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Shiketsu's Student

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Moura
Nagamasa, Shishikura Seiji, Utsushimi Camie, Yoarashi Inasa
Additional Tags: BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Shiketsu High Student Midoriya Izuku, I'm Bad
At Tagging, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, get rekt bakugou, Midoriya Izuku
Has a Knife, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Smart Midoriya Izuku
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of BNHA Oneshots that might get turned into Multichapter
Collections: Re_read_short_stories, My hero academia, MHA/BNHA fics, BNHA,
SSFAV, isabella9792_readinglist, gothelixar recs, Flower Dragon's
Stats: Published: 2021-02-17 Completed: 2021-11-09 Chapters: 4/4 Words:

Shiketsu's Student
by achromantic


Midoriya hadn't spoken to Bakugou since middle school, but that was because of one main
factor: He was a Shiketsu Student, not one of U.A.
Or: Shiketsu students all love their quirkless green bean (his quirklessness isn't really
mentioned, just that he can beat up bakuhoe without a quirk lmao) and will fight anyone
who tries to hurt him. Except Bakugou, Izuku gets to fight him.

indefinite hiatus
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

First time writing fanfic for BNHA fandom, but I have so many ideas running through
my head, I might end up making a one shot series or something.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Aizawa sighed, bones creaking as he stepped off the bus outside Takoba National Stadium. He left
Iida to gather his wild classmates outside the bus while he mentally prepared himself for a
motivating speech or whatever.

“Okay class,” 20 heads turned towards him as he spoke. “Today is an important day for you all.
Mineta stop eyeballing girls from other schools, or you’ll be expelled before the exam even starts. I
want you all to try your best, but I won’t tell you that you have more chances if you don’t make it
in, because you only have three years at U.A, and it would be best if you could get your licenses as
soon as possible to make the most of your time here. Good luck. Go beyond, plus-”


An energetic voice rang out over the group, one that none of them recognised as a classmate.
Aizawa sighed as he turned around, noticing a Shiketsu High School student was smiling brightly
behind them. A few second years came over, faces neutral like it was a common occurrence. He
raised an eyebrow at the teen, recognising him as Inasa Yoarashi, the boy who had gotten the top
recommendation at the U.A exam but still decided to go to Shiketsu.

“Inasa, what have we said about interrupting other schools’ circles?” A mountain of hair lumbered
over, somehow his glare was obvious despite the lack of distinctive facial features. Inasa laughed
loudly, his smile never wavering as he examined class 1-A, before he bowed low, smashing his
face into the ground.

“I sincerely apologise, U.A!” The group was too busy gaping to really take in the words. “I just
really wanted to say your motto one time with you! Sorry about this though-”

“You’re freaking them out, Yoa-chan,” A quiet voice echoed out from behind them, and the other
three students, Seiji, Camie, and Nagamasa stepped aside lightly, smiling at their friend. “You
should wipe the blood off your face before it drips onto your uniform.”
A mop of hair that faded from green to black appeared behind him, the boy pulling a packet of
tissues out of his bag. He handed Inasa a bottle of water along with a packet of pills, keeping the
tissue in his hand. Inasa quickly swallowed the pill while the boy with emerald eyes wiped at his
forehead gently.

“I knew you would forget to take your anxiety medication this morning, so I took the liberty of
packing it for you,” The boy smiled kindly at his classmate. He ignored the stares of the U.A
students as he wiped off the dirt on Inasa’s face. There was a tense silence until a voice shouted.

“FUCKING DEKU?” Bakugou’s angry screech startled the rest of the class out of their stupor as
they looked between the two teens. ‘Deku’ was still smiling, though it turned to ice as his gaze met
with Bakugou’s.

Though his students might not have noticed, Aizawa could see the barely hidden rage behind the
eyes of the five Shiketsu students, and he leaned away from the bloodlust shining in the eyes of the
green-headed boy.

“What did you bribe them with to get them to accept you into Shiketsu huh? You’re just a shitty
nerd, what the fuck did you do to get in? Did you cheat on the test?” Bakugou was slowly stalking
closer to the boy who was still staring blankly at the raging blond. Fire crackled in his hand but
Aizawa didn’t notice until he had leapt onto the boy, aiming a fiery punch at him.

