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Head of "insoft services"
Computer maintenance, graphics, web design and web development

+229 96168252

Academic Year 2020-2021


Part I: General onCOMPUTER science

Part II: Office

Part III: Discovering the Internet

I- Computer science from its beginnings to the current microcomputer

Thecomputer, as it is known today, is arguably the most widely used working tool every day in every
corner of the globe. Thetechnology of the computer has radically revolutionized the way we work.

Today, in 2017, 51% of the world's population connects to the Internet or 3.81 billion Internet users
worldwide. Millions of PCs are shipped around the world every year. These figures demonstrate the
inescapable presence of computers and the internet in our current way of life.

A brief history of computer science

The creation of the computer comes from a very specific need: calculation. Indeed, to speed up certain
processes and sometimes to solve a mathematical problem, we would often use objects to help us get the
results quickly. Such as pebbles, from the Latin calculi from which the word calculation was drawn. The
use of pebbles was quite barbaric in the field of calculation until the 700s when the Chinese had introduced

It was not until the 1614s that John Napier invented the algorithms that would later allow the calculation
systems to be arranged according to a certain logic. 1623, the first calculating machine was born thanks
to the geniuses of William Schikard. The development of the calculating machines lasted for several years
until 1938 when Konraz Zuse created the first computer to operate on electromechanical relays. That same
year, Howard Aiken invented the first programmable computer, 17m long and 2.5m high. This first
machine was five times faster than a human brain. The name of the first computer was Mark 1 IBM.

Mark 2 was released in 1947. Much more sophisticated, this one will use electronic components instead
of the gears used in the Mark 1. At the same time, the ElectronicIntegrator And Computer(ENIAC)
teamfocused on the manufacture of a computer made entirely of electronic parts, in 1946. Mission that
she has successfully succeeded.

Then the story accelerates: IBM 7000 appeared in 1960, it is the first computer to operate on a transistor
basis. 1971, the first microcomputer arrived. 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Woznik mounted the Apple 1
computer in a garage. Around 1981, IBM made history by releasing the first PC.

How has IT evolved in homes?

As computers evolved, they gradually arrived in homes. The adoption of computer science in the home
can be summed up in three main dates: 1961: the creation of integrated circuits by Fairchild
Semiconductors, it is one of the major parts in the manufacture of mini-computers. 1965, the computer
named PDP 8 arrives. This one was the first transportable computer behind the seat of a car was the feat
of science. Then the IBM returned with the creation of the first floppy drive in 1967.

Although the inventors almost managed to solve the various computer "BUGS" and could be interested in
opening computers to large audiences, the commercialization of the latter did not see the light of day until
about 1977. Among one of the computers marketed at that time, the DAI of 1977. But it was overpriced,
which was a hindrance to its commercialization. 1984 is the historic date of the release of Steve Jobs' first
Apple Machintosh. This time, the computer was really going to be accessible, because its price was revised
downwards and its performance had improved markedly.

The arrival of laptops, tablets

Today, almost every country in the world has adopted computers. In France, according to a study by
GfK/Mediametry, 75% of households have a computer(office and PCs combined)this figure represents
some 21.4 million households.

At the same time, laptops and tablets are
gaining more and more ground. We now
know that every year between 2012 and
2017, the sale of Tablets has grown
strongly. 2013 was the largest year,
when a record 78.6 million units were sold worldwide. In addition,
there is a new mode of consumer consumption with the growing
interest in PCs and Tablets at the expense of desktop computers.

How is the new consumption of the internet organised?

Computers and computer components have been so successful, thanks in part to the invention of the
Internet. Social networks, online searches, downloads, games, shopping... internet has become a real craze.
In 2017, the number of people connected online is estimated at 3.81 billion souls, or 51% of the world's
population. A large proportion of these connected people reside in America (88%), Western Europe
(84%), Asia (33%) Africa (28%). In France, 85% of French people have access to the Internet, the most
active of which are young people aged 18 to 24.

Where to buy these computer products on the internet?

The ability to shop online has significantly changed the way people consume today. You can buy almost
everything online. Among the most well-known sites in computer science are: Amazon, CDiscount, Ldlc,
Rueducommerce, Fnac, Grosbill etc. It is often enough to type the desired brand to find the best online
address in seconds.

