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be een reated b , Cae “CARTER NEW-- | ; by Po RO Pur ase: Na ioic) poe wae NOER” AND 2 ~ CT SALES r ili I | | PLUS; Two nat af eS Moves I “ NIT ll Pg Seal ater I) ery eae Be Tart) Mae Charles Adlard ea SR rl) erg Lyfe m eta atel a) foreleg ea aC a Perens) eer) OR aU ae aeict stag Originally presented in RAY BRADBURY COMICS #1 Richard Corben EET ela) George Roberts cnr] eee Executive Editor Howard Zimmerman Editor les CCC AACN A Sl lag eRe a ie CeL) RAY BRADBURY COMICS: TRILOGY OF TERROR #1 John Carnell Script Adaptation OU Ue ad Penciler See ClaTitCy og Kurt Hathaway erg PCT Lae) Colorist eee aed eT a Loe DOC PACT) Sg SD cod LTS SO) (pn SRN Ta Le ee Drdatas (dasa Bc eee ng Der a Eouiacd ialaa Soe aa CARL fan en ASD Decry CN Dom tat asg Ey IRA FRICDMAN fod LEN BROWN ad ESET Bree rants TOMMI STROUL Pee ire PN tana Corres OCS ‘CHARMAN OF THE BOARD na ‘SPECIAL THANKS TO MARY ASTADOURIAN, BYRON PREISS. CHRIS CARTER. CINDY IRWIN. TONY ISABELLA. MICHAEL MALONE, ei ees ea UP san FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CONTACT BOB ‘AT KOR. 850 SEVENTH AVENUE. SUITE 903, Lea PH ke Eee eo Ds Ra eet MOREY AT SPACE TRAVELERS, Gea ae es dee ULE THE X-FILES™ COMICS DIGEST Volume 1 Number 3. September 1996. Published quarter Sea York, NY 10004-2109. THE X-FILES is TM am AL Rights Reserved. “A Sound Of Thunder” origi Se eee ees ©1952, 1990 Ray Bradbury. Mlustrations ©199 ee ae Pubications. Inc. ae ns in Weird Tales. ©1945, renewed 1972 by Ra Lect a i Stephen Baskerville. and Byron Press Visuz Publications. Inc. Al other material ©1996 Topp Comics, inc. All Rights Reserved. The store Ce Re magazine unless otherwise noted, are entire fictional. Topps Comics. Inc. is a wholly-owne subsidiary of The Topps Company. Inc. Firs Do ey you HAVE A \UGUST 4, 1996 3:5] P.M. SANOVANOS, PUERTO RICO TO GET A JOB? YOU HAVE A JOB, CARLOS. YES, AS A GOATHEROER. L ASPIRE TO SOMETHING MORE, JOSE, FOR WHAT I WANT TO BECOME, T MUST ATTEND A UNIVERSITY. L 00 THAT BECAUSE YOu ARE By BROTHER, AND I IA THAT FATHER Cert ME ENCSTTHINGS ANO_YOU NOTHING. LT \NOULD DO MORE IF I COULO AFFORD Tm] BUT L HAVE MY_OWN EXPENSES TO \NORRY ABOUT. Bay Niet ut CaO DRNKING. AND WHORING. (OU DON'T Nine Tanne ro THE OCCASIONALLY, ONLY GO WAN I tae CAN THE TIME TO BE WITH HER. THAT'S MANBE YOU SHOULD YOUR FORGET ABOUT ROSITA PROBLEM, AN® USE THE MONEY LITTLE FR THOSE EXTRA BROTHER. YOU'LL PAROON ME IF. ZL OON'IT FINISH THIS Ors: CUSSION. BUT IT HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE... ANO YOU'RE Ki ING ME FROM GETTING THERE + Pass ME THAT wyoo00! WHOOO! ‘MORNING, Vee eae NIGHTS. i WAS ORRIE I WOULO HANE WOKEN YOu. Pusat WERE THOSE LIGHTS? DO YOu KNOW? xVE oe cae YOUR PARK See CAR ON MY LAND. HE KEEPS THROWING W gwete SERVE THE HIS GEER AND RUM BOTTLES BSS brane OUT IROTHE PIELO, WY BOAT BATTERY WERE DRAINED KEEP ¢ cuTTWG THEIR FROM LEAVING HIS LIGHTS GLASS. ON ALL NIGHT. WE FIN GO sOMm RAIN AND LEAVE OUR HEAVY OVERCOATS, BEHINO. LLY GET TO yy PUN avcUST 5) -1996 2:01 PM. FBI HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON, D.C. P THIS WOULDN'T. HAVE ANYTHING TO AT THE SUPER- MARKET. HOW- EVER... LOOMNT READ THE ARTICLES THAT GO WITH THEM, sO YOu'LL HAVE TO eee STRANGE ANIMAL MuU7/L4- TIONS HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN PUERTO RICO SINCE THE 70s. BUT FOR THELAST Y R OR SO. THERE HAS BEEN A DRAMATIC INCREASE; OVER 2400 SO FAR. THE KILLINGS HAVE BEEN ALT B eS TO EVERYTHIN FRO, TANIC CULTS TO