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Analytic Review

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

Initial Diagnosis and Management of © The Author(s) 2023

Acutely Elevated Intracranial Pressure Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/08850666231156589

Hashim Kareemi, MD1 , Michael Pratte, MD2,

Shane English, MD, MSc3,4, and Ariel Hendin, MD1,3

Acutely elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) may have devastating effects on patient mortality and neurologic outcomes, yet
its initial detection remains difficult because of the variety of manifestations that it can cause disease states it is associated
with. Several treatment guidelines exist for specific disease processes such as trauma or ischemic stroke, but their recom-
mendations may not apply to other causes. In the acute setting, management decisions must often be made before the under-
lying cause is known. In this review, we present an organized, evidence-based approach to the recognition and management of
patients with suspected or confirmed elevated ICP in the first minutes to hours of resuscitation. We explore the utility of
invasive and noninvasive methods of diagnosis, including history, physical examination, imaging, and ICP monitors. We syn-
thesize various guidelines and expert recommendations and identify core management principles including noninvasive
maneuvers, neuroprotective intubation and ventilation strategies, and pharmacologic therapies such as ketamine, lidocaine,
corticosteroids, and the hyperosmolar agents mannitol and hypertonic saline. Although an in-depth discussion of the defin-
itive management of each etiology is beyond the scope of this review, our goal is to provide an empirical approach to these
time-sensitive, critical presentations in their initial stages.

intracranial pressure, ICP, traumatic brain injury, TBI, intracranial hypertension, hypertonic saline, mannitol

Introduction Prompt recognition, monitoring, and treatment of raised ICP

are essential in the management of critical intracranial patholo-
Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) is a common and potentially
gies including TBI, intracranial infections, malignancies, and
life-threatening condition encountered in a wide array of neuro- neurovascular emergencies. The Brain Trauma Foundation rec-
logical pathologies. It is associated with increased mortality1,2 ommends treatment of ICP over 22 mm Hg, as this is the thresh-
and poor neurologic outcomes3,4 in traumatic brain injury old for increased mortality.9 In 2020, the Neurocritical Care
(TBI), and decreased survival in intracerebral hemorrhage5 and Society released guidelines for the treatment of acute cerebral
acute ischemic stroke.6 Normal ICP in adults is generally edema,10 as well as an updated algorithm for intracranial hyper-
defined as an ICP between 5 and 15 mm Hg.7 It can be under- tension and herniation as part of their Emergency Neurological
stood fundamentally as an equilibrium in the partial pressures Life Support program.11 However, given that this topic is a
of fluids, namely, arterial blood, venous blood, and cerebral
spinal fluid, in addition to the largely incompressible brain paren-
chyma within the fixed volume of the cranium, as described by
the Monroe-Kellie Doctrine.8 If the volume of one of these or 1
Department of Emergency Medicine, The Ottawa Hospital, University of
additional components (such as a neoplasm) increases, venous Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,
blood and cerebrospinal fluid are displaced out of the cranium Canada
to maintain equilibrium. In a state of elevated ICP, this compen- 3
Department of Medicine (Critical Care), University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
satory mechanism may become dysfunctional, and neurologic Ontario, Canada
injury may result through 2 mechanisms: hypoperfusion/ische- Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa,
mia and herniation. Ischemic injury is the result of decreased Ontario, Canada
cerebral arterial blood flow secondary to insurmountable ICP Received October 19, 2022. Received revised January 25, 2023. Accepted
and dysregulated vascular compensation.7 Herniation is the January 26, 2023.
process by which brain parenchyma is displaced from one com-
Corresponding Author:
partment to another (eg, uncal or transtentorial herniation), with Hashim Kareemi, The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Department of
subsequent compression of critical structures such as the Emergency Medicine, 1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
brainstem. Email:
2 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0(0)