Before he could wrap his capture weapon around him, the boy, ‘Deku’, stepped swiftly to the side,
catching his fist without even flinching as explosions warmed his palm.

“Eraserhead-san,” That got a reaction out of the stoic teacher. No one usually recognises him as a
hero, let alone know his hero name. “Do I have permission to fight your student in self defence?”

Aizawa gave a confused but sharp nod and watched blankly as the boy socks Bakugou in the
stomach before sweeping his legs out from under him. He turned him over, holding his arms down
behind his back, palms down so he couldn’t get hit with an explosion. Aizawa’s eyes widened,
none of his students would have been level-headed enough to do that with Bakugou, especially
without even using a quirk.

“How nice it is to see you again, Katsuki!” Everyone saw the way Bakugou’s eyes went from
enraged to astonished, and suddenly their curiosity over the boy’s identity rose higher. “You
haven’t changed since middle school, huh? Still using the same tactics you used since we were
four, how great! Anyways, I wanted to thank you for the advice you told me! You know, on the
day of the slime incident.” Bakugou’s eyes got impossibly wider, and Aizawa’s began to narrow in
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten! How mean, Katsuki. You know what I’m talking about, don’t
you?” ‘Deku’s’ smile became borderline threatening. “The ‘go take a swan dive off the building’
thing?” Bakugou flinched as he felt the gazes of his classmates and the Shiketsu students fall on
him. “I’m so glad you told me that, because otherwise I wouldn’t have met Yoa-chan! He told me
that you were wrong about everything you told me! Fancy that, Katsuki Bakugou, being wrong . I
never took you for a liar , Bakugou! Tell me, is U.A the same as Aldera was, where everyone
listened to what you said since you were ‘so strong’ that you would definitely become a hero?”

Aizawa knew he wasn’t the only one staring at Bakugou in shock and disbelief. He didn’t want to
believe that one of his students had suicide baited someone and still got into U.A, but knowing
Bakugou’s attitude since the beginning of the year, it was very likely that this was all true. He
sighed and rubbed his eyes, sending a quick text to Nezu asking him to call him during the exam.

The green and black haired boy noticed the staring and he flushed, stepping off of Bakugou’s back,
though the explosive boy was still sitting on the floor in shock. He even didn’t get to ask Bakugou
what the hell that was about when the kid, who was now smiling widely, bounded over to him.

“Oh man, it’s so exciting to meet you, Eraserhead-san! I’ve always wanted to meet you, since
you’re my favourite underground hero. Oh yeah, I’m Midoriya Izuku by the way. I have so many
questions I want to ask you!” Aizawa was growing worried for Izuku’s lungs, since it hadn’t
looked like he took a breath of air during all that. “I’m really sorry about attacking your student,
especially since it’s right before the exam too, ugh. It was my fault, I thought he wouldn’t
recognise me if I didn’t have my typical green hair but I guess I should have redyed the roots last
night, I coulda worn some contacts too.”

“Can I have your autograph?” The random jump from one topic to another was confusing for
Aizawa, but he found the energy coming from Midoriya was waking him up, more than he had
been with his students at least. “I really admire the way you fight since you essentially fight
quirkless. All your quirk does is erase someone else's, and that evens the playing field, but since
people rely on their quirks so heavily, they end up being beaten up so easily when quirkless huh.”

Nagamasa huffed behind his hair, a smile hidden as he nudged Camie into action. The smiling girl
tugged on the back of Midoriya’s collar once he’d gotten his autograph and led him away,
following behind Nagamasa and Inasa. Before they left, Seiji leaned over to Aizawa, who was still

“You should tell your student to watch himself, he shouldn’t be anywhere near our friend after
what he did.”
When Seiji finally walked away, Aizawa levelled Bakugou with a hard glare, unsurprised when
half of his class did the same. He ignored the small flinch from the blond when he spoke up.

“We will be talking about this later, don’t think that you won’t be yelled at just because you got
injured. As a punishment for starting an unwarranted fight, with your quirk at that, you will be
sitting out on this exam. And every exam until we hear about this in full. We will be talking later,
but as of right now, we will be running late so start changing and heading inside.” Aizawa sighed
heavily before he turned back around, rubbing his eyes.

