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G-Men Detective, September, 1942


The Collision of Jenny Johnson’s Fishing Boat with a Strange

Raft in Fog-Obscured Waters Plunges Her into Sudden Peril

J ENNY JOHNSON was a very

weary young lady as she cautiously
brought the Toby II toward the fog-
blanketed pier. Dusk had fallen swiftly
She’d already had more than her share.
The day had been one of those in which
nothing had gone as ordered. In the first
place, handling the lobster pots was a
under the thick mantle of dull gray murk, tough job for a girl.
and what she wanted most in the world But she’d been brought up on the
was a warm tub, some dry clothing and shore, and with her brother Toby in the
rest. Merchant Marine and all the able men
The last thing she wanted was trouble. gone to war, she’d taken over with a

determination and stamina that were belied of the Toby II. From somewhere nearby
by her almost fragile golden good looks. she heard wet footsteps running.
At the moment, however, she was Then, in quick succession, came the
ready to burst into tears. Some of the pots shots – one, two, three. A man screamed
had been stuck, and the ropes had been and gurgled, and something heavy fell as
more than usually covered with those live the footsteps ceased.
little stinging red strings passing jellyfish “Holy smoke!” said Jenny.
leave as a reminder of their greater “Who’s there?” snapped a tall male
deadliness. figure, looming even taller as he moved
To make matters worse, the sun had toward the end of the dock.
been terribly hot, and then had come the “Jenny Johnson,” said the girl.
fog, making it difficult to find her markers She was scared and looked it. The man
and preventing needed relaxation on the peered at her, revealing the polished
run back to the dock. hardness of his own not unhandsome
The collision was the last straw. As the features. Then he put the pistol he’d been
Toby II smacked squarely into the odd carrying into a belt holster.
little raft that loomed up before it without “Okay, Miss Johnson,” he said, and his
warning, Jenny visioned damage suits and voice was menacing. “What in blazes are
repair bills that would eat up the slim you doing out in this?”
profits she’d been able to wring from the “Bringing in my catch,” she snapped,
lobster run by the sweat of her tanned suddenly angry. She uttered a cry of
brow. protest as he jumped into the Toby II.
“Ach!” came the cry from an excited “What about that man? You shot him?”
male voice, and a dimly-seen figure was “What man?” queried the stranger
tumbled out of the low boat he was icily.
paddling to splash into the water. “The man I rammed in that.” She
“This way!” she called, forgetting her pointed toward the torn rubber raft. “The
worries in the greater responsibility of man you just—”
effecting a human rescue. “Blast it all!” interrupted the grim
There was no answer to her cry—only stranger. “Why did you have to ram him?
the splash of swimming arms heading I’ll take this if you don’t mind.”
away from her. “I do mind,” she said, her blue eyes
flaming dangerously. “You—you killed

T HE boat she had rammed floated past

her then, and her blue eyes widened.
It appeared to have no shape she
“No such luck,” said the man. “Now
get out of this. It’s no place for a girl.”
recognized, and was losing what vague He seemed to appreciate her slim lines
form it had with a gentle hiss. for the first time.
She gaffed it as something fell out of it “It’s my dock,” retorted Jenny. “I’ll
and brought it aboard, surprised at its thank you to get out of here before I call
lightness till she saw it was the remains of Constable Craig. You have one heck of a
a torn rubber raft. nerve.”
Puzzled, she looked ahead barely in “Maybe I have to have,” said the man
time to see the dock directly in front of with what might have been a touch of
her. Swiftly she cut the one-cylinder motor regret. “Don’t hang around though.”

He folded the torn raft, slung it over he stood there, “this is war time, you
his shoulder, vaulted gracefully back to the know.”
dock and vanished in the fog. “A fat chance we have of forgetting
Even more frightened to be alone, but it,” she said, “with three tankers going
determined not to let it throw her, Jenny down just outside of the lobster runs
slowly swung her catch up onto the dock. yesterday.”
Then, feet lagging for fear of what “Blast them!” he declared bitterly. “I’d
might lie ahead of her, she walked down like a chance at them.”
the dock to the market along a cobbled “I know, Jimmie,” she said, her voice
street of the tiny town. But she found no gentle.
trace of the man who had fled or of the He had been rejected for both services
grim stranger. because of the fact that a salvage job two
years before had left him deaf in one ear.