rapidly evolving area of research, many of these suggestions are supplement the history and physical examination when the clin-
generalized and lack practical guidance that may be easily ical context permits. Especially, when the etiology is uncertain,
employed in patient care. Particularly, in acute resuscitation convincing CT scan findings in conjunction with a history and
of patients with unknown etiology or degree of elevated ICP, physical examination may be sufficient to make the diagnosis of
delays or errors in treatment can have deleterious consequences. elevated ICP.21 The most sensitive signs for elevated ICP on CT
This review presents a pragmatic approach to the initial man- include basal cistern effacement (85.9%), midline shift (80.9%),
agement of a patient with elevated ICP, with a focus on early rec- and a Marshall class of at least 3 (80.6%).17 The Marshall clas-
ognition in the first minutes to hours of resuscitation. The sification is a grading system using key findings on CT neuro-
recommendations made herein combine current evidence with imaging to prognosticate traumatic brain injuries.22 In addition
expert consensus to provide empiric treatment for the undifferen- to specific signs of elevated ICP, CT may provide diagnostic
tiated patient with raised ICP, such as those presenting in the emer- clarification on the etiology of elevated ICP, allowing for plan-
gency department. A disease-specific approach or advanced ning of definitive management as initial resuscitative steps are
therapeutic strategies implemented outside of this hyperacute taken. Conversely, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
phase are outside of the scope of this review and covered in rarely used in the evaluation of acutely elevated ICP.
various guidelines.9,12–15 There will be particular emphasis on Although it has a similar utility as CT for ICP evaluation,
rapid recognition, noninvasive treatment, pharmacologic therapy, MRI is relatively slow and costly, making it impractical in
and practical considerations for neuroprotective intubation. emergent situations. Imaging should not delay initial manage-
ment steps in the context of a high pretest probability of ele-
vated ICP. Although CT scans may provide valuable
Diagnosis information and diagnostic clarification, noninvasive manage-
History and Physical Examination ment should simultaneously be initiated in patients with a mod-
erate probability of elevated ICP while arranging for imaging.
As many patients with elevated ICP have altered mental status,
history is often limited and there is equivocal evidence support-
ing its utility. Upon approaching a patient with suspected ele- Point-of-Care Ultrasound
vated ICP, one may gather a history of classic signs or As point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) becomes increasingly
symptoms, including headache, vomiting, and change in available, several techniques have gained popularity in the iden-
mental status; however, none of these findings are specific.16 tification of raised ICP. The use of transcranial doppler ultraso-
Despite this, history may provide important information in nography relies on qualitative, noninvasive measurements of
patients whose diagnosis is uncertain to clarify the etiology or cerebral blood flow via bone windows in the cranium to esti-
likelihood of high ICP (eg, meningismus, trauma, or use of mate ICP using flow velocity and various other parameters.23
anticoagulants). However, transcranial doppler was shown to have limited
A recent meta-analysis explored the utility of 3 common phys- utility with a relatively low area under the receiver operating
ical examination findings for raised ICP.17 Although no single characteristic curve (AUROC) (0.55-0.72 for pulsatility index,
finding was diagnostic of the condition, pupillary dilation was 0.85 for arterial blood pressure).17 Likewise, another small
found to be highly specific (85.9%) but not sensitive (28.2%). study demonstrated pulsatility index to be a poor proxy for
In contrast, a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 8 or below was ICP estimate.24
quite sensitive (75.8%) but poorly specific (39.9%). There is evi- Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) relies on the assump-
dence that the “Cushing triad” of hypertension, bradycardia, and tion that increases in ICP will be reflected in the dilatation of
irregular breathing may have a specificity as high as 96.9%18; the optic nerve sheath through the communication of the intra-
however, it is poorly sensitive.18,19 In extreme situations, uncon- cranial and intraorbital subarachnoid spaces. Practically, it
trolled ICP may lead to cerebral herniation syndromes, resulting involves measuring the diameter of the optic nerve sheath pos-
in various findings including cranial nerve deficits and lateraliz- terior to the orbit with POCUS. Its utility is more encouraging
ing neurological deficits. These are emergent conditions requir- (AUROC for diagnostic accuracy of 0.94 among 10 studies)17;
ing prompt neurosurgical evaluation. In extremis or if left however, these studies used different cutoffs for diameter mea-
untreated, patients may develop brain death—the complete and surements, making comparison difficult. Another recent meta-
irreversible loss of all brain function.20 Given the importance analysis found ONSD to be highly sensitive (92%) and specific
of rapid intervention in elevated ICP, noninvasive management (86%) in the diagnosis of elevated ICP, with a positive likeli-
should be initiated based on convincing clinical history and phys- hood ratio of 6.93 in non-TBI.25 Despite these promising
ical examination findings and should not be delayed by further results, they should be interpreted with caution as their compar-
investigations. ison was not exclusive to the gold standard of invasive ICP
Given the methodological limitations of the available
Imaging studies, specifically the lack of a large, prospective trial with
Computed tomography (CT) is a useful imaging modality for a gold standard comparator, there is limited high-quality evi-
the evaluation of elevated ICP and should be used to dence for the use of POCUS in the diagnosis of elevated ICP.
Kareemi et al 3

