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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office
Jose Abad Santos Ave. Tondo, Manila

A reflection/journal entry that highlights the application of a learner-centered teaching philosophy in the
lesson plan or community work
By: Jonna A. Quillopas

Today was an invigorating day in my journey as a grade 1 teacher at our local public school. As an advocate for
learner-centered education, I have always strived to create an inclusive and engaging environment where my students can
thrive and develop a love for learning

In today's lesson, we explored the concept of storytelling. Instead of relying solely on traditional teaching
methods, I decided to involve my students actively in the learning process. We started the day by gathering in a circle,
where each student had the opportunity to share their favorite story or book. This simple activity not only fostered a sense
of community but also sparked enthusiasm and curiosity among my students.

To cater to different learning styles and preferences, I incorporated various interactive activities throughout the
lesson. I set up different learning stations, allowing students to engage in storytelling through art, drama, and even
creating their own stories. By providing multiple avenues for exploration, I aimed to tap into their individual strengths and
interests, promoting a deep connection to the material.

One particular moment that stood out to me was when one of my shy and reserved students, Felicity Kate,
blossomed during the dramatic storytelling activity. In the past, Felicity Kate had struggled to express herself verbally,
often feeling overshadowed by her more extroverted peers. However, today, as we acted out stories together, she eagerly
volunteered to participate and even took on a leading role. Witnessing her newfound confidence and joy brought tears to
my eyes and reinforced my belief in the power of learner-centered teaching.

Throughout the lesson, I took on the role of a facilitator, guiding and supporting my students as they explored
storytelling. Instead of merely transmitting information, I encouraged them to think critically, ask questions, and express
their opinions. I made a conscious effort to listen attentively to their ideas, providing meaningful feedback and fostering a
safe environment where everyone's contributions were valued.

By the end of the day, I could see the transformation in my learners. They had not only developed a deeper
understanding of storytelling but had also honed their communication and collaboration skills. The class had become a
vibrant hub of active learning, where learners were excitedly sharing their stories and eager to learn from one another.

As a grade 1 teacher in a public, it is my responsibility to prepare my learners for future challenges and instil in
them a love for learning. By embracing a learner-centered teaching philosophy, I am confident that I am equipping them
with the essential skills of critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. My commitment to learner-
centered education will remain unwavering. I will continue to explore innovative teaching strategies, adapt my lesson
plans to meet the diverse needs of my learners, and foster an environment that celebrates their unique strengths and
abilities. Through this reflective and evolving practice, I hope to continue nurturing a love for learning, instilling
confidence, and empowering each student to become a lifelong learner.

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