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1* 1979

662 Companies
7,282 Products & Services

iL i
An Old House Is A Way of Life

1<I houses aren’t for everyone. Pipes may leak; space isn’t laid out efficiently; wiring

O isn't adequate .. . the list of sensible reasons why one shouldn’t buy an old house goes
on and on. Yet there are growing numbers who would live nowhere else. They are truly
Old House People.

Why do people endure the extra headaches of owning an old house—all for the privilege of
living in a structure that sometimes behaves like a cantankerous spouse?

irst, there is the romance of old houses. An old house is part of the collective memory of

F the human race... a living relic from the past. Long*forgotten joys and sadnesses linger
in old rooms and on dark staircases. An old house continually reminds us that people have
lived before. Through the house, we share an experience with those people from other times.
Keeping up an old house is keeping faith with the past.

And an old house has character. In many ways it resembles a loving—but eccentric—grand­
parent. Having lived through many decades, an old house bears the imprint of all its previ­
ous occupants . .. acquiring a personality that is unique to that particular structure.

nother charm of an old house is that it was unmistakably made by the hand of man. In

A this increasin^y mass-produced world, there is something reassuring about floors that
are not quite level and walls that are just a mite out of square.

But despite imperfections, an old house usually exhibits an excellence of craftsmanship and
detail that cannot be duplicated today. And while the creation of such extraordinary detail
is beyond the ability of most contemporary workmen, it is within the ability of most home­
owners to restore and preserve the work of the long-ago craftsmen.

Partly out of necessity, and partly out of a desire to develop their own manual skills, growing
numbers of men and women are taking the do-it-yourself approach to restoring old houses.
Taking care to keep the old details intact, they make the minor modifications required to
keep an old structure suitable for modem living. And in the process, they discover the joy
of living in a home finely made by the human hand.

with the tools and materials available to today’s homeowner, it is possible to become
w one’s own old-world craftsman—by taking the time to learn the tricks the oldtimers
knew. In a society that puts a premium on sheer volume of production, there is immense
satisfaction to be found in taking all of the time necessary to do a job in the very best
{Mssible way.

hiU- restoring an old house has more than its share of pain and aggravation, those
w who have gone through the process successfully have found it to be one of the
most creative and rewarding experiences of their lives!
Old-House Journal
Introduction ........................................................................ 3
Product & Service Directory....................................... 5
Exterior Building Material & Supplies............ 5
Exterior Ornament & Architectural Details... 7
Hardware, Exterior................................................. 8
Other Exterior Ornament & Details................... 9
Structural Materials For Interiors..................... 10
Decorative Interior Materials & Supplies......... 12
Furniture & Furnishings....................................... 15
Interior Hardware, Plumbing & House Fittings 21
Heating Systems, Fireplaces & Stoves.............. 25
Lighting Fixtures & Parts..................................... 26
Paints, Finishes. Removers & Supplies.............. 30
Tools & Other Supplies............................................ 33
Antique & Recycled House Parts.......................... 36
Restoration Services................................................. 38
Company Directory.......................................................... 41
Alphabetical Index.......................................................... 73
Order Forms........................................................................ 72

i mi•r?'

ft-- Published by The Old-House Journal Corporation,
69A Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217
Tbl. (212) 6364514

© ('opyrittht 1978 by The Old-House Journal Corporation. All Kver>- effort has been made to jn-ovide <ieix>nflable data. However,
rights reserved. No jiart of this publiration may be reproduced or tlie publisher does not warrant that tbedata herein are complete or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electntnicor mechanii-al, aa'urate,
imluding ph(rt(jct»pying. recording, or by any information storage VVARNING: Lists herein have been seeded to detect unauthorized
and retrieval system, without jjermission in writing fnan The Old- use of this information for sales pntnjotion and other direct mail
Hmise Journal Corpomtion. wilieitathm piinv^es in violation of the vopyrifjht.

1379 Catalog The Old-Bouee Journal


The Old-Souse Journal 1979 Catalog


How To Use This Catalog

JJtHE 1979 EDITION of The Old-House Journal Sells thrwgh its Cumberland Woodcran Co.
Catalog is bigger and more useful than ever R1) 6. Box 452
before. 662 sources are listed, of which 5torc and by Carliale. PA 17013
203 of these are new—not having appeared lytail Order ~ l717> 243-0063
in the 1978 edition. These 662 companies sell Oripnally • nutom ihof only, thix rampany now
a total of 7,2fl2 iteitis and services that are make* anhiwrturd •mbcllahmuiu tn xianUrd
taet. Hardwood fretwork, friilea, paaeU,
appropriate for old houses. wiinscotljb(. bracketi, roiteU. moulding* caa Im
Uterature available cecnbiBcd a^ memlitwl to raereal* late 1M> and
lura-of-tbe-roatury interiors. Somo item alco
THIS CATALOG is divided into three main (uitable for exterior use Illuitnted caukf — IS
sect ions: Custom Wrought Products
Box 297
Cl) PRODUCT 6 SERV^ICE DIRECTORY—This is a Selia Ihrou^h (IreenUtwn, PA 16426
classified listing, divided into 12 major sub­ PistnbLifora (7171857-0224
ject areas, in which similar and related Extefliive line at hindmadt fireplace erctseoricn
products are grouped together. So if you don't Free ilioMralod hrocfaar*
find the exact product category you are looking
for, you can find the one that is closest to
your interests by browsing in the appropriate
subject area.
Clapboards, Beaded Kdge after each company listing helps you decide
whether you want to contact them for more
and Other Old Styles
/U Salvap
a New
CrafUman Lumber Co. a)
Guyon. Inc. (3) ALPHABETICAL INDEX—This is an alphabetical
Kenainglon Hlxtoneal Cumpany tn
ITie Ballbox listing of the categories found in the Product
§ Service Directory. It's cross-indexed to
Shingles, Special take common synonyms into account.
Architectural Shapes
Dana-Deck. Inc. T^HEN using the CATALOG, fastest method is
Shakertovn Cotporalion
to look up the product you're searching
Shakes & Shingles, for in the Alphabetical Index. This will
Custom-Cut refer you to the appropriate page in the
4*an«-lX-ckjInc‘ Product 8 Service Directory. There you'll
find all the companies that have been verified
as supplying the product or service. Addi­
IN EACH PRODUCT CATEGORY you'll find the name tional information about any company of inter­
of each company that the editors have been est can be found in the Company Directory.
able to verify as supplying that item. To
find out more about each company, turn to...

(2) COMPANY DIRECTORY—This is an alphabetical

listing containing the name, address and tele­
phone number of every company found in the
WhaUs Included
Product § Service Directory. In addition, for
most companies there is a short paragraph UR CATALOG concentrates on the unusual and
telling more about their products and services
—and whether there is literature to send for. f hard-to-find items that are designed
specifically for old houses. We have not
attempted to include items that are generally
available in hardware stores or building supply
Key to Abbreviations face abbreviations that centers. For example, you won't find listings
for "HaTiuners” or "Gypsum Wallboard Panels •I
tell how the company
even though they are used in old houses. These
MO = lellx Mail Order sells its products.
products are well-advertised and widely avail­
KS/O s tells through Retail FOR EXAMPLE, if you see able.
Store or Office
that a company has only
THE CATALOG also concentrates on products that
DIST = sells through a 11 RS/O" key after its would be used in restoring—rather than "re­
Distributors name, then you can't
buy its products through modelling II Id houses. This reflects the
ID = sells through Interior the mail. You will have editors' belief that the economic well-being
Designers only
to stop by their store. of both the old house and the homeowner is
best protected by restoring the old house

1379 Catalog 3 The Old-Bouse Journal

rather than by "remuddling" it into a dwelling Choice." We believe that the firms selected
that is neither old nor new. for listing are reliable and have a high
degree of interest in serving old-house
any of the product categories you win owners.

M find the Catalog are sub-divided into

1^ three major style periods: Early American,
Victorian and Turn of the Century. The
following chronological definitions of these If You Have Any Problems
periods were used:

Early American: 1700-1840 ^ F COURSE, the editors can't guarantee the

M performance of the sources listed in the
Victorian: 1840-1900 ^ Catalog. But we can follow up on any
* problems that you might have. If someone
Turn of the Century: 1900-1920 doesn't reply to your inquiry...or you aren't
happy with the way your order was handled...
WHILE THE EDITORS recognize that such defini­ please let us know.
tions are arbitrary and over-simplified,
nonetheless they will save time in using the HAVING PERSONALLY SCREENED their literature,
Catalog. For example, some reproduction and having afforded them the opportunity of
lighting companies specialize in the simple free space for their listings, the editors are
wrought iron fixtures typical of Early American greatly concerned that every company live up
houses. Such companies will carry the Early to the representations they have made to us.
American designation. So if you were looking
for a bronze fixture for an 1885 house, you THE EDITORS CAN DO TWO THINGS when you are
would not want to bother contacting the not satisfied with a company: (1) We will fol­
companies denoted Early American. And vice- low up on your behalf and attempt to get a
versa if you were looking for items appropri­ resolution to your satisfaction; Should
ate for a 1795 Colonial farmhouse. any company have a consistent record of com­
plaints, it will be dropped from all future

Who’S Listed HAPPILY, complaints about unsatisfactory ser­

vice have been few. We have found that most
firms respond quickly to correct matters when
OMPANIES WERE ELIGIBLE for free editorial we bring a problem to their attention. There
listings in this Catalog if they met are, however, a few companies that have been
several qualifications: dropped from the Catalog because they didn't
resolve customer problems to our satisfaction.
•Products or services had to be suitable-- If you have any problems, contact:
in the opinion of the editors--for the
pre-1920 house; Catalog Editor
The Old-House Journal
• Companies had to show an interest in 69A Seventh Avenue
serving the special needs of old-house Brooklyn, New York 11217
owners, as evidenced by their willingness
to answer a detailed questionnaire sent WE WOULD ALSO like to hear about other com­
to them by the editors; panies that you think should be listed in the
next edition.
•Companies had to submit product literature
to support their application for free THERE IS ONE SPECIAL PROBLEM with the com­
listings. panies that carry the "DIST" designation in
their company writeup. These are companies
who sell their products through local distri­
butors. Often, you can't buy items directly
How Listings Were Compiled from these manufacturers. They will, however,
send product literature and (usually) informa­
tion about who handles the item in your area,
r HE LIST OF COMPANIES to survey for this SOMETIMES you’ll find that the item you want
; Catalog was compiled from the firms that isn't stocked locally. But, armed with the
appeared in the 1978 edition, p lus names specific data you've gotten from the manu­
that were submitted by subscrib ers to The facturer, you can usually get the local dealer
Old-House Journal as likely candidates, as to order it for you.
well as a year-long effort on the part of the
editors to keep abreast of new companies, E HAVE PUT hundreds of hours of editorial
products and services. research time into making this 1979 edi­
tion of The Old-House Journal Catalog
A TOTAL OF 1,167 firms were surveyed. A 6- bigger and more useful than ever before.
page questionnaire was sent to each company. If you love old houses, we feel sure you'll
The replies and supporting literature were find this Catalog a very valuable working tool.
then screened by the editors to make up the
list of 662 companies that appear in this

THE CWIPANIES LISTED thus represent a combi­

nation of "Readers' Choice" and "Editors' The Editors

The Olti-Bouse Journal 1973 Catalog

Product & Service Directory
Exterior Building Materials & Supplies
Materials Unlimited (2)
Building Maintenance Old Carolina Brick Co. W Roofing
Materials & Supplies Materials & Supplies
Chimney Linings Metal Roofing
Bird & Pest Control (i) Tile & Cerarnic
(1) Galvanued
Products (2f Meta)
(2) Tecrie
Renovator’s Supply Bow & Arrow Stove Co. (3) Other
Pollansbee Steel (2)
L.R. Lloyd Co. W
Masonry & Brick
Cleaning Compounds Now! A Shakes & Shingles
American Building Restoration
North Coast Chemical Co. low-cost (1) Handsplit
(2) Machine Cut
ProSoCo, Inc.
Standard Dry Wall Products
w way to Dana-Deck, Inc.
Hendricks Tile Mfg. Co., Inc.
Vermont Marble Co.
line your Koppers Co.
L.R. Lloyd Co.
Masonry Sealers
chimney Puget Swnd Shake Brokers
American Building Restoration I Shakertown Corporation m
4! Vitroliner chimney liner
Rutland Products
Standard Dry Wall Products yi acts as an inner flue,
eliminating the hazard
Tiles, Slate
United Gilsonite Laboratories
United States Gypsum Company L.R. Lloyd Co.
of chimney fires. Structural Slate Co.
Watco • Dennis Corporation ¥ I Easy-to-lnstall Vermont Structural Slate Co., Inc.
Vitroliner is made of Dennis C. Walker
Paints, l-r heavy-gauge metal,
Exterior—Masonry H,■u coated with high quality Tiles, Terra Cotta &
Pittsburgh Paints enamel. It's built to last Ceramic
Rutland Products for years. Hendricks Tile Mfg. Co., Inc.
Standard Dry Wall Products
United States Gypsum Company
I Call or write for L.R. Lloyd Co.
brochure. Ludowici-Celadon

Preservatives, Wood Other Roofing

Cabot Stains
-I Bow&Arrt)w
DAP, Inc.
StoveCo, Hendricks Tile Mfg. Co., Inc.
J- 14 Arrow Street
Darworth Co. H'
Cambridge Mass. 02138
Savogran Co.
United States Gypsum Company
Phone617/492-1411 Siding
Watco - Dennis Corporation Materials & Supplies
Stains, Exterior Board*and~Batten Siding
Superior Clay Corporation a)
Barnard Chemical Co. Guyon, Inc.
Cabot Stains
DAP, Inc. Stone Clapboards, Beaded Edge
Darworth Co. Bufalini Marble Corp.
Pittsburgh Paints and Other Old Styles
Materials Unlimited
United States Gypsum Company Vermont Marble Co. (1) Salvage
(2) New
Varnishes, Exterior Craftsman Lumber Co. (2)
Stucco Patching Guyon, Inc.
Barnard Chemical Co. Materials Kensington Historical Company (I)
North Coast Chemical Co. The Saltbox (2)
Standard Dry Wall E*roducts
Rutland Products
United States Gypsum Company
United Gilsonite Laboratories
Shingles, Special
Arcfadtectural Shapes
Masonry & Supplies When you
Dana-Deck, Inc.
contact Puget Sound Shake Brokers
Bricks, Handmade a company, Renovator’s Supply
W New please mention the Shakertown Corporation
(2) Salvage Old-House Journal
Glen — Gery Corporation (1)
Kensington Historical Company (2) Catalog.

1979 Catalog 5 The Old-House Journal

Shakes & Shingles, Other Exterior
Custom-Cut ucts inspired by 1760-1840 era Iot new
Dana-Deck, Inc.
Shakertown Corporatiw
construction or restoration of settler's
cabins, timbered cottages, farm
Restoration &
houses, etc. Includes Pennsylvania
Siding, Barn Bam Siding, wide pine flooring, hewn Maintenance Materials
beams and timbre, hewn timber
{}) Salvage
m siding, whitewashed ceiling boards,
The Bamsider pine clapboard siding. Samples, Masonry Paint Stripping
catalog $2.00. Chemicals & Services
GUYON, INC. American Building Restoration
AUTHENTIC WEATHERED BARN 65 Oak Street, Utitz, PA 17643 Chem-X Building Restoration
SIDING (greys, browns, reds) (717) 6200225 North Coast Chemical Co,
Original hand-hewn beams any size, ProSoCo, Inc.
any length. Sermac Division
Old wide board pine or hemlock
flocHing. Storm Windows & Doors,
K* Turn of century street tamps. Wood Rot Patching & Restoring
y' Architectural artifacts. Plaskolite, Inc. Materials
Free Del N.Y. Metro Area. Showroom- Preservation Resource Center
appt. please. Boat Life, Inc.
Quaker City Manufacturing Co. Gougeon Bros., Inc.
SugarLoaf,N.Y. 10981 914-469-4380
Sbtty miles N.Y.C. Other Exterior Materials
Don’t replace your old Victorian win­
& Services
dow! Keep your beauty by repairing it, Sprayco Co., Inc.
Robert W. Belcher (}) while maintaining a ck^ authentic Standard Dry Wall Products
Castle Burlingame (1) look. Weatherstrip and repair your
CraRsman Lumber Co. 0
Guyon, Inc. 0
broken balances by installing Quaker Salvage Building
window channels. Dchit-yourself chan­ Materials (Boards, Beams,
The Saltbox 0 nels install easily and give you a well in­
Hugh L. Sloane (1) sulated, operable window. FREE Posts, etc.)
Vermont Weatherboard, Inc. 0 Brochure. Castle Burlingame
Dennis C. Walker 0
Quaker City Mfg. Ca Materials Unlimited
701 Chester Pike Hugh L- Sloane
Sharon Hill. PA 19079



Remove dirt, environmental pollutants, grease, fire residue, and hydrocarbons safely and
effectively with a combination of heat, pressure, and low volume water. Remove peeling
paint from masonry, metal, and wood, leaving no efflorescence. Avoid the destructive
effects of sandblasting. All chemicals environmentally safe.



I w i ii
SERMAC Write call: Del Stoncr^^
2300 WarrenviUe |[bad, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515
svHfACf MAfwrrwavcr MvmnmB 312/964-1300

Offices coast to coast

The Old-House Journal 6 1979 Catalog

Exterior Ornament & Architectural Details
Architectural Millwork Mouldings, Exterior Wood
(1) stock Items (U StKk Items
(2) Custom fabrication (2) Custom-Made
Amherst Woodworking & Supply (2) Architectural Specialities (2)
Architectural Specialities (2) Architectural Woodworks (2)
Architectural Woodworking (2) Bendix Mouldings, Inc. W
Architectural Woodworks (2) Driwood Moulding Company W
Douglas Campbell Co. (2) Elliot Lumber Co. W
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (U Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2)
Driwood Moulding Company (1.2) House of Moulding W
Elliot Lumber Co. (I) Irreplaceable Artifacts (V
Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2) Lone Star Doors & Millwork (1)
Hird/Blaker (1.2) Michael’s Fine Colonial Products 12)
House of Moulding ID Preservation Resource Center (U)
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners Renovator’s Supply (D
Michael’s Fine Colonial Products (2) Up Country Enterprise Corp. (2)
'The Millworks (2) R.F. Weir (2)
E.A. Nord Company, Inc. 0) Gingerbread Trim—Wood
Preservation Resource Center (12) (D Stock Items Mouldings, Exterior
Dennis Paul Robillard, Inc. (2) (2) Custom Fabrication
San Francisco Victoriana (12) Architectural Specialities (2) W Ceramic
The Shop (2) Architectural Woodworks (2) (2) Fiberglass
Silverton Victorian Millworks (2) Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (3) Plaster
Specialty Millwork Co. (2) Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2) (4) Terra CcMa
R.F. Weir (2) Hallelujah Redwood Products (U) (5) Stone
(S) Other
Rejuvenation House Parts Co.
L. Biagiotti (3.6)
Brackets, Buttresses & San Francisco Victoriana 0,2)
Chilstone Garden Ornaments (5)
Corbels—Exterior Decorators Supply Corporation (3)
Gutters, Leaders & Felber Studios (2.3)
(1) stone
(2) Stamped Metal Leader Boxes Fypon, Inc. (6)
(3) Wood Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (3)
(1) Wood Urban Archeology, Ltd. (4)
Art Directions (2) Copper
Chilstone Garden Ornaments (1) (3) Lead
Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques (D (4) Other
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (3) Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. (2.3)
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. (2)
Materials Unlimited
Turncraft (3)
'The Wrecking Bar, Inc.

Columns & Stamped Metal

0) Wood
(2) Stone
(3) Plaster
(4) Iron
L. Biagiotti (3)
C—E Morgan (D
Decorators Supply Corporation (3)
Felber Studios (3)
Gang Wood Products, Inc. (1)
Irreplaceable Artifacts
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners (D
E.A. Nord Company, Inc. (D
Old Man.sions Co. 0.2.4)
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (D
Tennessee Fabricating Co. (4) Capitals
Turncraft 0) Wreaths Brackets
Urban Archeology, Ltd. (4) Shown above are just some of the 3,000 pieces of stamped
The Wrecking Bar, Inc.
metal ornament offered in big 128-pg. catalog. These are
Cornicei •Exterior not reproductions; stampings are made from original dies.
0) Wood
This is the same metalwork that decorated thousands of
(2) Stamped Metal late 19th and early 20th century building. For Catalog
(3) Fiberglass #7474 and price lists, send $3.50 to:
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. 0)
Fypon, Inc.
Hallelujah Redwood Products (I)
House of Moulding (D 78 Danbury Road
Irreplaceable Artifacts Wilton, CT 06897
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. (2)

1379 Catalog 7 The Old-Houee Journal

Architectural Specialities (S)
Kensington Historical Company
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners (S) 4 ()
Michael’s Fine Colonial Products (I.Sf
Preservation Resource Center 0,5}
I -'jp/ ry
Greg Spiess, Inc.
I Warren Construction Co. w
* Restoration
I in Redwood TER specializes in handcrafted
reproductions of elusive restoration
I flALLBLlJAfl materials. For information, send
amount listed below to:
11 REDWOOD Entry Doors (47 Designs). Preservation Resource Center
3950S.J ( OMPICHt. ROAD.
Sidelights, Shutters, Leaded
Box 303, Essex, N.Y. 12936
Small pane, Victorian, storm sash and
Glass, Period Mcmldings Millwork $1.00. Period Locks 25C
ILLUSTRATIU CArALOC - SI.OOPPU Catalog Custom cast Bronze hardware 25$.

T iLoneSlar
1 i PO eoi MT « ItVWO. mss • YM 4M-*4n Window Glass,
1 I !r » %,ir..
» i * '
111 .•
I %i M'„i! Exterior Doors,
(I) New
0 Antique (Salvage)
I Bali and Bail (2)
Reproduction Blenko Glass Co., Inc. (1.2)
(V Early American Castle Burlingame (2)
m (2) Victorian Kensington Historical Company (2)
(3) Tum-of-Centuiy Renovator's Supply w
ii (4) Custom-Made Hugh L. Sloane (2f
a I i L.U. (5} Otirer
Bel-Air Door Co. (2.3.5)
Lone Star Doors & Millwork (U3) Hardware, Exterior
E.A. Nord Company, Inc. (1)
Porch Parts—Stock Items Richmond Doors (I.4.I.4) Door Hardware, Exterior
Simpson Timber Company (2.3)
(1) Balusters (1) Brass & Bron/e
Warren Construction Co. (4)
(2) Posts (2) Wrought Iron
Zephyr Screen Doors (5)
(3) Gohimns (3) Door Ktrockers
(4) Capitals (4) Rim Locks
(5) Spindletvork Exterior Doors, Antique (5) Mortised Locks
(6) Other (Salvage) (6) Latches. Hand Forged
C—E Morgan (2.3.5) (7) Hinges
Castle Burlingame
Hallelujah Redwood Products (2) (8) Strap Hinges
Pat’s Etcetera Company
House of Moulding (12.5) Hugh L. Sloane (9) Other
E.A. Nord Company, Inc. (12.3.S) 18th Century Hardware Co. (
Greg Spiess. Inc. Baldwin Hardware
Old Mansions Co.
United House Wrecking Corp. Ball and Ball
Turncraft (
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. Bona Decorative Hardware 0.3.5)
Broadway Supply Co. 0.3.4)
Porch Parts—Custom Entryways & Door Castle Burlingame (4.6.7,8)
Turnings Framing Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (7)
0) Balusters Woodwork—Reproduction Coletla Enterprises, Ltd. (3)
(2) Columns Colonial Latch & Hinge Co. (2.6.8)
(3) Posts (1) Early American Colonial Lock Company (2.4)
(4) Spindlework (2) Victorian
(3) Stock Items
(5) Other
Architectural Specialities (4) Salvage
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (5) Custom-Made Colonial-Rim Deadbolt Lock
Gang Wood Products, Inc. C—E Morgan (3)
Michael’s Fine Colonial Products Fypon, Inc. 0)
Turncraft Gang Wood Products, Inc. (5)
■Irreplaceable Artifacts (4)
Kensington Historical Company (4)
Lone Star Doors & Millwork
Shutters & Blinds, Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners (5)
Exterior Wood United House Wrecking Corp. (4)
0) New (Stock Items) The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (4) ■ 1776 Knob Inside — Key Outside
(2) Custom-Made ■ 1776^2 Key Inside — Key Outside
Beauti-home (2) Window Frames & ■ Cast Iron Case and Keeper ^ Black
Lone Star Doors & Millwork 0) Sash—Period Dezlors Inquiries Invited
Mastercraft Industries, Inc. 0.2) postpaid. )t$.9S S««l ehecli or tnoiwy order to -
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners (2) (1) Early American Colonial Lock Company
E.A. Nord Company, Inc. 0) (2) Victorian
(3) New (Stock Hems) 172 Main St, Terryville, Conn. 06786
(4) Salvage
(5) Custom-Made

The Old-House Journal 8 1079 Catalog

Chimney Pots
Hand Forged Iron House Hardware Ironwork, Exterior Historic Boulevard Services
and furnishings: H-L hinges, straps, Superior Ciay Corporation
butterflies, shutter hardware, interior Balusters & Handrails,
and exterior latches—candlestands, Iron—Period Designs
rushlights, betty lamps, andirons, Cupolas
cranes, spits, broilers, toasters. (JJ Cast Iron Cape Cod Cupola Co., Inc.
Custom work. New expanded 0 Wrought Iron Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc.
catalogue Sl.OO. Lawler Machine & Foundry 0 Tettnessee Fabricating Co.
Newton Millham Tennessee Fabricating Co. Westmoreland Cupolas
672 Drift Road. Westport. Mass. 02790 Wallin Forge 0

Cast Iron, Exterior Fences & Gates—Period

Fayston Iron and Steel Works fZ3,6,7.S) Ornamental Designs
Folger Adam Co. (U7) fl) Cast Iron
Lawler Machine & Foundry
P.E. Guerin, Inc. fU) 0 Wrought Iron
Old Mansions Co.
Wra. Hunrath Co., Inc. (3/ Wood
Robin.son Iron Corporation Robert W. Belcher f3f
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Tennessee Fabricating Co.
Hardware (2.6,8/ Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. (V
Vulcan Iron Works Newton Millham, Blacksmith 0
Newton Millham, Blacksmith (2,3,6.18/
George W. Mount, Inc. (3/ Robinson Iron Corporation (1/
Old Mansions Co. i
(1/ Cast Iron, Custom Casting The Saltbox 0
Paine & Chriscot, Inc. Robinson Iron Corporation Tennessee Fabricating Co. 0.2)
Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith ( Tennessee Fabricating Co. Vulcan Iron Works 0
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. 0.3) Wallin Forge 0
Preservation Resource Center (5) The Wrecking Bar, Inc.
Renovator’s Supply 0.3,4.5.6,7) Cresting
Richard E. Sargent (6.8) 0) Cast Iron Garden Ornament
W- C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc 0.4.6) 0 Fiberglass
Wallin Forge ( Tennessee Fabricating Co. 0) 0) fountains
Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. ( (2) Statuary
0 Planters
Railings, Balconies & (4/ Urns & Vases
Window Grilles 0 Other
Exterior Hardware, L. Biagiotti (4)
0) Cast Iron
Custom-Made 0 Vttoughi Iwn Chilstone Garden Ornaments (2.3.4)
(I) Cast Brass & Bronze Lawler Machine & Foundry 0) Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. 0.2.4)
Robinson Iron Corporation (I.2.3.4)
0 Hand-Forged Iron Robinson Iron Corporation 0)
Tennessee Fabricating Co. 0) Tennessee Fabricating Co.
(3) Cast Iron
Ball and Ball 0.2.3} Wallin Forge 0
Preservation Resource Center 0)
Richard E. Sargent (2) Wrought Iron Ornaments,
Tennessee Fabricating Co. 0 FOR THE LIBRARiES OF:
W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc (1) Stock Items
Village Blacksmith 0 Tennessee Fabricating Co.
Doorbells—Period Wrought Iron, Custom LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS.
Designs Fabrication CONTRACTORS
fl) Electric Bailey's Forge
0 Mechanical The Blacksmith Shop 5 Landmark
Ball and Ball Fayston Iron and Steel Works
Bona Decorative Hardware (I) P.A. Fiebiger, Inc.
Architectural Books:
Cumberland General Store 0 Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware
Period Furniture Hardware Co. 0) Newton Millham, Blacksmith • Garden Ornament:
George W. Mount, Inc. An Encyclopedia
Shutter Hardware Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith
Richard E, Sargent • Lighting Fixtures
(Hinges, Holdbacks, Etc.) Tennessee Fabricating Co. • Benches
Bali and Ball Village Blacksmith • Weathervanes and Cupolas
Castle Burlingame Vulcan Iron Works
Fayston Iron and Steel Works Wallin Forge • Sundials and Spheres
Newton Millham, Blacksmith Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. Five oversize books with thousands
Stephen W. Parker • Blacksmith
Renovator's Supply of photographs and drawings of the
Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. prior and available art. There are
Wrightaville Hardware classical, traditional and modern
Other Exterior designs reflecting the thousands of
models and designs maintained with
Other Exterior Hardware
the support of an endowment, by
18th Century Hardware Co. Ornament & Details Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc.
Ball and Ball
For information on how to order
Awnings these volumes, send a stamped, self-
The Astrup Company addressed envelope to: Kenneth
Lynch & Sons, Book Dept., 78
Awning Hardware Dnnbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897.
The Astrup Company

1379 Catalog 9 The Old-Bouse Journal

Lamp Posts &
Standards—New & Structural Materials for Interiors
Georgia Lighting
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. Baseboards Ceilings, Wood—Custom
MarLe Company Bangkok Industries, Inc. Manufactured
The Saltbox Bendix Moulding, Inc. Frank Paxton Lumber Co.
Spring City Electrical Mfg. Co House of Moulding
Tennessee Fabricating Co. Lone Star Doors & Millwork
Turncraft Old World Moulding Chair Rails
Welsbach Lighting Products Company, Inc. (1) stock Items
Beams, Hand-Hewn (2) Custom Made
Lamps & Lanterns, Architectural Specialities (2)
Exterior—New & (1) Antique (Recycled) Bendix Mouldings, Inc. W
(2) New Cumberland Wo^craft Co.
Reproduction The Bamsider (V Elliot Lumber Co.
Ball and Ball Robert W. Belcher (}} Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2)
Colonial Tin Craft Broad-Axe Beam Co. (2) House of Moulding W
The Essex Forge Castle Burlingame m K B Moulding, Inc. ID
Gates Moore Guyon, Inc. (2) Lone Star Doors & Millwork (1)
Georgia Lighting Kensington Historical Company (1) Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners (2)
Heritage Lanterns Mountain Lumber Company (I) Michael’s Fine Colonial Products (2)
MarLe Company Old World Moulding (2) Old World Moulding (1)
Period Lighting Fixtures Period Pine U) Renovator’s Supply
Renovator’s Supply The Saltbox (2) Warren Construction Co. (2)
The Saltbox Hugh L. Sloane (I)
William Stewart & Sons Dennis C. Walker (2)
Village Lantern
Washington Copper Works Doors, Interior
(1) Antique (Salvage)
Lawn and Porch HAND.'Tl
HEWN (2) Reproduction
Furniture (3) Early American
(4) Victorian
{}) Cast Iron {5) Turn-of-Century
(2) Wood (6) Custom-Made
(31 Wicker (7) Other
(4) Wrought Iron Architectural Specialities (5.6;
Chilstone Garden Ornaments The Bank Architecturals (1.4)
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. a) C—E Morgan (3)
Robinson Iron Corporation (I) Castle Burlingame (I)
Santa Cruz Foundry (1)
Steptoe and Wife Antiques Ltd.
Tennessee Fabricating Co. 0)
Semi $1.00 for complete information
Driwood Moulding Company
Irreplaceable Artifacts
E.A. Nord Company, Inc.

The Broad-Axe Beam Co. Old Mansions Co. (I)

Plaques & Historic RD 2 Box 18] J Pat’s Etcetera Company 0)
Markers W. Brallleboro, Vermont 05301 Richmond Doors (
802-257 0064 The Second Chance a>
Lake Shore Markers
Hugh L. Sloane (I)
Paine & Chriscot, Inc.
R.T. Trump & Co., Inc. (I)
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. Boards, Salvage United House Wrecking Corp. (1)
Smith-Comell Homestead
The Bamsider Warren Construction Co. (6)
Kensington Historical Company The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (1)
Sheet Metal Ornament, Mountain Lumber Company
Period Pine
A. Flam Sheetmetal Specialty Casings & Frames for Wide Pine Flooring and Panelling.
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. Doors & Windows Approximately 20 inches wide.
Dale Carlisle
(1) Stock Items Route 123
Turnbuckle Stars (2) Custom Made Stoddard, N.H. 03464
Ainsworth Development Corp. Architectural Specialities (2) (603) 446-3937
Fayston Iron and Steel Works Elliot Lumber Co. (1)
Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2)
Weathervanes—New & House of Moulding (if
Lone Star Doors & Millwork (1) Flooring
Reproduction Michael's Fine Colonial Products (2) (U Hafdvrood Strip
Cape Cod Cupola Co., Inc. Quaker City Manufacturing Co. (I) (2) Heart Pine
Cumberland General Store (3) Parquet
Fayston Iron and Steel Works (4) Wide Board
Replacement Sash, any size, layout,
Kenneth Ljmch & Sons, Inc. (5) Other
circle, oval, gothic, cottage. Sash or
Period Furniture Hatdware Co. Allstate Flooring (3)
complete window unit. Custom ipould-
United House Wrecking Corp. Bangkok Industries, Inc. 0.3.4)
ings, doors. Raised panel shutters,
Up Your Alley The Bamsider (4)
millwork to detail. Send sketch,
Wallin Forge Blair Lumber Co., Inc. (2.4)
specifications for price.
E. G. Washburne & Co. Bruce Hardwood Floors 0.3.4)
Mkhael’s Floe Colonial Products Dale Carlisle (4)
CuiUmd M31wci-k
Castle Burlingame (5)
Other Exterior Ornament 22 Churchill Ln. Smithtown NY 11787
Craftsman Lumber Co.
(516) 643-2479 (4)
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. Guyon, Inc. (4)

The Old-House Journal ID 1979 Catalog

Harris Manufacturing Company (3.4) Tin Ceilings
Kensington Historical Company
Kentucky Wood Floors, Inc.
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners
Mountain Lumber Company
Nassau Flooring Corp. a.3.4)

cm ipon AA-Abingdon Ceiling Co., Inc.

Barney Brainum-Shanker Steel Company
Ceilings, Walls & More, Inc.
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc.

Victorian Reproductions
Period Pine <2)
The Saltbox (4)
Vanderlaan Tile Co., Inc. (S)
Vermont Structural Slate Co., Inc. <S)
The Wagon House Cabinetmaking (5)

Wood Mosaic (U4)
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (3)

Fretwork & Grilles, Wood

The Bank Architecturals
Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques IN MODULAR FORM (/ ^
Cumberland Woodcraft Co.
Materials Unlimited I*,'
Perkowitz Window Fashions, Inc
The Wrecking Bar. Inc.

Grilles for Hot-Air

Tin Ceilings
Registers different patterns,in-
(l> New + 2^ eluding 13 traditional
0 Antique (Original) designs. Especially
Materials Unlimited 0 appropriate for Victorian
Register & Grille Mfg. Co. 0) houses. Cornice mouldings
available in 10 patterns.
Hardwoods—Planks & We ship anywhere.
Send for free brochure.
(I) Antique (Salvage)
0 New AA Abbingdon Ceiling Co.
Amherst Woodworking & Supply 0 2149 Utica Ave.
Castle Burlingame W Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234
Albert Constantine & Son 0 Tel. (212) BE 6-3251
Craftsman Lumber Co. 0
Giles & Kendall. Inc. 0
Bob Morgan Woodworking Supplies 0 5
Mountain Lumber Company (I) Reproductions of classic Victorian and
Native American Hardwoods Georgian styles. Supplied in 8"modules Veneers & Inlays
Potlach Corporation — Townsend Unit 0 for easy delivery and on-site assembly.
The Wagon House Cabinetmaking Albert Constantine & Son
Choice of baluster styles. Dover Furniture Stripping
Standard 8"rise. Homecraft Veneer
Overdoor Treatments Diameter: clockwise ascent 4' or 6' Minnesota Woodworkers Supply
Driwood Moulding Company anti-clockwisc ascent; 4'4" or 6' Bob Morgan Woodworking Supplies
Fypon, Inc. 14 treads to drde- 50lbs. per tread.
(1} Antique (Salvage)
Steptoe and Wife Antiques Ltd.
0 New
United Stairs Corp.
(3) Hardwood
York Spiral Stair
(4) Softwood
Authentic Interiora, Ltd. 0
Staircase Parts Castle Burlingame
Craftsman Lumber Co. (2.4)
(1) Balusters. Antique (Original)
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. 0
0 Balusters. New
(3) Balusters. Custom-Made Elliot Lumber Co. (2.3)
(4) Handrails Guyon, Inc. (2.4)
(5^ Newel Posts Irreplaceable Artifacts (1)
(6) Other Materials Unlimited (1)
The Bank Architecturals (4.S) Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners
For <mpUk sptdfuatiom contaci: Old World Moulding (2,3)
C—E Morgan (2,4.5)
Evelyn Croton-Architectural
Antiques (I.S)
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (4.5) STEPTOE
Gang Wood Products, Inc. (2.3.4,S.$)
John Grass Wood Turning Co. as) &WIFE When you
Harris Manufacturing Company (6) ^ANTK^ES LTD.
House of Moulding (2.4.5)
Joe Ley Antiques (4.5) a company,
Materials Unlimited 0) 3626 Victoria Park Avenue, please mention the
Michael's Fine Colonial Products (3.4.5) WilJowdale, Ontario Old-House Journal
The Second Chance (1.5)
Urban Archeology, Ltd. (5; M2H 3B2 Tel: 497-2989 Catalog.
Visador Co. ( Sprcialisa in quality cast irm prxniucts.
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (5) Agent inquiria are welcome.

1073 Catalog 11 The Old-House Journal

Wall Panelling,
Wood—Period Decorative Interior
(I) Antique (Salvage)
0 New—Stock Items
(3) Custom-Made
Architectural Paneling, Inc. (3)
Materials & Supplies
Architectural Specialities (3)
Art Directions (I)
Authentic Interiors, Ltd. (2)
Bangkok Industries, Inc. (2) Brackets &
Architectural Ecology—
Douglas Campbell Co. (3) Corbels—Interior Eclectic salvage bought and sold. Pine
Dale Carlisle (}) Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques
Craftsman Lumber Co. (3) decorative components ready for
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. recycling. Stained glass a specialty;
Cumberland Woodcraft Co. 0
Decorators Supply Corporation quality antique windows or your own
Driwood Moulding Company (2) Hallelujah Redwood Products design handcrafted at reasonable
Hird/Blaker (3)
House of Moulding prices. Call or visit Web Wilson at 447
House Joiner (3t
E. Catherine St., Chambersburg, PA
Irreplaceable Artifacts (I)
Kensington Historical Company (1) Ceiling Medallions & (717)263-4926
C. A. Niece Co. (2) Ornaments
Old World Moulding (2,3)
Frank Paxton Lumber Co. (3) (1) Composition
Restorations Unlimited, Inc. (3) (2) Plaster
Hugh L. Sloane (3) L. Biagiotti (2) Glass, Antique (Original)
Up Country Enterprise Corp. (3) Decorators Supply Corporation (2) (1) Leaded i Stained
Ver/nont Weatherboard, Inc. (2) Felber Studios 0 (2) Etched
Dennis C. Walker (3) Focal Point, Inc. (U (3) Bevelled
TTie Wrecking Bar, Inc. (I) Giannetti Studios (1.2) (4) Carved & Cut
House of Moulding (I) Architectural Ecology (1.2.3)
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (1.2)
Other Interior Structural San Francisco Victoriana (2)
Art Directions
Materials The Bank Archileclurals (1.3)
W, T. Weaver & Sons. Inc. (1) ERA Victoriana (1.3)
Ceilings, Walls & More, Inc. Materials Unlimited (1.2.3)
Giles & Kerulall, Inc. Columns & Old Mansions Co.
Capitals—Interior Pat’s Etcetera Company
Pencu StudirxJ (1.2.3)
(1) Composition
Reflections (1.2.3)
(2) Plaster Greg Spiess, Inc. (1.3)
(3) Wood Such Happines.s, Inc. (1)
L. Biagiotti (1.2) Sunburst Works In Glass (1.3)
Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques (3) United House Wrecking Corp. (1)
Cumberland WoodcraA Co. (3) The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (1)
Decorators Supply Corporation (2.3)
Need another copy of Felber Studios (2)
Giannetti Studios
The Catalog? Irreplaceable Artifacts

Use Order Forms. Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners

Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. 02.3)

The Second Chance (3)

Turncraft (3)
Glass, New—Period &
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. Custom Designs
(1) Leaded and Stained
(2) Etched
Ceramic Tile (3) Carved & Cut
See Company Directory (4) Bevelled
(1) Antique (5) Custom Designs
(2) Dutch (6) Glue Chip
(3) Encaustic Architectural Ecology (IS)
for Addresses & Phone Numbers (4) Hand-Painted Beveled Glass Industries (4)
(5) Period Styles—New
(6) Small White Hexagonal (Bathroom) Boulder Art Glass Co., Inc. (IS)
Sandra Brauer/Stained Glass 0)
(7) Custom-Made
American Glean Tile Company Carved Glass and Signs (2.S)
Barbara Beall Studio Century Glass Inc. of Dallas (I.2.4.S)
Brooklyn Tile Supply Cherry Creek Ent. Inc. (2.4.6)
European and American Stained Glass Country Floors Electric Glass Co. (4)
Panels. All sizes and prices. Beveled, Delft Blue Ltd. %- Gibbs and Talley Glass (12.4.6)
leaded, glass dcmrs, sidelights, door Dutch Products & Supply Co. Glass Menagerie Designs Ltd. (1)
sets, panels, carved and wood doors, H &. R Johnson, Inc. Glassmasters Guild (1)
wood and marble mantles. Chandeliers. Gothic Glass (1)
The Second Chance (1)
300 pictures available. S3.00 postage Tile Distributors Lamb, J & R Studios (1)
charge. By appointment only. Vanderlaan Tile Co., Inc. Looking Glass (3)
Helen Williams — Antique Delft Manor Art Glass (1)
Westlake Architectural Antiques
Tiles Martin's Glass Art Studio (2.5)
3316 Westlake Drive (1.2)
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. Master’s Stained and Etched Glass
Austin, Ibaas 73746 (I)
Studio (
Morgan & Company

The Old-Houee Journal 12 1979 Catalog

CT5CHJ3 21'4" X 56"
CT5003L 2Vt ' X 66 ;
CT5003W 2r’j” x6B

CTS003 ?a" X 26'

CT5002L 34 • x 34 ’
CTS003S 24' X 28'

a new idea
in an old art...
open stock

Leaded and Fully Beveled {V2" bevel on %" glass) Door, SideMte and Window Panels are
glass panel inserts for doors, windows, tables and Coordinated.
architectural accents. These charming, unique, custom-
Create the effects you desire! You can specify designed, hand-crafted units are amazingly
leaded and fully beveled glass, and be sure that it affordable. Priced at retail from, as low as, $125.00.
will be available when you need it, because the Many other available designs not pictured. New
inserts are in inventory for immediate delivery. designs are added continually.