Wi DOGS TO RHESUS MONKEY: GONE BERSERK. THE OFFICIAL EXPLANATIONS, AN EXPLANATION THAT YOu FIND MUCH MORE PROBABLE THAN OES. FERAL aA. RICO HAS A RICH RY OF SIGHTINGS AMUN OF RTEAN ANIMALS, eOeesT CONE et FOREST CONER- u € ING THEISLAND, IT 1S NOT IM- PLAUSIBLE THAT UNKNOWN ANI- MALS MAY EXIST THERE. LAST NIGHT, THERE WERE A RAS OF UFO SIGHTINGS ACROS IGNORE THE BODY AND THe SPINES IN_THIS DRAIN ING, SCULLY, CONCENTRATE ON THE FACE ALONE, WHAT 00 YOU SEES AN GUESS IS THAT YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME TRAT THE ee ee aN aoe PRT PR ac | NA VY, Kd (ERO WE'RE GLAO Ni ) 4 = q rine oe re “e ‘Shay Bally suai ee RICO 7 fee AGENTS MULDER ANDO SscULLY> TM OR. JORGE VELEZ. THIS 15 DOCTOR CARMELITA RAMIREZ, THE VETERINARIAN \NHO EXAMINED MOST OF THE ANIMALS KILLED _IN THE DN SAME FASHION, HOW? I OON'T SEE ANY OPENING THROUGH WHICH IN THE ANIMALS I EXAM! zz OFTEN PRESUMEDLY, FOUNO PUNCTURE MARKS \ A PROBE OF IN THE MUSCLE MASS. SOME KIND: WITHOUT CORRESPOND- COULD HAVE ING HOLES IN BEEN USED THE SKIN. TO DRAW THE ORGAN THERE'S NO 7/S5VE Ce San as lS you WOULO FIND IE ANI MALS HAD. BEEN KILLED BY A PREDATOR SPECIES. Biri THERE WOULD BE AT ERT TWO PUNCTURE MARKS..,SIDE BY SIDE... AS WELL AS CORKE SPONDING BITE WOUNDS ON eres Soe OF THE oy IOON'T SEE BOTH VICTIMS WERE HEANILY (/TOXICATED Al THEIR ESTIMATED. TI oO . eeSenele THEY WERE UNCONSCIOUS THROUGH THE ENTIRE EVENT; AGENT SCULLY. TIME FOR ME TO GET TO WORK: OPIC AL, By 24 IDISE: WAS ANNTHING ELSE Y Fc oES Seas I Ere PRINTS > THE DISCOVERED. \N' eo rie I FINO IT Palanan THAT. ESPECIALLY iF EaneY WERE ATTACKED AN AM/MAL. TM TOLO THAT IEE ; wo. He TT LH it ‘ dl mm OSS Bee ee GING PATTE! Pu Manos 5 HAN A We, i mf ities a . Se areas mY <00N A THE AN J aa ONE ern | | | on WHO FOU sl TOSE’S THE BODIES if cl i] i 4 ys q li { | ye SN | i { ly i ee D iy (nee eae! ie be», rl zm | gai ae } C 0 THIN ie nn 1) Oi ae (ees Es { HAY MAGN HE r 7 | y j | un in x ry i | i LA | : ) 6 ie y That i ai nena at SOMETHING aust eo Ne IVE BEEN WORKING A LOT OF EX7RA, HOURS ON ACCOUNT £ THE UNIVERSITY. ET ME GUESS:.. jOURE INTERESTEO N EGYPTOLOGY. T'S BEEN AN INTEREST OF MAINE aluce. I WAS A BOY, I'VE MEO A scolar: SHIP 1G WARVARO GNWERSITY, SUT EVEN WITH THE SCHOLAR SHIP; IL CANNOT YET AFFORO IT. AFTER WHAT Aa eee MY BROTHER EVER, I JUST WISH Z COULD AFFORD TO. José 'S-- WAS-- ww, CRUEL. OF LORLINKEN I’M NO T SURPRISED eri ie PAY RENT THAT TO STAY eee. HE JOSE WAS REFUSED TO GIVE MURDERED. Si ; aor YOU ARE IN HH tr Sy AN WHEN I sA\ WHO HE Was ONE OF HiS WOMEN. PROBABLY | JOUL! os i SH NOT HAVE SAI Oo er fa THING TO YO I’M _ SURPRISED, THOUGH, THAT YOU DION'T sEE_ OR ae SS a one WHEN YOU WERE Paar CLEAR VIEW OF THE CAR, Side THE GOATS WAS ae Tye ANE WANING “THEY WERKE 0 GF CSE “WHEN IT WAS OVER, BeBe WAS SO MET ANO Pee Zi ANOLE IT WAS TRULY THE NEXT fae Ee eS 305E ENTERED KOW MWY MIND; TE WAS ANQTHER EAO. Ws LD: WI War THAT lit Boo ey i a ye Nos i) f Hh rg \ } Wi | | i dk Kea a4 1G TH” | | i ! Was T 4 . aN Pt ut ) | bal | Im THIS SOMEONE'S \ eres Wy NS Nite AME LS 4 Hi i Ht Nl) Wi HI iJ cay DO YOU HAVE ANY /OEA OF H. CAUSING ite I CAN Tet you. YW THIS MUCH: WHAT- Sa Ss Poe WHAT DIO IN BOTH OF THE VETS, THE Sala AREA WAS TO} ANDO NELAMED DOCTOR VELEZ AND 1 M' = THE Foes meae vet USED IN PREPARING MUMMIES. NO SUCH RELATED TISSUE DAMAGE WAS FOUND IN ANY OF THE poiee ANIMALS. IN FACT, I_SUSPECT THEIR LACK AND TRIEO TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THEY ANAEROBIC WERE KILLEO BY 7 WHATEVER'S KILLING Gene ar HE ANIMALS DID YOu sAy MUMMIES? — Lanes 010 OU Al INDE, UR OSE CAN'T BLAME LOOKS, BUT IT SWEAR TO. YOU IAM MINOCENT- I ONW WISH I COULD PROVE IT TO YOU SOMEHOW. BUT T KNOW IF YOU ARE INNOCENT. THAT I CAN'T” THEN YOU NEED TO EVERYTHING POINT IN ANOTHER POINTS TO DIRECTION. 