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Caitlin Hung (2022-06304) Second Semester A.Y.

Communication 140, Section WWX-1 Ms. Chryl Martinez

From the Printing Press to Tiktok: The Role of the Media in the Philippines

My final project for Comm 140 is a presentation describing the contributions of the media
during significant time periods in the Philippines. It includes the early Spanish colonial period
when the printing press was first introduced to the Philippines, the La Solidaridad and
Propaganda Movement, the Philippine Revolution, the American Period, World War II, the
Marcos dictatorship, and finally, the era of the Internet and social media.
My goal for this project is to highlight how instrumental the media is in shaping public
opinion. Throughout history, the media has been a tool for Filipinos to uphold democracy and
fight against oppression. By exposing the injustices committed by people in power, journalists
have successfully motivated the public to bring about societal change. Media has also helped
pave the way for cultural changes, in the form of disseminating language, ideas, and religion.

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