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classification of energy costs of human physical activities BARBARA E. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM L. HASKELL, ARTHUR 8. LEON, DAVID R. JACOBS, JR., HENRY J. MONTOYE, JAMES F. SALLIS, and RALPH S. PAFFENBARGER, JR. Division of Epidemiology, ‘School of Public Health (B.E.A., D.RJ., ASL) and Division of Kinesiology, ‘School of Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences (B.E.A.. A.S.L.), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; ‘Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention, ‘Stanford, CA 94305 (W.L.HL): Biodynamics Laboratory, Department of Physical Education, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison W1 53706 (H.JM.); Child and Family Development Health Studies, Department of Pediatrics, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 (J.F.S): and ‘School of Medicine, ‘Stanford University, ‘Stanford, CA 94305 (R.S.P,) ABSTRACT ANSWORTH. BE W.1 HASKELL A. LEORD RICO, Aa Ree ASL SEO DCO, Tl MOTOS E SAUL ind PAFTENEARCER, gear aS fe i cmt neo piney are rere 7 cng we tie SSS Senor ear ney ace et ‘coling scheme employs five digits that classify activity by purpose (ie., sports, occupation, self-care), the specific type of activity, and Wa rns Sea aca te Peet arf er eal we nero BE epee, rend ero be activities, or activity types. General use of this coding system would SSeS ap Gre ig sg Secoae EXERCISE, EXERTION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY The proliferation of self-report measures of physical Activity reflects growing interest in the study of physical activity and its relation to various health outcomes. A common problem faced by researchers is the coding of a r Mtb? aD sence rons 0 EXENOSE 993 bth Ata ce Sp ne Rd pubsation Seine 92 “espe anion Spr 1 a n physical activities by type and by intensity. Each re~ searcher has devised a coding system to fit his or her purposes. While there are similarities across published systems, there are also differences that limit the com- parability of results across studies and add confusion to the field. The availability of a comprehensive list of physical activities coded with a standardized system that is flexible enough to meet multiple needs of phys- ical activity researchers would facilitate research in this area. This Compendium of Physical Activities has been developed to facilitate the coding of physical activities and to promote comparability of coding across studies. ‘The Compendium is designed to be useful for investi- gators who collect data on physical activity by diary, recall, or direct observation methods. The physical activity data may be used to describe activity pattems of populations, to study determinants of physical activ- ity, or to investigate the relations between physical activity, health and disease. Because each activity can be coded by function, specific type, and intensity, the same compendium can be used for many. different purposes and in both clinical and epidemiologic studies. °.oficiel Journal ofthe American Callege of Sports Medicine ‘The intensity or energy cost values were derived from ‘te best available published and unpublished data. Most surces have been used extensively by investigators in ‘te past, but this Compendium has integrated these ‘nurces and offers a single coding system that can serve = a common source for subsequent research. {CODING SCHEME ‘This activity classification system was a product of a aulticenter Request For Applications from the Epide- xiology section of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood hstitute (NHLBI) for the purpose of validating physical ‘tivity measurement techniques. It provides a compre- tensive