In the hands of an experienced operator, POCUS findings may therapy. Compared to an intraparenchymal monitor, the addi-
add additional information to other clinical signs of elevated tional therapeutic benefit of fluid drainage with an EVD must
ICP, but cannot be depended upon in isolation. be weighed by additional risks, particularly with insertion in
the absence of hydrocephalus. Therefore, it may be reasonable
to defer the placement of an invasive ICP monitor, while initial
Invasive Intracranial Monitoring management steps are initiated, ensuring that serial clinical
Invasive intracranial monitoring remains the gold standard for examinations and imaging studies are used to monitor ICP in
measuring and diagnosing elevated ICP.26 Invasive monitoring the interim.
is typically done by placement of either an intraparenchymal
sensor or external ventricular drain (EVD), with the latter
having the advantage of permitting cerebrospinal fluid drainage Management
if needed. Despite its widespread use, however, there is conflict- Rapid assessment and management of elevated ICP is para-
ing evidence that invasive ICP monitoring improves patient mount in the prevention of secondary brain injury. Several
outcomes.27,28 The landmark BEST:TRIP trial found no organizations have released detailed recommendations for the
improvement in neurologic outcomes or mortality with a treat- management of specific etiologies of elevated ICP, including
ment algorithm utilizing invasive ICP monitoring compared to TBI,9,12 intracerebral hemorrhage,14 subarachnoid hemor-
an algorithm involving serial physical examinations and CT rhage,13 and acute ischemic stroke.15 More recently, the
scans.28 However, this trial did have important limitations Neurocritical Care Society published guidelines on the manage-
including a lack of external validity (performed in Bolivian ment of acute cerebral edema.10 Collectively, they lack a sys-
and Ecuadorian intensive care units where the standard of tematic approach to the acute resuscitation of critically ill
care may vary significantly from other countries, particularly patient with undifferentiated etiology of elevated ICP. Below,
in regards to pre- and post-hospital care) and a composite we will review the current body of evidence for various inter-
outcome that weighted mortality similarly to individual compo- ventions, with the ultimate goal of reducing or stabilizing eleva-
nents of functional and cognitive tests. Although invasive ICP tions in ICP while more definitive management for the specific
monitoring may provide valuable information on response to underlying cause is arranged. We present a generally linear
advanced management such as hyperosmolar therapy, a approach to management starting with the simplest methods
normal ICP reading in isolation is insufficient to rule out ele- and proceeding to more involved or invasive steps with less
vated pressure.26 Various factors, including focal lesions, may clear evidence of benefit. These management steps are summa-
prevent accurate measurement of ICP by monitors, making rized in Table 1.
serial physical examinations and neuroimaging vital in acute
resuscitation scenarios even if a monitor is in place.
Additionally, the use of invasive ICP monitoring is not Initial Assessment and Patient Positioning
without risks. One review found the infection rate of EVDs to As with any unstable patient, one should begin by assessing the
be as high as 22%.29 EVD-related infections were associated ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation). Many patients with ele-
with prolonged hospital stay, increased cost of care, and vated ICP will have neurological dysfunction resulting in impaired
overall mortality.30 In addition to other complications, includ- ability to protect their airway or compromised ventilation.
ing postprocedural hemorrhage and misplacement, one must Therefore, it is important to anticipate and prepare for endotracheal
also consider the potential harm from delaying other diagnostic intubation early (see section on “Neuroprotective Intubation”
and therapeutic interventions during monitor insertion. below). The patient must receive appropriate sedation and analge-
Guideline recommendations for the routine use of invasive sia, as pain or agitation may cause further elevations in ICP.
ICP monitors is specific to underlying etiology; for example, Possible treatments include rapid-onset, short-acting agents such
routine monitoring is not recommended for ischemic stroke15 as fentanyl and ketamine.
but is recommended for TBI.9 A consensus statement by the Targeting normal vital signs will mitigate secondary brain
International Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on injury. This includes normotension (100-180 mm Hg; acknowl-
Multimodality Monitoring in Neurocritical Care recommends edging there is limited evidence for a particular range in the
that ICP monitoring be incorporated in protocolized care for undifferentiated patient, and that prevention of hypotension
patients with acute brain injury in addition to imaging and clin- should remain the priority), normoxia (≥94% SpO2) and nor-
ical evaluation, with the indications and methods for monitoring mothermia (36°C-37.8°C). Ideal blood pressure treatment uti-
tailored to the specific pathology.31 lizes rapid onset, short-acting and titratable medications such
Extrapolating these data to acute scenarios in which the as labetalol for hypertension or norepinephrine for hypotension.
underlying etiology may be unknown and competing manage- Elevated ICP itself should not cause hypotension, so the pres-
ment priorities exist, the decision to place an invasive ICP ence of hypotension should prompt a thorough search for
monitor needs to balance the potential benefits with its inherent other causes. Regarding targeted temperature management,
risks. The information provided by the monitor may be partic- multiple guidelines recommend aggressively targeting normo-
ularly helpful in the hours, rather than minutes, following acute thermia using core-temperature monitoring and standard or
resuscitation to assess ongoing ICP fluctuations and response to advanced temperature-regulating devices.9,13–15 Due to the
4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0(0)

