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Workshop 7

1. Identify the type of conditional clause (zero, first, second, or third) in

each sentence.

1. If you heat ice, it melts. Zero

2. If I see her, I will say hello. First
3. If he studies hard, he will pass the exam. First
4. If they had arrived on time, they would have caught the train. Third
5. If it rains, I will take my umbrella. First
6. If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus. First
7. If she doesn't feel well, she should see a doctor. First
8. If we go to the park, we can play frisbee. Zero
9. If you eat too much, you will feel sick. First
10. If he had listened to me, he wouldn't be in trouble now.
Third conditional
11. If she works hard, she can achieve her goals. First
12. If we had left earlier, we wouldn't be stuck in traffic. Third
13. If it is sunny tomorrow, we can go to the beach. First
14. If they had known the way, they wouldn't have gotten lost. Third
15. If you need help, just ask me.
Zero conditional
16. If he had studied more, he would have passed the test.
Third conditional
17. If she sings well, she could become a professional singer. Second
18. If we had won the lottery, we would travel the world. Third
19. If it snows, we can build a snowman.
First conditional
20. If she had arrived earlier, she would have seen the performance. Third

2. Fill in the suitable linking words in the following sentences with the time
1. He has been playing the guitar since he was a child.

2. I like to listen to music while I'm cooking.

3. When the sun sets, we'll have a picnic.

4. Once she arrived home, she realized she forgot her keys.
5. As soon as I see him, I'll give him the message.

6. I always take a walk when the weather is nice.

7. He left the party as soon as it started raining.

8. She couldn't sleep when her phone rang.

9. Once you're ready, we can start the game.

10. After he finished the race, he collapsed from exhaustion.

3. Determine whether the clause in each sentence is a reason clause or a

result clause.

1. She studied hard because she wanted to get good grades. (Reason)
2. He missed the bus, so he arrived late to work. (Result)

3. The team practiced every day, which led to their victory. (Result)
4. They were tired as they had been working all day. (Result)
5. He didn't have an umbrella, so he got wet in the rain. (Result)

6. She was excited because she won the competition. (Reason)

7. The road was closed, which caused a traffic jam. (Result)

8. He forgot his lunch, so he had to buy food from the cafeteria. (Result)
9. They left early in order to avoid the rush hour traffic. (Reason)

10. The sun was shining brightly, which made everyone happy. (Result)
4. Identify the type of clause (time, reason, result, purpose, or concession)
in each sentence.

1. After he finished his work, he went for a walk.

Time clause
2. Since it was raining, we decided to stay indoors.
Reason clause
3. The car broke down, so they had to call for a tow truck.
Result clause
4. He studied hard, as he wanted to pass the exam.
Reason clause
5. Although it was late, she still went to the party.
Concession clause
6. Before we start the meeting, let's review the agenda.
Purpose clause
7. She bought a new dress because she had a special event to attend.
Purpose clause
8. The team lost the game, resulting in disappointment among the players.
Result clause
9. In order to improve her English, she joined a language course.
Purpose clause
10. Despite the heavy traffic, they arrived at the airport on time.
Concession clause
11. When I was younger, I used to play soccer every day.
Time clause
12. He missed the bus, so he had to take a taxi to work.
Result clause
13. She baked a cake for her friend's birthday party. No dependent
14. Since he had a headache, he decided to take a nap.
Reason clause
15. The students studied hard, hence they performed well in the exams.
Result clause
16. So that they wouldn't get lost, they followed the map carefully.
Purpose clause
17. Even though it was cold outside, they went for a swim in the lake.
Concession clause
18. After he finished his dinner, he washed the dishes.
Time clause
19. She wore a warm coat because it was snowing outside.
Reason clause
20. Although she was tired, she stayed up late to finish her project.
Concession clause

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