20 YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES, WE'VE HEARO THAT > THE PRISONS ARE FULL OF PEOPLE PROCAIMING THEIR INNOCENCE. ENERVIHING DOE POINT TO YOU. ae AN 7 Pi Ee FIELO. I'M NOT SURE WHAT IT WAS. 2 WHY OION'T OU TELL MONEN IF HE DIED. My Ona eee . 1TH ENA AT wiper aa AND T KNEW ABOUT HOW THE OR: WERE Be redereo FROM MUMMIES. JESUS HIERRO TOLO ME. HE Tes CALLED Me A (Et Me eecegseo THAT BASTARO. INFORMATION. THAT'S JUST THE MORE T. cae ABOUT BUT YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE TM SNNOCENT- 0 PERFORMANCE. ¥ TWENTY YEARS, MAN ANC Boy, T BUILT THIS. A THEY LOSE WEIGHT. Wal SHAME * MEET ALL THE MILE, TERRIBLE PEOPLE YOU CAN POSSIBLY MEET ~~ WHETHER OF NOT T |GET THE LOAN FOR My BUSINESS, IT'S STILL GOOP THING TO THATS IT, ONE WAY OR F. YOU'LL WALK ME, STARVE ME... GREY MATTERS TRO Mea en aL ile esm a Tes) hf clo Topps Comics, One Whitehall Street, New York, NY 10004-2109 Welcome to THE X-FILES COMICS DIGEST #3 and the first edition of “Grey Matters” to appear In this for- mat. Just In case you're new to Topps Comics, let's answer a few of the most frequently-asked ques- tions we get from our readers. Yes, we love getting letters from our readers. The more you let us know what you like or dislike about THE X-FILES, HERCULES: THE LEG- ENDARY. JOURNEYS, MARS ATTACKS, the closer we can come to giving you the best comics your money can buy. No, we can't supply back Issues of our various comics except where noted in one of our advertisements. We suggest you look In your local Yellow Pages for the names and addresses of the comics stores In your cities, or call toll free 1-888- COMICBOOK for the Jocation of the comic book specialty store nearest you. No, as much as we would like to, we can't answer your letters per- sonally. We read every one of them, but, until so: comes up with that 25-hour day, it just isn’t possible for us to answer them and still put out our comics. Given a cholce, we figure you would rather read the comics. ” Yes, if your letter Is selected to appear In “Grey Matters,” you will, indeed, be the envy of your fellow X-philes from around the worid. So...why not take a few minutes to let us know what you thought of this Issue? After, of course, you check out the following letters on the first two Issues Of THE X-FILES COMICS DIGEST... | just finished reading THE X-FILE COMICS DIGEST #1 “Big Foot, Warr Heart.” | couldn't put It down. Althoug 1 have never believed in Bigfoot an would likely have the same initial reac tion to the very notion of such a bein as did Mulder, this story was done wit style. | really enjoyed the Ray Bradbur tales as well. Andy Kimble Minooka, IL Here's the good and the bad of you first digest comic book. Good: “Big Foot, Warm Heart” was very good story and reads like it coul be adapted for television down th road. There are more questions adde to the mystery of Bigfoot and thes expanded the already existing legend. Bad: Filling out this digest with th reprints from RAY BRADBURY COMIC was not the way to go. | would hav much rather seen some new adapta tions of his classic stories: Jacob Gilbert Troy, NY We understand your feelings regard ing the reprinting of the Ray Bradbur Stories, Jacob. But