Table 1. Fundamental Management Principles in the Initial Empiric Treatment of Acutely Elevated Intracranial Pressure.

Treatment Goal Step/Target Example Agent

Positioning Promote cerebral venous drainage • Head of bed 30° NA

• Neck midline
• Relieve jugular vein
Vital Signs Maintain cerebral perfusion, mitigate secondary SpO2 ≥ 94% NA
injury SBP 100-180a • Labetalol for hypertension
• Norepinephrine for
Ventilation: NA
• PaCO2 35-38 mm Hg
• ETCO2 32-35 mm Hg
If signs of herniation,
• PaCO2 32-35 mm Hg
• ETCO2 28-32 mm Hg

Temperature 36°C-37.8 °C NA
• Diligently avoid fever
Airway Support oxygenation and ventilation while See Table 2 for details NA
protecting the airway.
Symptoms Prevent intracranial pressure spikes, decrease Pain • Fentanyl
metabolic demand • Ketamine
Agitation/Anxiety • Propofol
• Dexmedetomidine
Nausea/Vomiting • Ondansetron
Hyperosmolar Reduce cerebral edema via osmotic gradient NA • Hypertonic saline
Therapy • Mannitol

Abbreviations: ETCO2, end-tidal concentration carbon dioxide; PaCO2, arterial partial pressure carbon dioxide; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SpO2, oxygen
If underlying etiology known, use specific guideline recommendations for perfusion target.

risk of severe adverse physiologic effects, therapeutic hypother- Therefore, these patients should be considered to have physio-
mia is not recommended in the acute phase of treatment and is logically challenging airways. The procedure should be done by
best reserved as a refractory or intraoperative treatment option the most experienced provider to reduce the risk of prolonged
for specific etiologies of elevated ICP, which is beyond the attempt and subsequent hypoxia, as well as unnecessary stimu-
scope of this review. lation from multiple attempts. The interventions discussed
Simple maneuvers to optimize patient positioning are widely below are summarized in Table 2.
recommended across guidelines and, given their low risk of While the intubation equipment is being prepared, the non-
harm, should be employed immediately for all patients with invasive ICP management steps described above should be con-
suspected raised ICP.9,31,32 The head of the bed should be tinued. During preoxygenation, patients should be pretreated
raised to 30°, and the patient’s head and neck kept midline to with fentanyl at least 3 minutes before induction, as short-acting
facilitate venous drainage from the cerebral vasculature. If the opioids have been shown to mitigate elevations in heart rate and
patient has an intracranial monitor in place, it is important to blood pressure during rapid sequence intubation (RSI33) as well
level and zero the device at the new position before proceeding as elevations in ICP during noxious procedures in brain-injured
with other treatments. Noxious stimuli such as tracheal suction- patients.34 Hemodynamic changes should be anticipated with
ing should be minimized to avoid further elevating ICP. vasopressor therapy, which should be prepared and ready for
immediate infusion.
The use of intravenous (IV) lidocaine for pretreatment in
Neuroprotective Intubation neuroprotective intubation was historically based upon a
Intubation poses unique risks to the patient with elevated ICP, small trial of 20 patients who underwent elective neurosurgery
as stimulation via laryngoscopy may increase heart rate, for cerebral malignancy.35 Since then, 2 systematic reviews of
increase blood pressure, and induce bronchospasm, whereas TBI patients undergoing RSI found no benefit of IV lidocaine
utilization of induction agents may induce hypotension, poten- for decreasing elevated ICP.36,37 A separate systematic review
tially compromising the patient’s hemodynamic status. similarly found poor evidence that IV lidocaine is effective at
Kareemi et al 5