SlOtlil* Ooor M.tchino

in Photo OR1001 21 V X 66'.)' SMvMIe:
DS2001A ir X 72' DRtOOIW 27M " x66'. D52M1 1?' X 72'

DH1003 2Vi" x66 ; DR1004 21',^ ' X 66V

OR1003W 27’'>- x66^ DRIOMW 27'4" x66'.: "
Matching Matching
Stdadte: OS2903 12' x 72' FOR COMPLETE BROCHURE SEND $1.00 TO SitftHta: DS2004 12' x 72'

900 NORTH LA CIENEGA BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 ■ (Z13) 6S7-1462

Morgan Bockius Studios, Inc. (I.2.4.5)
New York Carved Arts Co. (2.3.5)
Ostrom Studies (2,S)
Pat’s Et^tera Company (},4)
Paul’s Cut Glass (2,St
Penco Studios (1,4.5)
Rainbow Art Glass Co. (1) Box 192 SouthHeld, Michigan 48037 Phone (313) 357-1250 Brochure upon request.
Restorations Unlimited, Inc. (2)
George Sell (5)
Shadey Enterprises Stained Glass
Studio (1)
Greg Spiess, Inc. (I)
Studio Stained Glass (I)
Such Happiness, Inc. (I)
Sunburst Works In Glass (1,4)
VIRTU Artisans in Leaded Glass (I) Mantels Marble, Replacement
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Co. (1.4) (1) Antique (Original) Bufalini Marble Corp.
(2) New (Reproduction) New York Marble Works
(3) Cast Iron Vermont Marble Co.
(4) Marble
(5) Slate Mouldings &
(6) Wood
(7) Other
Art Directions (1) Decorative
The Bank Architecturals (1) (1) Composition
C—E Morgan (5) (2) Plaster
Castle Burlingame <l) (3) Wood
Decorators Supply Corporation (2) (4) Custom Cast
Driwood Moulding Company (2) Architectural Woodworks (3)
Gang Wood Products, Inc. (6) Authentic Interiors, Ltd. (1)
Guyon, Inc. (6) Bendix Mouldings, Inc. (3)
ERNEST PORCELLI Irreplaceable Artifacts L. Biagiotti (1,2,4)
Joe Ley Antiques (1) Cumberland Woodcraft Co. (3)
Custom Materials Unlimited (1) Decorators Supply Corporation (1,2,3)
Leaded and Stained Glass New York Marble Works (4) Dovetail (4)
Windows and Panels Old World Moulding (2) Driwood Moulding Company (3.3)
Repair Work Pat’s Etcetera Company (1.6) Elliot Lumber Co. (3)
Francis J. Purcell, II (I) Felber Studios (2)
Readybuilt Products. Co. (2.2.6) Focal Point, Inc. (I)
Renovator’s Supply Gang Wood Products, Inc. (3)
The Second Chance (1) Giannetti Studios (1,2)
R.T. Trump & Co., Inc. (1) Hallelujah Redwood Products (3)
United House Wrecking Corp. (1.6) House of Moulding (1,3)
Free estimates with SASE The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (V K B Moulding, Inc. (1.3)
Send dimensions Klise Manufacturing Company (3)
Old World Moulding (3)
ERNEST PORCELLI- Preservation Resource Center (3)
STAINED GLASS Renovator’s Supply (1.2)
125 Seventh Avenue Restoration Millwork (3)
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (
Antique American Fireplace Mantels, Silverton Victorian Millworks (3)
(212) 657-6888 Tayssir Sleiman (4)
dating from 1750 to 1850. The largest
and finest colkcUon of formal and folk R.F. Weir (3)
art mantels awaits your visit by ap­
pointment. No catalogs or photos sent,
as each mantel is unique.
Francis J. Purcell II See Company Directory
R.D. 2, Box 7, New Hope, PA 16938
(215) 862-9100
for Addresses & Phone Numbers

The Old-House Journal H 1079 Catalog

Plasterwork, Decorative
A DOME YOU CAN HAVE 0) Precast Mouldings
(2) Cuslom MouMings Ceiling pieces • Niche Shells
L. Biagiotti a.2} Cornices • Domes • Capitals
Decoratora Supply Corporation (U Mouldings * Models
Giannetti Studios (1.2) FOR WOODWORK
Mangione Plaster and Tile (2) Scrolls Wreaths Cornices
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (1.2) Rosettes • Beading • etc.
San Francisco Vicloriana (2)
Stencilling Supplies RESTORATIONS
Saldarini & Pucci Inc.
That DAOUitU wov ol vituOl^ enpanUir>g a lOOm i| (// Brushes 417 Lafayette Street
rther FocolPomi p*ocJi)e»s. •'e 0om« t* (2) SterKil Paper New York, N.Y. 10003
devgnengoeeied k* kxlav iocto<vpi>med kgn (3) Pre-Cut Stencils Telephone: (212) 673-4390
vi'«'9hiandteodv*o<>nk«alai>onbvy^' c<yper«e( H. Behlen & Bros. (I)
*’<sovo*o^m3 ondS d>omeFen w<tr1ac^oc«
of <rree •nte'chongeaUe decotoi've >imi Kenneth Fortney (3)
For r*o«moi»or» about oi.* dome and ibe em«e Peg Hall Studios (I)
Focal Poid iir>« al o>c iMeciutai occerA mciudrig trie
No ^QJCorruceMoidingihowm write S & C Huber, Accoutrements (1.2.3)
FOCAL POINT INC. Itinerant Artist (3)
DfDI OHK«*rOS Alltel* Rd-Smyrn*. Cj 30080 Janovic/Plaza, Inc. (1.2.3) Other Interior Decorative
401 3bl 0820 Megan Parry/Wal! Stencilling (3)
Pittsburgh Paints (1)
Silver Bridge Reproductions (3) Avalon Forge
Stencilsmith (3) Klise Manufacturing Company

(1) &>mposjtion
Furniture & Furnishings
(2) Wood
(3) Plaster
Authentic Interiors, Ltd. (I)
Bendix Mouldings, Inc. (2) The Electric Candlelight Co. (I)
L. Biagiotti (1.3)
Bathroom S & C Huber, Accoutrements (1.2)
Decorators Suj^ly Corporation (1.3) Accessories—^Towel Mercer Museum Shop (2)
Felber Studios (3) Racks, Etc.
Focal Point, Inc. (1) (1) Brass & Bronte
Giannetti Studios (1.3) (2) Ceramic Candlestands & Holders
Hallelujah Redwood Products (2) (3) Wood
House of Moulding (1.2) (1) Candlestands
(i) Other
K B Moulding, Inc. (1) Artistic Brass (1.2) (2) Candelabra
Minnesota Woodworkers Supply (2) (3) Candlesticks
Broadway Supply Co. (1.2)
18th Century Hardware Co. (3)
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. (1,2.3) DeWeese & Reyer Woodworking Co
Silverton Victorian Millworks (2) The Biggs Company (1)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (1) Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty
W. T. Weaver & Sons, Inc. (I) (1)
Heads Up. Inc. (3) Colonial Casting Co. (3)
Wm. HunralK Co., Inc. Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (1.2.3)
The National House Inn (1.4) The Essex Forge (I)
Paine & Chriscot, Inc. (1) Greenfield Village arid Henry Ford
gSSS.-SS’S* Pfanstiel Hardware Co. (1)
(U) Museum (1)
Renovator’s Supply
Guild of Shaker Crafts (13)
Shepherd Oak Products (3)
Hurley Patentee Lighting (12.3)
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware (1)
viotniii Bed Hangings Peter Kramer/Cabinetmaker (1)

(1) Netted Bed Carapies Ephraim Marsh Co. (1)

Newton Millham, Blacksmith (1)

Ula*d ytarfinta . mi W9SKS

JA* Viftnian
(2) Bed Curtains
The Biggs Company w
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty U)
Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith
Renovator’s Supply
The Saltbox

Diane Jackson Cole

William Stewart & Sons
c itom stocked redwood mouldings. Casings.
Base shots. Porch (Wainscot). Crowns.
Beds. Coi rs. Stops. Base caps, Mullion casings.
The Country Bed Shop

S & C Huber, Accoutrements

Country Curtains At the Red Lion Inn
Village Lantern (2)
Washington Copper Works (2)
Batlem and Pane! mouldings. Window and Ephraim Marsh Co. (1)

door rosettes.
Jor rtsloralioH of authentic Victorian designs, Bed Hardware Hand Crafted (lead free) Pewter
Ball and Ball Our reproductions and original pieces
please send a detailed drawing or sample fot of pewter are made in the simple
Cumberland General Store
jour moulding specifications. We supply fret graceful and practical designs
Horton Brasses
estimates. Minnesota Woodworkers Supply associated with our early American
heritage. Brochure 504
Be.x 32}. Silttrfon. Colorado 81453 Colonial Casting Co.
Ph. 305-387‘3716 Candles 443 So. Colony St.
(1) Electric & Electronic Meriden. Conn. 06450
(2) Hu 203-235-5189
Candledyne Corporation (1)
CraA House, Colonial Williamsburg 2
( )

1079 Catalog IS The Qld-House Journal

Carpet Rods Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg m
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (2.3)
Wm. Hunralh Co., Inc. (2)
P.E, Guerin, Inc. ACCESSORIES. Many pieces made
Paine & Chriscot, Inc. (3)
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. from solid mahogany, carved by hand.
Standard Trimming Corp. (3)
Shipped direct from factory to you. 80
Clocks page catalog end fabric samples, yours
for SI.
(1) Traditional (Assembled)
(2) Kits Drapery Trimmings Magnolia Hall
The Country Bed Shop 726 Andover, (Dept. OH)
(I) Kenneth Meyer Co.
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg Standard Trimming Corp. AtlanU, GA 30327
Crown of Fairhope U.2) (4041 256-4747
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford
Museum (I)
Drapes & Curtains
Ogrem & Trigg Clock Service (1) Curtains, Read^Made
Victorian Reproductions (1)
(2) Curtains. Custom-Made Furniture, Reproduction
(3) Drapes. Custom-Made
Nelson Beck of Wash. Inc. (2.3) (1)Country Primitive
Chairs, Early American Constance Carol, Inc. (I) (2)Custom Made
Henry Cassen, Inc. (3) Early American
Reproduction (4) Victorian
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (1)
(1) Colonial Wooden Side Chairs The Country Bed Shop (2.3) (5) Turn-of-Century
(2) Rockers Country Curtains At the Red Lion Inn (!) (6) Brass Beds
(3) Other Damon Interiors (3) (7) Kits
The Biggs Company Destin's Designs (8) Other
The Country Shop (!)
Home Fabric Mills, Inc. Amherst Woodworking & Supply (2)
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (!)
Mather’s (!) Ashley Furniture Workshops (4)
Crown of Fairhope (3) Old Colony Curtains The Bartley Collection
Eldred Wheeler, Cabinet Makers Quaker Lace Co. (!) Bedlam Brass Beds (4.6)
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford The Bedpost (6)
Museum W Berea College Student Craft Industries (3)
Guild of Shaker Crafts (2) The Biggs Company (3)
Peter Kramer/Cabinetmaker (I) Boston Cabinet-Making Inc. (2)
Ephraim Marsh Co. (1.2) Brass Bed Company of America (6)
Museum Enterprises, Inc. Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (I)
Nichols & Stone Company (!) Fabric, Reproduction Douglas Campbell Co. (2)
The Rocker Shop of Marietta, Georgia (2) (1) Early American Cane & Basket Supply Company (7)
The Saltbox (1) (2) Victorian Capitol Victorian Furniture (4)
(3) Turn-of-Centuiy Chapman Manufacturing Co. U.S)
Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (1.2.3) Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (U)
Chairs, Victorian Clarence House (1.2) The Country Bed Shop (1.3)
Reproduction Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (1) The Country Loft (8)
(1) Morris The Country Bed Shop (I) Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (3)
(2) Turn-ot-Century Oak Craft House, Colonial William.sburg (1) Crowfoot's Inc. (2)
(3) Rockers Magnolia Hall (!) Crown of Fairhope U.S.7)
(4) Other Old Stone Mill Corp. (1) Davis Cabinet Co. (3.4)
Magnolia Hall (2.3) Scalamandre Silks, Inc. (1.2.3) Eldred Wheeler, Cabinet Makers (2.3)
O’Connor Enterprises (2.3) Watts & Company Limited (2) Carl Forslund
Thomastown Chair Works (3) Waverly Fabrics (1.2) Greenfield Village and Henry Ford
Victorian Reproductions (3) Museum (3.7)
Guild of Shaker Crafts (3)
Fabric, Traditional Guyon, Inc. (1)
Decorative Hooks & Pegs (1) Tapeslry Hickory Chair Company (3)
(1) Coat Hooks—Brass & Bronze (2) Crewel Historic Charleston Reproductions
(2) Shaker Pegs (3) Handwoven Martha M. House Furniture (4)
(3) Other (4) Linen, Cotton Joao Isabel, Inc. (6)
I8th Century Hardware Co. (3) (5) Horsehair Kittinger Company (3)
Ball and Ball (1) (6) Silk. Velvet. Damask Peter Kramer/Cabinetmaker (1.3)
Bedlam Brass Beds (1)
(7) Other The Lennox Shop (1)
The Blacksmith Shop (3) Carol Brown (4) Magnolia Hall (4.5.6)
Broadway Supply Co. (1)
Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (1.4.S.6) Ephraim Marsh Co- (3)
Colella Enterprises. Ltd. (1) The Country Bed Shop (3.4) D.R. Millbranth - Cabinetmaker (2)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (1) Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (4.6) O’Connor Enterprises (5)
Guild of Shaker Crafts (2) Cyrus Clark Co., Inc. (4) Oide Commercial Fixtures (4.5)
Horton Brasses (3) Gill Imports (2) J. F, Orr & Sons a.3)
George W. Mount, Inc. (3) Giirian’s (2) Outer Banks Pine Products (3)
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. (1)
Heirloom Rugs (1) The Rocker Shop of Marietta, Georgia (1)
Renovator’s Supply (1)
Home Fabric Mills, Inc. Smith Fine Custom Furniture (2)
San Francisco Victoriana SAC Huber, Accoutrements ( Swan Brass Beds (6)
Woodcraft Supply Corp. (2)
Frances Leake Up Country Enterprise Corp. (2)
Lovelia Enterprises, Inc. ID Victorian ^productions i(4)
Old Stone Mill Corp. (4) Vintage Oak Furniture (4)
Drapery Hardware Raintree Designs, Inc. (7) Western Reserve Antique Furniture Kit
(1) Wood Poles & Brackets Scalamandre Silks. Inc. (2.4.S.6) The Robert Whitley Studio (2.3)
(2) Metal Poles & Brackets Waverly Fabrics (4) Yankee Doodle Workshop, Inc. (8)
(3) Decorative Tie-Backs
Ball and Ball (3)
Constance Carol, Inc. (1) See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (I)

The Old-Bouse Journal IE 1973 Catalog

Hardware, Furniture l.amps—Reproduction
(U Early American f3) Colonial
(2} Victorian 0 Eafly American Mirrors & Frames (New)
(3) Other 0 Victorian (1) Mirrors
18th Century Hardware Co. (1.2.3) (41 Turn-of-Century 0 Frames
Antique Brass Hardware Co. (S3 Other Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (I)
Ball and Ball (3) Baldwin Hardware (1,2) Stephen Franklin Looking Glass (1)
Bona Decorative Hardware (I) Chaprnan Manufacturing Co. (2,3,4) Gibbs and Talley Glass (1)
Dover Furniture Stripping The Classic Illumination (3) IxMking Glass (1)
Faneuil Furniture Hardware Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (I) Magnolia Hall (1)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (1.3) Colonial Tin Craft (1,2) Ephraim Marsh Co. (V
The Guild (3) Durel's (3) Outer Banks Pine Products (1)
Horton Brasses (1.2) Faire Harbour Ltd. (4) Reale Mirror Mfg. Co. (1)
Wm. Hunrath Co., Inc. Hurley Patentee Lighting (1,2) Victorian Reproductions (1.2)
Newton Millham, Blacksmith (!) The Lennox Shop 0)
Noel Wise Antiques Luigi Crystal (3)
Paine & Chriscot, Inc. Magnolia Hall (2,3.4)
Needlework Kits
Period Furniture Hardware Co. Ephraim Marsh Co. (I) (1) Crewel Chair Kits
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. (I) Old Lamplighter Shop (3.4) 0 Rug Braiding & Hooking
Renovator’s Supply Renovator's Supply (I.2.3.4) 0 Needlepoint
Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. (1) Royal Windyne Ltd. (4) (4) Quilt Patterns
The Saltbox (1,2) Braid-Aid (1.2.3)
Lamps—Antique The Village Forge (1) Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (U)
Village lantern (1.2) Guild of Shaker Crafts 0
(Original) Washington Copper Works Mercer Museum Shop 0
(I) Colonial The Washington House of The Pilgrim's Progress, Inc. Ragg
0 Early Atnericao Reproductions (3,4) Ruggery
0 Victorian
(4) Turn-of-Century Pedestals & Plant Stands
0 Other Lamp Wicks & Lamp Oil
Anderson’s Antique Lighting (3.4) (1) Cast Iron
Jo-El Shop (4) (!) lamp Wicks (2) Marble
Louis Mattia (3.4) (2) Lamp Oil 0 Wood
Old Lamplighter Shop (3.4) Cumberland General Store (12) (4) Wrought Iron
Pine Bough 0 The Washington House of Magnolia Hall 0
Stansfield’s Lamp Shop 0 Reproductions (1.2) New York Marble Works 0

1373 Catalog 17 The Old-Houee Journal

Victorian Reproduction Enterprises, Inc.
Purveyors of high-quality merchandise for persons
of Victorian inclination. The pride of an era is
expressed in our exquisite, hand-carved furnishings
and lighting devices. Discriminating customers
from across our great country attest to the fact that
the reliability and authenticity of our reproductions
is unmatched.

Among our offerings:

Handcar\'ed furniture, looking glasses,
clocks, iron and wood park benches, elec­ Ej
tric chandeliers, gasoliers. kerosene light­
ing, woodstoves, a new line of remarkable FEAMUD IN HC05E AND QARKN. BETTER
etched glass, solid wood millwork f includ­ HaiES AW GARDDB.'TPtljlE blftfl'llML

ing fret work, exterior brackets, and trim- OoBsstically hand-loaned tugs
mingsl, weather vanes and lightning rods, of all new 100% cotton
nachine washable and reversible
hardware, tin ceilings, ad infinitum. in rocei and area sizes or nade to
custoB crdo'
-------- wide variety of patterns and oolcm
Our catalog <if finp reproduction fiuniture a available already woven or in lots
meager SI: and the catalog of stupendous depth, inesqiensive (frcm $39. for a woven
A shovting both gas and electric lighting fixtures is $4.
X 4'>

full nxiey-back guarwitee

(Both are lavishh illustrated and the cost of each is
refundable with joiir first purchase, t
For brochiire and colcr swatches, send
t jill u> dunnfoffir. h«ur»
Mi>0--Fri. |i.m.
A $1.00 (^?plicable to pirchase) and nane
and address to
•w- S.I. A Sun.
The Pilgria's Progress, Inc.
?agg Buggery Dept. CH}
16 Ccmaerce Street, Mew YcsSc 10014

Rugs & Carpets

fIJ Ingrain
(2J Oriental
(3J Traditional

Victor!UlU (4J Documentary fteproductions

(5J Custom-Made
(6J Other
Adams and Swetl (2)

i Greenfield Village and Henry Ford

Museum (IS)
Charles W. Jacob.sen, Inc. (2)
DEPT. 1 A, 1601 PARK AVENUE. MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 612/338-3636 The Pilgrim’s Progress, Inc. Kagg
Ruggery (iS)
ReUii. mail order. Orders shipped prnmptly to your d<K>r. Visa and Master Charge accepted.
^calamandre Siik.s, Inc. (U)

Prints & Original Art ALL WOOL • HANDMADE

See Company Directory
Joan Baren
Pacemakers, Inc.
D. K. GifTord
Mrs. Ruth Harmon — Artist
for Addressee & Phone Numbers RAG
Kohler Co.
The Triad Group, Inc.
CbonDlng. tum-of-tbe-century artwork
from early Kohler Co. plumbingware
Your “old-house" captured in oil, on catalogs are beautifully reproduced on Heritage Rugs hand-looms
high-quality beige stock. Ideal for authentic, custom designed
canvas. Realistic style. Award-winning rugs on antique looms.
artist. Satisfaction guaranteed or framing. 11” byl4". Single print 91.DO. In any size to IS feet
money back on return of painting. 12” Set of fotir, 95. Send casK check or in width. Write for details
X 16” framed=$125.00 plus shipping. money order to: HERITAGE
Ruth Hannon Nostalgia Series, Kohler Co.
710 So. Ross St., Santa Ana, CA 92701 Kohler, WI 53044 RUGS Lahaska • Bucks County
Pennsylvania 10931
(714) 543-1716 Allow six weeks for delivery.

The Old-House Journal 18 1079 Catalog

Rugs, Folk Wallcoverings (Other than Wallpaper, Specialty
(1) Braided Wallpaper) (V Murals
(2) Floorcloths (}} Leather, Genuir>e (2) Imported Oriental
(3) Linoleum—Traditional Patterns (2f Leather, knitation (3) Borders & Panels
(4) Hooked (3) Embossed Vinyl (4) Custom-Made
(5) Needlework (4t Other (5) Other
(6) Woven Carol Brown f4) Bassett & Vollum Inc. (3)
(2) Other Scalamandre Silks, Inc. 12
( , ) Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (3)
Adams and Swett (1) Richard E. Thibaut, Inc. (2.3) A.L. Diament & Co. (3)
Carol Brown (S) Charles R. Grade and Sons (2.4)
Diane Jackson Cole (S) Raintree Designs, Inc.
Wallpaper, Early Scalamandre Silks, Inc. (3)
Country Braid House (1)
CraRswomen (2) American Richard E. Thibaut, Inc. (U)
Floorcloths Incorporated (2) (1) Documentary Reproduction
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford (2) Scenic Antique
Museum (4) (3) Scenic Reprodoction
Heirloom Rugs (4) (4) Other
Heritage Rugs The Birge Co. U)
(1.4.S.S) I
S & C Huber, Accoutrements Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. 0)
The Moore (2) Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (1)
The Pilgrim’s Progress, Inc. Ragg
A.L. Diament & Co.
Charles R. Gracie and Sons
Pine Bough (2) Greenfield Village and Henry Ford
Museum 0)
Jones & Erwin, Inc. 0)
TRUNKS SUPPLIES n Katzenbach and Warren, Inc. (J)
Old Stone Mill Corp. (I)
TLI-Uong lock) Reed Wallcoverings 0)
TL2 {short lock) Scalamandre Silks, Inc. (I)
Schumacher 0)
Black or Russai
Handiat /
Thomas Strahan Co.
Richard E. Thibaut. Inc.

0.3) JicpMucUcris
CX3 6" Wallpaper, Custom /■
Heirloom Treasures Duplication & Restoration /
from Antique trunks
over 7S iiius- A.L. Diament & Co.

36 colorful pages
llralions A How To Do It Book lor Charles R. Gracie and Sons
restoring, relinisoiog and decora!
Open Pacific Graphics
ing Antique Trunks SSSOppd
History of AnliqueTrunkS SI SOp^. Scalamandre Silks, Inc. In Widths 1"to 21"
• s
_____ .11 MS 8H »•'# laa
Dept. OH Box 636. Spearman. Texas 79061

For Authentic Colonial Decor

Trunk Hardware
Antique Trunk Supply Co. I
Dover Furniture Stripping i
Charolette Ford Trunks I

Restaurant Fittings
Architiques Enterprises, Inc.
Art Directions
Gargoyles, Ltd.
Great American Salvage Company, Inc.
i 1;

Olde Commercial Fixtures AND FABRICS J

Greg Spiess, Inc.
Umbrella Stands & Coat
For the finest in traditional wallpapers, look to
Racks Old Stone Mill. Illuitrated: "Draperie''
0) Umbrella Stands Many ot our papers are true reproductions of
Folder of this decorstion and our
(2) Coat Racks origina I prints found in America's museums and many other borders available upon
The Hedpast (2) oldest homes. Available in old and contempo­
Brass Company of America (2) rary colorings. Numerous co-ordinated fabrics. request without charge.
Chapman Manufacturing Co.- 0) Our sam^ books, featurirrg both handprints
Crown of Fairhope and less expensive machine prints, are on dis­
Joao Isabel, Inc. 0.2) play at all better wallpaper stores. 217 North Main Street
I.«mee’8 Fireplace Equipment 0) Galena. Illinois 61036
Magnolia Hall Phone: 815/777-2460
Ephraim Marsh Co. 0) ®iJi &tnne fllill QInrp.
Outer Banks Pine Products (2) Adams Ma$s.OI22Q’Telephone (413)743 1015
Swan Brass Beds (2)

1979 Catalog 13 The Qld-Houee Journal

Wallpaper, Traditional Wicker Furniture
Victorian (1) Early American Patterns
(2) Victorian Design
Magnolia Hail

(3) Art Nouveau

Wallpapers (4) Other
Miscellaneous Decorative
Ida M. Apat Interiors, Inc. Ornament
Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (2} (1) Armor & Heraldry
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (I) (2) Sculpture
Damon Interiors (3) Other
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Architectural Ornaments (2)
Museum W
Old Stone Mill Corp. W
Open Pacific Graphics (2.3) Other Decorative
Reed Wallcoverings (2) Accessories
Scalamandre Silks, Inc. a.2.3)
Schumacher (1,2) A-M Telephone Company
Thomas Strahan Co. (12) British-American Historical Arts, Ltd.
Richard E. Thibaut, Inc. (1.2.3) Brunschwig & Fils, Inc.
The Country Loft
D. K. Gifford
Wallpaper, Victorian The Matchmakers
(1) Documentary Reproduction Mercer Museum Shop
(2) Hand-Printed Reproduction Pandora's Quilt Museum
(3) Other Sunshine Ijine
Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. (2)
A.L. Diament & Co. (2)
Katzenbach and Warren, Inc. (1)
Open Pacific Graphics H)
Scalamandre Silks, Inc. (12)
Schumacher (1)
Richard E. Thibaut, Inc. (1.2)
The Ravenna Watts & Company Limited (2) Need another copy of
The Catalog?
Use Order Forms.
One of the designs of hand
blocked wallpapers from
our exclusive collection by
the Victorian architects See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers
Pugin, Bodley, Scott
and Garner.
Printed in any colour

For our unique and

attractive brochure
containing further
please send $2.00.

7, Ttifton Street, Westminster
London SW IP 3QB

The Old-House Journal 20 1979 Catalog

Interior Hardware, Plumbing & House Fittings

Bathroom Fixtures
(1) Bathtubs, Period Styles
(2) High-Tank Toilets
(3) Sinks—Period Styles
Alarm Systems—Fire & (4) Other
Bradley Corporation (3)
Security Brass Menagerie
Blaine Window Hardware, Inc. Broadway Supply Co. (3)

Search Heritage Collection
Is Over Your home is unique, and so is our
collection oTmosTerfully crofted door
hardware, bath fixtures and fittings
made of solid brass ... decorate
...for that Pull Chain Toilet I porcelain ... shimmering cfYstol...
richly grained wood. We feature
you’ve always wanted. standing lavatcxies. faucets, door
What a relief! After 50 years hardware (including rim locks), cabinet
hardware, and switch plates for
this classic commode is being Colonial and Victorian-style
manufactured again.Goneare architecture. We also offer complete
lines of decorative hardware of formal
the leaking gaskets and faulty French and English derivation, as well as
mail boxes, house letters, door knockers,
valves. Sunrise Salvage offers hooks, and so much more
you a functional vessel of Send $2.50 for our all-new, 90-page
Victorian history. illustrated color catalog

W 2210
I J San
f Pablo
Ca 94710
M-S 9to6
'Sun 10:30 to 4
416-845-4751 The Heritoge Colloctkjn
A Bfoodway Supply Compony Divteion
Purveyors of fine Victorian 7421 BfootJway • Konsos City. Mo. 64114

Brass and Oak memorabilia

Sunrise Salvage
1370 Catalog 21 The Old-House Journal
Newton Millham, Blacksmith (2.5)
Door Hinges Period Furniture Hardware Co. (I.3.4.5)
RIM BATHTUB. Quality plumbing (1) Brass & Bronre Pfanstiel Hardware Co. (I)
products charmingly recreated by (2) Iron Preservation Resource Center (4)
Kohler Ca Faucete in 24 carat goU (3) Early American Renovator’s Supply (12.4.5)
electroplate or chromium, with satin or (4) Victorian W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc (1.3)
polish^ finishes. Cast iron bath (5) Turn-of-Cerrtury Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. (2.5)
measures 6' by 36'. Available in Anti­ (€) Custom-Cast Brass & Bronte
que Red, Black Black, Parchment, (7) Custom-Wrought Iron
White. With ball-and-claw feet, "Anti­ (8) Other Dry Sinks & Liners
que” faucets. Literature 509. I8th Century Hardware Co. (2.8)

Ball and Ball (I. J. F. Orr & Sons

Kohler Ca Outer Banks Pine Products
Kohler, WI 63044 Bona Decorative Hardware (1.3)
Broadway Supply Co. (1) William Stewart & Sons
Cohaaset Colonials by Hagerty (3)
Colonial Latch & Hinge Co. (2)
The Canal Co. of Olde Towne (I) P.E. Guerin, Inc.
Domestic Environmental
(1) Hardware,
Horton Brasses (U3.4.5.6)
Alternatives (1.2,3) Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware (2.3)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (3) Old Guilford Forge (2) Duplication
Heads Up, Inc. (1,2,3) Paine & Chriscot, Inc. 0) Cast Brass & Bronze
Kohler Co. (I) Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith (2,3.7) (2) Cast Iron
George W. Mount, Inc. Period Furniture Hardware Co. (12) (3) Wrought Iron
The National House Inn (3) Pfanstiel Hardware Co. 0.5) 18th Century Hardware Co.
P & G New and Used Plumbing Supply, Renovator’s Supply (2.3) Bail and Ball (1)
Co. (2.4) Richard E. Sargent (2.7) Blaine Window Hardware, Inc. (1)
Chris Rheinschild (1.2) Wallin Forge (7) Brass Menagerie (1)
Sunrise Salv^e (1,2.3) Williamsburg Blacksmiths. Inc. (2.3) Fayston Iron and Steel Works (3)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (1)
Door Latches—Wrought Horton Brasses (1)
Paine &. Chriscot, Inc. (I)
BATHTUBS AND TOILETS. Repro­ Iron Preservation Resource Center (1)
ductions from designs in early plumb­ (1) Antique (Original) W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc (1)
ing catalogs. Bathtubs are copper, (2) New—Stock Items Wallin Forge (3)
trimmed in teak. Ibilets are custom (3) Custom-Made
made, with high or low wooden tanks. 18th Century Hardware Co. (2)
Send self addressed stamped envelope. Baldwin Hardware (2) Key Blanks—For Antique
S. Chris Rheinschild Ball and Ball (1.2.3) Locks
2220 Carlton Way Bona Decorative Hardware (2)
Santa Barbara. Cahf. 93109 18th Century Hardware Co.
Colonial Latch & Hinge Co. (2)
Ball and Ball
Fayston Iron and Steel Works (2)
Colella Enterprises, Ltd.
Horton Brasses (2)
Charles A. Hartwell
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware (2)
Reimer, Inc.
Old Guilford Forge (2)
Cabinet Period Furniture Hardware Co. (2)
Hardware—Period Renovator’s Supply (2) Shutters & Blinds,
Ball and Ball
Richard E. Sargent (2,3) Interior
W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc (2)
Broadway Supply Co. (1) New—Stock Items
Wallin Forge (3)
Colella Enterprises, Ltd. (2) Custom-Made
Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. (2)
P.E. Guerin, Inc. The Bank Architecturals
Horton Brasses Beauti-home (2)
Paine & Chriscot, Inc. Door Knobs & Great American Salvage Company, Inc.
Period Furniture Hardware Co. Escutcheons Hird/Blaker (1.2)
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. Historic Window.s (2)
(1) Brass & Bronze Lone Star Doors & Millwork
Renovator’s Supply (2) Porcelain & Glass Knobs (1)
Williamsburg Blacksmith.s, Inc. Mastercraft Industries, Inc. (1)
Paul M. Broomfield
Perkowitz Window Fashions, Inc (2)
Colella Enterprises, Ltd.
Renovator’s Supply
W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc
Shutter Hardware
(1) Brass & Bronze
HANDFORGED (1) Brass & Bronze (2) Iron
(2) Iron (3) Custom-Made
HARDWARE (3) Rim Locks Baldwin Hardware (1)
We specialize in House Hard­ (4) Mortised locks Ball and Ball (1.2.3)
ware Restorations. Hinges, (^ Early American Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware (2)
Latches, Andirons, Cranes, and (6) Victorian Newton Millham, Blacksmith (2)
Elarly Iron. Lighting devices, all (7) Turn-of-Century Period Furniture Hardware Co. (1)
in old colonial styles. (8) Otirer Renovator’s Supply (12)
Baldwin Hardware ( Wallin Forge (3)
F<w a catalogue, please send $2.00 to: Ball and Ball (
Bona Decorative Hardware U.
RICHARD E. SARGENT Brass Menagerie (1)
Box 63 Broadway Suf^ly Co. (U) Bowls—Replacement
Hartiand Four Comora, VT. 05046 Colella Enterprises, Ltd.
Fhona B02-436-2S37 (1) P.E. Guerin, Inc.
Colonial Lock Company (2.3) Heads Up, Inc.
Folger Adam Co. (1.3) Mayfair China Corp.
Charles A. Hartwell (8) Period Furniture Hardware Co.

The Old-Bouse Journal 22 1973 Catalog

Our "Golden Glow" Brass Polish is shipped in
minimum lots of two (2) one pint cans for $5.00,
which includes postage, add $1.00 west of the

1079 Catalog 23 The Old-Kouse Journal

Faucets—Old Styles
CEILING FANS have been around a (I) Antique (Salvage)
hundred years. They’re economical, 0 New (Reproduction)
maintenance-free, reduce your cooling (3) OM Faucet Parts
and heating billa. They tranquilize you Artistic Brass 0
and flying inaects. You'll be delighted Broadway Supply Co. (2)
with their p^ormance. Dentro Plumbing Speciaiities (1.3)
Delaware Electric P.E. Guerin, Inc. (2)
111 & Delaware Ave Yardley. PA 19067 Kohler Co. (2)
(216) 493-1795 Materials Unlimited (I)
The National House Inn (2)
P & G New and Used Plumbing Supply.
Co. (1)
Renovator’s Supply (2)
CUSTOM MADE Sunrise Salvage
CEILING FANS Fans, Ceiling
The Ceiling Fan Company
RICH BRASS APPOINTMENTS. Delaware Electric Imports
FURNITURE - FINISH BLADES Jedco Products Sliding Door Tracks &
Hunter Div. - Robbins & Myers Hardware
Royal Windyne Ltd. Blaine Window Hardware. Inc.
Grant Hardware Company Div. of Buildex,
EN]OY THE RELAXING BREEZE Minnesota Wt^workers Supply
Simon’s Hardware
YEAR ROUND Cuslotn ceiling fans
i inclycraftea A AHTIQUI i CUSTOM
W Brass & Bronze
unsurpassed in quality' HEU CEILING FANS (2) Iron
(3) Custom-Made
We Ball and Ball (1.2.3)
BRASS. COPFU OS Blaine Window Hardware, Inc. ai
Cciliqg 9^/7 CaSOME TSIH

Bona Decorative Hardware
P.E. Guerin, Inc. (i)
Period Furniture Hardware Co. (1)

4m nth Avt
CATALOG... $1.00
Other Interior Hardware
Miani, Flerida. 33IS5 & Fittings
()0S) 266-S899 The Blacksmith Shop

See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers

The Old-House Journal 2t 1979 Catalog

Heating Systems, Fireplaces & Stoves

Auxiliary Fireplace Stove Pipe & Fittings

Devices to Increase Heat
Cumberland General Store
Country Living Neeils Kristia Associates
Thompson & Anderson, Inc.

Radiant Grate, Inc.

THESE GOODS REALLY FOR SALE? Other Heating Equipment
YOU BET! Ardmore Textured Metals
Thermograte Enterprises, Inc.
Coppenware Stoneware, Tum-of>th*-Canlury
Hantwaraand Lampa, Oak Furnllura, Coffoa Milla, Shenandoah Manufacturing Co.
Kraut Cuttari, Cof^r Kaltlea, Waah Pota, Wood
Central Heating Slovaa, Keroaeno Lamp#, f*umpa, Churna, BaakaU,
Systems—Wood Fired Oak Kapa, Calico. Catling Farta, arkd all odrar mor- Solar Heating Systems
efwidlaajFOu could axpoct from an ola lima country D.A.S. Solar
Charmaster Products Inc. ganoral alora. All rtew goods and all In our big
Cumberland General Store new “WISH & WANT BOOK" Cataloguo. 2S0
largo pogoa ol morchandlao you ibought would
novor bo avaMabla again. Order your copy today •
Chimney Brushes only $3.00 ppd. and worth II. wo guaranloo III I!

Kristia Associates Cumberland General Store

Woodmart Dept. OH Rt. 3 CrossviUe, TN 385S5

Coal Grates
(I) Coal-Burning
Need another copy of
0 Simulated
Cumberland General Store (!)
The Catalog?
Lemee’s Fireplace Equipment (1) Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith a.4.9)
Use Order Forms.
Period Furniture Hardware Co. a.
Portland Willamette Company
Fireplaces, Manufactured (U0.114.5.6M9)
Cumberland General Store Renovator’s Supply (J.18.9)
Fireplaces by Martin Richard E. Sargent (1.4)
Heatilator Fireplace The John P. Smith Company (8)
Kristia Associates Wallin Forge 0.4.5)
Preway, Inc. Washington Stove Works (3)
Readybuilt Products, Co.

Fireplace Dampers &

Structural Parts Stoves
Cumberland General Store 0) Heating
Heatilator Fireplace 0 Coobng (Kitchen)
(3) Wood-Burning
Gas Logs (4) (ioal-Burning
Adirondack Hudson Arms (!)
Heatilator Fireplace Cornucopia (3)
Lemee’s Fireplace Equipment Cumberland General Store (2.4)
Readybuilt Products, Co. Good Time Stove Co. (2.3.4) rhe Defiant
Kristia Associates
Fireplace Accessories (3) Classic Grace,
Lemee's Fireplace Equipment
0) Andirons
Pioneer Lamps & Stoves
Preston Distributing Company
OZ3.4) Total Efficiency
(2) Bellows We designed the Defiant and Its smaller brother.
Radiant Grate, Inc. (2) the Vigilanl. lo embody the simple grace dod fun<
(3) Coal Scuttles Shenandoah Manufacturing Co. 0.3.4) tional efficiency seen in much cm the Early Ameri­
(4) Craries Southold Stove Works 0.3.4) can archnecture suaouiHjing us here in Vermoni
(5) fenders We build them to continue that tradition . proving
Vermont Castings, Inc. 0.3) that an efficient woodstove*can be a pleaurtg
(S) Firebacks Vermont Woodstove Co. 0.3) piece of furniture rather than an ugly ahernative
(7) Firegrates Victorian Reproductions 0.3) to the hi^ price of oti.
(8) Firescreens Washington Stove Works Our stoves are the first airtight. aU cast-iron and
(9) Pokers & Fireplace Tools thermostatically controlled woodstoves rttade in
OO) Wood Baskets America. Both are fuDy baffled, with pre-heater
ait passages and secondary combustion chambers
Ball and Ball (14.5,8.9) to maximize heat output
The Blacksmith Shop 0, Both stoves will hold a fire up to 14 hours.
Both offer smokeless loading of large-size logs.
The Country Loft 00) Stove Parte With the doors cmn or off, you can warm your
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg feet at a friendly nre.
Custom Wrought Products 0.10.5,7.8.9) Ardmore Textured Metals
Find out more about the lifetime Investrrient in
The Essex Forge 0.9) Empire Stove & Furnace Co. fuel-saving warmth the Defiant and the Vigdant
Fayston Iron and Steel Works (4.8) Kristia Associates offer you Send $1 for our detailed Operation
Preston Distributing Company Manual and color literature to:
Hurley Patentee Lighting (8)
Wm. H. Jackson Co. (?) Rutland Products Vermont Castings, Inc.
Wrightsville Hardware ^^DepHOMJ^Randolgh^cmion^SO^^^
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware 0.9)
Lemee’s Fireplace Elquipment
Newton Millham, Blacksmith 0.4.9)
George W. Mount, Inc.

1073 Catalog 25 The OM-Bouse Journal

Lighting Fixtures & Parts

Authentic Colonial Chandeliers in

Solid Brass. 17th Century reproduc­
tions. 6-8-12 arms. Genuine hand
painted Delft tiles, the largest selection
in the U.S.A.
CHANDELIER Dutch Products and Supply Co.
Handcrafted to the drip 14 S. Main St., Yardley, PA 19067
on the tapered candles (215) 493-4873

Two-tier, 4 arms over 8 arms

Pewter coated or painted.
15 ' from Ring to Hook. Ceiling & Wall Fixtures,
Diameter 27" Early American
Cstaiogurs ^2.00 trfHnded with tit pHtcbnf (U Chandeliers, Antique (Original)
(2) Chandeliers, Rei^oduction
(3) Lanterns. Antique (Original)
(4) Lanterns. Reproduction
oove (5) Sconces, Antique (Original)
(S) Sconces. Reproduction
RIVER ROAD. SILVBRMINE Anderson's Antique Lighting (I.S)
NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06850 Authentic Designs (2.4.6)
Authentic Reproduction Lighting (2.6)
Baldwin Hardware (6)
Ball and Ball (2.5.6)
Chapman Manufacturing Co. (2.6)
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (2.6)
Colonial Casting Co. (6)

^^TDcsigncrs 6 Craftsmen
★ Lighting Fixtures ★

** *^*Lantcms • Postlights • Chandeliers of Tin.Copper,Brass and Pewter

Liting theWay, a tradition at THE SALTBOX(^
write for our new catalog $.75
2229 Marietta Pike, Lancaster, PA 17603 The Sudsbury
608 North Green St., Greensboro, NC 27401 solid brass
216 West Maxwell St.. Lexington. KY 40508 Sm 13W X 28H
^^uthcntic Reproductions for p Lg t6W X 38H

rimitivc-country-formal homes \

65 Oak St., Lititz, PA 17543
Reproduction & Restoration
Building Products
Random width pine floor boards i
Beaded baseboards fi
Primitive wall panelling
White washed ceiling boards
Ceiling and mantle beams
House and barn siding %
Guyon RusticWood Rroducts ■]

4 portfolio & samples ^

^ $2.00 nothing quite like them in this century
.X *
A- • THE SAl rsox I97»

Tha Old-Bouse Journal 2fi 1370 Catalog

f IHetal l^ccialtfea (Eo. 3nc.
(toUmUil CiBl[tbig


Declare your good taste in the timeless tra­

dition of Colonial America. The undisputed
elegance of those times is caught here in
Uie gleam of solid cast brass and antique
miiTor scrolls. This hand crafted early 18th
Century Flemish reproduction reflects the
sense of quality and distinctive simplicity
on which this country was founded . . .
and on which it still standsi Make your
declaration one of elegance and quality.
Visit us soon.