Access to the many software available directly on the web or for download, have significantly changed
the approach of consumers. You don't have to go to a specialty store today to buy software on CD or DVD.
With the internet, you can download antivirus, 3D modeling software or modern PCB design software
without ever leaving your home. A revolution

Conclusion on the computer world

The it is booming and the arrival of connected objects makes the possibilities infinite. Today, the use of a
computer object: PC, Tablet, connected object... is no longer an option, but an obligation if we are to
survive in this future-oriented world.

Discoveryof the computer

A computer is a machine that can make operations and calculations ; why it is called " computer »
english which literally means calculator. More generally, it is a machine that processes information by
running programs. On this basis, it is therefore accepted that Us Tablets And Nos smartPhones are also
computers. But we will be interested much more to the computer called PC (Personal computer or personal
computer) which is the most common computer in the general public. So what is this computer made of?

A conventional desktop computer is mainly composed of a central unit to which are connected a screen,
a keyboard and a mouse. These are
devices because they allow the user to
interact with the computer using them. In
addition, there are several components
that are in the central unit that allow the
computer to function properly.

The central unit

It is the case containing all the electronic

equipment (motherboard, processor,
memory ...) allowing the computer to
work. All other devices are
connectedto it. It is also on this
one that you will find the button to turn
on the computer Keyboard

The screen or monitor:

It's the part of the computer that looks like a TV and displays content. There is a distinguishing cathode
screens and flat screens. The latter type of screen is now preferred to theNotch cathodic because it offers
better image quality, moreover, it is less bulky and economical in energy.

Flat screen Cathode screen

The keyboard:

It's the device for capturing data, it is composed of a set of keys organized by blocks, including
alphanumeric keys, function keys (F1.. F12) and cursor keys. Thefirst 6 keys bearing letters of the
alphabet vary from region to region and language. Thus, in French-speaking countries usually these 6
letters are: AZERTY. In Anglophoe countries,it's QWERTY. So we say we have a keyboard QUERTY

The mouse:

It is a pointing device that connects to the computer. In practical terms, the mouse can move the cursor
(the arrow) to the screen. Held in the palm of your hand, it allows you to point items displayed on the
screen and select them by clicking. Mice are equipped with a motion sensor that is either optical (light),
laser or ball for older mice. Also, there are mice with or without wireless.

Mouse with wire Wireless mouse

All these classic components computers are Also Present on a laptop but in a compact way.
NHowever, it should be noted that the laptop has a device that is not found on a phonerOffice-dininger;
It's about the touchpad (or touchpad). C’is a touch-sensitive surface found Only on the Laptops and who
allows you to move the pointer to the screen without using Mouse. Simply by swiping your finger over
the touchpad.

A: Sensitive area
B: Left button
C: Right button


Laptop In addition to the screen, keyboard and mouse,

otherdevices, each with its own function, can also come to
be added to the Unity Centrale such as: speaker,printer, scanner etc ... However, they are not
essential to the operation of the microcomputer.

All devices that connect to the computer canbe categorized into three types: input devices, output
devices, and input-exit devices.

Entry devices: These are the devices that drive theinformation to the central unit. So it's about:
keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, webcam, gamepad etc.

Exit devices: These are the devices that draw information from the central unit. We can mention:
screen, printer, topprojector, graphic tablet, video projector etc...

Entry-out devices: Thiss Devices Playsnt In at the same time the role of devices input and output
devices that is, they are able to drive information to the central unit and also to get out.It's about : a hard
Webcam Cpu


External hard drive



drive, a USB stick, a reader/engraver CD/DVD, a CD, A DVD, a floppy drive, a modem.

So far we have only been interested in the physical components of the computer, what is called,
by computer extension, the "Hardware" part. What we will discover now is the "software" part: it concerns
software, programs, computer applications, as well as operating systems. To do this, we have to turn on
our computer. So,let's connect the elements to each other and turn on our desktop.

(Practical handling of properly connecting devices to turn on the computer)

Lighting and closing the computer

Connecting the PC

Plugging in all the devices on a desktop computer may seem innocuous to some of you, for others it's a
real concern when you know that the central unit has a significant connection. However, the different
shapes and colors of the connections are of crucial help to connect his computer properly.