“Bakugou-kun, how did you know that student?”

“Pretty unmanly to attack him out of nowhere, he wasn’t doing anything wrong either.”

“What’s his quirk? He seems pretty strong since he fought you without a quirk.”

“Why’d you call him Deku? He said his name was Midoriya Izuku, didn’t he?”

“What did he mean by swan dive? You didn’t actually say that did you?”

Bakugou piped up numbly, quieter than anyone had heard him before.

“He called me Katsuki, not Kacchan.”

Chapter End Notes

With the thing about Inasa taking anxiety meds: I haven't ever taken them, nor do I
know someone who does, so I don't know how they work, but I put them in because
the way Inasa talks remind me of how some of my friends do when they're anxious;
they get loud and start speaking and doing things without really thinking about it, only
wanting to get whatever it is they're doing over with. Sorry if it confused anyone lol. I
would have made him take ADHD meds but I don't exactly have a strong
understanding of how this stuff works.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

this took a while to post and im sorry for that lol. i didn't have a full blown plan on
how i would make this into a multichapter, but have this for now

See the end of the chapter for more notes

As soon as Aizawa turned, he caught a head of mint green hair out of the corner of his eye. He
immediately used his quirk, glaring as Ms Joke came skipping towards him with her class.

“Wow, Eraserhead,” She giggled, ignoring as one of her students went around saying hi and scaring
his students. “Already making enemies? Isn’t that boy Shiketsu’s first year boy, what was it again,
his nickname was something like their Ace Analyst. He’s the first quirkless kid to make it into any
hero course in Japan, right? Not only that, but he can make support items out of practically
anything, even rubble from a battle. He’s amazing, you would know him, seeing as he’s planning
on going underground like you.”

Aizawa sighed, planning on ignoring the woman entirely when he heard his class muttering.

“No way he’s quirkless, did you see what he did to Bakugou?”

“Shiketsu wouldn’t let some quirkless kid into their school would they? Their reputation would be

“He should give it up, he’ll die out there.”

“He’s gonna get in the way of heroes, they’ll have to waste time protecting him.”

“What a joke, a quirkless kid can’t make it into the hero course-”

His students fell silent in fear as their teacher stared at them, a look of pure rage on his face.
“You know I fight quirkless right?” Aizawa’s students looked sheepish at that. “My quirk is simply
a tool that helps me level the battlefield, but it’s useless against mutation quirks. Do you think I
need protection when on a battlefield? It would do you good to get that idea out of your head,
quirks are a tool and a privilege, and most quirks are easy to replicate with support objects.”

Izuku was smiling as he walked into the building, surrounded by his friends as he muttered a river
of indecipherable words. He tailed after Seiji, splitting up to go get changed into their costumes. He
absentmindedly pulled on black elbow length gloves, clicking his fingers together to check the
system in the gloves was working. When a blue screen popped up, showing a rough map of the
building layout, he smiled.

He pulled on his combat boots, checking if the knives in his heels were still there. He tapped his
foot on the ground and a dagger stuck itself out from the back of his heel, blade first. Some of the
other people in the changeroom sweatdropped at the sheer amount of weapons he tucked into his
waist and thigh belts. He was about to leave the room, pulling on his fireproof cloak when Seiji
tapped him on the shoulder.

Being used to Izuku’s instinctive reactions, the purple haired male jumped back, ignoring the
paling of people’s faces around him. Izuku wore a threatening look of bloodlust as he swung
around, his fists wrapped around a bo staff posed next to his shoulder about to swing. His shoulders
relaxed as he caught Seiji’s deadpan face. He collapsed his staff, tucking it into his belt as Seiji
began talking.

“You should probably dull those knives,” He motioned to Izuku’s entire body. “And swap those
bullets for tranqs, I don’t wanna have to explain how you ‘accidentally shot’ a hole through
someone’s lung again, Thank god it was just one of Camie’s illusions, but you caused half the class
to faint last time.”

When Izuku gave him puppy eyes, he immediately averted his gaze, looking to Nagamasa for help.
The hair covered male walked over, placing his hands on the greenette’s shoulders.

