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October 15, 2008 / Vol. 33, No.


Electronic noise-free measurements of

squeezed light
Leonid A. Krivitsky,1,2,* Ulrik L. Andersen,2 Ruifang Dong,1 Alexander Huck,2 Christoffer Wittmann,1
and Gerd Leuchs1
Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, Max-Planck Research Group, University Erlangen-Nuremberg,
G. Scharowsky Street 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Fisikvej 309, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
*Corresponding author:
Received July 9, 2008; accepted August 17, 2008;
posted September 16, 2008 (Doc. ID 98608); published October 14, 2008
We study the implementation of a correlation measurement technique for the characterization of squeezed
light. We show that the sign of the covariance coefficient revealed from the time-resolved correlation data
allow us to distinguish among squeezed, coherent, and thermal states. In contrast to the traditional method
of characterizing squeezed light, involving measurement of the variation of the difference photocurrent, the
correlation measurement method allows one to eliminate the contribution of the electronic noise, which be-
comes a crucial issue in experiments with dim sources of squeezed light. © 2008 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 270.0270, 270.6570.

The pioneering experiments of Hanbury Brown and tum optics was proposed in [8]. In the present paper
Twiss [1] on the implementation of the intensity in- we report on the experimental demonstration of this
terferometer, based on correlation measurements, of- proposal.
fered great potential in modern optics. Nowadays, Characterization of squeezed light by correlation
this technique plays an essential role in the discrete measurements was first theoretically proposed in [9].
variable quantum optics, where correlated photons Later, the correlation function of the output of the op-
are generated in various nonlinear optical processes. tical parametric amplifier was experimentally mea-
The observation of the simultaneous detection events sured [10], where direct access to the photon number
(coincidences) from spatially separated single-photon correlations was obtained using single-photon detec-
detectors reveals the nonclassical correlation proper- tors. An alternative approach was developed in [11],
ties of the system. where correlations between different quadratures in
In continuous variable quantum optics, associated the HD setup were used to study the photon statistics
with the manipulation and detection of a continuous of the optical parametric oscillator.
degree of freedom, a different measurement tech- Let us consider a standard HD setup as shown in
nique is traditionally implemented. The most com- Fig. 1. We express the field operator as a = ␣ + ␦a,
mon method here is balanced homodyne detection where ␣ represents the “classical” bright component
(HD), where the squeezed light is mixed on a sym- and ␦a is an operator with zero mean value, describ-
metric beam splitter with an auxiliary beam, denoted ing the quantum fluctuations of the field amplitude.
as the local oscillator (LO), and the difference photo- It is useful to also introduce the amplitude and phase
current of two analog photodetectors is recorded [2] quadratures, which are given by X = 1 / 2共a† + a兲 and
(Fig. 1). This method represents the basis of optical Y = i / 2共a† − a兲, respectively. We consider the input
homodyne quantum tomography, thus facilitating a state to be a squeezed vacuum state. Following the
complete reconstruction of the Wigner function. In standard formalism [12], and accounting for the EN,
fact, the potential of the HD has been proven in many we derive the photocurrents of two detectors in each
experiments with continuous variable systems [3] port of the beam splitter:
and also in experiments with their discrete variables
counterparts [4,5]. However, the realistic HD setup
suffers from optical losses and electronic noise (EN)
of the detectors. These factors mask the nonclassical
properties of the detected light and therefore limit
the performance of the HD. However, detailed knowl-
edge of the statistics of the optical loss and the EN
allows one to account for these affects using special
mathematical algorithms [3,6]. As an alternative to
this inference method one can directly measure the Fig. 1. Scheme of the HD setup. The beam from the
optical variance free from the EN using a correlation squeezing setup is interfering with the LO on a 50/ 50 beam
measurement method, commonly used in discrete splitter (BS), ␾ is the phase of the LO, and D1 and D2 are
variable quantum optics. Such a detector noise sup- analog photodetectors. Linear attenuation is introduced in
pression technique has been applied to other areas both beams by the NDF. The produced photocurrents i1 and
[7], and its application to continuous variable quan- i2 are further analyzed by the computer.

