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1 Apprentice #1 TST: Problems

1. Let ABCD be a trapezoid such that |AC| = 8, |BD| = 6, and AD ∥ BC.

Let P and S be the midpoints of [AD] and [BC], respectively. If |P S| = 5,
find the area of the trapezoid ABCD.
2. Let N > 1 be an integer. Let r(x, N ) be the remainder when we divide
N by x. Let S = r(1, N ) + r(2, N ) + ... + r(N − 1, N ). If S is less than
N , find all possible values of N .
3. The Collaptz function is defined as
3n − 1 n odd,
C(n) = n
2 n even.

We obtain the Collaptz sequence of a number by repeatedly applying the

Collaptz function to that number. For example, the Collaptz sequence of
13 begins with 13, 38, 19, 56, 28, · · · and so on. Find the sum of the three
smallest positive integers n whose Collaptz sequences do not contain 1, or
in other words, do not collaptzse.
√ p
4. Prove that if (x + x2 + 1)(y + y 2 + 1) = 1, then x + y = 0.

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