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What is a noun ?

Definition: a noun is a word that names or refers to thing (a book) a person (ali ) an animal (cat ) A place
(wajale ) A quality ( softness ) an idea (justice ) or an action.

Another definition: a noun is where we start our language journey as we

learn to name the things in our world

Kinds of noun

1.proper noun

2 .collective noun

3. Common noun

4.abstract noun

5.material noun

6. Formation of plural nouns

7.irregular nouns

8.special nouns

9. Compound nouns

10.countable nouns

11.uncountable nouns

12.gender nouns

13.noun modifiers

14.usage of nouns

15.possessive (genitive case)

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Proper nouns
➢ A proper noun names a specific person, place, or things and is always capitalized .

Examples: Jigjiga, London , Indian ocean, lake Tana, Ali, Omer, Etc

Collective nouns

➢ A collective noun is a noun which refers to group of people or things in specific manor or unit .
Examples : family, audience, team, class, staff,
Note : collective noun can be either singular or plural depending on the context of the idea.

Examples : our team is playing the final on Friday

A berry swans are swimming in the pond

Here are some collective nouns

1.herd = raxan

2.pack = xidhmo

3.flock = xayn

4.swarm =raxan

5.showl =raxan/kolonyo kaluun ah

6.crowd = buuq

7.mob = buuq/rabshad

8.shower =roob dhawr nooc ah/ xariif

9.staff = ilaalo

10.bourd = guddi

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Common noun

➢ A common noun is the noun which is used refer class of persons or things
Examples : car, student, girl, boy, teacher, doctor, women, man, etc

Here is a list of common nouns

1 .Area = meel
2.Book = buug
3.Bussiness = shaqo
4.Case = xaalada
5.Child = nuune
6.Company = shirkad
7.Country = waddan
8.Day = maalin
9.Eye = il
10.Fact = xaqiiq
11.Family = qoys
12.Government = xukuumad
13.Hand = gacan
14.Time = wakhti
15.Home = guri
16.Life = nolol

Abstract nouns

➢ An abstract noun refers denoting idea, quality or state rather than concrete object
Examples : kindness, beauty, honest, war

Here is a list of abstract noun

1. Beauty = qurux
2. Bravery = geesinimo
3. Brutality = axmaqnimo
4. Calmness = deganaansho
5. Charity = sadaqo
6. Hope = rajo
7. Honor = sharaf
8. Loyally = daacadnimo

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9. Goodness = wanaaga
10. Fear = cabsi

Material noun

➢ A material noun refers to a material or substance from which things are made
Examples :
1. Acid = aashito
2. Alcohol = xamag
3. Aluminium = jaandi
4. Asphalt = laamay
5. Butter = subag
6. Cement = sibidh
7. Chalk = tamaashiir
8. Cheese = burcad
9. Oil = saliid
10. Tea = shaah
11. Soil = ciid
12. Rubber = cinjir

Formation of plural nouns

Rule 1

Most nouns form their plural by adding “s" to the singular noun

Examples :

Singular. Plural

Boat. Boats

Hat. Hats

House. Houses

Book. Books

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Rule 2
The words those end in X, CH, SH, S , SS, Z form their plural by adding “es" to the singular noun
Examples :

Singular. Plural
Witch. Witches
Box. Boxes
Gas. Gases
Kiss. Kisses
Blitz. Blitzes

Note: there is one exception to this rule if the “ch" ending word is pronounced with a “k" sound you
add “s" rather than “es"
Examples :

Singular. Plural

Stomach. Stomachs

Epoch. Epochs

Rule 3
A noun ending in “y" preceded to consonant makes plural by changing “y" into “i" and adding “es"
Examples :

Singular. Plural

Cry. Cries

Fly. Flies

City. Cities

Baby. Babies

Rule 4
A noun end in a consonant or single vowel +F or Fe change the F into ‘ v' and add “es"
Examples :

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Singular. Plural

Knife. Knives

Half. Halves

Scarf. Scarves

Rule 5
Nouns which end two vowel +F usually from their plural in the normal way with just an ‘s'
Examples :