not everyone Sal these stories when they were original presented In our RAY BRADBURY COMIC series. We feit that these adaptatior were so good that they deserved th wider audience that THE X-FILES COMIC DIGEST could give. Let me say how. much | like th digest format. Even with the small “Maybe it’s all of those Archie ee \ ‘read asa kid, but | find the format makes — for funreading. — s The Ray Bradbury adaptations are "wonderful. How do you:pick which ones to reprint? Is it partly based.on which. X-Files story IS presented or is it just persona editorial decision? : Mike Aragona via CompuServe __ We enjoy the digest format, too. As for your question on selecting which Bradbury adaptations to reprint, we try for a balance of genres and: moods between our cover feature and the other tales in each issue. — THE X-FILES comics | DIGEST #2, “Dead to the world,” reminded me of Eugene Tooms, vampires, zombies, RAMSES THE DAMNED by Anne Rice, Hitler’ and Machiavelli. “ft was a full story. Like Tooms, Surmount pro- long life. In. some myths, vampires took blood from frightened victims because the adrenalin was necessary to. their own health. Zombies tend tosfall apart, much as Surmount did atthe 6nd Of this tale. Ramses" found an elixir of life: Hitler believed he-and his Aryan race Were superior and so more.deserving OF life than all’ others... Finally, Surmount died in very Machiavellian style, a fitting end to sucha disgusting person. | liked the Willard Scott-like 17 ‘weatherman’s contrasting cheerfulness through theistory. it provided the right amount of comic relief. 1 enjoyed, as well, the references to history (Ponce DeLeon's. search for the Fountain of Youth) and to previous characters from the comics andthe television shows. _ 1 loved the sCene where Surmount jumps at Mulder and misses, then real- izes he Is flying out the window. His “Oh, my.” was just So appropriate. can “hear” Surmount’s voice, which | hear as a deep -. es 3 P: a BS . melodious baritone Moe fain traces of French and. englishaccent: ‘somewhat like Tim Curry in LEGEND.” Hi could not have sald anything else bu se'two words. It was perfect. id let’S not forget the deliciou AY Of SUrMOunt's being buried alive forever, in the "Endléss Days” cemetery Maybé I'm sick, but I'do like poetic jus tice. “Last, but never least, Miran. Kim’ cover for this digest was as remarkabl as pe solbae were Her covers alway give to what the sto compass es, but they never give away the whol ‘superb: "Aileen Nnomi Honolulu; Hi ” Charles Adiard really outdid nimse in “Dead'to the World." The effect of th necrotizing faselitis"on Surmount wa certainly, disgusting! At one point, yo! can even. see the guy's teeth’ begin t fall out! Wick-ed. | loved it!’ Maybe should get out more. Stepnanié Lee LaSalle, Quebec Canada. longas you don't try to dat someone like — Sunmount, — oka Stephanie? Before 'we,let everyone 9 we want to mention.a couple’of iten that we want to make sure no X-phil misses. One of them is X-FILES # which adapted Chris Carter's landmal pilot episode. The script adaptation is t Roy Thomas and the painted art is t John Van Fleet. Also, New York Time best-selling author Kevin J. Anderso wrote a special two-part story, "Fami Portrait,” for our regular X-FILES com book. The first half just appeared in Th X-FILES #20: Both are really extraordina and we think you'll really love ther Write to us at the above address and | us know what you think.

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