A GROUP of villagers appeared

through the fog as she reached the
market. They were clustered around its
Jenny, who was moderately fond of him,
felt a bit sorry about it.
“But a mysterious man coming ashore
door, staring up the street. One of them, in a fog in a rubber raft in war time looks
tow-headed, tanned and clad in dungarees, funny. And when there’s shooting and
spotted Jenny and moved over to her. strangers with guns—well, perhaps he
“My catch is on the pier,” she said. brought something with him. No one
“It’ll run about a hundred pounds. And would be running the risk this man must
what’s going on around here?” have taken for nothing.”
“I’ll take care of the catch,” promised “You must be psychic, Jimmie,” she
the young man. “You ought to let me murmured suddenly.
unload it for you.” “How do you mean?”
“I’m a regular here, and I’m asking no There was excitement in his eyes.
favors, Jimmie. But what’s happening? I Quickly Jenny told him of the barely-
rammed a man in a raft. There was some seen object that had slipped overside into
shooting and then a man with a gun held the water as she gaffed the rubber boat.
me up and took the raft away.” “Jenny,” he said, his fingers digging
“Good Lord, Jenny!” exclaimed the into her arm, “could you find the place?”
young man, walking her back to the dock “I guess so,” she answered doubtfully.
where her day’s catch was piled. “Nobody “It was only a few yards from this dock.”
seems to know. I was behind the counter “You’re wonderful,” he declared and
with an armful of mackerel when the planted a quick kiss on her cheek.
shooting started. When I got outside, all I “I don’t get it,” she said, pulling clear
saw was a couple of men putting of him.
something in a car. Then your friend Jimmie was all right, but, outside of an
showed up.” occasional movie, their acquaintance was
Jimmie paused, then asked a blunt strictly business.
question. “Don’t you see?” he said excitedly. “If
“You’re sure that this man didn’t take I can find this something—whatever it
anything else from you?” he demanded, is—and turn it in, I might get some
his eyes bright and alert. consideration from the powers that be,
“What do you mean, Jimmie?” bum ear or no.”
“Well,” he said, peering at her catch as

N ODDING doubtfully, the girl gazed

at his strangely intense features. The
idea sounded scatterbrained, possibly
to use it to communicate with him. Then
he handed her an automatic pistol.
She looked at it wonderingly. The s
dangerous. But he’d been paying her top fog had faded, but the night was moonless,
rates for her catches, and she didn’t see and from the distance sounded the drone
how she could let him down. of patrol planes and launches on the prowl
“I see,” she whispered. “But before for U-Boats.
you start anything, I’m going home, take a “What’s this gun for?” she asked.
bath and get something to eat.” “Just in case we have visitors,” he told
“Go to it,” he said, and his excitement her. “Remember, there’s sub activity out
was infectious. “I wouldn’t want to try it there, and things have been happening on
before dark. If it is something important, shore. With those earphones on, you won’t
we don’t want to tell the world. And there be able to hear much. So keep your eyes
was shooting, remember.” peeled.”
“I remember,” she replied grimly, “I will,” she said. “Good luck,
wondering why she had decided to enter Jimmie.”
into anything so risky and probably He grinned, put on his heavy
profitless. equipment, had her tighten the clamps that
Walking to the trim little fisherman’s fastened the metal helmet to the rubber
house her parents had left her and Toby, suit. Then, with a powerful flashlight
she debated the wisdom of reporting her clutched in his left hand, he slipped over
adventure to Constable Craig, then the side.
decided a hot bath was more important. When he reached bottom, he held the
It was close to ten o’clock, and Jenny light towards the surface so that she could
was drowsy when Jimmie rapped on her spot his whereabouts. After a brief interval
door. He had his jaloppy with him, and the he asked for directions in muffled tones.
back seat was piled with paraphernalia. “About fifteen feet half right,” she
“What’s that?” she asked curiously. murmured tensely.
“Diving equipment,” he told her.
“How am I going to look around under
water at night without it? I borrowed it
from one of my pals on the salvage boat.”
I T was a poor guess. She’d been fooled
by the fog. The operation became
absorbing, and she picked up some of
“But your ear, Jimmie!” she protested. Jimmy’s high excitement as she directed
“Aren’t you afraid that—” him to possible spots where the object of
“Heck no,” he grunted. “The harbor his search might lie.
isn’t deep enough. Now here’s all you’ll It took twenty-five minutes to find it,
have to do.” considerably beyond and to the right of
He gave her precise instructions as to where Jenny thought she’d spilled it. At
how to help him while they drove the old last, however, she heard his muffled shout
car out onto the dock and parked it above of success in the earphones.
the Toby II. Five minutes later, he was coming up
Getting the equipment into the Toby II slowly at the stern of the Toby II, thrusting
was a cumbersome job, but Jimmie was a waterproof tan steel case, a case
strong and managed it. Before donning his weighted with and lashed to a rock, over
diving suit, he adjusted the portable the stern sheets. His flashlight lit up the
telephone over her chest, showed her how scene weirdly.