In addition to the ANTIQUE COPPER

M 16W W 10" O IV
finest collection $79.00
of chandeliers
carved imported YOUR HOME. SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIF­
Santf $f.00 for catalog
Between 1-85 and Northside Drive at 530 Fourteenth Street, N. W. HURLEY PATENTEE LIGHTING
Atlanta, Georgia j Open 8-5 weekdays - 9-1 Saturdays / Ample free
parking / Telephoise (404) 875-4756 0

Colonial MetalcraRers Lamplighter Shoppe (2.4.S)

Colonial Tin Craft (2.4.6) The Lennox Shop (2A.B)
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg 26
( . ) MarLe Company (4)
Dutch Products & Supply Co. (2) Mercer Museum Shop (2,4)
The Essex Forge (2.4.6) Metal Specialties Co.
Gates Moore (2.4.6) Newstamp Lighting Co. (2.4.6)
Georgia Lighting (2.4.6) Nowell’s, Inc. (I)
Heritage Lanterns (2.4.6) Old Lamplighter Shop
Horton Brasses (6) Stephen W. Parker - Blacksmith (2)
Hurley Patentee Lighting (2.4.6) Period Furniture Hardware Co. (2.4,6)
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware (2.4) Period Lighting Fixtures (2,4.6)
King’s Chandelier Co. (2) CHANDELIERS. LAMPS. SCONCES
Renovator’s Supply (2.4.6) REPLICAS SO TRUE, THEY
The Saltbox (2.4.6) CARRY A LOOK OF 200 YEARS
Richard E. Sargent S«nd $i.00 for catalog
William Stewart & Sons (2.4.6)
When you United House Wrecking Corp. (i) VISIT
contact The Village Forge (2)
Village Lantern (2.4.6) :xi ii.Ci.Tt'LPrtffnTEf
a company, Wallin Forge (2)
please mention the Washington Copper Works (2.4.6) a numoB
Old-House Journal The Washington House of NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK
Catalog. Reproductions (6) R.D. T. BOX H*. KINCSTOM. N.V. 11*01
Ye Olde Tin Shop (4)

1973 Catalog 27 The Old-Bouse Journal

CeUing & Wall
(1) Cl)jnde}fers, Antique (Original)
(2) Chandeliers. Reproduction
(3) Lanterns. Antique (Original)
(4) Lanterns. Reproduction
(5) Sconces, Antique
(B) Sconces, Reproduction
Alcon Lightcrafi Co.
Anderson’s Antique Lighting (1.5)
Ball and Ball as)
Carriage Trade of Tahoe (4.6)
Chapman Manufacturing Co. (2.4.6)
City Knickerbocker, Inc. (U5.6)
The Classic Illumination (2.6)
Graham’s Lighting Fixtures
Great American ^Ivage Company,
Inc. (2)
King’s Chandelier Co. (2)
The London Venturers Company (U.5)
Luigi Crystal (2.6)
Magnolia Hall (2.6)
MarLe Company (4)
Louis Mattia (I)
Nowell’s, Inc. a.
Old Lamplighter Shop 0,2)
Pioneer Lamps & Stoves (2.6)
Plantation Lighting Inc. (2.6)
Renovator’s Supply (2.4.6)
Sandy Springs Galleries 0)
St. Louis Antique Lighting Co.
Stansfield’s Lamp Shop (I)
Victorian Reproductions
The Washin^on House of
Reproductions (2)
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (I)

Restoring a Brownstone?

for period homes
and buildings.
Send a sketch of ORIGINAL
your requirements, GAS AND OIL
and we’ll quote LIGHTING FIXTURES
promptly. 1900- 1910
Recent installations; Town Bandstaud
LeRaysville, Pa. restored, wired, and ready to hang

Ulysses Grant Homestead catalog $1.00

Galena. II.
we ship anywhere

MarI! Ca EsUbliihrd... I92S

Write (or Catalogue - 12.
170 Summer St. or, Telephone: COMPANY
Stamford, Connecticut 06901 (203)348 2645 HOCKPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 01966
617 - 546-7161 or 546-6695

The Old-House Journal 28 1979 Catalog

Ceiling & Wall
Fixtures—Turn-of-Century Period Lighting; 1880-1930. Restore or 0
decorate with fine old gas, electric, or
& Art Nouveau combination fixtures. Exquisitely
U) Chandeliers, Antiqite (Original) hand crafted reproduction ceiling fix­
(2) Chandeliers, Reproduction tures, sconces and lamps. Direct in­
(3) Lanterns. Antique (Original)
(4) Lanterns, Reproduction
quiries: lightcraft Co
St. Louis Antique Lighting Co.
(5J Sconces. Antique (Original) 4382 Westminster Place
(6) Sconces, Reproduction St. Louis. MO 63108 314-536-9495
Aicon Lightcraft Co.
a.s) Antique and reproduction
Anderson’s Antique Lighting
Chapman Manufacturing Co. (2.4.6) Victorian and
City Knickerbocker, Inc- (U.S.6) Turn Of The
The Classic Illumination (2.6) Century
Gas Mantles Fixtures and Sconces.
Jo-El Shop
The London Venturers Company (I.3.S) Cumberland General Store Inquiries with S.A.S.E. will be answered.
Magnolia Hall (2.6) Nowell's, Inc.
Louis Mattia U) Old Lamplighter Shop
Moriarty’s Lamp (1.5) 1424 West Alabama
Nowell’s, Inc. 0.2) Houston, Texas 77006
Old Lamplighter Shop (2.3,4,5.6) (713) 5260680
Sandy Springs Galleries 0)
Stansfield’s Lamp Shop (U)
The Washington House of
Reproductions (2)
The Wrecking Bar, Inc. (I)
Kerosene Lamps &
Cumberland General Store
Faire Harbour Ltd.
Heritage Lanterns
Lamplighter Shoppe
The London Venturers Company
Nowell’s, Inc.
Old Lamplighter Shop
Pioneer Lamps & Stoves
Washington Copper Works

Lighting Fixtures—Gas
0) Antique (Original)
(2) New Reproduction
The London Venturers Company 0)
Nowell’s, Inc. 0.2)
Old Lamplighter Shop 0)


Old Chandeliers, Wall lights. Lamps,
Bulbs, Glass Shades. 1890-1930’s.
Most are brass with glass shades for
houses. Chance or appointment.
Catalog S2.
Jo-El Sbt^
7120 Hawkins Creamery Road
Laytonsville, Md. 20760
Phone (301) 253-3951

See Company Directory for

Addreaaea & Phone Numbers

1979 Catalog 29 The Old-House Journal

Lighting Fixture Paints, Finishes,
W Globes
0 Shades Removers & Supplies
(3) Prisms
i4) Other (Specify)
Alcon Lightcraft Co.
Angelo Brothers Co. (1.2)
Blenko Glass Co., Inc. (2) Horton Brasses
Campbell Lamps (1,2) Basement Waterproofing (1)
Renovator’s Supply
City Knickerbocker, Inc. (1,2) Paints & Compounds Woodcare Corporation (I)
Cumberland General Store (1,2) Cabot Stains
Faire Harbour Ltd. (1,2) Bei\jamin Moore & Co.
Lui^ Crystal (1.2,3) Rutland Products
Finish Revivers
Mori arty’s Lamp (2) Standard Dry Wall Products H. Behlen & Bros.
Nowell's, Inc. (1.2) United Gilsonite Laboratories Broadnax Refinishing Products, Inc.
Old Lamplighter Shop (IJ.3) United States Gypsum Company Daly's Wood Finishing Products
Renovator’s Supply Finish Feeder Company
The Washington House of Formby’s Refinishing F*nxl.
Reproductions (1,2,3) Bleach, Wood The Hope Co., Inc.
H. Behlen & Bros. Renovator’s Supply
Cabot Stains Woodcare Corporation
Chem-Clean Furniture Restoration Center
Lighting Fixture Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Parts—Metal Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
Flatting Oils
Cumberland General Store Janovic/Plaza, Inc. H. Behlen & Bros.
Faire Harbour Ltd. Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Lever Arms Service LTD Brass Lacquer
Luigi Crystal Glass Cleaners
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. H. Behlen & Bros.
Minnesota Woodworkers Supply Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc. Ed Skrocki
Moriarty’s Lamp Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
Old Lamplighter Shop Janovic/Plaza, Inc, Glazing Stains &
The Washington House of Reproductions Liquids
Bronzing & Gilding
H. Behlen & Bros.
Other Lighting Fixtures & Liquids Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Parts H. Behlen & Bros. Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
Ball and Ball Jartovic/Piaza, Inc. Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
Great American Salvage Company, Inc. Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Old Lamplighter Shop Cleaners & Polishes, Benjamin Moore & Co.
0) Brass & Copper
(2) Silver Gold Leaf
(3) Stove Polish H. Behlen & Bros.
Bradford-Park Corp. Peg Hall Studios
The Butcher Polish Co. (3) Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
Competition Chemicals (I) Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Cumberland General Store (3) M. Swill & Sons, Inc.
J. Goddard & Sons
The Hope Co., Inc. Lacquers, Clear &
H. Behlen & Bros.
Deft, Inc.
HOPE’S Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
GRILL and STOVE Janovic/Plaza, Inc.

BLACK Marble Cleaners, Sealers

& Polishes
Heat Resistant to 1200^F
J. Goddard & Sons
Just wipe on NO BRUSHES NEEDED Vermont Marble Co.
Restores Beauty & Lustre to Milk Paints
Pot Bellied Stoves Cr^asset Colonials by Hagerty
' Bar 6 Q Grills Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Co.
Need another copy of lron Grill Work
The Catalog?
Use Order Forms.
16 OZ. M.96 RETAIL
Fireplace Equipment
Lite Posts • Iron Fences
See Company Directory

for Addresses & Phone Numbers

The Hope Co., Inc.
P.O. 80x28431 * St. Louis, MO 63141

The Old-House Journal » 1979 Catalog

Oil Finishes, Natural Paint Stripping Putty, Colored
H. Behlen & Bros. Chemicals H. Behlen & Bros.
Broadnax Refinishing Products, Inc. American Building Restoration Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
Cabot Stains H. Behlen & Bros.
Chem-Clean Furniture Restoration Center Rutland Products
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty
Daly’s Wood Finishing Products Chemical Products Co., Inc.
Formby's Refinishing Prod. Delhi Chemicals, Inc. Rust & Corrosion
Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc. Minnesota Woodworkers Supply Removers
McCloskey Varnish Co. North Coast Chemical Co.
Bradford-Park Corp.
Minnesota Woodworkers Supply ProSoCo, Inc.
DAP, Inc.
Minwax Company, Inc. Rutland Products
Renovator’s Supply
Renovator’s Supply Savogran Co.
United Gilsonite Laboratories N^oodhill Permatex
Watco - Dennis Corporation
Woodcare Corporation
Woodcraft Supply Corp.
\ Sealers, Wood
Paints—Period Colors
H. Behlen & Bros.
(1) Exterw Pigments & Tinting Broadnax Refinishing Products, Inc.
(2) Interior DAP, Inc.
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty (2) Colors Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg (1.2) H. Behlen & Bros. Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
Finnaren & Haley, Inc. Janovic/Plaza, Inc. Benjamin Moore & Co.
Fuller O’Brien Paints 0.2) Benjamin Moore & Co. Renovator's Supply
Janovic/Plaza, Inc. (1.2)
United States Gypsum Company
Benjamin Moore & Co. (12)
Munsell Color
Porcelain ReHnishing Watco - Dennis Corporation
Pittsburgh Paints iil2) Materials
Turco Coatings Incorporated (1.2) Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Woodhill Permatex
Zynoiyte Products Co.
or wallpaper colors in your home. Send
a swatch and quantity required. We
will send a free estimate by return mail.
Janovic/Plaza See Company Directory for Addressee & Phone Numbers
1292 First Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021

When you decide to restore

an old home...
Do it right!

Refinishing wood work and paneling in an

T oider home, or the antique furniture you put
in it, requires careful, meticulous work. To do
the job right, please ask us first. This kind of
i work is a big part of our business. For interior
finishing or refinishing you won’t find a better
product than Daly’s Ben Matte Turig-Oil Stain,
iia3£*2£n!i just one of many expertly prepared stains and
wood product finishes we make ourselves to
help people like you.
Write to: Jim Daly, Daly’s Wood Finishing
Products, 1121 N. 36th, Seattle, WA 98103,
cucnai (206)633-4204.
I ■ I
II Wood Fir^shlng Products

1979 Catalog 31 The Old-House Journal

Specialty Paints & Wallpaper Removers,
(1) Cafcimine
Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
If you love
(2) Casein
(3} Whitewash
Savogran Co.
(4} Texture Paints
(5) Other
Barnard Chemical Co. (5}
Waxes, Microcrystalline &
Other Specialty
Deerfield Home Bldg. (5) Black Wax — Pacific Engineering
Peg Hall Studios <S) The Butcher Polish Co.
Illinois Bronze Paint Co. Finish Feeder Company
Janovic/Plaza, Inc. (2.3.4) Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
United States Gypsum Company (4) Minwax Company, Inc.
Renovator's Supply
Stains, Wood Worf(ffamous since 1660 for
H. Behlen & Bros. Wood Grain Fillers 8ie care offtarcfwoiKf floors,
Cabot Stains
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty
H. Behlen & Bros. anfique furnifure anct wooeC
DAP, Inc.
Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc.
panefinj. oUacfe (o ffit
Daly’s Wood Finishing Products Janovic/Plaza, Inc. oryinaCfbrmuCa. (ftis />
Darworth Co.
Deft, Inc.
Benjamin Moore & Co. (he samepasfe wax anxC
Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc. poCisRusesfin Beacon Hiff
Other Finishes & Supplies
Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
Minwax Company, Inc.
resfcCences ancCmuseums
H. Behlen & Bros.
Turco Coatings Incorporated Boat Life, Inc.
arounaC [Re worfif
United Gilsonite Laboratories The Butcher Polish Co. 3enif 50^ for our"han(fy
United States Gypsum Company
Watco • Dennis Corporation
DAP, Inc. Tips on WoocCCare"BooRief
The Hope Co., Inc.
Renovator’s Supply Th« Bulchwr Polish Co.
Rutland Product Marlborough, Mast. 017S2
Tung OU Savogran Co. Dopt. OHJ
H. Behlen & Bros. Woodhill Permatex
Broadnax Refinishing Products, Inc.
Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Formby’s Refinishing Prod.
The Hope Co., Inc.
Renovator’s Supply
Woodcare Corporation
See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers

H. Behlen & Bros.
DAP, Inc
Daly’s Wood Finishing Products
Deft, Inc.
Illinois Bronze Paint Co.
McCloekey Varnish Co. When you
Minwax Company, Inc.
Benjamin Moore & Co.
North Coast Chemical Co- a company,
Pierce & Stevens Chemical Corp. please mention the
United Gilsonite Laboratories Old'House Journal
United States Gypsum Company

Try New
rubbed on wllfi siee1 K
wool — mells away old ^
finish and rasiores original
beauty tS OOql
OIL PHOCUdV. Alter old linish
has been restored (or removed)
—apply Tung Oil. for a hard, fast
drying, satin finish. (Just rub on,
no brushes needed) $4 00 pi.
(100% PURE
TUNG OIL. Still Post Paid from
available at
$$.00 plnt-l THE HOPE CO.
P. O. Box 2S431 (OHJ)
ST. LOUIS. MO. S3141

The Old-House Journal 32 1379 Catalog

Tools & Other Supplies

Adzes, Froes & Hand House Plans, Period

Hewing Tools Designs
Cumberland General Store (1) Early American
Frog Tool Co., Ltd. (2) Victorian
Wallin Forge Q) Turn-of-Century
Woodcraft Supply Corp. A.S.L. Associates (2)
Architectural Period Houses (!)
Bow House, Inc.
Canvas for Walls David Howard, Inc.
Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Chair Seat Repair
0) Canjng. Wicker. Etc.
• Shad} place for a cool drink DIRECT FROM
(2) Chair Tapes • Buffet place for your yard parties
(3) Pressed Fiber Replacement Seats • C hange-house or bar at poolaide MANUFACTURER
• Winter storage for lawn furniture
(4) Other Chair Repair Supplies
Cane & Basket Supply Company (I) ARt HITtXTS BLUEPRINTS Came Leads,
Dover Furniture Stripping (1) Wood I'onalruelion approv H ft diameCer
Solder and
Guild of Shaker Crafts (2) and 7'-4" inaide height. These drawings
are ideal lur contractor's estirnaie and Toolsl
Minnesota Woodworkers Supply (3)
ronsiruclioii If you're hand} and can
Newell Workshop (1.4) read blueprints, build it yourself SIO.OO Everything you need
Noel Wise Antiques (!) includes 3 drawings 17 "\22 ' plus mater­ tor the professional or beginner.
Pat's Etcetera Company (3) ial list, postage and handling
Wide selection ot tools and
A..S,i., ASSOCIATES. Dept materials with instructions all in our
P.O Box 6296 (3021 Hacienda St.) eiciling new catalog Send S> 00 lor your
Graining Tools San Mateo. Calif. 94403____________ copy today. Sabslaction guaranteed.
S09t 2nilSl. Oapt PI. So Soslon Mass 02127
Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
Stencil Specialty Co.

Leaded & Stained Glass

Supplies & Kits
A HOUSEWRIGHT’S FANCY 99 (1) Tools & Supplies
(2) Lamp Shade Kits
Blenko Glass Co., Inc.
Cline Glass Company
Coran — Sholes Industries 0.2)
Glassmasters Guild (!)
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Co. (i.2)

Mold-Making Materials
(1) Molding Agents
(2) Casting Plaster
(3) Other Casting Agents
Rutland Products (2)
United States Gypsum Company (2)

Nails, Hand-Made
Ball and Ball
Newton Millham, Blacksmith
Our new Victorian brochure of 12 designs contains Bracketed Cottage, Renovator’s Supply
Carpenter's Gothic, Stick Style, Queen Anne, and Shingle Style houses from Tremont Nail Company
the age of A. J. Downing, Wheeler, young Frank Lloyd Wright, John Calvin Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Stevens, and McKim, Mead & White.
Also offered, our improved New England brochure of 12 historic houses, now Paint Stripping Tools
with some new house designs, garages, barns, and information on how we (!) Hot Air Giins
may assist with your site planning. (2) Mechanical Scrapers
Our plans construction-tested in our New England construction program. (3) Rotary Tools
Hyde Manufacturing Company
‘THE GOLDEN AGE OF VICTORIAN'—brochure $3 □ Old-House Journal (!)
Woodcraft Supply Corp. 0

1379 Catalog 33 The Old-House Journal

Ti»e Basies*
iiv lic«®*******l Xried

siasti«a"^ AcrsWt*® Have

Bfltl*** UaVs R***®*^
the jou
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^;^vt ■ «e\ave ^s-« „a.ers. form
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industr ial
^■^fs vastly
''^f^a^’' with po int , ,
But /the &on only
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reader ^eo^ » made gpec
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uniiSt JOUR^i^^.^cturer o^ders. Heat goo

SO THh ^^l^rec^iy to gun. pRlCh

-* war
‘-. the edttots. ^0 volts.
It isof the at forto
ion draws order Gun»:
and KPPiiiSSi tte^
beavy -Duty
of the Shipp

»—- he


Assembles in minutes and is completely self contained
New 28 page book, 130 dear illustra­ from that point on. Adjusts without the use of other tools
tions, easy to follow instructions shows
from 8x8 to 36x48 inch frames.
Distributor inquiries welcome.
tools to use for fix-up, paint-up. resto­
ration, redecorating for inside and out­ UNIVERSAL CLAMP CORP.
side home improvement projects 6905 Cedros Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405 213/780-1015
Book shows how to remove old wall­
paper, hang wallcoverings, remove old
paint, prepare surfaces for painting,
decorating, build brick and block walls,
cut. slice and trim building materials,
the use of craft knives, etc.
Wood Fillers & Patching
DAP, Inc.
Gougeon Bros., Inc.
Renovator’s Supply
Rutland Products
Planes, Wood-Moulding
Cumberland General Store
Frog Tool Co., Ltd.
Woodworking Tools,
Iron Horse Antiques, Inc- Hand
Garrett Wade Company Brookstone
Woodcraft Supply Corp. Cumberland General Store
Dremel Manufacturing
Plastering & Masonry Eagle Creek Industries
Frog Tool Co., Ltd.
Tools Iron Horse Antiques. Inc.
Hyde Manufacturing Company Leichtung, Inc.
Marshalltown Trowel Co. U. S. General Supply Corp.
Universal Clamp Corp.
Plaster Patching Garrett Wade Company
WtHKlcraft Supply Corp.
Rutland Products
United States Gypsum Company
Other Restoration Tools &
Upholstery Tools & Renovator’s Supply
Tremont Nail Company
(1} Upholsteiy Supplies, Webbing Batting, Etc.
0 Upholstery fools
Minne.sota Woodworkers Supply a.2) Need another copy of
Wallpapering &
The Catalog?
Decorating Tools Use Order Forms.
Hyde Manufacturing Company
Pittsburgh Paints
Rollerwall, Inc.
Stencil Specialty Co.

Weatherstripping See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers

Schlegel Corporation — Weatherstripping

1079 Catalog 3S The Old-House Journal


& Recycled
House Parts

Antique & Recycled

House Parts
1874 House
Architectural Antiques
Architectural Ecology
Architectural Salvage of Santa Barbara
Architiques Enterprises, Inc.
Art Directions
Artifacts Inc.
A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc.
Baltimore City Salvage Depot
The Bank Architecturals
Paul M. Broomfield
Castle Burlingame
CHIMNEY BREAST Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques
Destin’s Designs
1740 - 1760 Gargoyles, Ltd.
Great American Salvage Company, Inc. OLD MANSIONS COMPANY
NEW HAMPSHIRE Historic Boulevard Services 1305 BLUE HILL AVENUE
Irreplaceable Artifacts MATTAPAN, MASS. 02126
Kensington Historical Company
Joe Ley Antiques
A graduated raised panel Chimney Materials Unlimited A/I U/ilimited Resource of
Architectural Antiques in
Breast from Greenland, N.H. The
Metropolitan Boston
piece is exceptional for the inclu>
sion of fluted pilasters and flanking
panels to the fireplace opening. Doors, Mantels, Iron
Fencing, Restaurant
We would always be happy to
and Club Furnishings,
purchase additonal items of Garden Furniture,
this quality. Terrace and French
Doors, Leaded Stained
Glass Windows,
PANELING • FLOORING Stairway Components,
>. rntiirv
Antique Store
REPRODUCTION MILLVVORK European Furnishings, Granite
CUSTOM BLACKSMITH WORK and Slate, Ornamental
JVrchiteclural Antiques Grilles, Wide Boards,
Preserved f/muigli die Ages for your
yreaf old house . . . brackets to Stoves, Hot Air
Kensington oalusters ♦ chandeliers to col­
umns • doors • mantels • iron
Registers, Newel Posts,
Historical Company gales • stained and leaded glass Old Hardware, Plaster
• paneling • fretwork • tiles
Write for our free brochure
Garden Sculpture,
18th Century Building Materials Columns, Tile.
P.O. Box 87 East Kingston, N.H. «kii)§ Ban
1^ By Appointment
(603) 778-0686
2801 McKinrwy«Dallas, Texat 7S204 Call 617-296-0737
(214) 826-1717
We crate and ship anyu'hert-
or 296-0445

The Old-Houee Journal 3E 1379 Catalog

Recycled Houses, Barns &
Other Structures
A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc.
The Barn People
Robert W. Belcher
Bow House, Inc.
David Howard, Inc.
Mountain Lumber Company MOUNTAIN
Myers Restorations and Const.
John A. Wigen Restorations LUMBER COMPANY
Dealers in
Rare & Special Woods

P.O. Box 7
Free Union, Virginia 22940
iUucrs l^fatoratiinia auh Telephone
Old House Supplies (Conatructictix (!lo. (804) 295-1922
Old Mansions Co.
Old Yellow House Restoration Old heart-pine, wide plank
Olde^ Theatre Architectural Salvage Co.
Rejuvenation House Parts Co. Antique Log House Specialists flooring. Butternut and
Sandy Springs Galleries chestnut paneling
The Second Chance Old Log Cabins—Beams
• Selling and relocating
Greg Spiess, Inc.
• Reconstruction & Restoration
Strip Shop Our selection ot wood may be seen at
• Contracting & Consultation
Sunrise Salvage our warehouse in
R.T. Trump & Co., Inc. WASHINGTON. KY. 410% Charlottesviile, Virginia.
BOX 21
United House Wrecking Corp.
606 - 7S9-7470
Urban Archeology, Ltd.
Dennis C. Walker
Webster’s Landing Architectural Antiques
Westlake Architectural Antiques
John A. Wigen Restorations
The Wrecking Bar, Inc.


Browse thru S acres ol relics

& nostalgia. More then 30,000
sq.ft, of buildings loaded with
fumllupe, relics from old
The Barn ftople
houaea, marina aalvaga, sta* Have you always wanted to own and live in a vintage
Ined glaas, farm & country
store Itama, lighting fixturaa, eighteenth or nineteenth century barn?
anilquaa, fabulous raproduc*
tlonaand just plain junk. Conn- Are you frustrated because all of the barns in your area
Tumpika. Exit 6. Closed Sun-
deye B Mondays. Write for have already been taken?
free literature.
Would you (ike to come to Vermont, pick out a barn that
328 Selleck SI., Stamford, Ct. 06902 fits your functional and esthetic needs...And have it
Telephone (203) 348-S371 dismantled and reassembled back home on your
The Barn People can and will do this for you.. .at a price
that will surprise you.
Our summer portfolio will give you all of the information
that will set you on a course to fulfilling your lifelong
See Company Directory for dream.
Send ten dollars to The Barn People, P.O. Box 4
Addresses & Phone Numbers
South Woodstock, Vermont 05071.

1079 Catalog 37 The Old-Bouse Journal

Restoration Services

Antique Shops Consulting Cabinetmaking & Fine

Services—Restoration Woodworking
1874 House
Accurate Building Inspectors & Alvin Ubell Amherst Woodworking & Supply
The Canal Co. of Olde Towne
A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc. Architectural Woodworks
Combray & The Hawthorn Bush
The Barn People Boston Cabinet-Making Inc.
Iron Horse Antiques, Inc.
E.F. Barta - Restorations Douglas Campbell Co.
Nowell’s, Inc. Robert W. Belcher
Pat's Etcetera Company Crowfoot’s Inc.
G. Stephen Bierman R.H. Davis, Inc.
Pine Bough
T. Robins Brown Douglas Gest Co.
Stansfield’s Lamp Shop
Consulting Services Group HirdyBlaker
Webster’s Landing Architectural Antiques
R.H. Davis. Inc. Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners
Design Woodwork, Inc- D.R. Millbranlh - Cabinetmaker
The Heritage Conservation Group Restorations Unlimited, Inc.
Historic B<wlevard Services Dennis Paul Robillard, Inc.
Antique Repair & International Consultants, Inc Smith Fine Custom Furniture
Restoration K M H Associates, Inc. Specialty Millwork Co.
Alexandria Wood Joinery Kensington Historical Company Up Country Enterprise Corp.
Anest & Anest Landmark Company — Architects & Builders The Wagon House Cabinetmaking
Antique Quilt Repair Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners The Robert Whitley Studio
E.F. Barta - Restorations Myers Restorations and Const.
Nelson Beck of Wash. Inc. Old House Supplies
Old Mansions Co.
R.H. Davis, Inc.
Dovetail Stephen A. Olivo, Jr. R.H. Davis, Inc.
Harry A. Eberhardt & Son, Inc. Pendersen Design & Consulting Engineers Deerfield Home Bldg.
Expert Metal Craftsman Preservation Associates, Inc. House Joiner
The Golden Fleece Preservation Enterprises Kensington Historical Company
Charles A. Hartwell The Preservation Partnership The Shop
Hess Repairs Preservation Resource Group Warren Construction Co.
The Matchmakers Restorations Unlimited, Inc.
Mathis Fine Furniture Restoration Jane Kent Rockwell — Interior Decorations
Ogrem & Trigg Clock Service The Second Chance
Poor Richards Furniture Co. Townscape Fancy Painting—Gilding,
Restorations Unlimited, Inc. Up Country Enterprise Corp. Glazing, Lacquering, Etc.
Smith Fine Custom Furniture Urban Planning/Historic Preservation Craftsmen Decorators
The Robert Whitley Studio Hoose Restoration

Archeological Surveys & Fireplace & Chimney

Investigations Contracting Restoration
Archeological Research Consultants, Inc.
Douglas Gest Co.
The Heritage Conservation Group A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc. Kensington Historical Company
Hudson Valley Building Recycling Co. Carroll Creek Restorations Restoration Masonry
The Preservation Partnership R.H. Davis, Inc. H.S. Welles Fireplace Company
Deerfield Home Bldg.
Architectural Dijon Galleries
Foundation Graining
Design—Restoration Douglas Gest Co. Craftsmen Decorators
Arch Associates Historic Boulevard Services Hoose Restoration
Architectural Period Houses Hoose Restoration
Ward Bucher Howell Construction
Einhom & Kaplan Hudson Valley Building Recycling Co.
Richard H. Eiselt Kensington Historical Company
The Heritage Conservation Group Landmark Company — Architects & Builders
Hudson Valley Building Recycling Co. Mac & Lou Construction Co.
K M H Associates, Inc. Phil Miller Construction
Kensington Historical Company Northern Design
Kruger, Kruger Albenberg Ohio City Land Co.
I>andmark Company — Architects & Builders Preservation Associates. Inc.
The Preservation Partnership
John R. Stevens Associates
R.F.D. Restoration Group
Rambusch Decorating Co.
Need another copy of
Townscape Restoration A Speciality The Catalog?
Le Roy Troyer and Associates Restorations Unlimited, Inc.
The Shop Use Order Forms.
Smolinsky Design/Construction
John R. Stevens Associates
Up Country Enterprise Corp.
John A. Wigen Restorations

See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers

The Old-Bouse Journal 3B 1373 Catalog

51S-239-«Se4 THE ANSWER!
ACCURATE SMLDINO INEPECTORS All our masonry restoration (in­
cluding paint removal) is non-
140 BEIIKELKY PLACE A National O^oanlztllon abrasive. We specialize in historical
BR1M>KLYN, N.Y. 11217 Olv. ol UtMM Ent .. Inc restoration in Ohio only.
(2121 857-a647 We have developed methods to
match original mortar in color and
Brownstnnes and other old composition.
houses our specially.
A. W. Baker Restorations. Inc.
Douglas Gest Co-
Kensington Historical Company
Myers Re.slorations and Const.
John A. Wigen Restorations
House Inspection
Accurate Building Inspectors
Arch Associates
A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc. Interior Design &
Certified Homes Corporation Decorating—Period
Claxton Walker & Associates Ambiance Interiors
Douglas Gest Co. E.F. Barta - Restorations
Guardian National House Inspection, Inc. BUILDING
Combray & The Hawthorn Bush
Allen Charles Hill
Damon Interiors
Hudson Valley Building Recycling Co. 1571 Dyer Road
The Designing Woman, Ltd.
Kensington Historical Company Grove City, Ohio 43123
Environments, Limited (614) 875-8891
Howard Lieberman. R.E.- Home Buyers
Grilk Interiors and Fine Arts
Inspection Service
Mary Jane Jones Interior Design
John A. Murray & Assoc.
K M H Associates, Inc.
National Home Inspection Service of New
R. Hood & Co.
England Jane Kent Rockwell — interior Decoration
Old-House Inspection Co. Metal Replating
Towne Decorating Center
Preservation Associates, Inc. Victorian House Bernard Plating Works
The Preservation Partnership

Gardening—Period SILVER PLATING
Design alio GOLD. COPPCR 4 NICKEL.
Complcio BUILDING INSPECTION & Blessing Historical Foundation PBwtar r«pBir A re»tor«tlon
HOME PROTECTION SERVICES Anneke Rietsema Siripping. Pohthing A Repair
Rothwell Nursery of iTtoet Antique Traaiuree.
PROGRAM (CHIP). Free Eitimatee.
—Dpiailed ftruclural. mei h.ini<al. A Lighting Fixture
eledrual tondiliun msprition. Restoration & Wiring Stniarb fluting fiurk»
—Optional Ceriiii(.aiion lot up to
18 months A S25.000 Anderson’s Antique Lighting A0O RIverelde Drive
• REHABILITATION INSPECTIONS. Ball and Ball Florence MA 010A0 (Horthempton)
SPECIFICATIONS & ESTIMATES (RISE). Harry A. Eberhardt & Son, Inc. Tel. 41A-Ba4>0669
--Detailed computt*ri/pd spcts A estimates Expert Metal Craftsman
fot required rehab «r reuorjiion. Great American Salvage Company, Inc. Sene 2Si tor our price Itet
• General & Special Inspeclions also Louis Mattia
available. Moriarty’s Lamp
• OFFICES IN OVER 22 STATES. Nowell’s, Inc.
Old Lamplighter Shop
CALL, TOLL FREE. The Polishing Shop & Antiques
Metalwork Repairs
800-638-%72 E. W. Pyfer Authentic Designs
(in Maryland. ★ ★ ★ Sandy Springs Galleries Ball and Ball
301-465-52001 Shadey Enterprises Stained Glass Studio Expert Metal Craftsman
Stansheld’s Lamp Shop Fayslon Iron and Steel Works
CERTIFIED HOMES David Flaharty, Sculptor
Village Lantern
CORPORATION Elenore W. Vincent Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware
Headquarters: Columbia. Maryland Moriarty’s Lamp
’The Washington House of Reproductions
The ixperienced Pro/essinnj/s
Nowell’s, Inc.
The Polishing Shop & Antiques
Masonry Repair Vulcan Iron Works
Chem-X Building Restoration
R-H. Davis, Inc.
See Company Directory for Restoration Masonry Mirror Resilvering
Atlantic Glass & Mirror Works
Addresses & Phone Numbers Cunningham’s Glass & Mirror Resilvering
Mirror Re-Silvering
Poor Richards Furniture Co.

1370 Catalog ' 39 The Old-House Journal

Stained & Leaded Glass
Dover Repair
Furniture Stripping Architectural Ecology
Professional Paint Sandra Brauer/Stained Glass
Stripping Service Gothic Glass
Using Dip Tanks Lamb. J & R Studios
Manor Art Glass
• Refinishing supplies Morgan & Company
• Solid Brass Hardware Morgan Bockius Studios, Inc.
■ Furniture Parts for Restoration
Old Hickory Lamps
• Upholstery supplies Ostrom Studios
42 Page Catabg tl.76 Pat’s Etcetera Company
Dover Furniture Stripping Penco Studios
505 South Governors Avenue Ernest Porcelli
Dovo^, Delaware 19901 Reflections
(302) 674-0220 Schrunk Restoration Studio
Shadey Enterprises Stained Glass Studio
Smith Fine Custom Furniture
Greg Spiess, Inc.
Paint Stripping Services Studio Stained Glass
Sunburst Works In Glass
Alexandria Wood Joinery
American Building Restoration
Architectural Ecology Stencilling
Joseph Balzamo The Ceiling Lady
Chem-X Building Restoration Craftsmen Decorators
Delhi Chemicals, Inc. Custom ornamental plaster... Kenneth Fortney
Dover Furniture Stripping A. Greenhaigh & Sons Painting
Keystone Furniture Stripping STUDIOS The Moore House
Pat’s Etcetera Company Megan Parry/Wall Stencilling
Poor Richards Furniture Co. Rambusch Decorating Co.
Sermac Division Stenciled Interiors
Sprayco Co., Inc. Wall Stencils by Barbara
Strip Shop
(215)642-4710 ■ ARDMORE, PA.

