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I find it very hard to relax.

Me cuesta mucho relajarme.

Sometimes I lie awake at night for hours worrying about things.

A veces me quedo despierta en la noche por horas preocupándome por cosas.

I didn’t mean to make to cry.

No quise hacerte llorar.

We can't take the whole football team home.

No podemos llevarnos a todo el equipo de fútbol a casa.

A little bit less.

Un poco menos.

Finding it hard to get to the end of the month?

Te cuesta llegar a fin de mes?

Relationships language

Classmate: compañero de clase

Partner: socio, compañero de trabajo, pareja sexual o romántica
Couple: pareja, matrimonio, grupo de dos elementos, objetos, personas, animales
Pair: pareja, pero no de un modo sentimental, par
Fiance: prometido
Colleague: colega
Flatmate: compañero de departamento, de piso
Close friend: amigo íntimo
Get to know each other: conocerse con otra persona
Keep in touch: mantenerse en contacto / we would keep in touch with each other
Fall in love: enarmorarse / we fell for each other
Hit it off: congeniar
We’re really well matched in: estamos realmente bien emparejados en
Settle down: establecerse
Split / break up: separarse / terminar una relación
Fancy somebody: gustar de alguien, sentir atracción por alguien
Fall out with somebody: pelear con alguien
Have a crush on somebody: estar enamorada de alguien
Dump somebody: dejar a alguien

Adjetivos de personalidad

affectionate cariñoso
ambitious ambicioso
anxious ansioso
bossy mandón
charming encantador
competitive competitivo
forgetful olvidadizo
friendly amigable
honest honesto
imaginative imaginativo
independent independiente
insecure inseguro
kind amable
mature maduro
moody temperamental
organized organizado/a
outgoing extrovertidx
patient paciente
rebellious rebelde
reliable de confianza
rude rudo, grosero
self-confident seguro de sí mismo
selfish egoísta
sensible razonable, tiene sentido común
sensitive sensible
sociable sociable
spoilt consentido/a, malcriado/a
stubborn testarudo/a
successful exitoso/a
sympathetic simpático/a
tidy ordenado/a
shy tímido/a

Adjetivos que refuerzan una cualidad

Angry / Furious: enojado / furioso

Small / Tiny: pequeño / diminuto
Afraid / Terrified: asustado / aterrorizado
Interesting / Fascinating: interesante / fascinante
Hungry / Starving: hambriento / muerto de hambre
Big / Enormous / Huge: grande / enorme
Hot / Boiling: caliente / hirviente
Dirty / Filthy: sucio / asqueroso
Pleased / Delighted: agradecido / encantado
Funny / Hilarious: divertido / hilarante
Sure / Positive: Seguro / positive
Surprised / amazed: sorprendido / asombrado

Otros adjetivos

Eldest: mayor
Gladly: con gusto
Gorgeus: precioso
Guilty: culpable
Huge: enorme
Stress-reliever: calmante para el estrés
Sweaty: sudoroso
Upset: decepcionada
Weird: raro, extraño
Whole: entero