Before you start plugging in, you'll make your life easier by placing your devices where you want
them to be. Then you'll plug them in one at a time. Place them so that the cables are not stretched when
connected to the computer. Don't forget to place the computer next to a socket or multi-take. When
plugging in the devices, arrange the cables so they don't get tangled. Make sure the computer tower is in
a well-ventilated area. Heat is the worst enemy of a computer's components.

 Industryr mouse and keyboard. Modern mice and keyboards connect via USB. So you can plug
them into any USB port at the front or back of your computer. Older mouse and keyboard models
have specific sockets. These are recognizable by their color. The keyboard plugs into the purple
socket and the mouse into the green socket at the back of the computer. Many older computers
can't start if the keyboard isn't plugged in.

Keyboard branch Mouse branch (old model) Modern keyboard or mouse

(old model) branch

Screen connection Câble VOF

(câble VGA)
 Plug in the screen or monitor : The most common socket of a computer screen is called « VGA
plug ». The end of the câAle VGA is rectangular shape with, at each end, two wheels to screw that

securely securely secure the cable to the the back of TheDevice respecting the meaning. Screen
cables only connect in one direction, so don't force it if you can't plug it in. Today VGA cable is
partially replaced by digital DVI cables and HDMI connections.

 Plug in the power cable : Using a power cable such as the one shown in the image below-below,
connect the central unit to an electrical outlet. Do the same with the screen.

Power cable
Power cable connected to
the central unit

 To have Internet (without Wi-Fi): If you do not have wireless access to your various networks,
you will be led to use the RJ45 cable to plug of this cable is located at the back of
the central unit and admits onlyone direction ofconnection. Today most computers can connect

Take RJ45

Plug RJ45

Many other devices can be connected to the UC. Just pay attention to the shape of the cable to easily find
the socket that corresponds to it on the UC. The image below shows the different connections that can be
made on a UC.

Starting and shutting down the computer

Now that we've properly plugged in all the devices, we can turn on our PC.


To turn on the computer,take a short look at the ON/OFF button on the front of the PC. This button is in
principle recognizable to the international symbol of "Walk/Stop"

Nb. Never use this button to turn off the PC unless it is... Planted. It is then possible to turn off the
PC by pressing the same button for a few Seconds.

Start sequence

As soon as it is powered up, the processor that is in a way the brain of the computer starts by testing the
hardware: memory components, discs, the presence of the keyboard, the identification of the graphics card
and the screen etc. It stealthily displays this information in text mode on the screen. If there is a problem,
the display stops on an error message. And if the problem is with the display, the error is signaled by

beeps. Suppose all the tests pass, the screen goes into graphic mode. The operating system announces
itself by displaying (sometimes) its version.

In computer science, the operating system (OS) is interface that connects the user, the programs and computer components.
When you turn on your computer, that's how you see windows, that you can manage your files, install programs or external
devices. L3 main operating systems Known Are : Windows, Macos Linux. The system we will study in this course is Windows
which has several versions (2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10). It has competitors like: Apple with Mac
OS but also Linux and Chrome OS ... Simply put, the operating system is what makes your machine work and displays
everything that happens on the screen. L'Full ignition of the computer can last a few seconds to several minutes depending on
the power of your computer.

Starting a Windows XP Starting a Windows 7 PC


The start sequence ends with the desktop display in case no Starting a PC intervention
further user on is required.
Windows 8 or 10
Sometimes the user's intervention is required either to select a user account (in case multiple accounts
are created on the computer) or to enter the password previously set up by the user.

Turn off the computer

Shutting down the PC is an important operation. This is a procedure in which The computer records
information on the discs that will be necessary for its next reboot. It is for this reason that the command
"Stop" begins with an action on "Start" button. Stopping the machine is launching its shutdown procedure.
The action on the Stop button is enough to launch the stop outright. This is usually what you do when you
want to turn off the machine. There are other options, however.
They are made to appear by clicking on the arrow on the right
Stop button.

Changing users

It is possible to switch from one session to another without "Stop" command options on Windows 7
turning the machine off. It is even possible to start a session without turning off a previous session. The
programs in the session that is replaced then rotate in the background, although only the new session is
visible on the screen. Users must therefore take turns working. The switch from one to the other is done
by the "Change user" command. Be careful not to turn off the computer while other users have an open
session. They risk losing data from their documents left open.

Close the session

It's always safer, as users take turns turning off a session before launching a new one. This is the raison
d'être of the Close Session command.


