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Shading Device Design Analysis of OTTV Value in the PT IKI Building

A.Firman Zahari 1 , Rosady Mulyadi 2 , Nurul Jamala 3


External loads are generally one of the determining factors for indoor
cooling performance . External loads occur as a result of heat gain from outside
the building (eg through walls, windows, etc.). In buildings with large glass
surfaces, heat gain from glass windows and walls is a major part of the cooling
load. This shows an opportunity for energy savings through a carefully and
precisely designed building envelope to reduce the air cooling load. One of the
effective passive design strategies in reducing the heat load on the building
envelope especially in areas that have a large glass surface area is the Shading
Device. The research aims to measure the effect of shading device design values
on building OTTV . The research was carried out by trying 51 samples of shading
devices with the Vertical, Horizontal, and Eggcrate Models which have the length
and slope provided by SNI. The testing of each Shading design is measured based
on the best reduction in OTTV values and is below 45 Watt/m2. Results
Determining the type of shading at a certain orientation is the key in reducing the
value of OTTV , not only that the slope that is able to respond to high and low
angles of the sun and length is efficient, it is also the thing that determines the
effectiveness of the shading. has a large glass area. The results of the analysis
using the north orientation Eggcrate shading device can reduce 7% from the value
of 29.52 to 27.56 W/m2, for the south orientation the Eggcrate shading device
reduces 5% from the value of 26.89 to 25.80 W/m2, west orientation Vertical
shading device reduced 31% from 108.76 to 75 W/m2, East orientation reduced
15% from 47.31 to 41.19 W/m2. The effective use of shading devices on the east
and west sides reduced the overall OTTV value from 53.59 Watt/m2 to 42.65
1. Introduction

The building facade is the outer shell of a building that functions as a

protector of the inner space from the outdoor environment (Aksamija, 2013). The

building envelope is the building element that encloses the building, namely
transparent or non-transparent walls and roof where some of the thermal energy
transfers through these elements ( SNI 6389, 2011). Research conducted by
Mwasha, et al (2011) shows that building facades contribute 50% -60% of the
building's total heat gain.

To limit external loads, building envelope and roof plane are important building
elements that must be taken into account in energy use. Because of its function as
an external envelope, energy conservation criteria need to be considered in the
design process of a building, especially those involving the design of exterior
areas in relation to the appearance of the building. To reduce the external load, the
Indonesian National Standardization Agency determines the building envelope
design criteria stated in the Overall Thermal Transfer Value ( OTTV ), namely
OTTV ≤ 45 Watt/m² (Pemprov DKI Jakarta , 2012 ). The case study used is a mid-
rise building, namely the PT.IKI (Indonesian Ship Industry) Building. The
building has three floors and the shape of the building mass is a rectangle with a
ratio of building length to building width of 1:2. The building envelope consists of
a gray paint composition, 40x40cm gray ceramic walls, windows with 2 types and
courtainwall which has a 100x75 cm module. The building is oriented west and
east, solar radiation received to the west leads directly to the courtain wall without
any sun shading installed on the building the same as the west side of the
installation of sun shading, but in the east area there is a balcony that forms a
hallway indirectly can protect the surface of the glass from incoming radiation.
The design of the balcony that forms the small hallway may not be effective
because it does not have a function for the building. The shape of the balcony is
not quite right in preventing minimal radiation entering the building because in
terms of its horizontal shading device , which according to Egan's design,
effective shading devices for east and west orientation are vertical shading and
shading . Eggcrate. In contrast to one of the design principles applied to reduce
heat gain through the building envelope is to design the shape of the building
orientation to avoid and minimize exposure to the building envelope from a west
orientation and reduce heat transmission by providing appropriately designed

external shading. This research is a form of effort to save energy in the building
by analyzing the efficient use of shading in each orientation.
2. Literature review

