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(Web System and Technologies)


// 2
Module 4 – Module 5
1.) Create a Registration module just like what is shown below. Using CodeIgniter, get
the data from the forms and display below. Integrate HTML and CSS (Bootstrap is
Apply Form Validation rules:

1. First Name
- Accept only alphabet characters
- Required
2. Middle Name
- Accept only alphabet characters
- Required
3. Last Name
- Accept only alphabet characters
- Required
4. Username
- Accept only Alphanumeric characters
- Minimum of 6 characters
- Should be unique in the database table
- Required
5. Password
- Minimum of 8 characters
- Required
6. Confirm Password
- Minimum of 8 characters
- Should be identical to password
- Required
7. Birthday
- Required
8. Email
- Should be in correct email format
- Required
9. Contact number
- Should only accept numbers.
- Required

Note: Show an error message when validation fails, insert the record to the database if
validation is successful
2. By referring to the credentials saved in your tables, use it to create a login page (create
your own login page).

Example of Login page:

Upon submitting the form, validate if the entered credential is valid(existing in your
database table). If valid, redirect to a profile page. Otherwise, display an error message.
3. Profile Page – Side Retrieval of Record
Please see screenshot below for your guide.

By clicking reset password, perform an update to your posted record if validation is


Form Validation ruleset:

Create a validation callback that checks if current password is identical with password saved in your
database table. Otherwise, show a message “Current password is not the same with the old

Enter new password and re-enter new password field should be identical. Otherwise, show an error
message “New password and Re- Enter new password should be the same.”
Note: The following rubrics/metrics will be used to grade students’ output in the Technical
Summative Assessment 2.

Program (100 pts.) (Excellent) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)

Program Program Program executes Program executes Program does not
execution (20pts) executes with less than 3 with more than 3 execute (10-
correctly with no errors (15-17pts) errors (12-14pts) 11pts)
syntax or runtime
errors (18-20pts)
Correct output Program displays Output has minor Output has Output is
(20pts) correct output errors (15-17pts) multiple errors incorrect (10-
with no errors (12-14pts) 11pts)
Design of output Program displays Program displays Program does not Output is poorly
(10pts) more than minimally display the designed (5pts)
expected (10pts) expected output required output
(8-9pts) (6-7pts)
Design of logic Program is Program has Program has Program is
(20pts) logically well slight logic errors significant logic incorrect (10-
designed (18- that do no errors (3-5pts) 11pts)
20pts) significantly affect
the results (15-
Standards Program code is Few inappropriate Several Program is poorly
(20pts) stylistically well design choices inappropriate written (10-11pts)
designed (18- (i.e. poor variable design choices
20pts) names, improper (i.e. poor variable
indentation) (15- names, improper
17pts) indentation) (12-
Delivery The program was The program was The program was The program was
(10pts) delivered on delivered a day delivered two delivered more
time. (10pts) after the days after the than two days
deadline. (8-9pts) deadline. (6-7pts) after the deadline.

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