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2 @ eee ls) Computers can be broadly classified into Cee eee eun cg Teer eee eeu R ick iat PUM Mee cele) Bee aoe De seeuCea ry es 1950s): The first generation computers Pe MERC alee ya] Dee eas ee tt eae eee 2. Second Generation Computers (1950s - SET Meet Re ue uk Cy Pee Cun Onin Rom n ae which made them smaller, faster, and more reliable. Magnetic core memory was also introduced during this period SM Recaro cet er Ose SCA Ce aru ca Peete een eon hy Me CIS eam Rue even smaller, more powerful, and more Oem eg eee oR Ce neem Meco ee 4, Fourth Generation Computers (1970s - SC Oe aur ac uke crs were based on microprocessors, which allowed for the development of personal Ce Cem ee aie CCR Unc erect ee eee tec MCU uke a aL) Pec CR Cacao Se eens cl cae GER tree ao computers are designed to mimic human Pee a eee eu Tl Cree ae eae eee Ceres CUMS Cremer le iT Cot

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