“I’ll take that please,” said a cool, hard his length on the dock with a savage
voice. smash to the chin. Blowing on his fist, he
With a gasp Jenny whirled and swung turned to the girl.
her gun toward the handsome hold-up man “It’s my fault,” he said. “I should have
of the afternoon, who was halfway down questioned you earlier, Jenny, but we had
the dock ladder. to get Bauer to talk before he was operated
He had an automatic pistol, and it was on. He’d just come ashore from a U-Boat.
pointed directly at Jimmie’s rubber- Two of my shots nailed him. He was
covered chest. unconscious until a short while ago when
“I’ll shoot!” warned the girl. we forced him to tell us about himself. The
“If you do, he drowns,” stated the minute he mentioned that chest falling in
stranger. “And you’ll be in for a nice fat the water we rushed down here.”
life sentence.” “Is he—?” the girl asked tremulously.
“They don’t imprison women for “He’ll live, worse luck,” said the F.B.I.
shooting crooks,” said Jenny. agent. “And, Jenny Johnson, thanks to you
“Granted,” agreed the stranger, his we’ve got a complete outline of the Axis
voice thin and remote. “But they do for plan of campaign for espionage agents
shooting F.B.I. men in pursuit of their here with the names and locations of
duty—especially when it’s war time agents, plus a big wad of big bills they
espionage.” were going to use to finance their scheme.
“Okay down there?” called a deep “With the information contained in this
voice from the dock above. chest we can crack down on key Nazi
“Okay,” responded the hard-eyed agents all over the country. We’ve already
stranger. contacted the Navy and they’ve ordered
He took the gun from Jenny’s out extra planes and patrol boats to hunt
nerveless fingers, put it in his pocket. down that sub. Even Jimmie helped us
Jimmie, hopelessly awkward in his without meaning to do so.”
diving suit, made a move as if to slip back Jimmie snarled as Craig and the other
under water, but stopped when the other F.B.I. man led him away. “But why would
aimed menacingly at the air line. the Nazis bring such plans in by
Utterly bewildered, Jenny climbed submarine?” the girl asked.
back onto the dock ahead of the two men. “Because, Jenny,” said the F.B.I. man,
There stood another stranger and, to her lighting her a welcome cigarette, “these
relief, Constable Craig. plans were so important they didn’t dare
“How come you’re mixed up in a thing trust them to any code transmission. They
like this?” asked Craig, a husky, alert had to be delivered in person.
young specimen for all his rural title. “The bay here is a perfect place for
“I didn’t know. I mean I—” she such delivery. It’s isolated, not a shipping
stammered. center, not a Navy or Coast Guard yard
“The heck she didn’t!” scoffed and not far from the coastal U-Boat lanes.
Jimmie, emerging above the level of the Your friend Jimmie was planted here for
dock. “She hired me to get this thing for the purpose years ago.
her. I’m clean.” “His salvage work was a cover-up as
well as a preparation in case he had to

T HE F.B.I. agent clambered hastily up

after Jimmie and made him measure
make sudden trips. His market job was to
keep his ear to the ground, spread local

rumors and communicate with other spies “I’d like to see Toby,” said the girl.
inland if needed.” “Will he be home soon?”
“It’s hard to believe,” murmured the “Maybe,” said the F.B.I. man, smiling.
girl. “I can’t tell you definitely, but I think
“Your brother believed it,” said the you’ll see him soon. Meanwhile, do you
F.B.I. man. “He sends his love by the way, mind very much if I take you home now,
though I can’t tell you where his ship is. Jenny?”
But he’d been suspicious of those The girl looked at him there in the
‘salvage’ jobs for some time. darkness. And even without a moon, she
“He’d caught some odd signaling saw that his eyes weren’t hard any more.
going on. So he reported to us. We “I’d love it,” she said. “What’s your
checked, caught Bauer, thanks to you. He name?”
told us all we needed to know about the
whole affair.”

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