By this command the user makes the machine momentarily unusable. In this way, he protects his work
because to restart his session he will have to enter his password.


Restart is normally only necessary after installing new programs that require some tasks to work in the
background or during Windows updates. This control is also used, by any chance, when the machine
seems unstable !!!

Put to sleep

This is a way to interrupt the operation of the computer and turn it off momentarily. This, for example,
does not consume unnecessarily the energy of a laptop's batteries. The restart will take a few seconds.

Introducing the work environment

The Windows office

The desktop is the screen surface that appears immediately at the end of the startup and on which your
apps appear. On this workspace are also the icons. They give quick access to the most commonly used
applications and folders. Here's the desktop look of some versions of Windows. The appearance varies
but the principles remain the same in broad terms.

Windows XP desktop Windows View Bureau

Windows 7 desktop Windows 8 desktop

Windows 10 desktop
Windows 8 Metro Interface

The look of the desktop and start menu varies depending on the version of Windows but it also depends
on the user who logs in. We'll see that every authorized user can set up their work environment as they
see fit. It eventually customizes the wallpaper and, more importantly, it can choose which icons it has on
its desktop or which commands it pins in its start menu.


Icons are small graphics that give access to applications, folders and other computers in the network.


Shortcuts are links to files or applications that are placed on the desktop. They present themselves as icons
with a smallcurvedarrowin the lower left corner.

Removing a shortcut simply removes the link

and not the folder or program it designates. Some shortcuts can be placed on thetaskbar. In this way, they
are always visible on the screen even when application windows cover the desktop surface. We will see
that it is also possible to drag these shortcuts to the start button so that they "pin" them into the top of the
start menu.

The taskbar

The taskbar at the bottom of the screen shows which apps are launched. She switches from one to the
other and shows what the active task is. Here,000 how the taskbar looks with Windows XP.

The designers of Windows 7 ont significantly improved this taskbar. The apps launched appear in the
form of a button without a label and, unlessTaskbar
you didn't decide to
for Windows XP change the default configuration, the apps
open several times are represented by a single button. Windows 7 task buttons can be used reorganized, it
is possible to drag them horizontally to change the order.

Taskbar for Windows 10

Taskbar for Windows 7

Start button

The start button is located to the left of the taskbar. It's used to view the Start menu, launch programs,
search and open the latest documents used, search for documents, and ask for help from Windows. Its
shape varies depending on the version of Windows

The D-marre menu

The start button Located To the left of the taskbar opens the start menu. This one contains a order list to
launch various programs, search and open the latest documents search documents or ask for help from

Start Menu for Windows 10

Start Menu for Windows 7

On Windows 8, the "Start button" allows you to switch between the two interfaces: Modern UI
(with tiles) and desktop (with traditional icons).

Start menu orders

Programs or All Programs

Opens a sub menu giving access to almost all programs installed on the PC.

Documents or My Recent Documents

Shows in a sub-menu the names of recently opened documents. This is very useful for the
distracted who put their documents away anywhere, going so far as to forget what names
they gave them.

Settings and Configuration Panel

Leads to system customization commands.

Search (xp)

The sub-menu opened in this way also offers an order to launch searches on the Internet
(via Internet explorer)

In the most recentWindows 7 andwindows, the Search command is replaced by a input

area at the bottom of the start menu. Type in a word and as you enter characters, items that
match your directions automatically appear in a list that forms at the start menu location.

Notification zone

The notification area has small icons and the clock at the right end of the taskbar. The icons placed there,
represent programs that are launched automatically at start-up and you could change your behavior. This
will be the case, for example, with antivirus, volume adjustment and

also unfortunately sometimes some programs not always

useful that then slow down your PC! Leave the mouse pointer
for a few seconds above these icons to see summary
information displayed in a "bubble info." Toutes icons are not
displayed. Click on the small arrow to see them. If you've
added a new hardware device to your computer (USB key, for
example), an icon may appear in that window to notify you of
the event.
Tip: On Windows 7 and recent versions,you'll see a
small rectangle quite right (see image above). This allows
you to go straight back to the office without having to close
all open windows.



Programs, documents, error messages, information messages in Windows open in windows. These
windows have a whole series of common elements. Check out the illustration below to find out.

1. Menu Bar: Gives you access to the various menus offered by the program.
2. Title bar: it tells you the name of the document and program you are in.
3. Reduce button: By clicking this button, you reduce your window. It will only be visible in the taskbar.