2.1 Conservation of Envelope Energy

A building has a cooling load consisting of internal and external loads. Internal
loads are loads caused by the addition of indoor heat such as lighting, while loads
originating from solar radiation and solar conduction that enter through the
building envelope are external loads. (Wahyudi, Mu nir, & Afifuddin, 2018).
One of the criteria for saving energy is the OTTV value according to SNI 03 –
6389 – 2011, which is 35W/ m2. OTTV includes 3 basic elements, namely, solar
radiation through glass, heat conduction through glass, and heat conduction
through opaque walls (Imran, 2019).
According to SNI 6389:2020, the energy conservation of the building envelope
can be seen from the Overall Thermal Transfer Value ( OTTV ) value, which is
the design criteria for the conditioned walls and glass exterior of the building.
OTTV is the heat transfer value of solar radiation received by the building
envelope per square meter of area (Wibawa & Hutama, 2019)

2.2 Shading device _

Regulating sunlight entering the building is the main step in the passive cooling
process to obtain thermal comfort conditions . Sunlight modulation in this setting
process can be achieved by paying attention to: Orientation and aperture
geometry; shading devices ; Property of opaque and transparent surfaces.
(Santamouris et al, 1996).
Shading device is a component of the building envelope, has an important role
in providing a positive influence on energy efficiency in buildings. In general,
shading devices are used to protect indoor spaces from direct sunlight through
openings, windows, and large glass surfaces. Different climate areas require
different configurations of shading devices. Buildings in areas with hot-humid
hot-humid climates need to reduce solar radiation and the penetration of sunlight
into the building (Nilsen , 2011 ).

Building shading as a means of reducing energy consumption requires careful

consideration. Many studies explore the use of shading devices, for example
between 10% and 11.3% energy savings can be expected from the benefits of
external shading devices in hot and humid climates (Wong, 2007) and (Yu J,
However, most shading devices are designed for aesthetic purposes rather than
their energy saving potential. Designers mostly ignore findings about the
importance of shading devices when they leave the analysis late in the design
development phase. Shading devices require careful consideration at the initial
design stage especially for facades with high window-to-wall ratios (Cellai ,
2014 ) .
There are 3 types of shading devices (Lechner, 2001), namely vertical devices,
horizontal devices and egg-crate devices which are a combination of vertical
devices and horizontal devices. Al-Tamimi (2011), Lau, et al (2016) are several
researchers who tested the effectiveness of these shading devices compared to
buildings that do not use shading devices . Based on his research on high-rise
office buildings in Malaysia, it was found that buildings that have shading devices
have better cooling energy performance when compared to buildings that do not
use shading devices and egg-rate shading have the best cooling energy
performance. Lau, et al (2016) stated that egg-crate shading can save cooling
energy up to 3.4 % , vertical shading 2.4%, and horizontal shading 1.4%.

Figure 1. Types of Shading Devices

2.3 OTTV

the OTTV calculation can be used as input for the performance of the building
envelope, the lower the OTTV value obtained, the lower the heat entering the
building and the lower the building's energy consumption (Kurniawan, 2020).
In calculating OTTV , building conservation criteria include thermal
conditions outside the building, which can affect internal heat (Seyowati &
Trilistyo, 2013). Window to Wall Ratio ( WWR ) modifications , types, thickness
and color of the outer walls, shading devices, glass conduction, roof and wall
insulation, are modifications that can be used to achieve energy-efficient building
qualifications (Loekita). The modification is expected to meet the standard criteria
of SNI 03-6389-2011. In addition, the rating tools issued by the Green Building
Council Indonesia ( GBCI ) are one of the efforts to support sustainable
development with the aim of evaluating the application of the green building
concept (Gunawan & Suriansyah, 2018).
The OTTV calculation is obtained from the SNI 03 – 6389 – 2011 formula,
as follows.

Figure 2. The OTTV Formula Equation

OTTV = The value of the overall thermal transfer on the outer wall that has a
certain direction or orientation (Watts/m²).

α = Absorbance of solar radiation.

Uw = Thermal transmittance of opaque wall (Watt/m² .º K).
WWR = Comparison of the window area with the area of the entire outer wall at
the orientation determined in the study.
SC = Shading coefficient of the fenestration system.
SF = Solar radiation factor (Watt /m²).
Uf = Fenestrated thermal transmittance (Watt/m² .º K)
3. Research methods

Figure 3. Research Locations

The research location is at PT. INDONESIAN SHIP INDUSTRY (Persero),

whose address is: Jl. Shipyard No.31, Kaluku Bodoa, Tallo, Makassar City, South
Sulawesi 90212. PT. IKI is a state-owned enterprise engaged in repairs or repairs,
new shipbuilding, steel construction & related industries and Fiberglass.