Painting & Decorating Turnings, Custom

Craftsmen Decorators Authentic Designs
A. Greenhaigh & Sons Painting John Grass Wood Turning Co.
Rambusch Decorating Co. Porcelain Refinishing The Millworks
Perma Ceram of Cincinnati Tumcrafl
Parquet Repair &
Installation Realtors Specializing in
Nassau Flooring Corp. Old Houses Other Restoration
A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc. Services
The Barn People Adams and Swett
Photography, R.W. Carlson Associates, Inc. Ainsworth Development Corp.
Architectural Darrell Kent Real Estate Ltd. Brownstone Information Center
Landmark Realty Castle Burlingame
Byrd Mill Studio McCullough. Brooks & Innes
Hoose Restoration David Flaharty, Sculptor
Herman H. Mesick Good Time Stove Co.
Old Yellow House Restoration United Farm Agency The Heritage Conservation Group
Up Country Enterprise Corp. Munsell Color
Plastering, Ornamental Vintage Properties Preservation Resource Group
L. Biagiotti Preservation Resource Center
Felber Studios Rejuvenation House Parts Co.
David Flaharty, Sculptor Sandstone (Brownstone)
Giannetli Studios Repair
Mangione Plaster and Tile Chem-X Building Restoration
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc.
Tayssir Sleiman

When you
a company,
please mention the
Old'House Journal

See Company Directory for Addresses & Phone Numbers

The Old-Bouee Journal 10 1973 Catalog

Company Directory
Alexandria Wood Joinery Furniture finiBhers and restorers: inlay and veneer,
gold and silver leaf, cane, splint and rush seats. No
PlumerHil) Road
Alexandria, NH 03222 literature.
(603)744-8243 Angelo Brothers Co.
AA-Abingdon Ceiling Co., Inc. RS/0 10981 Decatur Kd.
2149 Utica Ave. Antique repair and restoration, furniture stripping
end chair seating. Serving central New Hampshire. Philadelphia, PA 19154
Brooklyn, NY 11234 (215) 632-9600
(212) 236-3251 No literature.
RS/O MO Allstate Flooring Primarily a wholesaler, this company has the
24 patterns of hard-to-flnd embossed tin panels arul largest selection of glass shades and globes for
837 E. 52nd St.
tin cornices in 8 patterns for metal ceiling replacements on 19th century lighting fixtures.
installation. Popular 50-100 years ago, metal Brooklyn, NY 11203
AngeJo Master Catalog is $10. It can also be viewed
ceilings are an economical way to decorate in period (212) 45M818
at your local dealer.
style. Free illustrated brochure. HS/O
Sells strip oak and colored hardwoods that can be
used for patching parquet floors. No literature; Antique Brass Hardware Co.
A'M Telephone Company 12351 E. Ashlan Ave.
Turtle Uke. WI 64889 walk-in shop only.
Sanger, CA 93657
(716) 986-2212 Ambiance Interiors (209) 875-6333
MO 27 Broadway DIST
Original antique telephones. Illustrated catalog — A line of furniture hardware sold primarily to
Asheville, NC 28801
$.30. dealers. Counter display sales catalog $3.50.
(704) 253-9403
A.S.L. Associates RS/O Antique Quilt Repair
Interior designers serving western North Carolina.
P.O. Box 6296 550 35th St.
San Mateo, CA 94403 No literature. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
MO American Building Restoration (213)374-5684
Plans for building a gazebo. These blueprints are RS/O MO
two 17~ X 22” sheets with full construction details. 9720 So. 60th St. Antique quilt repairs by hand. Can also make cradle
Also includes a materials list. The finished gaze bo is Franklin. WI 63132
8 n. in diamter and 10 ft. high. Price — $10. No (414) 761-2440 a nd crib quilts. Send stamped self addressed
envelope with request.
literature. RS/O MO DIST
Paint BtriM»ing and exterior restoration services in Antique Trunk Supply Co.
Accurate Building Inspectors & Alvin the Midwest. Also manufactures a line of 3706 W. 169th St.
proprietary exterior paint strippers, brick cleaners
Ubell and masonry sealers. Chemicals available through Cleveland. OH 44111
4210 Ocean Ave. MO
Brooklyn, NY 11235 company or licensed dealer/applicators. Brochure Trunk repair parts, handles, nails, rivets, corners
(212) 891-6335 etc. Catalog Free.
RS/O American Olean Tile Company
House inspection, construction coordination and Ida M. Apat Interiors, Inc.
1000 Cannon Avenue
restoration consulting — a national organization. Lansdale, PA 19446 1103 Haral Pi.
Also lectures on these topics. Free brochure. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
(215) 855-1111
(609) 795-1144
Adams and Swett DIST
A major tile manufacturer, makes the 2-inch white RS/O
380 Dorchester Ave. hexagonal tile used in early 20th century Carries Reed line of period wallpapers. Catalog is
Boston, MA 02127 bathrooms. A terra cotta quarry tile and a rough $5., refundable with purchase.
(617) 268-8000 textured tile would be appropriate to rustic kitchens
RS/O MO Brochure No. 487 — $.26. IMmitive Sheet 1327 — Arch Associates/Stephen Guerrant
Hand-braided mgs, 60%-90% wool, in 8 sizes. Free; Ceramic Mosaics Sheet 1351 — Free; Quarry 874 Green Bay Rd.
Special sizes (stairtreads, etc.) to order. Also Tile Sheet 1331 — Free. Winnetka, IL 60093
Oriental rugs and restoration service. 4 color (312) 446-7810
braided rug flyer and price list -$.2S. 26 pg. 4 color Amherst Woodworking & Supply
Oriental rug catalog with prices—$.25. RS/O
P.O. 464, Sunderland Rd. Chicago area firm that specializes in restoration and
North Amherst, MA 01059 rehabilitation. Will provide measured drawings and
Adirondack Hudson Arms building surveys as well as full architectural
(413) 549-2806
60 Kallen Ave. services. Maintains extensive materials resource
Schenectady, NY 12304 RS/O catalog file. Will also inspect old houses on a Fixed
Contract miltwork and reproduction furniture to
RS/O order. Sells hardwood lumber. No literature. fee basis. No literature.
Reproduction Shaker stoves. No literature.
Archeological Research Consultants, Inc-
Anderson's Antique Lighting
Ainsworth Development Corp. 1534 G. Colorado Blvd. 179 Park Avenue
Beckford Glendale, CA 91205 Midland Park, NJ 07432
Princess Anne, MD 21853 (213) 243-2336 (201) 652-3785
(301) 661-3219 RS/O MO RS/O
MO Specializes in kerosene and gas and electric Archeological and historical interpretaticai services,
Manufactures tumbuckle stars for reinforcing chandeliers, wall sconces, desk lamps, table lamps, including title examinatiMi, excavation and artifact
masonry walls. Will design & supply tension original lighting futures and hardware. Send date nalysis. Services available anywhere in the New
member for determining tension twing applied by of house and description of antique lighting needed, York metropolitan area. No literature.
tumbuckle. For literature, send stamped they will forward pictures of antique lighting in
self-addressed envelope. stock at that time. Complete restoration of antique Architectural Antiques
lighting, brass plating, polishing, lacquering, and 410 St. Pierre St.
Alcon Lightcraft Co. rewiring. No literature. Montreal, PQ, CANADA H2Y2M2
1424 W. Alabama (614)849-3344
Houston, TX 77006 Anest & Anest RS/O
(713) 626-0680 510 Clark Street Antique architectural details for the old house - a
RS/O Southern Pines, NC 28387 collection of doors, stained and beveled glass,
Antique and reproduction early electric, gas and (919) 692-6724 window frames, mantlepieces, columns, banisters,
combination fixtures. Antique and r^roduction wrought iron, fixtures, tiles and assorted structural
lighting glassware replacements. Flyer available pieces, Will sui^ly a photo for specific requests. No
with stamped, self-addressed envelope. literature

1973 Catalog 41 The Old-House Journe

Architectural Ecology Architiquea Enterprises, Inc. They resilver and restore old and antique mirrors.
447 E. Catherine St. 7-25 166th St. Cost for resilvering mirrors: $6.25 per square fooV
Chambersburg, PA 17201 Beechhurst, NY 11357 plus freight costs (Minimum charge $8.00). Cost for
(717) 263-4926 (212) 746-4731 all other products or services will be given upon
RS/0 MO RS/0 request. They cater to architects, interior decorators,
Fine decorative components re-cycled from antique Architectural antiques—specializing in commercial antique and furniture dealers and private
buildings. Stained and leaded glass a specialty: interiors and exteriors of Victorian, Tum-of-century customers. No literature.
repairs, creations, windows & lamps bought, sold & and Art Deco styles. Has back-bars, drug store
traded. No literature. interiors, oak court rooms, barber ^o|», theater Authentic Designs
appointments, building gargoyles, bronze doors, 330 East 75th St.
Architectural Ornaments street clocks, etc. 8,000 sq. ft. of storage. No New York, NY 10021
P.O. Box 115 literature. (212) 535-9590
New York, NY 11363 RS/O MO DIST
(212) 321-4159 Ardmore Textured Metals Veneered Hand-crafted reproductions and custom adaptations
MO Metals, Inc. of early American lifting fixtures. A large
Decorative ornaments and exterior riMHiIdings made P.O. Box 327 selection of solid brass, wood and tin chandeliers,
of hydrostone. Catalog — $1.50. Edison, NJ 08817 sconces and candelabras. Full sheet metal ft
(201) 549-3805 spinning custom shop. Wood turning shop- Up (o
Architectural Period Houses MO DIST lO-ft. turnings. Illustrated catalog — $2.00.
Mirick Road Hearth Shield mats install on walls and floors to
Princeton, MA 01541 prevent heat and fire damage caused by open hearth Authentic Interiors, Ltd.
fireplaces and stoves. Made from decorative 36 Shaclewell Lane
(617) 464-5530
heavy-gauge textured steel laminated to London, England E82DA
Plans of 12 houses which are authentic fire-resistant insulation board. Mat allows (01) 254-5608
reproductions of actual New England homes built in installation of free-standing fireplace or stove RS/O MO
the period from 1657 to 1835. In addition to working anywhere in the home without fire hazard. Mats Friezes, panels, carytids in polyester moulded from
drawings the company offers full cmstniclion resist scratching and peeling. Free brochure. actual pieces from the 16th century on. Linenfuld
service within a 50 mile radius of central New panels- Of special interest u> restaurant owners and
England. 2 Illustrated brochures — The Golden Age Art Directions designers of commercial spaces with nostalgic look.
of Victorian — $3 and New Improved New England 354 North Skinker $5.(X) for illustrated brochure and price list.
Historic Houses — $3 St. Uuis, MO 63130
(314)863-1895 Authentic Reproduction Lighting
Architectural Paneling, Inc. RS/O P.O. Box 218
979 Third Avenue Has 13,000 sq. ft. of architectural antiques including Avon, CT 06001
New York. NY 10022 art glass, brackets and corbels, columns, entire (203) 673-5736
(212) 371-9632 panelled rooms in oak and mahogany, saloon back MO
RS/O ID bars, brass and bronze hardware and light fixtures. Early American tin lighting fixtures. No literature.
Reproduces in carved wood English and French No literature.
paneling and built in cabinets and ceilings. Avalon Forge
Installations throughout the western hemisphere. Artifacts Inc. 409 Gun Road
Carvings and moldings are also available. Free 702 Mt- Vernon Ave. Baltimore, MD 21227
leaflet. Alexandria, VA 22301 (301) 242-8431
(703) 548-6555 MO
Architectural Salvage of Santa Barbara RS/O MO Authentic replicas of 18th century goods for living
726 Anacapa St. Select items from demoli:(hed buildings. history and restorations. Empha^s on military and
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Photographs supplied for specific requests. primitive goods. Examples • Hornware: snuffboxes,
RS/O dippers, cups, combs. Tinware: cups, canteens,
Antique and recycled house parts, doors windows Artistic Brass plates. Leather: cartridge boxes, handmade shoes,
and futures No literature. Walk in shop. 3136 E. nth St. buckets. Tools: Pitchforks, axes, bill hooks,
Los Angeles, CA 90023 tomahawks. Woodware: bowls, treiKhers, spoons.
Architectural Specialities (213) 264-2810 Cookware: cast iron pots, spiders. Printed matter:
490 E. Columbia DIST maps, cards, books. Illustrated catalog $1.00.
Pomona. CA 91767 Fine quality bathroom fixtures. "Nostalgia” is a
RS/O selection of Limoges porcelain faucets. The Grand
Tour" contains reproductions of 19th cenlury B
Architectural millwork and mouldings. Work is Bailey’s Forge
entirely custom except for a line of low-cost panel European faucets. The Artistic line U widely 221 E. Bay St.
doors suitable for interiors. They work mainly to distributed arltl literature can be seen only at fine
hardware stores. Savannah, GA 31401
designers or architects drawings, although they can (912) 233-2348
work from photographs or copies of illustrations,
lliey do anything from doors and panelling to Ashley Furniture Workshops RS/O MO
mantels, railing and Victorian gingerbread No 3A Dawson Place Bailey's Forge renders original contemporary
literature. London W2, England designs in wrought iron. Inquiries are invited.
Folder ($.50) shows .selection of original designs
(01) 229-6013 created by Ivan Bailey.
Architectural Woodworking MO
93 Briar Brae Rd. Makes classic Chesterfield sofas and other 19th A. W. Baker Reatorationa, Inc.
Stamford, CT 06903 century furniture pieces in the Victorian manner. 670 Drift Rd.
(203) 329-9423 Also upholsters original Victorian frames. Brochure Westport. MA 02790
RS/O MO and price list will be sent airmail - $2.(XI.
(617) 636-8765
Fine architectural woodwork. Cost estimates
provided upon receipt of detailed material The Astrup Company RS/O
specifications. Consultation services available. No 2937 W. 25th St. Restoration consultants, contractors, documenters of
literature. Cleveland, OH 44113 17th, 18th, 19th century structures, they
concentrate in but are not limited to southern New
(216) 696-2800 England historical architecture forms. Moving,
Architectural Woodworks DIST dismantling, re-erection and on-site repairs,
623 S. 4th St. This 100 year old company makes fine fabric and the recycling and restoring. They carry a variety of
Philadelphia, PA 19147 hardware for awnings. Window awnings not only structural, decorative, and utility house parts and
(215) 923-7465 keep a room cooler and save on air conditioning often very special whale houses. Brochure available.
RS/O costs, but add an appropriate decorative feature to
Complete architectural service (restoration & late 19th and tum-cd'-the-century houses. Write for Baldwin Hardware
research) reproduction of architectural further information. 841 Wyomissing Blvd.
ornamentation from drawings or pieces. No Reading, PA 19603
literature Atlantic Glass & Mirror Works
(216) 777-7811
439 North 63rd St.
Philadelphia, PA 19151 Solid brass exterior locks suitable for Early
(216) 747-6866 American houses. Interior latches, knobsets and

The Old-House Journal 12 1979 Catalog

Barnard Chemical Co. Nelson Beck of Wash. Inc.
turn pieces appropriate for penod houses, ^wme
lightingfixturesand accessories adapted from Early P.O. Box 1106 1048 Potomac NW
American designs. IVo lock catalogs—$.25 each Covina, CA 91722 Washington, DC 20007
Free flyers about lamps and acce.ssories. (213) 331-1223 1202) 333-4437
Ball and Ball .Manufactures fire retardant paints, coatings and Upholstered furniture restored and reupholslered.
463 W, Lincoln Hwy. Dept J varnishes. Coatings, for example, can add fire Period draperies - varicms types of poles, wood and
Exton, PA 19341 resi.stance to wood shakes arul shingte.s. Will direct metal. Custom finiais for pole.s. Tab curtain.<i,
inquirers to nearest distributor, or — when Austrian shades Will supply fabrics or will use
(215) 363-7330 client's fabrics. Through shop only - no literature.
RS/O MO upprc^riate — will HU orders direct from their
Vast selection of reproduction hardware for 18th and wiirehuuse. Free brochures.
19th century houses. In addition to all types of Bedlam Brass Beds
hardware for doors, windows and shutters, the Barney Brainum-Shanker Steel 19-21 Pair Lawn Ave., Dept. OH
company also supplies security locks with a period Company, Inc. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
appearance, lighting fixtures, and will also repair 70-32 83rd St. (201) 796-7200
locks and repair or reproduce any item of metal Glendale, Queens, NY 11227 RS/O MO DIST
hardware. Catalog — $4 by first class mail • 108 (212) 894-5581 High quality brass beds made from solid brass. Bed
I pages of reproductions from 1680 through 1900. and accessories catalog — $3.00. Data sheet of parts
MO for repairing and rentoring antique brass and cast
More than 1500 items of quality reproductions. Company is the basic manufacturer of pressed steel
tin ceilings. Catalog, price list and brochure on how iron beds — $1. Stores in Alexandria, Boston,
Baltimore City Salvage Depot to put material up are available free Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, New Orleans and
213 W. Pratt St. San Antonio.
Baltimore, MD 21201 The Barnsidcr
RS/O The Bedpost
Kings Highway
Antique and recycled house parts for sale only to Sugar Loaf, NY 10981 R.D. 1, Box 155
those people who are renovating a building located Pen ArgyJ, PA 18072
within the Baltimore City limits. No literature. (914) 469-4380
(215) 588-3824
Authentic barnsiding - 3 basic shades; grey, brown RS/O MO
Joseph Balzamo and red. Authentic hand-hewn beams - all sizes - one 14 styles of brass beds, a brass night table and coat
108 Pinetree Dr. price. Wide board floors Penn.s>'lvania roof boards. rack. They have copied antique beds in styling as
Parlin, NJ 08859 Bamwood for picture framing, assorted barn door well as in ornamentation. Almoet any can be
(201) 721-2651 hardware. No literature. duplicated in solid brass, in any size. Write for
RS/O quotes. Free illustrated brochure.
Will strip paint from woodwork in the house: no The Bartley Collection
need for dismantling. Also has dip-lank service No 11. Behlen & Bros.
121 Schelter Hoad
literature. Rt. 30 North
Prairie View, IL 60069
Amsterdam, NY 12010
(312) 634-9510
Bangkok Industries, Inc. (518) 843-1380
1900 South 20th St. The Bartley Collection offers thirty authentic Queen MO
Philadelphia, PA 19145 Anne and Chippendale style furniture reproductions The largest stock of traditional and old world
(215) 334-1500 available either handmade or in kit form Many of fmi.Hhing supplies and products for hardwood
RS/O MO DIST these pieces are exact reproductions of originals finiiihing and painting. Among the 90 year old
A wide variety of exotic hardwood flooring in from the American furniture collection at the Henry company’s specialties: Alaba.sCer casting plaster,
pre-finished and unfinished plank.atrip and parquet Ford Museum at Creenfield Village in Dearborn, bronze powder and paste, lacquer tinting colors,
patterns—many of which can be used in period Michigan. The furniture is hand-crufted from solid wood fillers and glue, various lacquers, stains Of special interest are 2 ornamental border Honduras .Mahogany and Cherry. Kits include (including dry aniline) and varnish. $25 minimum
patterns. Custom colored pre-fini.shed parquet Can instructions and wipe-on finishing materials. IVice order. $1 for general catalog, brush catalog and "Art
be completely installed in one day. Free consultation range: $65.00 to $1600.IX). Catalog Cost $1.00. Of Wood Fini.shing".
available Architectural grade paneling historically
COITeel for period dens, formal drawing rooms, etc. E.F. Barta - Reytorations Bel-Air Door Co.
Free illu.strated brochures. Rt 1. Box 381-B P O. Box 829
Talladega, AL 35160 Alhambra, CA 91802
The Bank Architecturals (205) 362-1406 (213) 283-3731
5436 Mugazine St. RS/O MO DIST
New OrlearLs, LA 70115 In addition to repairing and re.sloring wood Well made carved exterior wood doors several of
(504) 891-4523 antiques, will refinish and restore intenor which would be suitable for Victorian,
woodwork of old houses and serve asa c<m.sultant on turn-of-century and Tudor style house*. Standard
They offer a wide variety of original and interior decorating and restoration techniques. size • 30". 32". 36" X 80" x 1-3/4". Special sizes
reproduction building materials. Always in stock Descriptive literature - $.25 or stamped available upon request. Free illustrated brochures.
are bevelled and stained glass, brass hardware, self-addressed envelope.
mantels, mill work, doors, shutters, brackets, and Robert W. Belcher
columns, (n addition they offer wood stripping and Baasett & Vollum Inc. 1753 Pleasant Grove Dr., NE
carry reproduction shutters, French (kior.s, stair 217 N, Main St. Dalton, GA 30720
railings, interior and exterior .spindles, and newels. Galena, IL 61036 (404) 269-3482
No literature. (816) 777-2460 us/oa supply of old weathered chestnut and cedar
Specializes in reproduction-s of traditional border
designs mostly of French origin. Borders are • rails for zig-zag slacked rail fences. Also supplies old
Joan Baren available in widths from 1 to 21 inches. Folder barnboardb. 55-gal. oak barrels and old yellow
Sag Harbor, NY 11963 describing their border pattern.s is available free. poplar and oak beams. Also has old hand hewn log
RS/O houses, and consults on log house restoration.
An artist with the preservation of America's Barbara Beall Studio
architectural heritage as the focus of her work. Her 23727 Hawthorne Blvd. Bendix Mouldings, Inc.
drawings are executed by commission, and have 235 Pegasus Ave.
Torrance, CA 90505
been acquired by the National Trust, the Long Northvale, NJ 07647
Island Historical Society, Columbia University, and (213)378-1233
RS/O MO (201) 767-8888
many private collectors. No literature. RS/O MO DIST
Handpainted custom designed ceramic tile. Free
A wide array of wooden mouldings. Also carved
The Bam People information upon request. knobs, fretwork, pear) headings, rosettes and
P.O. Box 4 functional hardware. Illustrated catalog and price
South Woodstock. VT 05071 lists — $1.
2 Eugenia Avenue
(802) 484-5980 Aptos, CA 95003
KS/O Berea College Student Craft Industries
ISth and 19th century barns and frames of post and (408) 688-7201 CPO No. 2347
beam construction available re-assembled on your RS/O Berea, KY 40404
site. Inquiries invited. Portfolio available $10. Custom-made louvered shutters. Made to order, any
size movable iuuver.s, flat or raised solid panels, (606) 986-9341
interior or exterior. No literature. RS/O MO

1370 Catalog 13 The Old-House Journal

Reproductions of simple, classic period furniture - Blaine Window Hardware, Inc. Leading manufacturer of authentic glue-chip glass
Empire armchairs, rope leg dining table, ladder 1919 Blaine Dr., Dept. OHJ in the United States. Specialists in reproducing
back chairs, goose neck rocker. Also handcrafted Hagerstown, MD 21740 sand-blasted design work. Also appraisals and
decorative accessories and toys. Furniture catalog • (301) 797-6500 repair of antique windows and lampshades No
SI.00. Gift catalog - $.50 literature. Glass samples — $1.
A large aelection of contempory replacement
Bernard Plating Works hardware for doors and windows. Fire and security Bow House, Inc.
660 Riverside Dr. alarm systems. Has rolling hardware that will fit old Randall Rd.
Florence, MA 01060 sliding doors. Will also custom-duplicate interior Bolton, MA 01740
(413) 584-0659 hardware. 93 pg. catalog — $1.00. (617) 779-6464
Silver, g<dd, nickel replating. All silver and pewter Blair Lumber Inc. An architect-designed package that enables the
items cleaned and repaired. All types of brass and Rte. 1 buyer to have an authentic reproduction of a
copper cleaned and polished. Literature and price Powhatan, VA 23139 bow-roof Cape Cod house. The three basic sizes can
list — $.25. (804) 556-3132 be modiOed by the company's design department.
RS/O MO The package supplies to the builder those items
Beveled Glass Industries Heart pine plank flooring, over 100 years old. necessary for the period character of the house—roof
9(X) North La Cienega Blvd. Samples S5, postpaid and siding materials, trim, windows, doors,
Los Angeles. CA 90069 hardware, stairs, glass, etc; specifications, working
Blenko Glass Co., Inc. draw- ings, manual and detail book. Illustrated
(213) 657-1462 brochure — $3.
MO DIST P.O. Box 67
Leaded and beveled glass panel inserts for doors and Milton, WV 26541 Bradford-Park Corp.
windows. Sold through distributors but you can get a (304) 743-9081 Box 161
complete brochure for $1. RS/O MO Clifton Park. NY 12065
Colored glass: sheets, crushed. New and antique. (518) 371-5420
L. Biagiotti Antique sheet glass for use in restcH^titfi work for
the windows in old houses. Hurricane shades for use MO
229 7th Ave. A biodegradable, non-corrosive rust and oiide
New York, NY 10011 with candleholders. Price list free.
remover that does not harm metal or any other
(212) 924-5088 materials and finishes. Liquid or paste formulas.
RS/O MO Blessing Historical Foundation
Also B-P No. 1 BrighVener — a metal cleaner for
Manufactures mouldings for ceilings and walls, Box 517 quick, eccmomical removal of heat stains,
centers for chandeliers, columns, pilasters, capitals. Blessing. TX 77419 discoloration and tarnish from stainless steel,
Does sets for motion pictures and Broadway shows. (512) 588-6332 chrome, nickel, copper or brass. Free literature.
Restored mouldings in City Hall. Restores frames MO
and antiques. Can reproduce and ship mouldings For fiber craftsmen and planters of ancient dye Bradley Corporation
from samples. No literature. gardens: A "baker's dozen” of madder seeds will be P. O. Box 348
sent for a $5 tax-deductible donation to the Menomonee Falls, Wl 53051
G. Stephen Bierman Foundation Madder, rare in this country, is used in
textile printing and craftsmens’ yams, both
(414) 261-8000
9653 Lee Hi^wav DIST
Fairfax, VA 22031 handspun and commercial. Nq literature
Cultured marble vanity tops with cast in sink bowls.
RS/O Ask for free vanity top brochure.
Restoration consultation services, including Boat Life, Inc.
restoration costs, resale value and what is worth 65 Bloomingdale Rd. Braid-Aid
saving atMl how to save it. No literature. Hicksville, NY 11801 466 Washington St.
The Biggs Company (616) 822-6660 Pembroke, MA 02369
106 E. Grace St. DIST (617)826-6091
Richmond, VA 23219 Manufactures Life Calk, a polysulphide sealant that
resists water and weather, and Git-Rot, a cure for RS/O MO DIST
(804) 644-2891 A complete line of rug braiding and hooking
dry rot that restores the strength of rotted wood.
RS/O MO Free literature. materials Si accessories, also shirret, weaving &
Reproductions of 18th century furniture. Several quilting. Illustrated catalog $1.00.
expensive lines are authentic historic reproductions
lioec^ed by Old Sturbridge Village, Independence Bona Decorative Hardware
Brass Bed Company of America
National Historic Park and the Thomas Jefferson 2227 Beechmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45230 2801 East nth St.
Memorial Foundation, Inc. 82 pg. catalog aitd price Ix>s Angeles, CA 90023
list —$5. (513) 232-4300
RS/O MO (213) 269-9495
The Birge Co. DIST
2776 Broadway Decorative hardware — mostly formal French and
English in style. Bathroom fittings and accessories- 25 brass bed styles, cheval mirrors, cradles, cribs,
Cheektowaga, NY 14225 night stands, coat racks, entry hall starxl. 4 color
DIST several designs are appropriate for period houi^.
Also black iron door t cabinet hardware, brass rim illustrated catalog free.
Early American reproduction wallpapers. No
literature sent for editorial review. locks, porcelain door knobs, carved and embo.ssed
wood moulding. 4 color illustrated catalog and price Brass Menagerie
list — $2. 524 St. Louis Street
The Blacksmith Shop New Orlearts, LA 70130
P.O. Box 15 Boston Cabinet-Making Inc. RS/O
Mount Holly, VT 06768 27 Kingston St. Solid brass hardware & locks of all periods. Antique
(802) 259-2452 Boston, MA 02111 & reproduction. Porcelain St wrought iron hardware.
RS/O MO (617) 338-8356 Rim locks. Unusual hardware: bar rails, solid brass
Forged irim hooks, wall hangers, brackets, tools for drapery & curtain hardware, fireplace hooks,
the Jotul woodburning box stove. JotuI stove too) RS/O chandeliers, wall brackets and sconces. Bathroom
Boston Cabinet-Making is a custom furniture
information - free Ashaway flyer - free. Complete fixtures & aocessories of American and European
illustrated catalog - $1 00. manufacturing and antique restwation s)M>p. They design. Bidets, commodes, turn of century commodes
specialize in one-of-a-kind reproductiwu* of antiques
with wall hung tanks, decorated lavatory bowls and
inevery style. They make modem and contemporary
Black Wax — PaclHc Engineering turn of century pedestal type lavatories. No
pieces, and also do architectual detailing. No literature.
P.O. Box 146 literature.
Farmington, CT 06032
(203) 677-0796 Boulder Art Glass Co., Inc. Sandra Brauer/Stained Glass
MO 1920 Arapahoe 364-B Atlantic Avenue
Black wax is a wax that can often save stripping and Boulder, CO 80302 Brooklyn, NY 11217
refinishing of dirty, cracked and crazed wood (303) 449-9030 (2121 855-0656
surfaces. Also manufactures - Crystal wax, a tc^ MO RS/O DIST RS/O
quality camauba paste wax providing gloas and The Boulder Art Glass Company is a ccmtractor for Custom design or reproduction ofleaded and stained
protection for fine furniture. Sienna Paste wax is a stained and leaded glass installations, either glass windows and lampshades. Also repairs and
blend of quality paste wax adding brown pigment to commercial or residential. Leading, foiling, restores stained and leaded glass windows and
prevent chalky effect left by some paste waxes. Free painting, staining, bending, slumping of any glass parwls. No literature.
flyer. and dalle-de-vere work are within its capabilities.

The Old-Bouse Journal 1979 Catalog

blankets. Wooten bedspreads and throws in coiors Byrd Mill Studio
British'American Historical Arts, Ltd.
and patterns. Cotton spreads. Wall bangings, Rt. 5 Box 192
10684 Santa Monica Blvd. including a Bayeux Tapestry panel. Irish tweeds for
Los Angeles, CA 90025 upholstery. Fine cottons, handkerchief linen for Louisa, VA 23093
(213) 474-7416 making sheets. Osnaburg, Liberty, many other (703) 967-0616
MO natural nber fabrics. Free brochure vrith stamped MO RS/O
English-made mahogany and silvered brass self addressed envelope Architectural photography - interior artd exteriors.
reproductions of antique mercury barometers used Photography of antique furniture & jewelry fer
between the 1790s arid about 1840. Antique T. Robins Brown insurance purposes or catalogues. No literature.
barometers also starting at about $4(X). Free 12 First Avenue
illustrated literature with pri(» list. Nyack, NY 10960
(914) 359-5229
Broad-Axe Beam Co.
RD 2, Box 181-E Consultant in architectural history and historic
West Brattleboro, VT 05301 preservation Services available in the Middle
(802) 257-0064 Atlantic states and Ccmnecticut. Assistance with
MO National Register applications. Historic sites survey
Authentically produced hand-hewn beams of white work. Consultation for restoration or renovation of
pine, air dried at least 6 months. Two types — historic architecture. Research on history and
structural and decorative — in standard 6, 12, 14 significance of building. Preparation of walking
and 16 ft. lengths. Structural beams <7 1/2 in. tours and other publications about an area's
square) are $3.75 per linear ft Decorative beams (3 architecture. Free literature.
1/2x7 1/2 In.) are $2.75 per linear ft Custom
hewing done. Illustrated folder and price list, $1.00. Brownstone Information Center
93 f*rospect Place
Broadnax Reflnishfng Products, Inc. Brooklyn, NY 11217 Cabot Stains
P.p. Box 196 1 Union Street
(212) 643-4293
Ila, GA 30647 Boston, MA 02108
(404) 789-3346 A helpful information source on neighborhoods and (617) 723-7740
MO DIST general market conditions for people buying a DIST
A method of reviving old wood finishes without brownstone in Brooklyn. Also maintains lists of One of the first companies to manufacture wood
chemical or mechanical stripping. The products can local cwitractors who have proved satisfacUny. Best stains, they make products primarily for exterior k
be bought separately or in kit form for $10.00. $1.50 time to call is usually between 4 and 6 p.m. interior wood surfaces . - paneling, siding,
shipping. Free pamphlets and price lists — send clapboard, shingles and shakes. Free brochures and
stamped envelope. color cards.
Brunschwig & Fils, Inc.
Broadway Supply Co. 410 East 62nd St. Campbell Lamps
7421 Broadway New York, NY 10021 1108 Pottstown Pike
Kansas City, MO 64114 (212) 838-7878 West Chester, PA 19380
(800) 821-3884 ID (216) 696-8070
DIST MO Museums, restoration and historical agencies use RS/O MO
High quality product line includes solid brass, the fine reproductions of 18th and 19th century Largest selection of NEW gas & electric ^adea from
porcelain, crystal, and wood bathroom fixtures and fabric, trimming and wallpaper made by this firm. the original molds. Lamp chimneys, lantern globes
nttings, featuring standing lavatories door Although Dieir products are sold only through k student shades, misc glass lamp parts. New oil
hardware (including rim locks), cabinet hardware, interior designers, their 16 pg. booklet is worth $1. lamp bases. Wholesale k retail. Catalog $.60.
and switch plates for Colonial and Victorian style for the room settings illustrated, which range from
architecture, complete lines of decorative hardware 1740 to the 1854 splendor of a Victorian parlor. Douglas Campbell Co.
of formal French and English derivation. Also mail “Historic Textiles Reproduced for Today.” 31 Bridge St.
boxes, house letters, door knockers, hooks, etc. 90 Newport, RI 02840
Ward Kucher
page illustrated color catalog: $2.50. (401) 846-4711
1744 Corcoran St.. N.W.
Brooklyn Tile Supply Washington, DC 20009 Custom-made reproductions of 17th and 18th
184 4th Ave. (202) 387-0061 century American furniture. Also exterior and
Brooklyn. NY 11217 ES/0 interior millwork of the same period. Illustrated
(212) 875-1789 Architectural design for renovations and catalog and price list - $2.
restorations of houses and commercial buildings,
RS/O structural inspecti<ms, and interior de.sign in the
Carries small white hexagonal bathroom tiles. 8x3 The Canal Co. of Olde Towne
white tile, American olean tiles. No literature. Sells Washington Metropolitan area. Specializes in 800 N. Fairfax St.
through store only. economic feasibility studies for adaptive re-use. No
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-8460
B'rookstone RS/O
475 Vose Farm Road Bufalini Marble Corp. An antique shop carrying original Victorian
Peterborough, NH 03458 4 West 56th Street lighting fixtures, door and window hardware.
(603) 924-7181 New York, NY 10019 clawfoot tubs, pedestal sinks and stripped Victorian
RS/O MO (212) 582-5280 manteLs. No literature.
High-quality, hard-to-find tools such as a wooden DIST
smoothing plane, a chamfer spokeshave, a flexible Real Italian marble is available now at ctets Candledyne Corporation
sole plane, extra-long drill bits. Free illustrated comparable to quality hardwood flooring, carpeting Guild Drive
catalog. or ceramic tile. Dufulini Marble Tilos are cut in an
easy (o handle 6” x 6" x 1/4" size and can be used Norwalk, CT 06860
over any sound surface as flooring, wall covering or (203) 846-1577
Paul M. Broomfleld fireplace facing. Available in ten colors. Write for MO
30 Main Street free color brochure. llte Cima electronic candle has a flame-like
Carolina, RI 02812 incandescent bulb that shines and moves like a
(401)364-7236 burning wax candle. Tlte replaceable 3 wait bulb is 1
The Butcher Polish Co. 1/2 inches high and fits into a 5 irtch tapered white
Antique building materials — Doors, floor boards, 120 Bartlett St., Dept. OHJ plastic candle. Free illustrated flyer.
sash, etc. Large collection of antique Sandwich Class Marlborough, MA 01752
door knobs. Free literature available. (617) 481-6700 Cane & Basket Supply Company
MO DIST 1283 South Cochran Avenue
Carol Brown Since 1860 has been manufacturing paste wax for Los Angeles, CA 90019
Box OHJ wood floors and furniture. In addition they make (213) 939-9644
Putney. VT 05346 liquid paste wax and black stove polish for RS/O MO
(802) 387-5876 re-storatiu) of antique woodbuming stoves and cast Every supply necessary to re-cane, re-rush and
iron flr^lace accessories. Free brochure and price re-splint chair seats. Also furniture kits for a side
RS/O MO list Us^ul booklet "More Handy Tips on Wo^ chair and 3 stools. Illustrated catalog with price list
Simple, natural white wool single and double
spreads from Ireland, suitable for curtains; white Care.” $ 50. -$1.

1979 Catalog 45 The Old-House Journal

Cape Cod Cupola Co., Inc. Price list available on salvage end antique items. Charmaster Products Inc.
78 State Road Specializes in installing, sanding and refinidiing 2307 Hwy No. 2 West
North Dartmouth, MA 02747 antique noora. Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(617) 994-2119 (218) 326-6786
C—E Morgan MO RS/0 DIST
Wooden cupolas in a variety of sizes and styles. Over 601 Oregon St. Manufacturers of Charmaster wood/oil furnace
200 weathervane designs in a choice of Hnishes and Oshkosh, WI 54901 providing the economy of a wood-burning system
sues. Illustrated catalog and price list — $.50 (414) 235-7170 with the security of oil backup- Free literature.
Capitol Victorian Furniture A major manufacturer of millworfc — some of which Chem*Clean Furniture Restoration
P 0. Box 60 can be adapted to period houses. Free catalog and Center
Montgomery, AL 36101 literature. Rt. 7
(206) 262-0381 Arlington, VT 05250
The Ceiling Fan Company (802) 375-2743
Scdid mahogany reproductiwi Victorian furniture. 4878 S. W. 75th Avenue RS/O MO
Sold through interior designers and retail outlets Miami. FL 33155 Wood rinishing products for floors, stairs, fine
including Magnolia Hall and Martha M. House For (305) 266-5899 furniture — paint and varnish removers, bleach,
dealer nearest you write or call the above address. MO RS/O bru^ cleaner, satin flnish polyurethane varnish.
In additicn to carrying new fans manufactured by Brochure and price list — $.25.
Dale Carlisle Hunter, Casablanca, they manufacture a line of
Rt. No. 123 decorative components adaptable to the Hunter & Chem-X Building Restoration
Stoddanl. NH 03464 Casablanca fans. Fans are available in a number of 1571 Dyer Road
standard colors & in brass, copper or chrome plated Grove City, OH 43123
(603) 446-3937 rinishes. Lights are available on most units. Ihey
RS/O MO manufacture r^lacement parts for anUque fans &
(614) 876-8891
Wide pine flooring and panelling, approximately 20 carry a stock of fully restMed antique fans. They RS/O
inches wide. No literature. make paddles from solid oak, walnut or mahogany. Non-abrasive cleaning of brick and stone surfaces.
Offers complete restoration service for any antique Dyadic process cleaning of limestone, stucco, and
R.W. Carlson Associates, Inc. fans. Catalog — $1. concrete surfaces. Non-alM-asive removal o( paint
P.O. Box 408, 10 Atlantic Ave. from masonry. Tuckpointing skills include matching
Marblehead, MA 01945 The Ceiling Lady original mortar to chemical composition, color,
texture and tooling. The company provides complete
(617) 631-8800 1408 Main St.
masonry restoration services within the state of
RS/O Evanston, IL 60202 Ohio. Written guarantees.
RealUw^ specializing in old houses. Essex County (312) 476-6411
with the exception of the Lowell - Lawrence area. RS/O Chemical Products Co., Inc.
Charming decoration hand-stencilled directly on P.O. Box 400
Constance Carol, Inc. your ceiling. She offers designs in all periods and
P.O. Box 899 styles for the center of your ceiling, for borders,
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Plymouth. MA 02360 comers, above lighting fixtures, etc. Or consider a (301) 272-0100
(617) 746-6116 decoratiMi designed to match your wallpaper, drapes DIST
RS/O MO or any other element in your furnishings. Will travel Supplies chemicals in commercial quantities for
anywhere. Expenses added to the cost of decoration. professional vat strippers. No literature.
Colonial tab curtains in standard and custom sizes.
Large collection of fabrics including Waverly and
Schumacher. Wooden rods and brackets. Color Ceilings, Walls & More, Inc. Cherry Creek Ent Inc.
catalog free. Fabric sample set, about 60, $3.00. Box 494, 124 Walnut St. Dept O 937 Santa Fe Drive
Jefferson, TX 76667 Denver, CO 80204
Carriage Trade of Tahoe (214) 665-2221 (303) 692-1819
Olympic Valley, CA 95730 Old tin ceiling panels reproduced in light-weight, Specializes in the making of beveled glass for
(916)583-2718 hi-impact polymer materials. The 24 by 24 in. panels interiw and exterior doors, windows aqd cabinets.
are easily installed in a suspended grid system or They carry a large variety of sizes and shapes in
RS/O MO beveled blanks, hut will produce any size and shape
Brass oil lamps and sconces with glass shades. Oak glued directly onto sheetrock or plaster ceilings. The
decorative patterns are appropriate to any decor and needed. Panels can also be made with cut or etched
medicine cabinets and towel racks. Catalog $2.00.
especially to rooms of the Victorian period. Free glass designs. Free catalog.
Carroll Creek Restorations literature and price list on request.
Chilstone Garden Ornamenta
P.O. Box 194 Sprivers Estate. Horsmonden
Mt. Carroll, IL 61053 Century Glass Inc. of Dallas
1417 N. Washington Kent, England
(815) 244-9720 (089) 272-3553
RS/O Dallas, TX 76204
Specializee in the restoration of old houses in theMt. (214) 823-7773 RS/O MO
Carrotl, 111. area. No literature. MO Handsome garden ornament — exact o^ies of 16th,
Bevelled glass: 1/4, 3/8, L/2 & 3/4. Bevels include 17th, and 16th century models - in cast stone. Urns,
o.g., double bevel, etc. Also hard- to-flnd plantera, benches, statuary obelisks, pedestals, ball
Carved Glass and Signs ar)d base columrts, balustrades — all by noted
replacement glass. Write for catalog of prices for
767 E. 132nd St. bevels only. designers. Catalog — $6.00.
Bronx, NY 10454
(212) 669-1266 Certified Homes Corporation City Knickerbocker, Inc.
RS/O 2000 Century Plaza 781 Eighth Ave.
Creates etched glass panels via the sand-blasting New York. NY 10036
process. Will do custom work. No literature; walk-in
Columbia, MD 21044
(800) 638-9672 A large selection of 19th century lighting fixtures
shop only. and lamps. Restores, rewires, adds antique or
RS/O reproduction glass shades. Also, the "Tee” series —
Henry Cassen, Inc. A house inspection company with offices in twenty seven reproduction variations in the green glass
states including California, Indiana. (Mio. shade type of fixture. "Tee" series brochure free.
125 Newtown Road Pennsylvania. For the office nearest you call their
Plainview, NY 11603 toll free number.
(616) 249-3100 Clarence House
ID Chapman Manufacturing Co. 40 East 57th St.
Irish point, lace embroidered, net, and tambour 481 W. Main Steel New York. NY 10022
curtaiits. No literature, but will answer specific ID
inquiries from the trade.
Avon, MA 02322
Fine reproductions 18th and 19th century French
(617) 588-3200 and English fabrics. Through decorators only.
Castle Burlingame ID DIST
R.D. 1, Box 352 Reproduction country primitive and tum-of-the- The Classic Illumination
century furniture, chandeliers, lantern and sccmces,
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 lamps and mirrors. 3 brochures available for $1.00.
P.O. Box 5851
(201) 647-6146 San Francisco, CA 94101
RS/O (415) 627-6106

The Old-Bouse Journal IS 1979 Catalog

Colonial Lock Company Cornucopia
Manufactures a collection of authentic handcrafted
reproductions of American Victorian electric and 172 Main St. Rt. 1, Box 107
gas-style lifting plus a new desk lamp. Every Terryville, CT 06786 Glen Allen. MO 63751
fixture is handcrafted of solid brass. These U.L. (203) 584-0311 (314) 238-3868
listed electric chandeliers and wall sconces are MO MO
available with a variety of shades, lengths and Oil, gas and electric lighting futures. Ihey also
Box type rim locks based on the old-fashioned style have a selection of woodstoves. Brochures $1.50.
finishes. A complete illustrated catalogue is but with modem engineering. A maximum dead bolt
available for $2. Brochure available for $.50 Specify interest when ordering-
security lock. Free literature.
Claxton Walker & Associates Colonial Metalcrafters The Country Bed Shop
lOOOO Falls Road Box 1136 Box 222H
Potomac, MD 20854 Tyler, TX 76701 Groton, MA 01450
(301) 299-2766 (214) 561-1111 (617) 448-6336
RS/O Handmade 17th and 18th century brass & pewter RS/O MO
House inflection services in Washington, D.C., and chandeliers and sconces. No literature Handmade furniture in 17th and 18th century
surrounding Virginia and Maryland. Newly styles. Custom made furniture in American style
expanded service to Annapolis and Norfolk. Free from the Pilgrim century to the revolution. Catalog
Colonial Tin Craft shows examples of beds including tall posters with
brochure. 7805 Railroad Ave. canopy frame, low post styles, folding beds, trundle
Cincinnati, OH 45243 beds & cradles. Other examples include tables,
Cline Glass Company (513) 561-3942 pboards & etc. Illustrated 20 pg. catalog, $2.
1136 S.E. Grand cu
Portland, OR 97214 Handcrafted tin and wooden lighting fixtures, Country Braid House
(800) 547-8417 illustrated catalog with pricelist - $2. Clark Road
MO RS/O Tilton, NH 03276
An established stained glass wholesale-retail Combray & The Hawthorn Bush
specialty house, carrying supplies for every facet of (603) 286-4511
230 Marquette St. RS/O MO
stained glass procedure. Call TOLL FREE
Ishpeming, MI 49849 Bug kits. Handlaced braided rugs to order. Free
l-SOO-547-8417. No literature.
(906) 485-4268 literature.
Cohasset Colonials by Hagerty RS/O
ANTIQUE SHOPS Early I9th century Country to Country Curtains At the Red IJon Inn
38 Parker Ave. Turn-of-the-century furniture and antique
Cohasset, MA 02026 decorative accessories (Indian baskets & quilts & Stockbridge, MA 01262
(617) 383-0110 such). Wholesale/retail and INTERIOR DESIGN - (413) 298-5565
MO Early I9th century Country to Tum-of-the-cenlury RS/O MO
Knocked-down furniture kits that are copies of peri^ design and interior decorating. Dealers of Curtains in cotton muslin, carefree permanent press
museum originals or reproductions of outstanding Schumacher. Katzenbach & Warren, Warner and other fabrics, some with ruffles, others with
pieces in private collections. Cohasset colonial slain Wallcoverings; lighting and complementary fringe, braid or lace trim. Also bedspreads, dust
and milk paints; colonial accessories A lighting accessories. No literature. ruffles, canopy covers and tablecloths. Free 52 page
fixtures. Also colonial reproduction fabric and catalog.
curtains. Color catalog - $.50. Competition Chemicals
P.O. Box I4I Country Floors
Diane Jackson Cole Iowa Falls, lA 50126 300 East 61st St.
9 Grove Street (515) 648-3683 New York, NY 10021
Kennebunk, ME 04043 DIST (212) 768-7414
(207) 985-7387 Importers of SfMlCHROME POLISH for all-metals RS/O MO
RS/O MO ibrass, pewter, copper, etc.). Sold through Handmade tiles for doors and walls, from Holland.
Handwoven wool coverlet for twin or double beds in distributors/dealers. Literature available from France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Mexico. 38 page
traditional blooming leaf design. Available in a distributor/dealers or thru main office at above color catalog, $2.
range of color blends. Sample of fabric and color address.
choices, $2. Handwoven wool strip rug with sturdy The Country Loft
Irish linen warp, braided ends. Available inany size, Albert Constantine & Son South Shore Park
range of colors. Sample $2. 2050 Eastchester Rd. Hingham, MA 02043
Bronx, NY 10461 (800) 225-5408
Coleila Enterprises, Ltd. RS/O MO
(212) 792-1600
P.O. Box 4126 Primarily housewares — but of special interest are:
Glendale, CA 91202 Carries extensive selection of hardwoods and 19th century pine medicine cabinet, solid oak
MO veneers. No literature. writingdesk, woven ash mail basket, wood basket
Ornate Brass/bronze keys for cabinets and skeleUm and tin spatterware canister set. Free 4 color catalog
keys for doors. Flyers available, (^mplete sets of Consulting Services Group with price list.
solid brass cast door knobs; levers with plates.
Cremone bolts used to lock French doors. 141 Cambridge Street
Ornamental door knockers. Decorative old style cast Boston, MA 02114 Craft House, Colonial Williamsburg
brass coat and hat hooks. Cabinet hardware. (617) 227-3966 Box CH
Catalog not available at press time. A ctmsulting group of the Society for the Williamsburg, VA 23185
Preservation of New England Antiques offering (804) 229-1000
Colonial Casting Co. expert advice to owners ofolder properties concerned
with the reetoration, preservation and conservation RS/O MO
443 South Colony St. Fine r^roducticms and adaptations of Colonial and
of thrir structures. Specialized advice on histwic Federal furniture, lighting, fabrics, wall covering
Meriden, CT 06460 paints, masonry and wood conservation and plaster
(203) 236-6189 repair. Physical and documentary research into the and accessories approved by the Colonial
Williamsburg Foundaticm. TTie handsome 286 pg. 4
MO DIST history, development and condition of historic color illustrated catalog and price list at $4.95 is a
Handcrafted pewter candlesticks and sconces in properties. Free brochure
Early American and Queen Anne styles. Also; must for those interested in the period.
Plates, mugs, ash trays A goblets. Catalogandprice
list — $.30. Coran — Sholes Industries Craftsman Lumber Co.
509 East 2nd Street, Dept. OHC Main St.
Colonial Latch A Hinge Co. South Boston, MA 02127 Groton, MA 01450
P.O. Box 226 (617) 268-3780 (617) 448-6336
Milford, NH 03065 RS/O MO RS/O MO
(603) 673-2199 Manufactures and distributes lead, glass, tools, Wide pine boards, to 24” wide. Red oak, plain or
equipment, pattern books to the stained glass quartersawn. Curly maple. Clear pine clapboards.
Makes a line of colonial and early American artisan. A very complete line of Tiffany-style lamp All new wood. Also custom made wainscotting.
kits. Illustrated catalog with price list — $1. panelling, flooring, moldings, doors. Leaflet and
wrought iron door hardware. Brochure $.26.
price list free.