Abide: acatar
Achieve: lograr
Adress: dirigirse a, hablar a (de una manera formal, por ejemplo en una conferencia)
Afford: solventar, costear, permitir
Allow: permitir
Annoy: enojar
Assemble: montar, armar
Avoid: evitar
Bark: ladrar
Behave: comportarse
Bite: morder
Blame: culpar
Borrow: pedir prestado
Bother: molestar
Bring: traer
Bury: enterrar
Charge: cobrar
Cheat: engañar
Choke: ahogar
Chose: elegir
Clame: afirmar, reivindicar
Clap: aplaudir
Clench: apretar
Commit: comprometerse
Conquer: superar, conquistar
Cost: costar
Damage: dañar
Dangle: colgar
Deem: considerar
Doze: dormitar
Drop: caer
Drown: ahogar
Earn: ganar
Embarrass: avergonzar
Encourage: alentar
End up: terminar
Enhance: mejorar
Fail: fallar
Fall down: caer
Find: encontrar
Fit: ajustar
Flip over: dar la vuelta
Float: flotar
Fuel: avivar, provocar, estimular
Gain: ganar
Get on: llevarse (get on well)
Glow: brilla
Grieve: aflijirse
Grow up: crecer
Guess: adivinar
Hail: aclamar
Harm: perjudicar / dañar
Harness: aprovechar
Hinder: impedir, dificultar
Hit: golpear
Hold: mantener / sostener
Howl: aullar
Hunch: encorvar
Hurt: herir
Improve: mejorar
Inherit: heredar
Injure: lesionar
Invest: invertir
Join: unirse, participar
Joke: bromear
Kick: patear
Last: durar
Lead: conducir
Lend: prestar
Let us: nos dejan
Loan: prestar
Manage: alcanzar o lograr a hacer algo (we managed to make the bikes work)
Nod: asentir, cabecear
Note: notar, observar
Obey: obedecer
Overcome: superar
Owe: deber, tener deudas
Pay: pagar
Point: señalar
Poll: encuestar
Pollute: contaminar
Promise: prometer
Pull: arrastrar, jalar
Push: empujar
Put up: armar
Quit: abandonar
Reach: alcanzar, llegar
Recall: recordar
Raise: juntar, recaudar
Realize: darse cuenta, realizar
Regret: arrepentirse
Relieve: aliviar
Risk: arriesgar
Save: guardar / ahorrar
Score: calificar
Scratch: rascar
Sell: vender
Serve: erver
Set-off: partir, ponerse en camino
Set up: establece
Slam: cerrar de golpe (Puerta o ventana)
Smell: oler
Smile: sonreir
Snub: desairear, ignorer
Stare: mirar fijamente
Stretch: estirar
Succeed: triunfar
Suffer: sufrir
Suit: convener, quedar, adaptar, sentar (de me sienta bien)
Surrender: rendirse
Steal: robar
Struggle: luchar
Swind: estafar
Tackle: abordar, atacar, combatir
Take out: sacar
Taste: degustar
Teste: testear
Throw: tirar, arrojar
Touch: tocar
Train: entrenar / to train
Trek: emigrar
Trick: engañar
Try out: probar
Twitch: temblar
Unwind: relajarse
Waste: desperdiciar
Whistle: silbar
Wide: ensanchar
Witness: presenciar (testigo también)
Wonder: preguntarse

Verbos modales:

Phrasal verbs:

Take out: sacar (sacar de un cajero)

Pay back: devolver (devolver dinero)
Live off: vivir de
Live on: vivir

Phrasal Main Example


Ask out Invitar She's asked Steve out to the cinema this

Back Echarse atrás She never back down


Blow up Explotar The TNT blowed up the mine

Break Descomponer My television broke down


Bring up Mencionar un He brought up other matters in our

tema conversation

Bump Encontrarse con I bumped into my uncle in the park

into alguien

Call off Cancelar My boss called up the meeting

Carry on Continuar Stop it! You can’t carry on that speech!

Catch up Ponerse al día

Clean Limpiar They are cleaning out their room


Come Encontrar He was cleaning his car and came across his
across keys
Curl up Acurrucar

Drop by Visitar I will drop by your job tomorrow

Drop out Abandonar la I am thinking about dropping out my master


End up Terminar Always check the address you put in your

satnav or you may end up in the wrong place

Fall Quedarse She fell asleep suddenly.

asleep dormidx

Fed up Harto

Find out Encontrar They can’t find out their books

Get Tener buena I get along with my mother in law

along relación

Get fit Ponerse en


Get out Salir You have to get out of that party now!

Get over Recuperarse My grandfather just got over cancer

Get Dar la vuelta

Get Atascarse He would get stuck for the traffic jam


Give Regalar Can you give me away your sneakers?


Give up Rendirse The wrestler gave up in the last minute

Go on Seguir She has to go on if she wants to be first

Go out Tener una cita My best friend ask me to go out


Grow up Crecer I didn’t imagine how your son has grown up!

Hang out Pasar el tiempo We are so bored, how can we hang out inside
the house?

Hurry up Apresurar Hurry up, mom! The airplane is about to leave

Join in Ser parte, unirse To take part in a sporting event or match.

Can I join in when you finish this round?
Keep fit Mantenerse en

Look Cuidar

Look Recordar When I am old, I will look back this moment


Look out Estar atento Look out! You’re going to crash!