Singular. Plural

Chief. Chiefs

Spoof. Spoofs

Belief. Beliefs

Roof. Roofs

Rule 6
If A singular noun ends in ‘y' and the letter before the “y" is vowel simply add an “s" to make it plural
Examples :

Singular. Plural

Ray. Rays

Boy. Boys

Rule 7
If the singular noun end in “o" add “es" to make it plural
Examples :
Singular. Plural

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Potato. Potatoes

Tomato. Tomatoes


Singular. Plural

Photo. Photos

Pianos. Pianos

Halo. Halos

There are some words which take bot rules “s" one and the “es" one
Examples :
Volcano----------- volcanos------------- volcanoes

Some nouns ending in “us" change the “us" into “i"

Singular plural
Cactus. Cacti
Fungus. Fungi
Octopus. Octopi
Focus. Foci
Nucleus. Nuclei

Some nouns ending in “is “ the “is" is changed into “es"

Singular. Plural
Oasis. Oases
Crisis. Crises
Synthesis. Syntheses
Thesis. Theses
Axis. Axes
Analysis. Analysis
Diagnosis. Diagnoses
Hypothesis. Hypotheses

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Irregular nouns

Singular. Plural
1. Woman. Women
2. Man. Men
3. Child. Children
4. Ox. Oxen
5. Foot. Feet
6. Tooth. Teeth
7. Goose. Geese
8. Mouse. Mice
9. Louse. Lice
10. Die. Dice

Singular. Plural
1. Phenomenon. Phenomena
2. Criterion. Criteria

3. Bacterium. Bacteria
4. Datum. Data
5. Curriculum. Curricula
6. Larva. Larvea

7. Antenna. Antennea
8. Formula. Formulae
9. Alga. Algea

Special nouns

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1..some nouns are always plural form and used as plural nouns.

Examples :

Trousers , scissors, spectacles, shoes, glasses, alms, etc

Examples :

Your shoes have been taken

These scissors were broken


When you want to use them as singular use a pair of and a piece of

Examples :

A pair of shoes is being washed

A piece of clothes was being thrown

2...some nouns are always in plural form but used as a singular subjects.

Examples :

News , physics, mathematics, economics, politics, measles, etc.

Examples :

The news is good to day

The physics was difficult

The politics is interesting

3....some nouns can be used both singular and plural subjects with out adding ‘s'

Examples :

Deer. Aircraft

Sheep. Species

Staff. Public

Examples :

The staff are working

The staff is working

The sheep were drinking water

The sheep was drinking water

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Compound nouns

Compound nouns can be formed by combining two words in three ways.

Separated. Combined. Hyphenated

Girl friend. Girlfriend. Girl-friend

Prime minister. Prime minister prime-minister

Milk woman. Milk woman. Milk-woman

Man eater. Man eater. Man-eater


Compound nouns make their plural by adding “s" their main verb or changing the main verb.

Girl-friend. Girl friends

Book shop. Book shops

Man eater man eaters

Countable nouns

Countable nouns are the names of separate object, people idea, etc which can be counted.


We can use numbers and articles a/an with countable nouns they have plurals

Examples :

1. A boy
2. Three cats
3. Countries
4. Star
5. One book
6. Books
7. Boys
8. A country
9. Stars

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Uncountable noun ( mass noun)

These are nouns like liquid, air and things we see as mass with out clear boundaries

And as not separate objects.