1970 Catalog 47 The Old-House Journal

Craftsmen Decorators Cunningham’s Glass & Mirror Darworth Co.
2611 Ocean Ave. Resilvering P.O. Box K, Tower Lane
Brooklyn. NY 11229 445 E. Washington St. Avon, CT 06001
(212) 769-1024 Martinsville, IN 46151 (203) 677-7721
RS/O (317) 342-2920 DIST
Specializes in graining, glazing, gilding, antiquing, MO RS/O Manufactures Cuprinol — a highly effective wood
stencilling and other traditional decorating Free price list and resilvering information available preservative and stain for wood siding, exterior
tedmiques. Restorations a particular specialty. No upon request. trim, window sashes, declts, lawn furniture and
literature. fences. Also manufactures POLYSEAMSEAL
Custom Wrought Products Adhesive Caulking - a highly flexible, adhesive and
Craftswomen Box 297 mildew-resistant caulking compound. Ideal for most
Box 716 Greentown, PA 18426 interior, and exterior uses. Free illustrated
Doylestown, PA 18901 liters ture.
(717) 857 0224
(215) 822-0721 DIST
MO Extensive line of handmade fireplace accessories.
D.A.S. Solar
Painted Canvas Floorcloths — Museum-quadity Free illustrated brochure. 110 W. 81 St.
r^roductions of 18th and early 19th century New York, NY 10024
patterns, adaptations of quilt patterns and custom Cyrus Clark Co., Inc. (212) 580-9070
designs. All colors matched to your samples. 267 Fifth Avenue RS/O
Floorclothsareeasy to maintain and guaranteed for New York. NY 10016 Solar hot water systems retrofitted to small
10 years. Ihey are a durable, decorative addition to apartment buildings and townhouses. Free
any home. Catalog $2.(X). (212) 684-6312 literature. Serving the New York Metropolitan area.
Evelyn Croton-Architectural Antiques Their line of "Evergiaze” chintzes features some
early 19th century European patterns in an
51 Eastwood Lane R.H. Davis, Inc.
old-fashioned glazed finish. Chintz is excellent for
Valley Steam, NY 11581 wall covering, upholstery and draperies. Sold at Gregg Lake Rd.
(516) 791-4703 department ator^ and fabric shops, or write for Antrim, NH 03440
RS/O MO name of distributor nearest you. An instruction (603) 588-6885
Antique architectural items such as marble booklet, "Evergiaze Chintz Makes A Beautiful RS/O
keystones, terra cotta keystones, iron panels, newel Wallcovering” is free. Their service includes masonry, Dutch ovens,
poets in vmod & iron, iron & wood balusters, fireplaces and plastering. All types of interior doors,
pilasters, columns, iron brackets, door surroundings, wii^ws, moldings, paneling, Oooring. They provide
doors, wood carvings, fretwork. Specializes in millwork along with a consulting service (br the
hand-carved corbels. L^rge selection of wooden person doing their own restoration. Illustrated
newels, litquiries answered with photos, dimensims, brochure - $2.00.
Davis Cabinet Co.
Crowfoot’s Inc. Box 60444
962 West Grant Rd. Daly’s Wood Finishing Products Nashville, TN 38106
Tucson, AZ 85706 1121 North 36th St. (616) 244-7100
(602) 622-0582 Seattle, WA 98103 DIST ID
RS/O MO (206) 633-4204 Solid wood bedroom, dining room, and occasional
Fine woodworking, cabinet making, turnings, items. Booklet available for $1.(X) that illustrates
furniture reproduction, Victorian and Early
Manufacturing and marketing of wood finishing manufacturer's production method and displays
American. WmIcs mainly in Southwest area. Will products including brasswire brumes and a wooden several collections — Victorian, Early American,
su|^ly photoe of work done. scraping tool; Seafln Teak Oil fora low-luster easily English, French, and Oriental. The Lillian Russell
maintained finish on floors, woodwork and Victorian Collection is the oldest collection in
Crown of Fairhope furniture. Free descriptive literature continuous manufacture in the United States.
759 Nichols — Dept. OHJ
Fairhope, AL 36532 Damon Interiors Decorators Supply Corporation
(206) 928-2300 Joaqun Gully Rd. 3610 So. Morgan St., rear bldg
RS/O MO Twain Harte, CA 95383 Chicago, IL 60609
Grandfather, mantel and schoolroom clock kits. (209) 586-5495
VicttMianend tablesinblack walnut and oak, a hall
(312) 847-6300
bench, hall tree and farmhouse chair suitable for
Companycarriesa selectim of period wall covoings Thousands of compoaition and wood fibre ornaments
late 19th century interiors, a hutch table of
and carpeting. Will also custom make drapes. for wood- work, furniture and architectural trim;
primitive American derivation — all in kit form. Interior design consultation available. No
Illustrated catalog with price list — |1. hundreds of plaster ornaments, composition capitals
literature. and brackets; 15 wood mantels in Colonial, French
and English styles. 4 illustrated catalogs and price
Cumberland General Store lists. Plaster Ornaments — $1, Capitals & Brackets
Dana-Deck, Inc.
Rt. 3. Dept. OH P.O. Box 78 — $1, Mantels — $.50, Wood Fibre Carvings — $ .50,
Crossville, TN 38655 Orcas, WA 98280 Woodwork-Furniture Ornaments — $10.
(615) 484-8481 (206) 376-4531
RS/O MO MO DIST Deerfield Home Bldg.
"Complete outfitters for your journey back to 5 Coates Ave.
Makes a litw cedar shakes and shingles with
basics." From chamber pots to covered wagons — special end-cuts that are suitable for (^een Anne S. Deerfield, MA 01373
over 10,000 items, many available only here & all and shingle-style houses. Will also custom-cut. No (413) 666-2365
new goods. Of particular interest are the period literature on shingles.
kitchen utensils and implements, wood burning RS/O
cookstoves and an English Victorian parlor stove. Old house restoratims. Early American rooms
The interestingly illustrated 250 pg. catalog makes DAP. Inc. designed and fabricated with old or new wood-
fascinating browsing for $3. P.O. Box 277 Special millwork. Colonial paint colors available in
Dayton, OH 45401 interior and exterior finishes; specialty is Deerfield
(513) 253-7161 Red. Phone or write for samples and prices.
Cumberland Woodcraft Co.
R.D. 5, Box 452 DIST
Do-it-yourself home repair and maintenance Deft, Inc.
Carlisle, PA 17013 17461 Von Karman Ave.
(717) 243-0063 products — caulks, adhesives, glazing compounds,
spackle, putty, deglosser, primer-sealer, plumbers Irvine. CA 92714
RS/O MO (714) 649-8911
Spedalisee in solid wood reproductions of all types of putty, rust preventive paints, galvanized metal
paint. Free folder. DIST
Victorian Miltwork. Using catalogs, drawings,
photographs or even fragments of original pieces, Products for wood staining and finishing —
they have developed a complete line of Victorian Darrell Kent Real Estate Ltd. furniture, paneling, floors, exterior surfaces. Free 4
552 Parliament Street (xdor brochures.
appointments to create an atmosphere of nostalgia
and quiet beauty. You can select from a standard Toronto, Canada M4X1P6
full line of grilles, fretwork, partels, brackets and (416) 962-6113
turnings. Literature - $2.00. Specializes in old houses.

The Old-House Journal 1079 Catalog

Delaware Electric Imports Dijon Galleries
111 So. Delaware Ave. 3130 Turk Blvd. E
Yardley, PA 19067 San Francisco, CA 94118
(215) 493-1795 (415) 387-5600 Eagle Creek Industries
MO RS/O P 0. Box 51
Supplier of the Casablanca ceiling fan. No Dijon Galleries - Interior furnishings, appointments Centerville, OH 45459
literature. and design, antiques and objects d'art. No literature. MO
Services San Francisco and the Bay area. Makes beautiful wooden clamps and vises especially
Delft Blue Ltd. suitable for fine woodworking projects. Of special
P.O. Box 103 Domestic Environmental Alternatives interest is the traditional wood furniture clamp
EHicott City, MD 21043 495 Main St. made of hard maple or beech. Also: All-wood l^nch
(301) 624-4083 Murphys, CA 96247 vise, and special wide-c^ning clamp for picture
MO (209) 728-3860 frames, etc. Literature — S-25.
Handpainted in 97 traditional designs. These tiles RS/O
have been used in American houses frcun the 17th Plumbing for Victorian decor: Brass & porcelain Harry A. Eberhardt & Son, Inc.
century onwards. Free illustrated catalog with price fixtures, pull-chain tmtets, clawfoot roll-rim tubs, 2010 Walnut Street
list. oak accessories. Walk-in shop only. No literature. Philadelphia, PA 19103
(216) 668-4144
Delhi Chemicals, Inc. Dover Furniture Stripping RS/O MO
22 South Street — E)elhi Bldg. 606 S. Governors Ave. A long-established company spedalizing in the
Stamfonl, NY 12167 Dover. DE 19901 repair and restoration ofprocelain, glass and related
(607) 652-7527 (302) 674-0220 art ohiects. No literature.
Patented Houck paint stri[^ing process is licensed A professional paint striii^itig service using dip 1874 House
to over 330 dealers in 46 states. Uses unique 4-tank tanks - also offering supplies for restoring and 8070 S.E 13th Ave.
stripping system. Largest firm in the furniture refinishing furniture, a full line of furniture parts Portland, OR 97202
stripping and reOnishing industry. Call for name of and solid brass hardware - also carries trunk (503) 233-1874
dealer nearest you. hardware, veneer, embossed wood, upholstery RS/O
supplies, caning tools, brass beds and parts. Catalog Retail specialists in architectural fragments —
Dentro Plumbing Specialities $1.76 includes tips on selecting hardware. Free replacement parts and pieces tor slmost everything.
63-42 Woodhaven Blvd. booklets: "How to A|!^ly Veneer," "Use of Stick Walk-in shopping only. No literature.
Rego Park, NY 11374 Shellac* and "Machine Woven Caning."
(212) 672-6882 18th Century Hardware Co.
RS/O MO Dovetail 131 East 3rd St.
Supplies modern or obsolete faucet A shower stems Box 134 Derry, PA 15627
only. Cannot supply porcelain faucet handles or Sudbury, MA 01776 (442) 694-8421
complete faucets. Only stems or spindles. But must (617) 443-5778 RS/O MO
have the old one for a sample. No diagrams or RS/O Reproduction Early American and Victorian brass
sketches. Has no catalogs or literature. Specialists in restoring antiques and fine furniture. hardware; furniture pulls, hooks, door knockers.
Also extensive experience in the duplication of Also decorative porcelain knobs and casters.
Design Woodwork, Inc. plaster ornaments...making molds and new castings Catalog, $2.50.
2733 S.W. 27th in plaster. Restored plasterwork in Mechanics Hall
Coconut Grove, FL 33133 in Worcester, Mass. No literature. Einhorn & Kaplan, Architects AIA
(305) 446-3743 140 Berkeley PI.
RS/O Dremel Manufacturing Brooklyn, NY 11217
Building material consultant, specializing in hard to 4915 21st St. (212) 622-0428
find items for hist<Hic and period buildings. No Racine, Wl 53406 RS/O
literature. (414) 554-1390 Architectural Hrm specializing in brownstones,
MO DIST townhousee, restwation and adaptive re-use of old
The Designing Woman, Ltd. Manufactures small power tools for ultra-fine buildings. Metropolitan New York City area.
705 Rivermont Dr. woodworking. Brochure free.
St. Louis. MO 63137 Richard H. Eiselt AIA Architect
(314) 869-5362 Driwood Moulding Company 398 So. Grant Ave.
RS/O MO P.O. Box 1729 Columbus, OH 43215
Interior design service in the St. Louis area. Can Florence, SC 29503 (614) 221-1013
duplicate old window treatment designs. All items (803) 669-2478 RS/O
priced individually - can ship. No literature RS/O MO Architectural and interior design services in the
For over SOyears this company has been fabricating area of building rehabilitation and restoratiwi as
Destin’s Designs embossed wood period mouldings. Hundreds of well as specializing in "Theme" restaurant design.
2239 N. Prospect Ave. historically authentic designs suitable for cornices, Offices across the country. No literature.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 chair rails, door and window casings, bases, etc.
(414) 321-0402 Custom manufactures mantels, doors and Eldred Wheeler, Cabinet Makers
architectural miilwork. 32 pg. full color catalog — 1064 Main St., Box 382
Lighting, hardware, paneling, doors, stained glass, $1. Hanson, MA 02341
wrought iron, from old buildings. No literature. RS/O MO
Durel’s Handcralled 18th century American furniture and
DeWeese & Reyer Woodworking Co. Box 223 accessory representations. Illustrated booklet,
P.O. Box 576 Covington. LA 70433 $2.00.
Philadelphia, MS 39350 MO
(601)656-4951 Specializes in copper lamps which are handcrafted of The Electric Candlelight Co.
MO solid 16 ounce ciq^r in an old original French 1 Chelmsford St.
Company manufactures a line of solid oak bath Quarter manner. An illustrated 16 page catalog is Chelmsford, MA 01824
accessories, solid oak commode seats. Mail order available for $2.(X), refundable on first order.
Custom designsareavailable, write for information. (617) 256-8809
seats are $45.00 ppd. Available in dark walnut or
natural finish. All seats have either brass or chrome
Wax candles that work on electricity. The flame-like
plated brass hinges. Brochure available. Free. glow of the bulb is one candle power or
Dutch Products & Supply Co.
approximately 3 watts. Brochure and pricelist, free.
A.L. Diament & Co. 14 South Main St.
P.O. Box 7437 Yardley, PA 19067 Electric Glass Co.
Philadelphia', PA 19101 (215) 493-4873 1 E. Mellen St.
MO MO Hampton, VA 23663
Specializing in scenic papers for homes and public The complete line — 26 patterns — of Royal Delft
buildings. Their scenics hang in the White House. Tiles. Colonial chandeliers in solid brass and brass (804) 722-6200
Also available are paper borders and paper ceiling with Delft or Limoges parts. Free illustrated RS/O
medallions Alt patterns are hand blocked. No brochure with Delft Tile price list. Beveled glass door and window inserts. Free
literature. brochure.

1979 Catalog 49 The Old-Bouse Journal

Elliot Lumber Co. A furniture polish based on an 18th century
640 E. Fairchild St. cabinetmakers' formula. For furniture, woc^
Daitville, IL 61832 panelling and floors. Free literature.
(217) 446-8443 F
RS/O Finnaren & Haley, Inc.
Manufacturers of architectural woodwork and 2320 Haverford Road
custom hardwood mouldings A large line of stock Pacemakers, Inc. Ardmore, PA 19003
itenu, including wainscoUing chair rails and crown 140 Fifth St. (215) 649-5000
mouldings. Free literature. Savanna, IL 61074 MO RS/O
Interior and exterior paints in 32 period colors. F&H
(815) 273-3944 Color Card shows best color combinations. Send S.25
Empire Stove & Furnace Co.
RS/O MO in stamps.
793 Broadway Creates and sells original paintings done to
Albany, NY 12207 customer specifications. Specializes in period
(518) 449-5189 Fireplaces by Martin
portraits that are done from clients’ photographs.
RS/O Customercanhavehisor her portrait done in almost P.0, Box 128
in addition to a large number of wood and any style and in the appropriate costume of the Florence, AL 35630
coal-burning stoves, this shop carries an extensive period selected. Paintings done in oils <mi stretched (205) 767-0330
inventory of old stove parts. No literature. No letters canvas. Prices start at $225. Send $1.00 for DI8T
— please phone. brochure. Full line of zero-clearance and freestanding
fireplaces including the Martin OCTA-THERM heat
Environments, Limited Faire Harbour Ltd. circulating fireplace, - feature outside air for
542 West Washington Ave. 44 Captain Peirce Rd. combusUtm with ability to duct supplemental heat
Madison. WI 53705 Scituate, MA 02066 to as many as three rooms. Full color brochures
available on request.
(608) 266-2500 (617) 646-2465
RS/O RS/O MO David Flaharty, Sculptor
Interior design services in the southern Wisconsin Distributors of Aladdin kerosene mantle lamps and
manufacturers of several old style kerosene table 79 Magazine Rd., R.D. 1
and bracket lamps. These well made brass a nd brass Green Lane, PA 18064
ERA Victoriana fini^ lamps with glass shades and chimneys give a (215) 234-8242
1200 Ranchero Way No. 50 steady light equal to a 100 watt bulb. Optional RS/O MO
San Jose, CA 95117 electric converter. Replacement parts and supplies, Specializes in the reproduction and restoration of
illustrated catalog and price list — $1 OOby 1st class architectural details and omaments. Am<mg his
(408) 296-5560
mail • refunded on purchase. clients are the State Department, the White House,
RS/O DIST the U.S. Capitol, the University of Virginia,
Antique stained and bevelled glass windows, Georgetown University, the Archdiocese of
transoms, skylights and door panels No literature. Faneuil Furniture Hardware
94-100 Peterborough St. Philadelphia. Free photos of work.
The Eaaex Forge Boston, MA 02215
(617) 262-7616 Flaherty Interiors
16 Old Dennison Rd. 550 7th St.
Essex, CT 06426 MO RS/O
Stocks selections of 18th century pulls, handles, Brooklyn, NY 11215
(203) 767-1808 knobs, casters, omaments, hinges and grilles for ID
MO RS/O furniture. No literature. Complete design services — to the trade — for
Authentic hand-forged reproductiems of early Victorian and turn-of-century period interims.
American fireplace accessories; teme, cof^r and Fayston Iron and Steel Works Inquiries invited.
iron chandeliers and sconces, copiper and brass
exteriw lanterns. Illustrated catalog — til refunded Box 91-D
Fayston, VT 05673 A. Flam Sheetmetal Specialty Co.
with purchase).
(802) 496-2574 330 East 76th St.
Expert Meta) Craftsman MO New York. NY 10021
402 East 63rd Street In addition to the catalog items, Fayston makes such (212) 427-5853
New York, NY 10021 architectural and building items as metal and wood RS/O
stairo, railings and window grilles, fireplace Custom fabricatiem in sheet metal. No literature
(212) 838-2690 dampers, fences and gates. Illustrated catalog and available.
MO price list — $1.
Restores, repairs, cleans brass, cof^r, pewter, inm, Floorcloths Incorporated
lead, lole. Restores antiques to original condition.
Wires chandeliers & lamps. Reiinning & lacquering
Felber Studios P.O, Box 812
of copper. No literature. 110 Ardmore Ave. Severna Pk, MD 21146
Ardmore, PA 19003 (301) 263-3566
(216) 642-4710 RS/O MO DIST
MO RS/O Handpainted reproductiems of 18th and 19th century
Felber Studios maintains a collection of 8,000 plus paint^ canvas floor cover! ngs. 10 year guarantee on
architectual ornamental enrichments. In addition to wear, fading, mildew. 8 standard patterns, 19
stock service, they have a custom department that standard colors. Will also draw original design
can replace and or renew period plaster mold ings to proposals or work from customer’s ideas. Standard
private homes and commercial institutions. They patterns range in price from $120 for a 3 x 5 ft.
Key to Abbreviations have completed jabs at the White House in floorcloth to $865 for a 9 x 12 fl. size. Brochure with
Washington, D.C., and at the Molly Brown House in color illustrations — $1.
Denver, Colorado. Free Catalog available. Custom
MO = sells by Mail Order architectual planning consultation service also Focal Point, Inc.
available. 4870 S. Atlanta Rd.
Smyrna, GA 30080
RS/O s sells through Retail P.A. Fiebiger, Inc. (404) 351-0820
Store or Office 462 10th Ave. MO DIST
New York, NY 10018 Manufactures a handsome line of historically
DIST = sells through (212) 563-6818 accurate ceiling medallions, cornice mouldings,
RS/O niches, etc. Made of molded urethane, material is
Distributors strong and light — and when painted is
Artists in wrought iron. Create original designs to
customer speciflcatimis. Have done work for indistinguishable from plaster. Elasy to install.
ID = sells through Interior restoratitfis such as the U.9. CapiUd & Bow Bridge Styles are basically Classical and Georgian. Free
Designers only in NYC’s Central Park. No literature. brochure.

Finish Feeder Company Folger Adam Co.

P.O. Box 60 Box 688
Boyds, MD 20720 Joliet, IL 60434
(301) 972-1474 (815) 723-3438

The Old-House Journal 50 1373 Catalog

Brass rimlocks and hinges approved by the Colonial Haa a handsome collection of Early American colors Makes etched decorative glass panels, windows,
Williamsburg Foundation. Free illustrated catalog for both interior and exterior use. Free color chips: mirrors and wood pieces. Combinations can be made
and price list. "Heritage Color Collection." of leading, goldleafing and silvering techniques, and
stained, beveled and gluechip glass. Can work from
Follansbee Steel Fypon, Inc. existing artwork. Pricing is bsised on the intricacy
State St. Box 366, 108 Hill St. and quantity of work No literature.
Follansbee, WV 26037 Stewartstown, PA 17363
(717) 993-2593 D. K. Gifford
(304) 627-1260
DIST 230 Windshadow Ct.
Manufactures terne rooFing and terne-coated Fypon is a high density polyurethane that can be Roswell, GA 30075
stainless for standing-seam metal^oofs. One of the nailed, drilled and sawn with carpenter tools. The (404) 993-3281
oldest types of metal rooFing. terne is used on many company's molded millwork includes pediments, MO RS/O
historic buildings such as Monticello artd the pilasters, cross heads and mouldings suitable for Architectural paintings, Victorian houses, etc.
Smithsonian Institution. It's a a premium-quality Colonial entrance ways and windows. Free Commissioned works, average price S3000. Also
long-lasting material. Free brochures: "Terne brochures. limited edition prints, $75 Brochure free.
Roo/ingT and "Terne-Coaled- Stainless Roofing."
Giles A Kendall, Inc.
Charolette Ford Trunks P.O. Box 188
G Huntsville, AL 35804
Box 536, Dept. OH
Spearman. TX 79081 Gang Wood Products, Inc. (206) 776-2979
Antique trunk hardware and supplies. Free 24 pg.
1184 Lamar Avenue 4 X 8 ft. aromatic cedar fiakeboard panels to line
catalog. Memphis, TN 38104 existing closets or for construction of free- standing
(901) 725-7472 closets, entry hall and urtder-the-stair closets. Cedar
Formby’s Reflnishing Prod., Inc. RS/O closet plans booklet — $.26
P.O. Box 788 Custom architectural millwork — wooden
staircases. Will custom-make mouldings in both Gill Imports
Olive Branch, MS 38654 hardwood and softwood. Also: Gingerbread,
DIST Box 73
handrails, balusters, columns, mantels, casings for Ridgefield, CT 06877
Distributes refinishing products, tung oil and a
doors and windows. Can ship all over U.S. Custom
finish reviver. Free Do-It-Yourself booklets on (203) 438-7409
builds windows, doors and all types of case work.
Furniture and Home Care and Restoration. You must write or call for your needs. MO
Hand-made crewel fabric for upholstery, curtains,
Carl Forslund Gargoyles, Ltd. bedspreads. Made in India of lOO^i wool embroidery
122 E. Fulton St. on natural cotton. Send $.50 for swatch and
202 Sharpstown Center brochure.
Grand Rapids, Ml 49502 Houston, TX 77036
(616) 459-8101 (713) 777-2911
MO Glassmasters Guild
Large collecticm of traditionally styled furniture and
RS/O 621 Avenue of the Americas
Large selection of expensive architectural antiques. New York, NY 10011
accessories. Catalog $2. Also restaurant fittings. No literature available.
<212) 924-2868
Kenneth Fortney Gaston Wood Finishes, Inc. RS/O MO
10 E. Hazel Ave. A complete line of imported and domestic stained
3630 E. 10th St., P.O. Box 124 glass, tools, supplies and books for the hobbyist ani
Marietta, PA 17547 Bloomington, IN 47401 professional glass craftsperson. Catalog and a $1.00
(717) 426-3151 (812) 339-9111 coupon refundable on your first order of $5.00 or
RS/O MO MO more. Send $1.00
Floor and wall stenciling using original Victorian An excellent selection of traditional wood finishing
stencils. Can also do 18th century stenciling. Will supplies — including many hard-lo-find items like
Glass Menagerie Designs Ltd.
cut patterns for people who want to do their own lacquers, glazing stains, colored putty for patching 2070 Tulare Way
stenciling. No literature wood, etc. Catalog $1. Upland. CA 91786
(714) 985-7719
Foundation Georgia Lighting RS/O
409 N. 8th 530 Nth Street, NW Designs and makes stained and leaded glass panels
Fort Smith, AR 72901 Atlanta, GA 30318 for dwrs, windows and skylights. No literature.
(601) 785-4016 (404) 875-1754 Glen — Gery Corporation
RS/O RS/O MO P.O. Box 280, Route 61
Restoration contractors serving the state of Extensive line of lanterns and lighting fixtures,
Arkansas. No literature. Shoemakersville, PA 19555
some of which are period in inspiration. Send $3.00 (216) 662-3076
for full-color catalog.
Stephen Franklin Looking Glasses DIST
Manufacturers of a large array of molded colonial
Box 148 Douglas Gest Co. brick that looks just tike old brick. Free brochure —
Alberton, MT 59820 R.R, No. 2 "1776 Face Brick."
RS/O MO Randolph,VT 05060
Handmade Reproductions pre-1780 mirrors. (802) 728-9286 J. Goddard & Sons
Available in 160 year old cherry, walnut & RS/O P O. Box 808
mahogany. Prices $150 - $500. Hand carved & some Complete restoration services, specializing in Manitowoc, WI 54220
styles with ornate gilt carved phoenix. Catalog $.50 interior restoration — fine woodworking and
(414) 682-0263
cabinetmaking. No literature.
Frog Tool Co., Ltd. Manufactures a line of metal polishes and cleaning
Giannetti Studios compounds. No literature.
541 N. Franklin St. 3806 38th Street
Chicago, IL 60610 Brentwood, MD 20722 The Golden Fleece
(312) 644-5999 (301) 927-0033 127 Dunham's Comer Rd.
MO RS/O RS/O MO Bast Brunswick, NJ 08616
Store has extensive collection of traditional and Primarily engaged in the design, manufacture and (201) 264-9360
old-fashioned woodworking tools, including installation of ornamental plaster in the RS/O
imported tools. Adzes, froes, broad axes, myford Washington, DC metropolitan area. However they Antiques-Restoratiem including striping, stenciling
lathes, wood moulding planes, wood finishing have been expanding their restoratim/preaervat- and gilding of painted furniture. They can also
materials and wood carving chisels. Many other ion services. Free brochure. restore picture frames and clock faces. No literature.
unusual itenis. Catalog available - $.50.
Gibbs and Talley Glass
Fuller O’Brien Paints 60 Woodland Ave. Good Time Stove Co.
P.O, Box 864 San Francisco, CA 94117 P.O. Box F
Brunswick, GA 31620 Goshin, MA 01032
(415) 822-6166
(912) 265-7660 RS/O (413) 268-3677

1373 Catalog SI The Old-House Journal

Antique cooking and parlor stoves restored to Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum. Manufacturers of Pennsylvania Barn Siding —
working order. Dates range 1790 to 1930- Among the fabrics are an 1830 Audubon chintz and distressed, antiqued, weathered and stained pine
Prices range from $200 to $1,100. Illustrated a flower design in the manner of William Morris. boards for exterior and interitN’ use. Other products
brochure $.00 Call for more detailed infonnatim. The furniture — Queen Anne chiefly — comes in kit are white pine clapboard siding (plain or factory
form at considerable savings. 4 color catalog and stained), hewn timber or log siding, rustic wood
Gothic Glass price list — $2.50. beams for mantels, ceiling beams. Also wide pine
2206 Main St. plank flooring, and a line of primitive pine
Napa, CA 94666 A. Greenhatgh & Sons Painting & furniture. Illustrated literature, price lists and a
(707) 226-1964 Farwell Road sample of siding and flooring - $2.00.
RS/O Tyngsborough, MA 01879
Restoration and reproduction of antique stained (617) 649-7887
glass. Serving the San Prandsco Bay area. Walk in RS/O
shop. No literature. Interior and exterior painting, wallpapering,
stenciling. Serving B«ton, Mass, and surrounding H
Gougeon Bros., Inc. areas.
706Z Martin St. Peg Hall Studios
Bay City, MI 48706 Grilk Interiors and Fine Arts
111 Clapp Road
(617) 684-7286 2200 E. 11th St.
Scituate, MA 02066
RS/O MO Davenport, !A 52803
(617) 646-3605
Primarily a su|^lier of materials for boat building (319) 323-2735
and repair, their "West System” epoxy materials MO
RS/O Supplies for decorating period furniture and
have found use for repairing and consolidating Interior designers specializing in old house interiors.
rotted wood. 30 page illustrated manual on the acce^ories: Design books, brushes, stencil knives,
They slock reproduction wallpaper, light fixtures
"West System" $2. French quill engravers and scrollers, gold leaf, glass
and fabrics. No literature. leaf and bronze powders. Catalog and price list —
Charles R. Grade and Sons Guardian National House Inspection, Inc.
979 Third Ave. P.O. Box 31 Hallelujah Redwood Products
New York, NY 10022 Pleasantville, NY 10570 39600-J Comptche Rd.
(212) 753-5360 (914) 769-6186 Mendocino, CA 96460
RS/O MO RS/O (707) 937-4410
Specializing in restoration of antique wallpapers. In depth engineering inspections of every component
Also have imported Oriental and antique papers, RS/O MO
of a house. Extensive experience with older homes.
and will custwn-duplicate antique papers. No Over 50 stock patterns of sawn wood ornaments and
Write for copies of actual reports and a free brocure
literature. decorative parts for the house and porch: A]^lique
detailing our s«*vices. We cover New York, New
and mouldings, porch brackets, corbels, porch
Jersey, Connecticut. Rhode Island and railings, belt course brackets. Custom work also.
Graham’s Lighting Fixtures Massachusetts. Illustrated catalog with price list — $1.
650 So. Cooper
Memphis. TN 38104 P.E. Guerin, Inc. Ruth Harmon — Artist
(901)276-1781 23 Jane Street 710 So. Ross
MO RS/O New York, NY 10014 Santa Ana, CA 92701
A collection of antique and reproduction lighting (212) 243-5270 (714) 543-1715
fixtures. Limited literature available. RS/O MO RS/O
FabricaUaa and importers of fine traditional brass A professional artist who captures old houses on
Grant Hardware Company Div. of decorative hardware since 1857. Some Early canvas. Free literature.
Buildex, Inc. American and English designs, but the emphasis is
10 High St. on period French hardware. Among the splendid
bathroom llttin^, there are several suitable for 19th Harris Manufacturing Company
West Nyack, NY 10994 P.O. Box 300
and turn-of-the-century houses. Over 60,000 models
(914) 358-4400 available for custom manufacture. Prices are not Johnson City, TN 37601
DIST cheap. 64 pg. (16 in color) illustrated catalog and (616) 928-3122
Manufactures a line of sliding and folding doors, price list — $4. DIST
hardware, shelf standards ai^ supports, llieir
This 60 year old company makes hardwood flooring
Sliding Hardware Catalog includes applications,
The Guild in 22 parquet and plank patterns — many of which
product sizes and installations as well as illustrative
2749 E. Anaheim St. are suitable for period houses They also
photos and cross-sections to aid in the selection of manufacture staircase treads end risers. Free
sliding hardware. Long Beach, CA 90804
(213) 434-1255 illustrated catalog and technical notes.
John Grass Wood Turning Co. MO RS/O Charles A. Hartwell
146 N. 2nd St. Roll top desk lock and key hole cover. Free brochure
upon request. 11050 E. Apache Trail
Philadelphia, PA 19106 Apache Junction, AZ 86220
(215) 627-0305 MO
Guild of Shaker Crafts
RS/O Repairs and restores old and new locks and locking
Will custun make newel posts, balusters, divider 401 West Savidge St.
Spring Lake, MI 49456 devices: fitting keys to them, and making duplicate
posts, railings and columns. No literature. keys. Prices for key fitting range from $3.50 for the
(616) 846-2870 smaller, simpler locks to $45.00 for larger,
Great American Salvage Company, Inc. RS/O MO handmade box lock keys. Very large box lock keys
A representative selection of Shaker furniture somewhat higher. No literature.
901 East 2nd Street reproductions and accessories. Includes large case
Little Rock, AR 72203 pieces, chairs, rockers, oval boxes, and q>inning
(501) 371-0666 Heads Up, Inc.
wheel. 4 color 28 pg. illustrated catalog and price list
RS/O 3201 W. MacArthur Blvd.
— $2.50.
Service & restoration facilities capable of Santa Ana, CA 92704
reproducing a complete lighting fixture or any part Gurian’s (714) 649-8903
(rf'it. New line of lighting. Fancy silk shades typical 276 Fifth Ave. DIST
of the early 1900's, cypress shutters, moulding for New York, NY 10001 A complete line of solid oak bathroom accessories,
Restaurants, pubs, and homes. Old gas/electric medicine cabinets, vanities, & a reproduction pull
lighting — Old door hardware. All completely (212) 689-9696 chain tealet. Write for free color literature and the
restored. No literature. MO RS/O name of your local distributor.
Hand-embroidered crewel fabric from India.
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Multi-color wool on natural cotton. Also ready-made Heatilator Fireplace
bedspreads and table covers. Send $.50 in stamps for
Museum swatch and catalog. P.O. Box 409
Mt. Pleasant, 10 52641
Dearborn, Ml 48121 Guyon, Inc. (319) 385-9211
(313) 271-1620 65 Oak St. DIST
RS/O MO Litite, PA 17543 The original patented heat circulating
Handsome reproductions of clocks, furniture, lamps, (717) 626-0225 manufactured fireplace. Available inbuilt-in.
hooked rugs, wallpaper, fabrics and accessories from RS/O MO DIST zero-clearance, woodburning models. Can be

The Old-Bouse Journal S2 1373 Catalog

Allen Charles Hill AIA Hoose Restoration
installed by a handy do-it-yourself person. Cost
when professionally installed is less expensive than 25 Englewood Road 3984 Lancaster Rd.
a conventimal installation. Brochure — S.26 Winchester, MA 01890 South Euclid, OH 44121
(617) 729-0748 (216) 481-7372
Heirloom Rugs RS/O RS/O
Complete service for restoring the residential home
28 Harlem Street House inspection company serving eastern specializing in creative detail of wood, wood
Rumford, RI 02916 Massachusetts and New Hamp^ire. Consultation
and lecture services available. Free brochure. finishing & painting. Serves the north-eastern Ohio
(401) 438-6672 area. No literature.
Illustrated catalog, $1. Shows 246 of over 500 Hird/Blaker
The Hope Co., Inc.
hand-drawn hooked rug patterns (ni burlap base). 335 W. 16th St.
Sizes of designs range from chairseata to room-size.
P.O. Box 28431 (OHJ)
New York, NY 10011
Does not sell materials or accessories for hooking. St. Rouis, MO 63141
(212) 691-2880
(314) 432-5697
Hendricks Tile Mfg. Co., Inc. ^wcailists in the fabricatim & restoration of
anything in wood. Manufacture shutters and 100% pure Tung Oil — no thinners added. Also
P.O. Box 3673 manufactures a furniture cleaner, lemon oil polish
Richmond, VA 23234 millwork, and build and install cabinets and custom
woodwork, both in period and modern styles. No and a reTinisher. Free brochure and price list.
Concrete and steel reinforced roofing tiles in a literature.
variety of styles, including Colcmial round butt and Hofton Brasses
hand split shake. Tiles are custom made in colors Historic Boulevard Services P.O. Box 95-OJ, Nooks Hill Rd.
and textures selected for each specific >ob. Frost 1520 West Jackaon Blvd. Cromwell, CT 06416
proof and nreprutd*. Hendricks Tiles have been used Chicago, IL 60607 (203) 636-4400
in the Williamsburg and Old Salem restorations. (312) 829-5562 RS/O MO
Free color and application brochures. A handsome selection of authentic reproduction
RS/O MO hardware — black iron, Hepplewhite, Queen Anne,
Handcrafted, fired terra cotta chimneypots are used
The Heritage Conservation Group Chippendale and Victorian. The latter — suitable
at l)>e topofchimney flues to increase draA, keep out for tum-cd'-the-century houses too — is particularly
2700 12th Ave., South the weather, atKl to add architectural interest.
Nashville, TN 37204 Appropriate for 19th century houses, these 2-3 ft. hard U> find. Among the miscellaneous items are —
hi^ chimney pots range in price from $50-$100. knockers, finials, chest lifts, hooks, door stops, and
(616) 297-6780 books. Catalog and price list — $1.25.
RS/O Descriptive literature about chimney poU — $2.
A group of firms and consultants that offer among Restoration services, including consultation and
general contracting, large stock or salvage House of Moulding
other services — feasibility studies, property
management, design of maintenance programs, materials. 16202 Oxnard St.
selection and acquisition of furni^ings, color Van Nuys, CA 91411
analysis, assistance with National Register applic­ Historic Charleston Reproductions (213)781-6300
ations, governmental relations. No literature. 106 Broad Street RS/O MO
Charleston, SC 29401 An extensive selection of mouldings — softwood,
Heritage Lanterns (803) 723-8292 hardwood, embossed and composition, stairway
parts, chair rails, cornices, corbels. DistribuU^ for
Sea Meadows Lane MO
Fine reproducUon 18th century furniture (Sheraton, Focal Point architectural decorations. Free
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Adam. Queen Anne>, silver, glass, pewter. Interior illustrated catalog.
(207) 846-3911
RS/O MO and exterior period paint (by DeVoe). Catalog and
paint chart $4.00. Refundable with purchase. Martha M. House Furniture
Wide selection of hand-crafted reproduction lanterns
for interior or exterior use. Available in brass, 1022 So. Decatur Street
copper or pewter. 62 page catalog - $2.00. Historic Windows Montgomery, AL 36104
Box 1172 (205) 264-3558
Harrisonburg, VA 22801 RS/O MO
Heritage Rugs MO A large selection of mahogany Victorian furniture
P.O. Box 404, Lahaska Custom made Early American indoor shutters. Full — tables, chairs, sofas, case pieces, beds. Hand
carved of solid Honduras mahogany. Table tops of
Bucks County, PA 18931 or half in 3/4" solid hardwoods. An excellent Italian marble. Shipped frt. collect from
(215)794-7229 insulatorfordrafly windows. Send $.50 for brochure.
Montgomery Large choice of covers & finishes. 48
Heritage Rugs has preserved the old craft of Pff . 4 color illustrated "Southern Heirlooms" catalog
weaving early American rag rugs on their antique Home Fabric Mills, Inc. $1.
looms. These ail wool rugs are custom made in sizes P.O. Box 662, Rte. 202
up to 15' wide and 26' long. Just send the colors you Belchertown, MA 01007 House Joiner
would like included (by enclosing paint, fabric or (413) 323-6321 RD No. 1 Box 44D
wallpaper samples). Each rug is numbered and RS/O Moretown, VT 05660
r^slered as a Heritage original. Free brochure Drapery and upholstery fabrics — velvets, antique (802) 244-5095
available. satins, damasks, casements, printed linens. No MO
literature. Continues to practice the traditional craft of House
Hess Repairs Joinery. Capabilities include the restoration of
200 Park Ave., So. Homecraft Veneer classical period houses; disassemby and reassembly
New York, NY 10003 when the situation requires it; joining from new
901 West Way timbers and finishing braced frame structures.
(212) 260-2266 Latrobe, PA 16650 Stairways, raised and flush panel work, interior and
RS/O (412)537-8436 exterior moulding details, cabinet and furniture
All types of repairs on fine antiques. Specializes in MO work. All architectural parts on special order only.
porcelain, crystal, silver. No literature. Specialists in veneer and veneering supplies — Brochure available — $1.00.
domestic and imported veneers, tools, wood finishes
Hickorv Chair Company brushes, sanding papers, saw blades, dowels, dowel
P.O. Box 2147 pins. 4 pg. illustrated instruction brochure,
descriptive literature with price list — $.50.
David Howard, Inc.
Hickory, NC 28601 P.O. Box 295
(704) 328-1801 Alstead. NH 03602
DIST R. Hood & Co.
Historical James River Plantation Collection - Heritage Village, US Rte. 3 (603) 836-2213
Reproductions and adaptatitms of 18th century Meredith, NH 03253 RS/O MO
Designs and makes old style braced post and beam
furniture and a scattering of 19th century pieces. (603) 366-2200 houses in a variety of sizes and styles. There is a
The collection features many upholstered pieces. 112 RS/O MO supervisim package, a construction kit and an
pg. catalog - $3.00. Cambridge Collectiim - Less Early American decorating specialists - instruction book. Windows, doors, siding, roofing,
formal look of "country” traditjonal furniture. Williamsburg & Sturbridge paints, wallpaper, hardware, cabinets and stairs can be supplied.
Queen Anne, Tudor and Chippendale reproductions. fabrics, drapes - authentic reproduction furniture, Oversize illustrated brochure — $4.
Catalog . $2.00. TTie company has been licensed to accessories, hardware, lighting fixtures, etc. Free
reproduce furniture from properties of National brochure on hardware • available with self
Trust for Historic Preservation. addressed stamped envelope.