Look up Mirar para No one looked up to read it.

arriba, levantar
la vista, mejorar,

Make up Mentir My son made that up to avoid his punishment

Mess up Arruinar What? You just messed me up the final of the


Pass out Desmayar My grandmother passed out yesterday

Pick up Recoger My mom picked me up after school

Piss off Enojar That TV show pissed me off always

Point out Destacar / The victim pointed out the criminal

Put off Posponer My son want to put off his party

Put on Vestir Will you put on the shirt that I gave you?

Run into Reunirse I need to run into my friends

Run out Quedarse sin, We’re going to run out of petrol soon

Send off Expulsar He sent off the footballer from the match

Set off Partir, activar We set off at 7.00 in the morning to try to
avoid the traffic

Set up Establecer The new government will set up next week

Show up Llegar My brother never showed up in my party

Sit down Sentarse I will sit down at first row in the concert

Speed Acelerar The financial crisis has sped up, not slowed,
up the process.

Sum up Resumir Summing up the texts given in classes.

Take off Desvestir Take off your hat

Take out Salir, dejar Oxfam said the world’s poorest could be taken
out of poverty several times over if the richest
100 billionaires would give away the money
they made in 2012.

Tear Demoler Workers are tearing down Tokyo's Hotel

down Okura, and history's going with it.

Turn Bajarle a la Please, could you turn down your music?

down música

Turn Dio la vuelta He turned round and got back onto the rite
round route

Turn out Resultar It turned out

Wake up Despertarse I just waked up

Warm up Precalentar To do movements/stretching to get your

muscles / body ready for exercise.

I like to warm up before I run, by stretching.

Watch Estar alerta You better watch out your little sister 
Work out Ejercitarse Next year I will work out everyday, I promise


Actually: en realidad, de hecho, incluso, actualmente

Almost: casi
Anywhere: a ningún lado
Barely: apenas
Downwards: hacia abajo
Even: incluso
Far: mucho, lejos, a lo lejos
However: sin embargo
Longer: más, más tiempo
Namely: a saber, es decir
Neither: ni
Otherwise: de lo contrario
Pretty: bastante
Rather: más bien, algo, mejor dicho (usado para indicar preferencia, por ejemplo: I’d rather
stay, yo preferiría quedarme)
Still: a pesar de todo, todavía, aún
Straight away: inmediatamente
Such: tan
Through: mediante, a través de
Underneath: debajo
Whenever: cuando sea
Worthwhile: vale la pena


As: ya que
Because: porque
Either: o
Neither: ni, tampoco
Since: ya que, desde que, pues
So: por lo tanto, así que
Whether: si
Whereas: mientras

Although: aunque
But: pero
However: sin embargo, no obstante


Great-grandmother: bisabuela
Great-grandfather: bisabuelo
Grandmother: abuela
Grandfather: abuelo
Mother: madre
Stepmother: madrastra
Father: padre
Stepfather: padrastro
Parents: madre, padre
Siblings: hermanos
Sister: hermana
Brother: hermano
Stepsister: hermanastra
Stepbrother: hermanastro
Half-sister: media hermana
Half-brother: medio hermano
Daughter: hija
Son: hijo
Tío: uncle
Tía: aunt
Cousin: primo/Prima
Grandchild: nieto, nieta
Granddaughter: nieta
Grandson: nieto
Girlfriend: novia
Boyfriend: novio
Mother-in-law: suegra
Father-in-law: suegro
Daughter-in-law: nuera
Son-in-law: yerno
Sister-in-law: cuñada
Brother-in-law: cuñado
Niece: sobrina
Nephew: sobrino
Adopted child: niño adoptado
Only child: hijo único

Base form Past tense Past participle

be was/were been
Base form Past tense Past participle

begin began begun

break broke broken

bring brought brought

buy bought bought

build built built

choose chose chosen

come came come

Base form Past tense Past participle

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

do did done

draw drew drawn

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

feel felt felt

Base form Past tense Past participle

find found found

get got got

give gave given

go went gone

have had had

hear heard heard

hold held held

Base form Past tense Past participle

keep kept kept

know knew known

leave left left

lead led led

let let let

lie lay lain

lose lost lost

Base form Past tense Past participle

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

put put put

run ran run

say said said

Base form Past tense Past participle

see saw seen

sell sold sold

send sent sent

set set set

sit sat sat

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

Base form Past tense Past participle

stand stood stood

take took taken

teach taught taught

tell told told

think thought thought

understand understood understood

wear wore worn

Base form Past tense Past participle

win won won

write wrote written


Either: cualquiera

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