the hate group’s
chapter in Sophia, West Virginia.
However, in 1952 Byrd avowed
that “After about a year, I became
disinterested [in the KKK], quit
paying my dues, and dropped my­why­we­grieve­today/ 104/309
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membership in the organization,”

and throughout his long political
career (he served for 57 years in
the United States Congress) he
repeatedly apologized for his
involvement with the KKK:
“I know now I was wrong.
Intolerance had no place in
America. I apologized a thousand
times … and I don’t mind
apologizing over and over again. I
can’t erase what happened.”
In 2010, even the NAACP released
a statement honoring Senator Byrd
and mourning his passing:
The NAACP is saddened by the
passing of United States Senator
Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest
serving member of congress was
rst elected to the U.S. House from
[West Virginia] in 1952 and was
elected Senator in 1958. Byrd
passed away this morning at the
age of 92.
“Senator Byrd re ects the
transformative power of this
nation,” stated NAACP President
and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous.
“Senator Byrd went from being an
active member of the KKK to a
being a stalwart supporter of the
Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights
Act and many other pieces of
seminal legislation that advanced
the civil rights and liberties of our
“Senator Byrd came to consistently
support the NAACP civil rights
agenda, doing well on the NAACP
Annual Civil Rights Report Card.
He stood with us on many issues of
crucial importance to our members
from the reauthorization of the
Voting Rights Act, the historic
health care legislation of 2010 and­why­we­grieve­today/ 105/309
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his support for the Hate Crimes

Prevention legislation,” stated
Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the
NAACP Washington Bureau and
Senior Vice President for Advocacy
and Policy. “Senator Byrd was a
master of the Senate Rules, and
helped strategize passage of
legislation that helped millions of
Americans. He will be sorely



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:32 PM

Beyond David Duke are the even scarier

ones who WILL be running the White
House. The likes of Bannon et al,
Guilliani, Christie and the KOCH
BROTHERS! Hard to distinguish the
puppets from the puppeteers



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:01 PM

Perhaps you are wrong, perhaps the change will be

positive. I think we need a little more positive
rhetoric now and more talk of unity and working
together and less sounding like the end of the world
is upon us. It’s not. This too shall pass.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:14 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 106/309
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Couldn’t have responded better, Marybeth. John,

Thank you!


a senior.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:54 PM

where have you been for the last 8 yrs.?

you did nothing to help stop this mess we are
in. and now your encouraging more hatred .
shame on you. and your a man of cloth.
muslim cloth.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:15 PM

Trump supporters also saw the cause. This nation

was built on certain beliefs. We have watched those
beliefs torn apart bit by bit. Always having to roll
over because someone now has a NEW way they
want America to be. If i don’t like something I nd
another, I do not expect people to change for me!
America is Sick and Tired of changing for



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:42 PM

It’s called making progress. One of those

beliefs this nation was founded on was


GardenButter y­why­we­grieve­today/ 107/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:17 PM

One of those beliefs was that owning slaves

was a righteous act.

Another belief: that systemic genocide of

indigenous people was justi ed by manifest

Another was that married women could not

bring charges of rape against their husbands.
Or own property.
Or divorce an abusive spouse.
Or vote.

Some of those certain beliefs of which you

speak were horrible. We have moved past
some of them and not others. My grief is that
some of those beliefs were reinforced

Part of our national identity is that we

promote social progress to make the world
better for every one. There is a historical
precedent as most people would consider the
above list atrocious. Yesterday felt like a step

Not accepting people or recognizing their

struggles or need for grief IS expecting them
to change for you. Let’s be tolerant together.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:58 PM

If Hillary Was So Honest & Worried About

Everyone Donald Trump Alienated , Just One
Thought —- How about The Four Helpless
Americans In Bengzai That Died Because Of Her &
Obama —–

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:01 PM

How do you know the change will be bad? Do you

have a crystal ball? After what Obama has done to
this country, the change will be great! I think he is
going to do great with the people he will get for



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:09 PM

Greive over trump winning is not what to do if you

disagree with the outcome nor what to expect. To
anticipate such horrible things is a prognostication
that has no foundation or facts. I am not a trump
supporter but I know our country is strong and it
will continue to lead. The U.K. Departure occurred
and our cousins will be right by our side as always.
We will be ne, the US will not be vulnerable,
anarchy will not happen as some of these
frightened people have predicted. Understand that
humans literally see the world in a completely
opposite perspective. Both sides cannot
understand why the other believes what they “see”.
It’s not right or wrong, it’s just a different vision.
..nobody is to blame so, to preach hate and use
constant character attacks, does nothing positive
nor does it provide any foundation or facts about
policy issues. Most just spew hate which is just an
ugly and negative schoolyard bashing and name



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:38 PM

Obama did nothing to bring this country together.

The hatred and divisiveness has increased during­why­we­grieve­today/ 109/309
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Obama’s two terms in of ce. This country is already

divided in grief and despair and has been for quite
some time.

Clinton supporters don’t see this. All they see is

“wow, a woman president!” Woohoo, let’s vote for
the woman.

Hillary would have continue down the same hatred

strew path as Obama. Do I care about my country?
Absolutely! But all this doom and gloom, woe is me,
look who won, the sky is falling attitude doesn’t
accomplish a thing

I personally did not support any of the candidates.

Not a one of them was worthy of my vote.

Instead of wallowing in despair, I plan to make the

most of the Trump presidency and give him the
bene t of the doubt.


Sheila D.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:09 PM

As a college educated woman, I saw this post. Lets

just say that this is a nation truly divided. And that
is incredibly sad. I am glad, however that the
“establishment ” lost. They sky isn’t falling; it’s
opening. Just dig in, roll up your sleeves and get to
work alongside your fellow Americans. Stop
perpetuating the divisiveness.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:19 PM

Why do you supporters of Hillary Clinton look past

her deceitful and lying ways? I just don’t
understand it!­why­we­grieve­today/ 110/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:54 PM

Mary Beth, I voted Trump because I am sick and

tired of being lied to by our democratic
government. I believe in the Holy Bible, that my
dear hasn’t lied to us.
The sitting president is the one who started the
division as soon as he stepped into of ce. This
article is pure garbage just as the last 8 years have
been cause Obama HAD NO EXPERIENCE and was
elected solely on his skin color..and the Democrats
and liberals though they had this election in the bag
because of gender. Face it, WE THE PEOPLE,



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:10 PM

This article is BIASED left wing. Lunacy… I voted

TRUMP. I am part Native American. My son is
married to a
New who came here legally from Thailand and is
employed as a chef. Two of my great grands are part
black… Not afroamerican, American. I attend
church where people of all colors and culture
worship together and love each other, democrats
and Republicans.. None of us have horns… We do
PROFIT, And we want it stopped being paid for
with our taxes. Be what ever sexual preference. You
choose, just stop talking about it in my face… Keep
it in your bedroom. Assuming we are your enemy,
BIGOTED racists is your problem. And you are
naturally disappointed and as grieved as we were
the last 8 years of imperial rule spending our hard
earned money for people who wouldn’t, not ouldnt
work while disrespecting our veterans… Oh, why­why­we­grieve­today/ 111/309
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waste my words on deaf ears, Obama didn’t listen

when my daughter who is the single mom of an
Autistic child had to double her cost for less
coverage, Hillary didn’t care when people died on
her watch and she lied to their loved ones and
neither will you get it. I have been to 45 nations…
Many war torn, many socialist to see up close how
it fails. We have had enough of bashing our
Christian beliefs and taking away OUR rights. Silent
and patient… We arose in a movement to refuse
the political dynasty who put their blinders on to
ISIS torture rape and murder.. ENOUGH! It’s OVER.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:26 PM

One friend stated she’s appalled at “What we’ve

become as a nation” – well we’ve become that
appellation over the past 8 yrs with all the
divisiveness fomented by the current
administration. A DEEP DEEP division that we all
need to work to heal. And the people have spoken.
We are tired of it too.

A new day – everyday



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:29 PM

Treasure life? She was pro abortion



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:56 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 112/309
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Kudos, John Pavlovitz – beautifully written! To

Marybeth’s point “Clinton voters understood a
deeper cause, many didn’t like her but saw the
cause,” I would say that not nearly enough saw the
cause. I personally think her defeat was a direct
result of the fact that her campaign strayed way too
far from this deeper cause. I sincerely hope that all
those who are grieving will channel that into a
continued effort to effect change rather than
fading into the background again once it has



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:29 PM

Gloom and doom.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:56 PM

What makes you right, and others wrong? You have

an opinion. That is all. You cannot prove your point
of view, any more than a Trump supporter can
AMERICA! It’s not the left, it’s not the right. It’s
that BOTH believe they are, beyond the shadow of
a doubt, RIGHT. And guess what? Neither of you
are wrong, and neither of you are right. The truth
ALWAYS lies somewhere in between. I’m sick and
tired of hearing one side or the other say they are
full of rightiousness, when all they are really full of
is themselves. And I’m appalled a clergy member
wrote this article. The very words he writes prove
he is not practicing his faith, because if he was, he
would be preaching tolerance. And how funny that
the left seem to have the least amount of it. So go
ahead, cast your stones and feel grateful that you
are perfect and without sin.­why­we­grieve­today/ 113/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:07 PM

This is upsetting and grossly incorrect and

inaccurate. How can anybody be so willfully obtuse
and hateful – to ASSUME your fellow Americans
and even FRIENDS are just horrible bigots who
hate????? WHY after growing up with us, working
with us, living near us, seeing us live decent lives,
helping others, caring…why would you just buy
into this??? I did not vote against Hillary because I
want an all white, Christian country. I voted against
her taking payouts from Monsanto so that the
agenda to only offer subsidies to farmers that used
their bs gmo seeds could be enforced. I voted
against Obama signing the DARK act, to not label
our foods so we can have our right to know taken
away – when Russia and 28 other countries won’t
allow that level of deception to happen to their
citizens. I voted against Obamacare getting shoved
down our throats while the entitled wealthy people
in congress get better healthcare for themselves,
for life, on the taxpayers dime, all the while telling
us our social security may not be there. I voted
against allowing potential threats to our national
security and the safety of American citizens to just
blaze on in to our country, while Trey Gowdy and
other patriots have explained – very clearly – WHY
our government has NO way of knowing of those
people are potential terrorist threats.
That’s just a few things – but what really is
happening is that WE are grieving – because the
Hillary supporters that we thought were friends
are so willing to believe the absolute worst about
us and write us off – as if it’s really logical and
feasible that 1/2 of the country is the problem. All
the while, we’re saving you from some pretty big
problems. Maybe Trump can’t x them – but Hillary
and Obama have been perpetrating them all along –
so we KNOW 4 more years of this abuse was NOT­why­we­grieve­today/ 114/309
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the answer. WHY NOT JUST LISTEN and give your

friends/family the bene t of the damn doubt????


Just go gloat on Breitbart

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:40 PM

It’s because you’re so self-centered that you

ignored the very real threat he poses anyone
that is not a rich, white man. You’re ex-friends
want anything to do with you because you
only care about yourself.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:14 AM

You know, this election was a battle. It was a

turning point for America. If the election turned the
other way, people would’ve grieved. We
understand. However, we also understand that
America couldn’t be marginalized anymore. A racist
agenda and making excuses couldn’t be tolerated
anymore. Special interests and stepping on others,
segregation in the name of “safe spaces” couldn’t be
allowed anymore. The white person accused of
privilege and blamed for everything (e.g.; how many
non-white people voted for Trump – the rst few
paragraphs of your article actually proves my point)
couldn’t be swallowed anymore. The claim of
wanting to improve Black communities and then
doing nothing for them rang false. And I could go
on. However, we are equal. None better, none
worse. And we’re tired of the burden of people’s
bad decisions being blamed on us. Bottom line.
We’re angry. That’s why Trump got in. Sanders
would’ve been his rival; however, as is typical, that
was taken from us by a crooked system and “the
elite.” Americans are tired of the BS. We spoke. Get­why­we­grieve­today/ 115/309
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over yourselves and come to terms with the actual




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:16 AM

I pray he doesn’t nd handlers. He can be crass and

rude at times- he’s a product of how some were
brought up 50 years ago… Locker room talk, when
‘no’ might actually mean maybe – as it still does.
Clinton voters were and are sold a bill of goods
about who “the other side” is. We are your friends,
your neighbors and your family who want nothing
but the best for you. We don’t hate, and by in large,
we don’t much care what you do in your private
lives. We do care that we spend more than we
make… that we stir up troubles around the world
to advance causes we can’t begin to control, and
that we’ve been destroying a way of life that for
over 10 decades has been the hope and dream of
millions worldwide – to embrace the American
dream. Clinton voters have been sold a bill of goods
about a deeper cause – that cause is the
enrichment of a select few who wish to be your
masters – the globalists, the race-baiters, the
sycophants who want a seat at that table – they
want to enslave you and will stop at nothing to
empower and enrich themselves. Change is going
to come – and it’ll come from people without
handlers, without talking points, and without
agendas you can’t see plainly. I think, I hope, and I
so pray that Trump is just who he says he is – rough
around the edges – at times crude – but painfully
honest, with common sense, and a love of the
American people. Trump supporters want you with
us at the table, we want the world to be a better
place and don’t care what your gender, origin,
religion, color, orientation, or whatever is – at least
not among the vast majority of the sane. We need
you at that table – don’t despair, be a part of making
America that ‘shining city on the hill’ again – So we
can help others – and we can be a beacon for the­why­we­grieve­today/ 116/309
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world. Your open mind, open heart, and open eyes

are very much needed right now – please don’t
listen to the voices of negativism, despair, and yes,
of the true haters. Listen, think, use simple logic,
and then add your part of making it a better world.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:18 AM

Of course, liberals are the only ones who can feel

other’s pain. They are the only ones with humanity.
They are the only ones that care for the
unfortunate, the underdog, the oppressed. The
world revolves around them and the sun shines
only in their presences. This is why you don’t get it.
This is why you are the problem. Your candidates
can do no wrong and if they do, well, it’s not really
their fault, it’s the evil oppositions fault. Liberals, or
should I say “progressives”, are so inclusive and
understanding, unless you have an opposing view.
Then it turns interesting, then the opposing viewer
is the ignore, racist, homophobic, Neanderthal. I do
nd it very fascinating how many times I hear or
see accepting , inclusive liberals are the rst to start
the name calling and vitriol spewing. Notice that if
Trump had lost, there would not have been protests
and riots in the street, which by the way is a mass
form of bullying, but what did we see when Hillary
lost. Oh, I know, it was just a form of free speech.
But put the shoe on the other foot. If Trump had
lost and his supporters would have done as the host
of liberals did last night, oh the out cry, the talk of
hate speech, racism, sore losers. All justifying the
outcome of the election. The lot of you so called
progressives, liberals, “Leftists”,are nothing more
then self-righteous hypocrites that justify any
means because your ends are “so noble”. Take a real
good look into your collective shallow souls and ask
your self these questions. If the liberal agenda is so
awesome, why has it not really worked anywhere
on the face of the earth? Why are there no
gleaming socialism success stories? Why do liberals­why­we­grieve­today/ 117/309
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themselves hate the great socialist leaders, such as

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and Mao? In fact, they will
throw some of these names at those who are the
antithesis of socialism, the capitalist. Most
liberals/progressives I’ve met over my life have
tended to be on the self important side of the
mental makeup. Just so you know, I have lived all
over this country and several places aboard. I have
lived in places where I was the minority and places
where I was the foreigner. I was raised to judge
people as individuals not as groups and I do know
many liberals that are actually open minded. I have
a Science background and went to college in what is
consider one of the most selective schools in the
country. So, I don’t conform to the liberal archetype
of a conservative. And after a long and highly
respected career in science I switched career elds
into teaching. Obviously, I am one of the money
hungry conservatives that want to take advantage
of the elderly, the minorities, and women. It’s easy
for liberals to hate when they demonize the
opposition. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself and
justify your tears when your utopian world collides
with reality. Have a good cry and then try to get
over yourself and truly be accepting and inclusive.
In other words, grow up and stop throwing a
temper-tantrum and play nice with the rest of the
kids on the playground.


Dale Little

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:42 AM

“Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America;

one where religion or skin color or sexual
orientation or place of birth aren’t liabilities or
de ciencies or moral defects. Her campaign was
one of inclusion and connection and
interdependency. It was about building bridges and
breaking ceilings.”

This was totally delusional! Her campaign and her

administration had no place for Evangelical­why­we­grieve­today/ 118/309
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Christians. She even said if we didn’t agree with her

we would have to change our beliefs. Deplorables!
As for any bridges Democrats build, they are only
for others to abandon their principles to join her,
never so she could meet them half way. Of course it
was not about politics, it was about welcoming
radical Muslims while wanting to rid the country of
Evangelicals. We have survived, and our religious
freedoms have survived.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:50 AM

Yes unity; not diversity!


Average Joe

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:55 AM

Do you need a plane ticket out?


Krispin Andersen

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:58 AM

My husband works on a classi ed program. If he

pulled the same thing as Hillary did, he would be
red. So would you rather have a criminal for
President? Trump being a business man, can turn
the economy around. Look at what Hickenlooper
did for Colorado.


Fifty4­why­we­grieve­today/ 119/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:02 AM

I will gladly live with it and sleep very well at night!

Can’t wait to see Trump’s America where the
economy is growing, jobs come back to the home
front, law enforcement is respected for the dif cult
service they provide us day in and day out willing to
put their life on the line to keep our communities
safe, where the media doesn’t sell propaganda and
misinformation to increase ratings, where the
constitution isn’t desecrated daily. We are entering
a much safer stronger America. Give him his due
chance and you may just be surprised at what he
does…stay tuned!



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:06 AM

Unfortunately, you see only your side!. I did not

vote for Trump or Hillary because I felt both
choices intolerable!!!!!! however I do understand
the anger of Americans who have been
marginalized by the Washington elite, those who
desire a safe America and vetting for those
immigrants who desire to be a PART of us. Notice
that many immigrants who came here legally voted
for Trump. The Democrats seem to live in their own
reality, while the rest of the country live month to
month, stay stag net in their jobs, work HARD, but
progress little. We see in the Democrat party much
talk about helping the middle class, while most of
the Washington elite have made millions on the
backs of hard working Americans while they have
accomplished little. How many Americans have
given up looking for jobs and left the work force
while Democrats desire to create job opportunities
for illegal citizens? Our veterans have not been take
care of (fact!) yet your focus has been those who
disregard for our laws and cross our borders for
free health care, housing etc.
Not all Americans who failed to vote for Hillary are
bigoted, homophobic…….etc. etc. etc.. Many are
loving, hard working Americans who see a­why­we­grieve­today/ 120/309
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dysfunction in Washington which would continue

without purposeful change. I did not vote for Trump
but Democrats need to take their blinders off of
their own reality and face the fact that half of this
nation is demanding a new direction and sees a
very different reality. And for those Hollywood
elites who now desire to leave this wonderful
country, remember it is Americans who have
afforded you the lifestyle you live. Perhaps if you
hate America so much, we would be better without
you. By the way, not all those voters who differ
from you believe in a selective America made up of
white males and Christians. We believe in America,
a melting pot for those who desire to follow our
laws and assimilate into America not for those who
want to change the freedoms we hold so dear. We
believe in the freedom to worship, in the right to
life of the unborn child, in the rule of law. We will
simply not agree on some basic principles but that
does not make us racist, homophobic, or bigoted.
Those are ugly terms.
Half of America have demanded a new direction,
many voted with dictates for the Republican
choice, simply desiring that the out of touch with
reality Washington insiders would nally hear their



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:53 PM

I feel for you because of your stupidity



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:01 PM

This remark exempli es the hatred the just

described.­why­we­grieve­today/ 121/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:58 PM

Actually, this article is a divisive , elitist

representation of the Hillary supporter . I am
neither a racist or hate-monger. I do not
believe in ‘white supremacy” and feel I am
better than you because of my skin color. Put
one foot in front of the other – you will



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:05 PM

I would argue that most Trump

supporters are not racist, or sexist, or
hate mongers. But to have voted for
someone who espouses those ideals, at
some point along the way one would
have had to decide that even if they
don’t share those ideals, to some degree
they are OK with them. And a country
half full of people who made that
decision is worth grieving.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:27 PM

>> to have voted for someone who

espouses those ideals <<

Do people not get that elections

are not about "who do you think is
great?" or about "who do you
totally agree with?"?­why­we­grieve­today/ 122/309
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It's about "who do you prefer?"

People prefer very awed Trump
over very, very awed Hillary.

Y'all do know she has aws, right?

If not, then THAT is the problem.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:38 PM

Of course she has aws. And

by voting for her I had to take a
look at those aws and admit
that, to some degree, I was OK
with them. If I hadn’t been able
to do that I would have voted
for someone else.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:58 PM

Except they don’t. Since she

won the popular vote and all.


Amy Gelinas

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:30 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 123/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:12 PM

You don’t believe in white supremacy?

Are you serious? I guess you are.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:16 PM

Keep calling us elites. Keep calling us

divisive. When the economy goes into
recession, when civil rights are rolled
back, when everything is privatized and
you’re paying out of your pocket for
every road you drive on, get back to us
and let us know if it was ‘elite’ or
‘divisive’ to want rights and equality for
all, to want a fair balance between
government and private sector that
protects the workforce. Let us know if
you feel the same in a few years.


Scott R

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:44 PM

You are already paying for every

road you drive on – in taxes. But
the bureaucracy takes 50% as

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:25 PM

True, but it’s not the same as a

private toll road. They have
not worked in the past – the
roads are not maintained
properly and the costs keep
going up.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:19 PM

“You don’t have to be a racist or sexist to

support Donald Trump, but you have to
be ok with it.”



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:30 PM

Not a hard concept to understand..

It’s the casual validation of his
rhetoric. Well said. Not sure why
that’s hard to understand.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:25 PM

But you are ok being aligned with a

campaign that is openly divisive and
inclusive of racists and hatemongers.
That’s where supporters of the two
candidates differ.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

momm2x, you don’t have to “believe in

`white supremacy'” for this to apply.
Anyone who voted for him effectively
endorsed his espoused stances, saying,
“This is not a deal-breaker for me.”
(Read: “This is okay with me.”) We’re not
talking about differences of opinion
about how important the emails were,
we’re talking about a fundamental
difference in values about *what he said
publicly* as part of his campaign.

And that’s what this editorial is about.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

Your acceptance of the candidates

racism and hate-mongering implies you
accept it as well. You may not feel that
you are a racist or a hate monger but
you accept it in your leaders. It’s a
package deal. Grow up. Own it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:13 PM

If this is the case then everyone

who voted for/ supported Hillary
agrees with accepts condones
Americans being killed for simply
doing their jobs.­why­we­grieve­today/ 126/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:37 PM

These folks see a world through

blinders and can’t see beyond their
elitist small mind. They live in a world of
manufactured paranoia. Maybe this
group should be left alone for a while in
their room to ponder their paranoia and
maybe they will see that there’s more to
fear from their own intolerance of the
side which won. Let them stay there
until we start undoing the idiocy of the
past eight years.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

Of course you don’t get it and I bet your

white! Your children are not being shot
down in the streets because of the color
of their skin , but your children are
committing horri c crime and walking
away with their lives. This country was
built on the blood, sweat and tears
ofpeople of color, while white america
savagely raped and murder us because
of the color of our skin and it looks like
that’s exactly what they have planned
for us again but you people are only
worried about money.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:21 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 127/309
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But you want Hillary? A person

who said Margaret Sanger is a hero
to her. The founder of Planned
Parenthood who said black people
are weeds and need to be
exterminated. Planned Parenthood
has killed more than 3 million black
people, but you still wanted Hillary.
The same person who said an
unborn child has no rights until
they are born. Hillary never cared
for you. She only cares for power.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:18 PM

You wait….you will see your own…lets pray it isn’t

too late?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:26 PM

Anonymous, we’re liberals. We won’t come after

you with bad language or vulgarities or violence,
unlike many conservatives, so why hide behind
your anonymity?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:32 PM

Oh, but it’s okay for so called supporters of

Hillary to riot and burn their neighborhoods
in “protest” because she lost? Pretty classy!

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:52 PM

Not true. We were called stupid idiots and

other names because of who we voted for.
Name calling is going both ways.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:09 PM

That’s a load of crap.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:11 PM

Every Trump Talley there was protesters

causing road closures not one Trump
supporter stole signs,closed roads and beat
up . Hillary is a bigot uses Afro Americans to
get elected. No democrat has helped the
inner city. Black lives matter just daclated
war on whites(Hillary supporters
Enough said.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:30 PM

This is not true. My Hilary sign was

stolen multiple times. Also, there are
lots of videos of people at Trump rallys
hitting people. One black man is simply
walking by and a Trump supporter
elbowed him in the face. It is possible to­why­we­grieve­today/ 129/309
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say ‘my life matters’ without meaning

that your life doesn’t. Also, daclated is
not a word.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:46 AM

Hmm I guess you haven’t watched the news

lately. Conservatives are not protesting,
breaking windows, beating up homeless



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:43 PM

Where’s the like button for this comment?


Karen W.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:29 PM

Of course you are cowardly enough to post this as

anonymous. You don’t have a clue how this will
affect millions of Americans. You would have rioted
in the streets if Hillary had won. W hen shit
happens because of Trump, and believe me they
will, if you voted for Trump, YOU are personally
responsible for that. Remember that.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:49 AM­why­we­grieve­today/ 130/309
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So are you personally responsible for the

riots and protest going on now by Killary



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:09 PM

I am not white and not a ” christian” in you idea of it. So no

that was not all that voted for him. The country has
become less safe under Obama. He has made racism a
bigger problem then it was. Obama did all he could to
divide since day one! Whether it was republicans can ride
in the back of the car, the cops acted stupidly, or I have a
pen and a phone, etc. We are tired of the government the
way it has been working AGAINST Americans and not for
them. John pavovitz.. suck it up buttercup, wipe your eyes
and grow up. We value safety, safety for our country,
safety for OUR citizens, safety for all those being killed in
inner cities DAILY, safety for girls and women who want
privacy in the bathroom. We want equality for everyone,
equal treatment when applying for a job, based on
experience not race, equal treatment for school
admissions, equal treatment for taxes, the same tax rate
for everyone. Equal expections for able bodies people to
work for what they need and want. We are tired of
everthing being offensive to someone. Tired of the pc b.s..
Tired of your religion bashing and condemnation of those
who follow or believe in a faith In short John your crying is
because you cannot handle being responsible for your
own life and feel a need to control others. We choose to
support individuals responsibility and REJECT socialism,
devicivness, laws that apply to citizens and not the rich or
politicians, a growing sense of entitlement by people, and
an ever increasing controling government!!!!!


