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Basic dB formula

This formula is assuming that all things are perfect.

It is a LOGICAL “Guessimate” that is ALWAYS within 3 dB of acual!
That voltage is near 14 volts/plenty of battery/alternator
Using at least 1/0 Ot guage wire
Some kind of Line Driver is being used
1st things first
Start off with sensitivity of the “raw” driver
Then total power of the amplifer (peak AC volts measured with a volt meter)
For example: Take a CC-D1200, connected to 2 SS-12 (a load of 1 ohm)
You’ve measured the Ac volts out into this speaker load as 42 volts,
which calculates to 1764 “peak” watts. A/C volts squared (times itself) divided by
the impedance equals power. So.....42 X 42 = 1764 divided by the impedance, which
is 1ohm in this instance, so its still is...1764!!! We now know the REAL power
(cause you measured it into a REAL load...............The Concept SS-12 woofer)
2nd thing
Calculate the total efficiency of the woofers
Add each woofer as + 3, doubling of cone area equals double output
The Concept SS-12’s are 87 dB 1W/1M (typical of ALL small box woofers *
Lets do the dB Log:
1 woofer = 87 dB
2 woofers = 90 dB
4-woofers = 93 dB
3rd thing
Do the “dB log” starting with the total subwoofer (s) efficiently (which is 93 in this instance)

93 dB = 1 watt
96 dB = 2 watt
99 dB = 4 watt
102 dB = 8 watt
105 dB = 16 watt
108 dB = 32 watt
111 dB = 64 watt
114 dB = 128 watt
117 dB = 256 watt
120 dB = 512 watt
123 dB = 1024 watt Obviously we only
126 dB = 2048 watt have 1764 watts
so we’ll “split the difference”
125 dB
4th thing
Add up the special “side deals” Like is the boxed sealed (no extra dB), hatchback or coupe? Etc.
Use the following to get “close to the REAL DEAL in SPL.

Transfer Function (sedan) = 12 dB

Transfer Function (hatchback with woofers aming towards the rear glass) = 16 dB
Sealed box = No extra dB
Vented box = 3 dB (UNLESS you have an odd order alignment)
Vented box = 6-9 dB (IF an odd order alignment - Big ASS box )
BandPass Box = 6-10 dB (depending on how small the enclosure is)
Mic Placement = 6 dB for DB drag dash/window mic placement
Now lets total it all up 125 db - basic “dB log”
+12 dB - standard cab car with a direct facing woofer box
But the woofer box is vented in something other than “optimum” or flat
+ 6 dB
+ 6 dB DB drag dash/window mic placement

So.... this car will play 149 dB (+/- 3dB)

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