0146-9592/08/202395-3/$15.00 © 2008 Optical Society of America

2396 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 33, No. 20 / October 15, 2008

i1,2 = 1/2␣LO
+ ␣LO共␦XLO ± ␦X␾兲 + ␦iel1,2 , 共1兲 rangement can be considered to be equivalent to the
one shown in Fig. 1. In this case two distinct spatial
where ␣LO is a mean field amplitude of the LO, ␦X␾ modes for the squeezed pulses and the LO in Fig. 1
⬅ cos ␾␦X + sin ␾␦Y is an operator representing the correspond to two orthogonal polarization modes
quantum fluctuations of the tilted quadrature of the propagating in a single spatial mode in our setup.
input beam, ␦XLO is the amplitude quadrature of the The two output beams of the beam splitter are
LO, and ␦iel1,2 are stochastic numbers associated measured with p-i-n diodes. The phase of the LO as
with the EN. To reveal the squeezing properties of well as the total attenuation of the two input beams
the input beam, the variance of the difference photo- were adjustable as shown in Fig. 1. In each experi-
current is traditionally recorded (onward referred to mental run we recorded the raw data from the two
as the subtraction method). One obtains the following detectors by digitizing the ac components of the pho-
expression: tocurrents. For this purpose we used a high-speed
digitizer with a sampling rate of 20⫻ 106 samples/ s,
具共i1 − i2兲2典 = 4␣LO
具␦X␾2 典 + 具␦iel1
典 + 具␦iel2
典. 共2兲 while the bandwidth of the detected signal was re-
stricted by the low-pass rf filter with a FWHM of
From Eq. (2) it is clear that the contribution from the 3 MHz. We applied a simple computer script to the
EN always affects the subtraction method. Thus, in recorded data to calculate the covariance and, for
case the EN is prevailing over the optical signal, the comparison, the variance of the difference photocur-
measurement data would mainly represent EN. We rent.
also note that the shot-noise level (SNL) can be cali- We perform two different kinds of measurements:
brated by blocking the input signal state so that one that witnesses the presence of squeezing and an-
␦X␾ ⬅ ␦Xvac, assuming 4␣LO 2
Ⰷ 具␦iel1
典 + 具␦iel2
典. tisqueezing and one that enables an EN-free detec-
As an alternative to the subtraction method we tion of the degree of squeezing.
now investigate the correlation method. We obtain Witnessing squeezing. The quadrature of the
the following expression for the covariance coefficient squeezed beam being observed by the detectors is
of two photocurrents: controlled by the relative phase, ␾, of the LO. Thus
the phase of the LO determines whether correlation
cov共i1,i2兲 ⬅ 具i1i2典 − 具i1典具i2典 = ␣LO
典 − 具␦X␾2 典兴, 共3兲 or anticorrelation between the detectors is measured.
Measurements of the correlation coefficient through
where it is assumed that the EN of two detectors are a scan of the LO is shown in Fig. 2. In this measure-
not correlated, i.e., 具␦iel1␦iel2典 = 具␦iel1典具␦iel2典. As it is ment run the average power of the LO was set to
seen from Eq. (3) the covariance coefficient is com- 6 mW, providing a 17 dB clearance between the EN
pletely independent of the EN owing to the time av- level and the SNL. The zero covariance was observed
eraging of the data and statistical independence of with the coherent beam of the same intensity. The
the noise of two photodetectors. For the sake of clar- positive covariance corresponds to the measurement
ity, we now assume that the beam of the LO is shot- of the squeezed quadrature, while the negative cova-
noise limited, i.e., 具␦XLO
典 = 具␦Xvac
典. The analysis of the riance corresponds to the measurement of the anti-
formula (3) suggests that the sign of the covariance is squeezed quadrature. Note that the modulus of the
determined by the statistics of the incoming light. In- positive covariance values are much smaller than the
deed, if the input state is squeezed, i.e., 具␦X␾2 典 negative ones, which suggests that the measured
⬍ 具␦Xvac
典, then the covariance is positive. In contrast, quantum state was not pure. The impurity arises
if the input state is coherent, i.e., 具␦X␾2 典 = 具␦Xvac
典, then from various linear and nonlinear effects in the opti-
the covariance equals zero, and finally, if the input cal fiber [14].
state exhibits classical excess noise, i.e., 具␦X␾2 典 Electronic noise-free detection. In the second series
of measurements we investigate the influence of the
⬎ 具␦Xvac
典, the covariance is negative. Therefore, the measured degree of squeezing with attenuation of the
sign of the covariance coefficient allows one to distin-
guish between different kinds of input states inde-
pendently on the amount of EN, provided that one
has information about the noise of the LO.
In our experiment we used a squeezing source
based on the Kerr nonlinearity in an optical fiber,
which is pumped by a femtosecond pulsed laser at
the wavelength of 1.5 ␮m. Combining two orthogo-
nally polarized quadrature squeezed beams with a
fixed relative phase, we generated a special kind of
two mode squeezed states (known as polarization Fig. 2. Experimental dependence of the covariance versus
squeezing) [13], where the squeezed beam and the the phase of the LO. A is the dependence on the full range
of the phase variation, and B is the magnified part of the
beam of the LO have orthogonal polarizations and
dependence with the positive covariance. The light-gray
propagate in the same spatial mode. Therefore, the shaded region corresponds to the measurement of the
interference between the LO and the squeezed pulses squeezed quadrature; the dark-gray shaded region corre-
is achieved by interfering them at the polarizing sponds to the measurement of the quadrature exhibiting
beam splitter with a relative phase controlled by a excess noise. The curve represents the fit of experimental
half-wave plate. Schematically, our experimental ar- data.
October 15, 2008 / Vol. 33, No. 20 / OPTICS LETTERS 2397