Chris Lotz

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:21 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 131/309
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Well said!!!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:23 PM

You think Obama divided us? You ain’t seen nothing

yet my brother.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:36 PM

This is so sad. You want to hate?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:24 PM


If you are so proud of your comments and opinions,

why don’t you sign your name to them!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:33 PM

You know, what you have said would only hold

weight if it weren’t for that fact that youseem to
support someone who is in favor of controlling
others, as long as the tenements of YOUR faith are
upheld. I fully support you following and practicing
any faith that speaks to you, what I do not support
is passing legislation based on that faith that
applies to all of us, because as you’ll remember, one­why­we­grieve­today/ 132/309
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of the bedrocks of this nation is religious freedom,

and that includes the freedom religion too. We
were not and never were founded with the
intention of being a ‘Christian ‘ nation. But I hope
that our worst fears are not realized and this shake
up does in some way come with good fortune for us



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:34 PM

You know, what you have said would only hold

weight if it weren’t for that fact that youseem to
support someone who is in favor of controlling
others, as long as the tenements of YOUR faith are
upheld. I fully support you following and practicing
any faith that speaks to you, what I do not support
is passing legislation based on that faith that
applies to all of us, because as you’ll remember, one
of the bedrocks of this nation is religious freedom,
and that includes the freedom religion too. We
were not and never were founded with the
intention of being a ‘Christian ‘ nation. But I hope
that our worst fears are not realized and this shake
up does in some way come with good fortune for us



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Oh save us from the brave Keyboard Warrior who

hides behind the anonymity of the interwebs.


shari­why­we­grieve­today/ 133/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:53 PM

And tell me…..just how trump and his cronies are

gonna do that?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:53 PM

Amen Anonymous!!


Anonymous Too

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:55 PM

Im only curious, but you reject a controlling

government yet your party chooses to control
women and their health, and wants to control who
can marry whom? Why can’t the people decide that
for themselves?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:25 PM

Because we can’t sit back and watch you

murder innocents. It’s not your choice it’s
your responsibility due to a choice you made



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:55 PM

Well said Anonymous this is exactly why I voted

Trump!!!!!!­why­we­grieve­today/ 134/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:57 PM

Well said Anonymous that is exactly why I voted




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:05 PM

Getting a job based on experience….hmmm



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:06 PM

If you voted for Trump you clearly don’t really want

“…equal treatment when applying for a job, based
on experience…”. And don’t tell me the media has
painted the picture of Trump as a man lacking
political experience. He has no experience. He is
not quali ed to be the President.


DD-214 rec'd...

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:31 PM

Where does it say you need a political

background in order to be quali ed as a
president? That’s what’s wrong with this
country, career politicians. This is why people
voted for Trump. Hillary was simply a puppet
of the system and it’s corruption, that’s the
change Trump supporters are talking about.­why­we­grieve­today/ 135/309
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Now we just need term limits on the Senate

and Congress.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:08 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:12 PM

Very well said!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:16 PM

What a crock of shit!!! He did nothing to divide this

country.. because of your hatred of everyone who is
non-white who r divide this country.. hope u all reap
what u sow



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:26 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:28 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 136/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

Even if that faith is not christian? Does that equality

extend to the LGBT community? Does that safety
extend to the many wrongly killed by those sworn
to protect and to serve?

You say Obama has made racism a bigger problem

— how so? He’s made the country less safe? Which
safeguards did this administration strip away?

Same tax rate for everyone but not too upset that
the President Elect didn’t pay any for over a

As for privacy in bathrooms I can only speak for the

men’s room where the only opportunity for a lack
of privacy is at the urinal. Fortunately we have
stalls with doors that close and lock. I’d be
surprised if the stalls for women lack locking doors.
Even more surprised if they have urinals.


Bad Hombre

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

I guess Obama made racism worse by being black.

I doubt you live in the “inner city”, which is code for

black and “those people”. And a woman much more
likely to be attacked by a straight male than a
transgender man.

When someone can’t say something racist or sexist

or hateful, it’s “I hate being p.c.” but when someone­why­we­grieve­today/ 137/309
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talks anything slightly negative or even neutral

about religion, it’s a “war on Christianity”.

Well, I’m tired of being Religiously Correct! Happy




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM

You just a big ol scary bih that inadvertently

volunteered your civil liberties to those who prefer
a more police state and telling your scary a$$ what
to do. You OMG the republican party stand against
half the things that you want. Bush years all over
again and Clinton was trying to move forward with
the progress made by Obama the things that didnt
get shot down by your now beloved republicans. A
businessman with poor track record for being
deceitful, Shortchanging workers, outsourcing
products to other countries and fraud. These are
documented. I didnt make this up. Im not elite I live
in a city believe in progress not divisiveness in a
society we work together not against. I got a big
mirror when nonsense happens



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:03 PM

amen­why­we­grieve­today/ 138/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:26 PM

“safety for girls and women who want privacy in the

bathroom. We want equality for everyone”

I wasn’t going to post anything, but I can’t ignore

this. How can you put these two phrases together
and not see how contradictory it is? The whole
uproar about women and girls not being safe or
having privacy in bathrooms is based ENTIRELY on
people resisting the attempts to make things safe
and fair for transgender people by allowing them to
use the bathroom for the gender they identify as.
So, if you’re part of those that are screaming about
that, then clearly you do not want equality for
everyone. Open your eyes and mind.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:29 PM

Hear hear! And I just saw the stock market is

hitting record highs today.


Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:28 PM

How can the success of hatred, bigotry and fear be “Hope

and Change”? How can Trump’s parroting Hitler be HOPE
for anyone, except for the deeply depraved, hate- lled
ignorant bullies?

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Make this World Great

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:27 PM

You can nd these truth if you look up facts. I do not

follow what the media says I look things up.
Fact gives you the facts you seek. The
rst agenda that Trump has as he promised, is to
revolk an Obama order that gives work, protection
and permits to 750,000 Dreamers which are
undocumented immigrants settled in the US. Then
deport 11 million undocumented immigrants
settled in the US and revolk and deport along with
their parents some 5 million US citizen children
born here to undocumented parents. No Syrian
refugees will be allowed into the country and halt a
refugee resettlement program that next year was
planning to admit 110,000 refugees throughout the
world and institute a ban on Muslims hoping to
visit, do business, study or legally migrate. Tell me
what right do you have to be here? Our forefathers
came over here uninvited to America the land
offering a beacon of hope to the oppressed. Our
Statue of Liberty and Justice for all will be for those
who have family that migrated here in far back
history. I wonder if all the Trump supporters think it
okay for them to visit , do business or study in these
countries that are not welcome here.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:41 PM

At the expense of civility and safety for people that don’t

like you or him. “What does is pro t a person to gain the
world and lose their soul?”



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:27 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 140/309
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Ye of little retoric, when you don’t acknowledge

what you say as the spoken word of another, that is
plagerism, be careful that none of us uneducated
deplorables see that and point it out to you…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:00 PM

Remember that when you are left out in the cold,

clutching to all of the empty promises Trump fooled you
with while you wonder where your next meal is coming
from. This presidency will be a disaster for rich and poor
alike, and if you’re not rich now, you will be one of the
ones feeling it rst.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:02 PM

Remember that when you are left out in the cold,

clutching to all of the empty promises Trump fooled you
with while you wonder where your next meal is coming
from. This presidency will be a disaster for rich and poor
alike, and if you’re not rich now, you will be one of the
ones feeling it rst.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:26 PM

Hope for bigots who hate and fear, sure.

But a lot of hate and fear for everyone else.

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Gaye Scheuers Pietrocola

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:37 PM

Trump hasn’t delivered anything yet except fear, despair,

divisiveness and a trip into a very sad past.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

Boy are you sorely mistaken especially if your counting on

trumps word



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM

Tell that to Central Park 5 and everybody that looks like




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:11 PM

DT delivers change… what kind and for whom remains

the central concern.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:35 PM

Edward, there is no guarantee. Just like with BO.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:43 PM

Calling all Trump voters white, christian and straight is

being a racist I my opinion. Shame on you for that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:23 PM

What? In what way? Because right now I’m trying not to

see you as a white reactionary cynically using Barak
Obama’s words to sing the praises of a con artist.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:49 PM

Trump is going follow thru on his promises, unlike obama,

or corrupt hilary.


Kim B.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:51 PM

All Trump supporters – why did you read this article? Was
it so you could bash those of us who feel this way? Do you
discern some sort of satisfaction from bullying people?
Your classless behavior, rude responses & lack of respect
for others are what we’ve all come to expect from Trump’s
supporters. Ironically if it were the Hillary supporters
treating you as you are treating us, you all would be far
more hateful, spewing vulgarity & crassness. Clearly your
parents didn’t teach you to treat others the way you want
to be treated & it’s evident by how you are behaving
towards people on this post.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:01 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:26 PM

This is so sad! He never said anything about America

being mainly “white and Christian”. The man that wrote
this should really read before writing make-believe
“facts”!!! Wake up people and get over it! No Hilary didn’t
win, she can go back to her pro abortion, open the borders
and treat our military like crap now! Amen she didn’t win!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:26 PM

Are you people for real??? Obama has brought so much

danger to our citizens and our country with his Muslim
brotherhood af liations and backdoor deals. He is the
most pro death president we have ever had. Obamacare
costs will skyrocket in the next few months, for some to
the price of a monthly mortgage, how will those who need
it afford it?? We were devastated when BHO took of ce
but respected the of ce of POTUS and prayed for him.
Still do. Not a fan nor do I approve of how he has led this
country. The “fears” you have re: Trump are media
induced. He loves this country and wants to make it
better, safer, bring jobs back to America, etc. The media
pushed the agenda of what you speak of. Muslims stone
and behead the LGBTQ and he wants to keep those that
are terrorists out of our country. You want them in so they
can kill them?? Doesn’t make sense. His personal life may
not be the most upstanding but was Bill and HIllary’s?? I
think you need a trip down memory lane. Bill is a rapist­why­we­grieve­today/ 144/309
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and womanizer. Talk about sexist! Hillary covered up for

him and threatened those women, not much of a
supporter for women by doing that. She also supports
countries that treat women as second class citizens, how
is that being a champion for women? Hillary has lied over
and over again regarding the deaths of Americans in
Benghazi and 33,000 emails she was to provide by
subpoena were destroyed. Is she trustworthy and
truthful?? I don’t think so. Her mentor is George Soros.
Look him up…scary person. Trying to bring our country
into a one world order with other countries is not what
our forefathers envisioned when writing the Declaration
of Independence. I think you need to branch out and
READ about the other former candidate besides what the
media wants you to read and believe. There is a lot of
information out there. Even watch videos of her
appearances before the senate, etc when she was to
answer for what she did. She took the 5th as did those
working for her. If she’s so honest and trustworthy why
not tell the truth and answer the questions?? I am not a
“fan” of Trump but believe he is going to put supreme
court justices in place that we need that will affect
decisions in our country for the next generation which is
extremely important. Our religious liberties are NOT at
stake with him nor is our safety. I think you will be
pleasantly surprised by what this man may accomplish
over the next four years. Please keep an open mind and
respect the of ce of the President as we have with
previous Presidents. No man or woman is perfect so the
perfect candidate does not exist but I think the country
spoke loud and clear who they wanted. We are not
homophobic, or any of the other phobic words listed
above. That is ridiculous. Get out your bible and pray for
your soul, for the president elect, and our country.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:52 PM

You are seriously delusional if you believe that. Trump IS a

part of the establishment, he may not be a “career
politician” but he is most certainly one of the elites. If you
think that he will do anything that doesn’t bene t him and­why­we­grieve­today/ 145/309
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his cronies you are also a idiot. All you have to do is look at
his transitional team and it will tell you how his reign will



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:09 PM

Very well said..they can call us racists..deplorables…

misogynists but they dont know us..we are
husbands..mothers ..fathers wives..all who believe in a fair
world where we are not judged for WHO WE ARE .. our
faith in God is mocked..our sacred belief in the sanctity of
marriage is mocked…we do not judge by skin color or
gender or sexual interests. What you do behind closed
doors is not our interest. That is between you and God.If
you desire a civil union we do not object. BUT QUIT
MOCKING OUR VALUES with your opinions. THAT IS



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:23 PM

I know a lot of Christians who have not felt mocked,

and who are grieving. Nothing was being impsed on
you; it appears that just because others’ right were
expanding, you think yours were diminished. They
aren’t if you could either be more inclusive or less



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:49 PM

Because, magic!

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:12 PM

How?!??? Racist mysoginistic rhetoric is the hope?? Yeah,

I’ll wait.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:16 PM

B.S. is what Trump delivers, Edward. Point made and



N Dennis

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:17 PM

Sure. Let’s just hand onto our p—–ies!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:18 PM

There is no hope for people of color, for women, for the

LGBT. The far right agenda will be imposed, limiting rather
than expanding our freedoms and diversity. The
environment is at risk, our health is at risk, because those
now in power don’t believe in science of climate change.
Our animal world is at risk because it’s okay with him, with
his kids to kill wildlife for pleasure. There is no hope right


Gail M Feldman­why­we­grieve­today/ 147/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:28 PM

trump delivers the mindset of the kkk. that’s not hope —

not for most of us.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:30 PM

Edward, you will be disappointed. Good luck



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:38 PM

Thank you! I certainly don’t believe it will get any worse.


Anonymous 2

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:38 PM

I’ve read a lot of comments, many saying they are tired of

welfare handouts. What I think everyone is missing, is the
fact the rich have so many loopholes when it comes to
taxes, they end up paying very little or nothing, like Trump
did. Do you realize how much it would help all people if
the rich paid their fair share of taxes and didn’t funnel it to
accounts outside the USA? Maybe, just maybe, people
would be able to live on what they earned. The middle
class and the poor are left to make up the difference with
higher taxes, higher mileage etc. If the rich paid their fair
share, the government might not have to borrow from
China, we would have the money for better military,
better care for veterans, money to help with healthcare,
pensions would be left alone, social security would mean
security in your retirement, we wouldn’t have to worry
about government dipping into a fund that we have paid­why­we­grieve­today/ 148/309
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into all our working lives. Also, every politician SHOULD

NOT get full bene ts when they leave of ce. They seem to
be part time workers with full bene ts, which is totally
wrong, because again, it is the little man that ends up
footing the bill. Sometimes I think it really doesn’t matter
who is president, because, until the political parties put
aside their differences, and actually want what is best for
our country, by working together instead of against each
other, nothing is going to change for the ordinary citizen.
The politicians will never pass a bill limiting their bene ts,
the rich will never pay their fair share of taxes because
they are too busy hiding it in offshore accounts. Just think
of the trillions of tax dollars lost over the years . The tax
laws need to be changed, and again, I doubt it will happen,
because again, the politicians are too busy thinking about
their own pockets. People think Trump is so great and
hopefully, he may turn out to be a good president, but I am
not holding my breath for two reasons. One, he is just
another rich man who has no idea what it is like to
struggle to make ends meet, and two, I have never in my
life witnessed a more divisive campaign than Trump’s. He
has divided our country like no other person. He
encouraged ghts at his rallies, promoted hate against
Muslims and other minorities. He has no compassion in his
heart for the less fortunate.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:46 PM

F$&ing put your boots on and go to work!!! The

sense of entitlement is at an all time high!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:43 PM

I agree! John quit being a cry baby like the other dems.
Trump is not status quo…people need to do the right
thing. I am done paying for all of the bottom feeders. Aka­why­we­grieve­today/ 149/309
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the cry babies. People that work hard don’t owe anyone
anything. Take responsiblity for you family.


R. MArtinez

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:44 PM

An adulterer, child rapist, egomaniac, malignant sadistic

narcissist, he won’t chang anything for the better. He has
open doors now to grope more women, he is in the WH
now. A real piece of garbage who only cares about his hair
. Thats what you voted for. I dare to leave your daughters,
or your wife alone with him.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:59 PM

Don’t jump the gun…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:59 PM

Trump has delivered nothing yet. Obama faced

insurmountable obstruction from a Republican congress
whose sole stated purpose was to block any and all
progressive legislation. I will try to remain hopeful that
Trump will govern with thoughtful dignity, however; from
his past behavior, and those he surrounds himself with, I
have my doubts.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:03 AM­why­we­grieve­today/ 150/309
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We haven’t seen a thing other than more hateful rhetoric

by him and his followers



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:22 AM

You’re an idiot



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:28 AM

“The people wanted change and they’re going to get it,

good and hard.”


Steven L Guy

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:36 AM

Kiss goodbye to science, climate change research and

action, marriage equality and affordable health care.


Nancy Jane Simpson

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:53 AM

Such sanctimonious drivel in the face of the 65 million

people that Bush/Obama/Clinton displaced. Or, don’t they
count as humans in your scheme of who matters? Trump
has hurt no one, not a soul, and your war monger has
displaced 65 million souls. Seven million dead. Obama has
deported 3.5 million illegal aliens more than any other
president, and where is your outrage? You are a blind fool.

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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:58 AM

Dream on…..



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:58 AM

Dream on…..


Frank Cobb

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:40 AM

The media painted the picture that you’re talking about. It’s not
true. Shame on them for their deception and shame on you for
falling for it and boasting yourself as a “pastor” to in uence
others to your false opinions. Do yourself a favor. Start reading
the bible again and put some true love back in your heart.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:36 PM

What are you talking about? All those words are things we
heard coming out of trumps mouth! The only thing the
media had to do with it was they reported it! You read a
different bible than I do ! Mine has the words of Jesus not
the words of a cruel, racist man!

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:36 PM

Frank Cobb…the media didn’t paint the picture. All of

these things came straight out of Trump’s big, fat, ugly
mouth. Get your head out of the sand.


Judi S

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:24 PM

Which planet have you been living on!!!?? You need to go

back and re read what John wrote here because you
evidently missed something. I think you are on the wrong
blog or something. Do us a favor, at least today and HUSH



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:23 PM

So “truelove ” is hating everyone besides other white



An Annoyed Agnostic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:32 PM

Do YOURself a favor and stop thinking god is the only way

to love.

My point of view is that everyone is deserving of love until

proven otherwise. That includes the penniless hobo on the
street. That includes the man who owns multiple million-
dollar companies. That includes the man who sees himself
as close to god. That includes the man who believes
religion isn’t the way to go. That includes the woman who
thinks the fact I’ve only used ‘man’ before now means I’m
part of the patriarchy. That includes the black man, the
muslim, the rich, the poor, the gay, the straight, and the­why­we­grieve­today/ 153/309
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non-binary. Everyone is deserving of love until they show

themselves to be a terrible person who thinks they can
choose who and who doesn’t deserve love based on an
arbitrary thing like race, sex, and religion. That is my point
of view and nothing anyone says can make me think



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:48 PM

Does this include the unborn? Do they deserve




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:37 PM

What about the children born here and are

US citizens and this is all they know. They will
be taken from there home, school and friends
and sent with their parents out of this land
because their parents are undocumented.
And I do not know if you are a man or a
woman but if you or just say your mother
were raped whould you like to be forced to
have a child that you could not provide for ?
Or would you carry that child for a year
almost of your life and then give it away.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Sad day when someone can follow a man who cheats

people, degrades women and says things like,”I’d run as a
Republican. They are the dumbest group of voters” and
those people are the ones who elect him. One thing we­why­we­grieve­today/ 154/309
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can agree on I guess he is intelligent enough to make a fool

out of millions of people.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:51 PM

Sad day when someone can follow a man who cheats

people, degrades women and says things like,”I’d run as a
Republican. They are the dumbest group of voters” and
those people are the ones who elect him. One thing we
can agree on I guess he is intelligent enough to make a fool
out of millions of people.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:20 PM



Jolene Oldham

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:24 PM

A perfect example of the point that was being made in the

article. The “bible” does not pertain to the entire country,
nor the world.

Blaming the media for your tiny view of the world is

endemic of what is wrong in this country.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:30 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 155/309
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Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America – so do

one where religion or skin color or sexual orientation or
place of birth aren’t liabilities or de ciencies or moral
defects – so do Republicans
Her campaign was one of inclusion and connection and
interdependency – no. It was about the patronizing
progressive machine trying to spoon-feed the public their
It was about building bridges and breaking ceilings – no, it
was about division and sowing hatred for those who think
taking a different road to positive places is wise.
It was about going high. No, it was about going as low as
you can and doing anything – absolutely anything – to get

Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one

that is largely white and straight and Christian – and you
get this how? You are ridiculous. He ran a campaign of fear
and exclusion and isolation. No, he ran a campaign where
he shot off his mouth and gave people hope that someone
would challenge the corrupt status quo and maybe tell the
truth about what goes on in DC. The man has no lter and
can’t lie worth a crap.

“that’s the vision of the world those who voted for him
have endorsed.” Shame on you. Seriously. You need to go
see a therapist. You’re like a textbook example of
cognitive distortions: les/counseling/CO



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:18 PM

Hes a character and he played you for the fools you

are. He’ll hang himself no doubt.


Dene Dawson­why­we­grieve­today/ 156/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:33 PM

Frank, please help me out here. I am just a sinner, human,

Christian that has read the Bible…especially the red
words of our Savior Jesus Christ. For the life of me, I can
not see anything there that supports Donald Trump’s
rhetoric and am really curious where the love is in his
message. Please, please give me some scripture reference
that supports DJT and refutes what is written above.
Honestly, I need that direction because I just cant nd it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

Did you read Revalations?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:03 PM

You are the epitome of what he is saying. You are in my




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:06 PM

Of course it’s true!


Bob d'Bouncier

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:24 PM

It’s about overt racism and hostility toward minorities.

– you must be talking about Hillary treating them like an­why­we­grieve­today/ 157/309
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unthinking mass of sheep, waiting to do her bidding, while

never actually doing anything for them. Whereas Trump
has helped minorities over and over for decades, long
before his political aspirations.

It’s about religion being weaponized.

– like Hillary boasting that she’s going to get Christians to
pay for abortions

It’s about crassness and vulgarity and disregard for

– like Hillary defending Bill’s career of antics and
attacking those who accused him, or her saying Pro-Life
women are not ‘real’ women

It’s about a barricaded, militarized, bully nation.

– like Hillary openly mocking those whose morals don’t
match her own, calling them stupid, ignorant and, of
course, deplorable

It’s about an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.

– like all the reports of Hillary screaming at staff, cursing
out military and secret service, and don’t forget her
unbridled nancial corruption that’s only beginning to

It looks like JP is the one who fell for all the soundbites.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:48 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:26 PM

Frank, the media merely revealed the picture. I was

watching. Every single day. I saw his mouth open. I heard­why­we­grieve­today/ 158/309
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his words. I watched him whip his crowds into a froth. I

have seen the videos the skinheads posted of themselves
vowing to kill n***ers and f***ots as soon as Trump is
president. The media–the existence of the tech that
carries it, too, allows the picture to be seen. Each paints a
thousand words.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:50 PM

His own words painted it


Mike Harrington

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:11 PM

Nothing you wrote makes any sense Mr. Cobb. Hope you
can nd love in your heart someday to understand what
he wrote.
I wish you peace


Sarah smith

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:22 PM

Why did Trump say at his rallies tat it was ok to punch

people? I didn’t support either candidate, but I don’t think
that Trump needed to insult people and encourage
violence in order to gain support. If anything, I think more
people would have supported him if he called for
overthrowing a corrupt government without putting
down so many people.


Lenna Hughes­why­we­grieve­today/ 159/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:35 PM

The media didn’t paint this picture. Donald did. He painted

it with his words and his deeds . . . unless the videos were
all doctored and the speeches all dubbed.


Proof Please

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:37 PM

Okay, so what is the truth? I see and hear the things Trump
says and it’s hard to think otherwise. Tell me, give me
speci c examples of things Trump has done that tells me
this isn’t true.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:55 PM

All of Trump’s negative rhetoric against the mentioned

groups (Mexicans, women, Muslims, disabled people) is
caught on tape. How is that untrue? How is that the
media? The media is just doing its job of reporting what
candidates say or do. Apparently you listened and you
didn’t care.

Looks like you need to read some of the gospel yourself; I

recommend Matthew 5:3. Jesus himself was a Middle
Eastern, poor, refugee with a single mother. I’m not sure
he would be welcomed by Trump seeking refuge.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:49 PM

I agree totally. The biased main stream media created all

of these false accusations and Dems believed it. Hillary
ran a very negative campaign creating false negatives to
create distractions. In the end she was beat by her own­why­we­grieve­today/ 160/309
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strategy. Anthony wiener distraction and FBI distraction

certainly had an effect on voters. Even when false info is
reported, people cannot unhear and they believe it to be



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:04 PM

The kind of love that Trump had when he said we should

round up American and deport them? The kind of love
Trump showed when he said we need to kill families and
wipe countries of the map? The kind of love that Trump
showed when he asked why we don’t use nuclear
weapons? “The media” didn’t say those things. Trump said
them. You don’t get to say the media is giving a bad wrap
to someone by simply recording and replaying their own



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:07 PM

I listened to his speeches. I heard him. I didn’t depend on

the media. So save the weak justi cations-I HEARD HIM! I
read the bible and he does not display anything Christian.
He is hateful. I HEARD HIM.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:08 PM



Sandra Karlson­why­we­grieve­today/ 161/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:14 PM

Says you, but his thoughts express exactly what I have

been feeling all day. How dare you tell us how we are not
entitled to our feelings.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:40 PM

OHHH, so the MEEEDIA is what it is? Not… you know…

actual things that have come out of his mouth or things
that he’s done that they’ve reported on… It’s all just the
liberal media telling us lies? Phew, I feel much better now.
Thank you so much.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:22 PM

this sure is a loving remark. wow, if you can’t show love

don’t tell others to do so.


P sett

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:39 PM

Media didn’t “paint” a picture…Trump spoke the hatred,

intolerance picture.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:29 PM

No one spoke the words for trump? He said them himself

so what’s painted?­why­we­grieve­today/ 162/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:43 PM

That is pretty harsh to shame a pastor for sharing his

beliefs & feelings. While I respect and agree that it is your
right to your share your opinion, but to go and tell him to
read his bible is an ignorant, immature & disrespectful
response. You are a bigger & better person than that. You
don’t have to agree with what he said, just be a decent
human being by accepting & respectful of HIS opinion


jeffrey brusseau

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:23 PM

in this space of grace and kindness, pls take your shame
elsewhere. Its not your business who reads the bible or
not, how dare you think you can spot true love ,or not?????




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:45 PM

You are so right. What better way to incite and divide than
to dig up dirt from the past of a candidate who has hid
nothing. The media can’t gure out why so many of his
supporters didn’t
fall for it.


M. Robertson­why­we­grieve­today/ 163/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:11 AM

So someone only has the right to call themselves a pastor

if they agree and fall in line with your views? Interesting!!!



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:46 AM


Friendly guy

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:03 AM

Like many, I’m trying to understand yesterday.

Perhaps we are talking past each other. We see Trump as

someone who lies, demeans women, and disparages minorities .
Trump supporters see him as an agent of change, personal
qualities notwithstanding.

My hope is that he will govern from the center.

My fear is that his election will sanction sexist behavior, and

hostility towards “others”.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:41 PM

what about Bill Clinton’s treatment of women and Hillary

covers it up.
She called those women trash.


