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Docente : Carmen Salazar


Docente : Carmen Salazar

Docente : Carmen Salazar

Docente : Carmen Salazar

Docente : Carmen Salazar

Docente : Carmen Salazar

Cuando utilizamos un possessive pronoun en español es muy habitual poner el artículo

el/la/los/las. Sin embargo en inglés nunca se les pone el artículo:


Docente : Carmen Salazar

A) Underline the correct word:
1. Is this your / yours coat?
3. Whose bag is that? It's their / theirs.
4. Is this my hat or your / yours?
5. Her/ Hers umbrella’s over there.
6. Is this your / yours jacket?
7. This is my / mine briefcase.
8. The small umbrella is our / ours.

B) Complete the sentences:

1. This isn't our car. The car isn't _____________.
2. It is their house. The house is ____________.
3. It's her camera. The camera is ___________.
4. It's our dog. The dog is _________.
5. That isn't his suitcase. That suitcase isn't _______.

Docente : Carmen Salazar

6. That’s my brother’s computer. It's _______.

7. It's my father’s computer. It's _________.
8. These are Jane’s tights. They are ____________.
9. This isn't the lamp of the school. It isn't ___________.
10. That isn't my pen. That pen isn't _____________.

my What’s = What is
What’s your name?
This is our house.

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. Where is classroom? We can’t find it.

2. Susan, is that pen on the table?

3. A: What is name? B: My name is Thomas.

4. I think this is book. She dropped it on the floor.

Docente : Carmen Salazar

5. names are Kevin and Stewart. They are my friends.

6. He forgot to write name on the test!

7. A: What is your phone number? B: phone number is 555-9826.

8. Did the cat eat all of food?

9. The children are crying because they can’t find toys.

10. Mariam and Jennifer like new teacher.

11. I really like my new home, especially location.

12. This is a picture of my friend. He is best friend.

13. Do you think your father likes birthday present?

14. We still have twenty more minutes before class begins.

15. Brazil is located in South America. capital city is Brasilia.

16. When did Mr. and Mrs. Smith buy new television?

17. Oh no! I can’t find keys! Where are they?

18. A: Where is brother? B: My brother is at school.

 I have a bicycle.  The bicycle is mine.
 You have a bicycle.  The bicycle is yours.
 He has a bicycle.  The bicycle is his.
 She has a bicycle.  The bicycle is hers.
 It has a bicycle. X

Docente : Carmen Salazar

 We have a bicycle.  The bicycle is ours.

 They have a bicycle.  The bicycle is theirs.

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above

1. We bought that house last year. It is .

2. This car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is .

3. I think I saw John drop this pen. I think it is .

4. This book is . It has my name on it.

5. My brother and I made that chair. It’s .

6. Excuse me. This phone is . You forgot to take it with you.

7. Her sister drew the picture. It’s .

8. The little boy shouted, “Give the ball to me! It’s !”

9. That’s . We bought it last night at the department store.

10. The bicycles were , so they rode them home after school.

11. A: Are you sure this book belongs to your mother? B: Yes, it’s

12. This is - you ordered the pizza. I ordered the spaghetti.

13. A: Is this Robert’s? B: No, it’s not .

14. I think these keys are . I left them on the table.

15. Thomas can find his classroom, but Susan and Mary can’t find

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