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Sample 1

1. Read the task and the letter below. In which paragraph (A-D) does the writer …

1   conclude the letter? ……

2   state the reason for writing? ……

3   make suggestions? ……

4   explain the reason for requesting the charity’s presence? ……

You are helping to organize a charity week for your school. You want to invite someone who
will give an inspiring talk to the students. Write a letter to the president of a local charity
organization, and suggest what topics the talk should cover.

Dear Sir or Madam

[A]   I am writing to invite you or one of your members to speak to students during our school
charity week.

[B]   Our school is organizing a week next term when all the students will do something for
charity. We would like to raise as much money as possible. I wonder whether someone from
your organization would 1 consider making a speech to the school on this topic? 2 In my view, it
would really 3 benefit us all to have someone inspire us before we take on this challenge.

[C]   I am sure you have your own thoughts on what it would be useful to cover. However, in
addition to your own ideas, I would 4 recommend including some advice on how to organize
ourselves efficiently. In addition, it would be interesting to know which particular activities and
events might be the most successful in raising money. Furthermore, we would appreciate some
information on the best ways to advertise what we are doing. Finally, perhaps you could talk to
us about the work of your charity. It would be inspiring to hear about how your organization
has 5 contributed to society and made a difference in people’s lives.

[D]   I hope you will consider my request to talk at our school about raising money for
charity. 6 I look forward to hearing from you 7 at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully

Chris Adams, Year 13

Writing Strategy

When you write a formal letter:

– Do not use informal words and phrases.
–  Avoid contractions and abbreviations.

2. Read the Writing Strategy. Match the underlined formal expressions in the letter with the informal
ones below.

as soon as possible- be good for - I can’t wait to hear- given- I think- suggest- think about talking

3. Match the underlined informal parts of sentences 1-8 with formal phrases a-h.

1   I am writing to give you my ideas for our project.

2   Our school recycling week is happening next month.

3   I want to tell you which topics should be covered.

4   My reason are these.

5   I hope you like my ideas.

6   I think a talk from you would be very motivating.

7   I’d like it if you would consider my request.

8   Please write back soon.

a. as follows

b. consider my recommendations favorably

c. takes place

d. put forward

e. I look forward to hearing from you

f. would like to suggest

g. I would be grateful

h. In my view,
Sample 2

Read the following Letters and do the activities that follow.

Dear Ms. Brown

I am writing this email on behalf of Dr. Andrews, the head of the admissions department at
IAU. Upon reviewing your documents, it has come to our attention that you have not submitted a
current financial statement. The auditing of financial records is necessary for your application to
the financial aid program. The deadline for applications is approaching and I would appreciate it
greatly if you could post the requested form promptly so that we can move forward with your
application. I would also be thankful if you could acknowledge the receipt of this email as soon
as possible.

Yours Truly

Sarah J. Fox

Administrative Assistant

IAU Admissions Department

Dear Ms. Fox

Thank you for your email. I have requested a new financial statement from my bank but
unfortunately they have not responded to my query yet. I will try to contact them again regarding
this matter and will submit the form as soon as I receive it. Since the application deadline is in
near future, I was wondering if I have other courses of action in case I miss the current deadline.
Is there a possibility to postpone my enrollment if I don’t get financial aid? Are there any other
financing or funding opportunities available in or outside the university? Can I reapply for the
financial aid program in a semester? I would truly appreciate your support in this matter and I
apologize for the inconvenience the delayed submission of the document may cause.
Yours Truly
Emma Brown
Dear Dr. Andrews
My name is Emma Brown and I am writing to schedule an appointment
with you in regards to my application for financial aid. Unfortunately, my
application was rejected due to incomplete submission of necessary
documents. The missing document which is a financial statement was
delayed WORDS
at the bank. AND PHRASES
I did everything in my power to submit the document
before the deadline but it was not available due to an operating system
On Behalf of- review documents- come to somebody’s attention- to submit- to audit
error in the bank. I would truly appreciate it if I could meet you in person
(n: an audit)- records-deadline- approach- promptly- move forward with something-
and request your guidance and counsel in this matter.
acknowledge- receipt- to respond to a query- course of action- miss a deadline- to
Truly enrollment- apologize for the inconvenience
Emma brown Dear Ms. Brown

I am truly sorry to hear about the difficulty you have experienced

navigating the financial aid application. I understand the frustration but I
am afraid that there is not much I can do in regards to your current
application since once a rejection has been issued, it cannot be appealed.
Schedule- reject an application- to delay- due to- request/receive counsel (or guidance)
- I am truly sorry ….. – to navigate a system/program- There is not much I can do-
issue a rejection/acceptance- to appeal a decision- to suit- alternatively- convenient

1. Matching words and definitions

Match each word with its corresponding definition by choosing the correct word from the
Audit-concise-to be on the same page-transcript-submission-record-confirmation-delivery
date-deny- reschedule
a. An inspection and verification of business accounts and processes, conducted by an
independent qualified accounting agency or auditor: ----------------
b. The act of validating; verification: ------------------
c. To present something for consideration: -----------------
d. The point at which mail, goods, etc. are received: ------------------
e. A document that contains information i.e. personal, activities, events: ---------------
f. An official record of a student’s school progress and achievements which lists the courses
taken: ----------------
g. To have the same opinion: to have the same knowledge: --------------
h. Expressing much in a few words: ----------------
2. Fill in the blanks
Please type the correct words in the gaps. Make sure to use the correct form. Each word can
only be used once.
to postpone- to confirm- receipt- to resubmit- to reschedule- to acknowledge- to suit- to
collaborate- to admit- to prove
a. Please ----------- ------------ of the attached transcripts.
b. We have received your room request. Please -------------- your reservation via email.
c. Thank you for your interest in our courses. I am pleased to confirm your enrolment in our
online accounting course. Unfortunately, we do not have all of your bank details. Please
---------------- the banking form to our admissions office for processing.
d. We can meet at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. What time would --------------- you?
e. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to ----------------- the staff meeting.
f. Thank you for the opportunity to ----------------- with you and your research team on the
next ceramic research paper to be published.
g. Thank you for ---------------- the appointment. An afternoon appointment is very convenient
for me.

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