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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office
Jose Abad Santos Ave. Tondo, Manila


What: 1st Learning Action Cell
Date: September 16, 2022
Time: 11:00 A.M.
Location: GMHES, Rm. A-03


1. Jennifer R. Allares
2. Jovielyn C. Bacud
3. Medgelene Kayevin J. Castillo
4. Denalyn F. Maaño
5. Mary Estella D. Peduca
6. Jonna A. Quillopas
7. Rea S. Rodrinico

Agenda: Discussion on the Philippine Code of Ethics for Teachers

Meeting Summary:

The meeting began with an introduction to the importance of the Philippine Code of Ethics for
Teachers. It was emphasized that the code provides guidelines and standards for teachers to uphold
professionalism, ethics, and moral values in their practice.
A presentation was given on the key provisions of the Philippine Code of Ethics for Teachers. The
following topics were covered:

a. Professionalism: Teachers are expected to exhibit competence, maintain professional

relationships, and continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
b. Integrity: Teachers should demonstrate honesty, fairness, and respect for students, colleagues,
and the community.
c. Responsibility: Teachers have a duty to foster a positive learning environment, protect the well-
being of students, and promote the principles of democracy, equality, and justice.

d. Objectivity: Teachers should base their decisions and actions on unbiased assessments and
avoid favoritism or discrimination.
e. Confidentiality: Teachers are obligated to protect the privacy and confidentiality of student
f. Professional Development: Teachers are encouraged to engage in continuous professional
development to enhance their teaching practices.
g. Social Responsibility: Teachers should actively participate in community affairs and promote
national goals and values.
h. Collegiality: Teachers should collaborate and cooperate with colleagues to improve the quality
of education.

The teachers engaged in a comprehensive review of the different sections and provisions of the
Code of Ethics. These include:

a. Commitment to the Teaching Profession: Members acknowledged the importance of upholding

the dignity and reputation of the teaching profession, maintaining competence, and continuously
improving their knowledge and skills.
b. Professional Conduct and Behavior: The team discussed the need for teachers to demonstrate
integrity, fairness, and impartiality in their interactions with students, parents, colleagues, and the
community. The importance of maintaining confidentiality and avoiding conflicts of interest was also
c. Respect for Learners' Rights: The Code emphasizes the obligation of teachers to respect and
protect the rights of their students, including the right to quality education, freedom of thought and
expression, and privacy.
d. Professional Relationships: The team discussed the importance of fostering positive
relationships with colleagues, promoting teamwork, and refraining from engaging in any form of
harassment or discriminatory behavior.
e. Responsibility to Parents and the Community: The Code emphasizes the role of teachers in
building strong partnerships with parents and the community, ensuring open communication and
collaboration in the best interest of the students.
f. Ethical Use of Technology: The team explored the provisions related to responsible and ethical
use of technology, emphasizing the need for teachers to guide students in using technology responsibly
and to be mindful of online interactions.
The team engaged in a discussion regarding the practical application of the Code of Ethics for
Teachers in their daily work. They shared personal experiences and insights on how they have upheld the
principles outlined in the code.
Attendees also discussed challenges they have encountered in adhering to the code and shared
strategies for overcoming these challenges. It was agreed upon that continuous reflection, seeking
guidance from mentors or colleagues, and attending professional development opportunities are effective
ways to ensure compliance with the code.
The meeting concluded with a reminder to all attendees to familiarize themselves with the
Philippine Code of Ethics for Teachers and to integrate its principles into their professional practice. It
was decided that periodic discussions and workshops would be organized to further explore the code and
share best practices among the team.

Action Items:

All attendees: Review the Philippine Code of Ethics for Teachers and identify areas where personal
practice aligns with or can be improved to adhere to the code.

Mrs. Fortunata V. Murcillo: Organize a workshop or training session focused on the practical
implementation of the code by October, date, and time to be announced.

Next Meeting:

Date: November 11, 2022

Agenda: Excel Shortcut Keys for Formulas
Meeting Adjourned: 12:05 P.M.
Prepared by:
Jonna A. Quillopas
LAC Documenter

Checked by:
Fortunata V. Murcillo, MT II
LAC Facilitator

Noted by:


LAC Leader

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office
Jose Abad Santos Ave. Tondo, Manila

As I reflect on our recent meeting discussing the Philippine Code of Ethics for
Teachers, I am reminded of the profound impact that ethical conduct has on the
teaching profession. Our exploration of the code highlighted the significance of
upholding professional standards, fostering positive relationships, and promoting a
nurturing learning environment. Here are my thoughts and reflections on the Philippine
Code of Ethics for Teachers.

The Code serves as a compass, guiding teachers in maintaining the dignity and
reputation of the teaching profession. It reinforces our commitment to lifelong learning
and continuous professional development. By staying updated on current pedagogical
practices and expanding our knowledge and skills, we can provide quality education and
effectively address the diverse needs of our students.

One aspect that resonated strongly with me is the emphasis on professional

conduct and behavior. Integrity, fairness, and impartiality are essential values that
teachers must demonstrate in their interactions with students, colleagues, parents, and
the community. It is through these values that we can build trust and establish a positive
learning environment where students feel respected and supported.

The Code also reminds us of our responsibility to uphold learners' rights.

Respecting students' freedom of thought and expression, ensuring their privacy, and
providing equal opportunities for all are crucial aspects of creating an inclusive and
supportive learning environment. By valuing and protecting these rights, we empower
our students to become independent thinkers and active participants in their education.

The Code underscores the importance of professional relationships and

collaboration among teachers. By fostering a culture of teamwork, mutual respect, and
open communication, we create an environment that supports growth and professional
development. Collaboration not only benefits teachers but also enhances the learning
experiences of our students.

As technology continues to play a significant role in education, the ethical use of

technology is another vital aspect emphasized in the Code. It reminds us of our
responsibility to guide students in navigating the digital landscape responsibly and
safely. We must model ethical online behavior and ensure that technology is used as a
tool for learning, collaboration, and empowerment.

Lastly, the Code highlights the need for teachers to engage in continuous
professional development. It serves as a reminder that our learning journey does not
end with our initial training but rather continues throughout our careers. By actively
seeking opportunities to enhance our teaching skills and staying abreast of educational
advancements, we can provide the best possible education to our students.

In conclusion, the Philippine Code of Ethics for Teachers serves as a

comprehensive guide, setting the standards for professional conduct and behavior in
the teaching profession. It challenges us to be ethical role models and champions of
education. As teachers, we have a profound impact on the lives of our students, and by
embracing the principles outlined in the Code, we can create a positive and nurturing
learning environment that fosters growth, knowledge, and character development. Let
us carry the values of integrity, respect, and continuous improvement in our hearts and
uphold the Code with unwavering dedication to our learners and the teaching

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