Cal­why­we­grieve­today/ 164/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Really? Yes she supported her husband because she

believed him at rst. She is a victim of her husbands
actions much as anyone. Why do people not see



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:49 PM

And we see Hillary as someone who Lies, steals, cheats,

gets rid of anyone that stands in her way. A sellout to
foreign countries. A destroyer of our Military. We have
very different opinions of the candidates but it’s time now
to work together to Make America Great again.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:13 PM

Much in the way that all of the Republicans worked

together with our current President? When for 8
years of racist, hateful screed against President
Obama, they refused to work with him in any way?
Yeah, you’re going to get a lot of Democrats really
excited to be on board with Herr Trump.


Who cares?

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM

America is peaked as far as great goes!!!


Jayne Simmons­why­we­grieve­today/ 165/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:37 PM

“A Destroyer of our Military.” !?!?

Are you serious? Our military budget is 1/3 of that

of-the-world/ ) Then note the fact the we have 19
of the 36 ships WORLDWIDE that can be classi ed
“aircraft carriers” – and that makes no accounting
of the support ships, planes, and men that go with
those ships. And our military is made up of so much
more than just aircraft carrier task groups. Throw
in all the other Marine, Army, and Air Force service
members and equipment, and then tell me by what
logic is our military destroyed? Or weakened?

Our problem is not a weak military. Many people

from the Conservative camp have talked about
“Make America Great Again” and “Take Back Our
Country.” And I ask, “What foreign power invaded
us and took our country?” It’s the country of Liberal
Anericans, too. And what was great about America
that we supposedly lost? Owning slaves? Denying
women rights? Imprisoning LGBTQ people? Is that
what they mean? Or are they referring to the great
Middle Class boom that happened in the 50s and
trailed into the 70s? Well, guess what, it was
Republican practices that allowed the wealth of the
middle class and the industry of this country to get
stolen by the rich. Trickle down is trickle on. All the
money he wants to give to corporations will end up
in the offshore accounts of stockholders and CEOs
who only care about their pro ts and the next
quarter. They don’t care about your community or
their employees or the infrastructure of this
country. If Conservatives want to bring back the
days of American products in every home and
family vacations to DisneyWorld, they need to start
investing in the middle. We tried investing at the
top – and they shipped our jobs and money to other
countries – which is why Trump supporters are
pissed, but they are pissed at the wrong people.­why­we­grieve­today/ 166/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:36 PM

That’s already started. The KKK was out in full uniform in

NC today.


Jafo Chicago

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:34 PM

The left continually misses the point. I am not a bully

because I want my government to protect my boarders. If
you think Mexico does not protect theirs, just try to enter
without permission. You will be crying foul to your US

The left bashes Trump, but never acknowledges Hillary’s

actions that no parent or teacher would accept from a
pre-teen child.

You want open boarders with no controls. Grow up and

realize those actions will destroy what we do have –
Freedom. Look to Germany or Britain to see what the
masses of immigrants have done to their society. I am all
for controlled immigration. I am for
helping the refugees – in their own land or near their
previous land.

I am not for paying higher taxes to subsidize non-

Americans while so many Americans struggle. Changes
need to be made. The lying media needs to be held
accountable for their actions. Citizens need to get off the
couch and get involved.


Eileen­why­we­grieve­today/ 167/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:11 AM

Thank you for this peace….I nally got to cry.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:28 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:14 AM

Thank you for again describing exactly how I feel.


That Other Jean

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:15 PM

So very much this.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:35 PM

Me too



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:15 AM

Thank you John for telling the world why I’ve been in tears since
last night. The America I always believed in does not exist today­why­we­grieve­today/ 168/309
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or at least so it seems. My health insurance is in jeopardy, my love

life is likely to subjected to NSA scrutiny. my friends and family
members are looked upon as thugs and rapists.
I will likely lose my insurance if the ACA is repealed, and since I
have 6 stents in my heart and live 30% below the poverty level, I
either won’t be eligible for insurance or it will be so expensive
that I would never be able to afford it. Since I have been in a long-
distance relationship with a French national for 11 years, and
Trump singled out France and Germany for “extreme vetting”, it’s
likely that our joke of the normal glitches of video chatting being
the NSA spying on us won’t be a joke anymore. My sister’s SO,
and my son’s best friend are seen as thugs simply because of the
color of their skin. My cousin’s husband of nearly 40 years is
suddenly a rapist (no, he’s not an immigrant but is of Mexican
I grieve for the America that I lost last night. I do not know the
America that elected Trump president. And I’m not sure I want to.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:56 PM

I feel for you because of your stupidity omg so true



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:01 PM

Only a coward says such things and hides behind an

Anonymous name on their comment.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:26 PM

It’s Joe Catholic trying to stir the pot. He has

several different identities. If I were John, I
would pull the plug on him.­why­we­grieve­today/ 169/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:33 PM


Sounds like you are tied to this world and the things
thereof. Why not seek a relationship with the Savior? He is
always there, you are never alone, he cares for you no
matter what, he is no respecter of persons and He loves
you, no matter what your situation is or who the current
President might be.


Jayne Simmons

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:51 PM

And will “He” be there to stop them when they

move to take away people’s healthcare (so
Christian of them)? Or when they begin making
LGBTQ Americans 2nd citizens again (if not worse)?
Will he stop them from imprisoning grieving
mothers arrested because their miscarriages now
count as illegal abortions (so much the “Lamb”
aren’t they)? And I’m sure “He’ll” come directly to
help feed and house all those people who will now
lose their safety nets. Please. We live here and now
– we have a life here and now – and considering I
have not seen “Him” appear to save one rape victim,
one baby dying because her parents can’t afford the
right medical treatment, one homeless person
starving, or one child shot at a school by a madman,
I don’t think such a “Him” is worth all that much.
Humans are doing these things to each other, and
only humans can stop it.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 170/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:14 PM

This is not a true picture . And I think you know this .

There is a way around every point. Let true change come
and start with yourself. Race has become a four letter
word and if you go around acting like and talking like the
color of your skin is why some one does not like you may
be it is because of the things you are doing and not the
color of your skin!!! A thug is not the color of ones skin, it
is the action you are engaged in!! Thugs can be white,
Asian, purple people from Mars or heaven forbid even
black! All we can do now is act like grownups and start to
live like the people we need to be. Do not allow men to act
like a rapist. Start with Rap artists who devalue women
and encourage disrespect for all law of cers instead of
making the bad guys the focus. Change does not comes
from the top down, seeds grow up not down. So we start
with you and me and stand up for what is right and true
every day in every way until the change takes place>


JoAnne Braley

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:06 PM

Not true. You do not know the real Trump who has “seen
the light,” and is trying to help the USA. You are listening
to the lying media and being brainwashed. I didn’t know
much either, until I dug deep and found the truth. The
democrats are very corrupt now, and I hope he “drains the
swamp.” The DOJ and the FBI are corrupt. We were losing
America, losing justice, losing the truth. Thank God for
Wikileaks and others who have given us inside



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:49 AM

REPLY­why­we­grieve­today/ 171/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:20 AM

Thank you for putting words to my speechlessness.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:52 AM

To John P: I beg to differ.

Obama’s liberal agenda of Open Borders and ‘I have a pen & a

phone’ mindset has HURT minorities, not helped them. He’s been
hellbent on growing the underclass, not the middle class. [Hillary
was on the same trajectory. ]

There are 3,077 Counties in USA. [Less than 300 counties voted
for Hillary.] Take a look at the County Map. It’s 90% Red.

That’s America.

[I think Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have something to tell us…

will the Progressives listen?]


john Whitmire

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:45 PM

Less than 300 counties voted for Hillary yet she won the
popular vote?


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:09 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 172/309
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John. Please look at a County Map of USA and how

they vote.

True , the heavily populated urban areas vote

Democrat. But America has a huge land mass. And
Americans that live outside of large cities should be
respected and valued in how they vote. Donald
Trump gets that.

–this is one reason why we have the Electoral

College. (to help guard against mob mentality).


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:36 PM

Looking at the map is the whole point of why

this is such a sad time!! All of the many
counties full of Americans who think it is okay
for the most powerful man in our nation to
treat women and minorities with such
disdain, such cruelty. To say all the terrible
things that he did and still be af rmed by all
those counties of people!


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

He’s going to appoint conservative

Supreme Court justices. That alone is
enough of a reason to vote for Trump
and for Christians to cheer.

His personal sins are between him and

God, and I have a feeling he’ll be too
busy making America great again, than
to be fooling around in the Oval Of ce
like one of his predecessors did.­why­we­grieve­today/ 173/309
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Jayne Simmons

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:05 PM

You realize that this country is

made up of more than just
Christians and that we are *not* a
theocracy, right? Just because
you’re on a diet, doesn’t mean I
can’t have a cookie. Somewhere
along the way some Christians got
this crazy idea that other people
exercising their rights negated
theirs. It isn’t a zero-sum game.
Someone having an abortion or
being gay or taking birth control
does not affect their ability to be
Christian or practice being a
Christian in any way. None. And a
lot of Christians can’t be believed
half the time anyway because they
contradict themselves or show
themselves to be hypocrites. Don’t
want abortions – support birth
control. Want fewer people on
assistance – make sure everyone
gets education and a living wage.
Don’t believe in gay marriage –
then don’t marry someone of the
same sex. It’s simple, but it doesn’t
let Christians feel superior or in
charge, and that’s the problem.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:08 PM

“And Americans that live outside of large

cities should be respected and valued in how
they vote. Donald Trump gets that.”­why­we­grieve­today/ 174/309
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He doesn’t “get” anything. What he “got” was

elected. He said whatever he needed to say
to convince the huge land mass to vote for
him. Let’s not insult ourselves by pretending
we believe he is anything more than a loud
billionaire with a shotgun-style approach to
campaign promises.


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:51 PM

Yet she won the popular vote. How can you justify the
vote of someone in a rural county counting more than the
vote of someone in an urban county? Do you really think
that’s fair?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:11 PM

Yes. The reason it exist that way is because certain

counties (Primarily the ones around major cities)
have a much larger populous. There’s more people
in those areas than there are in some states.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:16 PM


— the vote of rural and medium size towns of

America don’t count more. But the liberal media
and Obama’s Administration painted a false picture
of America. Average Americans are NOT Liberal,
they are Conservative.­why­we­grieve­today/ 175/309
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Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:40 PM

You are wrong. The majority of Americans

are moderates and centrists. But half are
below average intelligence, so they are easily
led by slick salesmen full of lies like Trump.
This was not a just a validation of the bigotry
and hatred that Conservatives feel towards
anyone different from themselves, but also a
victory of the ignorant, mindless following of
false propaganda about “Make America
Great” from someone who sends our jobs to


Laurie Mock

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:52 PM

You just insulted half of America. Good




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:54 PM

He has a point. It’s a thing called

math, which you may have slept
through in school, but 1/2 of the
population, by de nition, will have
an IQ below the median, and if
intelligence follows a normal
distribution (aka a “bell curve”) as is
widely supported, than the median
is also the average, so yes, half the
country IS below average
intelligence. Given the importance­why­we­grieve­today/ 176/309
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of nurture, not just nature, in

intelligence, I wouldn’t be surprised
if more than half of americans were
actually below average global
intelligence. It was comes of not
learning critical thinking skills at a
young age.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:10 PM

“And Americans that live outside of

large cities should be respected
and valued in how they vote.
Donald Trump gets that.”

He doesn’t “get” anything. What he

“got” was elected. He said
whatever he needed to say to
convince the huge land mass to
vote for him. Let’s not insult
ourselves by pretending we believe
he is anything more than a loud
billionaire with a shotgun-style
approach to campaign promises.


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:54 PM

This is one of the reason that Trump was

elected. We’re fed up with elitists in the
media and government who look down
their noses at the common man and
woman while they live in their
privileged bubble. You’re blind if you
reduce it to “bigotry and hatred.”­why­we­grieve­today/ 177/309
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Besides that, this blog is written

(allegedly) by a Christian and to
Christians, and guess what? Now we
have a pro-life president and he will be
appointing judges that are friendly
towards the unborn. That’s a lot for a
Christian to be happy about.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:10 PM

Last I saw, Hillary won the popular vote. There are a lot of
big, empty, counties.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:27 PM

Bret –Hillary outspent Trump by 5-fold, she pulled

strings going back 40 years, she had the the Most
Popular President ever campaigning for her
(unheard of) and she still couldn’t get elected.

When all the votes are counted, she may have won
by 150,000 votes. Which is negligible.

[Arguably, 1/4 of Hillary voters, could not ll a post-

it note with reasons why they voted 4Her. ]



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:13 PM

But she won the popular vote,. Meaning more people

voted for her than trump.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:54 PM

YOU look at the nal vote count:

Clinton = 59,656,630
Trump = 59, 450, 907

You are missing the point of these words. Hate is not an

ideology I want in a nation, in a leader. The words I heard
on Trump’s side came from Trump’s mouth, not from the
media. They were just a carrier.


Paul Hoogeveen

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:41 PM

Paul Inberea, I beg to differ with you. The rate of growth

of unauthorized Hispanic immigrants was more or less
steady from the early 1990’s up to the Great Recession of
2008, when it peaked at about 12.2 million. The rate then
began declining in 2009, the year Obama took of ce and
now stands at about 11.1 million. President Obama has
earned the nickname “Deporter-in-Chief” for ramping up
deportations of undocumented immigrants; immigration
reform was a failure on the part of an obstructionist
Congress, not President Obama.

As far as counties are concerned–geography is not

population. Geographical regions do not vote; people do.
Despite getting fewer electoral votes than Trump, Clinton
appears to have won the popular vote. That is an artifact
of our electoral college system, by which we must abide.
But it does not mean that Trump’s victory represents the
raw will of the electorate.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 179/309
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You think territory is America?? America is people, and

Hillary won the popular vote. Don’t fool yourself into
thinking “America” elected Trump. Scared, middle-class,
middle-aged white people from the country who only
think about themselves (no good samaritans in that
crowd) elected Trump. You are the past of this nation, we,
the young, the urban, the allies, the queers, the colored,
the immigrants, the educated, the progressive, the
environmentalists and scientists and artists and
intellectuals and engineers, WE are the future. This is not
your country. It’s OUR country. Learn to act like loving
human beings and we’re happy to have you along.
Otherwise enjoy your last hurrah, and then get out of our
way, because we are so over your small town backwards-
thinking crap.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:36 PM

Dennis, spot on. I was trying to gure out how to

say it, but you just did. The Trump supporters could
ask the liberals WHY they would want open
borders and more of the UNaffordable Care Act.
We’re sick of the BLM movement – bunch of
spoiled thugs who are protesting just to make
trouble. Looting their own cities in the name of
tolerance and ‘more free stuff’. The American
people have spoken, “We’re mad as hell and we’re
not going to take it any more”. There is absolutely
NOTHING wrong with being conservative and
wanting our values to rule the day. Liberalism is a
cancer of society that teaches our children they
need do nothing to get whatever they want. And if
the Clinton Foundation is so above-board, why isn’t
it run through an American Bank instead of a
Canadian bank…. USA isn’t good enough? Diversity
and inclusion is ne; illegal immigration IS NOT.
Instead of “grieving” you should just go pick up your
trophy for participation (and don’t even get me
started on that!)

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:49 PM

Eilis – seriously? WTF makes you think REAL

Americans want your (as you put it) ‘urban, allies,
queers, colored, immigrants’ (and educated is
questionable – or else you didn’t pay attention in
History class) running this country? This country
isn’t ABOUT you alone. Everyone is welcome
(whether you’re an idiot or not, I suppose). Maybe
YOU should start identifying with “middle America”
because we are F’ING sick of young punks who
think they know what this country was built on and
how much it cost our fathers, grandfathers and
great-grandfathers to build this nation on Christian
values. You don’t have to BE a Christian to live here,
because we’re all about freedom of religion (not
freedom FROM religion). But make no mistake, this
is a Christian nation, and if we are just backwards
thinking idiots, you have no idea who you’re dealing
with! Maybe you’d be happy in ANOTHER country
and quit trying to mess with what USED to be great
values, instead of the entitlement so many feel they
are, well, entitled to. I am NOT a racist or a bigot,
and I am pro-choice. But I am NOT for open
borders, and truly believe that no real American
should be, if they truly understand what this
country is about. ALL lives matter, and where we
came from and how we got here matter, too. I only
hope that you and those like you are NOT the
future of this country, because a faceless, godless,
entitled country is not what Trump supporters
were trying to accomplish. Exactly the opposite.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:07 AM

This young entitled punk is a veteran of the

longest foreign war in US history. I know
exactly what gets sacri ced to build a nation.­why­we­grieve­today/ 181/309
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I still grieve today thinking that we’re about

to put a billionaire con man into the white
house. He’s a demagogue. He’s an asshole. He
mocks women. He mocks minorities. He’s
dangerous. I don’t trust his draft dodging ass
to lead the military. You feel differently, and
that’s cool. I swore to defend a constitution
which guaranteed freedom rst and
foremost. I personally nd your comment
offensive, not that it probably means much to
you, but I do.


Z girl

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:14 PM

So would you build a wall around those parts of the

country so those scared middle age white peoples
can’t enter YOUR country.? Just sayin don’t be a
hater. Some people love the things you hate & vice
versa. Accept & love EVERYONE I thought was the
point of this article. Thanks for ruining it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:04 PM

To Paul I:

“Obama’s liberal agenda of Open Borders and ‘I have a pen

& a phone’ mindset has HURT minorities, not helped them.
He’s been hellbent on growing the underclass, not the
middle class. [Hillary was on the same trajectory. ]” — This
is an opinion, not a fact.

“There are 3,077 Counties in USA. [Less than 300

counties voted for Hillary.] Take a look at the County Map.
It’s 90% Red.” — This is according to the 1845 year origin
electoral college system. Hillary actually acquired more­why­we­grieve­today/ 182/309
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individual votes, winning the popular vote. So technically a

larger percentage of the population chose her.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:51 PM

So I don’t exist then just because I’m not the majority ?

Should I just commit suicide now ? Yes I’m brown a girl and
I thought I was American.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:25 PM

90% red, you say. Land area is not equivalent to

population. Far from it, considering Hillary won the
popular vote.


Zeek Duff

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:26 PM

Actually, Clinton won the popular vote, so once again, an

outdated constitutional provision takes precedence over
the actual will of the people. The rest of this discussion is
thus meaningless.


Chris Lund

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:47 PM

You are forgetting concentration of people. You are

caught up in a simple land mass = humanity mass illusion.

Yes, Trump won. That isn’t the argument.­why­we­grieve­today/ 183/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:02 PM

Who cares how many counties went for Trump? Hillary

won the popular vote, meaning more actual PEOPLE
voted for her. Trump won, but will he respect the fact that
more voters actually wanted her instead of him? (Fun
fact…. in 2012, after Obama won a 2nd term, Trump
blasted the Electoral College in a tweet… right there, the
de nition of irony….)



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:25 PM

you do understand the difference between geography and

population right? she will actually win by the popular vote
by the better part of half a million votes if not more.
unfortunately we are bound by the electoral college which
was created because of slavery. The irony is



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:46 PM

You realize that Hillary won the popular vote, right?

Trump won due to the antiquated electoral college, not
because he’s actually the favored candidate, by the
people. In all honesty it’s more of a tie, but she technically
won the popular vote in the general election.


James­why­we­grieve­today/ 184/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:31 PM

To Paul Inberea,

counties don’t vote. People do. More people live in those

<300 counties than those 3077. More people voted for
her than him. That's America too.

Obama ordered the deportation of more people than any

other president in history. Trump voters saw their income
grow under Obama.

I know reasoning with you is pointless. Like so many

Trump supporters, there is nothing anyone could say to
change your sclerotic mind.

And Frank Cobb, why don't you let Trump take your wife
or your daughter into a locker room if isn't true? I mean,
aren't all Republicans acting like Lot, offering up their
daughters to be kissed with Tic Tacs and grabbed by their



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:29 AM

I’m sorry, but it’s red because that’s how we show who
came out on top in the counties. It’s nothing more than a
visual method news organizations use to denote winners.
It doesn’t mean everyone in those counties are red. There
were still more people voting for Hillary than Donald in
this country, but that doesn’t matter in a presidential
election. It’s simply winner takes all. If every person voting
was assigned a color, it would all turn out to be purple.
Maybe of varying shades, but it wouldn’t be red. It
wouldn’t be blue.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:29 AM­why­we­grieve­today/ 185/309
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As it stands at this moment, she still has the majority vote.

The electoral college…an antiquated mess…robs the
majority of their candidate. So, you might well see red, but
not necessarily the whole picture.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:56 AM

Sorry pal. You have it all wrong. Trump will bring the whole
country together again. Wait and see.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:31 PM

shut up. we’re allowed to grieve



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:41 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:03 PM



Judi S

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:31 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 186/309
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Evidently your mama didn’t teach you when you need to

sit down and be quiet! Well since she didn’t, I will. Sit
down, AND BE QUIET! We, all, have earned the RIGHT to
grieve without TRUMPERS gloating all over us. Back the
heck off.


Bambi Hussein

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:36 PM

What a snow ake!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:34 PM



Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:56 PM

The grieve with graciousness. We are not bad

people because we think your candidate sucked
and that ours would govern better. Don’t lash out at
us while you grieve.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:36 PM

Wow, now that’s the right thing to say, if you would have
dropped the name calling and insults in the beginning of
this blog you could have saved you and the respondents
some time and aggravation. I hope we will all learn to drop­why­we­grieve­today/ 187/309
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the bag of rock sand move on from this, only time will tell,
We will not make America great with out it.


Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:42 PM

We threw out any chances to “Make America

Great” by electing the Orange Hitler last night.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:16 AM

Thank you!


Pingback: Hate – Respectfully Submitted


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:59 AM

Welcome back to the 1950’s. Sad day in America. Served my

whole life and today my voice has been ripped out, insurance will
be gone again within 100 days, retirement? Done, back to work.
Thank you Trump voters. I love you too.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:01 PM

Thank you for writing the words that I have been struggling to
nd. I understand now why I’m grieving. I truly hope my fears will
be unfounded and this country will come together. I just don’t see
how right now. All I see is a divide that will only grow larger and
that makes me grieve even more.­why­we­grieve­today/ 188/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:07 PM

Thank you for putting into words how I feel today. Like everything
I hold dear is lost forever. Or like a death of someone I love has
happened. I will be grieving for what we lost last night.


Another brick in the wall

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:42 PM

Hyperbolic much? Don’t believe all the lies MSN delivers

to you



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:30 PM

Better than the ones that Fox News has spewed




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:07 PM

As a pastor, I would hope that you were much more

understanding of this fact:

Not every person who voted for Mr. Trump holds his views as you
stated them. You, apparently, are also blinded to the
marginalization that many of them feel. They may not be the “ists”
that you label them, and it’s rather un-Christian of you to use
generalizations to attack them.­why­we­grieve­today/ 189/309
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Do I like Trump? No. I also didn’t vote for either of these awed
candidates. But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to go around
making general claims on what his supporters are. Neither should
anyone else.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:15 PM

You can’t shake the Devil’s hand and say you’re only


Bambi Hussein

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:38 PM

The devil walks arm-in-arm with liberals.


Paul Hoogeveen

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:54 PM

Bambi Hussein, that’s the kind of mindless

statement that takes us down the path
irreconcilable tribalism and social
fragmentation. Isn’t it time we stopped such
stupid things and started re-learning how to
try to understand one another?


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:54 PM

Because he’s not made to hide under the

desk.­why­we­grieve­today/ 190/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:27 PM

Troy, well stated. This is exactly how I feel!


Judy Fullmer

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:16 PM

I agree with Troy, this pits “them” against “us” . I believe

there is common ground to be found if we will listen to
each other.
The election results were not black and white as this
makes it seem. I grieve also for my friends that were
Hillary supporters and I hope my friends that were Trump
supporters will be sensitive to the grief they feel.


Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Troy: Sorry, no, but anyone voting for Trump has validated
his bigotry, hatred, fear-mongering and regressive view of
the world.
Trump used speeches straight out of Hitler’s rise to power.
He made the same populous phrases of an “us versus
them” mentality.
So even if they say they voted for Trump for “other
reasons,” they validated his dark vision that WILL make
America hell on Earth.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 191/309
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Wake up pastor. The truth of the matter is this. Fifty

percent of Americans believe one set of things. Fifty
percent of Americans believe another set of things. Both
sides hate each other so much they would just a soon kill
the other as look at them. You two-bit b*astards in the
Christian fundamentalist and conservative evangelical
clergy have egged this hatred on for 40 years. I hope you
enjoy the bloody, shooting, second American Civil War
this leads to. You could have been a factor of
reconciliation and peace. A curse on you in the name of



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:44 PM

Whether or not the people who voted for him are racists,
or sexists, or just all around bigots is not the point. The
point is those who voted for him said that HIS BEHAVIOR
IS ACCEPTABLE. That speaking about and treating people
who are different from you as though they are worthless
is okay. The person this country elected to it’s highest
of ce is hateful and openly discriminates and puts down
people from all types of minority groups. We do not think
everyone who voted for him is a bigot. But we do think
that the people who voted for him did not care enough
about the fair treatment of ALL CITIZENS of this country
to say no to him. We thought America was better than
this. This is why we grieve.


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:01 PM

I din’t accept any “behavior” of Trump’s when I

voted for him. I voted for policy. I voted for a
Supreme Court. I voted for a better and less
expensive alternative to Obamacare.­why­we­grieve­today/ 192/309
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I didn’t vote against Hillary’s bad behavior except

bad behavior while in of ce, like setting up her own
private server, risking national security, and hiding
evidence from the FBI. I voted against her policies.

I don’t accuse you of being a bad person because

you see things differently. Be gracious and return
the favor.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:53 PM

Maybe you should pay closer attention to the words of the

author instead of immediately going to the comments to
chastise him. He never labeled Trum supporters as any
“ist” but said they all aligned with him. They all validated
his beliefs by saying he is the face of our nation. That, you
can’t deny. We aren’t judging the people who were duped
into thinking this guy cares about them. We are mourning
the halting/reversing of progress in the country. All Trump
wants is a nation that will make his company more
pro table by deregulating businesses and “growing” the
economy in his favor. Anyone who believes otherwise is
foolish. Trump has always been about Trump…always will



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:15 PM

Perhaps we should not be angry at the party that represents us.

You know, the party that put forward ONE candidate while the
GOP put forward 10 diverse ones. You know, the party that
rigged the primary process in favor of its chosen candidate.

Maybe next time the Democratic Party will have faith in the
democratic process, instead of believing it should decide on the
candidate for its voters.­why­we­grieve­today/ 193/309
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Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:35 PM

Bernie Sanders would have been a much better candidate

than Hillary.

And apparently months ago, Hillary did whatever she

could to advance Trump, Carson & Cruz as possible
nominee (calling them The Pied Pipers) …because she
(thought) it would be an easy win.


Bruton Gaster

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:54 PM

That would require introspection. It’s easier to remain

blameless if you just write off 50+ million people as being
evil and heartless.


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:22 PM

“It’s about overt racism and hostility toward minorities.