system for coding physical data on physical tetivity by purpose and energy cost. The energy cost of ‘secific activities listed in this Compendium were ob- tined primarily from the following previously pub- Fzhed physical activity energy expenditure lists: Tec- umseh Occupational Questionnaire (13,14), Minnesota lzisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (LTPA) (10), McArdle, Katch, and Katch’s physical activity ist (7.9), the 7-Day Recall Physical Activity Question- naire (2), and the American Health Foundation’s phys- izal activity list (8). Activities from the LTPA were itentified by a T followed by a number (¢.g., T115). By ‘taining the LTPA designator codes, the new list may te used to score the LTPA with its original physical tivity intensity codes. ‘As would be expected, there was considerable overlap in energy expenditure values among the supplied lists. For example, the Minnesota LTPA, which was devel. oped from the Tecumseh Leisure Time Questionnaire, ‘Wentifies similar activities; while the list of activities ffom the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall questionnaire isnearly identical to that of McArdle, Katch, and Katch @). In general, the majority of the energy expenditure ists were generated from Passmore and Durnin (11); while McArdle, Katch, and Katch (9) also used data Gerived from Bannister and Brown (1) and Howley and Glover (6. “The intensity assigned to activities in this publication vere determined by selecting a mean energy expendi- ture value from the eight sources mentioned previously. “The representative intensity levels were determined by consensus of the authors. Organization ‘The Compendium of Physical Activities is organized to maximize flexibility in coding, data entry, and inter- pretation of energy cost for cach class and type of activity. ‘Activity coding. The coding scheme for the Compen- ium of Activities employs a five-digit code in order to ‘categorize activities by their major heading (first two digits on the left), specific activity (last three digits on the right), and intensity (3-digit column). The coding [MEDICINE ANO SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE scheme is organized in the following way: » om mrijor Specific —_—Inenaty headings activity For example: or 009 08.5 Dieyeting bmx METS. Major headings. The Compendium is organized by activity types or purpose and includes activities of daily living or self care, leisure and recreation, occupation and rest (Table 1). The major headings explain th reason a person is engaging in a specific activity and i useful in categorizing activity types. Identification of the proper major heading is th: initial step in classifying an activity. However, it i: possible that there may be more than one reason fo performing an activity; thus, a specific activity may be listed under more than one major heading. For exan’ ple, an individual may sit and read a book for pleasur in one situation and at another time read a documen asa job requirement. These may be classified under thy major headings of rest or inactivity and occupatios ‘depending on their purpose. Assumptions made for th: placement of activities into major headings are listed in Appendix 2. ‘Specific activities, The specific activity descriptior range ftom a general classification of an activity (€.8 tennis, general) to a detailed description that include the form and intensity of the activity (cg, tennis singles, vigorous effort) depending on the information gathered by the survey method. Activities without specified intensity are classified as “ ” Mor detailed descriptions of activities are preferred since a appropriate intensity can be assigned. Guidelines fo coding specific