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1) he Filmmaking is a culminating activity for Media and Information Literacy students.

2) The topic must depict the Opportunities, Challenges, and Threats in Media and
3) All entrants (director, scriptwriter, crew, videographer, editor, and others) must be
Grade 12 students.
4) The final copy of the project must be submitted not later than January 13, 2022 not
later than 5:00 PM.

Short Film Guidelines.

1) All films received on the abovementioned deadline will be part of the culminating
activity. Teams who fail to submit their films on the said deadline will not be accepted.
2) All creative endeavors including but not limited to: scriptwriting, directing, shooting,
editing, and musical scoring should be done by the team members. If creative
endeavors of the film are done by somebody not part of the registered team member,
the film will not be graded.
3) All footage must be shot. Existing footage including but not limited to TV commercials
and music videos may be used as a prop or a set piece in a scene.
4) The film must at least be five minutes long but not longer than ten minutes in duration,
including opening and closing credits.
5) Films need not be in English however, subtitling in English is highly encouraged.
6) Any type of video camera or DSLR camera capable of filming may be used. Animation
and computer graphics are also permitted.
7) The film must be submitted in MP4 format and must play using standard film/video
programs such as Windows Media Player and VLC Player.
8) The filename format is Section Title. Example: Descartes_Medyas.mp4
9) The films must not be viewed publicly before being submitted to subject teachers.
10) Usage of pre-recorded music is allowed but these should be acknowledged in the
credits of the film. It is however encouraged that, teams come up with original musical
11)The film must be clearly content related to Legal, Ethical and Societal Issues in Media
and Information Literacy.

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