Figure 4. PT.IKI Building Facade

This study uses 3 variables in analyzing namely:
a. Dependent variable
Dependent variables are factors that are observed and measured to
determine the influence of independent variables, namely factors that appear, or
do not appear, or change according to what was introduced by the researcher. The
dependent variable in this study is OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) or the
overall thermal transfer value is a value that is determined as a design criterion for
conditioned walls and exterior glass of buildings. The OTTV standard used in this
study is 35 watts/m² according to SNI 6389 (2011), and the permitted limit is 45
watts/m² (Pemprov DKI Jakarta , 2012 )
b. Independent variable
Independent variables are variables that cause or influence, namely factors
that are measured, manipulated or selected by researchers to determine the
relationship between observed or observed phenomena which become
independent variables in this study are; Horizontal Shading device model, Vertical
Shading device model, and Eggcrate Shading device model. The length of each
shading device model is 60cm , 90cm, 120cm . The slope of each shading device
model is the length tested.
c. Control variable
Control variables are variables that are controlled or kept constant so that
the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is
not influenced by external factors that are not examined. The control variable in

this study is the existing condition regarding the physical building, the OTTV
value .

Figure 5. Research flow concept

4. Research results and discussion

4.1 Existing Design Simulation

OTTV calculation of PT.IKI building with specification of solar radiation
absorption value, opaque wall thermal transmittance value (Uw), WWR value , SC
value, SF value, UF value, WWR value .

Table 2. Table of Existing OTTV Values

Heat Solar
Condu Radia
ction tion
eleva ction OTT
Throu Throu
tion Throu V
gh gh
Windo Wind
ws ows

(W) (W) (W)
Nort 5887.6 1531.0
h 2 495.35 2 29.52
Sout 5969.2
the OTTV h 1 335.09 852.15 26.89 calculation, the
existing 11247. 8645.2 38072. 108.7 condition of the
OTTV building west 08 4 54 6 shows that it has
a value of 53.59 8144.8 3015.7 10742. W/m2, this
East 6 8 93 47.31

Rate rate 53.12


value is above the allowable limit of 45 W/m2. The North side has a low OTTV
value of 29.52 W/m2, this condition is more or less the same as the OTTV value
the southern orientation is 26.89 W/m2, this is due to the low WWR values on the
south and north sides so that the radiation entering through the glass is low and
supported by low SF values on both orientations. The western orientation has the
highest OTTV value which reaches 108.76 W/m2 while the eastern orientation has
an OTTV value of 47.31 W/m2, the high OTTV value is in the western orientation
the wide area of the glass surface exposed to solar radiation without the use of
Shading . The eastern orientation also has the OTTV value crossing the permitted
threshold is the same as the western orientation; the extent of the glass area that
dominates this facade also makes the OTTV value cross the threshold, but on the
east side it has a balcony which becomes a hallway which becomes self-shading if
observed, its function is the same as horizontal sading . This is different from the
implementation of the casing design for PT. IKI buildings, which should design
the casing in east and west orientation. According to Nilsen (2011), shading
devices are used to protect interior space from direct sunlight through openings,
windows, and large glass surfaces. Buildings in areas with hot-humid climates
need to reduce solar radiation and sunlight penetration into the building. With an
average OTTV value of 53.12 W/m2, this condition exceeds the permissible limit,
so the application of the use of shading devices in each orientation is expected to
reduce the average OTTV value to below the permissible limit.