We can not use numbers and articles a/an with uncountable nouns and most are singular with out

Here are a list of uncountable nouns

Money. Wheat. Thunder

Water time. Physics
Oil. Knowledge. Electricity
Coffee. Soup. Rubbish
Beer. English. Garbage
Sugar. Ali. Permission
Music. Advice. Beauty
Travel. Snow. Fire
Milk. Bread.
Gold. Iron
Mercy. Meat
Darkness. Butter

a/an with uncountable nouns. We can use a/an with uncountable noun when a unit was used with the


A cup of tea

A glass of water

A litre of sugar

A kilo of sugar

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A bag of money

A piece of advice

Gender noun

English does not have many problems of grammatical gender usually people are he/she and things are it

Male........... masculine


Common gender

Neuter gender

Male. Female common gender Neuter gender

Boy. Girl. Teacher. Book
Man. Woman. Student. Pen
Father. Mother. Person. Stone
Dog. Bitch. Guest. Chalk
Ox. Cow. Cook. Key
Horse. Mare. Body. City
He. She. Engineer. Sun
Widower. Widow. They. Moon
Groom. Bride. You. Earth
Husband. Wife. It. Shop
Son. Daughter. We. Mobile
Drone. Bee. Money .

Noun modifiers

It common to use nouns in a similar way to adjectives to modify other nouns.

➢ There are three ways in which we can put nouns together so that one modifies the other.
1.noun + noun

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2.noun +’s + noun
3.noun + preposition +noun

1. Noun + noun
A horse race
A milk women
A water man
A grand mother
A book shop
2.noun +’s+ noun
Ali's one
The teacher's book
The word's problem
My sister's husband
Cow's milk

3.noun +preposition + noun

A man from America
A city with rubbish
A man with a mission
The end of the film

Usage of nouns

Nouns can be used in several ways.

1. As a subject

Examples :

Ahmed is coming

The teacher is good or bad

Ayan speaks to me

2. As a direct object
She killed Ahmed
We saw ali
They hate the students
3. As an indirect object

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Examples :

He gave abdi a pen

I show ali the house

We gave omer the pen

4. As an adress

In vocative case we use comma with address noun.

Examples : ali, come here

Wait for me, ayan

Ahmed, go home

Listen to me, teacher

5. As in an opposition

If two nouns refer the same person or thing which one is placed after an other immediately with no
conjunction but commas is noun in an opposition.

Aden, the teacher, came here

Ali, the student, is sick

Ayan, the police, is coming

I killed ahmed, the president

She loves abdi, the doctor

You are curing awo the shop keeper

Kader, the father, is talking to his daughter

Possessive (genitive case)

Possessive noun shows ownership or possessive

Examples :

Singular noun + ‘s

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- Cow's milk
- Ali's house

Plural noun +’s = plural noun + apostrophe

Students' book

Teachers' money

Children's pen

Men's room

Examples : you took student’s chair


An apostrophe (‘s) is used of people and animals but not things

Except......... countries, vehicles, the expression of + noun is better to use

For non living things

Examples :

London's economy is decreasing

Ethiopia’s will not be solved

Possessive of + noun

Possessive case of + noun can be used for people, things and animals.

Examples :

The door of the house

The key of the car

The tail of the cat

The questions of the teacher

As a subject complement ( predicate nominate case)

Examples :

Ali is a doctor

Ayan is nurse

We are police

Kader is a teacher

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Definition : an adjective is a word which is used for describing a noun or pronoun

Kinds of adjectives

1. Possessive adjectives
2. Demonstrative adjectives
3. Distributive adjectives
4. Interrogative adjectives
5. Emphatic adjectives
6. Adjective of number
7. Adjective of quality
8. Adjective of quantity (quantifiers)
9. Comparisons
10. Positions of adjectives
11. Articles

Possessive adjectives

My, your, our ,her, his, its, and their are possessive adjectives and are put at the beginning of nouns

Examples :

Her father is fat

Did you answer my question

Its tail is long

Our home is over there

His mother is ugly

Your book is black


Do not confuse its and it's the contracted from of it's is not possessive it means it is or it has

Examples :

it's my book ----------------- it is my book

it's just eaten------------------ it has just eaten

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Demonstrative adjectives

This, that, these, and those are called demonstrative adjective


We use this and these to talk about people and things which are close to the speaker or present

And we use that and those to talk about people and things which are more distant from the speaker or
not present.

This and that are used with singular nouns and

These and those are used with plural nouns.