signal and LO by a neutral density filter (NDF). In fected by the EN, even when the optical power is very
the case of a strong attenuation, the produced photo- low.
currents carry a considerable amount of the EN rela- In the experiment we observe a small but nonzero
tive to the optical noise. As mentioned above, this EN background correlation coefficient stemming from the
affects the subtraction method, but it should not ap- EN of the detectors, which turned out to be slightly
pear when the correlation coefficient is measured. We correlated. Such a background correlation limits the
adjust the phase of the LO, such as to minimize the ability to resolve squeezing at very low powers as
detected noise variance (corresponding to a measure- seen from the discrepancy and significant error bars
ment of the squeezed quadrature). By using the stan- at high attenuations in Fig. 3B. The correlation of the
dard subtraction method we obtain results of the de- EN can be reduced by using completely independent
gree of squeezing summarized in Fig. 3A. The acquisition systems for the two detectors unless the
variances of the measured squeezed quadrature are reason for this correlation is common pick-up of ex-
normalized to the EN-free SNL. To establish an EN- ternal electromagnetic signals.
free calibration of the SNL we perform noise mea- In conclusion, we have experimentally realized a
surements of a shot-noise-limited LO at very high correlation measurement strategy that yields results
powers, where the optical shot noise dominates over that are free of EN of the detector. Using this
the EN. Knowing the linear behavior of the shot method, we have witnessed the presence of squeezed
noise, we subsequently extrapolated the data to yield noise and excess noise, and more importantly we
a reliable (thus EN-free) calibration of the SNL for all have performed an EN-free detection of squeezed
powers of the LO. From Fig. 3A, we see that at maxi- light. The method is therefore a very interesting al-
mum optical power, when the influence of the EN is ternative to the standard homodyne detector, where
negligible, we observed −1.65 dB of squeezing. How- EN may affect the measurements.
ever, when the beams are strongly attenuated the EN We appreciate discussions with M. Chekhova, R.
starts to play a role, and at a certain attenuation Filip, and Ch. Marquardt. This work was supported
(about 80%), excess noise is observed thus indicating by the European Union (EU) project COMPAS and
the dominance of the EN. For comparison, we also the Danish Research Council (FTP). L. A. Krivitsky
plot the expected squeezing of the state as it would be acknowledges the support of the Alexander von Hum-
measured with an ideal EN-free detector as a func- boldt Foundation.
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