activities within major headings ar listed in Appendix 3. Intensity of activities. All activities are assigned @: intensity unit based on their rate of energy expenditur ‘expressed as METs. The intensity of activities in th ‘Compendium are classified as multiples of one ME or the ratio of the associated metabolic rate for th specific activity divided by the resting metabolic rat (RMR). For example, a 2-MET activity requires tw times the metabolic energy expenditure of siting qu ctly. One MET is also defined as the energy expenditur for sitting quietly, which for the average adult is ar proximately 3.5 ml of oxygen-kg body weight”'-mir or | kcal-ke™ body weight h™ ‘A MET value was assigned to each activity in th ‘Compendium and was based on the “best represent: TRUE pesca Boyes Taman aden Spor Oetngecses — Mecereos——‘Tansporaion pace em? Wrens Fategondhning ‘Home activities ‘Runring Winer actos ame par arco __teetny Se aetty COMIPEDIUM OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES ‘ior fom published lists and selected unpul ‘as w~@Spreviously mentioned. For activities not in the orig.iné lists, intensity was obtained from published literate, if possible, and assigned a MET value or estir aed from similar known activities (3,4,11,16). ‘Ontl:data for adults were included in this Compen- div. Vhen children’s games are listed in the Compen- div, he intensity level is for adults participating in chil dre’s activities. Further, the Compendium is not inte dd to be used for adults with major neuromus- cular andicaps or other conditions that would signifi- cantly ilter their mechanical or metabolic efficiency. Cal cuition of Energy Cost Ennegy expenditure values can be expressed in kcal. ‘dy weight-h-*, keal-min™, keal-h~', or keal-24 |. The most accurate way to determine the kilocalorie energy ost of an activity is to measure the kcal ex- pen dec during rest (i¢., the RMR) and multiply that value Wy the MET values listed in the Compendium. Becaue RMR is fairly close to | Kcal-kg body weight” fr! th: energy cost of activities may be expressed as mul tipes of the RMR (15). By multiplying the body weight n kg by the MET value and duration of activity, itis posible to estimate a keal energy expenditure that js specfic to a person's body weight. For example, bicyclitg at a 4 MET value expends 4 kcal-kg™' body weight h—1. A 60-kg individual bicycling for 40 min ‘expends the following: (4 METs x 60 kg body weight) X (40 nin/60 min) = 160 kcal. Dividing 160 keal by 40 rnin equals 4 kcal-min”. Using the same formula fo: an 40-kg person would yield an enesgy expenditure of 213 écal or 5.3 keal-min™'. However, its important to note that to the extent the RMR is not equal 10 1 eal -kg body weight™-h~' for individuals, then esti mates of energy expenditure that include weight will more cosely reflect body weight than the metabolic rate (2) Use of the Compendium for PA Records or Diaries For records or diaries the data collection forms should be organized in a way to identify each activity's major heading, classify the intensity level, and the record the duration to ensure accurate data entry. Fig ure 1 shows an example of a section of a data collection form that may be used for this purpose it is important the participant complete all questions except the space labeled “for clinic use only.” The clinic ‘staff will use this space to record the activity code or .MET value for data analysis. The space labeled “reason for activity” is to help the coder decide under which ‘major heading to place the activity. The intensity rating “isdesigned to help the coder in assigning the appropriate MET value. Intensity terms of light, moderate, heavy “or vigorous, and very heavy or very vigorous should