Examples :

This book is good

These boys are bad

That girl hates me

These houses were destroyed

I like this chair

He wants these students

Distributive adjectives

Every, each, either, and neither. Are distributive adjectives.


Every, each, either, and neither plus singular noun

Each: is used with two or more people or things and

Every is used with tree and more people or things

Examples :

Each hand is beautiful

Each leg was dirty

He cut each ear

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Every body is clever

Every man was killed

We went every country

We will visit every girl

Either : means one or the other (positive)

Neither : means not one nor the other ( negative)

Examples :

Either boy is clever

Neither girl is beautiful

Either chair was broken

Neither soldier was killed

Interrogative adjectives

Adjectives which are used before nouns to ask questions are called interrogative adjectives and they're
are how many, how much, what , which , and whose

Examples :

How many boys do you know ?

How much money did she steal ?

Which girl do you hate?

What book are they talking about?

Whose son will he kill?

Emphatic adjectives

Emphatic adjectives are own, very, same.

Examples :

This is the same book that I gave you

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I am using my own pen

He likes the very house that you built

Adjective of number

There are two numbers in English cardinal and ordinal

1. Cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers are the ordinary numbers

Such as : one, two, three, five, ............

2. Ordinal numbers

Numbers such as : first, second, third, fourth, tenth ......... that shows what position something has in a
series are ordinal numbers .


Ordinal numbers come before cardinal numbers

Examples :

-The first two girls are clever

-the second five boys were killed

Adjectives of quality

Adjective of quality answers the questions word “ of what kind “

Examples :

Clever, good, bad, dull, ugly, beautiful, fat, thin, long, short, young, white, black, red, blue, heavy, hot,
large, bitter, dry, golden, wise, foolish, etc

How adjectives of quality come before the others

Formula : quality + size + age + shape + colour + origin


It is not impossible to put six adjectives in one sentence, but it is preferable to use two or three in one

Examples :

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- I met a clever, tall, young, fat, white, Ethiopian girl
- He saw a good, short, old, thin, American boy

Adjectives of quantity ( quantifiers)

They show the quantity of things or people

Examples :

Some, any, much, many, more, most, a few, few, a little, little, both, all, several , no, etc

SOME and ANY the difference

Some and any meaning indefinite quantity or number.

- Some is most common in positive clauses and questions

- Any is most common in negative clauses and questions

- Both some and any can be used with countable plural nouns and uncountable nouns

Examples :

I have some books

Did he break some chairs ?

She has some money

Did you take any rice ?

Will she bring any ?

Didn't you ask me any questions ?


Any alone not have negative meaning it is only negative when used with out.

Examples :

He has not any brothers

We have not any brothers

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No : means the same as not any, but it is more emphatic

Examples :

He has no brothers

We have no friends


Not any can not begin with a sentence no is used instead.

Examples :

No cigarette is allowed [not any cigarette🚫]

No boys were killed [ not any boys 🚫]


Any is very often used uncountable and plural nouns. It can have the same meaning as the indefinite
articles: a/an

a/an is used with singular countable nouns .


With this meaning any is usually with singular countable nouns.

Examples :

She has not gotten job [ not any job ]

Do you know a house [ not any house ]

Any : it does not matter who, what, which, any can be used to emphasize the idea of free choice with
this meaning any is common in affirmative clauses as well as questions

And negatives and it is often used with countable nouns.

Examples :

Ask any teacher he or she will tell you

I can do any job you give me

She goes out any boy that asks her


Examples :

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If you have any question, you can ask me

If you have some question, you can ask me

If she needs any help, let me know

If she needs some help, let me know


With a singular countable nouns some refers to unknown person or thing

Examples :

Some idiot has taken my pen.

Some teacher told me that.

I must do some job.


The difference between some body and any body, some thing and any thing

Some one and any one, some where and any where are the same the difference some and any

Examples :

Some body told me that

I didn't see any body

He is going some where

He is not going any where

Much and many

➢ Much is used with uncountable nouns and

➢ Many is used with countable nouns

Both are common in negatives and questions but they are not used with affirmative clauses.

Examples :

He doesn't have much money.

