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Crypto Coins

In the year 1983, the cryptographer US David Chaum made a system

cryptographer monetary electronic and his name is "eCash".
Later, in the year 1995, implement "DigiCash", what utilize the criptografic
to come back a anonymous the transactions of money, what with a
centralized emition and liquidation (pay).
This system required a software whit retired money of the bank and
design keys encrypted specific before what they can sent a destinary.
This permiss what the money digital not view for him emissor bank , the
gobern or a third.
In the year 1996, the NSA public a investigation titulated "How To Make a
Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash".
This investigation described a system of "Cryptodivisa", public in one list of
mail of the MIT.
Later, in 1997 was public in "The American Law Review".
The concept or the idea of crypto coin was first described of Wei Day, in
1998, where proposed or the idea of create a new guy of money
decentralized what use the cryptography how medium control.
The first crypto coin what create was the Bitcoin, create in the year 2009
the creator of the Bitcoin is "Satoshi Nakamoto" (“Satoshi Nakamoto” is a
one person or a group of work).
From his creation, the crypto coins won more attention in the public and
of medium of communication.
From the year 2011, the interest has aumentity fast, in special, in the up of
the Bitcoin, in april of the year 2013.

The name of my book is "El arte de negociar y persuadir", i stay in the
page 30, i read my book more, sorry.

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