Table 2. Approach to Neuroprotective Intubation of Patients With topical lidocaine may be helpful in situations where it does not
Acutely Elevated Intracranial Pressure. delay intubation or jeopardize maintenance of normal ICP.
Step Details and Example Agents
Induction should be done with a hemodynamically stable
agent that does not induce hypotension or negative chronotropy,
Preparation Assess airway for difficult anatomic/physiologic such as ketamine or etomidate.44,45 Historically, ketamine was
predictors avoided as a neuroprotective induction agent due to concerns
Preoxygenation • Nasal prongs about its potential to raise ICP.46 More recently, large systematic
• Nonrebreather
reviews found little evidence supporting this effect on ICP44 nor
• Apneic oxygenation
Positioning • Head of bed 30° reduction of cerebral perfusion pressures in critically ill patients.47
• Neck midline Similarly, a retrospective study of trauma patients undergoing RSI
• Sniffing position found no difference in mortality or patient outcomes between the
Pretreatment Give >3 min preinduction use of ketamine versus etomidate for induction in the subset of
• Vasopressor patients with TBI.45 Because of its vasodilating properties, propo-
- Norepinephrine fol is best reserved for hypertensive patients but can also be used
- Phenylephrine
for normotensive patients provided hypotension is anticipated and
• Analgesic
- Fentanyl treated with vasopressor therapy.
• Anaesthetic (if time permits) The paralytic of choice for neuroprotective RSI is succinyl-
- Topical lidocaine choline or rocuronium, depending on institutional availability
or provider preference. Concerns have been raised that succi-
Induction • Ketamine nylcholine may elevate ICP based on studies of elective
• Etomidate neurosurgical patients48,49; however, subsequent studies have
• Propofol (if significantly hypertensive)
not demonstrated this nor have they shown an attenuation of
Paralytic • Rocuronium
• Succinylcholine elevation of ICP using pretreatment with a nondepolarizing
Postintubation • Analgesic neuromuscular blocking agent.50 Succinylcholine is a safe
- Fentanyl option and has the potential benefit of decreasing time until
- Hydromorphone repeat neurologic assessment due to its decreased duration of
• Sedative effect compared with rocuronium. Usual contraindications for
- Dexmedetomidine succinylcholine, such as for patients with acute hyperkalemia,
- Propofol
should be respected.
During endotracheal tube placement, particular care should be
made for a gentle, nontraumatic insertion that minimizes glottic
stimulation. Continuous analgesia and sedation following intuba-
tion should be maintained using opioids and either dexmedetomi-
attenuating ICP spikes nor improving patient outcomes.38 dine or propofol, titrated to clinical effect (as measured by a
Furthermore, a Cochrane review found that pretreatment standardized sedation scale) and resolution of signs of elevated
using IV lidocaine in elective operations resulted in elevated ICP. The 2019 Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain
odds ratios for bradycardia, hypotension, and other adverse Injury Consensus Conference (SIBICC) guidelines recommend
events.39 Other small studies have found similar results suggest- considering a single dose of a neuromuscular paralytic agent in
ing that IV lidocaine at doses of 2 mg/kg pretreatment40 may an adequately sedated patient to assess for efficacy in decreasing
induce hypotension and a drop in cerebral perfusion pressure.38 ICP and proceeding with an infusion if efficacious.12
Taken together, the evidence suggests that at best, IV lidocaine
provides minimal benefit, and at worst, results in significant
physiologic derangements. Hyperosmolar Therapy
Evidence supporting the use of topical lidocaine for pretreat- Hyperosmolar therapy may reduce ICP via 2 primary physio-
ment is also limited. A small trial of 21 patients found that instill- logic mechanisms. Initially, a rheologic effect occurs via the
ing topical lidocaine through an endotracheal tube prior to expansion of plasma volume and reduction of blood viscosity,
suctioning was safe and effective at reducing stimulation-induced thereby improving cerebral oxygen delivery and resulting in
spikes in ICP.41 Although this could indicate a blunting of sym- cerebral vasoconstriction.51 Secondly, the production of an
pathetic response induced by topical lidocaine, suctioning is osmolar gradient in the blood draws water from the extravascu-
notably different from endotracheal intubation and thus these lar (ie, brain tissue) into the intravascular compartment, thereby
results should be interpreted with caution. Topical lidocaine is promoting venous drainage and reducing ICP.51 Hypertonic
used occasionally in neuroanesthesia for similar reasons; saline (HTS) and mannitol have been widely used for the treat-
however, the evidence supporting it is largely confined to case ment of TBI for decades.52 The 2020 guidelines from the
reports and anecdotal experience.42 Additionally, topical lido- Neurocritical Care Society support the use of hyperosmolar
caine takes 4 to 5 min to reach maximal effect, which may therapy in the management of elevated ICP from TBI, subarach-
make it impractical in acute situations.43 Based on this evidence, noid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, and acute ischemic
6 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0(0)