Do you have much time?

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He did not give me many books.

Didn't he take many books ?

A lot of / lots of

Much and many are common in negative and questions. We use a lot of and lots of

Affirmative clauses.

A lot of / lots of with uncountable, countable, positive, negative, and questions.

Examples :

I have a lot of time.

Do you have a lot of pens.

I don't have a lot of brothers.

I saw you lots of boys.

More/ most

Note : more and most are comparative and superlative of much and many . Both are used with
countable, uncountable, positive, questions and negative.

Examples :

She has more rice .

Most people are worried.

Most money was stolen.

- A large amount of, a great deal of ,

- A large number of, plenty of, majority of

These are used in similar ways to a lot of and lots of , but more formal.

A large amount of/ a great deal of : are generally used with uncountable nouns.

Plenty of : is used with both countable and uncountable nouns.

Examples : she shed a large amount of rubbish.

I spent a great deal of time in English

Do you have plenty of people in your team.

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A large number of and majority of

These words are used with plural nouns.

Examples :

A large number of boys were killed

The majority of the girls came

A few, few , and a little, little

We use (a) little with uncountable nouns and

We use (a) few with plural countable nouns.

There is difference between little and a little and few and a few

With out articles little and few

Usually have rather negative meaning they suggest not as much or many you as expected

And similar ideas.

Examples :

We have little sugar, we can't make tea .

He has little money, he can't buy a pen .

Few students are in the class, most of them are absent .

There is a bad fighting across the border I saw few people there .

A few and a little

Their meaning and generally close to some they often suggest more than expected or better than

Examples :

You don't need to go shopping, we have a few potatoes.

I can go to school because I have a few books.

He has a little money, he can buy a pen.

I have a little time to speak.

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Both is used with plural countable nouns

Examples :

Both boys are playing.

I killed both girls

Both questions are easy

Note :negative structures instead of both no, we normally use neither.

Neither boy hates me ( not both boys don’t hate me 🚫)

Neither question is difficult ( not both questions are not 🚫)


All refers to three or more items compare

Examples :

I will kill all three boys (not two boys)

➢ All is used mostly before uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
Examples :
All the water is dirty.
All boys were killed.

How ever all can be used before some singular countable nouns referring to thing that can naturally be
divided into parts.

Examples :

All the weak

All my family


With singular countable nouns it is more natural to use whole

Examples :

I told you the whole story

I am playing my whole life

She was here the whole night

Weren't you with her the whole night ?

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We use no immediately before a singular. Or plural noun, countable or uncountable

Examples :

I have no teacher

No teacher was killed

No man saw me

I saw no woman

No, not, a/an ,or not any

No can be used instead of not, a/an or not any when we want to emphasize the negative idea.

Examples :

I have no time is more emphatic than I have not any time

He has no money is more emphatic than he doesn't have any money.

No body

No body, no one, nothing, and no where are used similar ways to ‘ no'

Examples :

I saw no body more emphatic than I didn't see any body

No body spoke ( not any body spoke🚫)


➢ We use several with countable nouns especially plural nouns.

Several means more than three

Examples :

Several boys are keeping the form.

I saw several girls.

She has several sisters.

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Too, too much/ many, enough

➢ Something is more than we want or we need

Too + adjectives

Too much + uncountable noun or after verb

Too many + plural noun

Examples :


This cake is too sweat

You are too strict

Too much

You have too much free time

You work too much

Too many

You eat too many eggs

There were too many people

➢ Something is less than we want or we need

Not enough

Not enough + noun

Not +adjective + enough
Not + verb +enough
Examples :

Not enough +noun

They don't have enough workers

I don't have enough time

Not + adjectives + enough

She is not old enough to vote

I am not fast enough for the team

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Not + verb + enough

I don't sleep enough

You didn't study enough

➢ Something is the correct number or amount


Enough +noun
Adjective + enough
Verb + enough
Examples :

Enough +noun

I earn enough money

We have enough chairs

Adjectives + enough

This place is pig enough

You are clever enough to see it

Verb + enough

I think, I sleep enough

He eats enough


There are three comparisons in English

1.positive degree [ tall, short, beautiful. ]

2.comparative degree [ taller, shorter, more beautiful. ]

3.superlative degree [ tallest, shortest, most beautiful.]