be Official Journal ofthe American Cotege of Sports Medene 73 Figure 1—Example ofa section of recording form that asks partci- ‘pans to Ist the types of physical activites performed, reasons for engaging fa the activities, 9 rating ofthe participants’ impression of ‘he Intensity level ight moderate, vigorous, very vigorous), and the 19 mh tig, voy fst, ach gored 01080 160 Beycing, oping, > 20 oh race nat fing 0107) 50 Beyeng, cig 22019 50 Condtoring wre, Beye, ened salon, Gori 20 Constonngemese, Being rato. vey lt “ROI? 5.5 Condi exerese, Boyig. tatonary, 100, bt tort {C2013 70. Condbening exercise, Byoing, ttnay 180 W. moderate tat 014 105 Candi xs, Bary say, ZW vO CaONS 125 Condtireg exercise, lyceg, stator. 250, vey Wa ceo 80 Condieringerrcse, Caetarics fe. ous US, pros ot 2000 45 Conining exec, Calter, hone erie Fi temo 80 Condtining were, Crest ig 2to0 60 Conioning exrase, Wig ting (ee weit reuts ‘aera ‘Giial Joua ofthe American Colege of Sports Medicine 75, ‘6 1S Howe aches, Siting keting, ewig, Kg wane 8t80 20 Hone aches, npled sang ancy, for fag ye, pairgadcase ostss 29. Home ect, way oes, nn “ote eso acting ae) (2074120 Condnng eee, Bouya, 200, ey ve 5100 20 Hane cts, Mako bad ous effort 05110 5.0. Home activities, (Maple syruping/sugar bushing fnckat. (2080 95 Conmeney ese, Semaine ger cary tuts, cg wos {2080 60 Contonngenrese, Sinrastes (6:20 80 Home sci, Mogi, obo 200 10 Conauonny erase, Srey, ata yon {610055 Hane adios Szubeg tors, cn hans antiones {2110 60 Conmnrgereose, Tesoig sock mace des {51040 Hane acivies, —‘Swecpng gage sdewak or tse {2120 40 Conon exrae, Waar ses water clsens ‘inane 02730 3.0 Conditioning exercise, Weight iting (ree, nauties or uviversat 05145 7.0 Home activities, “Moving household items, carrying ‘sh tr moder fo. toe wot gent (5146 35 Hone ace, Sree pactnghrpating boxes, 2135 10 Continegerecse, Wire casora Wig hace tes (010 60 Owero, ro, bl de, Wit Speeder (O15 60 Owero, ew gol 5147 20 Wome cities, Imp wang tng away sth 2020 55 Duero, arb bw nest ene nose fot Got Th Dag. rc. Nah rpct 25150 80 Home actites, Move eee Ras peasy 0% 45 Omera. Goer ng meso te 03030 5.8 Dancing. ‘Balroor, fast (cfeco, fok, square) (T 05160 25 Home acthties, eee " 3040 30 Oaney, Baboon, sow eg, wat frtt sow OIE 30 Hoe actin, WAKO (090 Tene, sok 0s coe (4001 55) Fting and hunting, Fein. gow one.) (HD10 4.0 Fisting and hunting, Digging worms, with shovel 05170 25 Home activites, ‘Sttingplaying with chitdren-4ot 14020 5.0 Fishing and hunting, Fishing trom river bank and waking 05171 2.8 Home activities, Standing playing with chickren} ight {W030 25 Fating andhurieg Fetng Fon beat, tg. (5175.40 Hare aves, Wakfu wh ede 415 Feng and ning. Fang om et Sarg (7 “ S50 Hore aces, Waka wth he ig- os 30 Home aries, Cadre shingeaing desing, too 1050 60 Feta chang, Fog eoan vases 16) $68 28 Fetgeawoee pin ey Bd Stat Ske ene Sores ie Gace eek coecor, Sige fale Renciueal neta? cu ss mmeeame oneness oe Benak Seat ie Rees Bear ren et SESE Meee ae wees me a Spi. 825s Sf5- 1 2h natu near we : 7 Bie Sere (6010 2.5 Home activities, Carpet sweeping, sweeping foors (06060 6.0 Home reper, Canpeity,cuside house (T 640) + Siiicss chars oo SERIES cot mmm, Og Ete on meee ven 1s trees, goth Eahes oe Eee, cane mime: Gite, gyi seas oe, SORE gece tome” =O ae ft trometin, wegen Se Semele eae iS Se bao, wogucnoeme Ge Ewes | Saveam eas a ites | Seo ao iteune catttammemrmaye Sg Seer urea Sateen GES Eerie skteees ernest (5051 25 Home activities, Serving food, sting able-enpled walk modeling (T 6590) ae a 1 enon, gel aepa te tteame Citemen SS RES Ee wg numa cgieg, «SEI Sennen morgen fe Gites Sate oa SUES are we i necme copra the SSS. 25060 35 Home stiies, Fd shopping, wit ocr cart powerboat, apie (BSED SEES etme | ae {se = HSS ee Lon 2s tem siboeyrerenee 4 od Song quay nbecaveke 05070 23 Homme activities, ‘roning 76 Official Journal of the American Calaga of Sports Medicine MEDICINE ANO SCIENCE IN SPORTS aN EXERCISE se 1. Contos 7020 1.9 Wecviy ast Sting ay ego, tering THO 23 Oompa, Boating Toalecye orm, wach ee 4100060 Ocapaton, Bulg oad (rong ts ce, snore move ‘argon rect) 07000 08 kacivy.qiet Seep 11095 20 Oxapacn, ung on, cing rae rg 70d) 12 teciiy.qict—Sandngquety tadog nates) HOO 35 Occasion, Capen gel re) 10 macy. gt —‘Reciewing 11060 80 Onsen, Gary bar tds, 28 iS (760 10 ec, ght ——_Reingthingr ekg on hone 11060 80 Ocrpaton, Cay most isp a, on. (7o70 10 wc, Retreading boxes (16-40 pcs) 8o10 50. Lawman iden, Caf ogo stack wood. 11070 25 Onan, Teaming cary ter 080 €5 Oxapeion, (oa mig, coke 802060. Lownend gasen, hoping wood sting gE 11090 65 Occupation, (eating, enc sports (e000. $0 Lamnand guden, Ger ue hai bens $8100 69 Osupaion, eal inn, goer 3040 50 Lamand gure, 111079 Ocepator, eg, Sor (6030 50 Lamnand garden, ge, spi, ting cen (50) 38120 $5. Occpaton, Coren, oe, ode (60 60 Lamond gue, tray pe, 11190. 35 Compaen, cic wok psig “nga gun foe paon. tot W140 80 Cooper, Fg ag. coo en 50 Langu, Legos 115) 35 Ocapain, Farm ange reruns (8090 $0 Lawnand gron, Layo $180 25 Omapaton, Famang. vg harvest (anes 55 Lawnandgaren, Mowng avn, ert HHT) 25 Oxcepeton, Faming. tg tat (8100 25 Lawnand aren, own wn, tg mower (7 550) 119940 Ocopaton, Framing eed so nas (E110 60 Lawnsed gunn, Moweg ow, wok Pars mower T 1400 43 Oca, aig. cig cat 1120080 Ccopaton, Fag. saw bat 8:20 4S Lavnand gon, og aw, we. power ewer T W210 30 Orr, aking ard 122015 Ocopston, Frming. ing by acting oan Ae tamangocan goraneo, kn Hap 35 compan fa sor 140 Lawnand garden, Pang seedings, bs w Cessation, gp Osis 45. Lemard gun, ees 1926 110 Oxapeton, Fre ig, aig er win 08160 40 Lawnandgurcen, Raking evn 760) oa (5170 40 Lawman garcen, Ring roc wih snow ake 1124680. Oapetin, re lr hug hots on rs (e180 20 Lawnardgaren, Rein srow Bowe M1250 170. Onapeton Frey, wx chpoeg, st 6190 40 Lmancgvenn —Sackrg ges ees 260 50 Oxcpeton, Ferny, x hopes, Sou ‘e200 G0 Lewnaregwcen, Soveg. roby hand 610) 11270 7. Occapeton, Fees, bring wees Galo 45 Uwmardgader, Tieng ara or bees, nanicutsr ‘1280 110 Oonpaon Foes, cae os GeZ's 3S Lamardgecen, Tari sd r toes, power ctr 1128080 Occapeton, Forety, rg es en 25 Lamandgorien Waka. aig rar sodeg 2 130 80 Ouzpeton, Fore) gor ‘wn MSI0 50. Onapeton, Frmy, ood 200° 15 Lawman gen, Wer einer grt, stan or 100 Onapeton, Fees, pang Pent 115807. Oxcupeton, Feary, song by hard (621045 Lawmandgiren, Weng cavang grt (F580) 11045 Osapeten, Frey. sot Foe (8265 50 Lawmard gen, ond 3380 20 Ornpeten Fares, vere Fees e250 20 Unmardgaven, ipod wokingrding cing UP Hed 40. Oanpeten Foren) wend "eat 3137045 Onan faery (8010 15 Mcelareous, ‘Sting tpg. ayy bord 4138060. Oopaton, Hore oon anes ge 80 Oraptn era een in cco 20 Meceeneos, Stringing (tig cto, 1" ‘eign ng, ti ssa THO 26 Ocrapaton Hore, aig (20 13 Mecoenens, —_Stinpeadeg book newpaper. M20 35. Oxapaton Leck Ted 1.8 Macon, Sting-win, otk Wo 4100.25 Orapaton, Ngee. rae wig 1860 18 Mecetnens, —Suranahing or taking en the hore 6055 15 Mecetaens, ‘Staking raking nthe phone 1140 30 Crrpaton, Macine tceg,opratg te (08) 18 Mecalnens, ——Siting-stdyrg gener dng read 148) 50. Ocrpate, achive ig, pratg pe press eg 1148) 40 Ccopaon, active tc, pg ae il oes 18 Wecanens, Sting cst, grr ncdrg rte W147) 30 Orapaton, acti oig, weg tage dss aonsson 144807 Ocapaton, cont (6070 1.8 Micetreos, ——Sandogedeg 1148540 Ccrpeton, ‘asso, rasa (ane) 10010 18 Muse pyng, Acorn 1190 70 Osapeton, Nevin, pushing heavy ces, 75 bs fora 20 Mecpuye Co or mae (oss, nowy Wan WOK) 000 25 Mes play. Contig 11500 25 Occupation, Operating tony dy ert aso- Wo) 40 Mast payee rated ek ng 10s) 20 Wisk pay. Facog 11510 45. Occpaten, ‘age gore vor onda 20 Wasiclayng, © Hom 11820 23. Oupeton, {ord 25 Mask ping, Panororgn 1825. 