4. Enlarge button: allows the window to be enlarged. After larger the window, the icon changes ( ) and
allows you to return to the original size.
5. Close button: By clicking on this cross, you close the window AND the program.
6. Scroll Bar: Scrolls: Scroll through the window content to see information that is not currently visible
on the screen.
7. Edges and corners: You can use them to change the size of the window (see below).


To scroll through the contents of a page, we use the elevators. These move through the scroll bar.
Instead, observe:

1. Scroll Arrow: Briefly repeatedly click on the scroll arrow up

or down to scroll the contents of the window in the desired
direction. Hold the mouse button down to scroll through the
window faster.
2. Elevator: Slide the elevator up, down, left or right to scroll
the window in the desired direction.
3. Vertical Scroll Bar: Click on an empty area of a scroll bar,
above or below the elevator, to scroll up or down.
4. Horizontal scroll bar: Click an empty area of a scroll bar,
to the left or right of the elevator, to scroll a page to the left
or right.

Files and folders

The difference between file and folder

A folder is a kind of binder in which various files are stored.

A fileis a data set considered to be a unit. It can be of any type: a document in word processing,
software, an image, a song ...
Each file has a name followed by an "extension."
The name makes it easier to identify a file and find it in a list. The extension is a series of letters
attached to the name. It lets you know what type of file it is and with which program to open it. For
example, a letter registered in the Word word processing will have a ".docx" extension, an image can
be ".gif," ".jpg," ".png," ...
Sometimes the extension is hidden by the operating system, however, the file icon allows you to guess
the program that's in charge of opening it.

File Word Excel file Video file Image file Music file

Dwicker containing images Dwicker containing letters

The ex p loraur r re de n avigued ansarboresce ce de vtre ordinate ur. Par faut(sur
Windows 7, 8 and 10), ane icône "ExplorateuWindows" et prrsente dnn's b r a des tâ
e. Pour ler plusvite, vou uuvez e e eemet'ouvrrvia the raccourci "Torche Windows -E."
The federal ofthe formerplorr uis diviee en plusieurs partes:

1. The ribbon
From Windows 8, the explorer displays a ribbon (1) at the top. It is made up of tabs that contain
options. These tabs may vary depending on where you are.
For example, the "Home" tab allows you to delete, copy, cut and paste items. You can also
create/rename a folder, check its properties, make a selection...

2. The address bar

Under the tape, the address bar (2) allows you to see the tree of the folder you are in, because it
shows the path taken to access the folder. Example:

3. and 4. The navigational component and the central part
On the left, the navigation flap (3) lets you see your computer's tree. It also contains some shortcuts
(Office, Downloads, Images, C Disc...). When you click on a folder, its contents appear in the central
part of the explorer (4).

Create folders
You can create as many folders as you like and even create folders in folders to optimize your ranking.
In Windows 8 and 10, click New Folder in the Home Ribbon tab.

In Windows 7, click New Folder in the Toolbar.

You can also click right into a white area of the Explorer and select New File. Once the folder is
created, "New File" appears in white on a blue background. You can then type the name you want.

To rename an existing folder or file, click right on it and select the "Rename" option.

The trash can

Whether it's on Windows 7, 8 or 10, the trash can is displayed by default on the desktop.
When you delete a file or folder, it is sent to the trash. Until you empty your trash, the
file is not permanently removed from your computer.

Delete a file/file
To delete a file/file:

1. Click right on it.

2. In the drop-down menu, select the "Delete" option.

3. A window opens and asks if you really want to send the file/file to the trash.
• Select "yes" if you really want to send it to the trash.
• Select "no" if you no longer want to delete it.

Recover a deleted file by mistake

If you mistakenly sent an item to the trash:

1. Open the trash can by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop.

2. Right click on the deleted item by mistake and select the "Restore"option.
3. The item will leave the trash and return to its location before being removed.

