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Nurse Therapeutic Patient Analysis
Hello! My name is _____. Giving Oh, hello, that's fine. THERAPEUTIC
I'm one of the student recognition
nurses here in this I have recognized
hospital. Do you mind if I the patient.
call you Mr. Leo?
I see that you seemed pale Making Yes, that's right. I THERAPEUTIC
and tired. Have you been observations haven't slept for days
restless or not sleeping and often experience I have observed the
well lately? mood swings and patient's condition.
Can you tell me what Offering Self Yes, sure. As you can THERAPEUTIC
happened? How did you see, I was diagnosed
feel that way? to have bipolar The patient can
disorder. It's tough to describe what
come up with my happened.
friends as I overthink
more than usual lately.
When was the first time Reflecting Since I started my job THERAPEUTIC
you felt this way? at a call center, I am at
the night shift and The patient
have been unable to provided
rest well. information or
reason why he
experienced it.
Then, this morning, how Encouraging Although I was a bit THERAPEUTIC
are you feeling today? expression tired, I often… think
of suicide. I can gather
information about
how he felt.
I can see that you are Consensual I'm afraid I cannot THERAPEUTIC
physically and mentally validation control my emotions
tired. But you made the and choose the wrong I can provide
correct decision by path. validation as the
arriving at the hospital as patient chooses to
soon as possible. go to the hospital.

People with bipolar Giving Yes, I thought so as THERAPEUTIC

disorders often feel that information well.
way. Your feelings are I have provided
valid, and you don't have information based
to fear anything. But first on the health
and foremost, you have to condition of the
help yourself to recover patient.
I know that it seems Presenting the The thing is, I became THERAPEUTIC
impossible but through Reality concerned about my
therapies and medications. disorder as I started to The patient can
You can start again and have suicidal identify the reality
gain trust in yourself. thoughts. I felt like I that his condition
was a helpless crazy can lead to worst if
man. not prevented or
cured immediately.
You feel worried about Yes. THERAPEUTIC
what others say about you. Restating
The patient
communicated his
idea effectively as
he agreed to the
restatement of the
I understand your concern. Encouraging I am mentally unstable THERAPEUTIC
What do your thoughts description of and crazy because I
seem to be saying? perception have to take I can see how the
medicines. My friends patient sees things
and my family don't from his
care about me. perspective.
I can only say the bipolar Giving Your words flatter my THERAPEUTIC
disorder is a mental information heart, and having
condition in a way that someone care about I can provide
you are mentally unstable, me feels nice, information on the
which causes extreme especially as I condition of the
mood swings. It does understand my self- patient.
affect your daily life worth. Thank you so
physically and mentally. much for listening to
Hence, no such important my perspectives. Are
person in our lives doesn't my medicines
care for us. As a student necessary to take?
nurse, I can see how you
struggle just by looking at
yourself, and it's not just
my responsibility to care;
as a human being, my first
instinct is to help. Helping
is caring, so do your
family and friends care
about you?
I understand how tough Consensual Okay, I see. Now, I THERAPEUTIC
that is, but you will have validation can understand. I will
to take your medicines as take my medicines on The patient agreed
it helps you in balancing time. to take his
your emotions and helps medicines.
you immediately recover.
So, now, we can proceed Formulating a Oh, so I have to check THERAPEUTIC
to some actions that you plan of action my budget for that.
can do to prevent extreme Does it take a lot for I can provide
emotions. You have to hospital and medicine information
breath slowly in an inhale- bills? regarding the
exhale motion. You can actions that he
listen to music and could take.
achieve. Lastly, and you
can start exercising and
have a healthy diet.
You don't have to worry Giving That's great! Thank THERAPEUTIC
about the bills because information you so much
there are government I can provide
programs that our hospital information on
can suggest to provide government
financial assistance. programs that
could help the
patient's hospital
So, we have to treat your Focusing Nothing, it was great THERAPEUTIC
condition as soon as talking to you and I
possible. Is there anything also wanted to be The patient agrees
else you can ask? okay, so I need to be to treat his
treated as soon as condition
possible. Is there
anything else I should
be doing?
Nothing, just for now, you Accepting Thank you so much! I THERAPEUTIC
have to take a rest and be will do what you say,
extra cautious about what and I am very glad to I can encourage the
you feel. talk to you. patient to agree and
accept specific
health cautions for
his bipolar

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