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NAME: Igor Carvalho Fernandes

Making it personal!
Page 11 - B Writing Assignment
In my opinion, the two texts are a bit wrong because in the first text, I think in the third
statements, the better speaker is more persuasive than the good-looking one and in the second
text, in the third statements, I think it is also wrong because, in my opinion, being smarter does
not make you more resistant to stress.

Page 19 - B Writing Assignment

I think both have their pros and cons, cable television for example allows us to watch a
lot of movies and series, but we can't watch them when we want, we have to wait for the
program to start playing. And on Internet streaming we have more movies and series than on
cable television, we can watch them when we want and where we want, but we depend on our
Internet connection, and nowadays there are many streaming systems, so the price goes up
more and more.

Page 27 - B Writing Assignment

In my point of view attend the traditional schools is better than homeschooling, because
if you attend the traditional schools, you can acquire some better aspects like learn how to make
new friends, how to talk in public without shiver, in the traditional school you have the
teacher’s feedback and in a traditional school you have extracurricular activities like sports.
And in a homeschooling, you don’t have this

Page 35 - B Writing Assignment

For me, cars are better than motorcycle because the cars are more safety and comfortable
to stay for a long time, like a travel for very far away city the but the cars are more expensive
than the motorcycle and the main reason for not choosing a motorcycle it is the maintenance
and costs motorcycles may require regular maintenance and can be more expensive than cars in
some aspects

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In my opinion I’d rather dogs because the dogs are man’s best friend and this can happen
because the dogs always are friendly with your owner, the dogs would never betray you and
these characteristics make dogs better than many human friends, but the cats have yours
advantages, like, they are calmer than dogs.

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