Formation of comparisons

1. One and two syllable adjectives have comparatives and superlatives ending er, and est,

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Examples :
Rich, strong, pure, brave, great, small, deep high, wise, large, dull, clever, sweat, young, short,
white, cheap, narrow, wide, etc

Rich...... richer.........richest
Strong ...... stronger...... strongest
Great......greater....... greater
The adjectives ending in ‘y' change the ‘y' into ‘I’ and add er and est.
Examples :
Easy ........... easier........... easiest
Gloomy, merry, heavy, happy, busy, early, dry, greedy, lovely, angry, etc
Examples : heavy ........ heavier....... heaviest
Some words are doubled the last consonant litter and added er and est.
Examples : hot, big, mad, thin, sad,

2.adjectives of three and more syllable take more and most in their comparatives and
Examples :
Intelligent, beautiful, foolish, powerful
Difficult, interesting, proper, obstinate
Bashful, polite, common, careful
Examples : beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful

Foolish, more foolish, most foolish

Irregular adjectives

Bad. Worse. Worst

Good. Better. Best
Little. Less. Least
Much/many. More. Most
Fore. Former. Foremost / first
Old. Elder/older. Eldest/oldest
Far. Further/farther furthest/farthest
In. Inner. In most/innermost
Up. Upper. Up most/upper most
Out. Outer/utter. Utmost /utter most

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Positive degree usage of comparisons

Positive degree is used to compare two persons or things of Same quality and

We use as____________ as . In the positive in the negative we prefer not so__________ as

Examples :

He is as tall as I am .

He is not so short as I am.

They are as powerful as we are .

It is not so easy as yours.

Her pen is as good as mine.


Also the positive degree can be compared the quality of the same person or thing.

Examples :

I am as clever as I am intelligent.

You are as foolish as you are short

She is as white as she is beautiful

You are as bad as you are black

They are as ugly as they are tall


We can use object pronouns ( me, him, her, us, them, ) after as especially in informal style

Examples :

He is as tall as me

They are as bad as her

I am as good as him

Comparative degree

Comparative degree shows a higher degree than positive degree


We use comparative degree to compare quality of two persons and we use er or more than .

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Examples :

He is cleverer than I am

She is shorter than we are

I am taller than you are

She is more beautiful than you are

America is more powerful than Ethiopia

You are worse than your friend

Double comparatives

Note : we also use comparative degrees to things which are increasing or decreasing gradually
and we use verbs like get and become.

Examples :

He is getting shorter and shorter

I am becoming fatter and fatter

The situation is becoming better and better

You are getting madder and madder

We are getting more and more polite

The_____________ the

We can use comparatives with the_________ the to say that things change.

Word order

The + comparative expression + subject + verb

Examples :

The older I get the happier I am

The bigger the house the better it is

The more beautiful she is the more I like

The more dangerous it is the more I hate

Some adjectives which end (or)

don't have positive degree but only comparatives and are not followed by “ than"

They take ‘to’ instead like. Junior, inferior, senior, superior.

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Examples :

Ali is junior to me [not ali is junior than me 🚫]

He is superior to us [ not the he superior than us 🚫]

Superlative degree

Comparisons of three and more persons or things are used.

Formula: the + most/est + in/of

Examples :

He is the cleverest boy in the class

She is the most beautiful girl of all girls

I am the tallest man in the world

America is the most powerful country in the world

Note. : most with out the can mean very

Examples : she is most beautiful means [She is very beautiful.]

I am most intelligent means [ i am very intelligent]

Older/ elder the difference


Elder and oldest can be used to talk about the order of birth of members of a family and not used with
than they are only used attributively before the noun.

Examples : she is my elder sister

He is our elder brother

Later/latter the difference


Late, later and latest are used for time and late, latter and last are used for a position.