It’s about religion being weaponized.
It’s about crassness and vulgarity and disregard for women.
It’s about a barricaded, militarized, bully nation.
It’s about an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.”

I voted for Trump. I’m happy he won. I think he will be a good


It had NOTHING to do with anything above. I don’t have a clue

what that’s about, especially “weaponized religion.”

I voted for someone who I thought would govern best.­why­we­grieve­today/ 194/309
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Mr. Mango

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:56 PM

No you didn’t! You voted for Trump because you’re a

racist and a bigot who hates women and brown people!

Really, this is what the left has failed at. People don’t like
being told what to think or what’s OK to say. The left has
turned into 1984’s Thought Police. This is push-back. The
left think that they can scream at you, demean your
beliefs and your character, and utterly shame you into
voting for their candidate. This is push-back.

You want to talk to me about racism? I want to hear

solutions, not accusations. I certainly don’t want to be
denied a voice because I’m a straight white male. This is
push-back. Change your damned tone.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:58 PM

You happily overlooked all of the really awful things he

said to half the country on your way to thinking that he
would “govern well” not once thinking that all of those
awful things he says and does to people are the very
things that will keep him from governing well.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:48 PM

When grieving turns to anger, then acceptance,

Obama is to blame.

He went rogue. [And Americans did not appreciate

it.] He went in there and pushed his ideology (very­why­we­grieve­today/ 195/309
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left). He was NOT given Carte Blanche when we

voted him in –but he took it anyway.


Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:04 PM

Joe Catholic:

You say you voted for who you thought would govern
best, but you voted for the man who made bigoted
comments against minorities, women, the disabled, a
major religious group, and veterans. SO good going, YOU
are part of the assassination squad that killed America.

And to clear up your confusion, “weaponized religion” is

things like laws granting businesses the “Right” of bias
against customers and employees based on “religion” See
Hobby Lobby decision) (Rights belong to PEOPLE, not
legal constructs like corporations, but never mind that a
corporation isn’t a person, let’s let the First Amendment
get shot full of holes.) “Weaponized religion” is the
growing sentiment by Christians in America that they are
persecuted because they cannot force their religion on
others. “Weaponized religion” is thinking there is a war on
Christmas because non-Christians won’t say “Merry
Christmas”, won’t devote themselves to your faith.

So sit there, enjoying your work in validating Trumps

bigotry and fear mongering, and thinking that Freedom of
Religion only applies to Christians, but never forget that
YOU, and those like you, just killed America.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:48 PM

Well I am one that has fear you see I suffered a hate crime July 31
where I was injured on October4 I had to have surgery two weeks
later my Dr told me I will never make a full recovery I voted for­why­we­grieve­today/ 196/309
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Hilary because of the hate I heard coming from Trump no other

reason I fear leaving my house seance July 31 I fear even more
today I fear that Trump is gone spread more hate I prey I’m wrong
but tell I hear and see different I won’t feel any safer I won’t feel
safe tell I see and hear respect from Trump you see I will never
recover from the damage done to my body I am crying just from
wrighting this because I hate living in fear but as a American I
gone hope for a good out come I am gone hope to be free of this
fear I am gone hope for respect for all Americans I’m gone do
everything possible to make a full recovery even if the Dr says ill
never be 100% I’m gone give myself 100% as I hope Trump will do
God bless. All Americans



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:22 AM

I don’t know what else to even possibly say, except that

this breaks my heart. I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone
through and are still going through.


Don Lail

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:53 PM

You’re one to talk John. You exclude anybody who doesn’t agree
with your views…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

That’s an easy one. The things you people believe are both
ignorant and stupid. I reject ignorant and stupid—and I
refuse to cooperate with an evil President and his equally
evil followers.

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Jill Young

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 12:56 PM

Love your heart Pastor P.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:04 PM

Thank you for voicing what so many of us are feeling today.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:09 PM

I am grieving with you JP and those who are sad and grieving
today. Peace.


Lisa c

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:09 PM

First may I say, judge not least you be judged…..that said, you
concern yourself and “grieve” over what you call hate but your ok
with lying, conspiracy, murder, abortion. I am not pretending
either candidate is without shame, but you might want to do a
little more soul searching “Pastor”



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:02 PM

Why are you on this site? Go celebrate and leave us alone.

Stop demeaning someone with your “quotation marks”­why­we­grieve­today/ 198/309
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who has an opinion and shares it openly and with passion.

By the way, it’s “you’re” not “your.”



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:12 PM

I’d never heard about you (John) prior to today. I guess you can
thank my aunt for sharing the link to this post on her FB feed. But
upon reading it, then digging further to read about who you are
and to learn that you are “an 18-year ministry veteran trying to
gure out how to love people well and to live-out the red letters
of Jesus,” I was left with just one thought – I suppose I will start
praying for you and that Raleigh church you serve.

I can appreciate your disappointment and maybe even the

general sentiments over this recent election. But this post
sounded more like Caiaphas rebuking the Jews, rather than
font used for emphasis). Anyways, like I said, I will start praying
for you, that you gure out the love of Jesus. I’m still learning and
guring it out too…but from what I’ve learned, it’s not that
dif cult and not that divisive.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:16 PM

Amen and Thank you.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Deks. good point.

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Aslan Balaur

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:10 PM

Yes, “loving Jesus” is divisive, because those who profess a

love of Jesus seem to have no ability to “love” those of us
who don’t believe Jesus existed, that god is a myth.
When Christians can STOP trying to force their fantasy
BS on my, and leave me alone to not believe anything not
supported by scienti c FACT, then you can say Jesus is not
divisive, and not one second prior to that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:53 PM

Right Deks. Just make John shove his conscience aside

and believe everything Deks believes—and the world will
be just ne. Screw you man, and screw your hate-based



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:16 PM

Keep writing what you right. You and other likeminded Christians
in cyberspace are my only church right now.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:17 PM

…writing what you write…

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S. M. Boynton

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:16 PM

I grieve that the candidate selected by popular vote has twice in

the last 20 years been superseded by the loser of the popular
vote winning the electoral college. How is it possible that where
one votes is more meaningful than who one votes for?


Bambi Hussein

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:41 PM

You could read about the purpose of the electoral college .

. . or is that beyond your intellectual capacity?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:21 PM

Now why would the writer want to do that?


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:58 PM

S.M. Boynton: Our Constitution gives most powers to the

State. In such a huge country, with such diverse
population, and diverse resources, it makes sense to break
us into States. People have more Freedom in a
Government State, rather than a Govt Nation. We are free
to move anywhere, to nd our niche that most bene ts us
and our pursuit of happiness.

The individual nature or personality of a State can be a

huge asset to it, rather than everything being
homogenized, which often just becomes mediocracy.
California is different than Idaho. Alabama is different­why­we­grieve­today/ 201/309
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than Vermont. This is diversity that makes the whole

greater than the parts. America is amazing!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:20 PM

This morning I grabbed a screen-shot of David Duke’s

endorsement of Trump and a “friend” replied with a smiley face. I
asked if that was a smiley face endorsing the KKK and racism and
she replied that she was just happy that Trump won.

My heart is so heavy that we’re already seeing hate rearing it’s

ugly head from the woodworks and it’s I just can’t believe that
people don’t see history about to repeat itself. I cannot believe
how much we screwed this up.


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:34 PM

Blame the DNC and the Clinton Machine for forcing an

unpopular and corrupt candidate on us.

Trump is not racist, bigoted, homophobic, and all the nasty

names Liberals use to denigrate those who think outside
of that box.

We have voted for someone who we believe will govern




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:11 PM

Your self delusion disgusts me!­why­we­grieve­today/ 202/309
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People are going to DIE because you hated a

woman for being too quali ed!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:30 PM

Trump winning wasn’t about hate, race or anything of the sorts. It

was about issues Americans were fed up with Obamacare eating
their hard earned paychecks while providing less then ideal
coverage. It was about wanting stricter immigration laws to
protect them in the workplace and street. It was a tiredness of
career politicians who have taken advantage working class
Americans while lining their own pockets. If all you seen in this
election was race,and gender then that’s on you.


Joe Catholic

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:42 PM

He’s obsessed with race and sexual orientation and

anyone who doesn’t see things his way is a racist and a
homophobe and a very mean person.

He absolutely refuses to even consider any other motive

those who think differently than he does may have, except
the motive he assigns them. He’s very divisive.

His religion is simply regurgitation of liberal politics.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:12 PM

What about people like me, who aren’t “disabled enough”

for SSI, but can’t work? I NEED medication to survive, and
no one will give it to me, or would until the ACA. Should I
just go die in the streets, then?­why­we­grieve­today/ 203/309
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Shirley KOUNS

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:40 PM

Thank you for writing so clearly what so many of us believe. Your

posts give me hope.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:44 PM

Reductionism is a dangerous weapon.

It’s currently causing people to lose their minds over the outcome
of this election.

The media and apparently a large percentage of Clinton’s

supporters believe that a very complex situation, and what
motivated voters to back Trump, can be explained away with a
few myopic keywords.

And this is alarming to me. It’s propaganda. I did not vote for
Trump, but I was and continue to feel outrage at the notion that
Hillary and the Democrats can appropriate words like “hope” and
“love” and “inclusion” and then simply cast out those who hold a
different point of view, calling them racists and bigots and
misogynists in the process. It’s the accepted double standard, and
that in and of itself is one of the reasons people went to the polls
yesterday. It seems they are tired of it.

Perhaps it’s time for us as a country to return to reason. Maybe

America was great to certain people when they had jobs. When
they could feed their kids. Before they were laid off and lost their
house and watched their marriage crumble. And lest we jump to
assign blame or launch a counter argument, maybe consider that
to be part of the establishment is to be part of the problem.
Maybe we need to acknowledge nuance. That there is a very
important and real gray area in between the extremes toward
which propaganda drives us. Maybe it’s time to change our
attitude. Instead of looking at this election through the veil of­why­we­grieve­today/ 204/309
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intolerance, consider that it could be deeper. That American

citizens didn’t leave their house on Nov. 8th to vote for hate, but
to vote for their wallets. That maybe we aren’t as divided as the
media tells us.

We all can choose how to frame this election and the narrative
that surrounds it. Grieve all you want, but beware the evils of



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:05 PM

Well said. As soon as you anoint your political ideology as

“good” and denounce those who disagree with you as
“evil” then you’re going down a dangerous road.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:35 PM

Yes, beware reductionism…on all sides. Political

candidates attract hanger-ons that they aren’t always
proud of. Some are careful to disown certain factions,
others cynically encourage. Set aside the “propaganda”…
on all sides. Trump speaks and acts plainly. It’s quite
apparent by his words and actions what type of candidate
he was. He doubtlessly has convinced others that he is a
fellow traveller and condones their beliefs…beliefs that
are the very antithesis of Christ’s. Will this continue into
his presidency? Two things come to mind: 1. “lie with dogs,
come up with eas”. 2. “For what shall it pro t a man, if he
shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 205/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:00 PM

What planet do y’all live on for crying out loud???

It’s easy to spew what Trump’s campaign was or
wasn’t.. Exclusion? Do you not know that the debt
level of our country is due to the millions of people
we are supporting who are ocking into this
country illegally? And that this needs to be stopped
? Bleeding hearts take into aaccount no practical
thinking on anything …where do you think the
money comes from to support these people? Do
you know the statistics on the amount of people on
welfare and most of them are not even in this
country legally? Do you realize I need a tie
American Muslims are pouring into this country
every day under the disguise of a refugee? do you
realize that of the billions of Muslims around the
world one fourth of them are radical and openly cry
for the death of America??? Uh yeah these would be
people we dont want in our country. Donald Trump
has made clear the distinctions… people of your
support will be deep would be the rst one
scratching their own kids and wondering what
happened when they rape and kill your wife and
children? Are you that ignorant of what you speak
on dude??? Educate yourself on The realities, not
your delusional utopian American Christianity.
Have you not read your Bible? Read some of the
things God told His prophets to do to those coming
against His people. YOU are speaking irresponsibly
and indeed are guilty of the same divisiveness you
claim to be so against.


charlesburch eld

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 1:58 PM

“Get Together” lyrics

Love is but a song we sing

And fear’s the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the Angels cry­why­we­grieve­today/ 206/309
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Though the bird is on the wing

You may not know why

Come on people now

Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now

Some may come and some may go

We will surely pass
When the one that left us here
Returns for us at last
We are but a moment’s sunlight
Fading in the grass yeah

Come on people now

Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now

Come on people now

Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now

If you hear the song we sing

You will understand
You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It’s there at your command

Come on people now

Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now

Yeah come on people now

Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now
Try to love one another right now
Try to love one another right now

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:09 PM

You know what? I am a christian and I did NOT vote for DT. I
loathed the idea of him in of ce…TOUCHING the White House
at all!!
But here we are. We can whine and cry, ultimately pushing this
past 2 years of division into the future, or we can get off our high
horses, GET BEHIND THE MAN (yes I said it!), support Him when
he is doing good, and use democratic processes when we feel he
puts us at risk! It is unpatriotic to publically hate, bash, scorn our
commander-in-cheif! If we are to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD,
then all of us have to “BUCK UP”, believe that God will be God,
and use the powers that we have under the constitution. The
people have spoken, and Donald Trump will be our next
president!! Choose today how you will help move this country
FORWARD and UPWARD! Come on… we all have to do it!
Whining, lamenting has to end today… Let’s go!


Zak Attack

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:25 PM

I love all of these “because I say so” posts. If you don’t want
Hillary, you are a racist, “because I say so”. I am looking for a
better future, and you are lled with hate because I said so,
because you didn’t support who I supported. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
While sitting there preaching about what other people should do,
how about listening to your own advice? It doesn’t really matter
anyway, The Presidency, House Majority, and Senate Majority are
now a real thing.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:26 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 208/309
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John, what I read is what YOU think that I think. You do not have
any idea what I think. I nd it mean and harmful for you telling the
world the untruths about what I think. The only one that knows
what I think is God. He can see what is in my heart.
Please quit spreading the hate. We need to heal.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:13 PM

JP makes the same mistake that Obama did…”I, Liberal,

know better than you, Conservative.”

Obama took Center Stage these past few days, & his hate-
fueled speech was shocking. Vulgar in his desperate plea
to get Hillary elected. Americans saw through his act. His
ailing was pitiful.

He lost many votes for her.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:27 PM

Thank you for bringing light to darkness. Everything you wrote I

feel deeply about. And those feelings are lled with question,
anger, sadness, and hopelessness. I just pray for our country.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:30 PM

sour grapes…


Tracy Burns­why­we­grieve­today/ 209/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:30 PM

So negative. This is what we need to get away from. Our

democratic process is all we have. Respect it! Be a part of the
solution – not the problem!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:31 PM

And your point is?? The Trump way of how America should be is
exactly HOW IT SHOULD BE!!! F your crybaby feelings. F illegals.
F the miswired gays and nally, F ISLAM



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:42 PM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:39 PM

you have been so missled but you have made your bed just dont
in ict it on the rest of the world you need help now



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:39 PM

I’m so super sad that you and sooo many others feel this way. But
can I say this? What you wrote… it tells people that anyone who
voted trump has hatred in their heart for them. It tells people that
every trump voter wants a white, Christian America and doesn’t
care about anyone else. And THAT, my friend, is FAR from the­why­we­grieve­today/ 210/309
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truth. I know those people are out there… UT you’re

exaggerating and generalizing a situation to make it seem even
more hopeless. I voted for trump after literally going back and
forth 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I’m not sure it was the right
decision… but regardless… most of the things in this passage are
the opposite of how I feel. Please… by all means… GRIEVE!!!
Your vision was not realuEd and I know that hurts. You feel
personally wounded. But DONT YOU DARE spread or believe the
lie that those trump statistics represent people who hate you,
look down upon you, and don’t want better for you. Some of
them, yes. ‘At do even most of them. But so many of us are
distraught … desperate for better but not sure how to get there!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:41 PM

“Crocodile tears” are not sincere tears. Please look up this term.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:41 PM

… I could not disagree more with this blog post … and it is sad
that there are not enough words to explain how the world won
last night …



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:54 PM

In time we will know. What will never be known is how

bad things could have gone in the other direction!


Paul Inberea­why­we­grieve­today/ 211/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:23 PM

Now there is hope for the millenials ! Thank you God.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:42 PM

The mother of a 4-year-old boy, I’ve been asking myself how I can
keep telling him to be kind and courteous, wait his turn in line, not
bully, treat others with respect, seek an education, arm yourself
with knowledge, and work hard when the leader our country has
chosen embodies exactly none of these qualities. I work in higher
ed, where being a woman, much less a lowly *staff* member (as
opposed to faculty) makes me a second-class citizen. Despite
working hard, being honest, and displaying good integrity, getting
ahead professionally or personally seems an impossibility for
people with the aforementioned attributes. Instead, our culture
has chosen to reward and validate disgusting behavior by making
it our leader because it was born rich, makes empty promises, and
has a pretty wife.

What’s the point of raising children to be decent human beings

when our country doesn’t value it?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:52 PM

Donald Trump has some of the most amazing children you

will ever nd. They were raised with an enormous work
ethic, are well educated, and do not use drugs or alcohol.
They are kind and courteous and treat those who work for
them and encounter them on a daily basis with respect.
If you think Donald was given everything he has, and has
not had to work his but off to get where he is, then you
need to do a little research. He works 18-20 hours a day
many times only sleeping for short naps while traveling.

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Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:27 PM

I am looking forward to seeing the whole Trump

family in the White House. They are a ne family.

I enjoyed seeing Michelle & her family in the White

House very much. I will always treasure that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:44 PM

You are lumping everyone who voted for Trump into one big pool
and you couldn’t be more wrong. By the same token, not ALL
Hillary supporters are for Gay rights. I would like to think we
voted for the candidate who most closely held the same beliefs as
we did, whether voting for Hillary or Trump. We all have to keep
ghting for what we feel is right. Even if Hillary had won, the ght
to end racism, bigotry and sexism would have had to continue, it
would not have ended over night with her election. Keep ghting!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:45 PM

You have been suckered in by the media and are thinking with
your feelings rather than your mind. This is the real America, and
the exact same America the elected BHO 8 years ago.
You have made up things that you believe, instead of examining
the facts with an open mind. Cry about what you think you have
lost, but remember you can’t lose what you never had!
Today is real. You can make your worst thoughts come true or you
can work to make this reality what you want it to be.


Andrea­why­we­grieve­today/ 213/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:50 PM

Thank you John, that was beautiful.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:51 PM

Yes, and . . .

“It feels like living in enemy territory being here now, and there’s
no way around that. We wake up today in a home we no longer
recognize. We are grieving the loss of a place we used to love but
no longer do. This may be America today but it is not the America
we believe in or recognize or want.”

This paragraph could have been written during the last 8 years by
many those who voted for Trump yesterday. He validated the
pain, grief, and disenfranchisement that has been building in them
for years and promised solace.

It doesn’t matter that I don’t agree that the increasing diversity

and opportunities for women and minorities and viewing the
world as a global community caused their anguish, but to move on
I have to acknowledge that what they have been feeling is real
and to gure out how to work to make a bigger pie, rather than
ght over the pie that they beleive is not big enough for all of us.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:53 PM

I believe you think there is such a stark difference. You may even
believe that Hillary is for inclusiveness .

And yes, it’s about two (or more) different ways of seeing the

It’s not just Hillary supporters who believe in a diverse view of

the world. Many of us who are very much against her as president­why­we­grieve­today/ 214/309
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believe in the value of a diverse nation. In fact, I’d suggest that

many of us believe it even more than Hillary.

The problem I and many others have with her view of diversity is
all the -isms associated with her view.

I.E. people of color can’t succeed with help from their progressive
friends. How is that any different from those who suggested that
blacks were somehow inferior? Frankly, it’s not.

Fill in the same for women. Hillary’s brand of inclusiveness

included the idea that women can’t succeed without help from
her progressive friends. So sexist.

I could go on and on, but the truth is, Hillary represented the
other side of the very same coin you claim describes Trump.

The form and manner of her -isms may vary, but there are every
bit as offensive and wrong headed as are his.


Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

I agree. Hillary & Obama see themselves as better than

others. I don’t see their kind of ‘help’ as being helpful, in
fact, it’s extremely condescending. [ For example, they
think that black people are somehow incapable of getting
a photo-ID.] I think they both have bought into false
stereotypes from their leftist college philosophers. They
are incapable of thinking out of the box.

[On the contrary, I nd that fundamentalist Christians to

be very open minded, exible, compassionate , creative
and non- judgmental .]



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 2:59 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 215/309
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I think this is hateful and only continues to divide America with

false beliefs. Today both parties are trying to merge together as
one but it is things like this that continue to separate us further.


Shelby Howell

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:02 PM

I appreciate your well written piece. However, I feel like another
commenter noted, that all the bad you mentioned about Mr.
Trump is straight from the media, etc. Yes, he is a awed human
and has made, and said, some things I do not agree with. That
being said, he has apologized and that should end it, as it would
for obama or hillary. Yet, since he is a Republican, his apology is
not recognized.
I submit to you, John, that Hillary is also terribly awed, yet has
never apologized. Rather, she has been caught numerous times in
the last thirty years in lies, distortions and misleading comments.
Early on she was red from the legal team investigating Nixon
because of her unethical behavior, and she has continued on that
path without apology ever since. Her concession speech was an
amazing distortion of her career and motives, ie, she had been on
record as saying Christians would be forced to conform to federal
rules by legislation, yet she alleged she supported all religions in
her speech.
Add in covering up the Bimbo Eruptions, Bengazi, illegal emails,
selling access to the government and her campaign being heavily
nanced by the Saudis and I nd your rationale for “grieving”
more than a little misplaced.
This campaign was never about the American people, it has
always been about her. Her foul mouth rants against those who
served her (police, secret service, etc.) show the real personality
behind the mask.
This is a time for celebration, not grieving. The country has been
purged of a sickness that was almost terminal, namely,
professional politicians.
Many of us were told to get used to it when obama was elected.
Now, we all have been freed of a cancer, whether it is recognized
or not. The hurt you feel is from the surgery that removed the
cancer, not grief. Given time, you will feel better, if, you are
intellectually honest with yourself.
However, many will refuse to recognize any positive moves­why­we­grieve­today/ 216/309
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forward and attrmpt to get their way by whatever means are

necessary, including anarchy.
Each person must decide whether it is freedom or anarchy. The
choice is real and the outcome is, also.


Philip Peterson

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:03 PM

It’s about overt racism and hostility toward minorities.

It’s about religion being weaponized.
It’s about crassness and vulgarity and disregard for women.
It’s about a barricaded, militarized, bully nation.
It’s about an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.

Yes, but that was all Hillary…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:05 PM

Despite how emotional people have gotten about politics this

year, it still IS politics.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:06 PM

This result is hard to accept, but it’s hardly surprising. I really

wanted HRC to pull it out. I understand, however, the frustrations
of the white working class voters in WI, PA, OH, and MI. They
voted 8 and 4 years ago for the rst black President because they
thought he was quali ed and would do a good job. And, the for
most part, they think he has done ok. Obama’s approval numbers
are high. But the far left and minority communities decided in
recent years that whites, and white men in particular, are the root
of all things bad. Many on the left say white men are “privileged”
and heap blame on them for everything, without rst re ecting­why­we­grieve­today/ 217/309
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on their communities’ own shortcomings. Whether it’s true or

not, the white community feels like they are getting a big FU from
a bunch of ingrates. This result is partly a white-lash. White males
got piled on and it is human nature to react.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:08 PM

You have given eloquent voice to my thoughts and feelings about

this election. Thank you.


Kim Veeh

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:09 PM

You summed up our feelings perfectly. Thank you so much.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:09 PM

And yet Clinton is the one who called half the citizens of the
United States deplorable!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:12 PM

I said nearly the same thing four years ago…. it is certainly all in
the eye of the beholder. You’ll survive.
my-perspective-about-the-facebook-meltdowns/­why­we­grieve­today/ 218/309
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What you believe about Trump and Trump supporters is very far
from the truth. You’ll see that soon enough. God bless. I
understand your frustration when half the country chooses for



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:13 PM

Reducing people to categories and how you think they voted, or

why they voted that way is every bit as obnoxious as the things
you are accusing those who didn’t vote for Hillary of. It’s never
that simple.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:14 PM

Cool story bro. You’re a liar though.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:18 PM

America will heal its wounds much more quickly if the Democrats
would stop blaming racism, bigotry and colour, etc., for the loss of
this election, Truly, nothing could be farther from the truth. The
simple reason for the loss yesterday was the Democratic party
picked the worst possible candidate to run. Many democrats
realized this and voted Trump just to keep her out. To continue
calling all Republicans white, racist bigots is to continue the split
in the country (for all the wrong reasons I might add). Time to pull
your big boy and big girl pants up, shake hands, and clean up your

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Paul Inberea

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM

Thank God,

Conservatives can now come out from behind the

shadows! (no more skulking).



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:51 PM

I’m not even an American, but reading your

comments lead me to believe that there are no
bigger racists, bigots and zealotry than in the
Democratic party. I have never heard so much
vindictive hatred being spewed at others as much
as I have in the past few weeks, and a good 80% of
it comes from the left. What is it you are all so
terri ed of?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:20 PM

You and other Hillary voters have my thoughts and best wishes
from across the pond. I felt the same way after Brexit- people in
my country, that I thought shared my values, ripped away
something overnight that I held so dear. I was literally grieving for
the future of my country. It did get easier to bear in time (it
helped that the government went on holiday to choose a new
leader so nothing started to happen until September), but the
rst month was awful.

Many of those that won don’t (or won’t) understand how it feels.
They tell you to suck it up, be happy because “the best” side won,
shut up with the doom-mongering because we need to be positive
and work together, or just plain shut up – I mean, just look at the
comments above on this article. I wish you strength in putting up
with these idiots that will be everywhere in the comments section­why­we­grieve­today/ 220/309
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of every news article. Those Trump supporters that have empathy

will leave you be – they do exist, and it’s just the vocal minority
that have come to gloat. Why can’t some people understand that
when a person is obviously in shock and pain, it is not the time to
shout at them about how they are completely wrong and have
nothing to be worried about. Why can’t some people understand
that just because they personally are not
rascist/homophobic/misogynistic, voting for someone who
espouses those views encourages the minority of the population
that are rascist/homophobic/misogynistic, and will have a
measurable impact on the affected demographics (if you don’t
believe me, look at how race hate incidents in the UK skyrocketed
after Brexit).

All the best to you all, and if you nd a way to bridge the divide
between the two sides, be sure to let us know in the UK.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:21 PM

Trump won but here’s what really matters:

Senate: 52 Republicans, 47 Democrats (loss of one for
House: 238 Republicans, 193 Democrats (loss of six for
Governor: 33 Republicans, 14 Democrats (gain of three for
State legislatures: Republicans now control more than two-thirds
of all chambers.