25 Cccpaton, Pole, recta fic tse) tooen 23 test peg, Trombone 11526 20 Occpeton, on. enag e ftg) {oo 25 Mists, Tunpet 1827-13. Oscpaton, Poon gi a sud (ta) $0100 25 ‘silage 11828 80 Occupton, Pole malig en oes tac) Yo110 20 Wascplnng, Woodwind 1180 25 Oxeapston ‘Shoe eps, oer 430120 20 Micpnyeg, Gar, cans ok sting) 1154085 Orcpaton, ‘Stover, gga des 10125 30 Wiping, Gata, koro tnd ane) ¥1550 80 Oscpaton, Sty ttn 1 {O130 40 task plying, ——‘Macing bar, pg ante, - to ig akg) 41560 60. Oosupaon Sora, ssa 10 Ba") 1013535 Msplyig, Marching bard um mani) 51570 7.0. Osspaon Stora. mode 1-15i-i") ‘1010 40 Ocacon, Bakery gonl UM OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES. ‘Official Jounal of the American Colege of Sports Mecicine 77 7150015 Ocean ‘Shing olen woth goer T2t60 195 Ruring (Cheney ab nr ig owe of {2100 140 Aeris % end, wah opto 1210 180 Amina sank escort pet) 42120 160 Romig 11585 15 Graton, Stinging grr wth 123) 180 Aorng ‘akg hws 120 ‘80 Ramey 11890 25 Gongatin, Sting mode any lr ng 1218) £0 Aung ove fa ne Ora 12160 80 Rong 11000 25 Compote, Surg ft rere, sre et, 42170 960 Ranney som a. 9, PP 12100 100 Rory Gras te) 1210 80 Roreng 11610 80 Conpaion, Str goad cerif- ‘pata prt, wen, soci, 1218 30 Aureey {eto egr pk bors or mo, oo 25 Sateen, ‘) pel ar a ig 11620 25 Conpsion Stn neo carb tt 12008 10 seers, ‘te, Se veg 13010 20 Sotewe ‘p0) {ad 25 Seters 11890 40 Cengnen, Slang. modotyeany ng rre ‘tan 0B oso, pte, per 13090 15 Satere, a} a8 20 Satere 1100 50 Ocapncn, Stan ating WE0 55 Ongain = Sdn gry 3m 25 sateae, 60 82 Onan, Sto nd ton 16/0 0 Congest, Sie nh nearly 1HEG0 110. Oonpase Solr eveg sg 12080 40 Satere, 11690 75, Conpaten Seether 100 15 South, 700 55 Ornpekn Sein pg ros tat 13 Sousocnay, T1040. Ceapaton Selmar gerd Waist 10 Soustacay, 11m) 25 Orapaun Tang ating {5010 35 Sara, 1750 25. Oonpaten Tarp ger {stad 70 Spars 140 20 Onnpaten Tes Fr song ‘eso 45 Spats, 1750 25. Cenpaten Trg mace seg W760 40 Osnpan Tang pes 1500 80 Spars 1786 65 Ocapeten, Thong, ig a ating 15080 60 Sars ux sarang 13000 70 Spare 770 15 Coapeten, Typing ene, mao computer 15m 45 Spare W700 60 Ccopatsn ———_Usaghany pve chr 130s 65 Sore, alco pore 9) {00 25 Sore, 1790 0 Cenpaten, eng et pw) {3000 30 Soom, Poet pk ural pa {5100 120 Sens, W791 20 Oenpoten, argon stan 20 mph fn 1810 ‘60 Sos, ih on ae er Son 16120 $0 Spare M2 85 Ccapetmn, ———_Wakirgon, Sey, not. ns 1513070 Spare roe ent ck caregantg 48138 50 Spo, 178340 Conpetim, Wakao, 35 gh mt, Os ‘pont et cary enti 1795 80 Conpatmn, Waka 25mg soy aden geet a 25 bs 1510 40 Sar, "60D 4D Osapaion, Waker, 30 mp ater ca- ‘yea pet ess tan 25 bs 15180 50 gers, i045 Coapeten, Wang. 35 mp By andar {5160 25 Spore, bjs ee an 25 os 15170 40 Spore, "180 50 Onapsion Wang wa doer rang, 1580 25 Spe, caryg ies at 2s 1519060 Spor, ‘HHO 65 Ocapten, ———abingrwak cower or sang, ‘5200 60 Spe, canyeg ets sat I e 15210 80 Sons, Foot competi ‘WHO 75 Cooptin, ——_ahingarwak cower ota, 5200 80 Spore, Foote ag. er 510) ‘any ce set 7-0 be 5205 25 Spt, Feotalr best paying cath 11050 65 Ocapsion, ——_Wakigr wah comets o Stare, 5000 30 Sore, Fite a. ger canyig ejects out 100 band 15280. 