4.2 Shading device analysis of OTTV Value Impairment

There are three types of shading devices tested, namely horizontal, vertical,
and eggcrate. Shading vertical (SV) was tested with 18 samples with a length of
60.90 and 120cm (SV60, SV90 and SV120) with a slope of each sample of 0, 10,
20, 30, 40 and 50. Shading Horizontal (SH) was tested with 18 samples with
lengths of 60,90 and 120cm (SH60, SH 90 and SH120) with a slope of each
sample of 0,10,20,30,40 and 50. Shading Eggcrate (ET) was tested with 15
samples with lengths of 60,90 and 120cm ( ET60, ET90 and ET 120) with a slope
of each sample 0,10,20,30 and 40.
a. Shading device North Orientation

The vertical, horizontal and eggcrate shading designs tested in the north
orientation were the most effective in reducing the OTTV value . It can be seen
from Figure 6. The shading eggcrate with a length of 120 cm and a slope of 40
decreased by 7% from the initial OTTV value of 29.52 Watt/m2 to 27.56 Watt/m2.
Figure 6. The sloping trend of the decreasing shading device graph in the
north orientation shows the ineffective use of the shading device in that
orientation, this is due to the low surface area of the glass and also the low
radiation present in the north orientation.







Eksisting 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°

P 60 SH P 90 SH P120 SH
P 60 SV P 90 SV P 120 SV
P 60 ET P 90 ET P120 ET

Figure 6. Graph of North Orientation Shading Decreasing Variation






Figure 7. Illustration Image

shading device (P60,90,120SH) has decreased on a non-significant slope
from slope 0 to 30 and experienced a non-significant increase on slopes 40 and
50, most likely there has been an increase on slopes 40 and 50, can be seen in the
illustration. above the spherical projection diagram and the area given shading
with a length of 120cm object A has a slope of 0 Object B has a slope of 30 and
object C has a slope of 40. The observations show that the shading slope of 40 and
50 in the north orientation is less effective in low HSA angles and the position of
the sun April to September. Seen in the image of the simulated object in Figure 7
the position of the sun from April to September on objects A , B and C, it can be
seen that the area exposed to the sun is wider than the light protected by the
shadow, this indicates a greater possibility of radiation entering the irradiated area.
This is in line with the explanation in Figure 6. The graph of a decrease occurs at
a slope of 0 to 30 and increases at a slope of 50.
Shading Graph (P60, 90, 120 SV) experiences a less significant decrease at
slope 0 and at slope 20 the graph tends to rise again, this explains the
ineffectiveness of the shading slope for high sun angles and the shading slope
which tends to adjust to the angle of incidence of the sun in a north orientation. In
contrast to horizontal shading and vertical shading Eggcrate shading (P60, 90,
120 ET) in Figure 6 shows a constant differential decrease even though the
sloping decrease is not significant. This is presumably because the eggcrate
shading is a combination of vertical and horizontal shading that forms a box so
that the shading is effective in receiving high and low angles besides on slope.
b. Shading device South Orientation

Vertical, Horizontal and Eggcrate Shading Designs tested in the South

orientation which were most effective in reducing the OTTV value can be seen
from Figure 8. The shading eggcrate with a length of 120cm with a slope of 40
has decreased by 3% from the initial OTTV value of 26.89 Watt/m2 to 26.05
Watt/m2. The sloping trend of the decreasing shading device graph in the South
orientation is the same as in the North orientation. The graph shows the
ineffectiveness of using the shading device in that orientation, this is due to the

low surface area of the glass and also supported by the low radiation present in the
north orientation.








Existing 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°

P 60 SH P 90 SH P 120 SH
P 60 SV P 90 SV P 120 SV
P 60 SE P 90 SE P 120 SE

Figure 8. Graph of Southern Orientation Shading Declination Variation

c. Shading device Western orientation










70.00 P 60 SH P 90 SH P 120 SH P 60 SV
Eksisting 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°
P 90 SV P 120 SV P 60 ET P 90 ET
P 120 ET

Figure 9. Graph of Western Orientation Shading Decreasing Variations

The decrease that occurred in the western orientation with the north and
south was quite different, this was marked by a decrease in the OTTV value which

reached 31%. A significant decrease shows that the efficiency of using shading on
a large glass surface. In horizontal shading, the graph shows the reduction
efficiency at a length of 120 cm with a slope of 50 . west orientation and the low
angle that comes from the west orientation especially the high radiation that
occurs on the west side which can be seen in Figure 9.

Orientation Vertical Shading Slope Against the Coming Angle of the Sun.