1070 Catalog 53 The Old-House Journal

Howell Construction International Consultants, Inc. Janovic/Plaza, Inc.
2700 12th Avenue, South 227 South Ninth St. 1292 First Ave.
Nashville. TN 37204 Philadelphia, PA 19107 New York, NY 10021
(616) 269-5659 (215) 923-8888 (212) 535-8960
RestorsUcm contractor serving the middle Company is versed in project management, ooet Store has probably the largest stock of specialty
Tennessee region for over 70 years. Free brochure.
estimating and CPM scheduling. Has performed painting and decorating supplies in the U.S. Will
design and project management services for many also service mail orders.
S & C Huber, Accoutrements historic restoration projects in the Mid-Atlantic and
82 Plants Dam Rd. New England states. Brochure free. Jedco Products
East Lyme, CT 06333 Rt. 27A North Road
(203) 739-0772 Iron Horse Antiques, Inc. Southold, NY 11971
RS/O MO R.D. No. 2 (616) 765-2313
Company produces hand crailed goods of ISth and Poultney, VT 05764
early 19th century design on its small 1710 farm.
(802) 273-2000 Retailers for the original old time Hunter ceiling
They conduct lessons for such cralts as wool dyeing, fans. Free literature.
soap making, candle dipping, paper making, rug Specializes in old and antique tools. Also carries
ta'aiding, etc. Among items for sale: Handspun yarns bwks dealing with restoration, tools, crafts, etc.
and fabrics, weaving and textile tools, natural dyes, Jo-El Shop
Antique tool catalog, illustrated and with price list, 7120 Hawkins Creamery Rd.
candles, candle making supplies, handmade soap, is published 3 times yearly at $6 per year. Book
stencils and papermaking supplies. Charming catalog — $.25.
Laytonsville, MD 20760
catalog — S.75. (301) 253-3951
Hudson Valley Building Recycling Co. Specialists in restored dectric lamps and lighting
Bingham Rd. fixtures of the type installed when a house was Trst
Marlborough, NY 12642 electrified. Catalog $2.00, refunded with order.
Company deleted. Inquiries will be answered.
1914) 236-7198
RS/O Did not meet editors'
Specializes in the restoration and rehabilitation of H & R Johnson, Inc.
early structures. Complete architectual and
service standards. State Highway 35
ccmtractual services. Irving the Hudson Valley Keyport, NJ 07735
r^on of New York State and western Connecticut. (201) 264-0566
No literature. DIST
Joao Isabel, Inc. H & R Johnson Inc. manufacturers of Floor & Wall
Wm. Hunrath Co., Inc. tiles, such as Decorative Quarry Tiles, as well as,
120 East 32nd St. Victorian Wall tiles -6x6 and 8x4 Ranges.
163 E. 67th St,
New York, NY 10016 Brochure - "Unglazed Ceramic Floor Tiles and
New York, NY 10022
(212) 689-3307 Fittings" - free.
(212) 758-0780
RS/O Designers and craftsmen in brass. In addition to the
Shop carries a full line of decorative hardware in Jones & Erwin, Inc.
14 styles of handcrafted pure brass beds in the 232 Bast 59th St.
brass, bronze, iron. Furniture hardware, bathroom catalog, they can make umbrella stands, hat racks
accessaries, etc. No literature. New York, NY 10022
and reproductions of antique bass beds. Also repairs (212) 759-3706
and restoration of antique brass beds 4 color
Hurley Patentee Lighting catalog, price list and booklet — $3. RS/O DIST ID
R.D. 7 - Box 98A Hobe Erwin Editions In Wallpaper, a line of Early
Kingston. NY 12401 Itinerant Artist American documentary wallpapers. Also Colonial,
(914) 331-5414 French and English designs adapted from antique
Box 222 documents. No literature.
RS/O MO Falls Church. VA 22046
17th and IBth century lights reproduced by hand MO Mary Jane Jones Interior Design
From fixtures in museums and private collections. Durable reusable stencils to decorate walls, floors,
These unusual lights are authentic in appearance 5617 Wonder Drive
fabric, furniture, etc. Stencils from $.50 to $36. Ft. Worth, Texas 76133
thanks to a special aging process. Over 100 tin, iron Custom stencils available. Catalog of Early
and brass bettys, candleholders, scmces, lanterns American and Contempory designs with (817) 292-3964
and chandeliers. A few non-lighting items — a instructions. Send $4.cio plus $.50 postage. RS/O
bootscraper, iron firescreen and candle An interior design firm specializing in preserving
extinguishers. Illustrated catalog and price list — the era and feeling of old Iwmes. Iliey will match
$1 . paints and restore wallpapers where possible. No
Hyde Manufacturing Company
54 Eastford Road, Dept N J
Southbridge, MA 01550
(617) 764-4344 K
DIST Wm. H. Jackson Co.
A long establi^ed manufacturer of tools designed to 3 E. 47lh St. Katzenbach and Warren, Inc.
l»epare surfa^ for painting, decorating and 960 Third Ave.
refinishing. Among the tools are — joint knives,
New York, NY 10017
paint, wood and wallpaper scrapers, putty knives, (212) 753-9400 New York, NY 10022
seam rollers, craA knives, illustrated how-to book RS/O (212) 759-5410
and catalog — $1.00. Carries a full line of antique artd new fireplace ID DIST
equipment, mantels, andirons, firetools, grates, Manufacturers of Williamsburg Wallpapers (see
fenders, etc. No literature. Williamsburg Craft Housei. Also distributors of
Waterhouse Wallcoverings — a collection of
Charles W. Jacobsen, Inc. documentary patterns from papers found on walls,
401 S. Salina St. trunks and bookbindings, etc., mostly in New
I Syracuse, NY 13202 England. No literature.
(315) 471-6622
RS/O MO K B Moulding, Inc.
lUinois Bronze Paint Co. 3000 or more handmade Oriental rugs — new, used, 508A Larkfield Rd.
300 East Main Street semi-antique and antique — in a wide range d*sizes East Northporl, NY 11731
Lake Zurich, IL 60047 are in .stock at all times, llie company, whose (516) 368-6009
president is a recognized authority in the field, RS/O MO
(312) 438-8201 keeps its prices below the market level by acting as Ornamented wood mouldings, cornices and chair
DIST direct importers, cantractwson new mgs and by the rails. Pressed wood decorative carvings in formal
All purpose high gloss spray paints, epoxy spray volume of retail and mail order sales. Free and very French and English styles. Ornament catalog and
paints, bru^-on latex enamels, anti-rast enamels.
complete, helpful and informative literature and price list — $.26. Moulding catalog and price list —
Free literature. descriptive lists. $.25,

The Old-House Journal St 1970 Catalog

Kohler Co. EHstributes solid brass r^roductions of early
Steve Kayne Hand Forged Hardware American i traditional lamps, chandeliers, lanterns
17 Harmon Place Kohler, WI 53044 and sconces, electric or for candles or oil.
Smithtown, NY 11787 (414) 457-4441 Indoor-outdoor lighting fixtures. 68 pg. full color
(516) 724-3669 DIST catalog —12.50
A major manufacturer of plumbing supplies now has
RS/O MO a line QrnttingsBuilablefbr old-style tubs and sinks I>anctmark Company — Architects &
Custom blacksmith work, exterior/interior
hardware, fireplace tools, cranes. andircMU, as well as a contemporary version of the Builders
dutch-oven doors, enclosures, hooks, candlestands, old-fashioned tub with rolled rim and claw feet. Box 1408
ceiling & wall fixtures, drawer/door hardware, locks Write for two free folders — "Antique Faucets" and Manhattan, KS 66502
repaired & restored, gate St shutter hardware, boot "The Birthday Bath". Also Turn of the Century (913) 776-6010
scrapers, kitchen utensils. Sand cast braes & bronze artwork from Early Kohler Piumbingware Catalogs
reproduced on beige stock.
interior/exterior hardware, hingea, thumb latches, Architectural restoraticm and design services, Mo
doorknockers. Repairs & restoration. Fireplace literature.
tools, custom hardware, cast brass & bronze
hardware catalogs - $1.(X) ea. 3 for $2.50. Basics of Hoppers Co. Landmark Realty
blacksmithing boo)det - $2 00. 190io Koppers Bidg.
573 So. Van Ness Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 San Francisco, CA 94110
Kensington Historical Company (412) 227-2000 (415) 626-3001
P.O. Box 87 DIST RS/O
East Kingston, NH 03827 Manufactures fire-retardant red cedar shakes and Lists and sells Victorian houses and income
(603) 778-0686 shingles. Brochure FP 798 free. property, primarily in the Missiim and Western
HS/O MO Addition districts of San Francisco, although they
A complete assortment of building materials from Peter Kramer/Cabinetmaker are active throughout the Bay area. No literature.
18th century homes. Hand-hewn beams always in Washington, VA 22747
stock. Specialists in the design and restoration of (703) 675-3626 Lawler Machine & Foundry
18th century houses. Free brochure. Box 2977
Handcrafled early American country furniture Birmin^am, AL 35212
Kentucky Wood Floors, Inc. inspired by life in an imagined community of the (206) 595-0597
7761 National Turnpike early 1700s. Uluatrated portfolio and price list — $2. DIST
Louisville, KY 40214 Complete line of ornamental metal castings &
(602) 368-5836 Kristia Associates accessory stems. (Gray iron & aluminum) Designs
DIST P.O. Box 1118, 343 Forest Ave. from Vintage to Modern. Sold as component parts
FuU line of wood Hooring, including plank, parquet Portland. ME 04104 only to metalworking shops who fabricate &
and cu.stom designs. Literature $1.()0. (207) 772-2821 assemble & finish for the homeowner or cOTitractor.
Casting catalog $5.00.
Keystone F^irniture Stripping Sole importers of the Norwegian JotuI cast iron
3201 Adams Ave. stoves. There are a variety of models — for heating Frances I.«ake
San Diego, CA 92116 and cooking— including parlor stoves, coal stoves, 1134 Royal St.
(714) 280-1337 freestandingand manufactured fireplaces. Also sells New Orleans, LA 70116
RS/O chimney brushes. Two interesting catalog at $1 (604)561-8258
Stripping, repairing and refmishing of furniture each — "A Resource Book on The Art of Heating RS/O MO
doors, mouldings, etc. Serving the .San Diego area With Wood" and "The Resource Book on The Art of Sells antique fabrics including lace and linen
only. No literature. Sweeping Chimneys.” tablecloths, Madeira embroidered rounds and
antique lace curtains. Can handle mail order to any
King’s Chandelier Co. Kruger, Kruger Albenberg area. No literature
Highway 14 2 Central Square
Eden, NC 27288 Cambridge, MA 02139 Leichtung, Inc.
(919) 623-6188 (617) 661-3812 701 Beta Drive No. 17
RS/O MO RS/O Cleveland, Ohio 44143
A huge collection of chandeliers — each assembled Architects, engineers, buildei^ serving the New MO
from parts designed and maintained by the York Metr<^litan area and New England. U.S. distributor of Lervad (Denmark) workbenche.s.
company. There are a few Victorian styles, but most Brochure available. Bracht (Germany) chisels, Sarjenl (England)
are 18th century European in inspiration — largely tvoodthreading tools plus a treasury of fine,
glass and crystal. 96 page illustrated catalog $1.00. difTicult-to-find tools from all over the continent.
1979 catalog (64 pages) available for $1.(X).
Kittinger Company
1683 Elmwood Avenue L l^emee's Fireplace Equipment
Buffalo, NY 14207 815 Bedford St.
(716) 876-1000 Bridgewater, MA 02324
DIST (617) 697-2672
Williamsburg and Historic Newport Furniture Lake Shore Markers RS/O MO
Reproductions. Sold through Kittinger showrooms 664 W, 19th Street Handmade bellows & fireplace accessories &
and department stores. Catalog: "Library of 18(h Erie, PA 16512 equipment. Illustrated catalog & price list — $1.00
Century English and American Designs,” $6. (814) 456-4277 refundable wilh first order. Also: ircm hardware,
MO brass bowls, candlesticks & doorknockers, cast iron
KHae Manufacturing Company Makes historical markers, date plates and plaques banks & doorstops, black doorknockers, cast iron
601 Maryland Ave. out of cast aluminum. Also custom ornamental firebacks, copper kettles A buckets, black bath
Grand Rapids, MI 49S05 aluminum work. Weatherproof vinyl coatings in accessories, black & brass eagles, decorative brooms,
many colorscan lie applied to plaques. Catalog 177 lighting fixtures in brass, copper & black, post
(616) 459-4283 lanterns, fireplace cranes, andirons & screens. Plant
MO DIST free.
hooks, black kettles, several kinds of hooks &
Manufactures carved wood mouldings, frame umbrella stands.
mouldings, woven wire mesh, formed wire ^lles, Lamb, J & R Studios
metal scrolls. Send two $.15 stamps for literature 151 Walnut St. The Lennox Shop
and price list. Northvale, NJ 07647 Rte, 179
(201) 767-3333 Lambertville, NJ 08530
K M H Associates, Inc. RS/O RS/O MO
The Dam Site l.^ge scale work in leaded and stained glass — Early American aocessories. 4 color brochure and
Ceresco, MI 49033 restoration, r^iair and new work. Free brochure. flyers — $.60.
(616) 979-1221 Lever Arms Service LTD
RS/O Lamplighter Shoppe 771 Dunsmuir St.
Restoration services. Ckmsultant designers with 20 200 Main St. Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C1M9
years of experience in restoration work and period Farmington. CT 06032 (604) 666-6913
interior design. Commercial and residential. (203) 677-1208 RS/O
Interiors and exteriors. No literature. HS/O MO Antique & reproduction fittings, lamp fittings,
hardware & marine hardware. No literature._____

1973 Catalog 5S The Old-HDUse Journal

RA. Levine Associates Luigi Crystal Ephraim Marsh Co.
9 Mountain Rd. 7332 Frankford Ave. P.O. Box 266
Somers, CT 06071 Philadelphia, PA 19136 Concord, NC 28025
(203) 729-3468 (215) 338-2978 (704) 782-0814
Professional design services to the trade. Painted giasa Victorian table lamps, cut crystal Adaptions and reproductions of 18th century
chandeliers, hurricane lamps, sconces. Reasonably furniture with some 19th century pieces. Mostly
Joe Ley Antiques priced. Imported crystal prisms. Illustrated catalog moderate in price. 200 pg. catalog with price list —
620-622 E. Market St. A price list - (.26. $1.
Louisville. KY 40202
(502) 583-4014 Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Inc. Marshalltown Trowel Co.
RS/O 78 Danbury Rd. P.O. Box 738
Two three-story buildings stocked with mantels, Wilton, CT 06897 Marshalltown, lA 50158
columns, railings, newel posts and many more hard (203) 762-8363 (515) 754-6100
to find Hems. No literature. MO DIST
Pressed tin ceilings, metal comice parts, ornamental Trowels and other tools for working with cement,
Howard Lieberman, P.E.- Home Buyers gutters and leaders, weathervanes...thousands oC brick, concrete block, dry wall and plaster. Free
Inspection Service stamped metal designs made from original dies. illustrated catalog. A ua^ul 24 pg. booklet
Work done in copper, lead, zinc, etc. Also brass parts 'troweling Tips and Techniques” is available for
277 White Plains Rd. for chandeliers; cast stnte garden ornament. Cast $.60.
Eastchester, NY 10707 inm garden furniture, park beiKhes, sun dials and
(914) 779-3773 building ornaments of all kinds. Custom Martin's Glass Art Studio
RS/O hammerwM'k. Fascinating 128-pg. catalog $3.60. 422 E. 76th St.
Prepundiase building inspection and consulting,
engineering services. No literature.
New York, NY 10021
(212) 861-2273
L.R Lloyd Co. RS/O
Box 975 Will custom-make etched and cut-glass panels to
replace broken antique panels. No literature;
Uniontown, PA 16401 M walk-in shop only.
Company carries a wide line roofing products that Master’s Stained and Etched Glass Studio
are appn^riate for old houses. No literature.
729 West 16th St.. No. B-l
The London Venturers Company Coeta Mesa, CA 92627
Mac & Lou Construction Co. (714 ) 548-4951
2 Dock Square 2140 Yale
Rockport, MA 01966 RS/O MO
Palo Alto, CA 94306 Stained, leaded, etdied and bevelled glass.
(617) 546-7161 (415) 321-9243 Residential and commercial comissiona. No
RS/O MO RS/O literature.
Specializing in original gas, oil, and early electric Contractors specializing in old house restoration
lighting fixtures; chandeliers, hall lights, wall serving central California. No literature. Mastercraft Industries, Inc.
sconces and table lamps. Illustrated catalog, $1.
120 W. Allen St-
Magnolia Hall Rice Lake, WI 54868
Lone Star Doors & Millwork 726 Andover Dr., Dept. OH
P.O. Box 607 (716) 234-8111
Atlanta. GA 30327 DIST
Irving, TX 75060 (404) 256-4747 7 styles of louver shutters. Free literature.
(214) 438-6611 MO
MO DIST Well-built, solid mahogany, hand-carved Victorian
Large selectim of wood entry doors and side lights reproduction furniture. Some brass and oak pieces.
including Early American and Victorian styles, Also lamps, clocks, mirrors, footstools. 80 pg.
some with leaded glass. Free brochure. Also stocks a The Matchmakers
illustrate catalog and fabric samples — $1.
full line of wood mouldings. Free mouldings catalog. 1466 Harbert Ave.
Also an attractive line of panelled shutters. Memphis, TN 3B104
Mangione Plaster and Tile (901) 274-0310
21 John St.
Looking Glass MO
Saugerties, NY 12477 Can match missing pieces from old Haviland and
Box 347
(914) 246-9863 Noritake china sets. Free literature.
Blairsden, CA 96103
(916) 836-2105 Specializes in the restoration of ornamental Materials Unlimited
RS/O MO plasterwork. Will also reproduce plaster domes and
Custom cameo glass — carved glass done by 4100 Morgan Rd.
mouldings. Serving upstate New York area. No Ypsilanti, MI 48197
sandblasting. Specializes in Victorian and Art literature.
Noveau designs. Free brochure. (313) 434-4300
Manor Art Glass RS/O
Lovelia Enterprises, Inc. One of the largest architectural antique stores in the
20 Ridge Road Midwest — operates on 3 acres with 8,000 sq. ft. of
Box 1845, J, Grand Central Sta Douglaston, NY 11363
New York. NY 10017 protected storage. Authentic materials and
(212) 631-8029 embellishments painstakingly salvaged. Many
(212) 490-0930 RS/O items carefully restored ready for use. Free
MO RS/O Prc^essionally trained craftsmen will restore your literature.
Importers of machine woven tapestries from France, antique stained glass windows to their original
Belgium and Italy in sizes 10 inches to 10 feet. strength end beauty, either in your home or at their
Gobelin and Aubusson tapestries are woven on old Mather’s
studio. Will create new windows to blend with the 31 E. Main Street
loomsfrom original jacquards in either wool or 10014 period architecture of your home. No literature.
cotton. Some are copies of masterpieces with the Westminster, MD 21167
signature of the original artist. Color brochure - MarLe Company MO
$1.25. Old-fashiwied calico curtains. Free brochure. Full
170 Summer St. catalog with 60 swatches, $1.
Ludowici-Celadon Stamford, CT 06904
201 N. Talman Ave. (203) 348-2645 Mathis Pine Furniture Restoration
Chicago, IL 60612 RS/O MO 1141 Washington St.
individually fabricated lanterns of brass and copper Harpers Ferry, WV 26425
(312) 633-4040 - most for exterior use, but some suitable for
RS/O (304) 535-2385
interiiH^. Designs are taken from the 50 year old
Manufactures wide range of handsome ceramic company's collection of antique lanterns. Primarily RS/O
roofing tiles. Free product data sheets on each style, early American in style, there are 2 designs Specializes in the repair and restoration of antiques.
which include: Barrel mission style, Spanish and specifically for Victorian and turn-of-the-century Serving tlie greater Washington, D.C. area. No
various interlocking roof tiles, also flat ceramic houses. Also custom-made work. Catalog with literature.
shingle tile. photos of 18 lanterns and price list — $2.

The Old-House Journal 51 1979 Catalog

l.,ouis Mattia Metal Specialties Co. Mirror Re-Silvering
980 2nd Ave. 34 Broadway Chipmunk Hollow
New York, NY 10022 WakeField, MA 01880 Millbury, MA 01527
(212) 763-2176 (617) 245-1216 (617) 799-0760
A distinctive collection of handcrafted Early Re-Bilvering of any mirror, but meetly for antique
This lillte store is full of Victorian and mirrors, to preserve the beveling, etchings and etc.,
lum-of-cenlury lighting fixtures. Mattia restores, American reproductions available. Nearly 100
rewires, adds antique or r^roduction glass shades. different styles available in copper, brass or pewter. that are not replaceable. Formula dates back (o
Send tl.iX) for catalog. 1700’b, giving mirrors an original finish using 60
Cannot handle mail orders. No literature.
grams of silver imparting reflectivity, as
Kenneth Meyer Co, compared with 761i in today's mirrors. Just as with
Maurer & Shepherd, Joyners the old craftsmen, all steps of the process are done by
122 Naubuc Ave. 327 6th Ave. hand. They handle any size mirror. No literature.
Glastonbury, CT 06033 San Francisco, CA 94118
(203) 633-2383 ID Benjamin Moore & Co.
RS/O MO Manufacturers of custom-made trimmings, fringes,
tassels, tiebacks for Interior Decorators. No 51 Chestnut Ridge Road
Hand-produced custom-made exterior and interior Montvale, HJ 07645
architectural trim — doors, floors, windows, literature.
(201) 573-9600
wainscotting. shutters, columns, capitals. Brochure
— I.2B. Michael’s Fine Colonial Products R/O DIST
22 Churchill Lane This mqjor paint manufacturer has exteriOT and
interior paints for early American houses —
Mayfair China Corp. Smithtown, NY 11787 Historical Color Collection and Cameo Collection.
142 22nd St. (516) 543-2479 There are free leaflets abwt these lines as well as
Brooklyn. NY 11232 MO these useful booklets — "Interior Wood Finishing",
(212)768-3612 Custom-made millwork appropriate for 19th century "Painting Walls, Ceilings and Trim" ar>d "How To
RS/O MO as well as Colonial houses. Free flyer. Paint The Outside of Your House."
Makes hand-painted round and oval bowls that will
fit old marble sinks. Can also supply plain china D.R. Millbranth • Cabinetmaker
Gates Moore
bowls. Will paint custom patterns. No literature. RR No. 2, Box 462 River Road, Sjlvermine
Hillsboro. NH 03244 Norwalk, CT 06860
McCloskey Varnish Co, (603) 464-5244 (203) 847-3231
7600 Stale Road RS/O MO
Philadelphia, PA 19136 18th century furniture reproductions and RS/O MO
Handmade reproductions of early American lighting
(216) 624^00 adaptatiOTis. No literature. fixtures in a variety of nnishes — old paint effect,
DIST distressed tin, pewter, flat black. Will make
Makes a wide variety of varnishes and oil finishes. Phil Miller Construction anything from drawings or sketch with over all
S(dd through distributors. No literature. 1628 Harmon St. dimensions. lilustrated 29 pg. catalog with price list
Berkeley, CA 94703 -«2,
McCullough, Brooks & Innes (415) 547-6855
403 Strawberry St. RS/O The Moore House
Richmond, VA 23220 General contractor - experienced in high quality 58 Hudson Road
(804) 355-5560 restwation work. References. Works in Bay area Sudbury, MA 01776
RS/O only. No literature. MO
Real estate brokers serving central Virginia. No Handpainted canvas floorcloths. I8th century art
literature. Newton Millham, Blacksmith researched and revived to create hand decorated
672 Drift Road custom rugs. Limited orders accepted. Custom wall
Mercer Museum Shop Westport, MA 02790 stenciling in greater Boston area only No literature.
Pine and Ashland Streets (617) 636-6437
Doylestown, PA 18901 BS/O MO
(215) 346-0737 Has supplied the iron house hardware for 60 Morgan & Company
RS/O MO restorations sponsored by the Newport Restoration 443 Metropolitan Ave.
Gift shop of the Bucks County Historical Society. Foundation. Custom work as well as catalog items. Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tin ware, lighting fixtures, red ware pottery, tiles New and expanded, illustrated catalog and price list (212) 387-2196
and sponge ware, handwrought iron ware, kitchen — *1. RS/O
utensils, original needlepoint kits, candles and Company will bend glass. Can make bent glass to
candle molds — reproduced by local crafts people. The Millworks repair tops of leaded glass shades, curio cabinets and
Illustrated catalog with price lists — t.50. Box 176, Paisley china closets. No literature; walk-in shop only.
Publication list. Ontario. Canada N062N0
RS/O MO Morgan Bockius Studios, Inc.
Herman H. Mesick Manufactures architectural woodwork products - 1412 York Road
Hilltt^ Road custom doors, windows, sash, mouldings, lathe work. Warminster, PA 18974
Germantown, NY 12526 Also planing mill sevices. Free flyer. Services (215) 674-1930
(618) 637-6202 Ontario and Quebec only. RS/O MO
RS/O Stained and leaded glass, period and custom designs.
Personalized Old-House realty services in Columbia Minwax Company, Inc. Repairs and weatherproofing of old glass. Free
county, Greene county and northern Dutchess in Box 995, Dept OHJ catalog of window designs.
New York. Also nearby Massachusetts and Clifton, NJ 07014
Connecticut. No literature. (201) 777-1924 Bob Morgan Woodworking Supplies
DIST 915 East Kentucky St.
Popular, effective and easy to use stains and Louisville, KY 40204
woodfinishing products. Free literature, color card
Key to Abbreviations and 16-page booklet — "Tips on Woodfimshing”.
(502) 456-2546
Hardwood lumber and complete line of veneering
Minnesota Woodworkers Supply supplies. Free illustrated catalog with simplif»d
MO s sells by Mail Order Industrial Blvd. veneering instructions.
Rogers, MN 55374
RS/O a sells through Retail (612) 428-4101 Moriarty’s Lamp
Store or Office MO 512 BrinkerholT Avenue
A comprehensive source of sui^lies for the Santa Barbara, CA 93101
do-it-yourself person: Hand tools, veneering RS/O MO
DIST = sells through suK)lies, picture framing, carved and embossed Sells old chandeliers, wall sconces, kerosene li^ta,
Distributors wood trim, books and plans, trim hardware, table old electric and gas-electric fixtures, old shades. Also
and cabinet hinges, sliding door hardware, finishing metal refmishir^ and old lamp parts. Also refinishes
supplies. 1161^. catalog and price list — $1. old doorknobs, window latches, plumbing fixtures,
ID a sells through Interior etc. Inquiries answered color photos sent for $1.00 -
Designers only refundable.

1970 Catalog 57 The Old-House Journal

George W. Mount, Inc. Complete structural and mechanical pre-purchase C. A, Niece Co.
Box 306 home inspections anywhere in New England. After N. Unitrn & Elm Sts.
Greenfield, MA 01301 the inspection, a complete written r^nrt of the Lambertvilte, NJ 08530
(413) 773-5824 condition of the property is issued to you.
Maintenaitce and restoration advice is also provided (609) 397-1200
RS/O MO if desired. All inspectors are Members of the RS/O
Handcrafted wrought iron fireplace tools and American Society of Home Inspectors and subscribe Genuine Idaho white pine paneling with an edge
acoeaeories, bathroom accessories, brackets, candle to its Standards and Code of Ethical C<mduct. Free bead, butterfly or vee joint. 100,(XK) board feet of
holders, heavy duty hooks, herb hooks Free catalog. white pine aiKl cedar in stock. No literature.
illustrated catalog.
The National House Inn Noel Wise Antiques
Mountain Lumber Company P.O. Box 118H
102 South Parkview
P.O. Box 7 Arabi, LA 70032
Marshall, Ml 49068
Free Union, VA 22946 (504) 279-6896
(616) 781-7374
(804) 296-1922 MO RS/O
RS/O Cast "cultured” marble sinks in 3 styles copied Irom Furniture hardware - pulls, handles, galleries,
Dealers in rare and special woods — wormy mouldings. Also veneers and cane webbing. Catalog
chestnut, old heart pine. Also log cabins, beams.
turn-of-the-century marble sinks. Also comer style,
- $1.60.
ideal for closet conversions, 25" wide style for free
Selection of wood may be seen at warehouse standing or built-in, drop-in bowl replaces
Charlottesville, Va. No literature. convential 19” diameter round sinks. Free E.A. Nord Company, Inc.
illustrated brochure with price list. P.O. Box 1187
Munsell Color Everett, WA 98206
2441 North Calvert St. Native American Hardwoods (206) 259-9292
Baltimore, MD 21218 R.D. 1 DIST
(301) 243-2171 West Valley, NY 14171 The world’s largest manufacturer of stile and rail
MO RS/O (716) 942-6631 doors produces stock wood columns, 8 spindle
The Munsell color notation system is a professional RS/O MO designs, turned posts, a lamp post, exterior louver
reference resource. In restoring an old house to its Native Ammcan Hardwoods — c^inet lumber in blinds, spindle, louver and panel bifold doors and
original appearance, color samples would be cherry, butternut, walnut, American chestnut, entry doors, several of which would be suitable for
collected and diecked against the Munsell Book of period houses. Free brochures.
many other woods — wide boards, turning & carving
Colors. The painter would then be given the slock — kiln dried & air dried — flooring, paneling
appropriate color codes and could mix the paints & wainscoating services may be arranged — mail & North Coast Chemical Co.
accurately- There are two basic books — glossy freight shipment — no minimum — detailed listing 6300 I7th Ave. So.
finish, $400 and matte finish, $325. Free 4 color $.26 Seattle, WA 98108
(206) 763-1340
New York Carved Arts Co. MO DIST
John A. Murray & Assoc.
116 Grand Street Free data sheets available on: S-E-G professional
RR 6 Monhege Path New York. NY 10013 paint remover, Durofilm gym finish and penetrating
Marlborough, CT 06447 seal, Northco Masonry Cleaner, Rustphoil metal
(212) 966-5924
(203) 295-0214 RS/O treatment compound, Northco rust remover, lemon
RS/O Creates etched glass panels via the sand-blasting oil & cleaners. Barnacle Milk additive to improve
House inspectors serving the Connecticut River process. Will do custom work. No literature; walk-in adhesion and workability of portland cement.
Valley to Hartford and east to Rhode Island. Free shop only.
literature. Northern Design
New York Marble Works Barre-Montpelier Road
Museum Enterprises, Inc. 1399 Park Ave, Barre, VT 05641
211 W. 21st Ave. New York, NY 10029 (802) 476-6691
Olympia, WA 98601 RS/O
(212) 534-2242
(206) 753-2580 MO RS/O Serves the northern Vermont region, specializing in
RS/O MO Manufacturers of marble vanities sinku^, energy conservation oriented renovation of old
Carries historic Washington Territorial chair with flr^laces, hearthstones, pedestals, steps and buildings. Free brochure.
rawhide seat, also drop leaf tables and nightstands. saddles. They also repair, restore and repotish
Free literature. marble. No literature. Nowell's, Inc.
490 Gate Five Road
Myers Restorations and Const. Newell Workshop Sausalito, CA 94965
Box 21 19 Blaine Ave. (415) 332-4933
Old Washington, KY 41096 Hinsdale. IL 60521 RS/O MO DIST
(606) 769-7470 (312) 323-7367 Victorian reproduction brass lighting fixtures, made
MO MO by hand. Aladdin I^amps, parts and shades. Brass oil
Company will dismantle, transport and rebuild log Restoration materials for chairs — cane webbing, lamps both table and hanging. Complete line of
houses. Throughout the United States. Also offers rush seating material, flat weaving material, hand Victorian glass shades and lamp parts. Catalog
consultation for log house restoration. Free caning kits. Free catalog with price list. $2.(X), refundable with purchase.

Newstamp Lighting Co.

227 Bay Rd.
North Easton, MA 02356 O
N (617) 238-7071
Large selection of Early American lanterns, scmices O’Connor Enterprises
and chandeliers. Catalog is $2.00, refundable. 1760 Monrovia Ave. C-1
Nassau Flooring Corp.
P.O. 351, 242 Drexel Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Nichols & Stone Company (714) 646-8165
Westbury, NY 11791 232 Sherman Street
(516) 334-2327 DIST
Gardner, MA 01440 Oak Windsor arm & side chairs, press back chairs
RS/O (617) 632-2770
Will reimduce old parquet patterns as well as and rockers, ball and claw foot round table, medicine
install new flooring and repair worn floors. No DIST chest and coat rack Free flyer.
ITie Colonial Chair. New booklet contains historical
literature information about different styles. Each style shown Ogrem & Trigg Clock Service
in an attractive room setting, enabling reader to 2616 Colfax Ave So.
National Home Inspection Service of New visualize its look in his own home. Details on wood
England Minneapolis. MN 65408
finishes, colored and custom stenciling are included,
2 Calvin Rd. together with little-known facta about authentic
(612) 377-2290
Watertown, MA 02172 craftsmanship. Booklet $1.00. RS/O MO
(617) 923-2300 Company specializes in the repair arKl restoration
antique clocks. Free literature.

The Old-House Journal SI 1973 Catalog

Ohio City l.and Co. Old House Supplies c/o Historic 1726 Stephen A. Olivo, Jr.
2701 Jay Ave. Witmer's Tav East River Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44113 2014 Old Philadelphia Pike north Chester, MA 01050
(216) 696-0642 Lancaster, PA 17602 (413) 667-8835
RS/O (717) 299-5305 RS/O
Restoration contracting in the Cleveland area. No RS/O Colonial restoration and design consultant in the
literature. Has old shutters, latches, hinges, doors, gates, western Massachusetts region. No literature.
fences, stained glass, and other antique building
Old Carolina Brick Co. pieces. Will also do historic house documentation Open Pacific Graphics
Rt. 9, Box 77 Mqjolica Rd. reports on a time and expense basis. No literature. 43 Market Square
Salisbury, NC 28144 Victoria, B.C. Canada
Old I>amplighter Shop (604) 388-5233
(704) 636-8850
RS/O DIST Deansboro, NY 13328 RS/O MO
Produces hand-moulded bricks, architectural brick (315)841-8774 Printers of restoration wallpapers in the Pacific
shapes and arches in 6 color ranges. Illustrated RS/O MO Northwest. Ihey will do restoration projects in this
brochure — $1. At the Musical Museum. Specialists in the and other areas. A complete sample book of the
restoratim and repair of Victorian artd patterns they have reproduced is available for $40.
Old Colony Curtains lum-of-the-century lamps and lighting fixtures. In .Samples of specific types of patterns and estimates
addition to antiques, they also make reproduction for custom reproductions will be sent free.
P.O. Box 769
Westfield, NJ 07090 lamps and lighting fixtures of these periods. Also a
small stock of working melodeons dating from J. F. Orr & Sons
(201) 233-3883 Village Green, Rt. 27
1850—1860. Restores melodeons. Free brochure.
RS/O MO Sudbury, MA 01776
A comprehensive selection of colonial and country
style curtains, bedroom ensembles, table covers, and (617)443-3660
accessories. Ihey specialize in multiple widths and Old Mansions Co. RS/O
hard-to-find sizes. Catalog - $.25. 1305 Blue Hill Avenue They make a collection of cupboards and dry sinks
Mattapan, MA 02126 whose originals are in the possession of collectors,
Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Co. (617) 296-0737 museums and early inns. Ihey are constructed of
RS/O MO wide hand planed New England white pine and cut
Box 222H nails. They also make trestle and drop leaf tables
Groton, MA 01450 A large inventory of exterior ornaments and
architectural details including columns, porch parts, and period pieces in cherry, maple, walnut and
(617) 448-6336 mahogany. A brochure with a list of dealers is
doors and hardware They also carry exterior
RS/O MO DIST ironwork and interior structural materials such as available for $.50.
Water based milk paint, made in the old way, gives
staircase parts and wall paneling. Special attention
an 'Old Look" to period furniture, old houses, to designers of nostalgia mood restaurants. Staff Ostrom Studios
weathered signs, cupboards, and stencilling. In 532 SE Belmont St.
powdered form, it is available in pints, quarts or librarian assists clients. Catalog $2.00
gallons, and in 8 colors. Distributors for Portland. OR 97214
Watco/Dennis products which include Watco Danish Old Stone Mill Corp. (603) 233-6847
Oil for furniture, woodwork, floors and exterior use. Old Stone Mill RS/O
Brochure and color card free. Adams, MA 01220 Design and duplication of period glass in the Pacific
(413) 743-1015 Northwest region. Restoration of broken panels. No
Old Guilford Forge DIST literature.
Dept. OH Documentary and colonial wallcoverings and
fabrics. Handcrafted and machine printed. 4 color Outer Banks Pine Products
Guilford, CT 06437
(203)453-2731 free brochure. Box 9003
Lester, PA 19113
Authentic copies of I7th & IHth century hardware Old World Moulding (216) 534-1234
(hinges, latches, etc.). All hand wrought in their own 115 Allen Boulevard MO
forge. Free catalog available upon request. Farmingdale, NY 11735 8 comer cabinets made of pine available knocked
(516) 822-2280 down or set up. Coat racks/chairs; oak, scrolled legs,
Old Hickory Lamps RS/O MO curved arms, mirror with 4 metal coat hangers. Dry
Hardwood embossed mouldings, cornices, sinks; solid pine, raised panel doors, antiqued hinges
Rt. 4. Box 248 and porcelain pulls. Brochure — $.25.
Winona, MN 55987 baseboards, mantels and a modular system of
(607) 643-6651 panelling suitable for a variety of period styles.
Custom work also. 4 color catalog and price list -
RS/O $1.00.
Stained and leaded glass repair. Serving Wirtona
Minnesota area. Walk in shop. No literature.
Old Yellow House Restoration Co.
Old-House Inspection Co. P.O. Box 160
140 Berkeley Place Gansevoort, NY 12831 P
Brooklyn, NY 11217 (518) 587-5013
(212) 857-3647 MO
Old house parts, especially architectural details.
RS/O Write for list of available items. House restorations.
House inspection service by licensed registered
Timber framed houses & bams. List of available
architect. Specializes in brownstones and other old PAG New and Used Plumbing Supply,
houses in the New York City metn^litan area. designs.
Olde Commercial Fixtures 155 Harrison Ave.
Old-House Journal
238 Adelphi St. Brooklyn, NY 11206
199 Berkeley Place
Brooklyn, NY 11205 (212) 443-6360
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(212) 866-3330 RS/O
(212) 636-4514 Shop has a selection of old-fashioned used bathroom
MO Antique or reproductimi bars, back bars, ice cream and plumbing fixtures, radiators etc. No literature
Sells the Heavy-Duty Master Heat Gun. ideal for — walk-in shop only.
parlours and pharmacies for use in bars and
strif^ing paint when large areas are involved. Saves
restaurants. Also reproduction round oak tables. No
mess and expense of chemical removers. Won’t Paine & Chriscot, Inc.
literature, but inquiries will be answered.
scorch wood or vaporize lead pigments as a propane
torch will. Heat bubbles paint — which can then be 1187 2nd Ave.
lifted with a scraper. Minor cleanup with chemical Olde Theatre Architectural Salvage Co. New York. NY 10021
remover usually required. Price of $60 includes 1309 Westport Rd. (212) 763-3321
same-day shipping via United Parcel Service. Free Kansas City, MO 64111 RS/O
flyer. (816) 931-3920 Store carries extensive line of decorative hardware,
RS/O including the Pfanstiel line. Includes such
Large selection of antique and recycled house parts. hard-to-find items as finial-tipped hinges. No
Free brochure. catalog.