Empty the trash

To save space on your computer and avoid unnecessarily overloading it, it is advisable to regularly
empty the trash.
1. Open the trash can by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop.
2. In the top menu, click the "Empty the trash" button. (From version 8 of Windows, this
option is in the "Management" tab)
Another solution: when you're on the desk, click right on the trash icon and select the "Empty the
trash" option. Be careful, because this option does not allow you to view its content before deleting

The size or weight of computer files

In computer science, to express the size or weight of data that a medium can hold (hard drive, USB
stick...), we use the term: byte (o). Prefixes can be added to this term:
Kilobyte Ko
Mégaoctet Mo
Gigaoctet Go
Téraoctet To
As for units of measurement such asdistance, weight in real life (km,kg...), the following table allows
to better understand the order of magnitude:

To Go Mo Ko Octets

1 000

1 000 000

1 000 000 000

1 000 000 000 000

In rera nt e tableu,vou urr ez lire quee:

1 ko = 1 000 octets

1 Mo = 1 000 000 octets

= 1 000 ko
1 Go = 1 000 000 000 octets

= 1 000 000 Ko

= 1 000 Mo

1 To = 1 000 000 000 000 octets

= 1 000 Go

How do Iknowthe idea forthe first time? It's beensoreal:

1. Faites un clic droit u

2. Denne menu,select tinez

3. De ans la feêtre
queis'ouvre,vous verrealora t a la lu

Familiarization with mouse and keyboard

The mouse is a pointing device just like touchpads on laptops. The
mouse allows you to move a cursor on the screen in all directions. The
standard mouse consists of 2 buttons (one on the left and the other on
the right) that allow you to "click" and a wheel or roulette wheel located
between the two buttons. The latter allows you to scroll, especially on
a web page or a document of several pages.
There are different ways to click: with the right button of the
mouse(right click),with the left button of the mouse (leftclick or simply

click since it is the most used button of the mouse)and double-clicking with the left button (double-click).

The left click is the one that is most used and allows you to select files or folders, browse and
launch applications.

Double-clicking is very important in your mouse control. It consists of clicking the left button of
the mouse twice in a row. These two clicks should be very close together. This action allows you to
launch a program associated with a selectable object.

The right click gives you access to options. You can right
click on a file, a folder or a particular place (the office for
example). Once the right click is done, we have access to a drop-
down menu that offers several actions. For example, we can
rename a file or folder, copy or cut an item, create a shortcut,
create a new folder...

The mouse pointer or cursor is the small figure that

moves on the screen by reproducing the mouse's movements.
The pointer is usually represented by a white arrow,
however,its appearance may change depending on the action the computer is performing or what it can

Most of the time, the mouse pointer is shaped like an arrow. It's up to you to place this arrow in
the right place to trigger an action.

If a blue circle appears, it indicates that the computer is working and you have to wait.

If the mouse turns into a "forbidden" it indicates that you can't move the item there.

If the mouse turns into a double arrow on the edge of a window, it indicates that you can change
the size of an item (image, picture, window, etc.) to height.

If the mouse turns into a double arrow on the edge of a window, it indicates that you can change
the size of an item (image, picture, window, etc.) to width.

In an area where it is possible to write, your pointer turns into a cursor (small flashing vertical
bar). This cursor shows where the letters you type will appear.

If the mouse turns to a cross when you fly over an item, it means you can move that item.

Using the keyboard

The keyboard is used to type text and, more generally, to control the computer. This is an essential input
device. Generally the keyboards all look the same. Some keyboards have extra buttons that allow
programs to run quickly.

Rôthe a few keys of the keyboard

Torch es Noms Fonctions

[ECHAP] Quitter un programme


[ENTREE] [ENTER] Passer une ligne dans un traitement de texte

Valider une donne dansInteret

[BACKSPACE] Effacer la caractère gauche u urseur

[ANNUL], [DEL] Clear the character to the right of the cursor

Cursor moving arrows

[TABULATION] [TAB] Switching from one form field to another

Insert a paragraph into the word processor

[MAJUSCULE] [SHIFT] To type a single letter in capital letters, make

[MAJUSCULE] - the letter

[VERR MAJ]. [CAPS To block the keyboard in Majuscules mode

LOCK], [Shift Lock] and press it again to iron in tiny

There are 2 keys [CTRL] on the keyboard: they
have the same role.
[CTRL] [CTRL] is usually used in combination with
other keys.

