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1. How did Decom Mat. become successful in the US in a short time?

The discovery of a ground-breaking technological decontamination method that converts garbage

into a form that is nearly 100 percent ecologically beneficial was the key to its success.

2. What are the factors or reason that encouraged them to open in another country?

Trucks and trains from hospitals, chemical plants, tyre manufacturing firms, and other industrial
sites responsible for creating tonnes of hazardous waste materials daily were well positioned in
other countries for short haul transit distances.

3. What does NAFTA stand for?

The full form of NAFTA is North American Free Trade Agreement.

4. How much did it cost them to set up the facility in Canada?

Rather of developing a new plant from the ground up, Decom Mat paid USD 25 million
acquiring an existing decontamination factory in Ontario and spent another USD 22 million
renovating it to conduct the new process.

5. What do you think will happen in the future?

Ensure that international entrance methods for exporting, importing, or investing directly in a
foreign market are compliant with both domestic and international laws. Also ensure product
regulatory compliance in each international market, taking into account when it comes to market
regulations and policies, as well as worldwide agreements and guidelines,Creating or modifying

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