1979 Catalog 59 The Old-House Journal

Pandora’s Quilt Museum Period Furniture Hardware Co. A shop specializing in early lighting, cmintry
2014 Old Philadelphia Pike 123 Charles St. Americana and 18th and 19thcentury accessories, is
Lancaster, PA 17602 Boston. MA 02114 also the distributor for northern New England of
(717) 299-5305 (617) 227-0758 Floorcloths Incorporated. No literature.
Museum quality antique quills. Ihices start at $160 Reproduction ornamental brass hardware, bath Pioneer Lamps & Stoves
and go up to $350 and $9(X) for old Mennonite and sinks, brass and porcelain bath Httings, 75 Yesler Way
Amish quilts. Will send Polaroid photo for $2.60, hand-craded sconces, chandeliers and lanterns, Seattle. WA 98104
refundable with purchase. fireplace accessories. Illustrated catalog — $2. (206) 624-8035
Stephen W. Parker • Blacksmith Period Lighting Fixtures Victorian Lighting, keroeene & electrified;
Box 40 1 Main St., Dept. OHJ floor/wall/ceiling/ table; solid brass; world's largest
CraRsbury, VT 05826 Chester, CT 06412 selection-Aladdin burner lamps; catalog $5
(802) 586-9600 (203) 526-3690 (purchase deposit). Wood Ranges: a)).new Pacific
MO MO Princess classic American wood/coal cookstoves with
Handforged wrought iron hardware, lighting, Handmade lighting fixtures in early American warming ovens & water reservoirs; unequalled
bootscrapers and kitchen utensils — some of Dutch designs. The finishes of the interior fixtures vary performance & engineering. Wood Stoves: Hie
Colonial derivation. Illustrated catalog and price list from hand rubbed pewter, naturally aged tin, world's largest catalog of historic wood stoves still in
-$ . 1 antique copper, to old glazed colors. Illustrated production - $6 refundable against purchase (retail
catalog and price list— $2. only).
Megan Parry/Wail Stenciliing
1727 Spruce Period Pine Plantation Lighting Inc.
P.O. Box 77062 P.O. Drawer 2436
Boulder. CO 80302
Atlanta, GA 30309 Smyrna, GA 30080
(303) 444-2724
MO (404) 876-4740 (404) 432-0128
Personal stencilling service. 53 Early American and RS/O MO DIST
Victorian designs or custom disigning $10 per hour The company locates, salvages and recycles Solid Brass - Hand crafted lighting fixtures - post,
plus transportation and lodging. Custom d^ign Southern Yellow Heart Pine — a strong fine grained wall, and hanging lanterns, chandeliers, foyer
about $25. Hand-cut stencils for wails and floors, wood now extinct. Free brochure. fixtures. Also a complete line of church lighting.
instruction sheet, supply list for the do-it-yourself Styling includes French, English, Traditional as
Btencilier. Catalog of designs and price list — $I Perkowitz Window Fashions, Inc. well as contemporary. Pull color 76-page catalog
135 Green Bay Rd. available. Send $3.00 to cover postage and handling.
Pat’s Etcetera Company Wilmette. IL 60091
P.O. Box 777 (312) 261-7700
RS/O MO Plaskolite, Inc.
Smithville, TX 78957
A major supplier of louvered shutters carries a full 1770 Joj^e Ave., P.O. Box 1497
(512) 237-3600 Columbus, OH 43216
line of stock shutters and custom sizes. Shutters are
RS/0 MO pine and can be ordered unfinished or with standard
8 designs of fibre replacement seats for late 19th (614) 294-3281
colors or stains. Free price lists and catalog. DIST
century chairs. Curved china cabinet glass custom
cut to customer's measurements. Free literature. A clear rigid plastic storm window with vinyl
Please send stamped self-addressed envelope. They Perma Ceram of Cincinnati mounting trim that can be cut tofU for the inside of
specialize in old full bevelled-leaded glaiM doors, 7320 Forest Avenue the house. A do-it-yourself solution to the odd­
windows, entrance sets and panels. $1.00 per picture Cincinnati, OH 45231 shaped bay or oriel window that defies convent­
requested, refundable with order. (613) 681-2918 ional Btmmi window installatiMi, or an additional
RS/O energy saver with existing storm windows Free
Paul’s Cut Glass Manufacturer of Perma-Ceram, a non-porous brochure.
29 10 36th Ave. resurfacer for bathtubs, sinks, etc. available from
the dealer/applicator in your area. The Polishing Shop & Antiques
Astoria, NY 11363
2220 Cherokee
(212) 729-1418
Pfanstiel Hardware Co. St. Louis, MO 63118
Will execute cut and etched glass to your designs. No Bust Road 776-8363
literature; walk-in shop only. JefTeraonville, NY 12748 RS/O
(914) 482-4445 Restewation of antique brass and n^^per light
Frank Paxton Lumber Co. MO DIST fixtures, bathroom fixtures, door hardware. No
Manufactures and imports an extensive )ine of literature. Walk in shop.
6300 Ridgler PI.
Fort Worth. TX 76116 decorative hardware. Primarily brass and bronze.
Styles are primarily French, Renaissance Revival, Poor Richards Furniture Co.
(817) 924-2225 69 No. Willow St.
Rococo and Georgian. Among unusual items are
RS/O decorative fmials and finial-tipped hinges. Montclair, NJ 07042
Manufactures custom wall panelling and wood
ceilings. Brochures: "Beautiful Woods" — $1.50; Handsome 96 page catalog — $2. (201) 783-5333
"Distinctive Interiors Include Beautiful Woods" — RS/O
Pierce & Stevens Chemical Corp. Furniture stripping, reflni^ing and repair, metal
710 Ohio St.. Box 1092 polishing and bevelled mirror resilvering. Walk in
Buffalo, NY 14240 shop only. No literature.
Penco Studios
(716) 856-4910
1137 Bardstown Road
DIST Ernest PorcelM
Louisville, KY 40204 The manufacturers of Fabulon wood finishing 123 7th Ave.
(502) 469-4027 products have two useful booklets for $.25 each. "A Brooklyn, NY 11216
RS/O Short Course in Natural Wood Finishing" and "How
30 pages of leaded glass designs and ornaments for (212) 857-6888
To Finish Wood Floors."
home use, designed and manufactured by a 75 year RS/O MO
old company. "Creative Leaded Glass” a 32 pg. The Pilgrim’s Progress, Inc. Ragg Original creations in stained and leaded glass. Will
unbound catalog — $4 Raggery also do custom work. Also will do stained & leaded
16 Commerce St. Dept OHJ glass repair. Free estimates with stamped
Pendersen Design & Consulting New York, NY 10014 self-addressed envelope. Send dimensions. No
Engineers (212) 929-4165
34 North Gore RS/O MO DIST Portland Willamette Company
Webster Groves, MO 63119 "Ragg Buggery" - color brochure, swatches — $1.00
applied to purchase. "Great Impressions" - booklet 6800 N.E. 59th PI.. Box 13097
(314) 962-4176 Portland, OR 97213
RS/O on kit for taking rubbed impressions — $.25.
Museum Art Collection - needlework — $.50. DIST
Design and CMisulting engineers specializing in A m^ior manufacturer of firescreens and fir^lace
restoralion and solar systems. No literature. Pine Bough accessories. "Fireplace Ideas Booklet" — $.25.
Main Street
Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
(207) 244-3264

The Old-Houee Journal GO 1970 Catalog

Coal and woodburning heating and cooking stoves Quaker Lace Co.
Potlach Corporation — Townsend Unit
and stove parta. Distributors of the French Chappee 24 West 40th Street
P.0, Box 916 Stove. Also carry cast iron cookware artd coal. No New York, NY 10018
Stuttgart, AR 72160 literature. <212) 221-0480
(501> 673-1606 DIST
DIST Preway, Inc. Quaker Lace Company is a manufacturer of lace
{^finished hardwoods in 18 wood finishes. Random 1430 2nd Street, North tablecloths and curtains. Many of the patterns are
widths and lengths Free 8 |^. brochure. made on the famed Nottingham Lace machines.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
(715) 423-1100 Free brochures available plus listing of m^jor retail
Pittsburgh Paints department stores carrying Quaker l>ace products.
One Gateway Center DIST
Built-in fireplaces and glass enclosed fir^laces
Pittsburgh, PA 15243 designed to be energy efficient. Free brochure.
(412) 434-3131
DIST ProSoCo, Inc.
Pittsburgh Paints has a line of exterior house paints P.O. Box 4040
— "Historic Colors" appropriate for early 18th R
Kansas City, KS 66104
ce ntury houses. Many of(heir colors are suitable for (913) 281-2700
late 19th century houses (see OHJ Aug 1976) Free
brochures. DIST Radiant Grate, Inc.
Manufacturers of Sure Klean masonry cleaning and 31 Morgan Park
Preservation Associates, Inc. sealing materials. For restoring brick, stone and
other masonry surfaces. The solvent cleaner is less Clinton, CT 06413
P.O. Box 202 costly than sandblasting and does not harm the (203) 669-6250
Sharpsburg, MD 21782 masonry surface. Free brochures. RS/0 MO DIST
(301) 432-5466 The Radiant Grate — a steeply slanted grate —
RS/O Puget Sound Shake Brokers turns a standard fireplace into an efficient heat
Full con.sulting service on a nationwide basis to 20406 LBC Rd. Suite 160 producer. The Radiant Grate arranges (he wood fire
individuals, organizations and agencies in building to emit most of the radiant energy forward, collected
restoration and research, historic sites. Surveys and Woodinville, WA 98072 as heat in the house rather than as heat in the
preparation of state and National Register (206) 486-7632 fireplace. A measure of its effectiveness is the
nomination. Also specializes in restoration ofold log MO efficient radiant roasting, baking, braising, etc.
houses. Fancy butt red cedar shingles manufactured in 13 (accessories available) accomplished before the fire
cuts • 7 curved - 6 straight - 4”, 5", 6” widths - 16" The top of the fire is relatively cool. Free news
Preservation Enterprises lengths. No literature. stories, literature and price list.
118 Briar Cliff
Durham. NC 27707 Francis J. Purcell, II Rainbow Art Glass Co.
R.D. 2, Box 7 49 Shark River Road
(919) 489-6260
New Hope, PA 18938 Neptune, NJ 07753
Offers all types of architectural research, survey and (215) 862-9100 (201) 922-1090
inventory, adaptive re-use and historic preservation RS/0 MO RS/O
assistance. No literature. Antique American fireplace mantels, dating from Tiffany style dome and pool table fixtures. Also floor
1750 to 1850. A large collection of formal and folk and table lamps and leaded glass panels. No
The Preservation Partnership art mantels. 70 examples are cleaned of paint and literature.
have hand rubbed finishes. No literature: by
74 Went Central St.
Natick, MA 01760 appointment. Raintree Designs, Inc.
(617) 237-3736 979 Third Ave.
E. W. Pyfer New York, NY 10022
RS/O 218 North Foley Ave.
An interdisciplinary firm of architects, architectural (212) 477-8594
conservators, architectural historians & Freeport, IL 61032 RS/O DIST ID
archeologists, specializing in restoration, historic (815) 232-8968 Collection of in-stock country prints in wallpaper &
surveys & publications, historic structure reports, MO RS/O fabric by Welsh designer l.aura Ashley. No
research & materials science, building inspection & Lamp repair and rewiring. Chandeliers restored Oil literature.
feasibility planning. & educational programs in and gas lamps converted. Free cards describing all
preservation. The preservation partnership can services. Rambusch Decorating Co.
provide comprehensive architectural services, & can 40 West 13th St.
assist clients with ail preservation paperwork. Free New York, NY 10011
brochure. (212) 675-0400
Preservation Resource Group Key to Abbreviations Company specializes in major restoration projects
5619 Southampton Dr. for museums, churches and public buildings. Has a
Springfield, VA 22151 targe staff of skilled craftsmen in such areas as
(703) 323-1407 MO s sells by Mail Order painting and decorating, lighting and stained glass.
RS/O Free brochure: "Restorations By Rambusch.”
Assists agencies, organizations and individuals in Through Interior Designers and Architects only.
development of their historic preservation programs RS/O s sells through Retail
and personnel. Lectures and workshops for owners of Store or Office Readybuilt Products, Co.
old houses are conducted for groups on request Box 4306, 1701 McHenry St.
Selected books for sale. Free brochure and book list.
DIST = sells through Baltimore, MD 21223
Preservation Resource Center Distributors (301) 233-5833
Lake Shore Drive
Essex. NY 12936 ID = sells through Interior More than 25 dilTerent styles of hand-crafted ready
to install wood mantels for built-in masonry
(6181 963-7305 Designers only fireplaces or factory-built metal unite. Most mantels
MO liave wood openings 50” wide x 30” high and cun be
Specializes in custcmi reproduction of window and modified at additional cost. A Booklet, "Wood
wooden storm sash as well as other znillwork For the Mantel Pieces" shows styles and a diagram for
period house. Also does custom casting of hardware taking measurements. — $.50.
by the lost wax process - using one original as the
master. Reasonably priced modification of a Q
standard commercial mortise lock to period style. Quaker City Manufacturing Co. Reale Mirror Mfg. Co.
Millwork data sheets - $1. Custom casting - $.25. 701 Chester Pike 16-18 E. 12th St.
Mortise Lock - $.25. Sharon Hill, PA 19079 New York, NY 10003
(216) 727-5144 (212) 255-8748
Preston Distributing Company DIST ID
Foot of Whidden St. Replacement window channels can be used with any Manufactures decorative framed mirrors - antique
Lowell, MA 01852 standard wood sash to give snug fit and prevent heat refwoductions of the finest quality. Gold leaf &
(617)458-6303 loss. Available through most lumber yards, home chinoiserie available. Through interior designers
RS/O MO centers and major hardware stores. only. No literature.

1079 Catalog 61 The Qld-House Journal

Reed Wallcoverings Dennis Paul Robillard, Inc.
550 Pharr Road, Suite 300 Front Street
Atlanta, GA 30305 South Berwick, MA 03908
(4041 261-6363 Company deleted. <207)384-9541
Hand-screened documentary wallpapers appropriate Did not meet editors' Custom house building, carpentry, interior joinery,
for Colonial, F'ederal, Geonpan and Early Victorian millwork, mouldings. No literature.
homes. Free brochure describing the Reed service standards.
Wallcoverings. Mini portfolio showing papers in Robinson Iron Corporation
Historic Houses, 'Early American Homes” is $1.00. Robinson Road
Wallcovoings available through interior designers Alexander City, AL 35010
and selected showrooms. (205) 329-8481
Restorations Unlimited, Inc. Authentic 19th century cast iron for the home and
24 West Main St. garden including: flowing fountains, urns and vases,
343 South St.
Philadelphia, PA 19147 Elizabethville, PA 17023 planters, statuar>*. fence posts, hitchi ng posts, street
(216) 922-8638 (717) 362-3477 lamp standards, garden furniture, and traditional
RS/O railroad benches. Historic restoration and custom
RS/O Full restoration contracting and consulting services, casting services also available. Send $1.00 to receive
Reflections has a very fine collection of antique
including: Analysis of cut-up old houses for illustrated spec sheets.
leaded glass windows and doors, includir^ beveled
reconstruction of original layout, design and
stained, colored, clear, and etched glass. Also carry
antique lamps and chandeliers. All stock is original, execution of period and creative interiors, custom The Rocker Shop of Marietta, Georgia
no reproductions. Also repairs leaded glass windows. cabinets and woodwork, procurement of 1421 White Cirele, N W /Box 12
architectural antiques. Newly authorized dealers of Marietta. GA 30061
No literature. Rich Crafl custom Cabinets. Literature available on
(404) 427-2618
Rich Craft (free).
Register & Grille Mfg. Co. RS/O MO
202 Norman Ave. The Brumby rocker — oak with cane seat and back
Brooklyn, NY 21222 — once a feature of summer resort verandahs is
R.F.D. Restoration Group being made again. A smaller armless rocker is part
(212)383-9090 6101 York Ave. So. of the line, along with a child's rocker, an oak slat
RS/O MO Minneap>olis, MN 55410 porch swing, 2 country style dining chairs and 2
Manufacturers of ornamental bronze, aluminum
steel griliee and registers for warm air & cooling (612) 922-5606 stools. Free catalog price list.
systems. Catalog $1. RS/O
A general contracting firm offering restoration Jane Kent Rockwell — Interior
Relmer, Inc. counseling and advice on different procedures from Decorations
small adaptions to complete restorations. Serves the 46-52 Lincoln Street
723 3rd Avenue upper Midwest. No literature.
New York, NY 10017 Exeter, NH 03833
(212) 758-1958 (603) 778-0406
Chris Rheinschild RS/O
RS/O 221 Market St.
Will make keys to fit old-style locks. Usually costs I9th century interior restoration throughout the
Venice, CA 90291 New England area. Specializing in period draperies,
$6-6 per key and takes about a week. No literature:
walk-in shop only. (213) 396-2067 documentary fabrics, and wallpapers. No literature.
Rejuvenation House Parts Co. Reproduction oak pultchain toilets. They also make Rollerwall, Inc.
reproduction copper bath tubs with teak trim. P.O. Box 767 (OHJ)
4643 North Albina Ave. Brochure $.50.
Portland, OR 97217 Silver Springs, MD 20901
(603) 282-3019 <301)649-4422
Richmond Doors MO
RS/O P.O. Box 65
A restoration general store selling new and used Sells the design paint roller. A wallpaper effect can
Manchester, NH 03105 be obtained by the use of a 6-in. rubber roller with a
architectural parts, including light Hstures, doors,
windows, gingerbread, hardware, mouldings, and MO design embossed on its surface. Can be used on
stair railings. Serving Oregon and southwest Custom built and odd size solid wood doors of fabric and furniture. Over 100 patterns including
walnut, mahogany and pine. They also make early wood grain and marble. Illustrated brochure — free.
Washington. No literature.
New Englafid designs developed from existing
Antique Doors of the 18(h century. Free Brochure. Rothwell Nursery
Renovator’s Supply
71 Northfield Rd. P.O. Box 14
Anneke Rietsema Perrymah, MD 21130
Millers Falls, MA 01349 176 North Beacon St.
(413)659-3542 (301) 676-6789
Hartford, CT 06106 RS/O
RS/O MO (203) 232-5742
A wide selection of fine qual ity items for restoration, They make pen & ink rendering of the residence, a
renovation and decoration of the Antique Home. RS/O landscape plan and plant the material. No charge for
Comprehensive 36 page catalog of old style Brass Landscape planning • period design. Services plan if planting is completed, otherwise a $50.00
and Wrought Iron hardware, specialty lighting, available in Connecticut and the neighboring states, charge. Serving the Wilmington, Delaware and
building supplies, tools, plumbing fixtures, fireplace within a reasonable distance. Baltimore. MD area only. Free literature.
equipment, pewter and brass accessories, garden
BUi^lies and other miscellaneous items suited to Hunter Div. - Robbins & Myers Royal Windyne Ltd.
restoration work. Illustrated catalog $1.25. P.O. 14775 Box 6622, Dept. 97
Memphis, TN 38114 Richmond, VA 23230
Keetoration A Speciality (901) 743-1360 (804) 356-6690
6127 N.E. Rodney DIST MO
Portland, OR 97211 Manufacturer of widely-distributed ceiling fans. Reproductions of early 20th century ceiling fans —
(603) 283-3945 Free brochure. nostalgic, attractive energy saving cooling devicei.
RS/O Also solid brass tura-of-the-century table lamps, and
Restoration contractor serving the Pacific a hangingschooihouse light. Free illustrated catalog
Northwest area. with price list.
Rutland Products
Restoration Masonry P.O. Box 340
1141 Adams Street Rutland, VT 05701
Denver, CO 80206 (802) 776-6519
(303) 377-6566 MO DIST
RS/O Home repair products — glazing compounds, caulks,
All types of old house masonry restoration and sealants, adhesives, putty, grout, spackle, metal
repair: Tile work, stucco, ornamental brickwork, roofpaint, clearwood finish, roof cement, coating and
fireplaces, consultation. No literature. patching compounds, furnace cement, stove lining
compound. Free catalog.

The Old-House Journal 62 1979 Catalog

Richard E. Sargent George Sell
Box 83 407 Greenwich St.
Hartland 4 Corners, VT 05049 New York. NY 10013
(802) 436-2537 (212) 966-6503
Early American handforged hardware, including Stained glass artist works on a commission basis.
St Louis Antique Lighting Co. hinges, latches, andirons, cranes and lighting Creates high quality works of art in glass. Brochure
4382 Westmioster Place devices all in Old Colonial styles. Catalog — %2. Available.
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 535-9495 Savogran Co. Sermac Division
Antique and reproduction ceiling nxtures, sconces P.O. Box 130 2300 Warrenville Road
and lamps. Gas, electric and combination fixtures Norwood, MA 02062 Downers Grove, IL 60615
from 1880 to 1930. No literature. (617) 762-5400 (312) 964-1300
Saldarini & Pucci, Inc. Manufactures a variety of house r^iair and Division of Service Master Industries, Inc. Services
417 Lafayette St. maintenance products —paint strippers, tilegrmit, include masonry cleaning and chemical paint
New York, NY 10003 wood putty, wallpaper remover, floor leveler. vinyl removal from residential, commercial and industrial
1212) 673-4390 spackle, water putty, deglosser, wood preservative, building. Free brochures. An interestingly
RS/O MO clearter arvl wood IToor cleaner. $.25 for illustrated booklet 'Evolution of Masonry
Piaster ornaments: Ceiling medallions, ornaments informative booklet "Home Upkeep Projects.” Construction in America” - $1.
for complete ceilings, niche shells, domes, capitals,
cornices, mouldings. Also do restoration and custom Shadey Enterprises Stained Glass Studio
plasterwork. Has thousands of molds for composition Scalamandre Silks, Inc. 44 Central Street, 2nd floor
ornaments : Scrolls, wreaths, cornices, rosettes, 950 Third Avenue Bangor, ME 04401
beading, etc. No catalog available. Send drawing of New York, NY 10022 (207) 947-6695
what you wi^ and they will tell you what they have MO RS/O
(212) 361-8500
that is closest. A small stained glass studio creating lampshades
For 50 years this company has been making superb and windows of their own original design They
The Saltbox period (fabrics. The authenticity of their fabrics, make quality restorations of antique lampshades
2229 Marietta Pike and windows. Imported and antique glass in stock.
Lancaster, PA 17603 w allpapers, carpets und trimmings is acknowledged For those restoring homes, they can restore or
by museums. Prices are generally expensive. A
(717) 392-5649 research library and consulting services are recreate the pieces you need No literature.
RS/O MO DIST available to those persons involved in the
American period lighting fixtures: Extensive restoration of public buildings. Free brochures Shakertown Corporation
collectiM) of lanterns, chandeliers — handcrafted of P.O. Box 400
tin, coj^r, brass and pewter. The Period Collection Schlegel Corporation — Winlock, WA 98596
is designed for traditional, Early American and Weatherstripping Dept. (206) 785-3501
Colonial homes of primitive, country or formal P.O. Box 23113 MO RS/O
styles. Stores also in Lexington. KY. and A major manufacturer of shakes and shingles has
Greensboro, NC. Illustrated brochure showing 25 of Rochester, NY 14692
red cedar shingles in 9 specialty patterns
over 250 pieces $.75. MO DIST appropriate for Queen Anne and shingle-style
Manufacture.s a wide range of weatherstripping houses. Fancy-butt shingles are 18 in. long and Sin.
products irwluding Folyflex for door sealing,
San P'rancisco Victoriana Polybond for aluminum storm windows and doors, wide, and are available for prompt shipment. Free
606 Natoma and odd spaces like vents, fans, air conditioners illustrated brochure.
San Francisco, CA 94103 etcFor free infomation, write to the
(415) 864-5477 Weatherstripping Dept. Shenandoah Manufacturing Co.
RS/O MO P.O. Box 839
lliis firm manufactures architectural millwork, Schnink Restoration Studio Harrisonburg, VA 22801
including turnings, moulding.s and gingerbread for 2306 N.E. Garfield (703) 434-3838
interior and exterior. They also have interior plaster Minneapolis, MN 55418 DIST
brackets and ceiling medallions in a variety of Wood and/or coal heaters — thermostatically
Victorian styles, as well as period lighting. (612) 781-6161
regulated; utilitarian in design. Fire-^^ate that will
Consulting services also available. Moulding catalog RS/O increase the efficiency of an open fireplace. Free
Complete stained glass restoration services
$2.00. including replacement of broken glass, removing illustrated literature.
bulges, bracingand complete releading. Senes
David Sanders & Co. Shepherd Oak Products
Minneapolis/St. Paul and surrounding areas. No
115 Bowery literature. Box 27
New York, NY 10002 Northwood, NH 03261
(212) 966-0838 Schumacher (603) 942-8148
RS/O 939 3rd Avenue MO RS/O
Large selection of brass & bronze hardware New York, NY 10018 Handcrafted oak bathroom accessories. Solid oak
including wheels und tracks for sliding doors. No toilet seats with brass hardware. $.26 for color
(212) 644-5900
literature; walk-in store only. catalog with price list.
Hie new Pierre Frey collection, imported from Paris,
Sandy Springs Galleries contains some patterns that are appropriate for The Shop
233 Hilderbrand Dr., N.E. period decoration: A Victorian damask, a P.O. Box 16, 3rd & Steammill
Atlanta, GA 30328 documentary floral, a glazed fabric, "Petite New Harmony, IN 47631
(404) 262-3244 Treliage.” Most are also available in matching (812) 682-4030
RS/O wallcoverings. Schumacher fabrics are widely MO RS/O
Specializes in restoring old lighting fixtures and distributed to department stores, wallpaper and General millwork services. Restoration/renovation
sconces, many of which were originally gas or fabric shops. of interims/exteriors using 19th/20th century
kerosene, in brass, wood, and wrought iron, all building materials. No literature.
rewired to meet the National Code. Hiey also have The Second Chance
7000 square feet of European and American 972 Magnolia St. Silver Bridge Reproductions
furniture, mirrors, old prints and wicker. No Macon, GA 31201 Box 49
literature. 1912) 742-7874 New Braintree, MA 01531
Santa Cruz Foundry RS/O MO (413) 477-6028
Hie Second Chance specializes in hard to find MO
P O. Box 831 restoration items. Their inventory includes brass Wall Stencil Kits available in two authentic designs.
Santa Cruz, CA 95061 hardware, plumbing fixtures, fireplace tile, and old Pineai^Ie Motif Kit - contains four Moees Eaton
(408) 429-1210 stained and beveled glass. A large collection of designs, including his famous pineapple. This kit is
RS/O MO DIST corbels, gingerbread, columns, entrance frames, authorized by the SPNEA. Berry House Kit •
3 attractive wood and wrought iron garden benches heavily carved doors, mantels and antique staircase contains a swag and border from the Scotto Berry
in a variety of sizes, a wrought ircxi 1842 English parts Serves the middle Georgia area. No literature, House (circa 1830). Each kit contains pre-cut
pub table and a Victorian table base. Free but photographs can be supplied on request with a stencils and instructions. Either kit is $8.00,
illustrated brochure and price list. stamped, self-addressed envelope. postpaid.

1970 Catalog The Old-Bouse Journal

SUverton Victorian Millworks Company reproduces and restores antique and Stansfleld’s Lamp Shop
P.O. Box 523 period design furniture and fUmi^ings made from P.O. Box 332, Rte. 6
wood. They also design, build and repair stained Slate Hill, NY 10973
Siiverton, CO 81433
glass windows and lamp shades. Since they custom (914)356.1300
(303) 387-6716 design and build to suit individual needs, they don't
MO have literature to distribute. However, they do quote RS/O DIST
Offers a variety of custom Victorian and Colonial Antique lamps, restored Victorian and 1920's ceiling
prices and delivery upon request. & wall fixtures. Has a small line of Victorian gas,
mouldings, as well as Ihe standard patterns. They
also have window and door rosettes available in gas/electric, and electric ceiling and wall fixtures in
many combinations. mitlwork is available in Smolinsky Desi^nVConstruction solid brass on a custom-made basis. Will also restore
either pine or redwood. They welcome any inquiries 203 Fawn Hill Road old ceiling fixtures. Illustrated brochure $1.00.
concerning custiMn milling. Send sample for prompt Broomall, PA 19008
quotation. Free catalog. (216) 353-2893 Stencil Specialty Co.
RS/O 377 Ocean Ave.
Simon’s Hardware Services southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey City, NJ 07305
421 3rd Avenue Jersey and Delaware with restoration extracting (201) 333-3634
New York, NY 10016 services. No literature. MO
(212) 532-9220 Hard-to-find tools for graining — a traditional
RS/O Southoid Stove Works decorating technique that is a painted imitation of
Large selection of brass and bronze hardware. Has Rt. 27A North Road the grain of wood. This company also makes two
wheels and tracks for sliding doors. No literature; Southoid. NY 11971 devices for decorating walls. A Design Roller that
walk-in store only. (616) 765-2313 roils a pattern onto walls much like an over-all
stencil pattern. 53 roll-on patterns are available. A
RS/O Mottle-tone Brush to achieve one or many-colored
Simpson Timber Company Companycarriesa lineofwoodandcoal stoves. They mottled effects. Free illustrated sheets and price
900 Fourth Ave. also have a new woodstove which is custom built and
Seattle, WA 98164 designed to be inserted right inside an existing
(206) 292-5000 fireplace. Free literature to walk in customers.
Stenciled Interiors
MO DIST Hinman Lane
Ornamental exterior doors — several of which are Specialty Millwork Co.
suitable for late 19th and (urn-of-the-century 415 Brooks St. Southbury, CT 06488
houses. Doors Brochure 254 — $.25. Jefferson City, MO 65101 (203) 264-8000
(314) 636-7013 RS/O
Ed Skrocki Wall and floor stencilling from early American
MO RS/O designs. Also stencil restoration, consultation,
1616 Boston Road Custom duplication - entire piece or missing part
research and lectures. Brochure and "Stencil it
Hinckley, OH 44233 Will also work from drawings. No literature. Yourself it available. Send $.50 for information
Window glass cleaner removes black, sooty build-up Greg Spiess, Inc. Stencilsmith
on very dirty old windows Enough for a house of 216 East Washington
windows, $9.(X). No literature.
Leominster Road
Joliet, IL 6(H33 Shirley, MA 01464
(815) 722-5639 (617) 425-4072
Tayssir Sleiman RS/O s
423 Horsham Road Antique architectural ornamentatix. Interix and
Horsham, PA 19044 Early American and Victorian wall stencil kits. Free
exterior ornamental wood, mantels a specialty. flyer.
(215) 672-2607 Stained, leaded and bevelled glass. Antique and
RS/O custom fabrication. Custom bevelling. Also handles
antique tavern beck bars. Good general Steptoe and Wife Antiques Ltd. U
Ornamental plaster, architectural decorating,
period ceilings. Inquiries answered. architectural selection No literature. 3626 Victoria Park Ave., Willo
Ontario, Canada M2H3B2
Hugh L. Sloane Sprayco Co.« Inc. (416) 497-2989
R.F.D. 21 Lebkamp Avenue MO RS/O
Bernardston, MA 01337 Huntington, NY 11743 High quality reproduction cast iron furniture,
(616) 27M076 architectural fittings, and decorative accessories.
(413) 773-7312 The featured product is a cast iron spiral staircase.
RS/O MO RS/O Available in knock down units, there are different
Wood panelling reproduced from antique pine. No Large scale paint stripping services to restore wood diameters and baluster styles to provide each job
literature. and masonry buildings to their original surface. with a custom fitted Ixk. An illustrated, descriptive
Specializes in old hxses and churches. Literature
folder is provided free on the staircase and complete
The John P. Smith Company free.
product catalogue is available for $1.(X).
174 Cedar St., P.O. Box 551
Branford, CT 06405 Spring City Electrical Mfg. Co. John R. Stevens Associates
Hall & Main Streets 1 Sinclair Drive
(203) 488-7226
MO RS/O Spring City, PA 19476 Greenlawn, NY 11740
Custom-built fireplace screens, using fine quality (215) 948-4000 (516) 420-5295
wire cloth, hand-clindied to a frame and painted MO RS/O
with a semi-gloss black lacquer. They are furnished Manufactures cast irx ornamental lamp posts for ^>eciaiizing in the restoration of buildings from the
with two brass su|^rt plates and handles. Wrought street lights and lanterns. Free brochure. I7th century to the mid 19th century and
iron Folding Log Holder. Sturdy, hold.s ample supply restoration of antique street railway rolling stock in
of firewood. Folds for easy storage. Free price list. Standard Dry Wall Products the New York metropolitan region and New Haven
7800 N.W. 38th Street Connecticut arx. No literature.
Smith-Comell Homestead Miami, FL 33166
P.O. Box 72 (305) 592-2081 William Stewart & Sons
Auburn, IN 46706 DIST 708 North Edison St. r
(219) 925-1172 The Thoro system is a complete line of products for Arlington, VA 22203
RS/O MO waterproofing, decorating, correcting and restoring (703) 841-1776
Manufactures and sells bronze plaques for marking concrete and masonry surfaces. Free booklet. RS/O MO
properties listed x the National Register and Uie Reproduction tinsmiths using the same tools,
Historic American Buildings Survey. They will also Standard Trimming Corp. equipment, patterns, methods and tin plate used in
custom letter bronze plaques with any wording the 1114 First Ave. (61st St.) the 18th and 19th centuries. Has many patterns
customer desires. Free literature. New York. NY 10021 available for lighting fixtures, table and kitchen
(212) 756-3034 ware. All work is done on special order only. No
Smith Fine Custom Furniture ID literature.
612 Lockport St. Manufacturers of trimmings and crystal drapery
Plainfield. IL 60544 hardware. Antique tassels, fringes and tiebacke. Thomas Htrahan Co.
(815) 436-9887 Special cords and ropes. No literature. 121 Webster Ave.
MO RS/O Chelsea, MA 02150
(617) 884-6220

The Old-Houee Journal 61 1973 Catalog

"Colonial Portfolio VIII” and "8-76” feature small Swan Brass Beds Tile Distributors
Colonial patterns. ’’SSth Anniversary” contains 1955 East 16th Street 7 Kings Highway
some Victorian designs. No literature available for Los Angeles, CA 90021 New Rochelle, NY 10801
editorial review. 800-421-0141 (914) 633-7200
Strip Shop Solid brass beds, etegeres, wrought iron baker racks, Carries small white hexagonal bathroom tiles. No
2201 Tchoupitoulas Street solid brass desks, planters, coat trees. Many other literature; sells through store <m!y.
New Orleans, LA 70130 reproductions including 19th century wood carousel
Towne Decorating Center
(604) 622-7524 horses. Through retail outlets only. No literature
but to find nearest distributor, call toll-free number. P.O. Box 1108
RS/O Tappahannock, VA 22560
Architectural Antiques - such as doors, mantels,
shutters, stained and bevelled glass. A quality M. Swift & Sons, Inc. (804) 443-5195
selection of oval bevelled entrance doors. Also brass, 10 Love Lane MO RS/O
porcelain, and other hardware to complement doors Hartford, CT 06101 Traditional & Colonial wallcovering including
I bought. All material is stripped and ready to be Williamsburg designs & patterns. No literature.
rrilnished. Also has a stripping service for hard and
MO RS/O DIST Townscape
soft wood. No literature. A primary surlier of gold leaf, roll gold and sliver 30 Public Square
leaf. Literature — How to booklet, free. Medina, OH 44256
Structural Slate Co.
(216) 725-6273
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
RS/O DIST Consultant for cities and towns trying to revitalize
A primary source of slate tile used for slate roofs.
commercial districts. Resume brochure, free.
Brochure free.
T Tremont Nall Company
Studio Stained Glass P.O. Box 111
117 So. Main St. Wareham, MA 02571
Kokomo, IN 46901 (617) 295-0038
(317) 452-2438 RS/O MO DIST
RS/O Tennessee Fabricating Co. In business since 1819. this company manufactures
Designs and builds stained glass windows and old-fashioned cut nails that are useful for
2366 Prospect Street
shades. Company also repairs and restores stained restoraticm work. These decorative antique nails
glass. Serving the Midwest. No literature. Memphis, TN 38106 include the Wrought Head. Hinge, Rose Head CHitch
(901) 948-3354 and Common also the new DECOR-NAIL. Free
Such Happiness, Inc. MO DIST twochure and price list.
Manufacturer of full line of aluminum and irwi
P.O Box 32 ornamental castings. Reproductions of lawn The Triad Group, Inc.
Fitchburg, MA 01420 furniture, fountains, urns, planters. Complete line of 8629 South Market PI.
(603) 878-1031 gates, fences, balconies and all residential metal Oak Creek, WI 53154
MO RS/O work. Will reproduce customer's designs or create (608) 762-0849
Decorative Victorian and restored stained glass new designs. Catalog $1.00.
windows, leaded panels. No literature, call for RS/O
Will do renderings of old homes from your photo for
information. Thermograte Enterprises, Inc. wall paintings/logos^stationery, etc. Full color or
2785 North Fairview black & white - $25.
Sunburst Works In Glass St. Paul, MN 55113
523 E. Church St., P.O. Box 5 Le Roy Troyer and Associates
(612) 633-1376
New Harmony, IN 47631 MO 415 Lincolnway East
(812) 682-4470 A tubular fireplace grate that takes advantage of Mishawaka, IN 46544
MO RS/O the natural c«ivection heat transfer principle to 1219) 259-9976
Design, construction, re.sloration, and repair of increase the net heat output from an open RS/O
stained glass windows, lamps, sculpture, objects, woodburning fireplace. When combined with a glass Serves Indiana and southern Michigan area with
whether leaded or foiled. Beveled glass win^ws door enclosure, heat loss is cut and output is greatly architectural restoration services. No literature.
available in standard and some custom patterns. increased. All units can be supplemented with
Will travel for on-site work when appropriate. blowers. Literature on "How to Burn Wood & Fight R.T. Trump & Co., Inc.
Services range from complete releading to minor Rising Fuel Bills" offered for $1.00. 666 Bethlehem Pike
repair to creating a new-old window — from one
window to an entire houseful of stained & beveled Flourtown, PA 19031
Richard E. Thihaut, Inc. (215) 233-1805
glass. No literature. 204 E. 58th St. RS/O
New York, NY 10022 Fre-1825 interior mantels and 18th century paneled
Sunrise Salvage
(212) 481-0870 room ends from Philadelphia's historic town houses,
2210 San Pablo Ave. many of which were demolished over 20 years ago.
Berkeley. CA 94710 Early American Collections: "American Colonial" No catalog or photos available, but will answer your
(415) 845-4751 and "Waterford," and "Small Prints". Victorian specific inquiries. ITiis material can he seen by
MO RS/O DIST Collections: "90th Anniversary” and "Designs Of advance appointment just outside of Philadelphia.
Specializes in Victorian plumbing, both original and Today," "Mural IV Collections” available through
reproduction. Features Chicago valves in a polished distributors. Murals folder — $.25. Turco Coatings Incorporated
brass finish, and has sink and tub fixtures, as well as Wheatland & Mellon Sts.
shower set-ups, in brass. Also has an oak & brass Thomastown Chair Works Phoenixille, PA 19460
pullchain toilet package Catalog SI.00 Box 93 (216) 933-7758
Thomastown, MS 39171 RS/O DIST
Sunshine Lane
MO This company reproduces authentic Colonial colors
Box 262 Mbnufactures a large oak rocking chair with in high quality modern paints for exterior and
Milleraburg, OH 44654 handwoven cane seat and back. Available in light, interior use. 12 of their colors are taken from houses
MO medium or dark oak stain, the rocker is suitable for in Old Sturbridge Village — warm, rich ochres,
Handquilted one of a kind quilts in traditional outdoor use. Free descriptive sheet. greens, reds and blues. Literature and color charts
pattern. 4 color illustrated catalog — $1. — $1,00.
Thompson & Anderson, Inc. Turncraft
Superior Clay Corporation 63 Seavey Street
P.O. Box 352 2260 Avenue H
Westbrook, ME 04092 White City, OR 97501
Uhrichsville, OH 44683 (207) 864-2905 (503) 826-2610
(614) 922-4122 RS/O MO DIST RS/O MO DIST
MO RS/O DIST Stovepipes, stoveboards and cooking grilles for the A full line of stock round columns, porch poets,
Manufacturer^ofciay flue linings and clay chimney Jotut stoves. Other sizes can also be furnished.
tops. The clay chimney come in various sizes & railings and spirKiles. Will custom turn
General sheelmetal work. Illustrated literature replacements for missing or damaged balusters and
styles. Free brochure. with pnce list. spindles. Free brochure

1973 Catalog IS The Old-Rouse Journal

U Consultants for renovating and restoration of old Vermont Marble Co.
houses. Panelling and mouldings duplicated to 61 Main St.
order. Furniture designed arui built to order. Proctor, VT 05765
United Farm Agency Literature S2.00. (802) 459-3311
Box 37 DIST
Leicester, NC 28748 Up Your Alley Produces a wide line of marble and marble'cleaning
(704) 683-3112 IM South Sixth Street and care products. Free brochures: "Marble Tile"
MO RS/O Philadelphia, PA 19147 and "Maihle Cleaners."
Specializes in the sale of abandoned farms and (216) WA5-5597
houses in need of rffitoration. Free brochure. RS/O MO Vermont Structural Slate Co., Inc.
Weathervanes in new and reproduction designs. P.O. Box 98
United Gilsonite Laboratories Handmade bric)c custom engraved with date, etc., Fair Haven, VT 06743
Department OHJ ideally suited for cornerstones. Fireplaces for
(802) 265-4933
Scranton, PA 18501 interior or exterior use. Free brochuree.
(717) 344-1202 Slate Roofs - "a handbook of data on the constructing
Urban Archeology, Ltd. and laying of all types of slate roofs.” Written in
UGL manufactures a complete line of products for 137 Spring St. 1926 and now reproduced. Completely relevant
home repair and maintenance including ZAR Clear New York, NY 10012 today. Many details. Send $5.25. Besides rooling,
Finishes and Stains, DRYLOK masonry treatment (212) 431-6969 company also fabricates slate flooring, sink tops, etc.
products, caulks and aealants, paint and varnish RS/O Send for free brochures.
removers, among others. Free descriptive literature. Architectural ornaments (circa 1880 - 1910) — cast
Two booklets at $.25 each - "The Finishing Touch”, a iron columns, capitals, newel poets, grilles, doors, Vermont Weatherboard, Inc.
beginners guide to wood finishing, and "How to terra cotta tiles, stained glass, store fixtures. Free 15 West Church St.
Waterproof Masonry Walls." flyer. Hardwick, VT 06843
(802) 472-5513
United House Wrecking Corp. Urban Planning/Historic Preservation MO DIST
328 Selleck Street 3048-A N. Shepard Ave. Full thickness individual boards processed to
SUmford, CT 06902 Milwaukee, WI 53211 reproduce the effect of age and weathering in
(203) 348-5371 (414) 332-9073 natural brown or gray tones. Matching moulding,
RS/O RS/O touch up stain and wrought-head nails. Free 4 color
6 acres of relics from old houses, mantels, stained Assistance to individuals, community groups, public brochure.
glass, antiques, used Furniture, antique agencies and other professionals in historic
reproductions of copper weathervanes, fabulous, preservation and/or neighborhood conservation Vermont Woodstove Co.
brass & copper repr^uctions. Free illustrated planning. Services include: Architectural P.O. Box 1016
brochure available about the yard. inventories, preparation of National Register Bennington, VT 05201
nominations, preservation planning studies.
Historic District planning and ordinance
(802) 442-8197
United Stairs Corp. MO DIST
Highway 35 preparation, expert legal testimony, training of
volunteer survey workers. No literature. Modem materials added to traditicnal box stove
Keyport, NJ 07736 design for eSicient heat output. Free brochures and
(201) 583-1100 a helpful booklet "Buyer's Guide to Woodstoves" —
MO $.50.
A complete line of all wood and oak staircases
prefabricated railing systems with colonial Victorian House
connection. All oak spiral and circular staircases V 318 Paris Ave.
with scroll newels. Free brodiure. Rockford, IL 61107
(815) 397-2089
U. S. General Supply Corp. RS/O
100 General Place Interior designer serving southern Wisconsin and
Vanderlaan Tile Co., Inc.
Jericho, NY 11753 northern Illinois. Carriesa fine line of solid
136 East 57th St.
(616) 997-5533 mahogany reproduction Victorian furniture.
New York, NY 10022 Brochure $.60.
A first rate mail order source for all name brand (212) 838-6441
hand and power tools at good prices 196 pg. RS/O MO
illustrated catalog and price list — $1. Blue and white and polychrome Dutch tiles, from a Victorian Reproductions
distributor in business since 1898. Prices subject to 1601 Park South, Dept. lA
United States Gypsum Company trade discounts if ordered through tile contractors, Minneapolis, MN 65404
designers, architects snd other building (612) 338-3636
101 South Wacker Drive professionals. Free Dutch tile sheet.
Chicago, IL 60606 RS/O MO
(312) 321-4000 Sella hand-carved ornate Victorian furniture, in
W. C. Vaughn Hardware Co., Inc. solid mahogany. Marble-top tables. Plaster-on-wood
DIST 77 Washington St., North mirror & picture frames — small to medium sizes.
Among the diverse products made by this major
company are vinyl moulding, paints, staine, mold
Boston, MA 02114 Shelf clocks. JotuI, Ulefos, Reginald Kits,
MO RS/O DIST Warmglow woodburning stoves. Stamped Metal
making materials, texture paint, masonry coatings.
Manufactures reproduction and contemporary Ceilings — brochure $.26. Illustrated Victorian
Free literature. architectural hardware. Reproducticm <^igns of furiture catalog with price list — $1.00. Lighting
forms from museums, historic buildings, and the catalog — $4.
Universal Clamp Corp. Vaughan Hardware Collection. Products include
6905 Cedroe Ave. brass rim locks, knobs and latches, iron lathes, Village Blacksmith
Van Nuys, CA 91405 hinges, and trim, and custom contemporary 71 Buckram Road
(213) 780-1015 hardware. Services include hardware design, Locust Valley, NY 11560
MO DIST reproduction, and refinishing. Catalog covers (616) 676-1422
Manufactures a variety of damps for repairing and hardware history, usage, designs and Vaughan
restoring antiques, cabinetmaking and fine products. Catalog $1.00.
Makers of custom metalwork. Also metalwork
woodwork. Produces the popular *895” Porta-Prees
jig for assembly of miter^ frames and doors. Tool repairs. Inquiries invited.
Vermont Castings, Inc.
completes all joints at one setting with range from 8 Dept. OHJ
X 8 to 36 X 48 inches. Also makes a non-twist C The Village Forge
Randolph, VT 05060 P.O. Box 1148
clamp for home & industry. Brochures & price list
free with legal size self-addressed envelope.
(802) 728-3355 Smithfield, NC 27677
RS/O MO (919) 934-2581
Manufactures the Defiant and the Vigilant
Up Country Enterprise Corp. woodburning parlor stoves — all cast iron, airtight MO
Old JafIrey Road Adaptations and reproductions in wrought iron of
and thermostatically controlled. Two sizes available.
Peterborough, NH 03458 Early American lighting. Illustrated brochure and
Doors can be opened or removed for an open fireplace
(603) 924-6826 price list — $.50.
effect. Traditional appearance. Illustrated
RS/O MO informative literature and pri» list — $1.