Now the real work begins.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:31 PM

Just a side note –

Harry Reid changed Senate rules about six months ago.
Senators can no longer libusterer federal judicial­why­we­grieve­today/ 221/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

What does this mean? Republicans will control Supreme
Court nominee voting without the trouble of Democrat
interference on a straight up-down vote.
Even more interesting – Republicans will control
congressional agendas, committee chairs and thus
legislative time tables.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:22 PM

This blog post ts right in. I didn’t vote for the man but I don’t
make terrible assumptions about the people he did. Keep telling
each other what you want to hear in that echo chamber while
ignoring real issues real people are having. That’s how you got
Trump in the rst place.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:22 PM

This blog post ts right in. I didn’t vote for the man but I don’t
make terrible assumptions about the people who did. Keep telling
each other what you want to hear in that echo chamber while
ignoring real issues real people are having. That’s how you got
Trump in the rst place.­why­we­grieve­today/ 222/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:27 PM

It’s not about politics? It’s not about losing?

You just argued the points of politics and losing!! You victimized
yourself and others. You misunderstood Trump’s message. You
created a divide between people. You pigeonholed Trump
supporters to be only one type of person. THATS offensive!
Trump supporters are blacks, whites, hispanics, gays, men,
women, Christians, Jews, Republicans, Democrats and many
more. We are a diverse group. We are not polarizing as you have
just done. You have just created an environment of victimization
and divisiveness. Trump said in his victory speech that we are all
one now and it’s time to unite. Listen! He was elected because
people have had enough of the divisiveness in these past 8


Shantell K.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:28 PM

First of all, to all the Trump Supporters and Apologists on this

blog: Seriously, get over yourselves. You have just shown the
entire world exactly how you want them to see you: uncouth,
uneducated “star-f***ers”. You wanted a Reality Show Electorate,
and now you got it. You backed a wild horse candidate, and now
you got it. Miss me with the rambling “Not all of us white ppl
voted for Trump” BS. If you voted 3rd Party, no matter how “safe”
you thought your state was, this is on you. If you didnt vote at
ALL, this is on you. I, for one, am not sticking around to ght back.
For what? The Mango Mussolini has a Super Majority. A F***ing
SUPER MAJORITY!!! There will be no working across the aisle.
There will be no room for dissent. We are entering a Fascist state,
and in less than 2 years, these same ppl will be the ones lying to
everyone willing to listen: “Dont blame me, I voted for Johnson or
Stein or Harambe or Hennessy…” FOH…my 11 year old autistic
son who is Black is now 40x more likely to be murdered by hate-
lled White ppl than by a Black drug dealer or gang member. He’s
non-verbal, so of course a White cop will take his silence as a
threat.­why­we­grieve­today/ 223/309
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Democracy as we hoped it could be will NEVER be realized, so

long as those with White Privilege live confortably in a fog about
their country. You can have it, America. I no longer believe you or
in you anymore.

A Black, College-educated, Non-Welfare Queen Mother or a
Disabled Son (just in case you racist pricks go sur ng for old
stereotypes to trot out)



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:58 PM

wow…college educated and employed – until George

Soros’ checks stop showing up. You’ll need a passport.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:28 PM

Wow. The responses to this column really make John’s point for
him. This point from the column resonates most poignantly for
me: “This is not about a difference of political opinion, as that’s far
too small to mourn over. It’s about a fundamental difference in
how we view the worth of all people—not just those who look or
talk or think or vote the way we do.” Folks, please stop name-
calling, stop blaming. We see the world differently, OK? We have
to acknowledge that, accept it and respect each other, then try to
work to gether despite our differences. Or, as Jesus said, we need
love one another. Love, not hate. Love. Love.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:31 PM

John, the very Scriptures you quote go against many of the things
you are afraid of happening…i.e. LGBT and the role of women­why­we­grieve­today/ 224/309
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and “racism”.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:33 PM

I keep hearing comments about no longer loving America and

that’s something I can’t understand or respect.

There were things in Obama’s America I didn’t like. That was also
true of some things W. Bush’s America and even Bill Clinton’s
America. But I never lost love for my country.

If you are going to stop loving your country because some of your
fellow Americans disagree with you….I would suggest you never
loved your country. You only loved what you perceived your
country to be.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:33 PM

Thank you John P. I always nd something in your posts that lift

my spirits, or stimulate my mind, or a sentence or word that grabs
my attention and gets me thinking about a topic. I am saddened
by the harsh reaction from people like Anonymous and Joe
Catholic who come to this site for who knows what reason, and
spew their views at those of us who enjoy reading John’s missives
like we are a bunch of craven sinners b/c we don’t think like they
do. It doesn’t seem to matter to them that few of us care about
what they have to say, that we come to this site because we like
John P and his writings. So please, take your keyboard and
remove us. Leave us alone.


Amy Gelinas

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:35 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 225/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

So…. I have to ask….

Would you let someone who has no medical experience perform
your next operation?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:36 PM

You speak of inclusion, yet you show support for a woman that
has no problem going on national television, during a presidential
debate and graphically describing crushing a 9 month old baby’s
skull? What of all those children that don’t have a voice yet?
Should they be excluded from life because you have a ’cause”
you’re behind? You people really need to examine this, me, me,
me attitude, and seriously start thinking of others. Perhaps the
reason you see so much bigotry isn’t because Donald Trump is a
bigot, but perhaps you see a little of yourself in him.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:16 PM

She did not do that. Rewatch the video of the debate

where that issue came up. Donald Trump is the one who
began describing those so-called “nine-month abortions.”
After the debate, doctors came out in droves to say how
no skulls are crushed, no babies dismembered as Trump
suggested. That’s a scare tactic. Sometimes health issues
for the mother and child require an intervention in the
nal month, but that is rare. Really, rewatch the debate.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:36 PM

Whine, whine, whine. If the shoe was on the other foot, you’d be
gloating all day long, asking for us all to come together. Take some­why­we­grieve­today/ 226/309
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of your own advice. Grow up, accept adulthood, and move on. It
will make us all stronger together.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:38 PM

Thank you for expressing this so eloquently. It is about

sanctioning hate and bullying. Saying it is okay to belittle and
suppress anyone who isn’t white, male, Christian. Those who have
existed on the edge of civility now feel carte blanche to behave
anyway they choose.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

“So yeah, be upset for as long as you want. Get drunk. Do

whatever you have to do. After that, I want you to sober up,
splash water on your face, and consider some facts.
Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide — 55
percent to 37 percent against.
Legal abortion is favored by 56 percent, with 41 percent opposed.
The vast majority of the population supports background checks
for gun buyers — up to 90 percent in some polls.
A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health
care, 58 percent to 37 percent.
64 percent of Americans are worried about global warming. Only
36 percent are not.
And — get this — Americans overwhelmingly agree that
immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent
to 33 percent margin.”

This was ganked from an article on Cracked by David Wong


Grady Warren­why­we­grieve­today/ 227/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

Goodness hung from the thick limb

tossing to and fro
pale as linen on the line
the creaking tree
echoed across the grove
but no one nearby cried.
smiles erupted below
on faces forever dimmed
by night shadows
full of cheer as if now freed
to be the killer of God.


Pingback: The End of Magical Thinking: America, Welcome to Your Four-

Year Abusive Relationship with a Narcissist | Tamira Thayne's

Lisa M

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:39 PM

Thank you for this post. I am grieving. For a lot of things, many of
which didn’t have anything to do with Trump personally.

This country just voted, in the guise of wanting to “make a

change” and “shake things up” to kick sand in the face of a lot of
our population. Based on anger and fear.

Making decisions based on anger and fear often turns out poorly.
Unfortunately, all of us who made a different decision based on
other issues will suffer when the anger and fear that have driven
this campaign comes home to roost for our nation.

And that I grieve for most of all.


Pingback: Why I Grieve Today


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:40 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 228/309
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This is simply not true. I was one of the last to jump aboard the
Trump train. Only when it became obvious that it was him or
Hillary did he gain my support. I voted for Trump because he is
not Hillary. I voted for him because he is not part of the reason
four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi. He does not
support the murder of innocent children. He knows the
signi cance of the letter “C”. I voted for Trump because if anyone
is going to reverse the economical demolition Obama has
in icted on this country, it will be him, not Obama’s side kick. My
vote was not cast for a candidate because I am a racist and he is a
rich older white man. It was cast for the last best hope for my
children to grow up in the same America I grew up in. An America
governed by the people, an America that allows us to keep the
freedoms blessed upon us by our constitution without threat of
the government taking them away. I’m so tired of people who
preach acceptance and equality, yet call you a racist or a bigot
when you disagree with them. Liberals have had ample
opportunity to do great things for our nation, and they failed.
Now it’s time we take back our country and make it as great as it
has the potential to be. God bless President Elect Trump and God
bless America!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:41 PM

Thank you for writing this. I truly cannot fathom how Christians
could vote for Trump. His behavior is reprehensible and
unjusti able, and it’s ignorant to think that narcissist Trump will
stand for anything other than his own best interests. His history
is the best predictor of his future behavior… Shame on America.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:42 PM

It’s important to realize it wasn’t half the nation that elected him.
More like around 25-30%. Then another 25-30 voted against him.
And most of the rest stood by and did nothing.­why­we­grieve­today/ 229/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:43 PM

Why are you all so sure how Trump being elected will effect the
country? Regardless of his personal beliefs he hasn’t as much
power as people believe he has. He especially doesn’t have as
much power as he believe he has. I am taking a wait and see
approach. So far his election has helped push people who had
chosen not to use their voice to speak up. Sometimes we need a
punch to the gut to learn how to ght back.


Warrior Mama

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

I think the massive voter turn out showed exactly how the
people used their voices. Sadly, two horrible choices
breeds a horrible victor, and that is what we now have.
Congratulations, democrats, and thanks. Really.


Warrior Mama

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:45 PM

Blame the democrats. They shoved her up our collective asses,

and she was absolutely the wrong candidate. If Bernie were on
the ticket, or the media had given the 3rd party candidates some
air time, we’d all not be running around waiting for the sky to fall.
Americans wanted change, and that change sat rmly in the
hands of Sanders, Trump, Stein (maybe), and Johnson
(absolutely). Take the next four years to study up on how this all
went so shit- re wrong, and begin with the democratic party. Of
course they are grieving. They absolutely should be.

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Judy Davey

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

You wrote a beautiful explanation, it’s exactly how I feel. Thank

You! I have shared it on FB.


Mrs Fringe

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:47 PM

Thank you for this, beautifully said, and all too true. Today I weep,
tomorrow I will still be weeping. I’m afraid of where we will be a
month from now.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

I’ll have what he’s drinking…


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:48 PM

WAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Things aren’t going my way so everyone

else is wrong!! Boo-Fricking-Hoo!!! So it up and put on your big
boy pants. No more freebies or handouts! you want something
work for it! The majority has spoken now deal with it! I didn’t
want Obama in Of ce but he was and I never bitched (on social
media) or cried about it. Toughen up ya pansy!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:57 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 231/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America; one where

religion or skin color or sexual orientation or place of birth aren’t
liabilities or de ciencies or moral defects. Her campaign was one
of inclusion and connection and interdependency. It was about
building bridges and breaking ceilings. It was about going high.

The issue isn’t that Trump supporters don’t share this vision. The
issue is that you believe what the media tells you to believe. I
voted Trump because the Clintons have no integrity. I would have
voted for Allen West or Collen Powell to be our rst black
president eight years ago. I would have voted for a conservative
woman this time. But we were not given that option. Trump may
not be perfect but he is a damn sight better than any available



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:37 PM

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:57 PM

I appreciated reading this. I cried last night and when someone

asked why, I said I wasn’t upset Hillary lost, I was devastated that
so many people won’t feel welcome in this new version of
America and so many other people didn’t seem to care about that
outcome. That’s painful.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:58 PM

Nailed it. You put into words what I have been feeling. Sadness at
the hatred all around.­why­we­grieve­today/ 232/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 3:58 PM

Thank you for putting this feeling of overwhelming sorrow into




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:00 PM

Oh, Hogwash! This article is complete nonsense, good lord. Give

me a break……. Smdh……



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:01 PM

Very well said. Can’t disagree with anything you said; it certainly
helped me understand my own feelings today. But, with that said,
we MUST put this all behind us and nd a way to come together
in peace and harmony to save our great nation from further


Pingback: Why This Matters… | Follow The Learners


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:06 PM

People don’t realize that Trump ran against his party, against the
opposition, against the media and against the entire
establishment, and was victorious. He walks into the Whitehouse
without owing anyone a damn thing! No favors, no exchanges,
nothing that someone can say “I put you in the Whitehouse so­why­we­grieve­today/ 233/309
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you owe me” He did it on his own and against all odds. When was
the last time we said that about any of our presidents?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:08 PM

John, thank you for speaking out for many who don’t have the
courage to. Thank you for being the most “Christ-like” pastor I
have heard speak in my life. I went to a Christian school k-12, and
religion was shoved down my throat. I wanted (want) nothing to
do with it since. I have found many Christians living in complete
hypocrisy. Christianity, along with other religions are founded on
the basis of love. And while many would argue that religion has no
place in politics, what does matter is love, kindness and patience.
The disconnect within our country is misunderstanding and lack
of patience with one other in our own walks in life. So I applaud
you, and I thank you for giving hope that there is good in religion,
and that there is love in the world that is truly unconditional. I
thank you for saying the hard things, even when being ridiculed
by “your own people “. Thank you for allowing America to grieve.
Thank you for speaking so eloquently about raw emotions that
over half of our country is feeling. Thank you for not spreading
hatred or anger, but continually trying to spread love.


Be Kind

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:11 PM

And if we can’t be kind to one another in a forum how can we be

kind in person? If we really want to make a difference why not
work together to be better regardless of who we elect to “run”
the country? We all still have to live together. Let kindness prevail
because bitterness can’t.


Natalie Sage­why­we­grieve­today/ 234/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:14 PM

I think your wrong. I think that this isn’t about all the things you
listed. See, that is what the media WANTS you to believe. All the
extreme liberals want to you to think that Trump represents the
death of progress and tolerance and that everyone who voted for
him are declaring their contempt for progress and tolerance as
well. But that is simply not true. I believe the reason the majority
of this country voted for Trump is not because they side with the
extremist conservatives, but because after eight years of
Obama’s reign their lives still haven’t improved. Something so
historic about this election was that so many blue-collared people
voted for a republican instead of a democrat. It all accounts to the
fact that people still don’t have jobs. Obama couldn’t give them
that, so they gave their vote in desperation hoping that someone
so different than Obama, and even George W. Bush because
Trump isn’t even a politician, could help them. This is so shocking
to liberals because they have been fed for eight years that Obama
was doing a great job. When in reality, his work was barely
mediocre. There is a whole section of America that has been
suffering since the great recession and Obama couldn’t help them
so they’re trying something different in hope that Trump can give
them the change they need. That is ultimatley what it comes
down to. Honestly most people don’t really care about the rights
of LGBTQ community and minorities and religious groups. By that
I mean there ne with whatever happens, most people arent
opposed to civil rights for everyone. They just care so much more
deeply about what happens to their own families, how there
going to put food on the table, which should be their top priority.
So don’t htink that this is about the death of civil rights and justice
because its not. Its just that the liberal democrats in my opinion
are so consumed with progress and helping the unrepresented
that they forgot about all the people who are truly suffering in
this country.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:14 PM

I think it’s really easy for people to comment and say “Trump will
bring America together again.” but the reality is that unless you’re
white, male and Christian, you aren’t wanted in America. When
Marriage equality is repealed and our partners no longer get
medical coverage, explain to me how that will bring the LGBT­why­we­grieve­today/ 235/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

folks together into America? When the NSA begins spying on

anyone of middle eastern heritage and every word spoken is up
for interpretation of intent to commit a crime, how will those
people feel like they are part of America? No, Trump will bring
white, Christian America together (he already has) but he will do
nothing to bring the entire country together. And he’s given no
indication that he will. His running mate wants to take money
away from HIV treatment and give it to conversion therapy for
gays instead. So we get to start dying of AIDS because we can’t
get medication and we can start committing suicide at the hands
of conversion “therapists”, but we’re going to be happy about it
and feel like a part of America? I don’t see it and if you honestly
think that he’ll bring the most vulnerable among us together, then
you’re looking at the world through rose colored glasses.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:17 PM

I’m hopeful when you have grieved suf ciently you will put equal
energy, or more, to share your strong guiding light on some
solutions. Blessings always. Robyn



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:23 PM

This is such a crappy polarizing article. Your argument is tired and

worn out. The republican party is no longer your grandfathers

I guess you from got about this.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:24 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 236/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

This is such a crappy polarizing article. Your argument is tired and

worn out. The republican party is no longer your grandfathers

I guess you for got about this.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:26 PM

I’m a registered Democrat who voted for Donald Trump. I literally

felt nauseous when thinking about four years under Hillary
Clinton. Putting aside his indecencies and bravado, Donald Trump
was saying things that much of middle America has needed to
hear for decades: borders, immigration, ghettoes and so on. I’ve
been so tired of the corruption in our government. You cannot
imagine how happy I am today, knowing that perhaps before I die,
I’ll once again see the America of my youth. With her, I would just
be in despair.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:29 PM

John –

Well written and opinion lled. As with most opinion pieces on

this topic, the generalizations and gross misrepresentations of
the “other side” are in proper abundance. The shame of this
election is that both candidates were deeply awed and neither
deserving. I recall feeling the same emotional reaction when
Obama won and again when he was re-elected. When I see
people weeping, or wondering “how can I possibly explain this to
my kids”, It makes me wonder just how out of touch these people
are with reality. Dust yourself off democrats, you will be back. In
the meantime both side need to take a break from the name
calling and stereotyping.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:30 PM

Thank you for writing this and for dealing kindly with the
disagreements you’re already receiving here.

This is the time when our true strength will be tested and our
faith in the goodness inherent in us all may waver if we do not
remember that as in all things, this too shall pass. We must uphold
our ideals and live by our ethics to make sure we continue to
protect those who need it the most.

We must rechannel whatever anger or fear we have into doing

good works and loving our fellow man. I hope for the strength to
do that.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:35 PM

Thank you. This so eloquently explains why so many of us sat up

to the wee hours last night praying for a Hail Mary play at the end
of the count that would change the looming sense of horror we
felt. I went to sleep at almost three o’clock in the morning with an
overwhelming feeling of bewilderment, the one thought running
through my head over and over, “I thought we were better than



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:36 PM

I voted for Hillary not bc I loved her but bc I couldnt imagine

Donald being president. But what’s done is done. Let’s now unite
and be positive and spread positivity, that’s all we have.
And another thing, I knew many who voted for Donald, not bc
they necessarily liked him but bc they truly wanted a change from
our corrupt government. In my opinion that change wasn’t going
to come from someone like Donald, but many of those voters are­why­we­grieve­today/ 238/309
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hopeful and positive and don’t embody the crassness of Donald,

they wanted change however they were going to get it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:43 PM

Let yourself grieve. We’ve experienced a massive loss, literally

and guratively. It hurts. It hurts horribly. Weep.

Then, breathe.
Breathe in the fresh air of a new day and a renewed vigor to push
forward. Breathe in the possibilities of democracy and freedom
and the adventure, trials and tribulations that await us. We know
our path. It is not easy but we will travel down it.

Think about who we are today, now. Realize what we’ve created.
A mighty force for good, for compassion, a willingness to not
tolerate hate and bigotry and misogyny. That can not end.

Stand Up.
We will not go quietly into that good night. We will rise. We will
step forward. We will hold this new President accountable for the
ideals we believe. We will not allow anyone to marginalize this
force. History must be made. If not today, then tomorrow or the
day after or years from now. But each day we will try. Susan B.
Anthony dedicated her life to women’s right to vote but died
before a single women voted. These are lifelong struggles worth
pledging our lives to, if not for ourselves then for our children and
their children.

Show up. Be present. Make our voices heard. Make our dollars
count. We will not tolerate hate. We will march. We will sit down
and sit in. We will unite. We will be visible. We will not allow walls
to be built, Planned Parenthood to close, women to be paid
unequally, the disabled to be bullied, the downtrodden to be
kicked, the captured to be less than heroic, immigrants to be
harassed, our fallen to be demeaned, a religion to be condemned,
our allies to suffer. We will rise.­why­we­grieve­today/ 239/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

Our driving force. Love. For each other, for this nation, for
humanity, or the promise we can build together. Even love for
those who don’t think like we do.

And nally, hold true.

We can do this together if we hold true to one another, to what
we believe, to what we dream, to what matters in our hearts. We
hold true to our beliefs that this country, our country, is and can
be the greatest nation for ALL. And to do that we must reach out
to one another….

Yes it hurts today and tomorrow and will do so for a long time.
The future feels bleary-eyed and frightening.

But It’s okay. Take my hand, we can and will do this together.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:49 PM

I don’t think you understand us right now. I think you think that
this all just about politics, but it is not. The truth is that I don’t
believe that Trump is who you think he is and your opinion of who
he is, is just that an opinion.

For me this election was about protecting the government from

corruption and scandals. Let’s start with corruption, under
Obama. 1) IRS Targeted conservative groups and not one person
had charges brought against them. DOJ and the executive branch
protected them which is unbelievable. 2) Clinton Pay for play
where there is clear proof that her family directly bene ted from
selling access to the state department for nancial gain. 3) Setting
up a private server that shrouded her from FOIA requests and
most likely released top secret information to foreign
governments. 4) DOJ warned Clintons before lings took place
on her email scandal. DOJ protecting her from pay to play. 5) AHA
was an unfavorable disaster from conception that was forced
down the American people’s throat. Reform for the sake of
reform does not make it good change. It must be either reversed
or xed but we can’t trust those who wrote it and passed it to
correct it.­why­we­grieve­today/ 240/309
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I believe that the corrupt Democrats are taking advantage of the

good heart felt American’s that want more for the people. The
fact is there is not any evidence that supports the claim that the
democratic elite is supporting what you have been voting for in
fact on the Clinton’s part it is the contrary. For instance, let’s look
at the evidence: 1) Hillary was a “Goldwater girl” Goldwater was a
politician that did not support the civil rights movement. 2)
Hillary called groups of African American’s Super Predators and
said “we have to bring them to heal.” Now imagine that quote
every time a BLM movement took place. Malcom Brown “we have
to bring them to heal”, Alton Sterling “we have to bring them to
heal”, etc.. The truth of the matter here is you openly support one
of the most racist candidates of all time. She tells you what you
want to hear only to pro t behind the scenes and do other things
than what she promises.

In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.”

She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US
and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is
that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t
it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

In 2002, Clinton was asked by Chris Matthews of MSNBC, “Do

you think New York State should recognize gay marriage?”
Clinton’s answer: “No.” In 2004, as New York senator, she said: “I
believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond
between a man and a woman.”

As a senator in 2004, she said: “I think on balance, NAFTA has

been good for New York and America.” In her unsuccessful
primary battle against then Senator Barack Obama in 2008, she
said she was one of the voices within Bill Clinton’s administration
“warning about NAFTA.”

In 2014, Clinton discussed the in ux of children from Central

America illegally crossing into the U.S. with Christiane Amanpour
of CNN. She said: “We have to send a clear message that just
because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean your
child gets to stay.” But in an MSNBC/Telemondo Town Hall in
February, Jose Diaz-Balart asked if those children should be
treated like a message. “Well,” Clinton said, “the children
themselves need to be taken care of. They are children. They
should be given every help that we can.”

You are being manipulated.­why­we­grieve­today/ 241/309
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Mark Harris

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:51 PM

So, you’re saying you would rather have a career criminal who’s
been investigated by the FBI (twice) and committed perjury hold
the highest of ce in our nation. Got it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:53 PM

Hillary’s position on partial birth abortion energized the religious

right. People understand that there is never a legitimate excuse
for a late term abortion. The doctor could always do a Caesarean
if the mother’s life was in danger. If you want to be on the right
side of history, the Democratic party needs to drop this from their
platform. Future generations will look on this as we now look
back on slavery. Facing possibly several Supreme Court
nominations in the next four years, the religious right voted for
the lesser of two evils.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:53 PM

Your article is superb but I fear exceeds the thinking capabilities

of too many in this country. What I have learned is that masses of
Americans are poorly educated and have simple minds capable
only of seeing a singular point of view or maybe two. They are not
capable of understanding an entire picture. Many seem to love to
hate; what a sad statement. Many love immorality and vulgarity.
Others love to be children while their bodies reveal that they
should have adult mentalities (but they don’t). I’ve seen so many
trying to boil it all down to one or two points and those points are
expressed with hate, or divisiveness or childish comments that
tell us they haven’t developed their minds fully yet. This isn’t
about politics. It is about saying – sure, let’s be vulgar, crass and­why­we­grieve­today/ 242/309
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let’s de nitely not look at an entire picture. Let’s go out for recess
and leave our minds behind, and our hearts even further behind.
It’s about saying – I don’t want to be good; I choose to be bad, to
love evil, to hate love. To hate. To support hate. To wave hate in
the air as a banner. This isn’t about politics. It’s about one
narcissistic individual playing the countryfolks for fools and
succeeding, just as Hitler succeeded, in tellign the world only one
human on the planet matters – himself. People who use broad,
intelligent thinking see that and know that. This isn’t about
politics. It’s about being the nastiest bully on the playground and
refusing to grow up. There are so many problems with this
picture and it disheartens good people to see evil as the forefront
image within it. Evil. For no other word better describes this.
Thank you for your article. The blind will never see the words for
their truth because they have chosen to keep their seeing behind
a veil of arrogant lies. It’s a sad day. This isn’t democracy now. The
great America just lost it’s greatness. Much of what will be lost in
the upcoming future will, sadly, be lost forever.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 4:59 PM

lol. Don’t be such a sore loser. What does it say about your
candidate that she lost to such a deplorable human being?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:00 PM

lol. Don’t be such a sore loser. What does it say about your
candidate that she lost to such a deplorable human being?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:05 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 243/309
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Thanks for writing this John Pavlovitz As a woman though, I do

disagree with your statement that we are not grieving because
our candidate lost. To me, the fact that our country chose the man
you describe over a woman (albeit not a perfect woman, but what
politician is?) is absolutely, utterly devastating. I never really
agreed with feminists that there is much sexism around, but this
election (and everything she went through over the past number
of months) has made me realize how young and naive I was.

As much as I am grieving for this new reality we have with our

president-elect, I am grieving the brutal, hurtful slap-in-the-face
America just gave its women.


Nancy Mead

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:37 PM

My Nat’l Organization for Women chapter received this

email today from a Trump supporter; it supports why you
are grieving. Misogyny is alive and well in America: “It was
fun last night watching the apoplective reactions of all the
female h supporters, including all the MSM news anchors.
The exact reason why (emotional creatures) women
should never be given important positions of
responsibility. I would never have wanted one in my
foxhole, or as a patrol partner to be depended upon. This
picture speaks volumes…but of course liberals don’t
understand. “


Ivana Pusherova

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:12 PM

Thank you for this.