The graph of decreasing vertical shading is the same as eggcrate shading,

which has decreased significantly, especially at a length of 120cm with a slope of
50, the decrease is marked by the longer the shading and the higher the slope of
the shading, the OTTV value decreases . The vertical, horizontal and eggcrate
shading designs tested in the north orientation were the most effective in reducing
the OTTV value . It can be seen from Figure 9. Vertical shading with a length of
120 cm and a slope of 40 decreased by 31% from the initial OTTV value of 108.76
Watt/m2 to 75.06 Watt/m2. The use of shading devices greatly affects the
decrease in the OTTV score in the western orientation. In line with Egan, in the
eastern orientation, the proposed use of shading devices is Eggcrate and vertical
shading. In this case vertical shading is more effective because it has a more
optimal slope than egccrate shading .

d. Eastern Orientation shading device







Eksisting 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°

P 60 SH P 90 SH P 120 SH
P 60 SV P 90 SV P 120 SV
P 60 ET P 90 ET P 120 ET

Figure 11. Graph of Eastern Orientation Shading Decreasing Variations.

The vertical, horizontal and eggcrate shading designs tested in the north
orientation were the most effective in reducing the OTTV value . It can be seen
from Figure 8. Vertical shading with a length of 120cm and a slope of 50°
decreased by 15% from the initial OTTV value of 47.31 Watt/m2 to 40.08
Watt/m2. The graphs for the use of vertical and horizontal shading experience an
increase in slope of 0° which means more effective performance of Horizontal
shading in the form of balconies or walkways which have the same function as
Horizontal shading with a length of 60cm. after a decrease in the slope of 10° to
30° at a slope of 40° there is an increase which may be caused by the apparent
motion of the sun, which can be seen in Figure 12.

Orientation Vertical Shading Slope Against the Angle of the Sun.

In line with Egan's west and east orientation, the proposed Shading devices are
Eggcrate and Vertical shading. In this case vertical shading is more effective
because it has a more optimal slope than shading egccrate.
e. OTTV Summary with Shading Device Modification
Table 3. Table of OTTV values after using shading

Heat Heat Radiatio
Conducti Conducti n Presentati
elevati on
on on Throug OTTV
Through Through h Decline
Walls Windows Window

(W) (W) (W) (%)
North 5887.62 538.47 1094.62 27.56 7%
South 5969.21 437.07 731.03 25.80 5%
west 11247.08 8645.24 8 75.06 31%
East 8144.86 3618.94 7660.77 41.19 15%

Average 42.04

OTTV calculation in table 3 show that the average OTTV value in the building is
42.04 Watt/m2. On the north side, the OTTV value is 29.52 Watt/m2 to 27.56
Watt/m2 after using Shading Eggcrate, on the south side 2 6.89 Watt/m2 to 25.80
Watt/m2 after using Shading Eggcrate, the west side is 108.76 m2 to 75.06
Watt/m2 after using vertical shading and east side from 47.31 Watt/m2 to 41.19
after using vertical shading . The effective use of shading devices on the east and
west sides reduced the overall OTTV value which initially had a value of 53.12
Watt/m2 to 42.04 Watts/m2.
5. Conclusion
The results of the analysis using the north orientation Eggcrate shading
device can reduce 7% from the value of 29.52 to 27.56 W/m2, for the south

orientation the Eggcrate shading device reduces 5% from the value of 26.89 to
25.80 W/m2, west orientation Vertical shading device reduced 31% from 108.76
to 75 W/m2, East orientation reduced 15% from 47.31 to 41.19 W/m2. The
effective use of shading devices on the east and west sides reduced the overall
OTTV value from 53.59 Watt/m2 to 42.65 Watt/m2. Based on the analysis that has
been described in general, it can be concluded that shading is effective in reducing
OTTV values . Determining the type of shading at a certain orientation is key in
reducing OTTV values , not only that the slope is able to respond to high and low
sun angles and lengths that are efficient, it is also the thing that determines the
effectiveness of the shading , how effective the use of shading will be if it is used
in buildings that have a large glass area because the shading function itself is a
shading device used to control radiation entering through the glass.
6. Daftar Pustaka
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