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Sure, I can suggest 10 books that are good for Python programming for kids. Based on my web search, here
are some of the books you can check out:

Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming by Jason R. Briggs. This is a fun and
colorful book that teaches kids how to use Python to create animations, games, and art. It covers the
basics of Python syntax, data structures, functions, loops, and more. It also includes puzzles and
challenges to test the kids’ understanding.

Coding for Kids: Python: Learn to Code with 50 Awesome Games and Activities by Adrienne
Tacke. This is a project-based book that guides kids through 50 exciting and creative coding activities
using Python. Kids will learn how to make a rock-paper-scissors game, a password generator, a Morse
code translator, and more. The book also explains the concepts behind each project and provides tips and
tricks to improve the code.

Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes. This is a comprehensive and fast-paced book that introduces
kids to the fundamentals of Python programming and how to apply them to real-world projects. Kids
will learn how to work with variables, data types, lists, dictionaries, loops, functions, classes, and more.
They will also create two complete games: an alien invasion arcade game and a data visualization

Teach Your Kids to Code by Dr. Bryson Payne. This is a practical and interactive book that shows kids
how to code with Python using simple graphics, animations, and games. Kids will learn how to draw
shapes, move images, create sounds, handle user input, and more. They will also develop their problem-
solving and logical thinking skills along the way.

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python by Al Sweigart. This is a book that teaches kids how
to make their own computer games using Python. Kids will learn how to use loops, variables,
input/output, graphics, sound effects, and more. They will also create games such as Hangman, Tic Tac
Toe, Reversi, Caesar Cipher, Guess the Number, and more.

Python for Kids by Brian Aspinall. This is a book that teaches kids how to code with Python using
Scratch-like blocks. Kids will learn how to create variables, loops, functions, lists, dictionaries, and
more. They will also make games such as Pong, Snake, Flappy Bird, Breakout, and more.

Head First Python by Paul Barry. This is a book that uses a visual and brain-friendly approach to teach
kids how to code with Python. Kids will learn how to work with data structures, modules, web
frameworks, databases, APIs, and more. They will also build web apps, games, and GUIs using Python.

Python for Kids by Nick Williams. This is a book that teaches kids how to code with Python using
easy-to-follow examples and exercises. Kids will learn how to use strings, numbers, lists, tuples,
dictionaries, loops, functions, classes, and more. They will also create games such as Hangman Lite, Tic
Tac Toe Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus
Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus

Coding Projects in Python by DK Publishing. This is a book that teaches kids how to code with Python
using step-by-step instructions and screenshots. Kids will learn how to use variables, operators, loops,
functions, and modules. They will also create projects such as a calculator, a quiz game, a password
generator, and more.

Python Projects for Kids by Jessica Ingrassellino. This is a book that teaches kids how to code with
Python using fun and engaging projects. Kids will learn how to use turtle graphics, pygame, tkinter, and
more. They will also create projects such as a drawing app, a music maker, a chatbot, and more.

I hope these books will help you or your kid learn Python programming in an enjoyable way. Happy reading!

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