Examples :

This is the latest news.

I will call the last boy

I was later than him

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I was latter than him

Farther/ further the difference

We use both further and further to talk about distance but further has another meaning additional or

Examples :

My house is farther/further than yours

Her house is farther/further than none

Note : you can get some further information from feps.

Positions of adjectives

There are three positions where an adjectives can be placed-before the noun , after the noun and in the
predicate position.

1. Attributive position { before the noun}

Examples : this girl is known

A beautiful girl came

Two boys were killed

The first question was answered

What book do you want

2.after link verbs or copular verbs [ predicative position]

Copular verbs are : are, be, is, am, was, were, seen, appear,look, get, become, smell, taste, feel,keep,

Examples :

The book is good

She got angry

It sounds bad

She kept silent

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I am mad

He appears happy positive position

An adjectives is in post positive position when it comes after the noun it modifies


Bring the book available

It is the only solution possible

Secretary general

Two metres high

Adjectives with out nouns

We can not usually leave out a noun after an adjective.

Examples :

I saw the fat girl [ not I saw the fat]

The most important thing [ not the most important ]

But there are some exceptions ( well-known groups)

The + adjective is used to talk about certain well-known groups of people especially these are in a
particular or mental condition.

Examples :

The rich don't like the poor

The old are unemployed

The mental ill

- The bind
- The dead
- The jobless
- The poor
- The rich
- The old
- The young

Note : these words are always plural not singular.

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Examples : the dead means all the dead people.

The deaf means all the deaf people.

The young means all the young people

Articles introduction

Note. : articles are regarded as adjectives and there are two main articles the definite and the indefinite.

The definite article (the) the indefinite article (a/an)

The indefinite articles (a/an)

We use a/an to talk about one particular person or thing when.

The reader or listener doesn't know which one is meant. a/an is mainly used with singular countable

-The original meaning of a/an was one ‘a' is used before a word beginning with a consonant letter and
‘an’ is used before a word beginning with vowel letter.

Examples :

A boy. An egg

A girl. An apple

A house. An uncle

A teacher. An office

A book. An orange

Note. : ‘a' can be also used with a vowel with a consonant sound.

We can say :

A unit

A university

A European

A uniform

Note. : ‘ an’ can also be used with a silent mute consonant letter.

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Examples: an hour, an honor

Note. : if an adjective comes between a/an and its noun we give its article according to the first letter of
the adjective.

Examples : an ugly boy

An honest girl

A deaf man

A beautiful elephant

A ignorant boy

Note. : we don't use a/an with uncountable nouns, plural nouns and with proper nouns and also meals
except adjective come between a/an and its noun.

Examples :

A sugar.🚫 a girl 🚫 a break fast 🚫

A money 🚫 an ali 🚫 a lunch🚫

A boys🚫 an ayan 🚫

But we can say

A good lunch

A bad dinner

A sweat breakfast

Note. : after kind of, sort of , type of, we usually leave out articles a/an

Examples :

What kind of teacher is he ?

What sort of question is it ?

What type of doctor are you?

The definite articles ( the)

We use ‘‘the’’ before a noun when the listener or reader knows which person or thing we are talking
about or is meant.

Examples :

1. The car
2. The money

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3. The teacher
4. The pen
5. The milk
6. The girl
7. The = the only one around
8. The moon
9. The sun
10. The earth
11. The world
12. The sky
13. The wind
14. The mountain
15. The planets

Omission of “ the"

We don't use proper nouns especially with the people's names

Examples : the ali

the ayan

Things in general

We usually use no article not “ the” to talk about things in general the doesn't mean all.

Examples :

Books are expensive [ not the books are expensive 🚫]

Boys are mad [ not the boys are mad 🚫]

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batch six
I am Thanking my allah who created me clot of blood and allowed me to live in this world I am also
thanking my dear teacher who taught me this beautiful language and also I would like to mention here
my honorable students those we were learning in this private together.

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Set by:- suhayb mahamed ibraahim

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