Words matter. Waking up this morning to an angry 13 year-old

who heard the mean things Trump said about women, minorities,
disabled, and the fear and anger he incited in his followers with
her own 2 ears. Had the younger daughter crying that her mean­why­we­grieve­today/ 244/309
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friends who chanted lock her up were actually going to hurt the
losing candidate based on his own speeches and words.
Hard to talk to your daughters that they can do anything men can
do…except president. That sexism is strong and validated as a
way to treat women in what our country elected to its highest
of ce.
Makes you want to hide away in the closet with all of the
Halloween chocolate and cry…and cry….and cry.
This is not my circus.
These are not my monkeys.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:15 PM

Paul Inberea: the Counties may have voted for Trump. But the
people voted for Hillary. She won the popular vote. It may not
matter as far as what gets you elected as President (right now,
anyway), but it matters.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:16 PM

This is the purest de nition of “sour apples”. Claiming that

“Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America; one where
religion or skin color or sexual orientation or place of birth aren’t
liabilities or de ciencies or moral defects.” Claiming that EVERY
supporter of Hillary did so for the same reasons as you is myopic.
I know plenty of Hillary supporters that don’t agree with LGBT
rights, a women’s right to choose, or Hillary’s ideas on
immigration but voted for her just the same. I also know many
Trump supporters that are not bullies, rapists, racist, or looking to
destroy “your” vision of America. Funny, you don’t want those
close to you stereotyped as thugs and rapists but are quick to
lump ALL that did not support your candidate as people looking
to destroy all that is good in the world. Get over yourself!

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Is this real life?

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:17 PM

If you really need a president to make you happy, you’re in denial

of all of your problems that a president can’t x. You need to start
learning to be honest with yourself, it’s good you’re
acknowledging that you have emotions, but now be honest with
everything that causes these emotions, primarily you not dealing
with the past. The future can’t hurt you, the present does in
combination of the past, where the pain of the past compounds
the pain of the present. You conquer fear by overcoming the past
and become stronger from it, now grow up and stop being a child.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:23 PM

So go back and read all your comments. Are you really any better
than the 2 candidates that you’re arguing about? Come on
people…are you really going to let this divide us? If you say you
thought we were better than this then prove it. Rise above an
election and be human to each other.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:24 PM

Thank you for putting into words what I could not express myself.
I have cried for the better part of the last 24 hours. It has been an
uncontrollable reaction that I could not stop. This is beyond
anything I have felt in any previous election. Your writing has
given me a frame for my feelings, and a way to begin to process
and recover.


Erica­why­we­grieve­today/ 246/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:24 PM

Thank you for this comment. I could have written it myself,

because it is my feeling exactly. My eyes are currently
nearly swollen shut, and I’m struggling to just function
today. I am grieving, and I am terri ed.

And to the commenters who are saying horrible, hostile

things to this writer — shame on you. You are part of the



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:31 PM

Thank you. I also grieve because I cannot bear my anger so much I

fear I will choose hopelessness. And I’m alienated not just by the
right wing but the left – people I care about who so soon are
blaming the DNC which is salt in my wound and just stupid. Sadly,
the left has always foolishly preferred division among themselves
to actually being productive. Every predator and racist will be
emboldened by this presidency which I will never accept. The
right wing has successfully worked for decades to take over and
now its done. We had a weak democracy. Now we have a failed
one. Climate change will rapidly become climate catastrophe. Our
European friends can no longer count on us and they need that
with Putin and Isis at their door. Anyone with a cancer diagnosis –
America just said your life doesn’t matter. Black, muslim – I will
speak out for you. But I’m a woman – my voice is not worth a
man’s. American has spoken.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:39 PM

The fact is many good people voted for Trump. Not racist, not
bigots, not bullies – but people that wanted someone other than a
career “Politician” in of ce. A lot of the Americans that put
Obama in of ce – voted for Trump. The Americans that lived here
last week – are the same ones here today. Americans have not
changed. So many Americans need health care reform – NOT­why­we­grieve­today/ 247/309
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OBAMACARE, enough to make a stand in the election? So many

Americans want immigration reform – enough to make a stand in
the election. Americans are obsesses and in uenced by the
media, Hollywood, and have come to realize that every politician
lies and tells us what we want to hear – and delivers nothing. I
think Trump may be what this country needs to come together –
make changes in how government works – or at least he’s thrown
a huge spanner in the works. Trump is human – he apologized for
his bad behavior – he’s far from perfect. Hillary lied to the public.
People just don’t trust her. From Benghazi, to emails to voter
fraud – she had to many lies to cover up. She never answers a
question straight. It’s all the same old BS they’ve been given time
and time again! Americans are looking for something real –
something they can connect to… is it Trump? Well I guess it
wasn’t Hillary. He was the lesser of two evils according to
America. America doesn’t want a “GOD” to look up to – they want
someone like themselves, someone who seems to care about
people and the country – whether or not you have the same
beliefs, is irrelevant. Not a fake replica of every other president.
Trump may not be an upstanding model, but look at America – he
represents them – he’s one of them. Not someone on some high
pedestal. America is full of people with many beliefs, and
hopefully good things can come from this election.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:40 PM

Many of you miss the point, you’re still taking about politics.
That’s not it. It cannot be explained more clearly or eloquently.
Reread the article.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:43 PM

Can you be any more self centered and lacking in perspective? Do

you really think you are the only person to despair after an
election? That’s what half the country did after Obama’s election
and reelection.­why­we­grieve­today/ 248/309
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You aren’t special. Your political views aren’t unique or more

enlightened than others. You aren’t entitled to some super special
treatment or consideration because your candidate lost. So for
the love of God, please grow up and act like a man.


Frig Em All

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:46 PM

Stop lumping everyone that did not vote for Hillary into the same
category. Did you think for a second that we are sick of the
Clintons and what they represent? Did you think for a second
that we are sick of the Governments overreach into our lives? Or
the lawlessness of the previous 8 years?


Vanessa Guyette

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:54 PM

This shows an opinion based on the lie that was put forth by a
biased media. Those who voted for Trump had various reasons
for doing so. In part, it was a vote against Hillary Clinton. She has
shown time after time that she is not to be trusted and even many
Democrats dislike her and what she personally represents. This
election result has to do with the many Americans who are tired
of politicians and the fact that certain families have been in power
for far too long without following through with what they
promise. It is about feeling sickened by a candidate who supports
partial birth abortion. It is about the platform presented by both
candidates and agreeing more with one versus the other. If those
who supported Hillary can jump to conclusions regarding those
who voted for Trump, they would have to accept that if Hillary
had won, her detractors would degrade any who voted for her. I
have friends who did support Hillary and I don’t believe any
would agree with every issue she supported or be happy with all
of the things she has said or done. I certainly would not feel they
should be blamed for everything she has said or done. That would
make no sense.

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Sue Baird

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:55 PM

I totally disagree! This is the perception liberal media would love

you to believe! Without really knowing how things will go from
here, you’re in such despair? Why? Maybe liberal media isn’t
right! How dare you give such degrading reasons and assume
that’s why I voted for Trump. Did you see there wasn’t much of a
choice? All those magical things you claim about Hillary is not
how she led her life. You voted for pie-in-the-sky? What Hillary
does and what she says do not coincide very often. I am a woman,
and I want a woman in the white house sometime! But when it
happens, I hope it will be a woman of principle, a true woman I
can follow and that the whole nation will want to follow! Are you
even interested in why I voted for Trump? I voted for the hope
more jobs! I voted for relief for my friends who can’t afford
“Affordable Health Care,” and have to pay a ne because they
can’t afford insurance! I voted for someone to put a stop to the
debt that has sky-rocketed to outer space. I voted for someone to
help people off welfare so they’re not enslaved and stuck in their
poverty. I voted for someone whose former employees don’t turn
up dead around the next corner! I voted for someone who cares
about veterans! I voted for someone who seems to care about the
safety of America! I voted for someone who values family! I voted
for someone who values my religious choices. I voted for
someone who cares about an unborn yet viable child! I voted for
someone whose actions in life have proven to care for others! I
also voted for a clown. I did not vote for the reasons you listed.
Not many would! And what I did not vote for is the greedy and
calculating woman who seems to care little for what I hold dear! I
would have preferred to vote for someone else, but Trump was
the best I could nd!


Beatrice Segrue

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 5:59 PM

seriously? why “we” grieve today? This touchy feely crap is going
to be the demise of America. I saw one article on how to discuss
with your children the results of the election. Are you kidding me?
This is life! There are winners and there are losers, but sitting a­why­we­grieve­today/ 250/309
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six year old down to talk politics is not reality! And counseling? In
schools? Because of the newly elected President? THIS IS NOT
NORMAL PEOPLE !!! You have all bought into every single hate
mantra spewed by your political pundits, two faced politicians
and so called celebrity’s – each and every one of you needs to sit
down and re ect on why you are assholes.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:00 PM

Really, that’s why we grieve??? I nd it amazing that you didn’t

mention what an upstanding citizen Killary is. She has lied,
cheated, stole, sold out our country, put our security at risk with
her basement server…. Should I go on?? Yeah, she only has our
best interests at heart… Her only concern has always been
power and money and gaining more of both. I’m not even going to
bring up what good ol Bill has done… Oh yeah, he is all about
women… I guess all the buffoonery that the Clinton Crime
Family has committed is OK because they did in the name of
including everyone… You are an Idiot and don’t have a clue how
the country should be run… I guess our resources are unlimited
and should just be given to anyone that shows up…. Sorry, if this
makes you grieve and cry more… Grow up…


Terry Yonka

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:03 PM

That must be because your presidential candidate lost last

night…LOL!!! (Y)



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:03 PM

First off, I voted for Hillary and am in no way a fan of the Donald.­why­we­grieve­today/ 251/309
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That said, when Donald Trump stood on the podium and called
Mexicans and other Latinos Rapists, Murderers and Criminals I
was shocked, and saddened. Most of the people crossing our
border are simply looking for a better life for themselves and
their children. Many of them are eeing horrendous poverty and

At the same time though, there are Hillary’s supporters who have
no problem calling people living in the Rust Belt, bigots, racists,
and misogynists. These were people who saw their jobs dissapear.
They were union workers who’d voted Democrat for 40 years. All
these people wanted was a decent paying job, safety for their
family, and a for their kids to grow up, go to college without
backbreaking debt, and start a family of their own.

They were the people who provided President Obama his

overwhelming victory and were the main cause of Hillary’s
massive defeat. These were the Liberals villains this time around.
Our own people. The establishment, the media, and the Hillbots
were like Saturn eating its children.

I will admit, I was a Sanders supporter. I too was excited by the

prospect of a Woman President. Oh well…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:14 PM

Really good points. However.

Trump is a guy who speaks before he has his brain fully in
gear. If you were paying attention towards the end of the
campaign, you saw him start to change. And his
acceptance speech was promising. He has some good
people around him, and he is learning to listen to them.
Ronald Reagan was much the same kind of a person; but
he learned to listen to experts and act accordingly. What
we need now is, instead of crying the blues, is
communication with the new President. Email him. Text
him. Let him know of your concerns.
Personally, I watched with horror during the entire
debacle. I would not have chosen EITHER person to be the
standard bearer for their respective party. I am looking
forward with hope. Whatever you want to say about­why­we­grieve­today/ 252/309
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Donald, and a lot of people HAVE said it, he is NOT stupid.

And he wants results. Let’s see what happens in the rst
100 days. If he tries to institute any of the stupid things he
raved about during the campaign, that’s why the
constitution has an impeachment clause.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:05 PM

Mostly men on here who are telling you you’re wrong, who aren’t
able to admit their own privilege. Women can understand, they
know what it means to be disrespected for being born a certain
gender. I weep for the vulnerable who suffer for this. For the 20
million who will lose healthcare. For those who are being told
they are less than human by the ideals this man expresses. I’m so


Ian McLean

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:10 PM

Thank you for heartfelt words, worth rereading carefully.

Do be careful not to see those who believe different through the

lter of their contrast to yourself; doing so classi es them as
embracing the deplorable, always. No one always ts in that kind
of box.

Everyone likes to think of themselves as heroes in their own

stories, and tends to build their worldview compatible with that.
When meeting others with radically different worldviews that I
nd abhorrent, I like to keep that in mind, and sometimes I nd
that we share compatible ideals, even when I think they’ve done
the wrong thing thereby.


Anonymous­why­we­grieve­today/ 253/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:16 PM

Lets frame a ‘discussion’ around person A’s good qualities and B’s
bad qualities and that is the only thing about them, at all. People
who like B then instantly hate A’s good qualities and only like B’s
bad qualities. Then lets bash people B and say A is right. Good
discussion, glad we are being honest here and not fueling


Ian McLean

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:39 PM

“Good discussion”

Actually, it is — whenever they go low with whatever

intolerance they were raised in or heard on the radio or
whatever, it gives all of us an opportunity for new
directions of understanding, even if they are caught up in
their fear-based hate and can’t hear it. Saddening
somewhat, but that’s the struggle.

So many clear examples on this thread.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:17 PM

To some it is about politics, Ms Clinton says a lot of good things

about how we should behave. She also is full of herself, and strong
armed the political system against Bernie Sanders, and nancially
bettered herself through her foundation with money from
America hating governments, she is white privileged with
expensive clothing and lavash events (her daughters wedding). 8
years of Obama and inner city youth are still killing each
other(South Chicago) and Flint can’t drink tap water and that’s
politics whether you admit it or not

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:43 PM

Drama queen. You chose to support a candidate who had to cheat

to beat a 75-year-old hardcore Socialist and who then lost in the
general election to a man who’s never before held public of ce.
You don’t get it, you clearly never did and you probably never will.
Look in the mirror. That’s where you should focus your grief.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:43 PM

Instead of bleating the same tired old bromides, how about

offering some concrete proof of what you say? Hillary is about
dividing the country into little segments and pitting them against
each other. See BLM when the policies of democrats keep the
blacks uneducated, very poor and dependent on government. She
is a grievance monger pandering to the masses. Crassness and
vulgarity towards women? You did hear what her husband did
and how she tormented those women. Weaponize religion? You
mean like arming radical muslims like ISIS? And about the gays,
my brother is gay and he told me Hillary has lost a lot of support
from gays because she supports the very people that want to kill
the gays. He is like me, a straight white male Christian, someone
who judges people by the content of their character and not by
how they look. Get over yourself.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:44 PM

It’s a Set- Up!

Get ready to depend on God more than ever-

God can use a rock, a donkey, even a duck-

To get His Glory-

Peace Be With Us-­why­we­grieve­today/ 255/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:52 PM

This article expresses my feelings better than I can! Thank you!


It's gonna be ne.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:55 PM

Good lord, dude. You’re over-thinking this and your fear is

un attering, unfounded, and contagious.

Trump may well prove an inadequate leader. We’ll see. But put
down the bottle or the crack pipe…things will be just ne.

The Constitution is a strong and enduring document. It is bigger

than even the POTUS. It will absorb an injury and rebound with

What your blog shows is a fundamental misunderstanding of

prominent grievances that propelled Trump to the presidency.
Namely that personal responsibility has been usurped on the left
by narcissism, faux outrage and a belief that bad outcomes are
always someone else’s fault. What a childish and ultimately
destructive mindset.

Additionally that prohibitions on free speech do not indicate an

aim toward kindness, but instead that of tyranny. And that an
inability to absorb criticism, insult, or even slur, is a mark of
weakness not strength. Self-esteem is not enhanced by shielding
oneself from those who disagree or are boorish, under the
specious auspices of “inclusiveness”. Get your feelings hurt.
Disregard those whose views you nd aberrant, and simply move
on. Don’t cry discrimination, or hostile environments, or issue
trigger warnings, or decry micro-aggressions, or any other of the
myriad contemporary nonsense of the modern self-proclaimed
“enlightened” liberal. Just be a man(or a woman if you prefer)and
soldier on.­why­we­grieve­today/ 256/309
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And nally(though this list is not at all comprehensive)…That

tolerance of others is not necessarily akin to being inclined to
absorb their ways and customs. It’s ok to dislike a person’s culture
and customs. It really is. It’s ok to prefer to be around like minded
folk who share similar values, religious beliefs, and/or customs. In
fact, we see examples every day in our churches, our clubs, our
pot-lucks, our neighborhood BBQ’s…indeed our friends. And
these folks of similar mind are not at all compelled to be
constrained to race, creed, orientation, or other.

Fear Trump if you must, and there is indeed uncertainty related to

his ability to direct and enact policy, and even how his
temperament may manifest in foreign policy. But you and those of
like mind will disparage the folks who support him at your own
political peril.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:56 PM

A beautiful summation of our loss and grief. Thank you for it.


Mark McGowan

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 6:59 PM

I see a whole lot of my “democratic” friends who are stunned,

shocked and in utter denial that they lost. You, the Democrats,
passed on a true “liberal” candidate that I believe would have
mopped the oor with Donald. Bernie would have disarmed the
half of Donald’s platform that has left you in ruins (shrinking
middle class, job exports, lack of political power and voice) and
would have been true to your core beliefs and platform. The only
skeletons in his closet were Halloween costumes. Both parties
were moving towards a political revolution based on the core
values they espoused and you REJECTED yours. Instead. you
nominated a candidate that had national security issues,
complicity in deaths at Benghazi, decades of trust issues and
questionable nancial issues that you KNEW would be a BIG
problem. And on election day – the candidate that energized a­why­we­grieve­today/ 257/309
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country was at home in Vermont as were a whole lot of your luke-

warm supporters, who could no more vote for Hillary than they
could Donald. They stayed home or voted 3rd party because they
saw what you knew – Hillary was a terminally FLAWED
candidate. The country has chosen the unknown – instead of the
“way to well known” and rejected the candidate you gave us as an
alternative. This is not a validation of sexism, racism, disrespect
or any of the other narratives you want to use to mask YOUR
FAILURE . You HAD the candidate and you blew the call…

You knew all of this, you knew how this could very easily end and
you have no one to blame but yourselves. So sit down, shut up and
do better 4 years from now. God knows those of us that wanted
no part of a Trump presidency either feel you screwed us pretty
good by being so compliant in his eventual victory



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:07 PM

This article pigeon-holed a huge section of people. That very fact

detracts from the author’s credibility.

Using the logic showcased in this article, anyone who voted for
Bill Clinton the second time, knowing full well he was a user and
abuser of women, is all the hateful and horrible things cited
above. Regardless of their cause, regardless of their reasoning
while voting, the person they voted for overtly and covertly
attacked women, admitted he lied, and ended up paying a huge
sum of money to try to make it all go away.

That the author paints half the country with his harsh broad
brush as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, leaves his point
of view and pointing nger shallow and hollow. There is a myriad
of reasons people voted the way they did. There is no
understanding in this writer. There is no gentle humanity. There is
only accusation void of the fairness and the open mind he so
requires of others. I give him no credence with his judge and jury
acrid approach. Perhaps a conversation needs to be had, but not
with this “go low” writer.

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Carol LeNoir

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:10 PM

Thank you, Mr. Pavlovitz, for so beautifully putting to words the

heaviness of my heart.


Tammy Cordeiro

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:14 PM

The people who read this and comment to the negative are just
proof that this post is more than true. Why can we simply not live
and let live? Why must we constantly berate and denounce
someone for having a different opinion?

Thank you, John. You always seem to capture exactly how I feel in
words that are so eloquent. I have cried all day and wondered
what on earth was wrong with me. This post helped me to
understand. So today we all grieve and tomorrow, we pick
ourselves up and continue Christ’s works of love in our world.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:19 PM

It has been a long, long, time since I’ve read an article more
skewed and more off-base. It’s true that perception is reality, but
there is some central reality and truth that perception is based on
and this author misses the mark entirely. It’s true that Democrats
focus on humanity and mankind, but it’s this focus that was used
against you. Hillary Clinton is a criminal of the worst ilk and will
lie to you, me, and everyone to get what she wants. She’s a
psychopath who knows no love but love of power and money for
herself and she was using you to get it. Trump voters rose up
against the corruption; not the principles you thought you were
voting for.

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Silky Heineken

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:21 PM

As much as I dislike Trump as a human and everything that he

stands for, we now have to give him a chance.

Trump has said that he will make America great again but at what
cost to others (the rest of the world) and it will take years and
years if at all.

Even though America (its no longer a United States) has decided

to put themselves back 50 years, its the only way that they will
appreciate that this resetting of the clock was a mistake and
doomed to fail.

I hope that I and the rest of the educated world is wrong but with
earths exponential rising population, dwindling resources and
destitute masses, it may not even matter who is in the top chair as
humanity implodes in the near future.

Good luck America. Continue to view the world from your

internet shbowl and rejoice in your counties and states that
statistically 80% of you will never leave.


NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:25 PM

I was so eager to read this as I truly was struggling to understand

why some people are so grief ridden today. I remember being
very bummed in 2008 b/c “my” candidate didn’t win. But there
was no crying or riots or protests. And then I was really bummed
in 2012 when “my” candidate didn’t win. I felt like everything I
held dear was being ridiculed. Still … no crying or riots or
protests. So, after reading this article I have to say that I
respectfully and whole heartedly disagree. Because it IS about
two ways of looking at the world. That’s no secret. That’s why
there have been two major parties all these years. It’s not fair,
however to say that Trump supporters are all the things this
article proclaims. (and not everyone who voted for Trump is a
Trump supporter … but actually cannot get behind Hillary).
Trump supporters are not necessarily selective. My vision of the­why­we­grieve­today/ 260/309
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world is not at all of fear, exclusion and isolation. It’s of hope,

truth and life. I did not vote for Hillary only out of fear. Her
dishonesty scares me. Her disregard for life scares me. The lives I
view as the underdog, the marginalized, the voiceless. . But what
gets me is the last few lines of this article. That’s the only time I
want to cry. Because so many people have no hope because
they’ve put their hope in a person or a party, a diet or routine, a
spouse or a pastor or a friend or alcohol or money or exercise or
whatever. And every single one of those people or things is going
to disappoint. There IS joy in the morning. God’s promises ARE
new every morning. If you are sad today, put your trust and your
hope in the ONLY One that will not let you down. It’s Jesus Christ.
Funny, I got to bible study today (which was taped awhile ago) and
the message was “don’t look at the circumstance. look up”



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:26 PM

I’m really sorry you are grieving John, but this article is inaccurate
on so many levels. Trump got the vote from supporters who want
change, who want to clean up our corrupt government, who want
a president who will take this country in a new direction… and
Hillary Clinton couldn’t support that change. Her corrupt
campaign included biased analysts and a awed mainstream
media that wanted you to believe otherwise by bringing racism,
sexism, religion, and ruthless accusations against Trump. People
saw through that, and America voted. Now we get to listen to the
liberals whine and complain because they can’t understand or
accept the result.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:31 PM

So basically you were under the belief that no republican would

ever be president again. That is a totally ridiculous thought.

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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:32 PM

I think there is misunderstanding across the board!…..I think

Trump’s win has nothing to do with ” by golly! we want our white
Christian America back” Most people I know could care less what
you do in your home, what skin color you have or what kind of
plumbing you have…I think people want to go to work and make
a livable wage! I think people are tried of seeing their insurance
rates go up and their earned income go down….and then when
they can’t afford insurance anymore (irony) they are ned for it! I
think people are tired of being told to sit down and shut up
because we’re too stupid and too racist to have an opinion on
anything. I think people are tired of being called racist, bigots,
hate mongers, sexist….simply because they disagree. The ridicule
has been steadily increasing for 8 years. People are tired of being
made to feel as though they don’t matter…Liberals are partly to
blame for this. You have bullied and bullied and shamed people
into accepting everything that YOU believe in and any belief to
the contrary MUST be sacri ced….like it or not. Tolerance for
all….unless of course you’re white…a man… a Christian and
Conservative, verdad? So you couldn’t be more wrong about what
the issue is….I will quote some scripture also…..Matthew 7:5 You
hypocrite, rst take the plank out of your own eye, and then you
will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


Eugene Sell

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:32 PM

“Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one that is

largely white and straight and Christian, and the voting veri ed
this. Donald Trump has never made any assertions otherwise. He
ran a campaign of fear and exclusion and isolation—and that’s the
vision of the world those who voted for him have endorsed.”

Your opening statement is utterly asinine. How can you simply

lump together the way ALL trump supporters think and feel?

You sit there and are writing pure drivel. Your words written here
just fuels the race bating narrative the progressive left keeps
trying to push. Identity politics at its best.­why­we­grieve­today/ 262/309
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You’re just pissed because a majority of people just elected a total

outsider. The left just lost control over acquiring money and how
they would spend it.

Try another angle on how we all feel today. It’s just not sticking.
And we are all not grieving. Some of us actually feel good. The
real grief here is how liberals just lost control and power, and are
trying to pin it on Trump and his supporters by calling names.

Classic Alinsky tactics. You’re a fool. Identity politics and political

correctness is swiftly coming to an end.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:36 PM

We grieve because there is a sense of betrayal to seemingly hard-

won rights and protections. We grieve because it looks like fear
and anger determined the election. Really? The point is that we
are humans that care, and are affected. Don’t get on a soap box.
The rest of the polar rhetoric, self-righteous crap needs to stop.
Both sides can get off their horses. You and I, we need to talk
about each other. Enough with the straw men everybody is
propping up around both sides. It’s exhausting. There’s enough
real people to deal with as it is.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:39 PM

Thank you to the author for this post and those who have posted
their own stories or comments in support. It has been a relief to
see that I am not alone in my feelings today. I have been
struggling to understand and explain why my reaction to
supporting the losing candidate has been so much stronger and
different following this election than in those past. I did not
realize that this event could trigger grief, but that, along with fear,
is precisely what I am experiencing. I was raped just over 10 years
ago and the events surrounding this election have reopened old
wounds and I believe I am reliving the grief that followed being­why­we­grieve­today/ 263/309
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raped. I realize that it is dif cult for those who have never felt
discriminated or violated to understand this feeling of grief. If you
would like suggestions for understanding and supporting friends
or family who may be in a position similar to mine, I found this
blog post to very helpful:



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:48 PM

what planet are you living on.? Trump never said nor did any of
the things you are saying, the media manufactured outrage and
blew up / distorted what was actually said. You’re all seriously a
bunch of butt hurt crybabies that go picked last in dodge-ball.
Seriously grow the F up, you’re what us American Trump voters
couldn’t stand, a massive lump of whiny sniveling hurt feelings
know-it-all know nothings. When obama was elected I was never
more ashamed of my country and what it would become, now
Trump is elected and I’ve never been more proud….



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:56 PM



Lou Cypher

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:49 PM

We went from class to ass over night


Judy Dykstra-Brown­why­we­grieve­today/ 264/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:49 PM

Eloquently stated and heartbreakingly true. Every word.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 7:58 PM

I cried with my daughter this morning. She is young and idealistic

and hopeful. I wasn’t feeling so great myself, but she was
devastated, shocked and angry. But I asked her to try to cast aside
judgement and not to assume she knows what other people’s
hearts hold.

