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Place Value and Value
20 Questions DATE  : 

1. What is the value of the 5 in 25,089?

A thousands B hundreds

C 5,000 D 500

2. What is the place value of the 4 in 471,902?

A hundreds B hundred thousands

C 400,000 D 400

3. Select all the place values/houses.

A 400 B ten thousands

C tens D ones

E 6,000,000

4. What digit is in the hundred thousands place in the number 5,912,034?

A 0 B 5

C 1 D 9

5. What is the value of the 7 in 86,072?

6. What is the value of the 2 in 9,456,132?

7. What is the place value of the 6 in 72,698?

A 600 B hundreds

C tens D 6,000

8. What is the place value of 4 in 4530?

A 0 B 400

C 40 D 4000

9. What is the place of 7 in 5768 ?

A 700 B tens

C hundreds D 7

10. Which digit is in the ONES place in the number 2031?

A 2 B 1

C 3 D 0

11. Which digit is in the TENS place in the number 7219?

A 2 B 7

C 1 D 9

12. What is the value of the digit in red:


A 9 B 9000

C 900 D 60

13. In which number does the 8 have the greatest value?

A 8200 B 3800

C 9998 D 1820
14. State the digit value of the digit 4 in 576 402.

A 40 000 B 4 000

C 400 D 40

15. The place value of 9 in 89 112 is

A thousands B 900

C 9 000 D hundreds

16. In 59 304, the digit at the hundreds place is

A 9 B 5

C 3 D 4

17. The digit value of 8 in 814 532 is

A 80 000 B 800 000

C hundred thousands D thousands

18. State the digit value of the digit 0 in 36 402.

A 6 000 B 0

C 400 D 30 000

19. In 29 553, the digit at the thousands place is

A 2 B 3

C 5 D 9

20. State the place values for the underlined digit.

437 204

A tens B ones

C 40 D 4

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