“You can keep the knives, I’ve read your support equipment form,” Seiji sent a disbelieving look
at the male. “But no bullets. And when you use your knives, no aiming for vital areas,

Izuku nodded rapidly, his smile blinding as he pulled two guns out of his belt. He took one bullet
magazine out of his belt, then another, and then another, until there was a mini pile of bullet mags
on the floor, and he pulled out his tranquilizer bullets, shoving those into his gun. He picked up his
magazine’s and shoved them into his seemingly bottomless suitcase before handing it to his
“What if I-”

“I asked one of the staff earlier,” Nagamasa cut him off. “He says you can’t bring explosive bombs
onto the field with you but you can make them. He knows who you are, so he knows that you’ll be
making some support items while we’re out there.”

Once Inasa walked up to them, chatting calmly with Izuku while the other two merely followed
behind, the rest of the change room was left in shock, slightly fearing for their lives.

-time skip cos im lazy fite me-

The first part of the exam began with a phase meant for knocking out the competition. The goal
was to eliminate two other competitors by using balls to his three of their weak points. Only the
first 100 students to do so would get in.

Izuku was busy whispering a game strategy to the group while they waited for the buzzer to go off.
He was completely immersed and the others immediately tuned in, making sure to listen carefully
for their names.



“I want you to wait a few seconds until a large group of people form, but don’t go after U.A,”
Izuku looked up to make sure Inasa understood. “When a large group of students are together, use
your quirk to make them lose their balls.”



“Use your quirk to hide us and when it comes round to it, disguise the balls so we can all throw
without the others noticing.”


“Use your quirk to grab any balls off the floor. If anyone realises that we are there because of a
sense enhancing quirk, I want you and Seiji,” the purple haired teen grunts. “To defend us from
any flying balls.”

The group nodded as Izuku bent to the floor, pulling out something from his belt.

“I’m going to use this time to record and learn more about the U.A students,” Izuku watched the
bot fly off, but hover a good distance away so as not to get damaged. “I already know a lot about
their quirks thanks to the sport festival but I’ll use this to pick out friend groups and analyse how
well certain people work together.”

When a loud beep rang out through the arena, Camie giggled, her quirk flashing for a second
before they all vanished. A few seconds later, a loud tremor was felt in the ground below them.
That was probably Shindo Yo, huh.

Chapter End Notes

im not sure if i will make more chapters after this but i will post more when i find the
motivation. if i absolutely cannot figure out what to do for a chapter, i will try my best
to get another chapter out, and if i cant then i will leave a message saying that i will no
longer be updating this work. for now, i will try get another chapter out, but please
keep in mind that i have other fics i want to work on, and this one is more of a side fic
than an intended multichapter
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

uhh. yeah. so...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

i'll be honest, its always a bummer when a fic you enjoy is half completed and doesnt look like itll
ever be finished, but i get it. its hard when you start something without a really good plot already in
mind, but thats my entire style of writing. i make everything up as i go along.

now for this fic in particular, its the first one i posted but i didnt intend on making it multichapter
since i didnt wanna set myself up for failure, especially since i only intended on it being one
chapter. that being said, i saw comments of people wanting more chapters and i felt like i could at
least try, but i knew it would be more disappointing if i made it continue only to stop with no
proper ending.

which is why im currently writing this. i want you guys to suggest ideas on how to continue this
since i have literally no clue. please leave a comment on how you think i could continue this fic, it
would be much appreciated. i promise i read all your comments, but i dont always reply. ill do my
best to get another chapter out eventually, but for now i just need ideas since ive reached a blank
for this fic.


Chapter End Notes

again, really sorry about this. its always upsetting when i see a fic i like but its not
complete, so im going to do my best not to do that
might finish this one day
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

as of right now, im putting this on an indefinite hiatsu because i have no ideas on how to continue.
originally, this was meant to be a oneshot anyways, so i didnt expect much to come from it but then
more people started reading and now i feel bad.

i hate it when people do this but i can understand why and im really sorry if anyone expected an
update but i already have fics im working on and this was more of a side fic so...

again, sorry for the trouble

Chapter End Notes

sorry bout this guys

Works inspired by this Випускник

one Альдери by Odinokaya_Teftelka_Cheng

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