[ALT] [ALT] is usually used with other keys

[ALTGR] is usually used with other keys

e.g.: [ALTGR] - "e" to type "O"
[ALTGR] e.g.: [ALTGR] - "2" to type "O"

[VERR NUM] If the numbers on the digital pad are not

[NUM LOCK] available, tap [VERR. NUM] to activate them

Someof the most common keyboards:

Ctrl - A - Select Everything

Ctrl - Z - Cancel

Ctrl - S - Save

Ctrl - X - Cut (move)

Ctrl - C - Copy (duplicate)

Ctrl - V - Glue

Ctrl - F - Search

Ctrl - O - Open
Ctrl - N - New


Discovery of the Office Suite

Microsoft Office

Office is a term that brings together software that helps the company in writing documents.
Microsoft Office is an office suite that allows you to write letters, write resumes (with Word), create
presentations (with PowerPoint), create charts and graphs (with Excel).
There are several suites of desktop software, the best known and most used of which is Microsoft
Office. This is the one we're going to see in thispart of the class. But of course Office is not alone in this
market, competitors like or Google Drive have also emerged.
Office is the office suite developed by Microsoft in the early 90s and which has evolved
enormously over time. The most recent version of this sequel is the 2019 version (Office 2019).

Microsoft Word

Word 2019 Review
Microsoft Word is a word processing program designed to perform everyday tasks such as writing
letters, updating your CV and creating newsletters.

Examples of documents made using Microsoft Word.

Likeany other program, Word appears on the screen in its own window. It has a window per document
and it offers the open document and all the tools to handle it.

To get to this window,you first have to launch the Word program. There are many ways to do this. The
easiest way is toidentify the icon of this program on the desktop and run a double click. If this icon is not on
the desktop, you will then have to click on the Start menu, located on the taskbar, and then type the
name of the program with the keyboard. The wanted program icon will appear and you just have to click
on it to launch the program.

The Home page of the Word program gives you the choice of starting your project on a new blank
document or starting from one of the models it offers. You also have the opportunity to open, from
this home page, the Word documents that have recently been opened.

Microsoft Word Window Description

The Word window summarily consists of:

• The title bar is the classic title bar of a Windows window. Here, it displays the name of the
document and the app (Word).
• The File menu offers the overall document management commands (opening, recording, printing
the document, etc.). . ).
• The "quick access" bar is located following the menu icon, to the left of the title bar; it displays
the most common actions (tools).
• The ribbon displays a list of tabs. The tools, grouped by nature
in these tabs, allow to perform often complex operations very quickly.
• The tabs group the tools evenly according to their use. The "home" tab includes the most used
tools for data entry and presentation. The tabs displayed and their layout varies; Depending on
the task in progress or the selection, new tabs will appear at the beginning or end of the ribbon
(blog, image, table...)
• Order Group: When a ribbon tab is in the foreground, the associated tools appear. They come
in the form of logical blocks corresponding to the most common actions.

Police Group

• The rule is a symbolization of the layout of the elements (text, image, table ...) in the page. It has
a dual function: passive (state of selection) and active (change the state of the selection). There
are two rules, a horizontal rule and a vertical rule.

• The status bar, located at the bottom of the Word window, displays information about the
current action, the open document, the page displayed, the language used, etc.

• The input area: It expands as the text is entered according to a clean structure (it is not pre-
existing as in an Excel worksheet for example).

Creating and editing a new Word document

Let's start by opening a new blank word document by following one of the procedures mentioned above.

Entering a text
The text is entered by the kilometer: the user hits his text without worrying about returns to the line
(Word manages these). The form, with exception, must be made the entry completed. The data must be
entered independently of any presentation criteria (space between paragraphs, space between data and
the beginning of the line, etc.). The layout will support this presentation

The input cursor

During the typing ofa text there is a flashing input cursor that indicates where the text will be written. On
an empty document, the cursor is placed at the top left of the sheet.
Note: If the cursor is not displayed, simply click on the blank sheet and it will appear.

Select a text or part of text

To select a text, you have to highlight it, i.e. pass thepointer tothetop by holding the left button ofthe

You can also quickly select an entire line or paragraph. To do this, place your cursor on the left margin:
you will notice that the cursor will be inverted (arrow pointing to the right). Click and hold the click by
moving the mouse: as soon as you pass to the level of a line, it will be fully selected.

Line jump and back to the line

By default on Word, when you press the Entry button, a new paragraph will be created. So there will be
a gap between your two lines of text. If you just want to make a return to the line without jumping a
line, you'll have to press Majuscule - Input (the keys are one under the other).

When writing a letter or report, prefer to use the new paragraphs to air your text.


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