35 Sor Fide, utnate ow 128 45 Sens Gat gow 11870 30 Coapten, ——Wortngnscae st, tract, - 120 55 Sens acpi (02) i erp 15210 30 Sons, avila Segre 06.0. Paring bora contin (tg cong ‘saad 50 Sars, (peg ‘amo 10 Au, ae fe 60 Sa Greed 70 Par eon 40 51200 40 Amwg, aig Sgn (2m) 431040 Spans, vay sack 4.200 99 Aira, Faring 5:2 mh (1.5 ") {520 120 Spots, bl gel 52) ‘lm 100 ng, Faring 6 rg (Orie) ‘a0 80 Sons, tebat ban Foo 110 Running, ‘Running, 6.7 mph (8 min-me") 1860 35. Sports, Hang ging $1200 5 Reg, Pari, no 5 rae) {580 80 Sons, ec eld a 125 rang, Fag, 79h rs 1590 80 Spats, ese es MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND BXERICIE APPENDDK Const 1557040 Sper Hornet ting. pre Tia) 80 Waking, ‘as igor ting eT 15000 85. Sher, Horseback ig, eng ase oom) 15500 65 Sper bec going 7140 40 waig, $900 25. Spon, Horebeck tig. waking 180-20 Wag, ‘Wig ess ten 20 phe M1030 Spars, Horastoe png, 2 (grad, sng. haeabod waking, 15420 120 Spots tt 16400 100 Spr, ‘i, itu frat, ek bg 6 rie) 25 Waking, Wag, 20 oh ok dow pce, for ‘ewan 15049 Spans, agg s7170 3.0 Wakig, ‘waking, 25 mod fon surfooe 4548079. Spon, ica 780 30. Wakeg, Waking. 25 mph cove 16080 Spots, Lasse 1790 ‘Waking. 20 mp ler dete pao 4547049: Sprs, Momeross 1648030 Spots, Orenteng 7200 40 Waking, Wakerg, 5 ph lv, ek sr 15400 100 Spor, Pada, conpetive toma ate 18500. 80 Shots, Pal css go $7210 60 Waxing, a. 15510 80 Sports, Foo ba 7220 40 Wag, Wahig, 40 phe fire stce, 18520 100 Spots, Facet pe 15600 70 Sports, ack csi, ger (47 we 45 Waki, aking. 45 ph lee race, 18595. 110 Sports, ook cing, escereng ck ve ey 1854080 Sports, Fock ang. aoeteg tres) 35 Waning, ig foe, work ak, 1 120 Sore ope mong ft oe seamen t Ses, ape hpi odes gor x sir, ot {5882 80 Spor, opener, sow WaT 40 Waking. Woking to work or ass (015) 18560 100 Spors, apr ‘ao10 25 Waerectvtes, —Boaing power 1557030 Spor, ‘Safer, vn towing aoa) 0 Wnt actves, Canoga eanpng (1770) 15580 50 Spo, ‘00 7.0 Wate axevtes, Canodhg, pray 15590 7.0 Spor, ‘Sing, oer (960) 3800030 Wrecvten, Cano rwng, 20-39 meh, te 150035. Spats ‘Sydueg ‘or 15605. 100 Spr, Samer cette 11d 7 Water cos, Canoe ong, 40-5910, me 15610 7.0 Ser, Soc, cash, er 40) taf 18620 50 Spots, Sek gt tro, eo 120 Waterss, Comin eg, > oh rot ‘ge 40) 15630 40 Sons, ‘Sof ficatng 807) 35 Walerecites, _Catoarg veg orien, ener 1564060 Spore ‘Sotbal picting ca) 16620 120 Sere 50) 0000 120 Wotr aches, Canoe ving, ncaetion oF 1566040 Spars “ale et, rg pong (#10) crew reg (280) W5670 40 Sprts Tae ‘30 Wer achvien, Dog. ptrgboerdor pit 15675 70 Sper, ‘eri gore 530 Wetracities, Koehn 180 60 Ser, Ter doses 1 2 20 Woerschiie, — Paabat 15690 80 Spr, “Teri, ses F129) ‘30 Weerecies, Suing boatand bua sang we Bro 42 Soe aap cent men 0 warsaam soho soars, in Wer: ‘30 War echties, ‘Song. Sn. athe 15720 30 Spurs, ‘eyed orcas 6-8 ener bos mn srg YC ‘ean, goal 0 War achis, Shing, ter 229) 157% 80 Spens, Volek boxed 10 Wor shes, 15730 60 Spor, ‘Wrsig fone math = 5) 120 War ecbtee, Sng or sata dig es togran 15791 7.0 Spr, Weta gerard 160 Wow achtes, —_Sivvg, st e010 20 Transporaion, Ace aright iu fot si) 125 aroctetes, —— Siheng ang 7D Waerecsies, Skid, sb uty, ere 1020 20 Tarpon, Fyre 310) e000 25 Tronic, Mur svxker, moter ce ‘50 Water aces, Sarklng(T 20) $640 60 Trporaten, Ping pl are ofa 20 Matracttes, Suing boy oboe {e0s0 30 Trrepernon, Org any ek tc, bes 10D War ecvien, Surin, este, fs. gat 7010 70 Woking, ger 00) 7000 38 Wako, Cary et er 15 ad (0 ‘80 Wer aciies, _Svinglps, eet, sow, mode cae) eve nd donne ster ote 17025 90 Waking, congo uta gerd 125080 Weteractnies, _ Snrming bxkstke, gene! 17005 50 Woking, (Gary fo 1 ead gees E26) 100 War echten, Siming beat, eral 47027 60 Waero, ‘Gang 16024 oad, pears HeZO 110 Water actries, —Seirring bar, oer 1700380 Waking, (any 25-1 42 at. uate E20) 11.0 Water ochten, Siri rt 575 yr. 1702 100 wang, ‘Gary 0-1 74 ad ups mi), Mgrs ert 7060. 