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STUDENT _Alessia Susan_ CLASS _2°D SA_ DATE _26th March 2020_

Writing task for 31st March.

Write on this Word document and then send it to me by mail

( Remember to write name, surname, class and date at the
top of this document.

The subject of your email must be “A formal email”


Imagine you want to join a summer camp in Australia. Write a formal email to English
with Fun, an association which organizes summer camps for young people all over the
world, to ask more information. Use the following plan to help you:

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing

Paragraphs 2 and 3: Ask some queries about the summer camp (ex. cost,
accommodation, location, duration, activities, etc). Very important: each query should
have some background so the reader understands why you are asking.

Paragraph 4: Thank the reader for their help.

When you have finished writing your email, check it using the following checklist:

· Are your ideas clearly divided into paragraphs?

· Have you used expressions of reason and result (because, as, since, therefore, so, as a

· Have you used formal language?

· Have you checked spelling, grammar and punctuation?

From: Alessia Susan

Date: Thursday 26 March 2020 07:55
To: English with Fun
Subject: A formal email

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to your advertisement, in wich you offer a summer camp for
young people all over the world. I am interested in it, but I would like to know more
information about flights and free time.
Since summer is near, I will have to book my flight as soon as possible. Therefore could
you tell me how long does a flight from Italy to Australia take?

On your website I have seen that there are a lot of activities to do during free time in the
camp. Since I really like sport, please could you tell me if there are some sport facilities,
such as a swimming pool, a football pitch or a tennis court?

I would like to thank you for your help and I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Alessia Susan

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