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Pagadian City

NAME: Lady Mhae Dianne M. Malon SUBJECT: GE ELEC 1



Technology is very powerful, it does not only change what we do but it change who we are.
As the TED Talk entitled Connected but alone it addresses our problematic relationship to
technology and explains that although technology is exciting, we are letting it take us places that
we don’t want to go. People prefer to send text messages or messages instead of communicating
with each other. When we feel alone, technology is always by our side. However, we did not see
that technology makes us feel lonely. Turkel pointed out that if we do not have the ability to be
alone, we will be lonelier. Technology disrupts the way we communicate with each other.

Technology has ruined our ways of communicating with others because people prefer texting
and messaging nowadays unlike before they are talking with one another. Technology has made
us dependent, we always need someone or something to be there for us. Whenever we are alone,
we feel anxious. To get rid of the anxious feeling, we tend to go to other people and use them.
We do not really appreciate their presence. Being alone and loneliness is not the same; we
always confuse those two together. I am guilty of being one of those people who go to other
people because I do not want to be alone. However, we need to be able to handle the capacity of
being alone.

As I realized that technology has a great impact yet we should not be affected or being
controlled by it because we might lose someone by not knowing. We are together yet we are not
having each other. We expect more from technology and less from each other. Even though
technology has affected our communications with another, let us still have good and meaningful
talks with other people. Let us also not be dependent on technology. Technology will not always
be there for us, we need to be able to have solitude within us.

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