120 Wako, (Cary 7 apie 29080 Wate aces, Shp, aM Sow GO ds 1700570 Waking. Citing is wt 0-0 Sood Tar verona 170075 Waka, (anti s win 10-02 hed ‘200° 60 Water achio, __Seraing ke com eT 260, ins) 80 wang, ‘Ging hs wih 21-1042 as 706) 80 Wakng, ‘Grbing Hs win 2b oad 1851060 Woteractvien, Simi, srt swig i 0 Woo Fag cvs cay 04) 00 60 Woeracin, Sun stl ei est {TOO 65 Waking. ering ey, many 10500 80 Water ate, serene i700 25 Waking, Pratngar pug tok kd 00 100 Wher ace, Sarg, eg was, nt oe ATO 65 Wakang Face wing ‘osetot rian 80 Wakeg, Rock or ari crting (060) ‘OfcielJoural of the American Cotege of Sports Medicine 79 1. Contes 16050 40 Wier aces, Sviraing,badng wae, moderate fot. gre "oh0 100 Wate ates, Waterpo O55 30 Water acts, Wier vohogtok 126 $0 Wace, Yi apo © 4g010 60 Witeracvtes, — Movrgic hs (st pi Nes, ) 19000 55 Wier acne, Stang, 9p ores {200070 Weteracvites, Stag, gna (1360) 1201080 Weer acvins, Seat, rapid, more an 9 mph 450.150 Winter aces, Stating. pen, conpetve 1060 7.0 Weer aes, Sa jurong UP cary ss) 9075. 7.0 Wier aches, Sng, areal 19080 80 Wie aces, Sting, costco, 40-49¥, hr sped endef. mera 19100 910 Weer cis, Shing, crossenumy, 50-75 meh, rk speed, wor ator 18110 140 Wier cis, Sig, sean, >10 mp racy 19130165 Wher cvs, ‘Sl, crossennty, tad stom pa, luge tt S70) 18160 80 Winer acts, Stow stoony 19200 35 Winer acts, Srowmebing [FCWONE, Cae: wr eiping eh y rab paper ie 1. Gandtionng exes nce actiios wit ent of inprovng pied 2 Hao ropa ines af actly accocated wih he rapa ofa hose and does takin Poser, Ths texan eocopatioal sk. 4. Sowing, ie. stn, and staring are cased as natty, “4 Home aches inch a aces aco wl artaring tn ie of ven and kes Nowe ean, luna, stopping and cock, 5 Law ad gurien ces af acy asscatad wh mating the ya as Foes ar wert, garceing, ands eon 7 teagan wa PORN yee wee pe rere Spt cr ab onan cpr och ‘Stacy wig arg sor vate) me Baa be cies fo reer Raceg teed beret Fomor memset sens 1. Secuencia acy ito yore ati . = fe oontg 1 Heep ts ry ep er pe phy Sone woe smoed ec {FENOXS. Gites coe pace cites [Gael gues: A actin sh be coded a "gma Or oe ‘natn aut e acy hen. Tis pes rr oat rags oy ‘teal iomaton i hen, aches shoud be coved ecg. 28. Spee girs Boye 1 Salona oie uty of eons fat pes wind ers ‘te cnccing coves ak! be Coafod und be rea ot Condionng Exe, salon cxdng spect ecies (ntes 201010 e219). 1 Theft dos rt acount or itlroces in win concns, 1 eyeing fs permed in arco, chy 2 ger rang 10 oust wakirg i cote 17150, regu ihe ste rtd a wakrg sped. th waking speeds unidented, we 30 mh, ve, oder rm _asface opto standard speed (code 1710) Th teu rot be sed cary wagagacr atid. {. Moun eng shoud be cassie’ as general roc or mount ‘inbng, Ce TIZ0)H no caceptors ae gen. ihe weit tthe {oud deseo, cde te acbay ascii ad eodes 170800 706 1 Wate Actes ‘Wiking ona gansy area Gt couse a park, ot) souk be ‘ly according te wag speed fades 17180 1 1720). Waxing to wor r todas suk be coded 17270. The CotPncky ‘coast eoount a weg spender is acy. Eta 1 sped rele i er fx waking, co ot coe wai to wa (to cass ary ter waking cology. j king ed cosscounty waking de 17080 sou ta ws oy the waking avy ate fer are, Do nt use tS AR ‘ckpctng, bt or day is, "a. Swing shoe coded a uy, not ap siening Gera te {Ot0} i descr at sok eped of swine cafoN ant 1. Epovining sind cote sain a eye, 0 oie EDA fe eye Sects ashy seg PE Mere hor bt rao ine ak ila Se ES Ste Soe eo, fer, at 2 1820) Be cy ‘Fetes eso ser meso DASA Sd art Indicated ger. SS tr ite cremales meets Ta ge oube tana H ‘Eady Seer oso cin a sg eS ‘yords-rrin™)# speed is not gwen, but the effort is rated #8 vigorous 4. The noting sos of backstr coe 16250, resto (ae ‘R28, erty coe 18270), rd sdoreke (cate T8200 are cates 1s gor espe anc ey. Speen eet ek rie 2 eke, oan, ce Sweng fe a eet te canny pers 1. anon is eta 1 a canoe i, coe s cance. cacing tip ade 16000, Ober, cod I aczrdng oe Speed and et Kod.

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