stroke based on demonstrated efficacy in several randomized In the case of bacterial meningitis, the use of corticosteroids
controlled trials.10 has not shown consistent improvement in patient mortality in
The effect of mannitol on ICP is thought to begin in minutes, several meta-analyses,66,67 although it does appear to reduce
peaking between 15 and 120 minutes and lasting a total of 1 to 5 rates of sensorineural hearing loss.68 In 2004, the Infectious
hours based on sparse pharmacodynamic data.53,54 Notably, it Diseases Society of America released guidelines supporting
has been shown to cause adverse effects including hypovolemia the use of corticosteroids in adults with bacterial meningitis.69
and renal failure.55,56 Although mannitol was formerly recom- Although limited evidence exists on the use of steroids for ele-
mended as the first-line agent for hyperosmolar ICP therapy,57 a vated ICP caused by central nervous system tumors, there is
meta-analysis found HTS to be more effective than mannitol at some evidence it may be effective specifically for temporary
reducing ICP without the associated adverse effects.58 A small symptomatic relief of the vasogenic edema caused by brain
RCT found that HTS had a faster time to onset and a more metastases.70
robust ICP reduction when mannitol failed to reduce ICP in TBI Corticosteroids should, therefore, be reserved for patients
patients.59 with elevated ICP only in the context of bacterial meningitis
The NCS guidelines generally recommend the use of HTS over or central nervous system tumors and not empirically in the
mannitol for the treatment of elevated ICP in TBI, subarachnoid patient with an undifferentiated underlying cause.
hemorrhage, and intracerebral hemorrhage,10 while acknowledg-
ing the absence of large, high-quality trials on the subject. The
2019 SIBICC guidelines recommend targeting serum sodium of Conclusion
less than 155 mEq/L and osmolality less than 320 mEq/L, with Acutely elevated ICP is a life-threatening condition that may
regular monitoring every 4 to 6 hours.12 As an alternative to result from a variety of neurologic disease processes. Early rec-
serum osmoles, ensuring a normal osmolar gap is a useful moni- ognition depends on the findings of physical examination and
toring target when initiating mannitol therapy.60 When initiating neuroimaging modalities, with the addition of an invasive
hyperosmolar therapy, a Foley catheter should be placed to monitor if time and resources allow. Early treatment may
monitor urine output. need to be initiated before the underlying etiology is known,
in which case specific treatment guidelines are less helpful.
An empiric approach based on hemodynamic control and pre-
vention of secondary brain injury can optimize the initial resus-
Hyperventilation therapy relies on the principle that inducing citation while further investigations and definitive management
cerebral arterial vasoconstriction via hypocapnia results in are arranged. In cases where the patient’s ability to protect their
reduced cerebral blood volume and therefore decreases ICP. airway or respiratory status is compromised, neuroprotective
Although hyperventilation has been shown to rapidly reduce intubation should be performed by the most experienced pro-
ICP, it has not been associated with improved patient outcomes vider. Adequate analgesia and sedation can prevent abrupt
in TBI.61,62 Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended by the increases in ICP, while hyperosmolar therapy and hyperventila-
NCS guidelines, with the rationale that the benefit of reducing tion can be used for patients that continue to display signs of
harm from elevated ICP outweighs the risk of cerebral ische- elevated ICP despite initial management. As future studies
mia, which has only been demonstrated with prolonged and trials elucidate the value of specific medications and inter-
employment.10 In scenarios where hyperventilation is used, it ventions, clinicians must continue to rely on a multimodal
is best employed as a temporizing measure for impending or approach to these complex, critical situations.
active cerebral herniation until more definitive treatment (eg,
neurosurgery) can be provided. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Initially, a low-normal PaCO2 between 35 and 38 mm Hg
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
and end-tidal CO2 between 32 and 35 mm Hg (to account for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
dead space ventilation in mechanically ventilated patients
with an endotracheal tube) should be targeted. If elevated ICP
persists, the target may be lowered to 32 to 35 mm Hg
PaCO2 and 28 to 32 mm Hg end-tidal CO2 for a maximum of The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
2 hours to mitigate ischemic brain injury.

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