I asked her to have compassion for people who felt that they had
no choice but to vote for Trump. People who may be poor,
uneducated, out of work, scared, forgotten, marginalized. People
who feel that Trump is their answer and will be their strength. I
disagree, but I will not belittle them for believing that. How can I?
I don’t walk in their shoes. I had to cast aside my deep-seated
disdain for HC to vote for her. Maybe if my life had taken a
different path I would have had to cast aside my deep-seated
disdain for DT and voted for him. If I felt my family’s survival
counted on it, I would have in a heart beat.

Compassion and understanding are the only way through this.


Susan A

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:00 PM

As one whose husband works harder and gains less, one who
LOST her affordable health care because of Obamacare, ones
whose business declines because of unreasonable tax demands,
one who is surrounded by a corrupt welfare system abused by
neighbors on every side (and yes, we qualify but choose WORK
over welfare), one who loves others and gives freely, yes, I voted
for Trump. More of the same was going to run our country into
the ground, NOT build it up. I don’t agree with everything Trump
stands for and I don’t even like him as a person. BUT what Hillary
was offering was going to kill what is left of America and what she­why­we­grieve­today/ 265/309
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was founded on. Obama divided this country…HE has been the
ultimate racist. Notice Trump said nothing of the sort of “You’re in
the back seat now.” Unify America. Promote the good. Quit your
crying and get out there and love on some people. That is what
will change your heart of sorrow.


Enantio Espejo

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:05 PM

A very moving article, John. Well done. Poetry.

The Cliff’s Notes of it:

“We grieve because we projected our own bullying and bigotry

onto Trump so long that we actually convinced ourselves, but
nobody else bought it!”


Enantio Espejo

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:08 PM

A very moving article, John. Well done. Poetry.

The Cliff’s Notes of it:

“We grieve because we projected our own bullying and bigotry

onto Trump so long that we actually convinced ourselves, but
nobody else bought it!“



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:09 PM


Hillary Clinton is arguably THE MOST CORRUPT career

politician who has ever run for president of the United States. It’s­why­we­grieve­today/ 266/309
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like you guys just don’t give a crap about that, it’s like you just
have to keep saying “racism,” “misogyny,” “white privilege,” etc.,
until everyone around you wishes they were dead. This IS about
“losing a contest” and you lost because you put your money on a
sure loser.

The only reasons Hillary Clinton had a ghost of a chance of

winning are:

1. Backed by gobs and gobs of cash from foreign backers, and

2. Cheating.

That’s it.

The next eight years will be good for you, too, once you stop with
the whining and extrapolating and get busy with your life. You’ll


Ray Dunsworth

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:12 PM

I am not a Trump voter, but I know many of them, and I think you
have it wrong.

In my experience, most people who voted for Trump are aware of

all his faults. They do not support those faults, and would prefer
to vote for someone else.

However, they have looked at Hillary Clinton, and they see a

person who has violated national security rules (the e-mails), has
enriched herself greatly through her of ces (huge speaking fees,
including to Wall Street banks), has cheated Bernie Sanders (the
situation with Donna Brazile), and has called them and their
friends “deplorable”.

They have, for these and other reasons, concluded that Hillary
Clinton was an unacceptable option, and she had to be stopped.

Had Hillary managed to inspire most of Barack Obama’s

supporters to get out and vote, she still would have won, but she
failed to do even that.­why­we­grieve­today/ 267/309
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I do not mind that you mourn your loss, but please try to think of
how the other side actually feels, not how you THINK they feel.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:15 PM

This is exactly what I haven’t been able to put into words. It feels
like I’ve just been dumped by the people I love. That knot in your
throat holding back the ood of tears. The sharp pain in your
heart when you breathe. This article is everything. Thank you
so much for writing it.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:23 PM

These people have been so brain washed that they can’t see
beyond the media has been telling you. I feel sorry for you to fall
for there crap. Obama devided this country worse than before
the 60s. His agenda has been to distory this country as a puppet
of George Soros. Don’t you realize that Hillary is in the Same
pocket and the arranged marrage of Chelesi to Soros ‘s nephew.
Hillary was for open boarders and late turm abortion. You
delusional if you think your going to loose your health care. It will
be better. We have been living for 8 years of someone trying to
take away the greatness of the United States of America and
America has spoken, that’s not going to happen. We were a great
country and we are going to keep it that way.


Naomi Young

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:37 PM

1. Mud slinging was on both sides with calling good Americans

Deplorable. Don’t forgive her for that.
2. Half of Americans would have been awaken this morning with
that same sickening feelings had she won, con rming to us that­why­we­grieve­today/ 268/309
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lies, stealing and corruptions at the top is allowed. Would that

make you feeling better and proud. Surprisingly to these
deplorable people CHARACTER COUNTS and they picked the
one less hurtful.
3. He’s not working alone. He’ll be surrounded by good decent
people who will REALLY care to x the mess we’re in.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:45 PM

This put into words what I’ve been feeling since yesterday. At
work I put on a pretend face and helped others even when I was
grieving inside. I was able to hold it back and not cry until my
drive home… My entire life I have always been proud of my
country. Now…who knows?

Will Trump learn the wisdom of a little humility? I hope so. I want
him to succeed, because no matter what I want this country to
succeed. But am I hopeful? No. Trump supporters would do well
to remember that more of their fellow citizens voted for Hillary
than for Trump (popular vote). Talk is cheap, and if Trump claims
that he wants to serve all of America rather than just his 48% of
supporters, he’s going to have to prove it.


Matt Ashcroft

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:54 PM

This is exactly what happens when people do not use their God
given voice to stand up. I nd this whole thing angering. I feel like I
am reliving the 1960s where I don’t have a right to express what I
need to express. Free trade agreements are going to be abolished,
stock markets are going to crash, and we now are going to see
some tough economic times because people “don’t like Hillary.”

I wish people would just grow up. Its being people to every single
person that steps into the USA. It just shows you, that you can
bully your way to the top to get what you want. I am at a loss and
heartbroken.­why­we­grieve­today/ 269/309
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I can tell you right now, Public Enemy – Fight The Power is on
replay at this particular moment. Thanks John, thank you for
allowing me to have conversations with you. Thank you for having
my back. Keep ghting. I have to as well



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:01 PM

What a completely hypocritical intolerant uneducated

blog post. I woke up wishing there wasn’t so much hurt
today but now not so much.

The tolerant have become the intolerant, the self

proclaimed educated have become the stupid.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:48 PM

Loved your last paragraph.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 8:59 PM

When you say “It’s not _______”, that’s code for “It’s ________”. You’re
giving away what you’re actually thinking by bothering to tell us
what it’s not. Rookie move with prose.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:02 PM

Do you really believe that America changed overnight just

because Trump won ? Do you really think everyone who voted for­why­we­grieve­today/ 270/309
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him agrees with everything he says ? He does not speak for

America. The America you woke up to yesterday is the same one
you woke up to today. Your neighbor/coworker/friend/whatever,
didn’t suddenly change their mind and decide he hates gays or
Muslims now because Trump is president. Trump was not elected
because of his views on Gay’s and Muslims. He was elected
because people were more afraid of Clinton. And Obamacare is a
nightmare that’s getting worse and people knew Clinton would
not change it. It’s sad that the only thing the LGBT can see in
Trump getting elected is that they have lost something. It’s sad
that you feel unaccepted now but look around you, it’s the same
world you woke up to last week and it will be the same world next
week. Your friends are still your friends. Trump can’t change that.


Tina Estes

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:09 PM

Do people not realize or get that she was a SHAM, KILARY

believed in kill babies up to the 9th month right before giving
birth, she left men to die in Benghazi & had the audacity to say
what difference would it have made, she supported Islam, a very
cult the oppresses woman, kills gays & anyone else who isn’t
Muslim or refuses Islam! She was ok in let EVERYONE to just
randomly come to the US unchecked, would ANYONE leave their
doors open at night before going to bed, heck, let’s get rid of door
altogether, so when you leave your home is open to whomever,
doesn’t people lock their car doors when entering a sketchy
neighborhood, it that being racist or living in reality & keeping
ones family safe?! This article is just down right STUPID!!!


Tina Estes

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:13 PM

Do people not realize or get that she was a SHAM, KILARY

believed in kill babies up to the 9th month right before giving
birth, she left men to die in Benghazi & had the audacity to say
what difference would it have made, she supported Islam, a very
cult the oppresses woman, kills gays & anyone else who isn’t­why­we­grieve­today/ 271/309
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Muslim or refuses Islam! She was ok in let EVERYONE to just

randomly come to the US unchecked, would ANYONE leave their
doors open at night before going to bed, heck, let’s get rid of door
altogether, so when you leave your home is open to whomever,
doesn’t people lock their car doors when entering a sketchy
neighborhood, it that being racist or living in reality & keeping
ones family safe?! That’s exactly what Trump is trying to do for
the American people!! This article is just down right STUPID!!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:14 PM

Yes, the most sinking feeling is getting through my day like it’s any
other. And knowing in my heart and mind that it is not. I’m
disgusted with my country, blaming women, then realizing that
women must have such low self esteem and been beaten down so
long that they don’t know how to raise themselves up. Just lots
emotions and you eloquently stated so many of the thoughts in
my mind. It’s a bad dream that I can’t wake up from. Thank you.
Sadly, your getting comments from the idiocracy that this country
has become. I side with you.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:25 PM

You lost your privileges, when you started killing babies…



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:30 PM

This is very on point word for word !

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Scared white old lady

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:37 PM

Hitler brought the whole country together again, too. Just saying.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:48 PM

It hurts my heart to see so much hatred on an article that was not

meant to accomplish such a thing. People really need to think
before they speak because it doesn’t matter who is president, we
decide how we treat other human beings. Disrespecting opinions
on a blog post is not exactly a mark in humanities favor.


charity ores

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:48 PM

I voted for trump but it was not an easy decision. I hope that not
everyone feels that way about those that voted the otherwise. I in
no way believe I’m superior to anyone. I view everyone as part of
the human race. But I could not bring myself to vote for someone
that could so easily dismiss our unborn children. Someone that
would have tried to pass laws to make murder in my eyes, legal. I
value all life including those that don’t have a voice yet. So. I get
stuck voting for the tyrant but feel that I’ll make every effort to
keep the rest of our human rights. We are all part of the same
race no matter the color sexual orientation ability levels. So
please remember we are not all against diversity.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 9:54 PM

The media painted the picture that you’re talking about. It’s not
true. Shame on them for their deception and shame on you for
falling for it and boasting yourself as a “pastor” to in uence­why­we­grieve­today/ 273/309
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others to your false opinions. Do yourself a favor. Start reading

the bible again and put some true love back in your heart.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:00 PM

It’s touching how eloquently Liberals can express self pity. This
whole post is condescending under the thin guise of grief. Good
people who are socially Liberal voted for Trump as well. And so
many people have been suckered into this alternate reality that
Social Media and Sensationalized Journalism created that they
have lost touch with this fact. So sad that despite the call from
both President Obama and Secretary Clinton to keep an open
mind, nd common ground, and move forward together, that
many will do the opposite. Hard to feel sorry for you in this



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:04 PM

I voted for Trump. I’m 100% hispanic. Do I want immigration

enforced? Absolutely. Do I want more illegal immigrants from
wherever limited? Absolutely. Do I want limitations on the 2nd
Amendment? No! Do I believe in abortion? Absolutely not and
especially not in the gruesome way Hillary supports. BTW I’m an
Independent. Seriously, you do not hold the patent on being
tolerant, righteous etc. Right now Hillary supporters are rioting
and protesting in the large cities, what do they hope to



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:07 PM

Practice what you preach and look at it another way. Trump

supporters saw the liberal’s vision as separating and divisive. We­why­we­grieve­today/ 274/309
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see our side as uniting. See how easy it is to see both sides?



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:14 PM

These statements are very contradictory. A true Christian sees

beyond skin color, religious af liation, nativity, sexual orientation,
handicap, age, gender, etc… All the things you say you want, you
are accusing conservative America of already doing! The
difference between liberals and conservatives is that Christian
conservatives believe in taking responsibility for their own
actions, repenting, forsaking, apologizing, and changing when
necessary. There’s no blaming it on someone else, or crying
“discrimination ” over every little thing concievable. American
citizens are obviously tired of this behavior. I know I am. I’m
proud of the rural and urban voters who got out and stood up for
what they believe in. We aren’t going to be pushed around by
liberal Democrats. At least not for the Duration of this
presidency. Glory hallelujah!
And by the way, we’ve never had a perfect president. So I guess if
we’re “signing off” on Trump’s and Pence’s character aws and
misdeeds (real or perceived) , then we must be signing off on the
sins of every other elected of cial since the beginning of time. I
guess this means we all are accountable for someone else’s
mistakes. That’s de nitely what Jesus taught… ..NOT!!!



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:27 AM

You will regret it two weeks after the bombs fall and the
radioactivity starts eating your small intestines.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:17 PM­why­we­grieve­today/ 275/309
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I’m neither a Trump supporter nor a Clinton supporter, but you’re

demonstrating how little *you* understand.

Simply because you feel it was about racism, sexism and so on

doesn’t change the actual motives of Trump voters, motives you
obviously don’t care to learn about. Did they overlook Trump’s
bigotry to vote for him? Only as much as you overlooked Clinton’s

If she had won, would they have been justi ed in claiming you
condoned pay to pay, conspiracy and election fraud? If not, than
you are not entitled to speak for Trump supporters and tell them
what they support, either.


Arthur Rimbaud

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:51 PM

If its oh so ‘awful’ here and you want to live in your little

globalist ‘utopia’ by all means move to
Germany,France,The UK or Denmark and see how well the
thankless muslim invaders from Sryia,Turkey,Pakistan etc
‘appreciate’ the hospitality of their host countries. they
aren’t there to assimilate much less play patty cake or ‘we
are the world’ they are there to establish world
dominance and spread their message of mass genocide.
Trump is the reason you won’t be living under sharia law in
the year 2020 , the real reason you grieve today is
because with your head that far up your rectal cavity
you’ve been oxygen deprived to the point of permanent
brain damage. oh you’re moving to Canada? really? whats
wrong with Mexico? get off your high horse and for once
instead of playing the victim make a difference by working
for something instead of expecting it’s owed to you.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:19 PM

Thank you.­why­we­grieve­today/ 276/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:30 PM

Amazing words, well said and re ect what many people are
thinking not just in America but all over the world. It is not just
Americans feeling it either – half of Americans may have
validated trump and the other half stood up for morality and
decency. But I believe many people in the rest of the world feel
the same as this author and are also horri ed what this is saying
about Americans and the klutz Klux clan mentality which we
thought had been wiped out years ago – the fear that it is on the
rise again and will be practised not just in America but will have
an effect on the rest of the world as well. My 3 daughters and
many nieces cried and exclaimed “how can I explain to my
daughters and sons what just happened to decency, morality and
humanity” They fear for their children’s futures- Who can say
women are not struggling with equality when the person most
quali ed and experienced for the biggest job almost in the world
lost to someone unquali ed and inexperienced and at the same
time is rude and a bully and has no common decency.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:36 PM

Amen!!!! The Americans who voted for this change in America..

These people dont know how more dangerous this Nation will
be..And the families that will be broken up..It very painful for the
ones who know how Great America was.. Where we had
freedom..May God continue to Bless Everyone in the world



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:38 PM

I was one of those who voted independent. Not because I don’t

see what you are describing, but because neither one of these 2­why­we­grieve­today/ 277/309
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front runners was someone I wanted to represent this country.

The Democrats (and I’m a registered Dem voter) shot themselves
in the foot by cheating to put up the most unlikable, elitist person
in the race against Trump … be it to make history by trying to get
the rst female into the White House (which I would have loved,
just NOT her) or because Bernie was too far left or for whatever
reason. If they had listened to the movement that Bernie Sanders
had started, none of this would have happened. I would have
voted for Bernie over Trump in a heartbeat. For Clinton? NO



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:40 PM

Thank you for this thoughtful, heartfelt, beautiful, powerful, and

eloquent post, John. So good to know that others GET it —
especially welcome on a day like today, when I wasn’t so sure. Yes,
I grieve; but because of this post, I feel less alone. Keep the faith,
brother! <3



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:41 PM

Thank you. So eloquently written and heartfelt.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:43 PM

really, inclusion? clinton and the DNC did everything shady to put
down bernie sanders. she used words like ‘super predators’ and
‘deplorables’. her husband signed into law DOMA (bernie actually
was one of the few who voted against it in the 1990s) and she
believed marriage was between a man and a woman until it was
less politically popular about four years ago. she also shared the
stage with jay z who uses derogatory language about women and­why­we­grieve­today/ 278/309
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his lyrics have often used the word f word for gays in his raps.
clinton’s de nition of inclusion is purely a political one.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:44 PM

this morning i listened to a journalist saying they were very sorry

for all the bashing they did. they wished they’d just gone out and
talked to the people to hear what they were thinking. your title
greiving caught my attention and i read it thinking i would get a
better understanding of what ‘the other half’ was thinking. i was
extremely disappointed when i realized you were just bashing my
candidate like the media did. you want me to listen to you and
understand yet you want to throw me and my candidate under
the bus for my choice. sorry, this is one of the reasons i voted for
him. he went from the ground up all by himself with no help from
the media and certainly no help from people like you who want to
continue to spread your propaganda and slander. and you call
yourself a ‘christian’. get over it and quit feeling sorry for yourself!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:47 PM

So not true. Hillary wanted to compel people to violate their

conscience and pay people more than they could afford to pay
them. Obama promised not to start any new wars and Hillary was
getting us into wars all over the place. If you look into Hillary’s
history, you’ll nd racial slurs galore, including the “n” word. She
destroyed the life of a 12 year old rape victim to get off her rapist.
She threatened her husband’s victims with violence – even having
one woman’s cat killed. You people need to look a little closer.
Voting for someone because they’re a woman is sexist. Hillary
was playing the gender card every chance she got.
She put our country’s secrets at risk with her private server,
destroyed cell phones and evidence that had been subpoenaed.
That’s who you’re crying about. Sorry. I don’t like Trump either,
but Trump is an angel compared to that wicked witch.
I didn’t like either candidate­why­we­grieve­today/ 279/309
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Chris Long

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:48 PM

This is, quite frankly, the biggest load of horseshit I’ve read
regarding this election…& that’s quite a feat. Let’s just avoid the
fact that in the effort to canonize Hillary, paint her supporters as
paragons of fairness and inclusion, and pillory Trump supporters
for mischaracterizing your grief, you expose your hypocrisy by
completely mischaracterizing Trump supporters to t the myopic
narrative you’ve crafted for yourself so your delicate sensibilities
can process the outcome of the election. If this were just a Trump
hate piece, I could understand it (I have disliked Trump for over
30 years), but I cannot even conceive of the level of disconnect it
takes to overlook Hillary’s myriad problems & pen this tripe.
What’s worse is that I think you, & many readers actually believe
this. Cognitive dissonance & histrionics on a level I have never



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:49 PM

The Utopia you describe does not and never will exist. Human
nature will not allow it. Society will not allow it. Greed will not
allow it. That’s the problem with liberal socialist thinking. I’m all
for a live and let live attitude. I get it. As long as I’m left alone to
believe as I wish, keep what I earn, and retain the rights I’m
entitled to as an American citizen. Unfortunately someone else
will always be blamed for the plight of the disenfranchised.
Someone else who works for what they have cannot pay to
support those who do not. Why? Because there are too many
“have nots”. We, the American citizens cannot support the world.
If our society is so bad and you’re heartbroken about what a
shitty place this is, why does everyone want to come here? If they
do so legally, there is no problem. But to even fathom that all
civilizations can come together, migrate indiscriminately with no
law, and live in peace is the biggest mistake in all of mankind.

REPLY­why­we­grieve­today/ 280/309
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Arthur Rimbaud

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:53 PM

If its oh so ‘awful’ here and you want to live in your little globalist
‘utopia’ by all means move to Germany,France,The UK or
Denmark and see how well the thankless muslim invaders from
Sryia,Turkey,Pakistan etc ‘appreciate’ the hospitality of their host
countries. they aren’t there to assimilate much less play patty
cake or ‘we are the world’ they are there to establish world
dominance and spread their message of mass genocide. Trump is
the reason you won’t be living under sharia law in the year 2020 ,
the real reason you grieve today is because with your head that
far up your rectal cavity you’ve been oxygen deprived to the point
of permanent brain damage. oh you’re moving to Canada? really?
whats wrong with Mexico? get off your high horse and for once
instead of playing the victim make a difference by working for
something instead of expecting it’s owed to you.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 10:59 PM

I don’t understand why Trump is so despicable while Clinton gets

a pass. She criticized her husband’s sexual victims. She defended
a man who raped a 12 year old and spoke casually about it, even
laughing that he passed the lie detector test.

Neither one of these people is a friend of women.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:01 PM

Hillary’s racism:
#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat,
Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a,
“f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and
con rmed by 3 people, so it de nitely happened.­why­we­grieve­today/ 281/309
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#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-

predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were
violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,”
like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was
incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke

that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from
India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas
station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you
still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal

immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall
between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of
Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants
to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the
same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s

campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US
citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of
Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get
Obama to release his birth certi cate is racist, but Hillary’s role in
starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill

said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been
getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did
and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives

matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but
lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the
list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it
liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country

illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal
aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio

on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how
lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored­why­we­grieve­today/ 282/309
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people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people

are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also
made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had
experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the
reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages
who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by

claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. It was racist
when Donald Trump pandered Hispanics by eating a taco bowl,
but not racist when Hillary pandered blacks. How does that

To recap: Trump has said that some illegal aliens are criminals,
suggested a judge with ties to a radical racist Mexican group may
be biased, and offered the opinion that we do more to keep
radical Islamic Terrorists from getting into the country. These
things that have nothing to do with race are why the media
constantly tells us Trump is a racist.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has decades of making anti-

Semitic, anti-black, anti-Indian (both Native Americans and
Asians), and anti-Latino statements. Why is Trump a racist and
Hillary is not?
(oh, and I don’t like being called a “deplorable”)



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:01 PM

To all those who voted for Trump thinking he would make things
right in their world … I want to hear how you feel about your
candidate a year from now will you still feel the same ? Everyone
(politicians, businessmen etc) promise so much its Sales 101 win
the deal .. but the whole point in being successful is in the
delivery, can you deliver on what you promised if not then you
have failed regardless of your initial win .­why­we­grieve­today/ 283/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:08 PM

I’m sick and tired of it. I’m sick and tired of these uninformed
jack…… telling me that I’m racist, sexist, Islamophobic and
homophobic. They have no basis for those claims. They’re
consumed by their emotions. Do they honestly believe Hillary
Clinton lost solely because she’s a woman? It couldn’t possibly
have anything with her being a pathological liar who’s spent her
entire life pursuing political power? It had nothing to do with the
fact that America’s not satis ed with her vision for America– an
America with open borders, higher taxes and more bureaucratic
scumbags in D.C. telling us how to run our lives?
We’re not racist. We’re not sexist. We want people to come into
this country legally. That’s not racist. Progressive leadership in
the big, urban cities hasn’t pulled the black community out of
poverty. It’s worsened it. Liberalism has failed them. We
acknowledge that. We want them to prosper. That’s not racist.
And as for being sexist? All issues are women’s issues. I have no
idea why liberals continue to separate them. Do they really
believe we only care about vaginas, boobs and killing our
offspring? Liberals assumed we (women) would vote for Hillary
based on those reasons alone. THAT’S sexist, if you ask me.
Women care about the economy. We care about national
security. We care about the almost $20 trillion national debt. We
care about the erosion of our freedoms. We care about the future
of the Supreme Court. The list goes on and on and on.
I also saw some posts on how Trump’s victory signi es that
America hates the LGBT community. NEWSFLASH: We elected a
man who wants to keep dangerous anti-LGBT ideologues OUT
OF OUR COUNTRY. Those people who want to throw them off
rooftops? We don’t want them here. We want to protect the
LGBT community. The fact that we stand for traditional family
values and don’t want men in the women’s bathroom doesn’t take
anything away from that. Not for one second.
We’re not racist or sexist. We’re freaking SICK AND TIRED of the
political establishment crapping all over the Constitution and
treading on our liberty. We’re sick of them refusing to uphold the
rule of law. We’re sick of being told that this is as good as it gets.
We want economic freedom. We want to keep more of our hard-
earned money. We want healthcare premiums that AREN’T AS
MUCH AS OUR MORTGAGES. We want people to enter our­why­we­grieve­today/ 284/309
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country LEGALLY. We believe in peace through strength. Faith.

Freedom. Family. We’re the most kick a** country that has ever
existed. All you liberals whining over our “demise,” GET OVER
YOURSELVES. You’re clueless. We were founded on the novel
idea that we were endowed by our Creator with certain
unalienable rights. Rights than cannot be given or taken away by
a governing authority. This was about individual liberty. We reject
government force and coercion. Votes. Favors. Political power.
That’s the cycle of every progressive politician. We’re done.
We’re sick of it.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:25 AM

Damn that was good. Can I copy and paste that and
spread it around? I promise not to take credit – I’m a dude



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:13 PM

The reason your candidate lost was because her character is

nauseating to anyone who has any sense of decency. She was
careless with classi ed information. She received a subpoena
from the FBI to turn over emails to which she blatantly deleted
and used bleach bit because she really didn’t want anyone to see
her yoga emails or wedding planning details. If she thought that
people were going to buy that story she is insulting our

What you failed to mention John is that your candidate was

running for our country’s highest of ce while being investigated
by the FBI for bribery and collusion in her foundation.

When President Elect Trump won last night it was a huge middle
nger to the last eight years and the bull*hit that our 44th
president shoved down our throats.­why­we­grieve­today/ 285/309
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May our country go back to the pledge of allegiance before

school. May we stop taking God out of our vocabulary. May we
respect the law and the people who put their lives on the line for
our safety. And let’s give people a hand if they need it. Not a hand



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:14 PM

There are so many articles written so passionately about the

opposition. And so many are based on nothing but opinion, very
skewed opinion. I am a woman, lived worked and was personally
involved in the gay community for a decade, now married to a
totally different race and we produced 3 gorgeous kids together. I
voted Trump. If I were voting for a friend, I would not have voted
for him. But, I was not voting for a friend, I was voting for
somebody who was more in-line with my political beliefs. Yes, my
beliefs are different from many, but that’s why we get to vote. Get
over it, it’s not personal. Get on board with your next president
and make the changes in your community that you want to see.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:15 PM

Thank you. I’m french Canadian and for everybody around me,
this is an horrifying day. The last times in history, somebody said
publicly the words Trump has being saying we got the Rwanda
genocid, the Yougoslavian war, the second World War.
I am pleased to see that some people in the States are as hurt and
stund as we are , and he’s still able to express himself nicely.
Thank’s also for some beautiful comments I read.
If people keep their eyes open and continue to talk, there might
be hope still.