The Old-House Journal 1379 Catalog

Village Lantern The Wagon House Cabinetmaking Watco • Dennis Corporation
P.O. Box 8J Box 149 1766 22nd Street
North Marshfield, MA 02059 Mendhenhal), PA 193S7 Santa Monica, CA 90404
(617) 834-8121 (215) 388-6352 (213) 829-2226
Handmade pewter plate lanterns, sconces and Specialists in custom-made flooring to match old Architectural Hniahing and maintenance products
chandeliers. Custom work in pewter, tin, brass or floori ng or to meet out-of-the ordinary requirements for wood, concrete, masonry, tile artd marble. Super
cof^r, and restoration. Illustrated brodiure and — odd sizes, extra wide, extra long, extra thick. Red penetrating resin-oil finishes for furniture, floors,
oak. white oak, quarter sawn white oak, walnut, interior and exterior wood surfaces are cd*particular
price list — (.SO.
cherry. Also hardwood lumber in various interest to the do-it-yourself person. Free brochure.
Elenore W. Vincent thicknesses for furniture and restoration projects.
4079 Five Mile Road
Some custom millwork available. No literature. Watts & Company Limited
Traverse City, MI 49684 7 Tufton St,, Westminster,
Dennis C. Walker l,<ondon, England
(616) 938-2743 335 Brooklands, Apt. 3
MO 222-7168
Porcelain painting. Antique lamps a specialty. Akron, OH 44305 MO RS/O
Lamp shades painted to match bases, or base to (216) 784-9249 A leading church furnisher, they also have a unique
match shades. No literature. RS/O collectimi of genuine Victorian fabrics and
Hand-hewn bam beams, barn siding, roof slate, old wallpaper for domestic use designed by noted
hand planed beaded panelling. No literature. Victorian architects like Augustus Pi^n. Still
Vintage Oak Furniture printed by hand from the original carved pear wood
23812 A-2 Via Fabricante blocks, tlwre is a several month wait for your order
Wall Stencils by Barbara
Mission Viejo, CA 92675 but you can have any color combination you wish.
RR No. 2. Box 462
(714) 768-1691 Send $2 00 for illustrated booklet.
Hillsboro, NH 03244
Handcrafted reproductions of oak furniture. Catalog (603) 464-5244
Waverly Fabrics
- $1.00. RS/O 58 West 40lh St.
Custom stenciling — no literature.
New York, NY 10018
Vintage Properties (212) 644-5890
113 Jefferson Davis Blvd. Wallin Forge
Route I, Box 65 DIST
Natchez, MS 39120 Of particular interest are the 3 Sturhridge Village
(601) 442-3718 Sparta. KY 41086 collectiwis. The latest, "Merchant Princes’" features
RS/O (606) 667-7201 documentary patterns originally from the Far East
Realtors specializing in Antebellum houses in (he RS/O MO imported to England and France and then to
lower Mississif^i Valley. Free brochure. Makes a wide range of handforged iron door America in the 19th century. Also in their general
hardware, boot scrapers, fireplace equipment, line are some excellent large-design fabrice
VIRTU Artisans in I.,eaded Glass L- lighting fixtures, kitchen utensils, fences, etc. appropriate for Victorian draperies and upholstery.
Catalog and price list — $2 refundable w/order. Widely available moderately priced at department
P.O. Box 192
Southfield, Ml 48037 and fabric stores or write for distributor.
Warren Construction Co.
(313) 357-1250
Box 1376 W. T. Weaver & Sons, Inc.
RS/O MO Gardiner, ME 04345
Artisans and designers in leaded and copper foiled 1208 Wisconsin Ave.
coloured art glass. Many of their designs are in Art (207) 682-7125 Washington, DC 20007
Nouveau and turn-of-the~century styles. Free RS/O (202) 333-4200
brochure on request. Custom woodworking shop. No literature available. MO RS/O
Styrene ceiling medallions and ornaments for
Visador Co. E. G. Washburne & Co. mantels, cornices, doors. Medallions range in price
1000 Industrial Rd. 83 Andover St. from $3.75-$10.80; ornaments from $1-|7.20. Free
Marion, VA 24354 Danvers, MA 01923 moulding catalog. Full catalog - $2.(X>.
(614) 385-6861 (617) 774-3645
DIST MO RS/O Webster's Landing Architectural
Everything for the construction of stairs — Founded in 1853 they still make copper Antiques
hardwood starting steps, treads, risers, brackets, weathervanes and lanterns on the original molds. 476-81 Oswego Blvd.
rails, rosettes, newels, balusters and fittings, divider Free brochure. Syracuse, NY 13202
posts. Informative 4 color free catalog. (315) 425-0142
Washington Copper Works MO RS/O
Vulcan Iron Works South St. Mantels in stock; beveled & leaded glass: column.s —
230 E. Geddes Ave. Washington, CTT 06793 large hotel or smaller home units; paneling —
Littleton, CO 80122 (203) 868-7527 complete library rooms; light fixtues and
(303) 794-4793 RS/O MO chandeliers; balusters; skylights; tiles; cast garden
RS/O Hand-fabricated copper lanterns, post lights, wall statues; ornate doors and entries; ornate hardware.
Ail types of ornamental iron work. They also do lights, kerosene lamps, chandelier. Primarily 18th 30,000 sq. ft. with IS antiques dealers who are
restoration of antique fencing and cresting. Serving and 19th century styles. 15 pg. illustrated catalog restoratimi specialists. No literature, but will
metropolitan Denver area. No literature. and price list — $1. Refundable with order. provide photos in response to specific requests.

The Washington House of Reproductions R,F. Weir

P.O. Box 132 Laure) Drive
Washington, VA 22747 Bolton. MA 01740
(703) 675-3385 MO
RS/O MO Custom moldings for restoration. Will make
W Lighting fixture parts and restm’ation. Handmade moldings to match your sample or drawing from any
reproductions of gaseliers, multiple hanging oil wood. Write for quotation. Free literature.
lamps, a Rayo-type parlor lamp, early American
sconces. Illustrate brochure and price list — (.50. H.S. Welles Fireplace Company
Garrett Wade Company 209 East 2nd Street
302 Fifth Ave. Washington Stove Works New York. NY 1(X)09
New York, NY 10001 Box 687. 3402 Smith (212) 777-5440
(212) 695-3358 Everett, WA 98206 RS/O
RS/O MO (206) 252-2148 Services fir^laces in the metropolitan New York
A comprehensive selection of quality hand DIST area. Mantels installed, chimneys repaired and
woodworking tools — many of them imported. Also 7 This company has been making stoves since 1875; relined, gas and coal fireplacM converted to
woodworking benches and a line of 5 precision Swiss Cast box heaters, decorative parlor stoves, a laundry woodburning. Free flyer.
power tools. 4 color illustrated catalog with price list stove, cast iron Franklin stoves, air tight heaters,
-(1. wood and mi kitchen stovee. Free illustrated

1970 Catalog B7 The Old-House Journal

Westlake Architectural Antiques Williamsburg Blacksmiths, Inc. Y
3315 Westlake Drive Buttonshop Road
Austin, TX 78746 Williamsburg, MA 01096 Yankee Doodle Workshop, Inc.
(612)327-1110 (413) 268-7341 103 Lime Street
RS/O MO RS/O MO DIvST Newburyport, MA 01950
Architectural antiques. Set of 300 pictures — $3.00. Wrought iron decorative and builders' hardware.
Catalog and prira list — $1.
(617) 462-3048
Westmoreland Cupolas Mirrored oak cabinets in authentic Victorian period
R.D. 2, Box 185 Wood Mosaic styles. Hand-rubbed oil finish, mortise and tenon
Export, PA 15632 P.O. Box 21159 frames, porcelain handles, brass hinges. Free
(412) 327-7370 Louisville, KY 40221 literature.
Westmoreland Cupolas are made of redwood with (502) 363-3531
mitered joints. Louvers are fastened.into grooves so DIST Ye Olde Tin Shop
they won’t come loose. The backs of louvers are Hardwood flooring since 1863. Custom, stock, 1649 Providence Rd.
screened to keep out birds and insects. Brochure prefinished in a variety of woods and traditional Northbridge, MA 01634
$.26. parquet strip and plank patterns. 4 color illustrated
(617) 234-6482
brochure — $1.
The Robert Whitley Studio Reproduction Elarly American lanterns in brass,
Laurel Road, Box 69 Woodcare Corporation copper and tin. Brochure $.25.
Solebury, PA 18963 P.O. Box 345
(215) 297-8452 New Castle, VA 24127 York Spiral Stair
MO RS/O (703) 864-5178 Bridge Street
Complete custom cabinetmaking services — MO North Vassaiboro, ME 04962
restoration and replication offme furniture, original Products for restoring and refinishing antiques, (207) 872-5558
design and adaptation. Illustrated catalog (no price furniture, all aged woods and metals. Send a
list) — $6.00. Illustrated brochure <m the Whitley MO
stamped self-addressed envelope for "The Restoring Spiral staircases crafted in oak or other fine
Rocker — $3.00 Guide." hardwoods. A unique design has provided for inner
and outer handrails for safety and comfort. This
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Co. Woodcraft Supply Corp. feature allows Che stair’sbeauty (obe uninterrupted
Box 20660H 313 Montvale Ave. by a centerpost. Staircases are available in
Hanover, MA 02339 Woburn, MA 01801 diameters of S’ or 8'-6". Free brochure and price list
(617) 871-1790 (617) 935-5860 available.
Everything for the stained glass craftsman and then A very complete supply of woodworking tools,
some presented in an illustrated 4 color catalog that supplies and books. W particular interest are the
is unusually helpful, amusing and free of charge. hand tools and a paint remover especially Z
Also "Baroques" — pieces of stained glass on which formulated for removing finishes and paints Zephyr Screen Doors
designs in black ceramic paint are fused on. Can be compounded with buttermilk. 96 pg. catalog — $.50. 1361 North Branciforte Ave.
used to create panels or as replacements in windows Free supplement. Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Free flyer — "Go Baroque".
(408) 427-1570
Woodhill Permatex MO RS/O
John A. Wigen Restorations 18731 Cranwood Parkway Custom made old fashioned fartcywork screen doors.
R D. No. 1, Box 281 Cleveland, OH 44128 No literature; will reply to inquiries.
Cobleskill, NY 12043 (216) 475-3600
(618) 234-7946 RS/O MO DIST Zynolyte Products Co.
MO RS/O A line of adhesives and sealants for do-it- yourself 16700 South Avalon Blvd.
Will dismantle and move any house or bam. Dutch home repairs: Household cement, epoxy glue, liquid Compton, CA 90224
and New England bam frames available - will move lockwasher, appliance glaze, wood touch up. tub and
to your location. Also small house frames, floor (213) 321-6964
tile sealer, plastic aluminum, naval jelly, fiberglass DIST
boards, mantels, etc. No literature. repair kite. Free illustrated brochures. Manufactures Klenk's Epoxy Enamel — a two-part
Helen Williams — Antique Delft Tiles epoxy system that is useful in resurfacing old sinks
Woodmart and bathtubs. Free leaflet "Klenk’s Epoxy Enamel
12643 Hortense Street Box 202 Tub & Tile Finish."
North Hollywood, CA 91604 Janesville, WI 53546
(213) 761-2756 (608) 752-2816
17th and 18th century antique Dutch Delft tiles Chimney & flue brushes available either round or
ranging in price from white 5 in. square tiles at $4 to square, mode of steel or polyproplene 4-3/4'* to 14"
5 in. polychrome tulip tiles at $50. English Liverpool round, 6 x 6” to 14 x 14" square. Information sent
tiles. Spanish and Portuguese as well. Free free with a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
literature and price list.
Key to Abbreviations
The Wrecking Bar, Inc.
Welsbach Lighting Products Company, 2601 McKinney Ave.
Inc. Dallas, TX 75204
240 Sargent Drive (214) 826-1717 ' MO s sells by Mail Order
New Haven, CH’ 06511 RS/O MO
(203) 789-1710 An 18,(X)0 square foot inventory of antique RS/O s sells through Retail
RS/O MO architectural elements repaired and ready for Store or Office
TTiis 100 year old company supplies gas street refinishing. 18th to early 20th century styles. They
lifting flxtures and posts. Average price is $3(X). crate and ship anywhere.
DIST = sells through
Free brochure.
Wrightsville Hardware Distributors
Western Reserve Antique Furniture Kit North Front Street
Box 206A Wrightsville, PA 17368 ID s sells through Interior
Bath, OH 44210 (717) 252-1561 Designers only
Reproductions of Shaker, New England, and Heavy duty cast iron blind and shutter hinges and
Pennsylvania Dutch furniture and house accessaries fastenings. Illustrated brochure.
are available in either kit or assembled and finished
form. A newly expanded line is pictured and fully
described in the brochure about Western Reserve
NEW CONNECn-KIT Coet of the brochure is $.50.
Special order items can be built for customers
needing something not in regular catalog.

The Old-Bouse Journal G8 1373 Catalog

•i ft

The ^^Everything Package

75 Issues...Save $27.00!
The “Everything Package” contains everything In all, you’ll be getting 75 information-packed
The Old-House Journal has ever published: (1) issues . . . 900 pages of how-to and case
All back issues from Vol. I No. 1 (Oct. 1973) right histories. And there’s the 60 pages of “where to
up to the present; (2) All the annual Indexes; buy’’ Information in The Old-House Journal
(3) The latest edition of The Old-House Journal Catalog. In all, 960 pages of just about
Catalog; (4) Plus a subscription running through everything the old-house owner needs to know.
December 1979. All for only $54.95 ... a saving of $27 over
single-copy prices.

960 pages . . . Everything The Old-House Owner Needs To Know.


Here's what's in the back issues:

October 1973 April 1974 October 1974
Winter Checklist For The Old House Drapes & Cunains In Old Houses Detecting & Defeating Rot
A Brownstone In Brooklyn Don't Use The Wrong Glue Downing's Domestic Architecture
Sealing Leaky Windows A Family Plantation In Virginia Removing Paint From Masonry
Quieting A Steam Healing System Restoration Of Sandstone Source For Fancy Shingles
Flat Roof Repairs Helpful Publications To Send For A Restored Federal Home
Care And C*<>aning Of Brass Fundamentals Of Carpentry Manual Victorian Color Schemes
November 1973 May 1974 November 1974
Refimshing Secrets Of The Boston Museum Re Creating Period Window Hangings Preventing Rot In Old Houses
The Bare Brick Mistake Repairing Old Fkx»s Conducting An Electrical Survey
Restoring Shutters To Working Order Octagcxi House On The Hudson The Classical Orders
Repair Of A Staircase American Federal Celling Tile A Greek Revival Restoration
Coping With Frayed Electrical Wiring Helpful Publicalkxis To Send For The Romantic Styles Of Downing
Hcwa' To Apply French Polish Restoring Rotted Wood Architectural Design (Review)
December 1973
Dealing With A Smoky Fireplace June 1974 December 1974
Antique Wallpaper Preservation Restorationist View Of Windows Refinishing Old Floors
Victorian Gingerbread A Queen Anne Revival House Cast Iron Fences
Minor Plaster Repairs Windows And Parts (Glossary) Re-creating Painted Floors
Matching Old Bricks And Mortar Restoring Marble Mantels Insuring Townhouse Living
Architectural Book Bargains Care & Cleaning Of Marble Greek Revival Styles (Review)
Styles Of Old-House Windows Repair Of Ornamental Iron
January 1974
Charting Your House's Secret Passages July 1974 January 1975
Contour Gage For Irregular Beams Sawn Wood Omarr^enl Early American Wall Stencilling
An Italian Villa fn New Haven A Pre CtvH War Manse Restoring A Greek Revival Ruin
Tips On Mixing Plaster Mix Your Own Wood Stain Selecting The Best Floor Finish
Mansard Roofs Running Electrical Wire— I Replacement Medallions
Tool Catalogs For A Quick Educalior Re-Creating Sawn Wood Detail Aids For Wall Stencilling
Plastering Know How IBook Review) Formula For Oil Finished Floors
February 1974
How To Stiffen Sagging Floors August 1974 February 1975
Wallpaper In Old Houses Eastlake’s Influence On Houses Of the Late 19th Victorian Stencilling
Where To Buy Reproduction Wallpapers Century Keys For Old Box Locks
Duplicating Plaster Cornices Restoring Rotted Window Sills Romanesque Revival In Detroit
Helpful Publications To Send For Running Electrical Wire — II Dangers In Removing Paint From Masonry
Masons and Builders Library Improved Paint Stripping Process Replacing A Clapboard
Handbook Of Late Victorian Decor Case History Of Restored Victorian Stencilling
March 1974
How To Duplicate Plaster Castings September 1974
Anatomy Of A Staircase Tips On Stripping Shutters
A Town House In Trenton Painting and Exterior Restoration
Renovation Vs Restoration Victorian Faneywork
Insulating An Attic Early Americwi Roof Styles
The Best Home Repair Manual An Italianate House in Covington
The Decorative Tradition (Review)

1079 Catalog 69 The Old-Bouee Journal

March 1975 January 1976 November 1976
Restoring Old Brickwork Refinishing Paint-Stripped Woodwork Creating A Victcffian Hallway
Grants For Preservation Taking An Architectural Inventory Cutting & Using Wall Stencils
Saving An 1836 Greek Revival Repairing Window Sash Building A New “Old House"
Techniques For Marbleizing A Row House In London Preparing A Wall For Painting
Books On Regional Architecture Source of Hand'Hevirn Beams Replacement Sink Bowls
Source For Pre-1840 Hardware February 1976 December 1976
Co-Existing With CMd Pipes Heating System For An Old House
April 1975 Lyndhurst Restoration
UsirrgChemical Paint Removers DeccH'aling With Wallpaper
Tips On Storm Wkidows E^stored 1900 Exterior
Late Victorian Art Movement Preserving Exterior Woodwork
Reviving A 1745 Stone Marror What Not To Remove From An House
Gothic Decoration Source For Old Hardware
Source For Plaster Ornaments
Finish Reviver KW
Fireplace Installation (Review) January 1977
Cleaning Very Dirty Old Glass March 1976 The Queen Anne Style
Early American Kitchens Guidelines For Restoring
May 1975 Adding A Fireplace Damper
Stripping Paint From Masonry Removing Linoleum Paste
Correct Fireplace Shapes Reviving Old Mirrors & Glass
Greek Revival Decoration American Folk Decoratior
Shingle Style Seaside Cottage Source for Wood Fretwork
Helpful Publications
Gesso Simulates Plaster Source For Electric Candles February 1977
Source For Tin Ceilings Early American Landscaping
Rehabilitating Abandoned Buildings (Review) April 1976 Basic Timber Framing
Victorian Kitdrens
June 1975 Final Finishes on Wood
Refinishirrg Clinic
How To Do Graining Inexpensive Fireplace Damper
Moldings Made By Hand
Fixing Cracks in Floorboards Plants for Colonial Garden
Source For Etched Glass
Moving A Vermont Chalet Electric Paint Strippers March 1977
Locating Buried Artifacts Making A Plate Rail Tudor Houses
Source For Victorian Hardware Advantages of Tung Oil
Catalog Of Classical Mantels May 1976 Repairing Sliding Doors
Lighting A Cokmial House
July 1975 Plugging Cracks in Floorboards
Restoration Health Hazards Wood Burning Furnace
Lighting For The Old House
Dealing With Calcimine Paint
Rebuilding Fireplaces
San FrarKisco Victorians An 1848 Farmhouse April 1977
Stripping Tanks Caulking Wood Cracks Victorian Landscaping
Colonial Floorcloths The Con servator’s Catalog Resurfacing Sinks & Tubs
New Light On Old Lamps (Review)
June 1976 19th Century Windmill Tower
August 1975 Exterior Pain tirvg—Part I Refinishing Wood Floors
Paint AndCobr Restoration Fixing Sagging Shutters Custom Duplicalion of Hardware
Stopping Brick Wall Seepage Installing New Joists
Queen Anne House In Boise Wood Destroying Insects May 1977
Repairing Leaded Glass Painted Vs Stripfied Woodwork Repairing Old Chimneys
Mending Stone Steps Source For Oriel Hoods Removing Stains from Masonry
Refinishing Supplies Restored Michigan Inn
September 1975 July 1976 Restoring Picture Frames
Exterior Painting—Pari II Heat Gun for Paint Stripping
Re Created Colonial Plaster
Reproduction Wallpapers
Victorian Lighting Fixtures
Properties of Exterior Paints
June 1977
Wallcovering Adhesives Victorian Fountains & Urns
Lighting The Old House
Amencan Interiors (Review) Source For Graining Tools A Greek Revival Rioenix
Restwer Of Stone Ornament Preparing Plaster for Painting
Old Sti^Faucels
Removing Spots on Woodwork
Tips For Fireplaces
August 1976 Source for Chimney Pols
October 1975 Fixing Double- Hung Windows Authentic Victorian Wallpaper
Replacing Gingerbread 19lh Century Exterior Colors
Insulation And The Old House (1)
July 1977
Homemade Fireplace Damper Late 19lh Century Decoration
Early Amwican Saltbox Reconst ruct ing a Log Hou se
Restoring Marble Sinks
Removing Window Sash
Re Creating Eariy American Interiors With Patching Cracks in Plaster
Source For Gingerbread Ornament
Mouldings Sources for Replacement Bowls
Sheet Metal Ornament September 1976 Simple Fireplace Damper
19th Cwitury Heating System
November 1975 Insulation And The Old House (11)
August 1977
Early American Wood Mouldings Roofing With Wood Shingles
Reconstructing Shutters
Silicone Coating For Brass Stripping & Finishtaig Floors
The Wardian Case
Manor In Southern California Restored Slone Farm House
A Classic Window Treatment
Selecting Masonry Sealers Hiding An Air Conditioner
Source For Custom Sash
Exterior Li^tingFixtures Source for Exterior Lanterns

December 1975 October 1976 September 1977

Bathrooms In The Old House Energy Efficient Old Houses
Dating The Old House
Repairing Slate Roofs Preserving Wood Columns
A Medieval House
Gingerbread Saved In Florida Bungalow Style Houses
Operating A Coal Stove
Early American Ironware Composition Ceilirrg Medallions
Restoring Porch Spindles
Stuhr Museum Refinishing System Source For Victorian Pull-Chain Toilets

The Old-House Journal 70 1979 Catalog

October 1977 March 1978 August 1978
Using Wood Stoves Safely Old Storefronis 1870 1920 Sweeping Chimneys
Duplicating Cut Glass Planting A Knot Garden Usirtg Wood Preservatives
Keeping High Tank Toilets Working Dangers Of Linseed Oil A Restored Queen Anne
Preserving Wooden Columns How To Make A Wainscot Source: Restoration MiHwcvk
Rats Vs Restoration in Virginia Canvassing A Porch Floor Review: Business & Preservation
Source: Architectural Mouldings
November 1977
Guide to Reproduction Fabrics April 1978
Adding Storage to an Old House History of Window Glass
Stenclller's Art in Indiana Lightning Protection
Glossary of Historic Fabric Terms Burglar Alarms
Log Farmhouse Restored
December 1977 Glass Glossary
The Co Insurance Trap Source: Chimney Brushes
Mouldings for Storage Units
Removing Paint From Fireplace Brick May 1978
Making a Plate Kail CMd House Solar Heater
Simulating LirKnisla Walton Decay In Shin^ Roofs
Finishing A Victorian Parlor
January 1978 Protecting Exterior Doors
The Colonial Revival House 1834 House Finds A Home
Healing With A Fireplace More On Wet Basements
Renxjving Plating From Brass June 1978
Building A Hi^-Heat Fire The Kitchen Compromise
Overcoming Musty Odors Restoring Porch Latticework
Source Fex- iron Spiral Stairs
Southern Classic In Georgia
February 1978 Victorian Window Gardens
Removing Woodwork for Stripping An Inexpensive Wainscot
An Old-Fashioned Garden Source. Edwardian Chesterfields
Catslide in North Carolina July 1978
Cures For A Wet Basement
The American Farmhouse
Source For Beveled Glass
Some Painting Tips
Re Anchoring A Plaster Wall
Alabama's Old Houses
Gluing Chairs
Etched Glass Histcxy
Reproduction Hardware

The Everything Package Saves $27.00

Individual back issues arc available at $1.50 each. You can get ALL through December 1979. Use the Order Form, or else write ytxir
back issues at substantial savings in the Everything Package" for order on a piece of paper and send it directly to our Reprint Dept, at
$54.95—which also includes the latest Catalog plus a subscription the address bekDW.

The Old-House Journal, 69A Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 (212)636-4514

1070 Catalog 71 The Old-House Journal

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The Old-BQusG Journal 72 1979 Catalog

Alphabetical Index
To Products & Services

Cabinet Hardware................... 22
Accessories--See Decorative Accessories Cabinetmaking § Custom Woodwork... 38
33 Candles, Electric § Electronic.... 15
Adzes................................. .. • • 15
Alarms, Fire § Security................. 21 Candles, Wax........................
25 Candlabra........................... 15
Andirons........... ...................... 15
38 Candlestands.......................
Antique Repairs.......................... 15
Antique § Recycled House Parts......... 36 Candlesticks.......................
38 Caning...................... ....... . 33
Antique Shops............................ 33
38 Canvas for Walls...................
Archeological Surveys................... 7
Architectural Design--Restoration...... 38 Capitals, Porch....................
Capitals, Interior................. 12
Architectural Millwork.................. 7
Carpentry........................... 38
Art, Original............................ 18
9 Carpet Rods........................ 16
Awning Hardware.......................... 18
Awnings................................... 9 Carpets.............................
Casings, Door § Window........... . 10
Casein Paints..................... . 32
Cast Iron, Custom Casting......... 9
Cast Iron, Ornamental............ 9
Ceiling Light Fixtures........... . 26-29
Ceiling Medallions................. 12
Ceiling Fans...................... 24
Ceilings, Tin..................... 11
Ceilings, Wood.................... 10
Ceramic Roofing Tiles............ 5
Ceramic Tiles..................... 12
Chair Rails....................... 10
Balconies, Iron............... 9 Chair Replacement Seats.......... 33
Balusters, Iron............... 9 Chair Tapes....................... 33
Balusters, Porch............. 8 Chairs............................. 16
Balusters, Staircase......... 11 Chandeliers........................ 26-29
Barns, Recycled............... 37 Chimney Brushes................... 25
Barnboards.................... 6 Chimney Liners.................... 5
Baseboards................ . 10 Chimney Pots ............. ......... 9
Basement Waterproofing Paints 30 Chimney Restoration............... 38
Bathroom Accessories......... 15 Clapboards, Beaded Edge.......... 5
Bathroom Fixtures............ 21,22 Cleaners, Glass................... 30
Bathroom Tiles......... ...... 12 Cleaners, Masonry 5 Brick........ 5
Bathtubs, Old-Fashioned...... 2l[22 Cleaners § Polishes, Metal....... 30
Beams, Hand-Hewn............. 10 Clock Kits......................... 16
Bed Hangings.................. 15 Clock Parts........................ 16
Bed Hardware.................. 15 Clocks........... ........ ........ 16
Bellows........................ 25 Coal Scuttles..................... 25
Bevelled Glass................ 12 Coat Racks § Umbrella Stands.... 19
Bird S Pest Control Products. 5 Columns, Exterior................. 7
Bleach, Wood.................. 30 Columns, Interior................. 12
Blinds......................... 6,22 Columns, Porch.................... 8
Board and Batten Siding...... 5 Concrete Roofing Tiles........... 5
Boards.................... .... 10,11 Conductor Heads--See Leader Boxes
See also Salvage Building Materials Consulting Services............... 38
Brackets................................. .7,12 Contracting Services............. 38
Brass Beds.............................. 16 Copper Polish..................... 30
Brass Lacquer........... ............... 30 Corbels............................ 7,12
Brass Polish............................ 30 Cornices, Exterior................ 7
Brick Cleaners.......................... 5 Cornices--Interior Decorative.... 14
Bricks , Handmade............ .......... 5 Cranes............................. 25
Bricks, Salvage......................... 5 Cresting........................... 9
See also Salvage Building Materials Cupola^ ............................ 9
Bronzing 8 Gilding Liquids............ 30 Curtains § Draperies............. 16
Brownstone (Sandstone) Repair......... 40 Custom Hardware................... 22
Building Inspection.................... 39 Curtain Rods...................... 16
Building Maintenance Materials........ 5 Cut Glass.......................... 12

1379 Catalog 73 The Old-Bouse Journal

Glass, Bevelled..........
Glass Cleaners............ 12
Glass, Cut § Etched...... 12
Glass, Glue Chip......... 12
Glass, Leaded § Stained.. 12
Glass Shades.............. 30
Dampers, Fireplace............. 25 Glass, Window*-Handmade.. 8
Decorating S Painting Services. 38,40 Glazing Services......... 38
Decorating Tools................ 35 Glazing Stains § Liquids. 30
Decorative Accessories........ 20
Delft Tiles--see Tiles, Ceramic Glue Chip Glass.......... 12
Gold Leaf................. 30
Doors............................ 8,10 Graining Services........ 38
Doorbells, Period Designs...... 9 Graining Tools........... 33
Door Framing....................
Grates, Coal.............. 25
Door Hardware................... 8,22
Door Knobs $ Escutcheons.......
Grilles, Hot Air Register 11
22 Grilles, Iron............. 9
Door Knockers................... 8 Gutters § Leaders........ 7
Downspout Fittings......... . 7
Drapery Hardware................ 16
Drapery Trimmings............... 16
Draperies § Curtains........ 16
Dry Sink Liners................. 22
Handrails, Iron....................... 9
Handrails, Staircase................. 11
Hardware, Awning...................... 9
Hardware, Exterior................... 8,9
Encaustic Tile............. 12 Hardware , Cabinet....... ............. 22
Entryways................... 8 Hardware, Custom...................... 22
Escutcheons................................. 22 Hardware, Furniture.................. 17
Etched Glass................ 12 Hardware, Shutter..................... 22
Exterior Building Materials 5 Hardware, Trunk....................... 19
Hardware, Window...................... 24

Fabric.................................. 16
Hardwoods, Plank 8 Boards...........
Heart Pine Flooring..................
Heat Gun...............................
Fancy Painting--Gilding, Glazing, etc Heating Systems, Central--Solid Fuel 25
Fans, Ceiling.......................... Heating Systems, Solar............... 25
Faucets................................ 24 Hewing Tools.......................... 33
Fences.................................. Hinges................................. 8,22
Fenders, Fireplace.................... 25 Hooks 8 Pegs.......................... 16
Finish Revivers........................ 30 House Inspection Services........... 39
Fire Alarms......... ....... ........... 21 House Moving........................ 39
Firebacks.............................. 25 House Parts, Salvage................. 6,36
Firegrates............................. 25 House Plans, Period Designs......... 33
Fireplace 8 Chimney Restoration..... 38
Fireplace Dampers.....................
Fireplace Devices.....................
Fireplace Parts......... ..............
25 Inlays 8 Veneers......
Fireplace Tools........................ 25 11
Interior Design....... 39
Fireplaces, Manufactured............. 25
Firescreens............................ Iron, Cast--Ornamental 9
25 Iron, Wrought.........
Flatting Oils.......................... 9
30 Ironwork, Exterior. ...
Floorcloths............................ 9
Flooring............................... 10
Fountains.............................. 9
Framing, Door 8 Window................ 10
Franklin Stoves--see Stoves, Iron
Fretwork 8 Grilles, Wood............. 11 Kerosene Lamps 29
Froes................................... 33 Key Blanks.... 22
Furniture Kits......................... 16
Furniture, Reproduction.... . 16
Furniture, Lawn 8 Porch..............
Furniture Stripping...................
Lacquer, Brass...........
L 30
Lacquers, Clear 8 Colored 30
Lacquering................ 38
Lamp Posts 8 Standards... 10
Garden Ornaments.......... 9 Lamps, Exterior.......... 10
Gas Lamp Mantles.......... 29 Lamps, Antique........... 17
Gas Lighting Fixtures.... 29 Lamps, Reproduction...... 17
Gas Logs................... 25 Lamp Shade Kits.......... 33
Gates....................... 9 Lamp Wicks 8 Lamp Oil.... 17
Gazebo Plans............... 33 Landscape Gardening...... 39
Gilding 8 Bronzing Liquids 30 Lanterns.................. 10,26-29
Gilding Services.......... 38 Latches, Handforged...... 8
Gingerbread Trim, Wood.... 7 Lawn Furniture........... 10
Glass, Antique............ 12 Leaded Glass.............. 12

The 01d‘Bouse Journal 7i 1973 Catalog

Leaded Glass Repair............ 40 Pegs § Hooks........ ............ 16
Leaded 6 Stained Glass Supplies 33 Pest Control Products.......... 5
Leaders 6 Leader Boxes......... 7 Photography, Architectural.... 40
Lighting Fixture Parts......... 30 Pigeon Control.................. 5
Lighting Fixture Restoration... 39 Pigments 6 Tinting Colors...... 31
26-30 Planes, Wood-Moulding.......... 35
Lighting Fixtures...............
Lighting Fixtures-Gas Burning.. 29 Planks........................... 11
Liners, Chimney................. 5 Plans, Gazebo................... 33
6,22 Plans , House.................... 33
Locks, Door.....................
Plant Stands ^ Pedestals....... 17
Planters......... ............... 9
Plaques ^ Markers............... 10
Plaster Mouldings............... 15
Plaster Patching Materials.... 35
Maintenance Supplies... 5 Plastering, Ornamental........ . 40
Mantels................. 14 Plastering Tools................ 35
Mantles, Gas........... 29 Plasterwork, Decorative........ IS
Marble Cleaners § Waxes 30 Plating, Metal.................. 39
Marble Replacement..... 14 Plumbing Fixtures............... 21,22
Markers, Hiistoric 10 Pokers........................... 25
Masonry § Supplies................. 5 Poles, Drapery.................. 16
Masonry 6 Brick Cleaning Compounds 5 Porcelain Refinishing.......... 40
Masonry Cleaners................... 5 Porcelain Refinishing Materials 31
Masonry Paint Strippers........... 6 Porch Furniture................. 10
Masonry Repair..................... 39 Porch Parts..................... 8
Masonry Sealers.................... 5 Posts, Lamp..................... 10
Masonry Tools....................... 35 Posts, Porch.................... 8
Medallions, Ceiling................ 12 Posts, Salvage--See Salvage Bldg. Materials
Metal Ceilings..................... 11 Preservatives, Exterior Wood.................. 5
Metal Polish........................ 30 Prints 6 Original Art 18
Metal Replating.................... 39 Prisms................ 30
Metal, Roofing..................... 5 Pull-Chain Toilets... 21,22
Metalwork Repairs.................. 39 Putty, Colored....... 31
Milk Paints......................... 30
Millwork, Architectural--Exterior. 7
Mirrors 6 Frames................... 17
Mirror Resilvering.................
Mold-Making Materials.............
Mortise Locks.................... ..
8,22 Quarry Tile
Q. 12
Mouldings, Exterior................ 7
Mouldings, Interior............... 14
Murals, Wallpaper.................. 19

Railing, Iron.............................. 9
Realtors.................................... 40
33 Recycled Houses 6 Barns................... 37
Nails, Handmade.......
17 Recycled House Parts...................... 36
Needlework Kits.......
Newel Posts, Staircase 11 Registers 8 Grilles........................ 11
Restaurant Fittings, Period Style........ 19
Restoration Consultant Services.......... 38
Rim Locks................................... 8
Risers 8 Treads, Staircase............... 11
Oil Finishes........... 31 Rocking Chairs............................. 16
Original Art 8 Prints.. 18 Roofing Materials.......................... 5
Ornaments, Composition. 15 Roofing Tiles.............................. 5
15 Rosettes, Ceiling--See Ceiling Medallions
Ornaments, Plaster.....
Ornaments, Sheet Metal. 10 Rot Patching Materials.................... 6
Ornaments, Wood........ 15 Rug Kits--See Needlework Kits
Ornaments, Wrought Iron 9 Rugs 8 Carpets............................. 18
Overdoor Treatments.... 11 Rust 8 Corrosion Removers................. 31

Paint Removers, Masonry....... 6 Salvage Building Materials... .6,36

Paint Stripping Chemicals.... 6,31 Salvage House Parts.......... 36,37
Paint Stripping Gun........... 34 Sandstone (Brownstone) Repair 40
Paint Stripping Services..... 40 Sash, Window.................. 8
Paint Stripping Tools......... 33,34 Sconces........................ 26-29
Painting 8 Decorating Services 38,40 Sealers, Masonry............. 5
Paints, ExterioT--Masonry.... .5,30 Sealers, Wood................. 31
Paints, Period Colors......... 31 Shakes, Wood.................. 5,6
Panelling, Wall--Wood......... 12 Sheet Metal Ornaments....... 10
Parquet......................... 10 Shingles, Wood................ 5,6
Parquet Repair 8 Installation. 40 Shutter Hardware............. 9.22
Pedestals 8 Plant Stands..... 17 Shutters 8 Blinds............ 8.22

1373 Catalog 7S The Qld-Bouse Journal

Siding, Barn...................................
Siding, Board-and-Batten..................... 5
Siding Materials............................ 5
Siding, Salvage--See Salvage Bldg. Materials
Silver Plating........... 39
Silver Polish............ 30
Sink Bowls, Replacement.. 22
Sinks, Period....... 21,22
Slate Roofing Tiles...... 5 Wainscotting................ .......
Sliding Door Tracks...... 24 Wall Lighting Fixtures............ 11
Solar Heating Systems.... 2S Wallcoverings Other Than Wallpaper 19
Spindles, Porch.......... 8 Wallpaper Borders.................. 19
Stained Glass............ 12 Wallpaper, Custom Duplication.... 19
Stained Glass Repair.... 40 Wallpaper, Period Reproduction.... 19,20
Stained Glass Supplies... 33 Wallpaper Removers, Chemical..... 32
Stains, Wood............. 5,32 Wallpaper Restoration.............. 19
Stair Rods................ 16 Wallpapering Tools................. 35
Staircases § Parts...... 11 Waxes, Specialty................... 32
Stamped Metal Ornament... 10 Weatherstripping................... 35
Statuary.................. 9 Weathervanes........................ 10
Steel Ceilings........... 11 Whitewash........................... 32
Stencilling............... 40 Wicker Furniture................... 20
Stencilling Supplies.... IS Wicker Repair Materials........... 33
Stone...................... 5 Window Framing, Interior.......... 10
Storm Windows............. 6 Window Grilles...................... 9
Stove Parts............... 25 Window Frames........................... 8
Stove Pipe................ 25 Window Hardware......................... 24
Stove Polish............. 30 Wood Baskets............................ 25
Stoves, Iron............. 25 Wood Grain Fillers...................... 35
Strap Hinges............. 8,22 Wood Patching Materials................ 35
Stucco Patching Materials 5 Wood Preservatives, Exterior
See Preservatives, Exterior Wood
Wood Turning........... 40
Woodworking Tools, Hand 35
Wrought Iron........... 9

Terra Cotta Roofing Tiles.. 5
Texture Paints............. 32
Tiles, Ceramic............. 12
Tiles, Encaustic........... 12
Tiles, Roofing--Terra Cotta 5
Tiles, Slate................ 5
Tin Ceilings............ . 11
Tinting Colors............. 31
Toilets, High Tank......... 21,22
Tools........................ 33-35
Treads § Risers, Staircase. 11
Trunk Hardware.............. 19
Tung Oil.................... 32
Turnbuckle Stars........... 10
Turnings, Custom........... 40

Umbrella Stands § Coat Racks 19

Upholstery Tools S Supplies. 35
Urns.......................... 9

Varnishes....... 5,32
Veneers § Inlays 11

The OM-Bouse Journal 76 1979 Catalog


The Old-House Journal:

A Library of
Restoration Know-How
^ jL'he Old-House Journal is a monthly publicalion ... in newsletter formal . . . that is de­
voted exclusively to the restoration, maintenance and decoration of houses built prior to
1914. The Journal provides practical, how-to information. Some articles are staff written;
others are contributed by experts with first-hand experience in some special aspect
of restoration.

Here's a sampling of topics that have been analyzed in detail in past issues of The Journal:

• Stripping And Refinishing WiM)dHork • Restoring Rotted Windows

• Repairing Ornamentai Plaslerwork • Recreating Period Mouldings
• ]9lh Cenlurv Exterior Paint Colors • How To Do (training
• Repairing & Restoring Fireplaces • Running Electrical Wire
• Refinishing Oid Floors • Selecting Masonry Sealers
« Period Window Treatments • Repairing Leaded Glass
• Waiipaper In Old Houses • Restoring Original Paint Colors
• Repairing Slate Roofs • Greek Revival Decoration
• Removing Paint From Brickwork • Using Chemical Paint Removers
• Lighting For The Old House • Victorian Stencilling
• Combating Rot • Chemical Hazards in Restoration
• Repairing Old Brickwork • Eastlake Architecture
• Insulation For Old Houses • Re-creating Sawn Wood Ornament
• Stripping & Repairing Shutters • Restoring Marble Mantels
• Kitchens & Bathrooms • Repairing Sagging Floors
• Prolilems With Old Plumbing • Duplicating Piaster Castings

In addition. The Journal lulls about sources for unusual and bard-to-find products . . . lists
helpful publications that can be sent for ... and gives case histories of i>eople who have gone
through the restoration process successfully.

Subscriptions to The Old-House Journal are $12 per year. All back issues are also available
. . . along with detailed annual indexes.
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Old-House Journal /

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is the annual buyers’ guide 4

of The Old-House Journal—

the monthly publication
for the restoration,
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of old houses.

• ■^1 The Old-House Journal
69A Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11217
(212( 636-4514



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