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is it ethical to change the DNA of human?

In a few past decades humans improve technology at its highest level

that they could. Even they reach the point that they are able to edit not
just humans but all living things genes (DNA). They call it genetic
engineering. Before we judge that it is ethical or not, we should know
the advantages and disadvantages of it.
What is genetic engineering ?
Changing a pair of DNA or removing a entire region of it or adding it or
Extracting DNA from another living thing to another one, we can call it
genetic engineering.
 It can determine and prevent diseases in a human body by genes,
humans are very sensitive when it come to diseases like: flu,
cancer, sore throat, and more. If human can determine what are
causes of these disease and remove it from our DNA, humans can
live very comfortable and maybe live longer.
 Humans can change their eye color, muscle grow, beauty and
even their intelligence by their favor.
 It can improve agriculture by improving crop quality and field.
Dis advantages:
 It can transfer diseases and harmful things from one living
organisms to another one. And it cause allergies as well.
 Growth of population, when there is no disease human could
live longer and causes environment pollution’s
So if we conclude, we can say studying genes and DNA can be useful
for improving our knowledge and science but in my opinion it is not
good to edit or change the nature because god make them the way
they should be and every one could take benefit from it.

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