Leaving California­why­we­grieve­today/ 286/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:16 PM

“We’re not angry that our candidate lost. We’re angry because
our candidate’s losing means this country will be less safe, less
kind, and less available to a huge segment of its population, and
that’s just the truth.”
And yet, hoards of liberals are out in the streets “protesting”
(looting,destroying businesses, lighting res, yelling profanities,
etc). So peaceful, so kind. Not to mention, all the “hate” you’re
harping about is coming from the left! So tolerant, unless you
don’t agree with them.
Wake up!!! Over half of the country
picked him!! The left has had their collective heads in the sand for
so long, they couldn’t see what was coming! I’m not “allowed” to
show that I’m hopeful and happy about the outcome….too
offensive. Ridiculous!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:19 PM

Donald Trump is not all of America. Voting for him does not mean
you vote for everything he stands for as a person. There are very
few people who voted for Hillary that believe in everthying she is
as a person. Have a little more faith in your fellow man. Trump is
one man. American is made up of millions. The world is not
coming to an end. How about a little less drama. Disagreeing is
not equivalent to hating.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:21 PM

I am sorry for your grief. While I do not share these feelings, I

have felt marginalized in my own country for some time. “Judge
not lest ye be judged.” I work very hard to live this as I am
certainly not t to cast the rst stone. I do not hold with the
thoughts, values or lack thereof that causes those to feel
marginalized by the changes our nation is going through. My
sincere prayer is that we can transcend labels and be people. I no
longer want to be white or old or a veteran or whatever label or­why­we­grieve­today/ 287/309
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box others need to place me in. I want to be a person that is

accepted as such, just as those of whom you write. Know that I
am praying for all that peace and love is there for all of us humans.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:23 PM

Thank you for putting into words my thoughts and feelings about
this country. I live near Atlantic City. We are very happy that the
man who won last night is gone from NJ. We hope he never
returns. Like many I don’t recognise this country anymore. It is
not the great nation It once was. The words on the Statue of
Liberty are no longer what this country represents. His
supporters should get out their Bibles and carefully read the
words of Christ. They have strayed far fromthem.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:20 AM

Right on Frances!!!



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:32 PM

Your a bunch of sore losers. We had to put up with Obama for 8

years and look where it got us, give him a chance and see where
he takes us before you go assuming things. You sound like a bunch
of whiners!


Hillary Clinton­why­we­grieve­today/ 288/309
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NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:33 PM

Cry more.


Carleton Walker

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:33 PM

Finally heard someone say the same thing I was saying. It’s funny
how people are saying the media made Trump the way he is, every
commercial, every speech from Trump was delivered from his
own mouth, unedited. If people think the media or Hillary Clinton
made Trump sound bad then they agree that the things he says
are bad. So people voted for him because they heard themselves
thinking it was good but that what God has given to all men deep
inside to know Him kept telling them it was wrong. Even so they
bit at the chance to do something that was not right, same old
thing, did God say that you should not vote for Him? If you vote
for Him you going to be able to do this and that. I say if you check
the garden account in Genesis you will nd the same type of
question asked. I understand a little clearer the scripture, the
blind leading the blind. I heard today, “not to hope that He falls,
because that’s like hoping for the pilot who’s piloting the plane
your on to crash, cause he’s an idiot.” I just hope he does the
opposite of the things you’ve mentioned, and do what is right.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:34 PM

This seemingly eloquent but dangerous article demonstrates

both a fundamental denial of social thought-manipulation
through commonly used marketing tactics of the liberal media,
and also a refusal to acknowledge the actual WORDS and
INTENT of the republican platform. It is nothing more than
further attempt to rewrite small portions of history, to
inaccurately portray democrats as the savior of human rights,
when republicans are to be continuously thanked.

The writer may indeed be accurately portraying the feelings of

HRC supporters. THAT is the real problem-that so many people­why­we­grieve­today/ 289/309
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have become so confused, duped, and programmed to believe

what the paid adword algorithms command. If these terms aren’t
familiar, that’s ok. Research them and you’ll understand their
signi cance.

In syrupy prose, it is indeed an evil vitriol intended to divide

Americans, concealed in a would-be attitude of inclusion.

Its basic premise is completely false, and unworthy of real

discussion. It is social programming, and serves no useful purpose
to a truly enlightened society.


Lou Sarah

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:59 AM

“it is indeed an evil vitriol intended to divide Americans”

I nd it fascinating that you were apparently incapable of

recognizing “evil vitriol” when it was being vomited daily
out of your party’s campaign for over a year.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:36 PM

Drama much? I wonder if you see the irony of your post. The
words you use to describe those with whom you disagree
politically are not only untrue, unfair, and ungenerous, but they
give lie to the very tolerance you claim to have towards others.
You make some very harsh assumptions about the hearts and
motivations of those whom you don’t know and have made no
effort to understand. I don’t doubt that you grieve, but that grief
does not give you the right to self-righteously judge the
intentions of others, especially those based on your own faulty
assumptions about who they are and what they think. You might
be more persuasive if you took the time to try to understand
those whom you currently malign and why they think differently
than you.­why­we­grieve­today/ 290/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:06 AM

People need to stop being so judgmental of others stating

how they feel. The truth is..neither of you know nothing
about how the other side feels so stop slamming them for
stating things you do not like to hear.

For the record, I voted for Clinton why because I do not

nor will I ever trust Trump. This man’s words has caused a
huge divide in this nation and you can not and you know I
am right. People have a right to be outraged and with good
reason consider the way Trump ran his campaign. There
are people out there who do go around and insult people
just because of their color, their gender, their sexual
orientation or their religion and think it’s ok to do so.
Where has the respect for our fellow man or woman has
gone? You can insult me and call me a liberal, I do not care.
But the fact of the matter is, no matter who would have
won, the other side would grieve and they have that right.
What they do not have the right to do is insult anyone and
this post did not insult anyone. He is merely stating how
we feel. You can either accept that or not but you can’t
stop anyone from expressing how they feel.



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:40 PM

Very eloquent, yet maudlin and self-absorbed nonsense, John. Go

ahead and wallow for a day or two; that’s allowed. But, if you
really want to know EXACTLY why Trump got elected and Hillary
and the Democrats were roundly denied? Ready? Go get yourself
a copy of “The Clinton’s War On Women”. Read it from cover to
cover, take notes, and meditate on what you’ve just read. Then
you’ll actually have a valid reason to seriously grieve. But, this
condescending and contrived diatribe based on misplaced guilt
and your own personal religious backlash only lls white space
and serves your ego. All of your nger pointing is nothing more­why­we­grieve­today/ 291/309
11/10/2016 Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz

than projection from deep within the well of the modern liberal
psyche. Get over yourself and go get some sleep, pardner.
Everything’s gonna be alright.


Nathan Fors

NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:41 PM
holds-high- ag-gay-equality/



NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:52 PM

I have to say.. this pretty much sums it all up for me.. as a veteran,
I’m having a really hard time trying to gure out exactly what I
was ghting for – the very freedoms I fear will be taken away.
Today, I grieve the loss of a country that turned to hate instead of

This is not the country I bled for.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:11 AM

I agree. It is not the country I was born in and grew up in—

and I am today ashamed to be called an American citizen.
But I will tell you what you have to look forward to—
1000s of pine boxes coming home with American ags
draped over them—perhaps one for my own son if Trump
has to draft young men to ll the quota for his wars. In
Viet-Nam, they let people come home after just one tour
—and they did not have to go back. Now, you are going to
see soldiers doing multiple tours without regard to how it
is hurting them. We are going to be in new wars
everywhere–starting next year. God help us all.­why­we­grieve­today/ 292/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:30 AM




NOVEMBER 9, 2016 AT 11:56 PM

Reading many of the above comments have just fed my resolve

today. I’m grieving too, and I’ve nally reached the breaking point.
People like John still give me hope, but I’m tired of being
associated with those willing to trade Christian values for
economics or a backlash against the “establishment.”

Growing up I had it drilled into me that being Christ-like was to be

loving, forgiving, compassionate, generous, and to hold yourself
to a higher moral standard, regardless of what those around you
did. Being Christian also meant holding those who claimed the
same to account when they failed to meet those standards. I
watched as those in authority cruci ed Bill Clinton in the wake
the Lewinsky scandal (my dad was particularly vocal as I recall…
still is). I watched them decry politicians, celebrities, and sports
gures for their moral failings, all while holding up others who
supposedly walked the walk and stood for the “right” political
party, thus were worthy of support and admiration. I was
immersed in the world of Focus on the Family (I had a
subscription to Brio as a teen). I believed hook, line, and sinker
that the traditions of the church around me were the right path,
the moral high ground, the best way to live your life. I even stood
with my dad as we were thrown out of church one night for
standing up and challenging the behaviour of the church board.

My dad once campaigned hard (was hired by a grassroots lobby

as a regional director) for the Michigan Marriage Protection Act.
He still claims that the “LGBT Agenda” is destroying America.
When I came out I had to weather a vicious backlash I’d known
for years would happen. I’ve been at odds with the church over
that, because I know how ignorant, misguided, and downright­why­we­grieve­today/ 293/309
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false the anti-gay beliefs are. But I still believed, in spite of all of
the nasty vitriol (and legislation) coming out of the church, that
there was overall goodness in my fellow American Christians.

This election cycle has brought out the ugly. It has exposed the
racist, sexist, and xenophobic underbelly in American culture
that, while only entrenched in a minority of people, is now holding
us hostage and tainting us all. Electing Donald Trump, a buffoon
of a man who has failed miserably at business, is happy to milk the
system for any personal gain, and worships his own brand is
embarrassing. In some ways the white supremacist and fascist
support was to be expected. The overwhelming support from the
supposedly righteous, God-fearing American Christians, is not.

I know not every American Christian voted for Trump. Most of my

Christian friends are among those who didn’t, and my anger is not
directed at them. What I can’t stomach is that the majority of
American Christians threw their weight behind the most ungodly
man to ever run for the highest of ce in the land. If anything
could ever be considered heresy, this is it. I will never, ever, forget
yesterday. As a group, American Christians sold their souls to the
devil for political gain.

Donald Trump worships his own image and brand. He is his own
god. How is this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump denigrates, mocks, and wounds without thought or

care. The least of these are good for nothing but hurtful scorn.
How is this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump boasts about getting payback and exacting

retribution on his “enemies.” Vengeance is his, not God’s. How is
this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump has had numerous affairs and brags about bedding
married women. Adultery is his hobby. How is this worthy of
Christian support?

Donald Trump sees females as pussies to be lusted after, arm

candy to be paraded, and commodities to be traded in when the
next item comes along. He has no respect for the worth of
women. How is this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump lies as naturally as he breathes. He says only what

is expedient and will go back on his word the minute it suits. How­why­we­grieve­today/ 294/309
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is this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump will hire someone in good faith and then refuse to
pay them. His promises aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.
How is this worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump refuses to apologise and see this as a virtue. He

claims he needs no forgiveness from God. How is this worthy of
Christian support?

Donald Trump threatens anyone who dares to challenge him.

Lawsuits and bullying are his tools of negotiation. How is this
worthy of Christian support?

Donald Trump claims to be a Christian, then can’t quote a single

Bible verse and expresses his so-called faith with incoherent self-
praise. His “Christianity” is nothing more than badly stuck on
label. How is this worthy of Christian support?

I’m de nitely not a fan of Hillary Clinton, but nothing she has
done even remotely compares to Trump’s complete
personi cation un-Christian behaviour.

We can disagree on economic policy. We can disagree on law. We

can disagree on job creation and healthcare. But if you’re going to
claim the moral high ground, you sure as hell better follow
through. What happened last night ies in the face of everything I
was taught about being Christ-like. This wasn’t a blip or a small
number. A majority of the church decided to fall in line with the
antithesis of everything it professes to stand for. American
Christians claim superiority and say it’s their job to hold their
leaders to account, then conveniently turn a blind eye when it
gives them an opportunity to punish a woman they’ve hated for
thirty years. There are no excuses. There are no explanations.
God did not give his stamp of approval nor anoint this false
prophet. The truth is plain to see. The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
And Christ had absolutely nothing to do with it.

For myself, I’m through. I’m done believing in the overall goodness
of American Christians. If they can stand up, look the world in the
eye, and say Trump re ects their values, I want absolutely
nothing to do with them. I stand with the LGBT community. I
stand with minorities. I stand with Native Americans ghting for
their rights. I stand with the least among us. I stand with the
destitute. I stand with my neighbours, whoever they may be. I­why­we­grieve­today/ 295/309
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stand for justice and decency and righteousness. I stand with

everyone else who believes we are all equal in God’s eyes,
regardless of colour, religion, or social status. They are welcome
in my country, they are welcome in my home, and they are
welcome in my heart.

As far as the church is concerned, this was the nal straw. I’m
handing back my membership and peeling off the label. Do not
count me any longer as an American Christian. I will not be
associated with this disgusting mockery of the values I hold dear.
If that makes me apostate, if that makes me evil, if that makes me
a pariah in the country of my birth, so be it. I’m angry, I’m
disgusted, my heart is breaking, and I’m past the point of no



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:04 AM

You call yourself a pastor and write an article like this? Words are
more worrisome to you than years of deeds? Let’s just stick with
the moral aspects of this. Hillary is the great champion of women
yet it was her that came up with the “bimbo eruptions” and did
everything in her power to destroy these victims of her husband.
She is a thief, a cheat and a liar. She has used her” charity” to line
her coffers and abused the poor. God has a lot to say about
actions like this. Haven’t even gotten to her pro death beliefs.
God created life and it is sacred, He alone has the power to give
and to take life. She has no problem disobeying his
commandments, sounds like you have no problem disregarding
God’s word either. You will have to give an account for your
actions and as a pastor for what you preached.


Jean henderson

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:06 AM

Wisdom and profound sadness so well expressed thank you

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Fred Grabs

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:06 AM

I agree with this post 100%! I feel like we just stepped back in
time 100 years. May God have mercy on this country. I am praying
for this country and I know he hears my prayers.


James Allen Harrell

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:15 AM

This is the biggest load of hogwash I’ve seen yet. The Vast
majority of us are none of those awful things you claim. You are
simply too brainwashed to take off your blinders and see us for
who we are. Quit drinking all that free Kool-Aid. Get to know
your conservative neighbors and you will nd we are not so scary
at all. Watch, listen and learn, you are about to see some good
I am not hiding , that is my real name.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:15 AM


Religion not considered a liability?

WHY, then, do you believe it is okay to violate an individual’s or a

business’s religious right to abstain from endorsing a behavior
which violates their religious values?

Why do you feel it is okay for the government to steal money

from the taxpayers at their whim for another ridiculous pet

You people violate individual liberties DAILY, & ENOUGH is

ENOUGH !!!!­why­we­grieve­today/ 297/309
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Sorry, but the left wing is full of crap, & this country needed a
massive purging of the “progressive” plague….


Michael elliott

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:17 AM

What’s sad is that people had the wool pulled over their eyes by
Hillary so they wouldn’t be able to see who she really was, a
dictator who does not believe in a democracy. There’s
documented evidence released by wiki leaks that shows her
cheating during the primaries and evidence that supports her
being a criminal such as Benghazi, as well as funding and selling
weapons to Isis. Do we really want someone in of ce who lies and
steals for personal political gain and supports terrorist groups. I
sure the hell don’t.


wikileaks owned hillary

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:20 AM

“Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one that is

largely white and straight and Christian, and the voting veri ed

take a close look at the electoral map broken down by

county…..there is a sea of RED everywhere. are you saying that
all of that red is largely white, straight christian?

that is what you call a lie. misinformation, which is typical of a




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:21 AM

Who wrote this ? A pastor?hummm,,,,,

Nothing to say about Hillary and how she treated the women that­why­we­grieve­today/ 298/309
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Bill raped? How about the black that have been ignored by the
Democrats for all Hillary years in of ce?
What about the lies about insurance will stay low and decrease
and the fact that I cannot afford it?
About the lies of Iran? About the 94 million that don’t work but
eat? About the loosing of work due to corporations taxes? And
giving free everything so people keep voting democrat for ever?
Like a banana republic?
You have don’t care about people ,you care about a party,,
ideology. I come from a socialist country and we are on or way to
that ,, and is caos,,Trump just paused it. Get a real job.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:24 AM

Thank you so much for putting these thoughts and emotions into
words. You express my feelings well. It is about so much more
than who won the election. It is about the fabric of our country.


Laura Lea

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:25 AM

John said that everyone will have a place at the table, but he
would deny me the right to openly express my views, and
implement laws like the ones in Canada. He says Trump fails to
respect women, but the leader of his campaign is the rst woman
to ever successfully run a presidential campaign. The left call us
violent, but they are in the streets smashing things up. They call
us haters, and talk about being inclusive, but they fail to include
me, and the other millions who would like to keep their
constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion. Honestly,
though, the President and Secretary Clinton issued a beautiful
and elevated call for order and unity. I will always love them for
their noble voices at this time of crisis.

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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:26 AM

This article makes me so angry. It is so full of hate and negativity.

You can’t group all Trump supporters in a lump, and the same with
Hillary supporters. We had two of the worst candidates ever to
chose from in a Presidential election in decades. It was literally
the lesser of two evils. A crook or a creep! And for you to make
this article so black (Trump supporters) and white (Hillary
supporters) is actually so narrow minded. Why don’t you wake
up? This article makes Hillary out to be the second coming of
Christ, and now that she wasn’t elected, you are saying that
America is worthless and life is hopeless. For you to generalize
about people, depending on who they voted for, is truly
irresponsible. You are doing exactly what you are criticizing
others for. You need to wake up and see what kind of hateful
rhetoric you are putting out into the world. Maybe you should
think more carefully about “stuff that needs to be said”, before
saying it. You should be ashamed of yourself!



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:41 AM

He is a moron, Susan. Doing his best to infuse fear into his




NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:32 AM

I’m a totally non-spiritual/religious person, Jewish by heritage. I

was led to this site for the rst time thanks to a post by a friend
on Facebook. I’m grateful to her, and of course to Pastor
Pavlovitz, as this piece comes closest, by a huge margin, to
expressing how I feel than anything I’ve read so far. And I’ve been
reading all day.

From some of the horrible comments I’ve read here, I’m sure
there are folks who would take the fact that a non-religious Jew­why­we­grieve­today/ 300/309
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took comfort in Pastor Pavlovitz’s words as further proof that he

has no business calling himself a Christian. How deeply, deeply



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:32 AM

Very eloquent, yet maudlin and self-absorbed nonsense, John. Go

ahead and wallow for a day or two; that’s allowed. But, if you
really want to know EXACTLY why Trump got elected and Hillary
and the Democrats were roundly denied? Ready? Go get yourself
a copy of “The Clinton’s War On Women”. Read it from cover to
cover, take notes, and meditate on what you’ve just read. Then
you’ll actually have a valid reason to seriously grieve. But, this
condescending and contrived diatribe based on misplaced guilt
and your own personal religious backlash only lls white space
and serves your ego. All of your nger pointing is nothing more
than projection from deep within the well of the modern liberal
psyche. “Your perception of me is a re ection of you.” Get over
yourself and go get some sleep, pardner. Everything’s gonna be



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:40 AM

So his piece was, in your opinion, simultaneously

“eloquent” and “maudlin and self-absorbed nonsense”.
Just *perfect*. Do you even understand what the word
“eloquent” *means*?

“ELOQUENT: uent or persuasive in speaking or writing”.

^ Just as maudlin and self-absorbed nonsense tends to be.

What so many folks in these comments fail to grasp here is

that this was written to express the feelings of those of us
who awoke today to an America we never imagined
possible. Obviously– *obviously*– anyone who supports­why­we­grieve­today/ 301/309
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Trump isn’t going to share any of these feelings.

*Obviously*. That doesn’t make this eloquent piece– and
yes, it was eloquent– “nonsense”. It makes it a piece that
doesn’t express how YOU feel.

How horri c that those of us reeling from the election

might, you know, try to comfort each other by sharing
how we feel. Just horrible of us.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:32 AM

This is absolutely utter bullshit



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:33 AM

The technocratic elite has been draining this country’s economy

for too long. Globalism, free trade, open borders etc. have made
huge pro ts for the shareholder class. Meanwhile, fooling the
people into believing they actually care about people. What
about the wreck of our nation’s economy and infrastucture?
Restrict trade, limit immigration? how could we, that’s racism.

The elites have been our undoing, while enriching themselves and
their cronies.

Enough! the American people have spoken and we are fed up

with the elite class and their pack of lies. Big government, an
increasing number of people dependent on federal assistance,
open borders and globalism can no longer be tolerated.

Trump is an imperfect messenger, but he can put a stop to the

damage done by the fraud of “progressivism”. I wish him

Thank God the Clinton’s were stopped. America couldn’t survive

another progressive term.­why­we­grieve­today/ 302/309
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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:41 AM

This article is the perfect example with what is wrong with a large
portion of our society. People try to paint others with a broad
brush and do so unfairly. They try to make things black and white
(opposite ends of the color spectrum- not skin color) when there
are a million shades of gray.

So where is your inclusivity when you denigrate nearly half the

population of the United States? You can’t single out Donald
Trump and count his sins and NOT count those of Hillary Clinton.
I am Christian and yet I am very often appalled by the words and
actions of people who call themselves Christian and I do agree
with you in that I cannot stand the hypocrisy. But here you go
judging others and casting stones. Remember, to err is human, to
forgive is divine.

Instead of chastising and belittling others, why not respond with

positivity and open a dialogue and try to understand the
motivations and thoughts of those that disagree with you and
open a dialogue to try to resolve the issues our country faces.
Words of hate and disdain only work to sow more seeds of hate
and distrust.

There are good people and bad people that voted for each of the
candidates for President. I believe that the majority of the people
that voted for Trump did so not because they are racists,
misogynists, or any of the other deplorable labels that were used
against them. I believe that the majority of people that voted for
Trump (and this has been indicated in many exit polls) did so
because they are tired of the lies and corruption that is rampant
in our government and the political process and they want to see
a sweeping tide come in and wash away the otsam.

One of Trumps pledges that I am most excited about is a bill to

enact term limits and to be done with career politicians that are
more concerned with getting re-elected and retaining power than
they are about working for the good of our country.

I only wish they would also enact campaign nance reform such
that donations could not be made to any one party or individual­why­we­grieve­today/ 303/309
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but instead goes into a central fund to be used by all candidates

equally running for a speci c of ce. This would allow minor party
candidates to be able to share the stage with the big two.

If you want to be mad, be mad that our presidential election came

down to the two choices we had. Why weren’t there better
options available?

But now that it’s over, let’s stop calling names and pointing ngers
and act like you really do care about EVERYONE and not just
those groups with whom you most closely associate. Stop the
divisiveness. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work making the
USA better for ALL people



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:41 AM

Come on people! Grow up and grow a pair! This is just lots of

political blow back from lies spread by Hillary’s campaign lies!
Get over it and start working together with those of us who
actually THINK for ourselves to get this country working again
towards real goals like lowering taxes and making jobs for those
who are unemployed or under-employed! We need to work hard
to make the change we want to see in this country, not see it
mandated my law!!! We are better than this!!!


Pingback: Here’s Why We Grieve Today | john pavlovitz – Appreciating

This Complicated Life


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:45 AM

Stop deluding yourself. Democrats lost this election back in July,

when they remained silent about the plethora of corruption
staring them in the face from within their own party. You had THE
PERFECT CANDIDATE at your ngertips, but let your own
arrogance stand in the way of choosing what was best for the
country.­why­we­grieve­today/ 304/309
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As far as I’m concerned, everyone that still has a “D” associated

with their party is to blame and should be ashamed of

Bernie Sanders won your primaries, but you let corruption, lies
and media bias run your race instead of looking at the logic and
reason those of us from outside, were trying to offer you. You
alienated half your voter base and essentially told them “you
don’t matter to us” but somehow expected them to simply fall in
line behind your chosen queen.

Take a close look at that election map. You thought because

Hillary won Georgia and the Deep South in your primaries should
would magically win it against a Republican in November?
Sanders won most of those Red states by double digits in polls vs.
Trump, as little as 4 months ago. Historically Red states were
turning Blue at the prospect of a President Sanders. But you blew

Suck it up. Reform your party. And this time, actually peruse a
goddamned Progressive platform with some goddamned
Progressive candidates!


Joe Sprenger

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:47 AM

If the democrats are afraid it’s because they are uninformed. or

refuse to except the truth. This election is about corruption in
our/your government. That’s it, nothing more, nothing less. Do
not speak for “all ” Trump voters. That along shows your
ignorance. When you spew words like this it causes further
division of our country. Maybe you prefer the division so you can
perpetuate the stereotype. I appreciate you thoughts and beliefs.
After all that’s what makes America great. I wish you a more open
mind and the acceptance than you claim to have shown in your
article. Think of them as a section of Americans like Muslims,
immigrants, LGBT, women etc. your willing to accept their
differences why not Trump voters? Out of curiosity, in retrospect
do you wish you would have had Bernie Sanders as your
candidate, someone with less baggage, less corruption and much
more electable? I believe that the people that might have voted­why­we­grieve­today/ 305/309
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for a democrat over Trump decided that they would vote for a
loose cannon over a corrupt political machine.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:48 AM

Very, very well said John. This explains perfectly how so many of
us feel. Unfortunately, based on so many of the comments on
here there are sadly so many folks who will just never get it. Even
more sadly, they won’t even open their minds just a little bit to
even try to get it.



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 12:54 AM

Hard to believe you live in America and have these thoughts. All
of you go back to your country and enjoy your life, Loosers


Pingback: The Heaviness of Loss: Losing More Than A Seat in the White


NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:00 AM

I’m sorry that others don’t see what Trump supporters saw our
America had become. I am not a racist and I resent being labeled
one. I have a multi race family
I love them all
I don’t want to live in a America that believes it is Ok to kill a baby
as long as it hasn’t been delivered yet…I also want my
grandchildren to be SAFE from terrorist. That means something
has to be changed in how immigration is handled. And controlling
the borders. I feel my Christian beliefs are being theatened . I
could go on with a long list but won’t. I don’t think it would matter
because it’s to soon to stop the pain of what many see as a loss of­why­we­grieve­today/ 306/309
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their hopes. Give it a chance to start healing our Country so we

can all work together to make us All feel Proud of Our America



NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:00 AM

Well said.


Stephen Etrinoch

NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT 1:05 AM

If you want to talk about bully culture, look to the left. They’re the
ones rioting and that had attacked Trump supporters, or block
the free travel of Americans for pointless “protests.” They used
actual violence, not words that were not accepted by the tepid,
feckless politically correct social justice warriors.

Scott Adams had a great vlog on the Clinton/Liberal bully culture.

A Trump win is a win for the ideals that created this nation, which
you likely use your non-historical lens to cast contempt upon, and
allowed us to engage in this political process.

Look at the open-faced ugliness cast upon Trump voters, the rural
poor, those that have the “privilege” of a certain skin or gender
that are told that they are not worth anything in the “diverse”
society and that the needs of others will be addressed before
their children are fed and educated to address the perceived
wrongs of the past. The open-faced ugliness against the faith
community by a political party and media establishment that sees
only value in the faith of foreigners or those that are not

Guess what? The Trump voters have families, dreams, aspirations,

and they showed with their votes they still have a place at the
table even though the media and liberal elite desperately want it

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